How to achieve correct posture. Posture exercises at home

The back must be kept straight. This is a guarantee of beauty and health. The lifestyle of many adults does not allow to form the correct posture, which has a detrimental effect on the whole body. It only takes about 10 minutes […]

The back must be kept straight. This is a guarantee of beauty and health.

The lifestyle of many adults does not allow to form the correct posture, which has a detrimental effect on the whole body. It is enough to spend about 10 minutes a day on simple and effective relaxation exercises for correct posture in adults and will definitely be able to achieve brilliant results. Moreover, improvements occur after several sessions. If you have serious back problems, it is better to consult a doctor, if your doctor does not mind, then you can do the proposed set of exercises daily or a couple of times a week.

Poor posture in adults

Why are posture disorders dangerous for everyone?

It is difficult for a person with an incorrect posture to take a deep breath, he is constantly in pain, wrinkles on the neck add age, the body no longer looks attractive. In women with a violation of posture, the breast loses its shape. It has been proven that stoop causes skeletal deformities, impaired functioning respiratory systems s, blood circulation worsens, there are malfunctions in digestion and urination. As you can see, we are talking about a dangerous habit of stooping, which significantly reduces the quality of life. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, for example, works in a sedentary job or is lazy to do exercises, then motivation is vital for him to make the body work, become healthier and enjoy it.

Posture diagnostics at home

To find out if there is a problem with slouching back, you should stand as straight as possible with your back to the corner, for example, lean against your home door frame. So, we press the feet together, the thoracic region and the sacrum area against the wall. To assess the condition of the spine, the assistant should try to squeeze the straightened hand between the person's lower back and the wall. Normally, the palm should easily enter and exit this gap. If only the fingertips move, this is indicative of a pathology such as lumbar lordosis or forward bending of the spinal column. You should also look at the shoulder blades, which should not lag far behind the vertical line of the wall. A common pathology today is pterygoid scapulae. They are another symptom of bad posture. In addition, you will have to assess the position of the back of the head. If in this position the back of the head is not pressed against the corner at all, this indicates thoracic kyphosis.

The thoracic stoop causes a pronounced displacement of the head forward. When a person is constantly in this position, there is an overstrain of the neck muscles, which inevitably causes headaches - the so-called tension headaches. This problem worries people with posture disorders quite often. Discomfort may decrease if an analgesic is taken, but this is a temporary effect. In addition, people often complain of poor appetite, low performance due to increased fatigue. To help a person with bad posture or back pain A complex approach, without fail with the participation of a specialist. Except drug treatment obligatory physiotherapy, some useful exercises will be described below.

Back stretch for correct posture

Gymnastics should be done in a clean, ventilated room, where no one interferes, on a special rug. So, without shoes, you should stand up straight and place your feet along the width of the pelvis. On a deep breath, the arms rise up. You need to reach up for your hands, linger for a few seconds. As you exhale, lower your arms. One stretch is enough and we move on to the slopes.

Stretching the back with arms up

Side bends to improve posture

Next, tilts are made to the sides, that is, to the right and left. Raising one hand up, you need to go into a slope in the opposite direction with an exhalation, sliding down with the other hand along the outer surface of the leg. Inhale as you rise to the starting position. With an exhalation, bend over to the other side again. When performing tilts, the hips need to be pushed in the opposite direction, be sure to strain the gluteal muscles. We recommend keeping the body in a single plane as if the back were sliding along the wall located behind. Tilt in both directions 3 times, and on the fourth, fix for a couple of seconds in each direction.

leaning to the side

Pelvic rotation for correct posture

Resting your palms with your fingers pointing straight up at the sacrum, you need to bend forward slightly and slowly begin to rotate the pelvis, making a circle. When the pelvis is pushed forward in a state of half-bending, an inhalation is taken, and when the pelvis is retracted, an exhalation is made. When rotating the pelvis, the knees are kept straight, and the hips are in tension. We do 4 full turns with the hips in one direction and the other, while we should not forget that the coccyx should describe exactly the circle.
pelvic rotation

Exercise Wave for a beautiful posture

For the next exercise, you need to take a breath and at this time move the pelvis forward, tighten your legs. Push your chest and belly up and bend back. After bending on the exhale, go into a downward slope, standing parallel to the floor. Then, through the bending of the legs, rise up again and, while inhaling, go into a deflection back. It is important to pinch the buttocks and strain the perineal area. After doing 3 repetitions of the Wave, on the fourth repetition it is worth fixing in the backbend and reaching up with the ribs. It is not recommended to tilt the head back, as this is not suitable for everyone and is safe only for experienced people with a good general stretch.

wave exercise with forward bend and back bend

Forward and downward bend for correct posture

We continue to perform pleasant and easy exercises for correct posture in adults, while maintaining a positive attitude and regularity. Such training will not be in vain and improve the figure. We leave on an exhalation in an inclination, becoming parallel to the floor line. It is necessary to rest with your palms on the front zone of the thigh, pushing off from it and stretching the spinal column forward. Following the crown, we lengthen forward, striving for the floor. When bending down, it is important to bring the ribs and chest as close to the legs as possible. Standing in a full tilt position, take your hands on your shoulders, take your hands behind the back of your head, relax and hang, transferring your body weight to the front of your feet. If possible, then in full tilt, you can rise on tiptoe with absolutely straight legs, pull your tailbone up, resting your fingers on the floor and keeping your body weight on your feet. It is also good to lower your heels to the floor and tear your toes off the floor, stretch your tailbone back, clinging to the floor with your hands.

deep tilt forward and down

Exercise Fold for a beautiful posture and stretching

Pull the body to straight legs, linger in the crease. it useful exercise helps to stretch the back and legs, prevents slouching.

fold standing

Exercise Cat for correcting posture in adults

Kneeling down, bend as you inhale, then as you exhale, on the contrary, strongly round your back, gently arching in the opposite direction. The spine moves gently in time with the breath, only 6 repetitions.

exercise cat

Stretching the legs and back for posture correction

After performing the Cat, standing on all fours, while inhaling, stretch the leg back and slightly up, at the exit the knee is pulled to the forehead. To protect against overloading the lower back, you do not need to swing, it is enough to gently work with your foot. Repeat 5 times, and on the sixth repetition, fix the knee near the forehead for a few seconds.

leg and back stretch

Standing on all fours and stretching your leg back, add an extension of your arm forward, fix for a few seconds. Then bend the leg and grab the foot with your hand, pull the leg up. Do the same exercise on the other side. You can use the leg and arm of one side or hold the left leg with the right hand and vice versa.

stretching the legs back and arms forward alternately
gripping the foot with the hand

Child's pose for correct posture and relaxation

After stretching the legs and back, relax, with an exhalation, lower the chest and stomach to the hips, press the forehead to the floor. The so-called Baby Pose in yoga is useful for everyone, it is better to linger in it for a few seconds.

relaxing baby pose

Side Plank helps shape good posture

Everyone's favorite has many variations and is used not only to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also to work on perfect posture. In this case, the Side Plank is appropriate. Easy option implies a knee stand, advanced - on an outstretched leg. The task of this exercise is one - to stretch the sides on both sides, with your hand you can reach up or slightly to the side, behind your head. Do one time on each side, lingering in Plank for a few seconds.

side plank

Stretching on the transverse twine for a beautiful posture

Opening the hips as wide as possible, bring the feet together, lower the pelvis on the heels - in easy version, or sit on the floor - in the standard variation. Align your back, stand for a few seconds while sitting, then try to lie forward, pulling your stomach to your back, stretching up behind the top of your head. It is important to push the pelvis forward, relax, stretch your arms forward. You also need to direct the pubic bone, stomach and ribs to the floor, open the legs wider and wider. Ideally, the bent legs should be apart from the sides of the body. If possible, it is advisable to lower your head to the floor. Such an exercise has a positive effect on posture, helps to safely open the hip joints, and is included in the set of exercises for stretching on transverse twine. At the moment of each exhalation, you need to try to relieve tension from the body, as it prevents the muscles from stretching and reduces the effect of gymnastics.

leg and back stretch

Snake Pose Back Stretch for Posture Correction

We lie down on our stomach and place our hands on the floor point-blank in the chest area. Then slowly raise without jerks upper part body up, trying to fully straighten your arms and bending your back back. Having made a deflection in the lumbar zone with absolutely no tension, we relax and breathe in the Cobra pose. Having straightened the elbows completely and pressed them to the body, you need to make sure that the body is not clamped, stretched upwards, and the legs are still on the floor. Optimal time for the Cobra pose - 5-10 seconds, at the end slowly lower down.

cobra pose

With the regular implementation of this set of exercises, you can achieve a healthy back, protect yourself from diseases, improve posture, and increase self-esteem. Simple asanas taken from yoga perfectly develop the mobility of the spinal column and effectively strengthen the back muscles. It is noticed that the considered exercises for correct posture in adults the best way work when combined with other types of fitness and proper diet. Please note that simple gymnastics can be performed to relieve tension during a break in work or study. At the end of the day, many need to relax, get distracted, recharge with positive and quickly get rid of fatigue, stretching helps without fail.

It has long been known that not only the external attractiveness of a person depends on posture. Correct posture helps normal functioning all organs and systems of the body. Over the years, almost every person's posture gradually changes. This happens due to muscle weakness and loss of flexibility. A typical posture of older people, you see, is not very attractive - a chin protruding forward, a stooped back, legs bent and bent at the knees.

This happens mainly due to the loss of a balanced position of the spine. A lot of this poor posture is due to the softening of the bones that occurs in the process of aging, the deterioration of the condition of the tendons due to their loss of elasticity. As a result, gait changes. Breathing becomes shallow. Decreased lung capacity. The resulting softening of the bones increases the risk of fractures. Many of these unpleasant defects can be corrected, but it is even better to prevent their occurrence by regularly performing strength and stretching exercises.

For correct posture, strong back muscles, flexibility of the spine and joints are important, since a trained muscular system allows you to maintain straight position spine and prevents back pain. And most importantly, strong, elastic muscles help maintain the normal arrangement of internal organs, and hence their healthy functioning for a long time.

What is posture

The term “posture” is commonly understood as the habitual posture of a person standing at ease with closed heels and toes apart at an angle of 45–50 °. Features of posture are determined by the measurements and description of the human body in its entirety - from head to toe: this is the position of the head and the belt of the upper limbs, the curves of the spine (in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions), the shape of the chest and abdomen, the inclination of the pelvis, the position of the lower limbs, muscle tone, shape of the legs and feet.

Posture depends on many factors. It is associated, firstly, with the state of the muscular apparatus, that is, with the degree of development of the muscles of the neck, back, chest, abdomen and lower extremities, as well as with functionality muscles, its ability to long-term static stress. The posture is influenced by the elastic properties of the intervertebral discs, cartilaginous and connective tissue formations of the joints of the spine (this, in turn, is associated with the mobility of the spine), as well as the pelvis and lower extremities. An important role is played by the shape of the foot and leg as a whole.

Good posture is usually associated with good health, bad posture usually indicates poor health. Posture disorders contribute to the appearance of a feeling of discomfort, pain in the body, cause skeletal deformities (especially the spine, chest, shoulder girdle, pelvis), and damage to internal organs. sedentary image modern life, unnatural shoes and clothes contribute to poor posture, "stiffness" and muscle atrophy.

The easiest way to evaluate your posture is as follows. Stand with your back against a closet or wall. Close your feet, look straight ahead (head should touch the cabinet). Hands down. If your palm does not pass between the lower back and the wall, then the posture is good; otherwise, the abdominal muscles are weak and the abdomen pulls the spine forward (lordosis).

With correct posture, the head and torso are located on the same vertical, the shoulders are deployed, slightly lowered and are at the same level, the relief of the neck (from the tragus of the ear to the edge of the shoulders) is symmetrical on both sides, the shoulder blades do not protrude, the physiological curvature of the spine is normally expressed, the chest is raised ( slightly protruding), the abdomen is drawn in, the legs are straightened at the knee and hip joints, the foot is without deformities with a clearly visible notch from the inner arch.

Assessing posture, fix the following points.

Head position

Is it on the same vertical with the body, or is it forward, or is it tilted to the side (to the right or left).

Shoulder girdle condition

relief of the neck - the line from the tragus of the ear to the edge of the shoulder is equally curved on both sides or one side is longer than the other;
shoulders - at the same level or one shoulder is raised and the other is lowered; the shoulders are divorced or forward, and if they are served, then the same or one is larger than the other (such asymmetry often occurs in athletes - throwers, fencers, boxers, etc.; we also note that people with developed muscles have sharply forward shoulders, this creates the impression of a false stoop, while the true stoop is associated with a curvature of the spine);
shoulder blades - at the same level or one above; whether they act, and if they act, then equally or one more.


It has normal physiological curves or cervical and lumbar lordosis (forward bulge), thoracic and sacrococcygeal kyphosis (back bulge) are observed.
The natural curves of the spine perform a spring function - they reduce the shaking of the body when walking, running and jumping. Normally, the back line is wavy, but the depth of the bends should not exceed 3–4 cm.
Main Feature correct posture is symmetrical arrangement parts of the body in relation to the spine. The chest in front and behind has no depressions or protrusions and is symmetrical in relation to middle line; the abdomen is symmetrical, and the navel is located in its center; nipples - on the same line; the shoulder blades are at the same level with respect to the spine, and their angles are located on the same horizontal line; the level of the shoulder girdle and iliac crests on the same horizontal line; waist lines are the same on both sides.

Spinal mobility

Assessed in a standing position. When leaning forward, the distance from the end of the middle finger to the floor is measured. If the subject cannot reach the floor with his fingertips, it is recorded: minus so many centimeters; if he can put his palm on the floor, it is recorded: plus so many centimeters. When assessing the lateral mobility of the spine, the distance from the ends of the middle fingers to the floor is measured in the position of the maximum inclination of the body to the right and left (arms are straightened and extended along the body). Finally, the mobility of the spine to bend back is measured by the distance from the seventh cervical vertebra to the beginning of the intergluteal crease at the maximum tilt of the trunk back.
The strength endurance of the extensor muscles of the back is assessed by the time the upper half of the body and head are held on weight in the “swallow” position. Approximately normal time of body holding by children of 7-11 years old is 1.5-2 minutes, by teenagers - 2-2.5 minutes, by adults - 3 minutes. The strength endurance of the abdominal muscles is estimated by the number of transitions from the "lying on the back" to the "sitting" position. Movements are performed at a pace - 15-16 times per minute. With the normal development of the abdominal press, children 7-11 years old can perform this exercise 15-20 times, and at the age of 12-16 years - 25-30 times, while adults perform this exercise 30-50 times.

Posture disorders


Deviations from normal posture are called postural disorders or defects. Kyphosis (curvature) and lordosis (concavity) lead to stoop, and scoliosis (bending) leads to lateral curvature of the spine. Such defects are most often based on violations of the correct expression of the physiological curves of the spine and functional changes in the musculoskeletal system. This is how vicious conditioned reflex connections are formed that reinforce the wrong position of the body.

a) normal back

Violation of posture can occur in two planes - in the sagittal (side view) and frontal (straight view).

The first group of disorders is associated with a deviation from the norm of the physiological curvature of the spine (increase or decrease in curvature). Posture disorders that reflect an increase in the curvature of the spine include:

b) stoop - an increase in thoracic kyphosis (curvature) and a decrease in lumbar lordosis (concavity). With a stooped and round back, the chest sinks, the shoulders, neck and head are tilted forward, the stomach is protruded, the buttocks are flattened, and the shoulder blades are pterygoidly protruding.

c) lordotic - a round back (total, or solid, kyphosis) - an increase in thoracic kyphosis (curvature) in the complete absence of lumbar lordosis (concavity). To compensate for the deviation of the center of gravity from the midline, a person with such a posture stands, as a rule, with his legs slightly bent at the knees. With a roundly concave back, the head, neck, shoulders are tilted forward, the stomach protrudes, the knees are maximally extended, the muscles rear surface thighs are stretched and thinned compared to the muscles of the front of the thighs.

d) kyphotic - a roundly concave back - an increase in all the curves of the spine, as well as the angle of the pelvis.
e) straightened - flat back - flattening of the lumbar lordosis (concavity), in which the pelvic tilt is reduced, and the thoracic kyphosis is poorly expressed. At the same time, the chest is shifted forward, the lower part of the abdomen is protruded, the shoulder blades are pterygoid - the corners and their inner edges lag behind the back. A flat back is often accompanied by lateral curvature of the spine - scoliosis.

Scoliosis is a typical violation of posture in the frontal plane - an asymmetric posture, when there is no symmetry between the right and left halves of the body. In this case, the spine is an arc with its apex turned to the right or to the left, and the “waist triangles” - the space between the elbow joint of the hanging arm and the waist - become different due to the fact that one shoulder and the shoulder blade are lowered.

When determining the shape of the legs, the subject connects the heels together and stands upright. Normally, the legs are in contact at the knee joints, with O-shape the knee joints do not touch, with the X-shaped - one knee joint comes after the other.

Leg shape:

1 - normal (axis lower limb fine).
2 - O-shaped deformity of the lower limb (varus).
3 - X-shaped (deformity of the lower limb (valgus).

The foot is an organ of support and movement. There are normal, flattened and flat feet. When examining the foot of the supporting surface, pay attention to the width of the isthmus connecting the heel area with the forefoot. In addition, pay attention to the vertical axes of the Achilles tendon and heel under load.

The appearance of the feet

a) Sole prints are normal.
b) With flat feet.

How does posture affect human health?

Violation of posture leads to a number of serious diseases, and first of all to diseases of the spine and roots spinal cord. And diseases of the roots of the spinal cord cause a deterioration in the functioning of those organs that they control.

Defects in posture and disease of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis and kyphoscoliosis) occur most often during puberty (in girls at 13-15 years old, in boys at 14-16 years old), as well as during spasmodic growth (when, for example, over the summer the child grows by 6–8 cm). During these periods, posture is especially strongly affected by sleep on a soft bed and various bad habits(for example, the habit of standing on one leg, bending the other in knee joint), and incorrect body position while sitting, and uneven load on the spine (say, carrying a briefcase in one hand).

Violation of posture is accompanied by a disorder in the activity of all internal organs. People with posture defects have reduced chest and diaphragm excursion, low lung capacity, and intrathoracic pressure fluctuations. This, in turn, adversely affects the function of both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, leads to a decrease in physiological reserves, and makes it difficult for the body to work in case of increased physical activity (for example, climbing to the 3rd-5th floor).

Weakness of the abdominal muscles and a bent position of the body cause violations of the outflow of bile and intestinal motility. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the digestive processes and slagging of the body, decreased immunity, colds, fatigue and headaches. In people with a flat back, the spring function of the spine decreases, which leads to permanent microtrauma of the brain during walking, running and other movements. Hence - rapid fatigue and frequent headaches. Reduced stability of the spine to various deforming influences can also contribute to the occurrence of scoliosis. With posture disorders, the muscles are usually weakened, and their physical performance is reduced. This predisposes to the appearance of hernias in the abdomen and pelvis.

Measures to correct and improve posture

Elimination of posture defects should be carried out not only in a complex, but also taking into account its individual violations.

The complex of measures to eliminate posture defects includes:

a) sleeping on a hard bed;
b) correct and accurate shoe correction, which, firstly, eliminates the shortening of one of the legs (legs of different lengths are a very widespread phenomenon); secondly, it leads to alignment of posture disorders in the pelvic area; thirdly, it compensates for foot defects - flat feet and clubfoot (if any);
c) constant physical activity, including walking to work, walking, exercising, etc.;
d) rejection of such bad habits like standing on one leg, incorrect body position while sitting (at a desk and desk, at home and in the library);
e) control over the correct, uniform load on the spine when wearing backpacks, bags and briefcases.

By doing some of the exercises below (at any time of the day), you can maintain or correct your posture, become flexible, and at the same time strengthen those muscles that contribute to better posture. You can do the first six exercises while sitting or lying straight in bed. Exercise to restore good posture should be performed within 3-4 weeks.

Exercise 1. Starting position (I. p.) - legs crossed, back straight, arms behind (in front) (Fig. 3). For each count, head tilts to the right and left. Perform slowly. 5-10 times.

Exercise 2. I. p. - the same. On 1 - turn your head to the right, hold the pose for 3-5 s, on 2 - and. n., 3-4 - the same to the left. 4-6 times.

I. p. - the same. For each count, roll your shoulders back and forth. 10-15 times.

I. p. - kneeling with support on hands. On 1 - bend in the back, head up, on 2 - bend the back, head down. 10-15 times.

I. p. - emphasis lying on bent arms, feet together. On 1 - straighten your arms, bend in the lower back, do not tear your pelvis off the floor, on 3-4 - and. n. 4-6 times.

I. p. - the same, but the legs are slightly apart. On 1-2 - slowly straightening your arms, raise your head with a turn to the right, then your chest, do not tear your pelvis off the floor, bend in your back as much as possible, hold this position on 3-6, trying to see your left leg, on 7-8 - and . n., at 9-16 - the same in the other direction.

I. p. - standing one step away from the wall, touching the wall with your palms. Bend back as much as possible and hold the pose for 3-5 seconds, then return to and. n. 4-6 times.

I. p. - standing and holding a gymnastic stick behind his back (the upper end is pressed to the head, the lower end to the pelvis). On 1 - squat, on 2 - and. p., on 3 - tilt forward, on 4 - and. p., on 5 - tilt to the right, on 6 - and. p., on 7 - tilt to the left, on 8 - and. n. 4-6 times.

I. p. - standing, pressing against the wall with the back of the head, shoulder blades, lower back, buttocks and heels. Hold the pose for 5-10 s. 4-6 times.

Exercise 10. I. p. - standing legs apart. Put a small object on your head (book). Do 3-4 squats, keeping your head and back straight so that the object does not fall. 4-6 times.

Exercise 11. I. p. - the same. Walk a few meters while holding the object on your head.

Foot exercises

Exercise 1. Starting position - sitting, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, under the heels a bar or stack of books 15–20 cm high. Raise the toes of the feet and lower them. Repeat 10-20 times, medium pace. Breathing in all exercises is natural.
The presence of a bar under the heels will allow you to perform movement with a greater amplitude, which is useful for the joints, muscles and ligaments of the foot.

Exercise 2. The starting position is the same, but the bar is under the toes; raise your heels and lower. Repeat 10-20 times.

The starting position is the same, the legs are connected, the bar is under the heels; spread the toes of the legs to the sides and bring them together without lifting the feet from the floor. Performing a movement to the sides, lower your socks down, and bringing them together, lift them up 10-15 times. Then, moving to the sides, lift your socks up, and bringing them down, lower them down. Repeat 10-15 times, medium pace.
This exercise allows you to perform circular movements first with your toes down and then up, which has a better effect on the foot.

The starting position is the same, but the bar is under the toes; spread your heels and bring them together, without taking your legs off the floor, in the same circular motions. Repeat 10-15 times, first lowering the heels and spreading them to the sides, and when bringing them together, lifting them up. Then perform the same number of times in a different way - raising the heels when breeding and lowering when mixing.
This execution will allow you to make circular movements first with your heels down and then up, which has a better effect on the foot.

The starting position is the same, but under the feet - a gymnastic or any other stick with a diameter of 5-8 cm; you should roll the stick with your feet - from socks to heels and back for one minute, the pace is average. When rolling, you must try to keep the stick tightly pressed with the soles of the feet.

The starting position is the same, the feet are connected, under the arch of the feet - a stick; spread the feet and bring them together, trying not to tear the arch of the feet from the stick. Repeat 10-20 times, medium pace.

The starting position is the same, under the feet of a rubber ball; roll the ball from toes to heels and back. When rolling the ball, try to keep your feet firmly pressed against the ball. Continue for one minute, the pace is medium.

The starting position is the same, feet on the floor; bend your fingers and thereby move the foot forward without lifting it from the floor (“caterpillar”). For 6–8 counts, move forward and, bending your fingers in the same way, return the feet to their original position on the same count. Repeat 10-20 times, medium pace.

The starting position is the same, sitting and bending your toes. Walking - 20-30 seconds, then walking on the outer edge of the feet - 20-30 seconds. Now, with your fingers extended, walking on your heels (15 seconds), on your toes (15 seconds) and on a full foot (30 seconds). The pace is slow.

A very effective exercise. And very difficult. Difficult not only in terms of physical, but also technically. If you slouch while doing this pull-up, then it’s better not to do it at all. And that's what most people do. The shoulder blades should be brought together and you should rise and fall clearly up and down without tilting your head. Otherwise, such pull-ups will not lead to an improvement in posture. This exercise trains the latissimus dorsi and rear delta. The advantage of these pull-ups is that even girls and pimples can do them. And the effectiveness in terms of muscle training and posture is almost the same as the previous pull-ups. For those who find it difficult, bend your legs to facilitate the exercise. You can also try doing it with a reverse grip. So it's easier to get the back to work.

Dumbbell exercises

This exercise trains the back delt and the muscles surrounding the shoulder blades. With each wave of the hands, you need to bring the shoulder blades together, while bending the back. Its effectiveness in terms of muscle pumping is low, but it has an effect on posture. Technically, this is a rather difficult exercise. If you just pull, without bending your back and without bringing your shoulder blades together, then your hands will work mainly. And we need a back. If you do it right, then the entire upper back is involved.

Exercises on simulators

Exercise is an analogue of swinging dumbbells to the sides. The bottom line is to tone the muscles of the upper central part of the back. The stronger the tone of these muscles, the straighter your posture. Such simulators are not available in all gyms. You can replace it with swings in a crossover. This exercise mimics pull-ups. Again, if you can't do this exercise straight and without hunching over, then don't do it at all. The head should be kept straight and not tilted, and the shoulder blades should be brought together. This requires some flexibility in the shoulder girdle. In the case of a strong stoop, few people manage to do this craving correctly. An analogue of dumbbell rows and pull-ups in a Smith machine. For posture, it is better to keep your back not static, but to lean a little after the handle and take your back back when you pull towards you. in general, as shown in the video, you can even get a little stronger. The essence is the same as the previous exercise. The only difference is that you can do it with one hand. But for posture it is better not to do so. For posture, it is better to do all exercises simultaneously with both hands. This works out the central muscles of the back better. As with the previous exercise, do not keep your back static.


1. I emphasize again that during all these exercises you should arch your back, bring your shoulder blades together and straighten your shoulders. Otherwise, these exercises will not help you correct your posture. 2. You don't have to do them all. Although, everything is possible. For example, from exercises 5 and 7, you can choose one thing. It is also enough to do something from exercises 4 and 6 and from exercises 9 and 10. 3. You need to stand at the wall every day. The rest of the exercises can be divided in half and done 2 times a week. Once a week one part of the exercises, another time another. 4. In general, all exercises that train the muscles of the back affect posture to one degree or another. I just took 10 which, in my opinion, do it better than the rest. 5. The younger and more flexible you are, the better it all works. But even if you are old and wooden, then at least you can develop a habit and tone your muscles. And this, judging by what I said at the beginning of the article, is 50% success. Which is not so small, and visually it will be noticeable. Good luck!

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Useful exercises for girls that will help you adjust your figure and achieve beautiful posture .

Exercises for a straight back

Lie on your back. Bend your legs and slightly spread apart. Press your feet to the floor

bend your arms at the elbows. Sit with a jerk, touch your thighs with your chest.

Return to the starting position and do the same exercise in reverse - bend your back up several times in the thoracic region, leaning on your elbows and clenching your fingers into fists. Tilt your head back slightly.

Perform both exercises 5 times, at a slow pace, without stopping.

Stand up straight. Lower your hands and bring them together from behind, connect your fingers into a “lock”. Take your hands back, bend, spring.

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Get on all fours. Spread your legs slightly, and bend your arms slightly at the elbows.

In this position, alternately straighten and arch your back like a cat. Your movements should be rhythmic and even. In between movements, try not to raise your head - it should be in line with the spine. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Stand up straight. Spread your legs slightly, and bring your hands back to the “castle”. Sharply tilt your head forward, trying to touch the base of your neck with your chin. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Without changing position, tilt your head back as far as possible and stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat these exercises several times.

Sit on the floor. Straighten your legs and put your hands behind you. Raise your pelvis, tilt your head back, bend over and stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Do the exercise 8 times.

Lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows. The hands should be turned down and parallel to the shoulders.

Straighten your arms, lifting the upper part of the body, arching the spine and slightly tilting the head back. Hold this position for 3 seconds and then lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Exercise 7

Lie on your stomach and fix your feet (for example, rest against the wall). Stretch your hands forward. As you inhale, raise your head, shoulders and straight arms off the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position. Do the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 8

Get on your knees, lean on the floor with your hands, spreading them shoulder-width apart. The arms and thighs should be at right angles to the body. Spread your knees slightly.

Breathe in and up right hand forward and up, while taking the left straight leg back and up.

Return to starting position. Then do the same with your left hand and right foot.

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 9

Get on your knees and join your legs. Raise your arms above your head, palms forward.

Straighten your back and stretch your neck.

Very slowly lean forward while sitting on your heels.

Do not lower your hands down - they should always be on the same line with the body, as if continuing it.

The head must also be still.

When you touch your knees with your chest, relax your back muscles.

With your palms touching the floor, relax your shoulder muscles and lower your head freely.

Return to the starting position, resting your palms on the floor, while tensing your back muscles.

Slowly straighten up, taking a vertical position. And at the end, lower your arms along the torso.

When bending, exhale; when straightening, inhale.

Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Sit on the floor. The back, legs and neck are straight. The toes point forward. Stretch your arms out in front of you at shoulder height, palms down. Breathe in.

As you exhale, pull your stomach towards the spine, lower your head without tension and bend your back (your body should be shaped like the letter "C"), stay in this position for 5 seconds, and then return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Lie on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet as close to your hips as possible.

Spread your arms to the sides, palms to the floor. Inhale, firmly resting your hands and head on the floor, arch your chest, trying to keep the lower part of the body as close to the floor as possible. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times.

Lie on your stomach. Fix the feet (for example, rest them against the wall).

Extend your arms forward over your head. Exhale and arch your back (loosely lowering your head).

Feel the stretch along your spine. After 5 seconds, return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

Lie on your back. Connect your legs and bend at the knees. Place your arms along your body, palms down. Breathe in. As you exhale, tilt your legs to one side, feeling the stretch in the muscles. opposite side body. Keep your feet together while keeping your shoulders and upper back off the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position.

Then do the same on the other side.

Repeat the exercise 5 times on each side.

Sit on a chair. Rest both hands on your left knee. Shift your body weight slightly forward, straighten your back, draw in your stomach. Hold this pose for as long as possible.

Try to take this position several times during the day - it is very useful.

Walk on your toes or walk with a small pillow on your head.

Exercise Tips

Do not lift one shoulder up and do not take it to the side of the stretch.

If you want to adjust your shoulders, try not to flatten your shoulder blades.

If you are more concerned about posture, then when doing the exercise, connect the shoulder blades as much as possible.

My respects, ladies and gentlemen! Today we are waiting for an unusual note designed to improve the quality of our lives, and we will talk about exercises for posture in it. After reading, you will learn what posture is, why the curvature of the spine occurs, and most importantly, what needs to be done to correct it.

So get comfortable, we're about to start.

Posture and spine exercises

To be honest, I thought for a long time whether to write an article on this topic or not. However, as soon as such lazy and bad thoughts began to visit me, the readers of the project began to write to the mail that it would be nice to see articles of a general non-pumping nature, but related to physical activity and exercise. As examples, there have been following topics- exercises for posture, in the office and at home with dumbbells, simple complexes for women, etc., and tyry-pyry. I thought, but it's true, there is practically no such information on the pages of the project. And since Since I always try to listen to your wishes and wishes, I decided to write a general trial note about improving posture and posture exercises. What came of it, now we will find out.


For a better understanding, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

What is posture

From an early age, parents tell us - do not stoop, sit correctly, keep your posture. But what is it? Let's figure it out.

Posture - in the physiological sense of the word, this is the posture of the relationship between the skeleton, muscles and other tissues, which is held in an upright position (standing, sitting, lying down) against gravity. Posture is tied to the spine (its condition), and in terms of anatomy, the latter has 3 natural bending:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbar.

When a person has correct posture, all three curves are obvious.

The human body is made up of 8 main bearing joints - shoulders (shoulders), hips (hips), knees (knees) and ankles (ankles). They all function optimally when aligned horizontally and vertically. That's just in this case, and there is a place to be even posture. When these connecting knots are "skewed", then the person has a curvature and, incl.,. To make it clearer what is at stake, compare the two images.

Curvature (misalignment) of bearing joints ...

Correct posture...

“In the world” there is the following classification according to the types of posture and curvature of the spine, and these data must be taken into account when working with weights and compiling training programs.


A certain degree of curvature of the spine begins to form in the baby already in the womb, and he comes to the surface already with certain deviations. This is due to its original position in the form of a ball.

Benefits of Good Posture

Posture is important for good health as well as proper nutrition, physical exercise and deep sleep. In fact, poor posture is the result of chronic bad habits. (including how we do our daily work). When a person performs repetitive actions or is in one position for a long time, the body begins to compensate for such activities. This causes the rest of the body to go out of balance (distortions). Posture plays a key role in the overall health of a person and the efficiency of his body.

Correct and even posture - maintaining the optimal position of the bones, muscles, joints and other tissues of the body, as intended by nature - i.e. with maximum efficiency for human productivity and life. Correct posture is often referred to as neutral alignment, which is when the weight of the body is primarily supported by the skeleton rather than the muscles.

Good posture gives its owner the following benefits:

  • reducing the risk of injury;
  • preservation of bones and joints and their reduced wear;
  • more effective work muscles - the expenditure of less energy for the performed action;
  • prevention of premature fatigue;
  • better neural connections (best channel conductivity);
  • reducing the risk of muscle strain and pain in the lower back and neck;
  • greater lung capacity - increased chest fullness with air;
  • proud gait and confident look;
  • contrasting selection against the background of other people;
  • great visual appeal;
  • more magnificent bust (women);
  • symmetrical proportions of the figure and a more aesthetic physique.

In general, the spine is the foundation and framework of a person, and the state of internal organs depends on his well-being. Each vertebra is responsible for its own organ. The general picture of connections is as follows.

What contributes to the curvature of the spine and how to counter it?

The main cause of poor posture is weak muscle tone in the core and back muscles. Muscles are simply not able to hold tension for any length of time. They need to be strengthened, and simple posture exercises help in this, which we will talk about next.

In addition, confounding factors include:

  • heredity;
  • excess weight;
  • pregnancy (fetus pulls constantly forward);
  • wearing shoes with high heels.

To get an even posture and straighten your current position, you will need 2 raw eggs, 1 spoon:

  • good muscle flexibility;
  • some mobility in the joints;
  • strong postural muscles (tonic muscles that form a person's posture and are responsible for the vertical position of the body in space);
  • balance of muscles on both sides of the spine;
  • constant awareness of one's own posture and its control.

Now let's find out what contributes to the curvature of the spine at the household level. Mainly, it is our wrong habits and how we carry out routine household operations. (including weight transfer). Very often in gyms people incorrectly drag weights from place to place - all the weight falls on a rounded back. Surely you yourself, when carrying a heavy dumbbell, take it from the floor on straight legs - this should not be done.

If you want to avoid problems with the spine and improve your posture, then remember (better print and cut) the following memo and always follow its instructions.

Another negative factor of curvature is the habit of improper sitting at the workplace (including PC). And since Many people work with immobile activities, namely sitting on a chair, it is no wonder that office workers, programmers and schoolchildren were awarded the most bad posture.

As for teenagers and their student activities, this is a completely different story. During this period, their supporting muscles of the back are still very weak / not formed, and therefore the spine easily curves from the slightest deviation from the correct sitting at the desk. Together with the fact that no one is behind the pewple (teachers, parents) does not follow, we have what we have, namely, various scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis.

To guide yourself and your child on the path of “straightening” the spine, remember the following reminders and follow their advice.

As for computer gatherings, here the landing rules are as follows (clickable).

A great contribution to the correct position of the back is made by the chair on which the person sits. Very often people choose this chair (e.g. for PC), based on beauty and fit into the interior, and not its ergonomic and orthopedic characteristics. The following checklist will help you choose the right chair.

Actually, we finished with the theory and move on to ...

The most effective posture exercises

To be honest, I could bring a whole bunch of things :) exercises for posture, but they would hardly have been completed, because you yourself know that a person is a lazy creature and does not like to spend a lot of time on bringing his loved one into shape. Therefore, we will analyze only the most simple, but effective exercises, go.

Exercise number 1. Bridge

Lie on your back, put your hands along the body. Bend your legs at the knees and lift your pelvis off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. (reference points - the back of the head, elbows and feet). Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the PI. Complete 2 approach to 12-15 repetitions.

Exercise number 2. advanced bridge

The exercise resembles the first, only there are only two reference points - the back of the head and feet, and the pelvis must be raised as high as possible. Complete 2 approach to 8-10 repetitions.

Exercise number 3. boat

Lie on your stomach and put your feet under the support (wall, sofa, battery), clasp your hands behind your head and lift your upper body as high as possible. Linger on 3-5 seconds at the top point, return to the IP. Complete 2 approach to 20 once.

Exercise number 4. Pose candle

The exercise will require some flexibility and acrobatic skills from you. Lie on your back on the floor, straighten your legs, arms along the body. Slowly lift your legs up (holding hands around waist) while maintaining balance. Fix the candle pose for 10 seconds, return to the IP. Complete 3 set of 10 repetitions.

Exercise number 5. Rybka

Lie on your stomach, put your hands back and wrap them around the lower part of your lower leg. Slowly sway, rolling from your knees to your chest.

In the picture version, a combined hodgepodge of 5 exercises to improve posture looks like this:

In addition to the exercises presented, at home, you can easily perform the following complex:

It is best to perform it by type circuit training, i.e. locomotive, one after another without rest. Number of laps from 2-3 , number of repetitions 8-10 . If the back muscles are weak, then you can perform 4 circle exercises (instead of 8 ) .

Well, that's all, now you know how to strengthen your spine and acquire a proud and straight posture.


Today we dealt with the issues of improving the quality of life, analyzed exercises for posture. Such non-iron articles will periodically appear on the project in order to please the eyes and ears of all suffering people who are far from bodybuilding and fitness, but who want to keep themselves in shape.

That's all for now, low bow and see you soon!

PS. Are you experiencing posture problems?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.


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