How to increase curtains in height. How to lengthen curtains? Accessible and original ways. Increasing the length of the curtains with ruffles

The idea to lengthen the curtains often comes to us involuntarily. Usually, this process is needed by people who have moved to a new place of residence, having captured their favorite curtains from a previous apartment, which are completely unsuitable for the current height of the windows. There may be other reasons for this - sagging of the fabric after washing, a banal error in calculations and measurements before buying fabric, and a simple desire to “refresh” the interior, bring innovations and zest to it.

Basic moments

The rhythm of modern life dictates its own rules to us, and today it is easier for the vast majority of people to turn to professionals to correct curtains. To do this, a designer will come to your house, take the necessary measurements, ask you about the desired style and color.

But if you do not have enough budget, or just want to do the lengthening of the curtains with your own hands, we will be happy to tell you how to do it.

Usually curtains are extended at the bottom. At the same time, the curtain fabric is selected in the same style with the main length of the material. The length of the loop is calculated based on how short the current curtains are.

In some cases, it is enough to release the lower hem of the curtain, and thoroughly iron its edges. This method is relevant in cases where it is necessary to lengthen the curtains by only 10-15 cm. If they are too short, you will have to attach fabric loops of the desired size and length. In their role can be a material of any density, texture and color.

The main thing is that it does not introduce disharmony into the overall perception of window design, and into the solution of the interior as a whole. How to qualitatively lengthen the curtains with your own hands?

Method 1: sew on fabric loops

The simplest answer to the question How to beautifully and quickly lengthen the curtains?» - sew special loops to them. In this case, you do not need large-scale financial and time costs.

This option for refining curtains is available even to an amateur in matters of textile design:

Method 2: visualize the length with a lambrequin

Unfortunately, this technique will help you lengthen the curtains only visually. Therefore, it is suitable only for those cases when you need to add no more than 1-2 cm in length. But how original it turns out to lengthen the curtains with the help of this graceful attribute! Some people categorically do not accept lambrequins, considering them to be something like dust collectors.

We are in a hurry to debunk this myth - primitive basic care for the accessory will provide it with freshness and original appearance for many years. Usually, for the development of a lambrequin, people turn to professionals.

But if you wish, you can do all this with your own hands, without making a lot of effort!

  • Sketch a sketch of your future lambrequin: what shapes and sizes will it have, will it contrast with the main part of the curtain fabric, or will it only complement its color and texture solution, will it be short or elongated?
  • Pick up a fairly dense, but at the same time light, not weighing down the material for the product. Take care of purchasing lining fabric;
  • Measure the height of the window, wall, tulle and curtains. Take measurements using a high-quality tape measure - cheap Chinese analogues very often give significant errors in calculations!;
  • Form a life-size drapery pattern. Attach it to the cornice, considering the middle part of the window;
  • Make a pattern for the product, not forgetting about allowances;
  • Lay the fabric with the wrong side on the surface, stitch the lambrequin fabric together with the lining according to a pre-made pattern;
  • Iron the seams, turn the drapery inside out and place the resulting design on the cornice.

Method 3: Implement Hangers

Special pendants are sold in textile stores. They can be ordinary tassels made of silk threads, consist of Swarovski crystals, "fake" pearls, beads. These products will not only help you achieve the desired length of curtains, but also bring unprecedented charm, sophistication and solemnity to the perception of the interior.

Don't want to buy ready-made goods? Make your own pendant! It will be even better, because you perfectly know all the nuances of the style of your interior in order to choose the perfect solution for framing tulle and curtains.

How to lengthen curtainspendants underneath?

  • Buy at the store, or make pendants yourself;
  • Attach them along the bottom contour of the fabric web;
  • Ready! Of course, this method will not add impressive length to frankly short curtains, but it will diversify and decorate your window design.

How else to lengthen short curtains? You can use transverse inserts, sew on frills with ruffles and frills, connect curtains with a fabric patch from below. The main thing is to turn on your imagination and try to do everything as carefully as possible so as not to spoil the curtains at all.

If your curtains are rare and cost fabulous money, we do not recommend that you engage in amateur activities - you can make a mistake from banal excitement for the innermost family value.

In no room in which there are window openings, the interior design will not be completed without the right curtains. Their choice must be taken very carefully and carefully. If, for any reason, the curtains you purchased are not long enough, then there is a risk of violating the entire style of the room. But do not immediately despair and go shopping for new curtains. There is a great alternative. You can independently change the length of the canvases with your own hands. Next, it is worth considering some recommendations, thanks to which you can easily lengthen the curtains at home, without the help of professional workshops.

Correct curtain length

Before you start cutting new curtains, you need to decide what role they will play in the room.

As a rule, curtains should be used in the following options:

  • Long curtains. In this case, the curtains do not reach the floor literally 5-6 cm. This kind of curtains is the most popular, but there is one significant drawback: the use of such canvases in rooms with low ceilings is impractical. The process of sewing such products with your own hands should be taken very carefully, since any, even a minor mistake, will reduce all your work to zero.
  • Curtains that go all the way down to the floor. Such models are able to visually lengthen the premises, adding to it with notes of luxury and celebration. If the room has uneven floors, then the composition will not be perfect. In the case of uneven flooring, it would be better to use curtains with an additional overlap.
  • Curtains, the length of which reaches the windowsill. This type of canvas is most often used when decorating kitchen or dining rooms. Here it is very important not to make a mistake with the measurements of the height of the window opening.

Pay attention to the purchased curtains, if they do not fit the options described above, then you can safely take up the tool and lengthen them.

Since you are trying to lengthen the curtains, this process should avoid any mistakes, because the work will be done on the alteration of previously purchased canvases.

To do this, it is desirable to take into account some important points, namely:

  • The required height should be measured directly near the window opening, otherwise, there is a risk of taking inaccurate readings.
  • In addition, do not forget that 2-3 cm of fabric must be left below and above the canvases, which will later be used as allowances and seams.
  • It is also advisable to add a couple more centimeters of material, which, subsequently, will go to the eaves.

Given these points, you can breathe new life into old or poorly sewn curtains. Now, it is worth paying attention to what is required for further work.

Necessary materials and tools

Finished canvases can be lengthened in several different ways, namely: using fabric loops, adding decorative pendants, as well as inserting additional fabric or a lambrequin.

You will need:

  • Sharp enough cutting tool for cutting fabric.
  • The material from which inserts, loops, or additional decorations will be made.
  • For marking, you can use a pencil or chalk.
  • Needles and threads and a sewing machine.
  • Fabric for patterns and additional decorative accessories for creating jewelry.
  • Iron. It is desirable that it has a steam function.

This list of materials and tools is standard, without which you will not be able to extend the 3855 with your own hands.

curtain extension

As already described earlier, there are several ways in order to increase the curtains.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the method of lengthening the curtains with fabric loops. In this case, the purchased canvases will remain intact. You will need to carefully make graceful fabric loops with your own hands, with which the curtains will fall lower to the floor. Using this method, you will be able to lower the curtains by a maximum of 12 cm, since larger hinges will not fit into the harmonious design of the window opening. In addition, it must be taken into account that this method assumes the presence of a cornice in the form of a pipe.
  • Visual enlargement of curtains with the help of an additional decorative element, such as a lambrequin. This method is only suitable when it is necessary to extend the curtains by a small number of centimeters. Do not forget that a lambrequin hung with your own hands creates only a visual lengthening of the curtains. Also, do not forget about the cornice, as it should suggest the presence of an additional section where such an ornament will be attached. In addition, it is worth paying attention that in order to create a beautiful and harmonious product, you will need some sewing skills. There is a misconception that lambrequins collect too much dust. In practice, this is not the case, because you can remove the accessory at any time and send it to the wash, after which it will take its place in its pure form.
  • In the case when it is required to extend the curtain to a significant length, the use of loops or additional decorations is not possible. In this case, do not despair, as you can extend the canvas. First of all, you will need to choose a fabric that will harmonize in color with the shade of the curtains. Then, you will need to cut out the required length with your own hands and add it from below to the curtains. Thus, your curtains will have a more pleasant appearance. The solution is quite simple, but requires care and accuracy when measuring.
  • Next, it is worth considering a more complex method of lengthening curtains. In this case, fabric inserts will be used, with which it will be possible to extend the curtain to the required length. From the bottom edge of the canvases, you will need to cut off the strip.

It is desirable that its length is no more than 50 cm. Next, an insert of the required length is attached to the remaining part of the canvas, after which the curtain strip cut off earlier is attached to the insert. This method is quite painstaking, so it will be appropriate only if you have enough free time and desire to sew.

Are the curtains too short for some reason? Not a single hostess is immune from such trouble. She sewed curtains with her own hands and missed the calculations; washed new curtains, and the fabric shrunk; after the housewarming it turned out that in the previous apartment the ceilings were much lower ... And the result is the same: the curtains are short.

And you need to puzzle over how to lengthen them so that it does not become even worse than it is. Can be done better! If you work on a sewing machine, it will not be difficult to correct such an error with your own hands, without resorting to the help of ateliers and repair shops. We will show you some interesting ways where you can get the missing length.

Adding length at the top of the curtains:

1. Fabric strip and eyelets

This method looks especially beautiful on tulle curtains. Indeed, to insert metal fittings from above, it is necessary to “extend” the canvas with a denser fabric (in tone or contrasting - the general style of the interior will tell). And the combination of two such textures looks very impressive - it is already a contrast in itself.

You can lengthen the curtains by adding a beautiful piece of fabric on top, supplement with eyelets

When inserting eyelets with your own hands, you should consider the following:

  • this method of fastening involves raising the upper part of the curtain above the level of the eaves, so you need to correctly calculate its location above the window so that the fabric above it fits freely;
  • the cornice in this case should be of a circular cross section, without additional hooks or clips;
  • the fabric under the eyelets should not seem alien. If the curtains have a pattern, it is desirable that one of its shades be repeated in the added fabric. Or a contrasting color was chosen to match the main curtain.

2. Sew fabric loops

The same cornice will be needed to sew fabric loops on top of the curtains instead of eyelets. They can be sewn into a ring or fastened with a button, Velcro tape (“Velcro”). In this case, it is good to decorate the loops with additional decorative braid or bows, which are also quite easy to make with your own hands. Or just sew on the ropes that tie on the eaves. The length of the loops should just compensate for the missing length of the curtains.

Lengthening curtains in three ways - loops, fabric insertion from above, insertion from below

3. Add a lambrequin

Another option is how to lengthen the curtains on top of the canvas. It is believed that a lambrequin can only visually stretch the curtains. However, even here you can cheat. Fasten the curtain rod directly above the window opening (if the curtains are long enough in this position), and hang the second curtain rod, for the lambrequin, 10 centimeters higher - it will cover the upper border of the curtains themselves, and the ensemble will gather in a common elongated composition.

Curtains can be seriously transformed by setting the goal of lengthening them.

Well, now there are several ways how you can lengthen short curtains or tulle from below with your own hands.

Extending curtains from below:

1. Unrip the bottom allowance

Sometimes, if only a few centimeters are missing, the simplest option is applicable: rip and iron the bottom hem allowance. In this case, the edge of the curtain must be processed in a different way: with a decorative overcast seam, edging (to match or choose a contrasting combination), facing.

An extra piece of fabric can simply be inserted at the bottom of the curtains

2. Add ruffles

This method is suitable if your room is decorated in a romantic style: Provence or Shabby Chic. Ruffles are also appropriate in the country.

A spectacular assembly along the bottom edge of the curtains, lovingly made by hand, will not only add length, but also make the interior more elegant.

Simple and bright - dynamic flounces at the bottom of the curtains

Just remember the same rule: the ruffle fabric should match the base material in terms of texture and color combination. If a contrasting option is chosen, it is better to complement the frill with the same element along the top of the curtains. Then the elegant extension will look harmonious, and not deliberate.

3. Add decor

The missing centimeters can be added from below using a variety of decorative elements. For example, sew on a fringe or a ribbon of pendants that matches the style. Beautifully looks window decoration, complemented by pendants made of beads, crystals, rhinestones, stones. By the way, such pendants can be assembled with your own hands. Provided that in your handicraft bins there are suitable beads or pebbles. Well, of course, it must be borne in mind that this process is painstaking, requiring perseverance, attention, accuracy and patience. But the result will please you! Such elements will not only increase the height of the curtains, but also noticeably transform the interior as a whole.

Short curtains to the windowsill can also be extended with a beautiful decor.

Let's look at other possibilities to lengthen the curtains.

If the curtains are short, you can make them even better!

1. Let's start with a simple insert

The simplest combination is to make inserts from another material, cutting off part of the curtains closer to their upper and lower edges. A single insert does not always look organic. Often such a strip gives the curtains the appearance of clothes that were too small, so they put it on. This will give your problem in the eyes of the guests. The combination of two bands is more natural.

Beautiful insert of matching fabric at the top of the curtains

It is clear that here it is also necessary to proceed from the general style of the room, color schemes, and the quality of the fabric itself. Ideally, the insert should be of the same texture. A romantic example is inserts from lace stripes.

2. We create a design along the entire length

More complex methods will require you to have a delicate taste: the more details, textures and techniques you need to combine, the more difficult it is to do it right. For example, the following combinations are good:

  • eyelets plus an additional strip of the same fabric as under them, somewhere below the windowsill;

Colour-matched, grommets and curtains on top, plus an interesting print on the bottom
  • hinge fastening plus an insert from a strip of the same fabric similar to the previous version;

  • lambrequins plus ruffles;

  • ruffles plus tiebacks;

  • lambrequins, ruffles plus tiebacks.

Your imagination will tell you other original combinations. Fantasy, taste and resourcefulness are generally able to save from many unpleasant accidents. We hope that after reading this article you will overcome at least one of them without difficulty.

Sometimes it turns out that the curtain or tulle is lower than we would like. Then the question arises of how to lengthen the curtains so as not to spend money on purchasing a new product. Often this applies to newly purchased canvases, as well as when changing windows or replacing its design.

If you decide to hang curtains, and for some reason they turned out to be short, then you can fix the situation by avoiding buying new curtains.

There are ways by which you can build up the canvas so that no one will guess that you have done some kind of manipulation with them.

How to solve the problem of short curtains: ways to lengthen to the required size / height

There are many ways to lengthen, and limiting yourself to a couple of pieces will not work here. You can always find an original version that has not yet been described on the Internet. However, if such a problem exists, then basically do so.

Beautiful loops will not only make the curtain longer, but also add originality to the product.

Even a person who is not related to sewing can cope with such work.

  1. Add a piece of fabric from the bottom. At the same time, this is often done as an additional strip or ruffle, as well as decor is added or the bottom seam is unraveled.
  2. A strip of fabric is sewn on top and eyelets are inserted, and a pelmet, long loops are also used.
  3. Inserts are made in the middle of the canvas - one or more, both from below and along the entire length.
  4. Combine two of the options in one product. It can be inserts and eyelets or ruffles with lambrequins.

The hostess independently decides which method of processing and lengthening to choose, based on her experience, desire and design of the room.

Please note: if the original canvas has at least a slightly worn, tired look, then it is not advisable to correct its length. And if the fabric looks perfect, you can experiment.

How to lengthen the curtains from the bottom with your own hands

Ways to lengthen the curtains from below are ideas that can be worked out and adapted to each situation separately. Because sewing is more creativity. Popular methods of fitting curtains that are too short are: sewing a ruffle or cut, as well as spacing the seam on the bottom cut and attaching decorative elements.

With the help of ruffles, you can increase the curtains in height up to 50 cm.

This method will appeal to creative and romantic personalities.

Adding the second part of the canvas

This is one of the simplest methods, because it is simply attached from below. To do this, you need to make the right calculations and process the slices. To do this, it is not at all necessary to look for the same matter of the same color, these nuances matter, but you can combine different colors and textures.

The main thing is that it looks harmonious in general and in the context of the interior of the room.


  1. The width of one canvas and a piece that is not enough in height are measured. To the first value, you must add three centimeters on each side. And the height of the additional fabric will be equal to the sum of the original figure, added to 3.5-4 cm (bottom seam and top indent).
  2. It is necessary to process the sides and bottom of the additional rectangle, with a cut inward, and work with the upper edge so that the fabric does not crumble (manually or on an overcasting machine).
  3. When both parts are ready, fold them right sides inward and cut to each other, sweep them, then sew them 0.5-1 cm from the cut.
  4. It remains to give the product a presentable look and iron the corners the way you want to see them as a result. Ready.

The fabric may be identical to the color of the curtains, but inserts from a different fabric will look much more interesting.

Important! If the curtains consist of two parts, you need to take care of the symmetry - make the same measurements and indents.

How to make ruffles

Ruffles look romantic and easy, therefore they will suit many types of interior, especially the Provence style. To do this, you need to find out the width of the curtain and multiply it by two, and add 10 cm to the height. Then, after processing the edges of the piece, you need to perform the following steps.

You can increase the length of the curtains from below with the help of beautiful ruffles.

  1. 2 cm from the edge, make a basting in one thread and assemble the fabric into an assembly of the desired length as a result.
  2. Attach and baste the ruffles to the bottom of the curtain, stepping back from the cut cm 4.
  3. Sew two parts on a typewriter, and the seam on the front part, if desired, can be decorated with lace ribbons.

This option is suitable if you want to fit the old curtains into the new romantic interior of the living room or bedroom.

The result is a frill, the waves of which are voluminous and stylish.

If you need to lengthen the curtains a couple of centimeters

If you open the bottom seam and iron it properly, you can achieve the desired length, the same can be done if the question arose of how to increase the width of the curtains for the living room, for example. In this case, you can not leave the slices as they are. They must be processed, and the ribbon will help in this.

Choose a fabric that matches in color and texture with the material of the curtains.

To do this, attach it to the canvas and align the seams, stitch. After that, bend and make a front fixing line. This element is usually chosen to match the main fabric or in contrast (then you can make loops or an insert for eyelets on top of the same color). And also it can be made with your own hands or purchased in the sewing department of the store.

Curtains elongated in this way look very stylish.

How to lengthen the tulle from the bottom with your own hands, options, instructions.

Tulle is usually an elegant thin fabric (organza, chiffon, muslin), so it is difficult to lengthen it like curtains. However, skilled craftswomen came up with a solution to this problem. It is common in such cases to buy long lace of the right size plus four centimeters for processing. It must be swept to the edge of the tulle and then carefully stitched, you get a designer product worthy of a good interior.

One effective way is to sew lace to the bottom of the tulle.

At the same time, it is important that the lace has something in common, a link with the main thin canvas. Only then will a harmonious and beautiful work come out.

With decorative elements

This is also not a rare decision, because many hostesses consider it not superfluous to diversify the atmosphere with a fresh new thing. To do this, various decorative details are sewn to the lower edge of the tulle, it can be a one-piece design or many small ones. Those who love to embroider and make crafts from beads understand how well it is possible to complement the appearance of the product with white beads and transparent fishing line, this will give it elegance and shine.

This decor is suitable for classic and modern romantic interiors.

The use of decorative tassels is also popular, they are usually fastened with one continuous ribbon on the sides and bottom of the curtain.

Here you can play with colors, choose wallpaper or furniture, and also consider their size.

But you should not rush to try to supplement the length with inserts, it looks organic only in some individual situations. After all, the material for tulle is intended to be an independent canvas and self-sufficient. Well, it’s difficult to choose a matching fabric, because this is a special technique for weaving fibers of their density and dullness, etc.

Only light airy fabrics are suitable for decorating tulle.

How to extend the curtain in length, if the curtain is with a pattern

Putting on a curtain, if there is a pattern, is often not so easy because of the originality of the print initially. Here you will need design skills that take into account all the nuances.

With the help of simple manipulations, you can originally increase its size.

  1. Do not "overload" the appearance of the curtains, but also prevent dullness.
  2. Consistency of one and the second parts in color (compatibility), texture and density.
  3. Sometimes decor is used as an additional connecting detail.
  4. The practicality of both materials (they should have approximately the same characteristics so that aesthetics are not violated in the future).

Very often, competently altered curtains look much better than the original.

And it is important to observe a single style, even if the above rules or one of them are omitted. Indeed, in modern times, experiments and new solutions are welcome, which cannot be achieved if you follow a familiar path with minimal risk.

If you decide to hang a curtain and realize that its length is not enough, do not be upset!

Examples of beautiful lengthening of curtains from below, real photos.

One of the best options is loops made of matter, preferably the same as the main canvas. Then one gets the feeling that it was intended that way from the very beginning – naturally, nobly and elegantly.

It is necessary to make one pattern and duplicate it on several loops, then sew them beautifully.

Lambrequins are a non-moving decorative part of the curtains, therefore, loops that correct the length can be hidden under them. They can be made from twine, if there are originally eyelets, and from threads, any other material, the main thing is that they are measured to the correct length and evenly create waves, distance from the floor.

This method looks especially beautiful on curtains made of noble fabrics.

The grommets themselves often help the owners out if something needs to be corrected in the original layout of sewing or hanging curtains. You can sew a strip with eyelets to the top of the curtain and string it on a pipe, just before that, choose the right color for beauty. If the coloring turns out to be out of topic, the whole image will turn out to be incomplete or even leave the impression of bad taste.

The combination of two such textures looks very impressive - it is already a contrast in itself.


Housewives often wonder what to do if the curtains are short: the tulle has sat down after washing or the footage of the fabric bought in the sewing store is incorrectly calculated. Therefore, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​what options for solving the problem already exist, and what nuances must be taken into account in the process of work in order to clearly adapt the solution to a specific situation.

Missing centimeters can be added both from below and from above.

Various ruffles, grommets and lace can help a lot - refresh the interior and give it atmosphere and sensuality, and also, with the right approach, display the inner world of the owners.

Such attributes can bring additional zest to the room.

VIDEO: How to increase the height of the curtains.

Properly selected curtains can decorate the design of the room. Emphasize the sophistication or romance of decoration, make a cozy kitchen or nursery, and emphasize the business atmosphere of the office - all this can be done thanks to one element of decor.

Some strive for individuality and cut and sew curtains on their own or order from professionals, while others choose from the variety offered by textile manufacturers. Even with careful selection of curtains, there is a chance that its length will need to be adjusted for one reason or another. How to lengthen the curtains with your own hands, and will be discussed.

Some Features

Giving completeness to the interior, curtains play a significant role in the room. Different lengths give the curtains a completely different look. At the same time, the length of the curtain is not only aesthetic, but also functional. Curtains made from the same fabric but with different lengths can create the opposite feeling of being in a room. You can determine what length will be optimal for a particular room by figuring out what options exist:

  1. Indentation from the floor 5-6 cm. The length is the most common. Such curtains are practical - they do not get dirty on the floor even during the cleaning of the room. However, independent tailoring of curtains of this length is a rather painstaking task. There must be a very accurate calculation. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that such an indentation visually makes the room lower, which means that for rooms with low ceilings this is not the best option.
  2. Curtain to the floor. This length of the curtain has the opposite effect - it visually makes the ceilings higher. This option is considered classic and looks very elegant and aesthetically pleasing. Ideal for the hall or office. At the sewing stage, there may be inconvenience associated with uneven floors or ceilings, which makes it difficult to make accurate measurements.
  3. Curtains with an overlap. This cut looks especially elegant and soft or pompous and solemn, depending on the cut and the fabric used. This length is ideal for a bedroom or ceremonial halls. The curtain is made in such a way that its lower part (10-20 cm) lies on the floor. It will not be difficult to sew such a curtain, since errors of 1-2 cm will not play a significant role. However, there are also disadvantages. In this case, the consumption of fabric will be greater, and the drapery, touching the floor, will accumulate dust. In addition, pets can either stain or damage the product. Therefore, if there is no desire to vacuum and wash the curtains more often than usual, then it is better not to stop at this option.
  4. Length to window sill. These curtains are ideal for the kitchen or bathroom. Curtains of this length are practical and can have an attractive look in a competent combination with the design of the room.

In order for the curtain to meet expectations and get the desired length, some measures should be taken at the stage of measurements and cutting:

  • measure the distance between the floor and the ceiling exactly in the place where it is planned to hang the curtain;
  • provide a margin of length for the cornice (2-3 cm);
  • make allowances on both sides 2-3 cm long.

Despite the apparent effectiveness, even these measures do not always save you from having to lengthen the curtain. There may be several prerequisites for this procedure, in particular, moving to an apartment with higher ceilings or unsuccessful washing. Do not be upset if such a situation occurs. There are several ways to breathe new life into a short curtain.

Application of additional methods

  1. Using a hem, if provided for when sewing. To do this, open the seams at the hem, release the spare length and iron. The disadvantage of this method may be the difference in color of the sections of the product due to the burnout of the main fabric.
  2. Sew a piece of fabric from the bottom of the system in a contrasting or matching color to the main structure. From the fabric used for lengthening, you can sew decorative pillows or make tiebacks for the curtains so that it looks harmonious.
  3. You can also sew the desired length from the top, having thought through the method of attachment to the eaves. You can solve the issue with compatibility, as in the second method.
  4. Sew decorative loops for attaching to the eaves. This method is interesting and, if done well, can give a very special look.

If the products were sewn on their own and there is excess fabric left, they can be used to lengthen the curtains. However, this procedure can be performed from any other harmoniously selected fabric.

Necessary materials and tools

To lengthen the curtains, you need a sewing machine, iron, scissors, thread, needles.

  • fabric for loops;
  • fabric for decorative drapery and lining;
  • curtain fabric;
  • tailor's meter;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • paper;
  • sewing machine and thread.

Lengthening curtains with loops

You should cut and sew the loops of the desired size. In the future, they will be strung on a pipe cornice, so the calculation of the length of the loop should be made taking into account the required additional length and stock for the curtain. At the measurement stage, you need to attach the curtain to the eaves.

Next, you need to throw the tape through the curtain pipe to measure. Additionally, 1.5 cm should be provided for seams and another 4-5 cm for fastening buttons or ties. The width of the loop is usually 3-4 cm.

Performing all these manipulations, it is necessary to check that as a result the view of the upper part of the window opening is not opened. On average, this way you can increase the curtain by 10 cm.

You can attach a loop in several ways:

  • sew to the curtain;
  • make fasteners in the form of buttons;
  • connect in the form of bows or ties.

By choosing one of these methods, depending on the design and purpose of the room, you can fasten the hinges. Buttons can be matched in the same style with the curtain, or they can simply be covered with fabric. The ties can be made from the same or a different fabric, giving the curtains a playful look. If the connection is made by stitching, you can decorate the junction of the curtains and loops by making a border. The process is quite creative, and the final result depends only on the imagination and skills of the hostess.

Lengthening curtains with a lambrequin

You can also lengthen the curtains with the help of decorative drapery - lambrequin. The length of the curtain loops described in the previous method may not be long enough to create the curtain of the desired size.

Extending the hinge may cause the top of the window opening to be visible.

You can correct the situation by hanging a pelmet on top. Such a drapery, which has an elegant look, can be built independently. To do this, you need to buy in advance a dense fabric for a lambrequin and a lining.

Next, you need to measure the existing curtain and window height. Make a pattern of decorative drapery and lining, taking into account seam allowances - 1.5 cm each. Sew both parts from the wrong side, then iron and turn the product right side out.

To attach curtains with a lambrequin, you need a special cornice. After fixing the finished product, the room will be transformed, and the curtain will have exactly the length that the hostess expected.

Bottom curtain extension

This method should be performed with special attention and accuracy. There is a risk of getting a product that looks like flaps. At the same time, having sewn the curtain and the cut correctly and tastefully, you can get an exceptionally exquisite curtain.

The material for combining must be selected carefully, in accordance with the texture and color of the main curtain. You can complement the curtain with an edging from additional fabric or by creating flirty ruffles.

In addition, you can come up with and implement a piping overlay or fancy appliqués. Having issued an elongated curtain with fantasy, you can get a chic result that will complement the design of the room or enliven an ordinary interior.

When faced with a problem related to the length of the curtain, it is quite possible to sew it with creativity, sewing skills and imagination. In some cases, a self-lengthening curtain has a more attractive appearance than before the procedure. In addition to those cases when it is simply necessary to lengthen the curtain, the described methods can be applied and, if desired, change or supplement the appearance of the product.