How to achieve correct posture. A set of exercises for a straight back. Exercises for correct posture

Gives the body mobility. Correct posture is necessary for reliable communication of the central nervous system and internal organs. When the nerve root is pinched by the vertebrae, the internal organs stop receiving all the signals intended for them, they are supplied with blood worse, and a disease develops in them. Incorrect use of the spine - the habit of stooping, carrying heavy bags in one hand, prolonged curvature in a sitting or lying position - disrupts posture, compresses the internal organs and lungs, which makes breathing difficult, and sometimes causes psychological complications. The body gets sick more often, decrepit faster. Exercises for the prevention and correction of posture, performed at home, allow you to maintain and strengthen your health, avoid various diseases, and look younger.

Correct posture

To compensate for all kinds of shocks when moving the body, a healthy spine is curved: forward - in the cervical and lumbar regions, back - in the thoracic region.

Among men who neglect exercises for posture, the so-called "flat back" is more common: there is no lumbar arch, the chest is sunken, the back is stooped, the shoulders are lowered.

In women, a round or convex-round back is more common:

  • with a round back, the spine is arched back in the thoracic region, there is almost no deflection in the lower back. To keep the balance of the back bent forward, you have to slightly bend your knees;
  • with a concave-round back, the spine takes the form of a question mark: the legs are slightly bent and divorced, the stomach sags, the chin is lowered down, the shoulder blades are protruded.

The presence of curvature of the spine is easy to check at home using tests:

First test. Stand up, take a natural relaxed posture and ask to measure the distance from the seventh vertebra (lower neck, most protruding) to the bottom of the left and right shoulder blades, as shown in the figure. In the absence of curvature of the spine, these distances are the same.

Second test. Fix on each shoulder a point slightly higher than the place where the smallpox inoculation was previously done, as shown in the figure. Measure the distance between these points, first from the side of the chest (indicated by the letter a), then from the back (indicated by the letter b). Posture is correct if distance a is 90% or greater than distance b (a ≥ 0.9 × b).

In other words, if the distance b is much greater than the distance a, the back is stooped. If distance a is not much less than or equal to distance b, the posture is perfect.

Third test. There is no curvature if the spinal column and head are in the same line, the chin is at a right angle to it, the shoulders, shoulder blades, buttocks are on the corresponding horizontal levels, the shoulder blades are pressed to the body, the chest is raised, the stomach is slightly drawn in, breathing is even and free, the muscles are in good shape, not tense, the load is evenly distributed.

Causes of poor posture

Curvature of the spine develops with weakness of the muscles, which can not cope with the load associated with upright posture. The reason may be a regular long-term presence of the body in an uncomfortable bent position.

A postural defect can develop as a result of excessive rapid growth when, in adolescence or adolescence, for one reason or another, you don’t want to be different from your peers and therefore an accelerated teenager begins to slouch.

Curvature of the spine occurs when one leg is shorter than the other, causing the pelvis to skew, in case of deformity knee joint, with flat feet. These types of violations are corrected with orthopedic shoes, it evenly distributes the load on the feet.

For correct posture it is necessary to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal and back. Strong elastic muscles allow you to correct other figure defects.

Simple posture exercises

1. Exercise against the wall. An easy way to check for violations or to form the correct posture is to stand without shoes near the wall. In the absence of a curvature of the spine, five points should be touched on its surface: the back of the head, shoulders in the region of the shoulder blades, tips of the buttocks, calves, and heels. The shoulders are slightly lowered, the stomach is pulled in, the distance from the waist to the wall is no thicker than a finger.

To form an ideal posture, correct various disorders, it is recommended to perform this exercise every day for up to half an hour. Children do every hour for 10-15 minutes so that it becomes a habit. As a rule, within a month the skill of correct posture is fixed.

2. Stand with your back to the wall, raise the picks so that the back of the head touches its surface. The chest is straightened, the shoulders are relaxed and laid back, the stomach is tucked up. Remember this state and walk around the room. Do not press your hands to the body, move them naturally.

You can complicate the exercise and walk around the room for 10 minutes, putting a light book on your head. Gradually increase the walking time to half an hour. Instead of a book, you can use a bag where you can pour 200-300g of salt.

3. Keeping the posture of the back, sit down in Turkish, then stand up. Repeat 5-10 times.

4. Stand on a low, solid bench, get off it. Repeat 25 times.

5. Exercise with a gymnastic stick. To form and correct posture, place the stick at the back perpendicular to the spine, holding it in the elbow bends, forearms and hands pointing forward, as shown in the figure below. Hold the position for up to half an hour every day. This exercise helps to form the correct beautiful posture.

Posture exercises for kids

If the child has a stoop, the following exercises will help to form the correct posture.

1. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms up, bend at the elbows, put your palms on your shoulders. Spread your arms, try to bring your shoulder blades together.

2. Sit on a chair or do the exercise while standing. Raise right hand up, bend so that the brush is behind the back above the shoulder blades. Left hand lower down and bend so that her brush is below the shoulder blades. Pass a small object with your right hand to your left (tennis ball, pen, eraser, toy). Change the position of the hands so that the left is on top and the right is on the bottom, again pass the object. Repeat 10 times.

3. Stand against the wall, the back of the head and back touch the surface. Squat down, keeping the back of the head and back in contact with the wall, stand up. Hands can be straightened in front of you or folded on your chest.

4. Stand up straight, you can against the wall. Raise bent knee right leg, press her thigh to the stomach and chest, clasping her hands. Do not lower your shoulders and do not move forward, the back is straight.

A set of exercises N.M. Amosova

Wellness gymnastics by a famous academician helps to form and maintain a beautiful, correct posture. It is also used to prevent various disorders ( age-related changes) in the spine and joints.

When mastering the complex, it is enough to choose 5-6 exercises, each perform 15-20 times. Gradually bring up to 100 repetitions, which will require regular classes and a certain time.

  1. Lying on your back, move your straightened closed legs so that your toes touch the floor behind your head. For beginners, place your head close to the wall so that your toes touch its surface. Movement develops the muscles of the abdominal press, necessary for maintaining posture.
  2. Stand up straight. Without bending your knees, tilt your torso forward, touch with your fingertips or place your palms on the floor. Beginners can bend their knees slightly or touch only their ankles with their fingers.
  3. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight. Tilt your body to the left and right. One palm slides to the knee or below, the other - up to the armpit. This exercise develops the flexibility and mobility of the spine.
  4. The starting position is the same. Rotate your arms at the shoulder joints front and back. Exercise gives a load to the thoracic spine.
  5. The starting position is the same. Raise your arms up and, bending them above your head, touch opposite shoulder blades with your palms, at the same time lower your chin down.
  6. Standing, alternately raise bent legs, trying to touch the stomach and chest with the knee.
  7. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped and pressed to the body at chest level. Rotate the upper body clockwise and counterclockwise with maximum amplitude, the pelvis and legs are motionless.
  8. Sit on a stool, securely fasten the feet. Straighten the body, bend the spine as far back as possible.
  9. Squats. When performing the exercise, beginners can maintain balance by holding on to doorjamb, securely standing furniture.
  10. . When performing, it is necessary that the elbows are almost pressed against the body. Shoulders become strong, in a standing position they will stop leaning forward, stoop disappears.

Chinese posture exercise

The proposed pose relaxes and at the same time develops the chest muscles that are responsible for breathing.

  • Stand up straight, put your fists or palms in the back below the shoulder blades, bend strongly in the thoracic region. At the same time, continue to breathe deeply, preferably through the mouth, do not hold your breath. The body is a little tense.

Performing the exercise 1-2 minutes every day, it is possible to correct posture - stoop and lowered shoulders.

Beginners should do a simpler variety at home this exercise:

  • Lie on your back, place a roller of thick fabric bend back in the spine. Feet on the floor, legs bent, hips and pelvis relaxed. Head between straightened relaxed arms, they lie on the floor.

Perform 10-20 deep breaths and exhalations. Gradually bring their number to 40-50. Then roll the body off the roller and rest.

Prevention of posture disorders

In order not to have to correct your posture and prevent the development of diseases of the spine, adults, girls and children should do the following simple exercises at home. At first, you can complete each, then make an individual complex.

Chair posture exercises:

  1. Close the hands in the lock and pull the straightened arms forward, bending in the thoracic spine.
  2. Grasp your left knee with your palms and pull your thigh as close to your chest or stomach as possible. Repeat for the other leg.
  3. Perform the previous exercise, but pull the left knee towards the right shoulder, and vice versa.
  4. Holding on to maintain balance with your right hand behind the back of a chair or door jamb, with your other hand grab the instep of your left leg and pull it, trying to touch the buttock with your heel. Repeat for the other leg.

Exercises for posture sitting on the floor:

  1. Stretch the left leg, place the foot of the right leg on the left thigh near the knee. Press on the right knee, trying to touch the floor with it. Repeat for the other side.
  2. Hands behind, supporting the body, feet on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees. Raise the pelvis so that the straightened spine is parallel to the floor, as shown in the figure above.

Exercises for correct posture lying on your back:

  1. Helping with your hands, pull the right knee to the chest, the thigh touches the stomach. Repeat for the other leg. Then pull both knees to your chest at the same time.
  2. Bend your knees, feet on the floor. Tilt your knees to the right, trying to touch the floor with them. Turn your head and neck to the left at the same time. Repeat on the other side.
  3. The starting position is the same. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, stay in the right position for a few seconds.

Gymnastics for posture in the prone position:

  1. Raise the pelvis up. Hold for a few seconds or walk around the floor on your hands and feet.
  2. Alternately lift the pelvis up and down. When moving up, bend the spine up. When moving down, bend your back, tilt your head back, strive to touch the floor with your pelvis.
  3. Get on all fours. Tilt your head down, pull your left knee in the direction of your forehead. Straighten your left leg and bend at the spine. Repeat with the other leg.

Exercise "goldfish" to correct posture

The curvature of the spine may be associated with subluxation - a partial displacement (turn) of one or more vertebrae relative to each other. As a result, the intervertebral canal becomes narrow, blood vessels and nerve roots experience pressure, become numb, pinched. Painful sensations appear, the functioning of various organs and systems of the body is disturbed.

An exercise " gold fish"perform on a flat surface:

  1. Lie on your back, head between straightened and outstretched arms, face looking forward, legs together, straightened and extended, feet perpendicular to the surface, pull socks to the face.
  2. Mentally counting to yourself to 10, stretch the spine: slowly stretch the straightened arms and the heel of the right leg in opposite directions. Hands and heels remain in contact with the surface. Perform the maximum stretch on count 7. Extend the heel of the left leg in the same way. Repeat movements 5-7 times.
  3. Place your palms under your neck. Press elbows, heels, all protruding parts of the body to the surface, pull socks to the face.
  4. Keeping the spine motionless, perform, like a fish, quick wave-like movements from left to right and from right to left with the feet and the back of the head. Perform the exercise for 1-2 minutes in the morning and evening.

To avoid violation of posture, subluxation of the vertebrae, it is worth sleeping on a hard mattress

A set of exercises for the back and press

Correct posture depends on the fitness of the abdominal muscles and back. When they are weak, it is difficult for them to maintain the vertical position of the body, the weight of the chest. As a result, the shoulders drop, the back becomes stooped.

Regular gymnastic exercises train the muscles of the back and abdomen, it restores the ability to stay in tension for a long time, maintain the correct posture. As a result, the back gets tired less, well-being improves.

A set of exercises to correct posture and strengthen muscles must be performed every other day. When the muscles get stronger, a couple of sessions a week are enough to maintain their strength.

These exercises should also be included in the individual complex. Choose the ones that are easy to come by and that bring the most benefit.

1. Strengthening and upper back. Lie down on your stomach. At the same time, raise straightened and outstretched arms and legs, bend the body to touch the gymnastic mat only with the lower abdomen and in the pelvic area. Hold this position for 30 seconds, breathe into your stomach. At correct execution breathing should not be labored. When finished, stand up and bend your back in the opposite direction.

At each lesson, increase the duration of the exercise by 5 seconds, bring it to 5 minutes. To increase the load in your hands, you can take a light dumbbell, a thick book.

This posture exercise can be performed with a gymnastic stick, holding it in outstretched arms, palms shoulder width apart.

Or hold the gymnastic stick with your shoulders and forearms, arching your back, which also improves your posture.

Another variation of this exercise is to bend your back, holding your ankles with your hands. While inhaling, bend in the spine in the lumbar region, head thrown back. Hold your breath for 5-6 seconds, sway slightly on your stomach, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat three times. The exercise strengthens the abdominal wall, hips, buttocks, stimulates blood circulation in the back, straightens the posture.

2. Strengthening the top of the press. Lie on your back, place the shins on the seat of the stool, the thighs are perpendicular to the body. Place your palms near the temples, but not on the back of the head, as shown in the figure.

Tear off the head, chest, shoulder blades from the floor. After returning to the starting position, the muscles do not relax, they retain their tone.

For beginners, 20-30 repetitions are enough. With the strengthening of the muscles of the top of the abdominal press, bring the amount to 50-100.

At the end, stretch back to stretch the abdominal muscles.

3. Strengthening the lower back and upper buttocks. Lie on your stomach, place your palms on both sides of the lower abdomen. Raise straightened legs as high as possible so that the weight of the body falls on the palms, as shown in the figure. Hold this position for 20 seconds.

When finished, stand up and bend your torso forward to relax your muscles.

At each lesson, increase the duration of the exercise by 5 seconds, bring the performance to 3-5 minutes.

4. Strengthening the bottom of the press. Lie on a gymnastic mat, place your palms under the buttocks. Draw with outstretched legs big numbers. Draw the base of the numbers just above the level of the gymnastic mat, the top - 50-100 cm from the mat. The abdominal muscles are constantly tense.

It is enough for beginners to draw numbers from 1 to 10. Every one or two lessons, draw an additional number. Gradually bring fitness to 30-50.

At the end of the exercise, while standing, bend the torso back to stretch the muscles.

5. "Keg". Squat down, arch your back, press your hands to your torso to your hips, face to your knees. Slowly roll on your back on an arched spine, while inhaling - towards the head, while exhaling - in the opposite direction. Repeat rolling 10 times.

Exercise develops the flexibility of the spine, improves blood circulation and posture.

6. "Plow". Lie on your back, arms parallel to the body, straightened legs together. While inhaling, leaning on your palms, raise your legs perpendicular to the body and at the same time tear your lower back off the mat. Continue the movement so that the toes of the straightened legs touch the floor behind the head. The back is relaxed, hold the position for 15 seconds. Gradually bring to 2-3 minutes.

Using the strength of the hands, take the starting position, feeling how the vertebrae alternately touch the mat. Lower your legs completely only after touching the mat with your tailbone.

Exercise strengthens the muscles of the back and abdominals, improves posture.

7. "Cobra". Lie on your stomach, palms at the level of the shoulder blades, arms bent at the elbows, forehead touching the rug. Toes turned inward, heels outward. Extending your arms, while inhaling, raise the top of the body, bending in the lower back. The pelvis remains on the mat. Hold your breath and tilt your head back for 5-10 seconds, do not fully straighten your arms. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. Put together, turn your head to the right and put right cheek hands, relax.

Other exercises with a gymnastic stick for posture

The muscles of the back and abdomen, which are responsible for the correct posture of the back, can be trained with the following exercises with a gymnastic stick.

1. Increase to increase the elasticity of the back and oblique abdominal muscles. Stand straight, legs wider than shoulders, chin raised, back straight. Hold the gymnastic stick with bent arms so that it touches the shoulder blades, as shown in the figure.

Unfold and simultaneously tilt the upper body to the left, return to the starting position. Do the same for the right side.

2. Increasing the tone of the muscles of the back and chest, prevention of osteochondrosis, improvement. The starting position is the same. Tilt your torso forward and at the same time stretch your arms with a stick in front of you, bend over springy twice, return to the starting position. Then bend your back in the thoracic region.

Repeat 10-15 times, do 2-3 sets.

3. Exercise to strengthen the back, correct posture. Stand up straight, legs wider than shoulders, back straight. Gymnastic stick at the back, hands of straightened arms at its ends. Bend back in the back, tighten the muscles, at the same time move the brushes along the stick until they touch in the middle.

Repeat 15-20 times, do 2-3 sets.

4. Exercise to increase the flexibility of the spine, improve posture. Lie down on your stomach. Bring straightened arms behind your back, bend your right leg, rest your foot on the middle of the gymnastic stick. Keeping contact, arch your back, head up, look forward.

Repeat 5 times on each side, do 2 sets.

Gymnastics for posture

To prevent curvature of the spine, to develop flexibility of the back, it is useful for children and adults to perform gymnastic exercises for various parts of the spine at home.

Neck department. The complex is performed sitting or standing, shoulders and back are motionless.

  1. Tilt your head back, trying to touch the back of the head with the spine, and, keeping the position of the head, pull it down. When leaning forward, touch the chin with the sternum and slide it in the direction of the navel.
  2. Turn your head clockwise and counterclockwise along an imaginary axis running parallel to the floor through the nose and back of the head. Perform the same movement when the head is tilted forward and backward.
  3. Turning the head to the left and right, trying to see behind the back.

Thoracic department.

  1. Push your shoulders forward, chin down to your chest, hands clasping your elbows bent arms. Touch the sternum with the chin and move it down, arching the thoracic region, do not raise the shoulders. Touch the back of the head with the spine, move it down, while retracting the shoulders and bending back in the chest.
  2. Bend your elbows, hands on your shoulders. Raise one shoulder and lower the other, the head and thoracic region lean towards the lowered shoulder.
  3. Stand up straight, hands down. Raise and lower the shoulders at the same time, the back is straight, the head is motionless. With each performance of this exercise for posture, strive to increase the range of motion.
  4. The starting position is the same, perform simultaneous circular movements of the shoulders back and forth.
  5. Place the fists of both hands in the lumbar region. Arch your back, trying to bring your elbows together. Perform the reverse movement - bend the arc of the thoracic spine.
  6. Standing or sitting, keep the lumbar region motionless and rotate the upper body along the axis of the spine to the left and right. Repeat the exercise with a slight tilt of the spine back and forth.


  1. Tassels on the lower back. Tilt forward straight back, look forward.
  2. Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Tilt your back back, try to close your elbows. At the point of maximum inclination, perform several springy movements. Legs are straight, breathing is free.
  3. Sit on the floor, straightened legs apart, forearms outside near the hips. Tilt the body forward, trying to touch the forehead of the right knee, the floor, the left knee.
  4. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, legs slightly bent at the knees. Rotate the head, neck, shoulders, spine along the axis of the spine to the right. The pelvis and legs remain motionless, palms on the shoulders.

A variant of this posture exercise is to perform movements with an imaginary shovel, as when transferring earth or snow alternately through the left and right sides behind you.

Back Stretching Exercises

These exercises are useful to complete one or another complex for posture. They develop flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and are necessary for the prevention of spinal diseases.

1. Lie on your back, legs bent, feet on the floor. Throw a strong fabric on the foot of your left foot (a long towel, an old sheet, the ends of the fabric in your hands). Straighten the leg perpendicular to the body, the foot is parallel to the floor. Pull the fabric towards you with your hands to create a slight tension. Make sure that the buttocks remain on the floor, and the foot is parallel to the floor. Do not forget to breathe and keep the tension in the leg for up to 30 seconds, the body is relaxed.

2. Kneel down, put your right leg back. Clasp the straightened arms with the hands at the bottom of the body. Bend as much as possible in the spine, fix the position. Repeat for each side 10 times.

3. Sit on slightly apart knees, buttocks on the heels. Place your palms in front of your knees and begin to move them forward until your forehead touches the mat. Buttocks are still on the heels. Hold the position, take a few deep breaths and exhale. It's easy to rock back and forth to stretch your spine. Slowly take the starting position. At the end, lie on your back, relax.

Exercise improves posture, prevents diseases of the spine.

4. Lie down on a gymnastic mat on your stomach, stretch your straightened arms forward with your palms down. You can put a towel roll under your forehead. When performing the exercise, the pelvis is pressed against the mat, the muscles of the buttocks and abdominals are tense. Stretch forward and raise your right hand, linger in the upper position for a couple of seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat for each side 12 times.

Modified: 08/11/2018

With the fact that physical exercises are extremely useful for people of different sexes and all age categories, no one will argue. Gymnastics for posture is quite popular, especially when it comes to the need to correct it in children. It is worth noting that gymnastics and exercises for posture include such simple complexes that absolutely everyone can cope with such exercises. About the benefits physical activity this type and specific loads are worth talking a little closer.

How gymnastics is useful for posture

Gymnastics for children and adults is one of the main sources of vigor, vitality and health. An active way of life significantly improves human brain activity and that's not all positive sides special charger. If you look closely, you can see on the video on the Internet that children perform gymnastic exercises with great pleasure and this is not in vain, because due to such physical education the following effect is achieved:

Such exercises will be especially useful for children of 6 years old, who are just being formed and can easily ruin their health due to improper body position or lifestyle.

Formation of a beautiful posture with the help of charging

Gymnastics can be done daily by every child and even an adult. For children 6 years old and a little older, you can already actively use the following exercises:

Posture exercises for children are often actively practiced in physical education classes at school, but if the child does not go there yet, parents can do gymnastics with him at home.

Gymnastics and exercises to correct posture

Charging for posture can be not only fun entertainment but also extremely useful. Gymnastics has been practiced for a long time and, as practice shows, gives very good results. To useful exercises of this type are the following:

  • Simultaneous raising of arms and legs in a prone position.
  • Lying on your back, put your hands along the body and raise your legs as high as possible without bending them.
  • Try your best possible number crawl under a chair or a rope without touching them.
  • Put a fairly thin rope on the floor and try to walk straight along it.
  • Crawl a little on all fours, while keeping your head held high.

Such gymnastics for correcting posture will be useful for children and adults, it will help to become a more active and healthy person.

What determines the effectiveness of exercise

You can often notice that correcting a child's posture, which was carried out through physical exercises, did not positive result. If everything is done correctly, then this is completely excluded, but it’s worth knowing that there are too few exercises alone and in order for them to become really good helpers, you need to do this:

The correct approach to solving the problem will not select both parents and their children for several years, but will help to avoid curvature of posture and make it correct.

Most often, the curvature of posture in children occurs due to the fact that they are not yet strong enough in the muscular corset and a large load falls on the spine. Of course, it is better to prevent the problem altogether, but if posture problems in children have already begun, they should be corrected immediately. good helpers for this will be gymnastics and exercises, and proper nutrition and taking vitamins will help maintain overall health in the normal range.

Gymnastics is very useful for posture and is almost a favorite pastime for people of all ages. Such exercises should not be too tiring, but at the same time, a person clearly needs to perform all the exercises from the complex.

Correct posture is a beautiful figure

A beautiful figure cannot be formed without the participation of a person, and everyone should understand this. If you engage in proper physical activity with early childhood, then in later life there will be no problems. You should not get carried away exclusively with physical activity of this type, because there are many more factors that have the ability to influence the human spine. You need to try to avoid injuries, constantly strengthen your own immunity, spend a lot of time in the air and eat right.

Gymnastics and exercises should be practiced absolutely every day, because only then the visible effect will come pretty quickly. It will be quite simple to choose exercises for a person of a particular age, because there are a lot of such exercises. To have it, you must definitely do gymnastics - this has long been a proven fact, which is not even worth arguing with. Charging is a lot of fun and useful, you should never miss it.

Traumatologist-orthopedist the highest category. Adult and children's specialist, Mgmu, 1998

Correct posture is an essential component of health and beauty. A stooped figure will not look beautiful even with good physical condition and enviable natural data. But the realization of this comes, most often, when the formation of the skeleton is already completed.

Does this mean that it remains only to regret the missed opportunities? No, fortunately, posture can be corrected at any age. Posture exercises will help straighten your back even for mature people, the main thing is to perform them regularly and not deviate from the intended goal.

The spinal column should be strictly vertical and symmetrical in the frontal projection, and in the side view it should have 3 smooth bends in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions, forming the shape of a flattened letter S of the Latin alphabet. This slightly undulating spine provides cushioning for running, jumping and more. vertical loads. Without these curves strike force would not be softened and hard transmitted to the intervertebral discs, constantly injuring them and causing rapid wear of the cartilage.

The correct position of the spine not only protects it from wear and tear, but also sets the correct position for all internal organs, without limiting their functionality.

People with correct posture have the greatest amplitude of respiratory movements and the maximum lung capacity. Due to the even distribution of pressure between the vertebrae, the nerve fibers are not pinched anywhere, the roots are not pinched, all signals from the brain to the muscles are transmitted without obstacles.

The luminaries of ancient Eastern medicine believed that each section of the spine is responsible for the state of certain areas of the body, and all curvatures and disorders in them affect the functioning of the internal organs under control. Therefore, a healthy spine ensures the smooth functioning of all organs and, in fact, is one of the critical factors human health and longevity. And since the correlation between the health of the spine and posture is clearly traced, we can say that correct posture is one of the most important conditions for a long and healthy life. Therefore, by performing exercises to correct your posture, you take care not only of your beauty, but also of your health.

Deviations of the spine from its normal position can be both in the frontal and in the lateral projection. Curvature of the spinal column in the frontal plane is called scoliosis, they are characterized by deviations of the axis of symmetry of the spine from the vertical in the thoracic and lumbar regions. In this case, twisting of the spine around the axis, asymmetry of the shoulders, ribs, shoulder blades, and pelvic bones can also be observed.

Deviations in lateral projection can either straighten the natural curves of the spine where they should be, or the appearance of excessive curvature.

  • Excessive deflection of the spinal column back in the thoracic region is called kyphosis, it is he who forms a stooped back, up to the appearance of a hump;
  • Kyphosis can be combined with pathological lordosis - when an excessive forward deflection is observed in the lumbar or cervical spine;
  • Another option for a violation of posture is when kyphosis is combined with straightening in the lumbar region;
  • Incorrect posture is also considered in the absence of curves of the spine - a flat back.

All types of posture disorders negatively affect not only the appearance of a person, but also health. They lead to the fact that the load on the vertebrae increases, stresses in the joints and bones are unevenly distributed. As a result, cartilage wear is accelerated, nerve endings are pinched, which causes various diseases ridge.

Posture exercises at home will help restore the physiological shape of the spinal column and prevent pathological changes.

How to identify a posture disorder

Those who suffer from posture disorders most often know about it, because most people acquire this pathology in childhood and adolescence. Although during the growth of bones and the formation of the musculoskeletal system, it is easiest to correct postural disorders. Children do not even have to do exercises to straighten their posture, it is enough to do ballroom dancing or some kind of sport: gymnastics, swimming, figure skating.

But often this opportunity is missed, and people think about the need to straighten their backs when much more effort is required to correct this shortcoming.

But even in adulthood, problems with posture can appear. The reasons for its deterioration can be:

  • Injuries;
  • Diseases;
  • Sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Excess weight;
  • Pregnancy.

These and many other factors can contribute to the fact that even normal posture can deteriorate with age. To check if your posture needs correction, the following tests will help:

  1. Bend over, rounding your back and hanging your arms down. The ribs should be symmetrical with respect to the spine.
  2. Stand up straight, without straining, and ask to measure the circumference of the shoulders with a centimeter tape at a level of 10 cm below the collarbone strictly horizontally. The front of this measurement (between the center points on the lowered arms) must be at least 0.9 of the back. That is, the distance between the shoulders on the back should be no more than 10% more than the distance measured on the chest, and ideally these values ​​should match.
  3. Stand with your back to a free vertical surface. It can be a wall without a plinth, a door without a threshold. When touching the surface with your heels, calves, buttocks and shoulder blades, is it easy for you to touch the wall with the back of your head? Depending on how difficult this position is for you, the level of tension and discomfort can be used to judge the degree of slouching. Another criterion for correct posture is that your palm should pass between the wall and the body in the waist area.

If at least one of these tests showed a negative result, then there is a violation of posture.

Exercises to straighten the spine will help to correct it; to achieve the desired result, they will have to be systematically performed for at least six months.

Important information

Correcting your posture requires not only regular exercise, but also vigilant self-control. You will need to constantly monitor the position of the spine, trying to keep your back straight. Without this, posture correction classes will not be effective.

Aligning your posture while standing against a wall usually requires a lot of effort. It is very difficult to constantly be in this position, at least at first. More affordable option straightening the stooped back, which does not require strong muscle tension, is as follows:

  1. Imagine yourself as a waltz partner. Your partner's hand rests on your back slightly above your waist. Stretch this place forward and up, as if towards an imaginary partner.
  2. Lower your shoulders freely without straining.
  3. Push the back of your head back. Raise your head a little.

This pose does not require much effort, which means it will be easier for you to maintain it throughout the day. Of course, you can’t do without exercises to improve your posture. They will strengthen the muscles of the back and the press, increase the flexibility of the joints, which will help to give the spine over time correct position everything is easier and more relaxed until it becomes a habit.

When deciding to do exercises for the back at home, follow these rules:

  • Start training at least 1-2 hours after eating.
  • Before class, always do joint exercises to warm up the muscles and warm up the joints.
  • Increase the number of repetitions gradually, avoid excessive loads.
  • Train every other day, giving your muscles time to recover.
  • It is desirable that the diet is balanced, contains a sufficient amount of proteins, calcium, phosphorus.
  • Avoid sleeping on soft and sagging mattresses. The best choice will be orthopedic mattress good firm, calculated on your weight.
  • Don't stop exercising until you reach your goal in a short amount of time. Exercises to correct posture in adults give results only after months of hard work. Perseverance and patience will definitely help you achieve beautiful posture.

A good addition to home exercises would be swimming, hanging on the bar, yoga, Pilates, dancing.

These species physical activity help straighten the spine, they will help you achieve your goal more quickly.

A set of exercises

Workouts to correct posture should be done every other day, but there is one exercise that requires daily performance. This is a wall stand. Make it a rule to go up to the wall every day and stand touching it in five places: heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and back of the head. At the same time, the stomach should be pulled in, shoulders deployed. It is difficult for most stooped people to maintain this position for a long time, it can even take their breath away.

Bring the time of standing in this rack to 10 minutes. It will be almost the best exercise to correct your posture, doing it daily, you will significantly accelerate progress towards your goal.

Lie on your back, on a hard surface, stretch your straight arms behind your head, feet at right angles to the floor. Stretch your spine, alternately moving your heels and arms to the maximum possible distance from the body. When the spine is brought to the most stretched position, put your hands behind your head, press your elbows and heels to the floor and begin to vibrate your whole body to the right and left for 1-2 minutes.

The essence of this exercise is to hold the accepted position for as long as possible. The plank strengthens the deep muscles of the body, which stabilize the spine, contributes not only to the straightening of the spinal column, but also to the creation of a harmonious muscular corset.

According to the name of this exercise, the body should take a position straightened in one line. From a prone position, take emphasis on the toes and forearms. Elbows lie on the floor in line with the shoulders, do not raise your head, look down. Try not to sag or protrude the pelvis, but to be on an imaginary straight line connecting the shoulder blades to the heels.

Put something soft under your elbows to relieve pressure on your elbows, and put on athletic shoes with flexible rubber soles to make your feet comfortable. Hold the plank position until the muscles are completely tired. Beginners with poor physical fitness manage to stand in the bar for up to 1 minute, a trained person can withstand this position from 5 minutes or more.

The number of repetitions of the exercise, start with one, gradually increase to 8-10 with short pauses to relax the muscles.

Push ups

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms and body, it is indispensable for. Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms. Bend your arms, bringing the shoulder girdle closer to the floor, the body is straightened in line with the legs. Then return to the starting position.

If this exercise is too difficult for you, you can simplify it by pushing up from a bench or even a wall at a comfortable height for you. To prevent your feet from slipping on the floor, wear shoes with rubber soles. When the muscles are strengthened, move on to push-ups from the floor, but place the emphasis on your feet not on socks, but on your knees. After mastering this exercise, move on to classic push-ups. Push up until muscle fatigue, the number of repetitions will depend on your physical form. The number of approaches is 2 or more.

Lying on your back, take emphasis on the shoulders and feet of the legs bent at the knees, lifting the pelvis and straining the buttocks. The arms are stretched out on the floor along the torso, the body from the knees to the shoulder blades is straightened in a straight line, the buttocks are tense. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower your pelvis to the floor.

Repeat up to 15 times in 2 sets, reaching this number of repetitions gradually.

Complicated bridge

The previous exercise is complicated by the fact that the emphasis is not on the shoulders, but on the back of the head. The neck is tense, the pelvis is raised as high as possible. Start with 2-3 reps, gradually work your way up to 10 reps in 2 sets.

This exercise has several variations. To enhance its effectiveness, perform each of the options 15-20 times.

Lying on your stomach, place your heels under a support (wardrobe, sofa, radiator). Put your hands behind your head and interlace your fingers together, elbows apart. Raise your head and upper part body as high as possible, bringing the shoulder blades together and freezing at the top point for 3-5 seconds, and then lowering the head to the floor and relaxing.

Lying on your stomach, arms along the body, rest on the floor. Tear off the floor and try to raise straight legs, bending in the lower back. At the point of maximum leg lift, fix the position for 3-5 seconds.

Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, Bend in the back, raising straight legs and arms at the same time, socks extended. Hold for 3-5 seconds at the maximum lift.


Lying on your stomach, bend your knees. Grasp your ankles with your hands and lift your legs, lifting your knees off the floor. Roll on your stomach from your chest to your knees and back.


Lying on your back, lift your straight legs up and wind them behind your head, lifting your pelvis off the floor. The arms are extended along the body and rest with the palms on the floor. Try to touch the floor behind your head with your toes, linger in this position, feeling the stretch in your back muscles.


Lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise straight legs together to a vertical position, and then, lifting the pelvis off the floor, do vertical rack on the shoulder blades, supporting the body with the hands with emphasis on the elbows.

Standing on all fours, alternately round your back, lowering your head down and arching, tilting your head as far back as possible. 10-15 repetitions.


The bridge exercise perfectly develops the flexibility of the spine. Its development will have a beneficial effect on posture and, moreover, will allow you to arouse admiration by demonstrating this spectacular acrobatic element.

Start mastering the bridge by doing it from a prone position. Place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible, rest your palms on both sides of your head, fingers towards your shoulders. Raise the body while straightening the limbs. The head is lowered down, the back is maximally bent.

If you can’t immediately make a bridge from the floor, start mastering this posture exercise while lying on your back on some kind of support - a fitball or a bench. Having learned how to make a bridge from a support, and then from the floor, it's time to move on to mastering this rack from a vertical position.

To learn how to perform a bridge from a standing position, you will need regular training against the wall. Stand with your back to the wall and take two steps away from it. Bend back and, "stepping" your hands along the wall, go down as far as your flexibility allows, and then use your hands to return to the starting position. By doing this regularly, you will be able to go lower and lower until you reach the floor.

When you can easily bend, leaning your hands against the wall, all the way to the floor and return to a standing position, you can master the bridge without the support of the wall. At first you will need insurance, ask your partner to support you behind your back at the waist.

Put your feet broader than the shoulders, lift your arms up and begin to bend back, while bending your knees and pushing your pelvis forward to maintain balance. Tilt your head down, you should see the space behind you. When you stoop low enough, you should fall onto your half-bent, springy arms. At this point, the first time you need a safety net, and with the development of the exercise, you will be able to perform this stance on your own.

You can get up from the bridge by lifting one arm off the floor and turning on your side. But it is more effective to rise from the bridge without the help of hands. To do this, you need to transfer the center of gravity to the legs and, pushing off the floor with your hands, straighten up with the help of the efforts of the back muscles and the press. Mastering the ascent from the bridge is also desirable with the safety net of a partner.

Mastering the bridge stance will make classes aimed at correcting posture more interesting, and increase motivation for training.

Upon their completion, you will get a double result - mastering a spectacular acrobatic element and achieving your main goal - a beautiful proud posture.

A straight back is not only beautiful, it is also a guarantee correct operation all internal organs. By doing posture exercises at home, just a couple of times a week, you can prevent back pain and slouching.

For most people, as they age, the spine curves and their posture changes. Every year, without constant exercise, the back muscles lose their flexibility and weaken, sedentary work and lack of physical activity speed up this process at times.

Causes of curvature of posture

There are many reasons why you may have bad posture. These are injuries and hereditary diseases, but most often the curvature of the spine occurs at an early age.

Spinal problems lead to:

  1. hereditary diseases.
  2. Uncomfortable mattress that makes you uncomfortable.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Injured back during childbirth.
  5. Spinal microtrauma.
  6. Work in a seated and uncomfortable position.
  7. Constant carrying bags on one shoulder.
  8. Wearing shoes with heels only.
  9. Atonicity of the back muscles.

AT childhood Back problems are much more common than in adults. This is due to the fact that the children's spine develops very quickly, and the elastic muscles of the back deform much faster if the rules are not followed. But also in childhood, it is much easier to correct your posture if you do daily exercises.

How to Check Your Posture

If you have the correct posture, then the head and body should be at the same level vertically. At the same time, the shoulders are slightly deployed and are located at the same height and are equal horizontally.

If visually observed, then the spine itself, along its axis, should be without curvature. The chest area may be somewhat convex, as well as the abdominal area, may be slightly retracted or convex. If there are no back problems, then a person is able to easily straighten his legs at the knees, and does not experience discomfort when he uses the hip muscles. The legs brought together should be straight, and the knees, hips, heels and shins should be completely closed.

In order to find out if you have problems with your posture, you need to stand with your back against the wall and lean against it tightly. The feet should also be brought together and firmly pressed against the wall. The head is straight, and the back of the head is leaning against the wall. Lower your arms down and hold at your sides. Ask someone close to stick their hand between the wall and the lumbar region. If the hand passes freely between the wall and the lumbar zone, then this means that you have an even posture. When the muscles of the abdominal zone are weakened and move the spine back, then there is a curvature of the posture.

Posture correction exercises for adults and children may differ. The best thing, of course, is to contact specialists who will develop an individual training program for you. It will be necessary to work notably in order to improve posture, and not one month. General recommendations workouts are as follows:

  • Before starting each session, warm up the muscles of the whole body for at least 10 minutes;
  • The training program should include the study of not only the muscles of the back, but also the abdominal region, pelvis, neck, shoulder girdle;
  • The intensity of training should be increased gradually, and very slowly, in order not to worsen the situation even more;
  • Start classes no less than an hour after eating, no matter how uncomfortable you feel;
  • Train every other day, at the same time, in order to allow the muscles to rest and recover.

You must realize that in a few workouts you will not improve your posture. Set yourself up for the long haul.

Posture exercises

The set of exercises for posture presented below is focused on a wide range of muscles of the back and the whole body. All exercises go to chronological order, and it is not desirable to change their sequence.

· Pushups

A series of exercises to improve posture should begin with push-ups from the floor. This is a very versatile exercise that will strengthen your core and shoulder girdle muscles.
2 sets of 15-20 reps.

Exercise "Boat"

Lie on your stomach on the floor and stretch your arms forward, palms should be on the floor. Arms and legs should be slightly apart, about shoulder width apart. You need to try to simultaneously bend back, using your arms and legs, lingering in this position for 10-15 seconds.
Initial reps: 4 bends for 10-15 seconds.

Exercise "Swallow"

Lie down, as in the previous exercise. This time you need to bend back only the body and arms, trying to bring your hands together behind your back as much as possible. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds. It will be a little hard at first, and you can start with five seconds, gradually increasing the time.
Initial reps: 4 bends for 10-15 seconds.

Useful exercises for girls that will help you adjust your figure and achieve beautiful posture .

Exercises for a straight back

Lie on your back. Bend your legs and slightly spread apart. Press your feet to the floor

bend your arms at the elbows. Sit with a jerk, touch your thighs with your chest.

Return to the starting position and do the same exercise in reverse - bend your back up several times in the thoracic region, leaning on your elbows and clenching your fingers into fists. Tilt your head back slightly.

Perform both exercises 5 times, at a slow pace, without stopping.

Stand up straight. Lower your hands and bring them together from behind, connect your fingers into a “lock”. Take your hands back, bend, spring.

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Get on all fours. Spread your legs slightly, and bend your arms slightly at the elbows.

In this position, alternately straighten and arch your back like a cat. Your movements should be rhythmic and even. In between movements, try not to raise your head - it should be in line with the spine. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Stand up straight. Spread your legs slightly, and bring your hands back to the “castle”. Sharply tilt your head forward, trying to touch the base of your neck with your chin. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Without changing position, tilt your head back as far as possible and stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat these exercises several times.

Sit on the floor. Straighten your legs and put your hands behind you. Raise your pelvis, tilt your head back, bend over and stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Do the exercise 8 times.

Lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows. The hands should be turned down and parallel to the shoulders.

Straighten your arms, lifting the upper part of the body, arching the spine and slightly tilting the head back. Hold this position for 3 seconds and then lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Exercise 7

Lie on your stomach and fix your feet (for example, rest against the wall). Stretch your hands forward. As you inhale, raise your head, shoulders and straight arms off the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position. Do the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 8

Get on your knees, lean on the floor with your hands, spreading them shoulder-width apart. The arms and thighs should be at right angles to the body. Spread your knees slightly.

Inhale and lift your right arm forward and up while bringing your left straight leg back and up.

Return to starting position. Then do the same with your left hand and right foot.

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 9

Get on your knees and join your legs. Raise your arms above your head, palms forward.

Straighten your back and stretch your neck.

Very slowly lean forward while sitting on your heels.

Do not lower your hands down - they should always be on the same line with the body, as if continuing it.

The head must also be still.

When you touch your knees with your chest, relax your back muscles.

With your palms touching the floor, relax your shoulder muscles and lower your head freely.

Return to the starting position, resting your palms on the floor, while tensing your back muscles.

Slowly straighten up, taking a vertical position. And at the end, lower your arms along the torso.

When bending, exhale; when straightening, inhale.

Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Sit on the floor. The back, legs and neck are straight. The toes point forward. Stretch your arms out in front of you at shoulder height, palms down. Breathe in.

As you exhale, pull your stomach towards the spine, lower your head without tension and bend your back (your body should be shaped like the letter "C"), stay in this position for 5 seconds, and then return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Lie on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet as close to your hips as possible.

Spread your arms to the sides, palms to the floor. Inhale, firmly resting your hands and head on the floor, arch your chest, trying to keep the lower body as close to the floor as possible. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times.

Lie on your stomach. Fix the feet (for example, rest them against the wall).

Extend your arms forward over your head. Exhale and arch your back (loosely lowering your head).

Feel the stretch along your spine. After 5 seconds, return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

Lie on your back. Connect your legs and bend at the knees. Place your arms along your body, palms down. Breathe in. As you exhale, tilt your legs to one side, feeling the stretch in the muscles. opposite side body. Keep your feet together while keeping your shoulders and upper back off the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position.

Then do the same on the other side.

Repeat the exercise 5 times on each side.

Sit on a chair. Rest both hands on your left knee. Shift your body weight slightly forward, straighten your back, draw in your stomach. Hold this pose for as long as possible.

Try to take this position several times during the day - it is very useful.

Walk on your toes or walk with a small pillow on your head.

Exercise Tips

Do not lift one shoulder up and do not take it to the side of the stretch.

If you want to adjust your shoulders, try not to flatten your shoulder blades.

If you are more concerned about posture, then when doing the exercise, connect the shoulder blades as much as possible.