Analytical reference on the diagnosis of the teacher of the preschool educational institution. Analytical report at the beginning of the year. "C" - the average level of development

Analytical reference

middle group №1
2016 – 2017 academic year

The date of the: September 2016
Diagnostic status: primary

Purpose of diagnosis:


Average age of children: 4 years
Total children in the group: 21
Quantity diagnosed children: 20
1 child who does not attend kindergarten at the request of parents
Monitoring methods:


high, medium, low.

According to the results PEP DO at the beginning of the academic year revealed the following results:

High level 0%
Average level 75%
Low level 25%

The highest results in the educational field

« Physical development»

0% high level;

100% average level;

0% low level.

"Cognitive Development"

0% high absorption rate

85% average

15% low absorption rate

In the cognitive area, a low indicator in orientationin space (on oneself on another person, from an object on a plane) does not understand well the meaning of the words "morning", "evening", "day", "night". To develop the cognitive interest of children, verbal and logical thinking through visualization, excursions, games, game exercises, to teach children to show initiative and curiosity in order to gain new knowledge, judgments

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

0% high level;

80% average level;

20% low level.

In the artistic and aesthetic field, a low indicator in the ability to properly hold scissors in the ability to cut in a straight line, diagonally (square and rectangle); cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cut and round corners, do not have knowledge of the elements of some types of folk applied arts, do not know how to use them in their creative activities.

"Social and communicative development"

0% high absorption rate

70% average absorption

30% low absorption rate

In the socio-communicative area, the lowest indicator in the section is the ability to take on a role, to combine game actions into a single storyline; With children, play more role-playing games, create practical situations, stage works.

The lowest result in the educational field

"Speech Development"

0% high level;

40% average level;

60% low level.

In the field of speech development: nottalk about the content of plot pictures, including the reference scheme. weakly repeats samples of the description of the toy,is poorly able to form new words by analogy with familiar words; children weakly determine the place of a sound in a word, do not clearly pronounce vowel sounds, develop a dictionary, teach clear reproduction of a word. Pronounce sounds clearly, determine their location, develop speech. Draw up an individual route of work with children with a low level of development

1. Form the following subgroup to optimize the work in the educational area - "Speech development":
Evgenia A, Ivan A., Misha B., Artem B., Alexander G. Daniil E., Artem K., Ruslan L., Darina K. Arina S, Eleonora Sh.
subgroup No. 2, direction of work - "Cognitive development"
Artem B., Arina S., Eleonora Sh

3 .Form the following subgroup to optimize work:
subgroup No. 3, direction of work - "Social and communicative development"
Daniil E, Darina K., Artem K. Arina S., Eleonora Sh.

4. Form the following subgroup to optimize work:
subgroup No. 3, direction of work - "Artistic and aesthetic development"
Ivan A., Daniil E, Darina K., Eleonora Sh.

5. Compose plan of an individual educational route with pupils:

Daniil E, Darina K., Artem K. Arina S., Eleonora Sh. in the social and communicative field for the development of the right attitude towards peers and adults, the development of mindfulness and figurative representation.

In the cognitive area with Artem B., Arina S., Eleonora Sh. to expand vocabulary, the ability to navigate the terrain, show initiative, broaden one's horizons, navigate in time

In the field of speech development with Evgenia A, Ivan A., Misha B., Artem B., Alexander G. Daniil E., Artem K., Ruslan L., Darina K. Arina S, Eleonora Sh. to correct attention, expand vocabulary stock.

In the artistic and aesthetic field with Ivan A. Daniil E., Darina K., Eleonora Sh.

The note was made by:

Analytical reference

according to the results of pedagogical diagnostics with children

middle group №1
2016 – 2017 academic year

Date January 2017

Diagnostic status: intermediate

Purpose of diagnosis:1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory);
2) optimization of work with a group of children.
Tasks: Studying the quality of development of educational areas of the main general educational program of preschool education and child development.
Characteristics of children for the analyzed period:
Average age of children: 4
Total children in the group: 21
Quantity diagnosed children: 7
Monitoring methods:regular teacher observations of children in everyday life and in the process of direct educational work with them, analysis of the products of children's activities, individual conversations, didactic games, problem situations.

Forms of pedagogical diagnostics:

Individual, subgroup, group.
Work with children was carried out in accordance with the "Basic educational program of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 76", created on the basis of
of the comprehensive basic general educational program of preschool education "Childhood" edited byBabaeva T.I., Gogoberidze A.G., Solntseva.
Pedagogical diagnostics for the analyzed period was carried out in the direction of:
pedagogical diagnostics of the quality of education in the group (through the implementation of educational areas);
Diagnosis was assessed at three levels:high, medium, low.

According to the results diagnostics of the quality of development of educational areas PLO DO

the following results were revealed:

Beginning of the academic year January

High level 0% High level 0%

Average level 39% Average level 82%

Low 61%Low 18%

Analyzing the results of pedagogical diagnostics, we can conclude: that the created subject-spatial developing environment contributes to an increase in the development of OOP DO, there is a tendency to increase the level of knowledge in OOP.

Continue to apply the planned forms of work in accordance with the compiled individual routes.

Comparative data are given in the table- Annex 2.
1. It is necessary to continue to create practical situations for applying the acquired skills in gaming activities.

Thus, compared with the beginning of the academic year, there is no high level, and the average level increased by 43%, the low level decreased by 43%. Based on the results of intermediate monitoring, children learn the basic general education program.

The note was made by:

Educators _________________ / Velichko L.S.

_________________ / Radkova T. A.

Analytical reference

according to the results of pedagogical diagnostics with children

middle group №1
2016 – 2017 academic year

The date of the: May 2017
Diagnostic status: final

Purpose of diagnosis:1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory);
2) optimization of work with a group of children.
Tasks: Studying the quality of development of educational areas of the main general educational program of preschool education and child development.
Characteristics of children for the analyzed period:
Average age of children: 5 years
Total children in the group: 23
Quantity diagnosed children: 18
Number of undiagnosed children:5 (4 children who did not attend kindergarten at the request of their parents, 1 child dropped out).
Monitoring methods:regular teacher observations of children in everyday life and in the process of direct educational work with them, analysis of the products of children's activities, individual conversations, didactic games, problem situations.

Forms of pedagogical diagnostics:

Individual, subgroup, group.
Work with children was carried out in accordance with the "Basic educational program of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 76", created on the basis of
of the comprehensive basic general educational program of preschool education "Childhood" edited byBabaeva T.I., Gogoberidze A.G., Solntseva.
Pedagogical diagnostics for the analyzed period was carried out in the direction of:
pedagogical diagnostics of the quality of education in the group (through the implementation of educational areas);
Diagnosis was assessed at three levels:high, medium, low.

According to the results diagnostics of the quality of development of educational areasPEP DO at the end of the academic year revealed the following results: High level 28%
Average level 72%
Low level 0%

By educational area"Speech development"

72% of children showed an average level;

0% of children showed a low level.

By educational area "Physical development»

28% of children showed a high level of assimilation

72% of children showed an average level of assimilation

By educational area"cognitive development»

28% of children showed a high level of assimilation

72% of children showed an average level of assimilation

0% of children showed a low level of assimilation

By educational area "Social and communicative development»

28% of children showed a high level;

0% of children showed a low level

By educational area"Artistic and aesthetic development"

28% of children showed a high level;

72% of children showed an average level;

0% of children showed a low level

Analyzing the results of pedagogical diagnostics, we can conclude:children have become the most friendly with others, show interest in the words and actions of adults, willingly attend kindergarten. By showing and prompting adults, they emotionally respond to the pronounced state of relatives and peers. The children of the group are friendly, play calmly next to the children, engage in play activities, strive for the approval of their actions.

In the social and communicative area, Artem K. Arina S., Eleonora Sh. developed the right attitude towards peers and adults, children became attentive, and a figurative representation appeared.

Thanks to the work on an individual route in the cognitive area, Artem B., Arina S., Eleonora Sh expanded their vocabulary, their ability to navigate the terrain, and their horizons expanded.

As a result of work in the field of speech development, Eleanor Sh. developed attention, and expanded her vocabulary.

In the artistic and aesthetic field, children improved their skills in using scissors, a stable idea appeared in rebuilding in pairs, in a circle, in a line one at a time, to continue to develop intonational expressiveness, tempos and rhythms of music, to introduce various songs and melodies of various tonalities.

In the cognitive area, continue to develop children's cognitive interest, verbal-logical thinking through visualization, excursions, games, game exercises, teach children to show initiative and curiosity, in order to gain new knowledge, judgments

In the field of speech development, continue to develop the vocabulary, teach clear word reproduction, clearly pronounce sounds, and determine their location.

In the artistic and aesthetic field, it is necessary to pay attention to the ability to use scissors - performing applications in a team, singing songs of various keys, dance movements. Conduct musical entertainment, where children will hear musical instruments and correlate the rhythm of movements in accordance with the melody

In the field of physical development: to develop physical qualities through outdoor games.

Thus, compared with the beginning of the academic year, the high level increased by 28%, the average level decreased by 3%, and there is no low level. According to the results of the final monitoring, all children mastered the basic general education program by 100%.

The note was made by:

Educators ________________ / Velichko L.S. /

_______________/ Radkova T. A./

Analytical reference

According to the results of pedagogical monitoring of the educational process and child development in the senior preschool group No. 14

2016-2017 academic year

The educational process in the senior group is built on the basis of the main general educational program of preschool education MBDOU kindergarten No. 10

Educators: O.E. Strukova, L.L. Motor.

1 part

  1. Group characteristics.

There are 20 older children (5-6 years old) in the group. Of these, 10 boys and 10 girls.

  1. Purpose of monitoring:

Determination of the level of assimilation by children of the senior group of the educational program of the preschool educational institution.

  1. Monitoring tasks:
  • determine the level of assimilation of program material by children in educational areas;
  • determine the level of assimilation of program material for the group as a whole (compared to the previous year/beginning of the year);
  • optimize work with children, outline the direction of work based on the results of monitoring for the group as a whole;
  • build an educational trajectory for the development of each child.
  1. Diagnostic methods:
  • observation;
  • game exercises;
  • individual conversation;
  • test tasks;
  • conversation with parents, taking into account the questionnaire.

During the examination, tables of diagnostics of the pedagogical process, developed by N.V. Vereshchagina in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The survey was conducted in five educational areas:

Physical development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Socio - communicative development;

Artistic and aesthetic development.

The results of diagnosing the assimilation of sections of the program by children are determined by three levels:

  • short (the child cannot cope with the task on his own, even with a little help from the teacher),
  • below the average (the child copes with the task only with the help of the teacher),
  • average (the child copes with the task with a little help from the teacher),
  • high (the child copes with the proposed task independently).

part 2

2.1 Physical development

Based on the results of diagnosing the quality of education in the field of physical development atstart of the school yearthe following results were revealed:

High level: 0%

Average level: 0%

Below Average: 100%

Low level: 0%

At the end of the academic year:

High level: 10%

Average level: 90%

Below Average: 0%

Low level: 0%

According to the results of the diagnostics, by the end of the school year, the main types of movements are walking, running, balance, jumping, exercises with a ball and a hoop, building and rebuilding, physical qualities are sufficiently formed and developed in almost all children of the group. They know about important and harmful factors for health, about the importance of morning exercises, hardening, daily routine for health. They follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, self-service, neatness and know how to quickly dress and undress, keep order in the lockers.

Children with abnormal development make up 10% are quite good at throwing objects with their left and right hands at vertical and horizontal targets, hitting and catching the ball, lining up in a column of three, and performing turns in the column.

Recommendations: carry out individual work more often, continue to create a developing subject-spatial environment for optimal motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions, pay special attention to consolidating the main types of movement, developing basic physical qualities, creating health-saving factors (morning exercises, invigorating exercises, prevention of flat feet and postural disorders, hardening ). To increase the popularity of the principles of a healthy lifestyle in family education, to hold joint sports activities for children and parents.

  1. cognitive development

According to the results of the survey in the senior group of general developmental orientation of children of the 6th year of life in the educational field "Cognitive development", the following results were revealed:

Beginning of the year:

High level: 0%

Average level: 5%

Below Average: 95%

Low level: 0%

The end of the year:

High level: 5%

Average level: 95%

Below Average: 0%

Low level: 0%

According to the results, it can be concluded that during the year the children learned the program material and mastered the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. Elementary mathematical representations and design skills are well developed.

Children with a high and medium level of mastery of knowledge and skills in this area know the main features of living beings, establish connections between the states of living beings and the environment. They know about the importance of the sun, air and water for humans, animals and plants. They call the seasons, they know that it is necessary to protect nature. They know the name of their native village, the name of the country and the capital.

There are circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval; can compare two objects by height, width and length. They are able to identify the parts of the day and name them in the correct sequence.

Recommendations: carry out individual work using didactic games, continue to create conditions for experimental and research activities, which contribute to the formation of cognitive interest in children, develop observation, mental activity. Continue to replenish the development environment, create various collections of materials and albums with images of the world for free access, support children's initiative and creativity.

  1. Speech development

According to the results of a survey of children of the older group in the educational field "Speech Development", you can see the following results:

Beginning of the year:

High level: 0%

Average level: 10%

Below Average: 90%

Low level: 0%

The end of the year:

High level: 5%

Average level: 95%

Below Average: 0%

Low level: 0%

Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the indicators of the beginning and end of the academic year, the following conclusions can be drawn. By the end of the school year, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of children of the senior group of general developmental orientation of the 6th year of life in the section "Speech Development" achieved good results: they learned to retell and dramatize small literary works, to compose stories about subjects according to plan and model, according to the plot picture, set of pictures. Use antonyms and synonyms in speech. Most of the children in this group began to distinguish concepts - sound, syllable, word. Find words with a given sound, determine the place of the sound in the word.

The program material in this educational area was mastered at an average level.

Recommendations: for further growth of indicators, it is planned to continue individual lessons with children on speech tasks, use didactic games, continue to read literary works, expand knowledge about the genres of literature, teach expressive recitation of poems, compose stories based on plot pictures.

It is also necessary to create conditions for independent speech activity during the day; include communicative games and exercises in the organization of classes, perform finger and articulation gymnastics in regime moments, expand the horizons of children. Conduct exhibitions of productive works of children's creativity based on the studied program material. Update children's literature in the book corner every week, based on lexical topics and calendar holidays. To replenish the children's library with illustrations for literary works for children to view outside of class.

2.4 Socio - communicative development

According to the results of the survey in the senior group of general developmental orientation of children of the 6th year of life in the educational field "Social and communicative development", the following results were revealed:

Beginning of the year:

High level: 0%

Average level: 20%

Below Average: 80%

Low level: 0%

The end of the year:

High level: 26%

Average: 74%

Below Average: 0%

Low level: 0%

According to the monitoring data, it can be seen that the program material of the educational field was assimilated by children at high and medium levels. Preschoolers of the older group are able to design the game using a variety of materials (attributes), are the initiators in the game, often organize games on their own without the help of a teacher. Actively show interest in duty and clean up the game w ki. By the end of the year, the children of this group had formed the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home and on the street. Also, pupils of the senior group have elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad, the basics of safe behavior in everyday life and in nature.

Recommendations: Based on the above, it is necessary to continue the work of developing problem-practical and problem-playing situations related to the solution of socially and morally significant issues. It is necessary to continue to pay attention to the formation of a culture of communication with adults and peers, to learn to communicate without conflict. Continue to teach to form emotional responsiveness, to teach children to understand themselves, to define and name their emotional state, to respond to the emotions of loved ones and peers. It is necessary to teach children to observe elementary norms and rules of behavior when interacting with adults and peers, to instill the rules of elementary politeness. It is necessary to continue work on the formation of ideas about the state and the world, about oneself and one's family, about the nature of one's native land. It is necessary to pay attention to the enrichment of role-playing games, to reinforce dialogues, to accept game tasks.

2.5. Artistic and aesthetic development

Based on the results of the survey in the senior group of general developmental orientation of children of the 6th year of life, the following results were revealed:

Beginning of the year:

High level: 0%

Average level: 5%

Below Average: 95%

Low level: 0%

The end of the year:

High level: 0%

Average level: 100%

Below Average: 0%

Low level: 0%

The program material in this area was mastered by children at an average level. By the end of the year, children can do the work in the correct sequence, create simple plot image compositions based on folk toys. Almost all pupils can convey the general features and characteristic details of the image, place the sheet in a given format and correctly position the image on the sheet, they can name the main types of decorative and applied art. All pupils of this group have a sufficiently developed modeling skill.

volumetric image and all the children to the end and carefully perform flat modeling. Preschoolers of the older group also know how to properly hold scissors and cut paper correctly, and clean up their workplace.

Recommendations: continue to improve the technique of drawing, modeling, appliqué, to develop the creative abilities of pupils. During the day, offer didactic games, coloring books, conduct exercises for the development of fine motor skills and finger gymnastics. In the corners for creativity, provide an opportunity for independent creative activity of children. Have the necessary equipment for working with plasticine, natural material, paper, paints, monitor their renewal. Take part in competitions and exhibitions. Continue interaction with the family and organize competitions for joint child-parent creativity.


The final results of monitoring indicate a sufficient level of mastering the educational program.

The results obtained indicate stability in the assimilation of the preschool educational program by children in all sections.






2016/2017 academic year








below the average





below the average






below the average






below the average





Socially -



below the average




Based on the monitoring results, the following areas of work are determined that require in-depth work for the next academic year:

  • physical development,
  • speech development,
  • cognitive development,
  • - artistic and aesthetic.

Factors that positively influenced the results of pedagogical diagnostics:

The results were obtained due to well-formed prerequisites for learning activities: the ability of the child to work in accordance with the instructions, act independently according to the model and exercise control, stop in time when performing one or another task and switch to another.

The positive result of the work done is obvious: there is no low level of assimilation of the program by children, differences in high, medium and low levels are not significant, children's knowledge is strong, they are able to apply it in everyday activities.

Planned work to improve and adjust educational work with children for the next academic year:

  1. Continue work aimed at improving the attendance of children (improving the health of children, tempering activities, etc.).
  2. Continue work on individual educational routes for pupils with signs of giftedness and children with difficulties.
  3. Self-education of teachers.
  4. Work on the interaction of preschool teachers with the families of pupils.
  5. Continue work on the development and implementation of modern pedagogical technologies aimed at the development of children.


Analytical reference

according to the results of pedagogical diagnostics of mastering the program

pupils for the first half of the 2016-2017 academic year.

Deadlines: 20 -21. 12. 2016

Responsible: head of the educational institution, senior educator, educators.

Purpose: Identification of the level of formation of target guidelines in the main educational areas for solving the following educational tasks:

Individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the features of his development);

Optimization of work with a group of children

Methods for conducting pedagogical diagnostics:
observation in the course of communication with peers and adults (how the ways of establishing and maintaining contact, making joint decisions, resolving conflicts, leadership, etc.) change;
analysis of products of children's activities;
gaming activities;

Cognitive activity (how is the development of children's abilities, cognitive activity);

artistic activity

physical development;
individual conversations.
Fforms of pedagogical diagnostics:

Based on the annual plan for the preschool level of education MKOU "Secondary School No. 3" with. Sarmakovo village, in accordance with the order of the head of the educational institution No. 231 dated 03.12.2015. “On conducting a comprehensive audit”, a pedagogical diagnostic was carried out to determine the level of development of the preschool education program by the pupils in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool general education. The specifics of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of a child’s development, a high range of options for his development, his immediacy and involuntariness) do not allow requiring a child of preschool age to achieve specific educational results, and necessitates determining the results of mastering the educational program in the form of targets. The targets of the GEF DO are a guideline for teachers and parents, indicating the direction of the educational activities of adults. The results of pedagogical diagnostics of mastering the program for the first half of the year showed that children of all age groups mastered the material in all educational areas by 75.4%. (results are presented in diagrams). A total of 113 pupils were examined - 5 groups. program materialin the direction of "Physical development"mastered by pupils of all age groups: 45 pupils mastered the requirements of the program at a high level, which is 39% of the quality; 51 children show an average result, which is 45% of the total number of children. The physical abilities of 14 children correspond only to low indicators. According to the results of pedagogical diagnostics, children showed a high result in mastering the program material for the first half of the 2016-2017 academic year (88%).

In all groups, the formation of basic movements and the need for motor activity are noted. Children show a positive attitude to a variety of physical exercises, strive for independence in motor activity. Most of the pupils of the senior and preparatory groups walk and run easily, rhythmically, maintaining the correct posture, changing direction and pace as directed by the teacher, climbing the gymnastic wall (height 2.5 meters with a change in pace), jumping onto a soft surface from a height of 30 cm, jumping into length from a place of more than 1 meter. (at the request of the program 80 cm). But there is a selective attitude to some motor actions and outdoor games. The above indicators are not easy for the pupils of the preparatory groups Gashev Amir, Khashkulov Zaurbek, Nagoev Aslan and Maremkulov Temirkan. Of the 48 pupils of the preparatory groups, no more than five children can jump over a short and long rope. The highest results are observed in children of the preparatory group "b" (educators Esankulova M.M. and Zhirikova A.G.), Abazova Samira, Kardanova Aidana, Molomatov Rustam and Kardanova Darina; preparatory group "A" (educators Maremkulova M.S. and Altudova R.G.) Maremkulova Salima, Tokhova Idara. These pupils have the most highly developed indicators of physical development in comparison with others, they will be able to qualify for participation in the district sports day for children of senior preschool age.

Conclusion : Most children began to confidently and actively perform the basic elements of the technique of general developmental exercises, basic movements, follow the rules in outdoor games and control their implementation, independently conduct outdoor games and exercises, began to more confidently navigate in space, perceive the show as a model for independent exercise, evaluate movements of peers and notice their mistakes. There are 14 children (Khashkulov Zaurbek, Nagoev Aslan, Maremkulov Temirkan, Gashev Amir, Gigiva Rayana, Didanova Adiyukh, Yesenkulov Islam, Kardanov Ihsan, Kuzakhmetova Alina, Shogenova Lariana, Molomatov Kantemir, Yesenkulov Amir, Birmamitova Adisa, Tseeva Ariana) who do not show interest in health, are not interested in the content of conversations, games and other forms of interaction with adults and peers dedicated to health, a healthy lifestyle, have an unstable interest that manifests itself only in the individual interaction of the teacher with the child and requires constant activation and focus through specially organized types of children's activities, therefore, in all groups, by the end of the school year, it is necessary to pay attention to consolidating neatness skills, developing personal hygiene skills, and ideas about a healthy lifestyle. It is also necessary to pay attention to the consolidation of the main types of movements, the development of basic physical qualities until the end of the school year, continue to strengthen and protect the health of children, create conditions for hardening the body due to the high incidence in the first half of the current academic year. Educators Kotseva N.I., Molova T.I., Kalova A.Kh., Zhankazieva O.A., Malaeva M.Ch., Kambieva M.B. daily work on the implementation of the motor regimen and the schedule of hardening procedures in their age groups. Educators of preparatory groups Esankulova M.M., Zhirikova A.G., Maremkulova M.S. and Altudova R.G. to carry out active preparatory work for the small district sports day for children of senior preschool age. In two months, determine the list of teams to participate in the Olympics.

program materialin the direction of "Speech development"mastered by preschoolers at a sufficient level - in the preschool department - 83%

30 pupils of the preschool department at a high level mastered the requirements of the program in the educational field "Speech development", which is 27% of the total number of children. These children form a vocabulary at a high level, the ability to correctly pronounce consonants and vowels is formed, they correctly use a combination of nouns with a preposition, adjectives and numerals in speech, i.e. the grammatical structure of speech is well formed. (Dzuev Kantemir, Zhankaziev Damir, Kufanova Alina, Molomatova Samira, Pilova Aisha, Khashkulova Darina, Khashkulova Dinara, Shogenova Bella share information, accompany game actions with speech); (Kantemir Kardanov, Disana Malaeva, Ilina Makhova, Evelina Pilova, Darina Khashkulova, Disana Khashkulova distinctly pronounce whistling, hissing and sonorous sounds, use in speech the plural form of nouns denoting young animals); (Ligidova Ariana, Makhov Amir, Temirchieva Rayana, Khuranova Milana clearly pronounce all sounds, determine the place of sound in a word); (Kardanov Rustam, Kardanov Temirlan, Makhova Adelina, Molomatov Renat, Balakerimova Angelina, Kardanova Aidana, Kardanova Darina, Malaeva Dariana, Maremkulov Temirkan, Tokmakova Zukhra, Molomatova Samiya use speech as a means of communication, speech is enriched with everyday, natural history, social science vocabulary, dialogic and monologue forms of communication.) The above skills are formed in 67 pupils at the average level, which is 59% of the total number of pupils. 14% of children are in dire need of pedagogical, speech therapy correctional assistance for speech development. Conclusions: Educators of junior-middle groups Kotseva N.I., Molova T.I., Kalova A.Kh., Zhankazieva O.A. it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the ability to clearly pronounce the sounds of the native and Russian languages; development of the ability to retell fairy tales, compose descriptive stories about objects and objects, using pictures. Educators of senior preparatory groups Malavea M.Ch., Kambieva M.B., Esankulova M.M., Zhirikova A.G., Marmklova M.S., Altudova R.G. attention should be paid to the use in speech of complete, common simple with homogeneous members and complex sentences to convey temporal, spatial, causal relationships; the use of suffixes and prefixes in word formation; the correct use of the system of endings of nouns, adjectives, verbs for the design of a speech statement; compilation of descriptive sentences from 5-6 sentences about objects and narrative stories from personal experience; to develop the ability to compose narrative stories based on toys, paintings; compiling descriptive riddles about toys, objects of nature. Ways to solve problems in speech development: conduct individual work with children using didactic games, develop the ability to solve problematic problems,it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the expansion of vocabulary, the formation of speech skills.

program materialin the educational field "Cognitive development"mastered by preschoolers by 84%

Program requirements for the first half of the yearin this area is above average. 31 pupils have formed cognitive interests at a high level: seven of them are pupils of the 2nd junior group, which is 29% of the total number of pupils (teachers Molova T.I. and Kotseva N.I.) group objects by color, size and shape , find one and many identical objects in the environment, distinguish between geometric shapes, understand the meaning of the words "morning", "day", "evening", "night" at a high level; seven pupils out of 21, which is 33.3% of the middle group (educators Kalova A.Kh. and Zhankazieva O.A.) orient themselves in space and time at a high level, name domestic and wild animals, know about the benefits of domestic animals, classify objects of the immediate environment, they name the seasons, ideas about safety rules are formed; out of 20 pupils of the senior group (educators Kambieva M.B. and Malaeva M.Ch.), five children, which is 25% of the total number, classify the seasons at a high level, know about the importance of the sun, air and water for the life of people, plants, animals, they also formed ideas about the objective environment and the phenomena of social life. Six pupils of the preparatory group "a", which is 25% (educators Maremkulova M.S., Altudova R.G.) and 9 pupils of the preparatory group "b", which is 37.5% of the total number of pupils (educators Esankulova M. M. and Zhirikova A.G.) at a high level understand the meaning of spatial and temporal relationships, solve simple arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction, formed primary ideas about the objects of the world, developed sensorimotor abilities, establish causal relationships between natural phenomena. In 64 pupils, the above ideas are formed at the average level, which is 57% of the total number of pupils. 18 pupils mastered the requirements of the program at a low level in this educational area.

Conclusions: The pupils of the middle groups formed ideas about the count, shape, size of objects. Children of older preparatory groups understand the meaning of spatial relationships, move in a given direction, changing it on a signal. They learn to navigate on a sheet of paper (right-left, top-bottom, middle, corner). Ways to solve problems in the development of mathematical representations of children: continue to work with children through the use of didactic games on the problem; to interest children through game situations, solving logical problems with problem situations. Use various didactic games in working with children. Pay attention to the enrichment of mathematical concepts, to consolidate the ability to compare two objects in size, to accept game mathematical problems.

program materialin the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"mastered by preschoolers in the range of 77 - 84%

This educational area involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world. For the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the outside world, a specialist is needed, which we do not have. The entire burden of responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of educators. The development of children's aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, figurative representations, imagination, artistic and creative abilities is set at a low level in the work of most teachers. I believe that this is due to the fact that the teachers themselves do not know the technique of drawing, modeling, the method of introducing children to musical abilities. Pupils of younger-middle groups have poorly developed fine motor skills. Not all pupils of the 2nd junior group draw different lines (short, long, vertical, horizontal, oblique). Weak drawing skills with a pencil and a brush. Children are familiar with plasticine, but do not know how to model. Pupils of the middle group sculpt small objects of a simple form, but they do not possess the skills of combining them into small groups of objects into simple plots.

Children of older preparatory groups have not developed an interest in handicrafts, illustrations in children's books, small sculptures, unusual architectural buildings, descriptions of architectural objects in illustrations for fairy tales. The skills of artistic and aesthetic perception are poorly developed: sequential examination of objects and works, recognition of depicted objects and phenomena; the ability to see their expressiveness, correlate with personal experience; highlight their sensory features, visually and tactilely examine toys, attractive objects, small sculptures.
To achieve results, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the ability to compose a new color tone on the palette, apply one paint to another, transfer some details in the works; on the ability to smear plasticine balls on cardboard, apply plasticine to the borders of the desired contour to create a flat plasticine picture on cardboard (plasticineography). The lowest percentage of mastering program material falls on musical activities - only 77%. Most children do not know how to move rhythmically with the diverse nature of the music, conveying emotional and figurative content in the dance. Also, most children have poorly formed musical, gaming and dance creativity. Practical skills of expressive performance of songs are formed only in 50% of pupils.
Conclusion : The requirements of the program in the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" are mastered at a lower level than other educational areas. Educators should pay attention to consolidating knowledge about already known colors, introducing new colors, developing a sense of color. Pupils of older preparatory groups should be introduced to plot drawing, decorative drawing. To form in children the skills of analyzing a sample of a building, to create buildings according to a drawing. To teach children to sing without tension, smoothly, with a light sound; pronounce the words clearly, start and end the song in a timely manner. Rhythmically move in accordance with the nature of the music. Conclusion: Thus, the results of pedagogical diagnostics of mastering the program material by children of all age groups for the first half of the year showed, in general, a level above the average in all areas of children's development. The lowest results in the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development", the highest results in the educational field "Physical development".

Conclusion: the results of pedagogical diagnostics for the development of program material for the first half of the 2016-2017 academic year is 75.4%. Recommendations:

For teachers of all age groups:

  1. - until the end of the school year, to work on building an individual development trajectory for each child (individualization of education).
  2. – optimize work with a group of children

Teachers of preparatory groups:

  1. - to work on the formation of targets at the stage of completion of preschool education.

Prepared by: Art. teacher Malaeva A.Yu.

Marina Ptitsyna
Analytical reference on the results of diagnostics of the pedagogical process

Was held diagnostics the level of mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in the educational areas of the pupils of the senior group at the beginning of the school year.

The number of children who took part in monitoring: 25 people Gender peculiarities: boys - 7, girls - 18.

results survey of the level of educational areas at the beginning of the academic year of the year:

High level: 28% (7 people)

Average level of readiness: 72 % (18 people)

Short: 0 people

results surveys of the level of educational areas at the beginning of the academic year

1 - Educational area "Social and communicative development",

2 - Educational area "Cognitive development",

3- Educational area "Speech development",

4 - Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development",

5 - Educational area "Physical development".

Analysis indicators allows you to build the following rating order of mastering educational areas programs: best performance - "Cognitive Development"", a little lower - "Speech development".

Conditions of positive results monitoring are:

Systematic work on the formation of a holistic picture of the world,

Systematic work on the development of speech,

Close work with parents

Creation of a developing environment in a group for the development of curiosity, activity,

The interests of children are taken into account, a favorable psychological and emotional atmosphere is maintained in the group,

daily didactic and word games are held, aimed at the development of logical thinking, memory, imagination of children,

Systematic individual work is carried out with children:

Diagnostics educational field "Social and communicative development" showed what:

6 pupils have a high level (24%) . Children at this level are aware of "What is good and what is bad". They strive to comply with the norms and rules of behavior in public places, in communication with adults and peers, in nature. They relate the requirements contained in them to themselves, clearly formulate them. Understand the importance of moral behavior. They can give a moral assessment of their own and other people's actions, actions. More and more people are interested in social problems and discuss them. Ask relevant questions. Use extended speech in communication. They show a need for cooperation with other children, they know how to negotiate, but sometimes they resort to help teacher. They try to use extended speech, support the general topic of conversation. In everyday life, they clearly follow the necessary sequence of actions, organize their workplace, and clean up after themselves. Have clear, generalized, informative ideas about emotions and feelings. Adequately respond to the emotional states of other people, empathize and seek to assist. Participate with interest in all activities of the group, show initiative. And they also have a steady interest in different types of work. Show respect for results own and others' work.

With an average level of development - 19 pupils (76%) . Children of this level determine behavior by the rules of everyday life, acting in familiar situations. Moral norms are formed too generally or too specifically. They can violate them in a real situation, but react positively to comments teacher. They know and follow the rules of the culture of communication in joint activities with adults and peers, they can violate them, sometimes they need to be reminded by an adult. They strive to express their suggestions, but they may be unrealistic. In difficult situations, they seek help, but are removed from solving the problem, needing the guidance of the educator. They have general ideas about emotions and feelings, they find it difficult to explain the reasons for their occurrence on their own. In the game, they are aware of the need to comply with the rules and follow them, but they need the help of an adult, they can violate them when their own preferences and interests prevail.

With a low level of development 0 pupils (0%) . Children with a low level of development on socio-communicative development

Diagnostics educational field

"Cognitive Development" showed what:

12 pupils have a high level (48%) . They show a variety of cognitive interests, when perceiving something new, they try to understand the essence of what is happening. Systematically apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new problems. They determine and compare the properties of objects and materials from which familiar and unfamiliar objects are made. Classify objects according to their properties, qualities and purpose. They show exploratory behavior, systematically strive to independently acquire new knowledge about the subject of interest. They know their first and last name, address of residence, first and last names of their parents, their professions. They know the capital of Russia, they can name some sights of their native city.

With an average level of development - 13 pupils (52%) . Children at this level take an active part in experimentation organized by an adult. They strive to experiment on their own, but need the help of an adult. In speech reflect the course and result of experimentation are asking questions. They experience difficulties in applying knowledge and methods of activity. The content of the game is not varied enough. They have separate ideas about their life. Express their needs in separate words, gestures, postures. With the help of an adult reflect their practical experience. They know their first and last name, address of residence, names of parents. Sometimes they find it difficult to name the surname and profession of their parents. They know the capital of Russia, they can name some sights of their native city.

With a low level of development - 0 pupils (0%) . There are no children with a low level of cognitive development in the older group.

The average indicator for the educational area is 4.5

Diagnostics educational field "Speech development" showed what:

(32%) . Children of this level use words denoting all parts of speech, their lexical means are diverse, they use synonyms, antonyms. When telling through a series of pictures, all parts are connected into a single whole, the composition of the stories is sustained, and literary works are relatively accurately retelled. Pronounce sounds distinctly, speech is distinct. They have a good understanding of what they read and answer questions about the content in detail. Retell individually and collectively. They have preferences in literary works, they name some writers. They can expressively, coherently and consistently tell a short fairy tale, they can learn a short poem. They dramatize small fairy tales, read a poem in roles. Allocate the first sound in a word, compare words by duration, select words with a given sound.

(62%) . Children at this level find it difficult to communicate with strangers. Lexical means are diverse, but do not use or rarely use synonyms, antonyms. They make a few mistakes in the choice of lexical and grammatical means, in the use of prepositions. When telling through a series of pictures with the help of an adult, the parts are connected into a single whole, the composition of the stories may not be sustained. At the suggestion of the teacher, middle-level children can change the word, form a word. Most sounds are pronounced clearly, speech is distinct.

(0%) "Speech development" absent in the older group.

The average indicator for the educational area is 4.1

Diagnostics educational field

"Artistic and aesthetic development" showed what:

0 pupils have a high level (0%) . There are no children with a high level of artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group.

With an average level of development - 25 pupils (100%) . Diagnostics for this educational area showed that all the children present in the older group have an average level of development. Pupils of this level of development have unstable interests. Consider, analyze on adult matters. They are not always able to design according to their own design. Sometimes they resort to the help of an adult. Able to use simple schematic diagrams for simple tasks. Scissors are held correctly. Use the same cutting technique.

With a low level of development 0 pupils. There are no children with a low level of artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group.

The average indicator for the educational area is 4.0

Diagnostics educational field "Physical development" showed what:

8 pupils have a high level (32%) .

The motor experience of a child with a high level of assimilation of the educational area

"Physical development" rich (the volume of mastered basic movements, general developmental

sports exercise exercises); in motor activity shows good

endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility; clearly expressed in behavior.

the need for motor activity and physical improvement. Manifests

persistent interest in new and familiar physical exercises, selectivity and

initiative when doing exercises; has some ideas

sports, confidently, accurately, at a given pace and rhythm, expressively performs exercises.

Able to creatively make simple combinations (options) from familiar exercises;

demonstrates the necessary self-control and self-esteem. Capable

independently attract the attention of other children and organize a familiar game;

motivated to preserve and strengthen their health and the health of those around them

of people. Able to practically solve some problems of a healthy lifestyle and

safe behavior, ready to provide basic assistance to himself and others

(wash the wound, treat it, turn to an adult for help).

With an average level of development - 17 pupils (62%) . Motor experience of a child with an average level of mastering the educational area "Physical development" poor (small volume of mastered basic movements, general developmental and sports exercises); gross and fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed, in motor activity it is difficult to show endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility. In behavior, the need for motor activity is poorly expressed; shows no interest in new physical exercises. The child is unsure of the exercises. He does not notice the mistakes of other children and his own. Interested in simple outdoor games, breaks the rules, getting carried away game process; weakly controls the way of performing exercises, does not pay attention to the quality of movements, does not show interest in health problems and adherence to the basics of a healthy lifestyle in their behavior. Ideas about the rules of personal hygiene, the need to observe the daily routine, about a healthy lifestyle are superficial. Experiencing difficulties in self-fulfillment of cultural and hygienic skills, in caring for their appearance, things and toys.

With a low level of development - 0 pupils (0%) . Underdeveloped children by educational area "Physical development" absent in the older group.

The average indicator for the educational area is 4.2

Conclusion: analysis of diagnostic results at the beginning of the school year shows a stable dynamics of development of children in all types of activities. Basically, the indicators of the implementation of the educational program of preschool education are within the high and medium levels. This means that the application in pedagogical practice of the work program has a positive effect on diagnostic results. Thus, the educational activities of the group are implemented at a sufficient level.