Exercises for a beautiful posture at home. Exercises for a beautiful posture

Exercises for beautiful posture will help strengthen the muscles of the back and stretch the spine, if repeated constantly. Beautiful posture is not only an aesthetic sight, but also a direct link with the health of the musculoskeletal system. back problems in modern world almost everyone has it: sedentary work in the office, lack of sports hobbies, chronic fatigue - all this in combination creates problems.

Help special exercises for a beautiful gait and posture.
But after all, through simple physical exercises, you can solve this problem once and for all.

We exercise at home

Many people ignore sports training, citing the fact that there is no opportunity or time to visit the gym. A number of exercises have been developed that can be done at home, without the help of a trainer or expensive exercise equipment.


  • running in place
  • walking at a fast pace.


  • sit on the floor cross-legged (in Turkish); take your hands into the castle, raising them above you, with your whole body stretch after you, up;
  • get on your knees, clasp your hands behind your back and pull them up; stretch your arms as high as possible.

Basic exercises for a beautiful posture at home:

  1. Push-ups. Take emphasis lying down. Align the body in a straight line, strictly parallel to the floor. Put your hands shoulder-width apart, hand - fingers forward. While inhaling, gently bending your arms at the elbows, lower yourself so that your chest touches the ground. Without changing the position, return to the starting position on the exhale. During the exercise, you need to follow the elbows, do not spread them to the sides. Classic variant may not be possible for people who do not have physical training. To begin with, you can try push-ups, resting not on your feet, but on your knees, or using a bench, a fitball.
  2. Lie down on your stomach. In this position, spread your arms to the sides so that the shoulder blades converge. You can’t do this in jerks, smooth movements with breath control are an important part of the workout that will bring results.
  3. Lying on the stomach, spread the limbs to the sides (“star”). Raise your legs and arms (at the same time) until you feel muscle tension.
  4. Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands behind your back: one from above, from the side of the neck, the other from below, from the waist. Lock the brushes in the castle, then try to change the position.

The complex can be completed with an exercise with power load, for this you will need dumbbells (weight varies from individual degree of physical fitness, it is recommended to start with the smallest).

Execution principle strength exercises: lie on a chair with your stomach so that your head, arms (with clamped weights), legs are lowered. Then slowly raise the body, while spreading your arms to the sides. You also need to return to the starting position slowly, you can’t sharply relax the body.

At home, instead of dumbbells, you can use plastic bottles filled with water, or sandbags.

Complex for gait and posture

Posture and gait are closely related.

There are several basic exercises for a beautiful gait and posture that can affect the softness of the step and grace:

  1. Become with your back at the support to touch the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. Normalize breathing (even deep breaths and exhalations).
  2. Walking with an object on the head. Try to hold the book as long as possible, gradually increasing the time of such walks. Gradually complicate the task: try to do household chores without removing the object, squat, turn your head.
  3. Deep plie. Grab a support at chest level. Put your feet together with your heels, turning your socks as far as possible. Squat down to the stop and straighten back.
  4. Barefoot, take 5 steps on your heels, then the same number on your toes and with a regular step. Alternate steps for a few minutes. When lifting on tiptoe - stretch up to the limit.

Healthy back and majestic posture

Perform each exercise 5-10 times, gradually increasing the number:

  1. Lie on a hard surface, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your head, at the same time pull your socks towards you, freeze in this position for 5-10 seconds, slowly relax.
  2. Sit on a chair, put your hands behind your head, bend at the waist and freeze for 5 seconds, keeping your muscles tense.
  3. Kneel down, take hold of the support and bend as much as possible, lingering for 10 seconds.
  4. Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles and bend at the waist to the limit. Freeze for 3-5 seconds without relaxing the muscles.
  5. Roll onto your back, bend your legs knee joints and pull the stomach up, bending the body in the lower back. Keeping the emphasis on the head and arms, linger for a few seconds.

Useful video on the topic

Unique ballet exercises

Ballerinas have bearing and grace, which absolutely everyone stares at.

Systematic training with exercises related to ballet will make your back straight and your gait flying:

  1. Head and neck: stretch the neck as much as possible, contracting the muscles of the right and left parts in turn, turn the head to the sides. Lift your face up, tighten your pectoral muscles.
  2. Back. The main rule is to keep your back straight. Turn to face the support, fix your hands on the crossbar at chest level, lower your shoulders, pull in your stomach and tighten your buttocks. The correctness of the position is easy to determine: you need to release the support and raise one leg - the balance of the body should not be disturbed.
  3. Joint performance of exercises 1 and 2.
  4. Exercise 3 to complicate: take turns moving your legs to the sides, transferring weight to one leg. Retract the limb smoothly, not in a jerk or swoop.
  5. Raising on high toes. Position: heels together, toes apart. We do it smoothly.
  6. Squat. Facing the support, distribute the center of gravity evenly, feet - as in the previous exercise. Perform the squat slowly, reaching the lowest point, do not stop, but rise to the starting position. The execution consists of one continuous movement.
  7. Throwing legs with a push on available height. At the same time, do not let your back relax.

Correct posture is not only important for the health of the spine. People who keep their back straight look slimmer and younger, feel more confident.

Simple exercises that can be performed casually, on the go, will help maintain a beautiful posture. All internal organs with good posture are located correctly - digestion and general well-being improve.

Correct posture improves mood, and, moreover, people who keep their backs straight look slimmer and younger than those who stoop. Even their clothes fit better.

The exercises that strengthen your back and correct your posture are not difficult at all, even fun, and you can do them in between times, whenever you remember about it.

- "Book on the Head".

Take a large book with a hard but not glossy cover, put it on your head and try to keep your balance so that the book doesn't fall over. Only if this is not difficult for you, start walking with a book on your head, you can even try to dance a little. When this exercise becomes too easy for you, grab a few books.

- "Puppet on Strings".

Walking, for example, down the street, imagine that a thread is tied to your crown, for which someone is pulling you straight up, and two more threads are attached to your shoulders, slightly pulling them back. The chest will straighten, the back will stretch, the neck will look longer, and the gait will become lighter. Correct posture is not only important for the health of the spine. People who keep their back straight look slimmer and younger, feel more confident. Simple exercises that can be performed casually, on the go, will help maintain a beautiful posture.

Standing straight, raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level. At the expense of "one - two - three" take them back as far as possible, at the expense of "four" return to their original position.

Correct posture is not only important for the health of the spine. People who keep their back straight look slimmer and younger, feel more confident. Simple exercises that can be performed casually, on the go, will help maintain a beautiful posture.

Hanging on the horizontal bar.

Thus, if you have a children's house at home sports complex with a horizontal bar or a crossbar, on which you can hang, grabbing it with your hands, "Hang" on it periodically for 1-2 minutes. This relieves tension in the back muscles and helps the spine to straighten. It is especially useful to hang like this after a working day spent at the computer, or after a workout.

Correct posture is not only important for the health of the spine. People who keep their back straight look slimmer and younger, feel more confident. Simple exercises that can be performed casually, on the go, will help maintain a beautiful posture.


It's not a joke. Sitting down somewhere - and on soft sofa, and on wooden bench, listen carefully to yourself: what sensations does the body experience? Shift in place, try to sit in different ways, find a comfortable position. But staying in the same position for too long is also not very useful: if you feel that you are tired, then you need to fidget again.

Are you not sure if you need these exercises, because you are convinced that you keep your back even without them? Learn how to check if your posture is correct.

Correct posture is not only important for the health of the spine. People who keep their back straight look slimmer and younger, feel more confident. Simple exercises that can be performed casually, on the go, will help maintain a beautiful posture.

Why straighten up?

“Bad Posture is, First of all, Weak Muscles, and not Only the Muscles of the Back, as is commonly believed, but almost all the Major Muscle Groups,” says the academy professor in the book “take care of your back”. physical education them. P. F. Lesgafta, a specialist in the field of prevention and treatment of diseases of the spine M. v. Devyatova. This means that problems with posture can be solved by trying to move more and doing special exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back.

How to check your posture?

Stand in front of a mirror, undress to your underwear, and take the position in which you usually stand. See how symmetrical the shoulders and hips are. With proper posture, there should be no distortions. Then go to the wall and lean back against it. Try to feel (or better, ask someone to help you and see) with what points of the body you touch the vertical surface. With correct posture, the back of the head, the middle thoracic spine (it is located between the shoulder blades), buttocks and heels should touch the wall. This is important: when checking, do not try to reach up or straighten your shoulders, stand in the position you are used to. This way you can determine if you have back problems.

Explained how to organize workspace and what exercises to do to relax the back.

Alexander Evdokimov Osteopath, neurologist

If you have posture problems, do exercises daily to strengthen your spine.

I advise every day to work out all the curves of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine. It takes no more than 15 minutes, and with regular exercises, posture will improve in a week.

First exercise: Imagine that your head is moving forward and sliding back (like a drawer from a closet). The second exercise: raise your chest as if you are trying to reach the sky. At the same time, the gaze should also be directed upwards. Try to turn your shoulders outward. The third exercise: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Move your pelvis forward and up, then back and up.

All exercises should be done 10-15 times and complete the warm-up with a general strengthening of posture. To do this, stand against the wall so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels touch it. Stay like this for three minutes, and then step back and remember this position of the body. Try to keep it as long as possible.

Choose the right workout

Dancing (sports and artistic), ballet and gymnastics have a positive effect on posture. Girls who are actively engaged in such training spend a lot of energy precisely on setting the correct posture.

But there are sports that asymmetrically load the muscles and worsen posture. On an adult with well-formed muscles and skeleton, the effect will be minimal, so this most often affects children.

The position of correct posture is worsened by training during which the load is transferred to one arm: tennis, throwing sports.

And also exercises, performing which, a person occupies an unnatural position (for example, skaters suffer from this).

Many people believe that swimming has a positive effect on posture. In fact, most athletes (especially girls) have a stoop due to the overdevelopment of the muscles involved in rowing.

Sit properly at the table

Children and adults must abide by the 90-90-90 principle. This means that the angle between the feet and the lower leg, lower leg and thigh, thigh and torso should be 90 degrees. Feet should be firmly on the floor, and not dangling in the air.

work chair

A chair without wheels is more stable, so choose one without them. The back should reach to the middle of the shoulder blades or higher!

An important condition: the seat must be rigid and parallel to the floor, without tilting forward or backward. This is especially true for those who work while sitting in a chair. In this case, you are overexerting yourself by trying to straighten your back. The chair is not the best the best option for work.


Place the child at the table and ask him to put his hand on his elbow - with his middle finger he should reach the outer corner of the eye. In this case, the back must be flat!

The table should be at least 1 m long and at least 80 cm wide, the distance to the monitor should be at least 60 cm. Try to choose a table with a matte surface of plain pastel colors. A glossy surface can give an additional strain on vision.

Do exercises to relax your back throughout the day

There are several simple universal exercises, which will suit tired mothers and those who work in the office. The first is forward bends to the legs. Do them at least 60 times per set. If you have not played sports for a long time, you can start with 30 times.

The second exercise is tilting to the side with a repetition of 30-40 times. Another way to relax your back is to alternately lift the leg bent at the knee from a standing position (at least 50 movements with each leg).

Complete the warm-up with circular movements of the pelvis in each direction (50 times). Do the exercises the number of times indicated in the material. Only then will they be effective!

Important: the first 2-3 days of back pain may increase, so do all movements slowly and carefully.

Choose comfortable shoes

Shoes on very high heels cause a shift in the center of gravity. And a person is forced to adapt in order to take a comfortable position: either straighten up too much and at the same time fall back, or take a stooped posture.

At the same time, the muscles of the legs are overstrained and there is a load on the knees. By the way, have you noticed that a stooped person most often has a characteristic gait, and he shuffles his feet?

Treat chronic diseases

All acute diseases clearly affect the formation of posture. Conventionally, if your stomach hurts, it is extremely difficult to maintain a beautiful posture. But most chronic diseases of the internal organs spoil the correct posture. If a person has gastritis, it is more comfortable for him to slightly bend his back. With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, a person will try to reduce the load by tilting the body back. In general, all diseases of the musculoskeletal system affect the position of posture.

Orthopedic mattress

Orthopedic mattresses and pillows are responsible for relaxing the muscles. Correct posture, on the contrary, implies their tension. There is no direct relationship between the quality of your mattress and your posture. But if you have a good rest, the body recovers overnight, then it will be easier for you to keep your posture.

However, if you have posture problems, you can't do without a mattress replacement.

Download the press and strengthen the muscles of the back

There are many muscles in the body that affect posture. And the abdominal muscles are one of them. They provide support for the organs and form the correct lumbar curve, giving the pelvic bones a horizontal position.

I also advise you to train deep paravertebral, trapezius, belt, latissimus dorsi. At the same time, during each exercise, keep the abdominal muscles in good shape.

A straight back is, first of all, a guarantee of beauty. People who have a beautiful and correct posture practically do not suffer from excess weight. Straight posture stretches the body visually, making it taller, reduces the stomach and enlarges the chest.

Consequences of bad posture

The appearance of bad posture is main reason that motivates a person to fix it. can have a negative effect on internal organs and systems in the human body.

The main spine are:

  • pain in the joints and back;
  • the occurrence of frequent headaches;
  • muscle strain;
  • impaired lung function, hence difficulty breathing;
  • general physical malaise;
  • increased fatigue.

If there are any disorders in the spine, it is necessary to make every effort to make the posture straight.

Benefits of a flat back

A straight back makes a person not only more attractive, but also helps to feel much more confident. According to scientists, people who have a beautiful and even posture feel more confident in society, make contact with other people much faster and, most importantly, do not feel back pain.

Many diseases occur as a result of any disorders in the spine. For example, kyphosis often appears in children. Such diseases appear due to the habit of sitting in a hunched position and constantly stooping. Great importance exerts physical activity, its lack can lead to various diseases also in childhood.

For an adult, a violation of the back is no less dangerous. A permanent twisted condition of the spine can lead to the development of other more serious diseases, for example, to. It is for this reason that the question of how to make a beautiful posture is important primarily for human health, and not just for appearance.

What to do for a straight back?

In order to have an even posture, it is not necessary to perform, just take care of yourself and the position of your back. Although some exercises will not interfere at all, but will only help strengthen your back.

You need to pay attention to the position of the back when you are sitting, lying, standing or walking. It is advisable to turn your shoulders a little and raise your head with all these actions, so the back will look more even. At first, it’s not at all easy to constantly monitor your posture, you can use it, but after a while, a raised head and deployed shoulders will become a habit, and you no longer have to focus on it.

The most difficult thing is to control yourself when working at a computer or reading, because the brain during such activities is concentrated on certain form activities, and the person forgets to keep their back straight.

In this case, you need to periodically take breaks, being distracted from the main activity, and remind yourself that you need to align your back.

Exercises that are designed to straighten the back are quite simple. You can perform them at any convenient time, in addition, most of them are funny and interesting, they can not only help straighten your back, but also cheer you up.

A few rules for maintaining a beautiful back:

  1. Sitting on a chair, do not lean forward and do not “hang” over the table, you should lean on the back of the chair, while keeping your back straight.
  2. When sedentary work, it is recommended to take a break every half an hour, during which you need to get up and walk a little.
  3. Always watch your back.
  4. Do back exercises every day.
  5. Correct sleep.

You need to get good sleep. Of course, during sleep, straightening your back unknowingly will not work. However, some factors can affect how you sleep and how your back is positioned while you sleep.

For example, it can harm the spine, and a hard mattress will help support your back while you sleep. It is best to sleep on your back, it is much more useful than on your stomach. Be sure to use a pillow to support your head. The main thing is not to overdo it with pillows, otherwise the head may bend during sleep, as a result of which the neck swells, and you can wake up feeling tired and irritable.

Posture Alignment Exercises

There are several fun exercises that will not only help improve the condition of the back, but also improve your mood. These include the following exercises:

  1. The book is on the head. In order to complete the first exercise, you need to take a book big size, then lay it on your head and try to hold it so that it does not fall for several minutes. After the first stage is completed, you can try to complicate the exercise. Now with a book on your head you need to try to walk, while you can not touch it with your hands. Highest level skill - to dance with one or more books on your head.
  2. "Gull". good method to align the back is the image of a seagull. To perform it, you should stand up straight, raise your arms and spread them apart at shoulder level. Count to three, and then slowly move your hands back as far as possible. Then return to the starting position. If you do this daily, then after a few days, the back will begin to level out.
  3. Horizontal bar. The horizontal bar is the main simulator for an ideal spine. Simple hovering on it is enough for the spine to align. Thanks to the horizontal bar, you can relieve muscle tension and make your posture perfect. Hanging on the horizontal bar is especially useful for people with a sedentary job and lifestyle.
  4. "Boat". Chair fidgeting is good for young children who find it difficult to sit in one place. Exercise "Boat" is performed as follows: you should lie on your stomach, then stretch your arms forward, and try to simultaneously tear your legs and arms off the floor. This should be done in such a way that the back muscles tense. You need to complete 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  5. With dumbbells. For the next exercise, you need small dumbbells. You need to stand up straight, lean forward, your knees should be in a bent position, bend your lower back and try to keep your back straight. Then you need to take dumbbells in your hands, raise them so that the shoulder blades are reduced to each other. You need to complete 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions. The next exercise is also performed with dumbbells. They need to be put on the shoulders, hold and lean forward, while pulling the pelvis back. The knees must be bent. Repeat 3-4 times.
  6. Leaning forward. This exercise does not require much effort, you just need to imagine yourself as a puppet. As if someone is pulling the strings, raising his head up and straightening his shoulders. Such a simple action can teach you to watch the position of the back, shoulders and head.
  7. Exercise "kitten", to perform it, you need to get on all fours, and lower your buttocks on your heels, then stretch your arms. Then bend as low as possible, bend your arms and roll forward. Run within 5 minutes.

Pilates system

The first step is to stretch in order to warm up the muscles and not damage the spine. Only then can you proceed to the following exercises:

  1. It is necessary to lie on the floor, raise your arms above your head, and bend your legs at the knees. Then, as you exhale, draw in your stomach and straighten one leg. Then return it to its original position and repeat the same with the other leg. Run 8 times.
  2. You need to turn to one side, stretch one arm up, place the other directly in front of you. Inhale and raise the leg, exhale to return it back, repeat 10-12 times.
  3. The next exercise is performed as follows: you need to sit down and spread your legs apart, stretch your arms forward, then bend over and reach for them. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat about three times.
  4. Lie on the floor with your stomach down and bend your arms, then pull your stomach in and straighten up. Lift your hands off the floor, stay in this position for a few seconds and lower yourself back.
  5. You need to kneel down, rest your palms on the floor and straighten your back, the main thing is to make sure that the weight is evenly distributed on your knees and palms. Then you need to exhale and raise the leg so that the lower back bends, and then return the leg to its original position.

If you perform the above exercises every day, then the desired result will not be long in coming, your posture will begin to acquire a beautiful appearance after a few workouts.

So, it is a guarantee of beauty and health. People with a straight back almost do not suffer from excess weight, are more confident and attractive, quickly adapt to society and make new acquaintances. In addition, a healthy spine allows you to avoid various serious diseases, such as osteochondrosis. Young children often suffer from diseases such as scoliosis and kyphosis. Sometimes it is not necessary to perform special exercises, it is enough just to monitor the position of the back.

Of great importance is the choice of mattress and, since healthy sleep important for spinal alignment. These exercises can be performed by both adults and children, as they are not particularly difficult. physical activity, except that children are not advised to exercise with dumbbells. If you train daily, then soon you can forget about bad posture and proudly straighten your shoulders.

A straight back is not only beautiful, it is also a guarantee correct operation all internal organs. By doing posture exercises at home, just a couple of times a week, you can prevent back pain and slouching.

For most people, as they age, the spine curves and their posture changes. Every year, without constant exercise, the back muscles lose their flexibility and weaken, sedentary work, and lack of physical activity greatly speed up this process.

Causes of curvature of posture

Reasons why you don't correct posture there may be many. These are injuries and hereditary diseases, but most often the curvature of the spine occurs at an early age.

Spinal problems lead to:

  1. hereditary diseases.
  2. Uncomfortable mattress that makes you uncomfortable.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Injured back during childbirth.
  5. Spinal microtrauma.
  6. Work in a seated and uncomfortable position.
  7. Constant carrying bags on one shoulder.
  8. Wearing shoes with heels only.
  9. Atonicity of the back muscles.

Back problems are much more common in children than in adults. This is due to the fact that the children's spine develops very quickly, and the elastic muscles of the back deform much faster if the rules are not followed. But also in childhood, it is much easier to correct your posture if you do daily exercises.

How to Check Your Posture

If you have the correct posture, then the head and body should be at the same level vertically. At the same time, the shoulders are slightly deployed and are located at the same height and are equal horizontally.

If visually observed, then the spine itself, along its axis, should be without curvature. The chest area may be somewhat convex, as well as the abdominal area, may be slightly retracted or convex. If there are no back problems, then a person is able to easily straighten his legs at the knees, and does not experience discomfort when he uses the hip muscles. The legs brought together should be straight, and the knees, hips, heels and shins should be completely closed.

In order to find out if you have problems with your posture, you need to stand with your back against the wall and lean against it tightly. The feet should also be brought together and firmly pressed against the wall. The head is straight, and the back of the head is leaning against the wall. Lower your arms down and hold at your sides. Ask someone close to stick their hand between the wall and the lumbar region. If the hand passes freely between the wall and the lumbar zone, then this means that you have an even posture. When the muscles of the abdominal zone are weakened and move the spine back, then there is a curvature of the posture.

Posture correction exercises for adults and children may differ. The best thing, of course, is to contact specialists who will develop an individual training program for you. It will be necessary to work notably in order to improve posture, and not one month. General recommendations workouts are as follows:

  • Before starting each session, warm up the muscles of the whole body for at least 10 minutes;
  • The training program should include the study of not only the muscles of the back, but also the abdominal region, pelvis, neck, shoulder girdle;
  • The intensity of training should be increased gradually, and very slowly, in order not to worsen the situation even more;
  • Start classes no less than an hour after eating, no matter how uncomfortable you feel;
  • Train every other day, at the same time, in order to allow the muscles to rest and recover.

You must realize that in a few workouts you will not improve your posture. Set yourself up for the long haul.

Posture exercises

The set of exercises for posture presented below is focused on a wide range of muscles of the back and the whole body. All exercises go to chronological order, and it is not desirable to change their sequence.

· Pushups

A series of exercises to improve posture should begin with push-ups from the floor. This is a very versatile exercise that will strengthen your core and shoulder girdle muscles.
2 sets of 15-20 reps.

Exercise "Boat"

Lie on your stomach on the floor and stretch your arms forward, palms should be on the floor. Arms and legs should be slightly apart, about shoulder width apart. You need to try to bend back at the same time, using your arms and legs, lingering in this position for 10-15 seconds.
Initial reps: 4 bends for 10-15 seconds.

Exercise "Swallow"

Lie down, as in the previous exercise. This time you need to bend back only the body and arms, trying to bring your hands together behind your back as much as possible. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds. It will be a little hard at first, and you can start with five seconds, gradually increasing the time.
Initial reps: 4 bends for 10-15 seconds.