How to make a swan out of tires is an easy option. Rubber swans from tires or poverty in the heads. How to color a tire swan

Many car owners have old tires gathering dust in the garage - they are either too lazy to throw them away, or there is no time, or they are deliberately saved in case they “suddenly come in handy”. Old tires are most often used to create borders, decorative flower beds, equipping sports and courtyard grounds, or they are used to create original decorations for the garden and yard. One of the decor options is swans from old car tires. Any craftsman will be able to make them with their own hands, from the materials you will need only tires and some improvised tools and a couple of hours of your time.

Tire swans: original garden decoration

Probably, there is no town in the territory of the countries of the former USSR that would not have garden or courtyard decor in the form of car tires. With skillful execution, such crafts look aesthetically pleasing, original, their creation is quick, simple and economical from the financial and time side. A decorative swan, or rather a composition of a pair of swans, will add zest to your site and will invariably attract the attention of guests.

Did you know? The history of the appearance of car tires goes back almost 200 years - the first such invention was patented and presented to the public in 1846.

How to make a swan out of a tire: step by step instructions

It is desirable to create an original decoration for the garden on the street, because during the cutting process, the rubber will heat up, releasing chemical hazardous substances, which will not be easy to vent out of the room. If you are working in a garage, it is advisable to wear a respirator.

Necessary materials and tools

Of the tools you will need:

  • drill (can be replaced with a sharp knife);
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • work gloves;
  • roulette.
Required materials include:
  • tires in the desired quantity;
  • thick wire (1.5-2 m);
  • thin wire (20 cm);
  • decoration paints (white, red, black), resistant to sunlight and precipitation.

Important!It is advisable to choose tires that are "bald" and with nylon cord reinforcement, and not metal - this will greatly simplify the process of working with them, as well as protect against possible injury.

Manufacturing process

To begin with, let's consider the features of marking, because without it it will hardly be possible to cut a beautiful swan. First, you need to draw two lines parallel to the inner hole of the tire, exactly half the product - these will be the wings. Along the outer edges, the distance from the beginning to the end of these lines will be equal to the length of the neck and head. The head will rest on the tail.

The main dimensions of the parts of the swan:

  • beak (length 9 cm, width 4 cm);
  • head (length 11-12 cm, width 8 cm);
  • neck (width at the head 4 cm, at the base 10 cm).

When all the materials are prepared, you can begin the process of creating garden decorations:

  1. Wash tires thoroughly to remove dust and other contaminants. This will simplify and make further work with them more pleasant, moreover, the paint will lay down on a clean product and stick to it much better.
  2. When the tires are dry, mark with chalk and a tape measure. Wings can be made in the simplest way - by drawing semi-ovals, or you can make them curly.

  3. It's time to put on goggles and thick protective gloves or gloves. At this stage, it is necessary to make several holes on the head and beak of the swan using a knife or drill so that a jigsaw can be inserted into the opening. If you make such holes throughout the pattern, it will be much easier to cut.

  4. The most responsible, time-consuming and traumatic stage is cutting according to the pattern. It is best to work with a jigsaw at medium speed, moving in the direction from the base of the neck to the head of the bird.

  5. When the swan is cut out, it is necessary to process the sections with a knife or a grinder: make them smooth and more accurate.

  6. The product must be turned inside out so that the swan takes a more believable position.

  7. Now you need to work with the head and neck of the product, since without a frame they will not be able to take the desired elegant shape. To do this, you need to make double holes in the center of the neck every 15-20 cm and insert thin wire staples into them. Then it remains to thread a thick wire through them, which serves as a frame, and give the sculpture the desired position.

  8. The final stage is painting the swan in white or another desired color.

Important! In the process of cutting out the pattern, you need to work with a jigsaw in parallel, in small sections of 5-10 cm, immediately cutting out both sides of the swan.

To make the decor look more organic in the garden composition, you can additionally make a simple swan stand from the same tires. To imitate a peephole, the hats of large bolts are well suited, which can then be painted black.

Increasingly, passing by a well-groomed courtyard, one observes picturesque scenery, where swans made of tires attract the main attention. Marveling at the craftsmanship of craftsmen, one involuntarily has a desire to design their own summer cottage in a similar way. The opinion about the difficulties of the technological process of cutting out figures from tires is erroneous; with a detailed study of the issue, there are no particular difficulties in making a swan.

The main stages of making a swan

The stage of creating a vending scenery is preceded by preparatory actions. Having shown concern in advance about the availability of the necessary tools and improvised materials, you will not have to be distracted by trifles. With a certain skill, one day off is enough to make a swan out of tires.

Tools and materials

To create an outstanding swan will help you:

  • angle grinder (colloquially - grinder) or electric jigsaw;
  • electric drill;
  • pliers, wire cutters and a knife;
  • metal rod for fixing the neck;
  • chalk for marking;
  • weather-resistant paint to give the figure of a swan an aesthetic look.

Special attention should be paid to old tires intended for making a swan. Pretty worn products are optimally suited, that is, almost bald tires. This will greatly facilitate the process of working on the future swan. Give up on the idea of ​​using studded tires.

Important ! Ease of operation and further safety of operation of the finished figure will be provided by a tire with nylon reinforcement. This product is easy to cut with a knife. Rubber with a metal cord, in addition to being difficult to process, can cause minor cuts.

In the absence of your own material for the swan, the problem is solved by a visit to the nearest tire shop. One tire is enough for a figure, but it is better to stock up on a couple of extra copies for experimental actions. Before starting the cutting procedure, the tires are thoroughly washed and dried. All activities are desirable to organize in the fresh air.

Cutting and shaping process

The markup scheme directly affects the final appearance of the swan figure. If you make the cuts correctly, the process of eversion of the tire will be greatly facilitated. Most often, R13 rubber is taken as the basis, its circumference is 1.8 m. First of all, the middle of the tire is marked with chalk. In a harmonious sculpture, most of the circumference of the tire is occupied by a neck with a beak. The proportions of the swan are as follows:

  • neck - 0.95 m;
  • head - 0.1 m;
  • beak - 0.09 m.

The photo shows examples of cutting tires.

The basic steps for carving a swan are as follows:

  • The nylon reinforcement of the rubber will allow the procedure for cutting out the swan pattern with a knife. With periodic wetting of it in a soapy solution, the process will accelerate.
  • Making a swan out of a tire with a metal cord is more difficult. To do this, you will have to use a grinder or an electric jigsaw. One swan will need 3 disks. The use of work gloves, goggles and closed shoes will prevent the possibility of traumatic situations.
  • It is more convenient to work with a jigsaw. Beforehand, for planting a file in a tire, it is necessary to make a hole, a drill or a chisel will help in this. High speed increases tool wear, it is optimal to set the speed below medium and use a saw with a reverse tooth. The rubber does not get very hot.
  • The absence of electric tools is not an obstacle - a metal file can replace them, although making a swan will not work quickly.
  • Cutting tires begin along the contour of the head and neck. Do not get carried away with one side of the figure, otherwise the procedure for cutting out the opposite part will become much more complicated. It is much faster to make a swan with alternate incisions on both sides.
  • Then they move on to the tail, its length is about 25 cm. Work is carried out in a similar way.
  • To give the swan blank the required volume, it is laid down on the ground with the cut part and the side elements are pulled up, holding the central part with the foot. The whole process is quite labor intensive.
  • The side half rings, imitating the wings of a swan, are lowered down. The metal reinforcement of the tires needs additional processing with a grinder. However, even these actions do not exclude the risk of injury from protruding reinforcement. Therefore, sculptures made of tires with metal reinforcement are used exclusively as a decoration in a summer cottage. For a playground, it is better to make a swan from a tire with a nylon cord.
  • Fixing the neck allows you to achieve the resemblance of a swan made of tires with the original. It's easy to do. Along the length of the neck, two holes are drilled parallel to each other at intervals of 15-20 cm, they are located along the center line. Staples are prepared from soft wire and inserted into the holes. They are designed to fasten a thick steel wire or a metal rod 150 cm long. The lower end is caught at the base on the inside of the neck, and the second edge ends at head level.
  • At the final stage, the neck of the swan is arched in a proper way, pieces of rubber are suitable as the eyes of the bird, they are fixed with screws. Notches on the side of the tires imitate the plumage of a swan.

The desire to equip a summer cottage with a fairy-tale character is easily feasible - put a crown from a plastic bottle or tin can on the head of the sculpture, and the swan princess is ready!

Coloring and arrangement of sculptures

Coloring the figure of a swan gives it an aesthetic appearance. In addition to the traditional white version, versions with a silver or golden tint are sometimes used. Black birds look extraordinary and solemn. Any paint intended for external work will help to make a high-quality color. For a swan made of tires, nitro paints, enamel or oil products are suitable. Spray-on automotive paint residue is a perfectly acceptable option. The main thing is that the surface of the tire must be clean and dry before starting work. After applying the base layer, you can show your imagination and decorate the figure of a swan with acrylic material. The drawn head with a beak and plumage give the tire sculpture a naturalistic look.

It is worth paying attention to the location of the swan figure. When placed in the front garden near the entrance, it is enough to make a stand from the second tire and paint it blue. The sculpture of a swan is easily transformed into a small flower bed - just pour earth inside the tire and plant your favorite flowers that are unpretentious in care. In the summer cottage, it is better to resort to more complex decoration. The main habitat of majestic birds is water bodies. Therefore, the figure of a swan made of tires organically looks in a small pond. Making it is pretty easy. A small pit is covered with a film, pressed down with stones along the edges, pebbles are laid on the bottom. Timely replacement of water will not allow it to stagnate. An imitation of a reservoir for a tire figure is also appropriate. It is enough to make a mound of small stones in a small area and paint them blue. Additional design in the form of green spaces around will enhance the decorative effect of the tire swan figure.

What can be made from tires

The idea of ​​using improvised materials in landscape design is not new. Designers gave a name to this trend in the art of territory design - trash art. In addition to the favorite swans, you can make a lot of decorative figures or useful elements for giving from tires. By analogy with a swan, it is easy to make a bright parrot out of a car tire. In the future, the figure is used as a hanging flower bed.

The easiest way to make a border for the front garden is from an old tire. Possession of artistic talent allows you to apply a fancy pattern to the fence, which will delight the eye even on a cloudy day in late autumn.

The original idea is to make a swing for a child out of an old tire. It can be a rocking chair or a hanging version of the design.

All sorts of variations of flower beds are the most popular way to make a necessary household item out of a car tire.

Craftsmen manage to make even pieces of furniture out of rubber - tables and chairs of various designs, a familiar decor in many dachas.

Let's figure out how we will make our swan.

First of all, you need to choose the necessary tire, the most suitable for the job. This means that it is better to find the most “bald”, for those reasons that it will be easier to cut. It is very good if there is a longitudinal pattern on it - this will also greatly facilitate the process.

Some tires have steel cord reinforcement (breaker). It is difficult to cut such a tire, in addition, there may be sharp ends of the cord sticking out at the cut site, which can cause injury both during operation and on the finished product. Therefore, preference should be given to an old tire with a nylon cord (in the marking on there should be the words “Steel”).

The selected tire must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt, washed and dried - it is simply more pleasant to work with clean material.

Let's get the tool ready. You will need:

  • chalk for marking;
  • roulette;
  • electric drill;
  • drills 3 and 10 mm in diameter;
  • sharp knife (with a powerful blade, such as a shoe);
  • jigsaw;
  • "Bulgarian" with a cutting disc;
  • pliers.

From additional materials:

  • wire for staples;
  • plastic metal rod (or thick wire) 1.2 - 1.5 meters long;
  • paint to give the finished "swan" the desired color.

Of course, you need to be patient - the process is quite laborious and complicated. It is better to choose a fine day for work in order to carry out the whole process in the open air - in the process of drilling or cutting, the rubber burns, which is accompanied by an unpleasant and difficult to weather odor.

Product markup

So, for example, we are working with an R13 tire, 165 mm wide. Its circumference is 180 cm.

Marking should begin with drawing two marks (lines) dividing the circumference of the tire approximately in half, this, in fact, is the length of the “neck” of the future “bird”.

We mark the future neck

Further, on the tread part of the tire, the “beak”, “head” and “neck” of the swan are drawn in sequence. Well, if the old tread pattern has a visible center line - this will greatly simplify the markings. If not, then it will not be difficult to carefully draw it with chalk.

So, from the first risk, a “beak” is drawn symmetrically to the center line, the length of which is 8-9 centimeters, the width is 3-4. The "beak" passes into the "head", 10-12 centimeters long and 7-8 wide.

It is clear that where the “head” ends, the “neck” begins, which gradually expands towards the “body”, at its beginning it is 4-5 centimeters wide, by the end it reaches 8-10. The marking of the “neck” ends on that line which divided the tire in two.

The last markup element is the tail. Partially, it is already outlined, its fork is what happens when cutting out the "beak". It remains only to draw two parallel lines with a distance between them of about 8 centimeters (along the width of the “head”), about 30 centimeters long.

Marking the tail

They learned how to make a swan, deal with now. Including :)

We plant a rhododendron in our garden.

cutting process

Perhaps this is the most time-consuming manufacturing step, requiring patience, skill and extra care to avoid injury. Probably, it would be useful to remind you that the work must be carried out in strong work gloves in order to protect the hands as much as possible.

Remember safety! Do not neglect protective equipment: gloves and special glasses.

Cutting is carried out from the base of the neck to the head.

Depending on the material of the tire and the degree of wear and tear, this can be done in different ways. A heavily worn, thinned tire may give in to a cobbler's knife. A thicker tread can be cut with a grinder, but this process is quite dangerous and is accompanied by an abundance of smoke and the smell of burnt rubber.

If there is a jigsaw of sufficient power available, then, after making the initial holes with a grinder, it is better to use it.

Experience shows that it is better to choose a jigsaw file with fairly frequent teeth pointing upwards - this way the process is greatly simplified. The operation should not be carried out at a high speed of the tool, on the contrary, it should be reduced by half.

To stick the jigsaw file in the right place, you can make a slot with a grinder or simply drill holes at the edges of the "neck" with a 10 mm drill. By the way, the work will be greatly simplified if the same holes are drilled at all the turning points of the markup.

It will be a big mistake to cut one side first and then switch to the other; in this case, working with a jigsaw will be complicated by strong vibration that interferes with the process. It is better to cut both sides in parallel, in small sections of 4 - 5 centimeters. You can simplify cutting by resting the tire from the inside against a piece of bar (board), gradually moving it as needed.

We saw with an electric jigsaw along the marked lines

Having finished cutting, it is necessary to carefully process the edges of the resulting parts. If there was a metal cord in the thickness of the tread, you will need a “grinder” to grind off the protruding steel wires. If the cord was nylon, it will be enough to cultivate the edges with a sharp knife.

Turning the tire inside out and giving the “neck” the necessary bend

In order for the “wings” resulting from the sidewalls of the tire to gain the proper span after cutting, the cut tire must be turned inside out. It won’t be much work - a little effort with the hands and the help of the legs will quite easily turn out the tire that has lost its integrity.

We turn the tire inside out, it will take some effort of the hands and feet :)

As a result, the “swan” has already spread its “wings”, but now its “neck and head” lie limply on the ground - they need to be strengthened and bent in the proper way. For this, you will need a prepared steel bar.

To begin with, it is necessary to drill paired holes along the center line, symmetrically to it, with a diameter of 3 mm. They are drilled from the center of the "head" to the beginning of the "tail", with a distance between pairs of holes - about 15 centimeters.

We drill paired holes along the neck every 15 cm.

The required number of soft wire staples are being prepared, which are threaded into the holes made. These braces will hold the metal bar to stiffen the structure.

We insert such staples into the paired holes in the swan's neck

Insert brackets like this

It is better to start laying the rod from the bottom, twisting the protruding ends of the brackets around it with pliers. After cutting off the excess, the “swan neck” can be given a characteristic bend.

To some it may seem simpler or more affordable to use a steel strip instead of a bar - this is also a completely acceptable solution. In this case, steel and rubber can be connected using bolts or rivets.

We fix the metal rod along the neck with prepared staples

In fact, the “mechanical” part of the work is finished.

Do you love flowers? Read about

For those people who appreciate beauty, there are many ways to decorate the space around them, whether it be a workplace, a front garden, an apartment or a front yard. For example, you can use old car tires as a small flower bed or to create different shapes. Very often you can see how a swan or other animals made from old tires flaunt in front of the fence of a private house. The tire can serve as a flower bed - this use of old tires can be seen in the yards of high-rise buildings and on the playgrounds of kindergartens.

Tire swan: master class

Step-by-step instructions will help you make a swan out of unnecessary tires, and even if it doesn’t work out the first time, you don’t need to get upset: this is a rather painstaking work. First you need to find a tire that will be the most comfortable to use. For such a task, any "bald" tire that has a longitudinal pattern is suitable. It will be better cut, and it will be easier to make the desired figure out of it. The tire must be washed and dried before starting work to make it easier to work with.

So, on the tire you need to apply lines with chalk, which will divide it in half, the lines should be parallel to each other. With the help of this action, the image of the neck of a swan is created. After that, you need to draw a beak that will go from the first center line, its length should be no more than 9 cm. Next, the beak should go into the swan's head, its length is about 12 cm, its width is up to 8 cm. has a width of 5 cm, and closer to the body it expands to 10 cm.

The tail is made using two parallel lines that are 8 cm wide and about 30 cm long. The fork of the tail is the result after cutting the beak, so the tail is the easiest to make. After all the elements of the swan are drawn, you need to move on to the clipping, for such a process you need to get gloves and glasses.

You can use a grinder to cut the swan if the tire is pretty hard, but after all the main lines are cut out, it's better to use an electric jigsaw. It is better to move with a grinder on two lines at once, making cuts of 5-6 cm on each of them, so the process will speed up and facilitate. If you cut one side first and then the other, the process will be longer. After all the elements are cut out, they need to be trimmed along the edges so that there are no sharp or torn areas.

In order for the swan to gain wings, the span of which is quite large, the tire must be turned inside out, for this it is necessary to apply the efforts of the legs and arms at the same time.

To strengthen the neck and head, you need to use a steel bar. To do this, you need to drill paired holes on the rubber along the centerline, the distance between which will be at least 15 cm. You need to drill from the head to the tail, and then thread a soft wire into each hole. With it, the rubber is attached to a metal rod, and the swan acquires a clear silhouette.

It is better to lay the rod, starting from the bottom of the swan, so the ends of the soft wire can be twisted around it. After the neck is attached, it must be bent until a true swan curve is obtained.

In principle, the figure of the swan is ready, now you need to paint it, even if the swan is black. But before painting, the swan must be inspected for sharp or uneven elements so that neither children nor adults can get hurt.

Tire swan: decor options

The bird can be painted white or black, depending on the desire of the owner. Be sure to highlight the beak with a bright color, for example, red or orange. The main thing is that the paint with which the swan is painted should be resistant, because he will constantly be on the street.

You can also make eyes for a swan by painting the spots black, or using large nails for this. You can choose the color scheme at your discretion, it is not necessary to use white or black.

Such a scheme for making a rubber swan is considered the easiest, so you can not look for other options. And for a visual explanation of each step, you can watch training videos, and, following the example, make your own swan.

Also, the swan can be placed in different places, for example, near some flower or in the garden, in front of the yard or, directly, in the yard itself. As a stand, you can use another whole tire or sand.

In any case, many will like this way of decorating the yard: family members, children, and even animals.

What can be made from tires: video

Swans from car tires are an adornment of many garden and summer cottages. Simple crafts from old tires even belong to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bcreativity called trash art (literally - “art from garbage, unnecessary trash”). Resourceful gardeners and summer residents have been making such birds since Soviet times, so we can say about the existence of work techniques that will help in the end to get a beautiful and high-quality craft. If you are wondering how to make a tire swan, please follow us!

Well, let's get down to business. How to make a swan from a tire with your own hands? First of all, we will prepare everything necessary for creativity:

  • An old tire (or a few old tires if you want to decorate the garden with a whole pack).
  • Electric jigsaw or grinder (angle grinder).
  • Electric drill.
  • Pliers, cutters.
  • Technical knife.
  • Chalk, marker for marking.
  • Metal rod.
  • Paint for the future animal.

Choosing tires

To get beautiful and durable swans from tires, the first step is to take care of choosing the right material for the job. So what we need the most:

  • Old tires from cars. At the same time, the emphasis is on their age and deterioration - tires must be worn to the limit. Motorists also call such tires “bald”. In a word, the more hopeless the material for the driver, the better it is for our tire swan (we will discuss how to make a garden decoration in more detail later).
  • But imported tires, especially studded ones, will not be so good for crafts.
  • The best option is rubber with a nylon cord. It can be easily cut with a knife. But if the cord is metal, then you can’t do without special tools (we listed them).

You don't have to be a car owner if you want to learn how to make a tire swan. For material, you can contact the tire shop - they will give you their used tires. Calculation: one swan = one tire. If you are not confident in your abilities, you want to experiment, then you can take more tires.

Work is best done outdoors, in the same garden. Tires need to be prepared for the process - washed and dried thoroughly.

And now let's move on to step-by-step instructions on how to make a swan from a tire.


First of all, we outline the outline of the future bird. How to make a swan from a tire at this stage:

  1. With chalk, divide the tire into two halves along the length.
  2. In the second stage, we draw the neck, head and beak, focusing on the middle markup.
  3. The length of the element from the base of the neck to the beak must be more than 1/2 of the tire circumference. For example, if the latter is 180 cm, then we need to measure at least 95 cm.
  4. To make the head proportional, we make its length 10 cm. The beak will then be 9 cm.

Carving the neck, head and beak

Instructions on how to make a swan from a tire continue with the next step - cutting out the figure. Here is what we need to consider here:

  1. We cut the tire along the contours of the head, neck and beak.
  2. If we have an old-style tire in front of us (with a nylon cord), then we can handle it with one technical knife without any problems. We recommend dipping its blade in soapy water from time to time to make your job easier.
  3. If there is a metal cord on the tire, then you will have to turn to a grinder. Work with a grinder is best done outdoors. Take care of your safety - closed shoes and clothing, protective gloves are required.
  4. If you are using a grinder, then up to 3 grinding wheels will go to one swan - rubber well increases their consumption. The method of such work is fast, but not environmentally friendly. Warm rubber will smell characteristically. Do not forget about soot and burning.
  5. According to step-by-step instructions, a swan from a tire can also be cut out with a jigsaw - with this tool, work will be much more pleasant than with a grinder. But in this case, you need to make a hole in the tire - for the sawing plant. Need a drill or chisel.
  6. How to work with an electric jigsaw? The wear of his files will increase from work at high speeds. Therefore, it is optimal to reduce the latter below average values, and also use a file with a reverse tooth. And this is the best solution. The reverse tooth will break the metal cord, and low speeds will not allow the rubber to heat up.
  7. How to make a swan out of a tire with your own hands using a mechanical (hand) tool? You can stop at a regular metal file. She will also cope with the iron cord, but the progress of the work will slow down, and you will put more effort.
  8. We cut and saw the neck only along the outlined contour - no transverse cuts are needed here!
  9. Here, beginners make a big mistake, which makes their work many times more difficult. They begin to cut the neck completely on one side - right or left. This is not true. We act in small segments - we drank a little on the right, then the same amount on the left, etc.

tail cutting

We continue to imagine how to make a swan out of tires (step by step instructions):

  1. The last stage of cutting is the tail. Its outline must also be pre-marked with a marker or chalk. The approximate length is about 25 cm. It is cut out in a similar way - we saw a little along the left contour, then the same along the right, etc.
  2. The tail is not only a purely decorative element. He will help us deal with the next step - turning the tire. Thus, her transformation from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

Eversion design

Here we come to the most difficult and crucial moment of the story, telling how to make a swan step by step from a tire (look for photos with tips throughout the article).

The process of turning the figure inside out is quite laborious - the tire is laid with the cut part down. Then it is pressed down with a foot and pulled in such a way as to turn the side parts up. The central region of the figure is pressed down. That's how it more or less now becomes like a swan.

Final works

We complete the transformation procedure from the ugly duckling:

  1. Lower the resulting lateral semicircles down.
  2. If you used tires with a metal cord, you will have to process the edges with an additional grinder. However, this will not completely rid the bird of protruding reinforcement. Therefore, such a swan can be used to decorate garden or summer cottages, but not a playground. But even in this case, you need to be careful - install the structure where you cannot accidentally touch the protruding reinforcement.
  3. We continue to disassemble how to make swans from tires (the photo will help you navigate the sequence of work). The next step is to strengthen our bird's neck. To do this, along its entire length, paired holes are drilled opposite each other every 15-20 cm. They are located strictly along the center line.
  4. Staples made of soft thin wire are inserted into the holes made. In turn, a thick wire is attached to them. It is necessary to cut off its coil of at least 1.5 m. We fix the lower part on the inside of the base of the neck, the upper part on the top of the head.

Composition design

That's almost all, our swan is almost ready. Left a little:

  1. Bend his neck at the right angle.
  2. Eyes can be cut out of the remnants of rubber. They are screwed to the head.
  3. To make it look like feathers, make notches on the lower inner parts of the wings.
  4. It is easy to make a swan princess from our composition by making a crown for a rubber bird from an ordinary plastic bottle.

Composition coloring

To complete the image of a royal bird and make our creation more aesthetic, it needs to be painted. For rubber swans, white and black paint is mainly chosen - to match the natural color of living birds in nature. But garden sculptures covered with golden or silver materials look no worse. Most importantly, the paint you choose should be sustainable and designed for outdoor use.

Enamel, oil and nitro dyes are best suited for rubber. We will apply any paint only on a dry and clean surface! If you follow this rule, then the color will easily and evenly decorate our swan. The paint will not crack, deform and retain its attractive appearance for a long time.

If this is not enough for your aesthetic sense, you can turn to acrylic paints. With their help, it is easy to draw a beak, eyes, a kind of plumage.

Location of garden sculpture

So, our handsome swan is completely ready. Now it's up to the small thing - to decide where best to place it. Let's turn to zoology. The natural habitat of swans is water bodies. Therefore, our composition will look wonderful next to an artificial pond, a fountain on your site. It is also possible, having thought over a suitable stand, to install it “floating” on the surface of this mini-reservoir. By the way, if you didn’t know, then it’s really possible to build an imitation of it from that car tire!

Tire swans look good as decorations on an evenly cut lawn. Many gardeners decorate their flower beds with birds. You can even paint the bird in a suitable shade to match the flowers that grow there.

Resourceful summer residents make an impromptu flowerbed out of the swan itself! To do this, for stability, the bird is installed on another car tire, which can also be painted in a harmonious color. Suitable soil is poured inside it, seeds or seedlings are planted. The composition can be watered, fed, because rubber is quite resistant to such influences. And imagine how great it will look that your swan seems to be floating out of a cloud of flowers!

A little troublesome, but very beautiful as a result, to make a special pond for homemade birds. To do this, a small pit is prepared, whose bottom is covered with dense polyethylene (it is important to securely fix it with stones on the "shores"). Pebbles are poured to the bottom, and only then the space is filled with water. So that the water does not stagnate, it can be periodically taken for irrigation, and in return, simply add fresh water.

Crafts from car tires

If you like turning used "bald" tires into something really beautiful, then we recommend that you do not stop at swans. As we have already said, you can build a flower bed, a mini-pond out of tires.

If you have small children, then it’s a good idea to make a play corner for them on the site, decorating it with compositions from the same tires and improvised materials:

  • From one tire and plastic bottles stuck into it, we make a sun, painting it yellow and drawing a face.
  • Tires pointing at each other can make not only a summer snowman, but also an Olympic bear, a bunny. The main thing is to successfully paint the product.
  • From an old tire, attaching pieces of old rubber to it, you can get a pretty fish.

But folk craftsmen do not stop at decor. Comfortable and functional country furniture is being built from tires! These are padded stools, chairs, armchairs, tables and children's swings. Already a classic is to use waste tires as a fence.

So we have analyzed in detail how to make a handsome swan from car tires. Follow the instructions, experiment to decorate your site with real masterpieces!

If your garage has old tires lying around, don't rush to throw them away. Of course, it is no longer possible to ride with such tires, but you can make interesting decorations for the yard and garden from them. For example, it can be figures of swans with outstretched wings.

What materials and tools are needed to make a swan from a tire

It is very important to choose the “right” tire for the job. I recommend taking the one that has completely “bald” during operation: it lends itself better to cutting and processing. For the same reason, it is better to take a tire with a longitudinal pattern. Another tip: better opt for tires with a cord (a rubberized layer of fabric made from textile, polymer or metal threads) made of nylon, and not with a steel cord reinforcement (breaker). Reinforced products are difficult to cut, and the edges of the cord can stick out at the cut, which you can get hurt during work. Such tires have the word "Steel" in the marking, respectively, it is not in a tire with nylon reinforcement.

Carefully consider the choice of tires so that working with them is convenient and not traumatic

Thoroughly wash and dry selected tires thoroughly. In addition to them, you will need to work:

  • chalk for marking;
  • roulette;
  • electric drill;
  • drills 3 and 10 mm in diameter;
  • sharp knife (with a powerful shoe-type blade);
  • jigsaw;
  • "Bulgarian" with a cutting disc;
  • pliers;
  • wire for staples;
  • plastic metal rod (or thick wire) 1.2–1.5 meters long;
  • paint to give the finished "swan" the desired color.

In addition, you need to draw a diagram according to which you will cut out the swan. You can use a very simple form to get a small flower bed.

You can make a small flower bed in the form of a swan in a simple way.

When working with this scheme, it is enough to make cuts along the lines:

  • head and neck;
  • tail;
  • feathers on the wings.

After that, you need to turn the tire inside out, attach the halves of the head to each other and place a beak from a piece of plastic between them. Fix the shape with self-tapping screws and paint in suitable colors. You will get a small round flower bed.

In a simple flower bed from a tire, you can plant any low, densely growing flowers.

A little more complicated in execution, but very beautiful, you will get the original figure-decoration in the form of a swan spreading its wings.

You can make a beautiful swan spreading its wings according to the scheme to decorate the garden

The process of creating a swan from a tire

First of all, you need to mark the tire with chalk. Let's take an R13 tire. Its width is 165 mm, the length along the circumference line is 1800 mm.

Product markup

Mark up the product as follows:

  1. At the beginning of work, apply 2 strips, dividing the circumference of the tire in half along. So you outline the "neck" of the swan.
  2. After that, draw on the tread (outer) side of the tire "beak", "head" and "neck" in turn. From the first line, draw symmetrically to the “beak” axis with dimensions: length - 8–9 cm, width - 3–4 cm. It should go to the “head”, the parameters of which are as follows: 10–12 cm - length, 7–8 cm - width, from the end of this “part of the body” it is necessary to mark the “neck”, expanding to the body. Its width at the beginning is 4–5 cm, at the end it is 8–10 cm.
  3. Lastly, mark the tail. Its fork is located at the place where the "beak" begins. Draw two parallel lines 8 cm apart and up to 30 cm long.

The process of creating a swan from a tire begins with marking the tire

cutting process

Now start cutting:

  1. Cut from the base of the "neck" towards the "head". A shoe knife will surely cope with a heavily worn tire, and it is better to cut a denser tread (tire element) with a grinder. If you have a fairly powerful electric jigsaw, use it after you make the initial holes with the grinder.
  2. Cut parallel on both sides at small intervals of 4–5 cm. This is much more convenient than cutting one side completely first, and then the other.
  3. When the cutting is finished, process all the edges of the resulting parts. If there is a metal cord in the tread, cut off the protruding wires with a grinder. For nylon cord, it is sufficient to trim the edges with a sharp knife.

Remember the safety rules! Be sure to wear gloves and use special goggles.

How to turn the tire and bend the "neck"

To cut the tire into the desired shape, turn it inside out. Dealing with this is easy. To make it easier, use your foot to secure the tire to the outside of the rim. The frame is ready. Now you need to fix the neck and head. To do this, you will need a steel bar to which the “neck” part will be attached. Do the following:

  1. Along the center line from the middle of the “head” to the base of the “tail”, make paired holes with a drill. Their diameter should be 3 mm, the gaps between them - 15 cm.
  2. Prepare wire staples according to the number of pairs of holes. They will attach the "neck" to a metal rod. Insert them into the holes immediately.
  3. Lay the rod from below, using pliers, twist the protruding edges of the brackets around it. Cut off the excess and give the "neck" a characteristic curve.

Instead of a rod, you can use a steel strip. Some masters find it much more convenient. In this case, do not use staples for connection, but bolts or rivets.

The neck of a swan from a tire is fixed with a metal rod attached to the tire with wire staples.

Decoration and installation

Check again if there are any sharp edges or protruding wires on the swan figure. If there are any, clean them up.

Paint the figure in white or black, characteristic of swans. You can apply a different shade or completely cover the figure with fantasy patterns. It is important that the paint is resistant to wind and moisture. Make the beak red, and where the eyes should be, screw in large bolts.

Tire swans can become an additional decoration or an independent decoration.

A made and decorated swan can be installed on a whole tire, a stump, or simply on the ground, lightly sprinkled with soil for stability.

According to the same scheme, you can create another version of the swan figure. The tire does not need to be turned inside out, it is enough to bend the “wings” more strongly so that they fall to the ground.

If the tire is not twisted, the figure of a swan will turn out even more original

Photo gallery: figures of swans from tires and options for their location

The family of black swans from tires in a natural reservoir looks very elegant. The swan can serve as a flower bed. You can use your imagination and paint the swan in several colors.

For those people who appreciate beauty, there are many ways to decorate the space around them, whether it be a workplace, a front garden, an apartment or a front yard. For example, you can use old car tires as a small flower bed or to create different shapes. Very often you can see how a swan or other animals made from old tires flaunt in front of the fence of a private house. The tire can serve as a flower bed - this use of old tires can be seen in the yards of high-rise buildings and on the playgrounds of kindergartens.

Tire swan: master class

Step-by-step instructions will help you make a swan out of unnecessary tires, and even if it doesn’t work out the first time, you don’t need to get upset: this is a rather painstaking work. First you need to find a tire that will be the most comfortable to use. For such a task, any "bald" tire that has a longitudinal pattern is suitable. It will be better cut, and it will be easier to make the desired figure out of it. The tire must be washed and dried before starting work to make it easier to work with.

So, on the tire you need to apply lines with chalk, which will divide it in half, the lines should be parallel to each other. With the help of this action, the image of the neck of a swan is created. After that, you need to draw a beak that will go from the first center line, its length should be no more than 9 cm. Next, the beak should go into the swan's head, its length is about 12 cm, its width is up to 8 cm. has a width of 5 cm, and closer to the body it expands to 10 cm.

The tail is made using two parallel lines that are 8 cm wide and about 30 cm long. The fork of the tail is the result after cutting the beak, so the tail is the easiest to make. After all the elements of the swan are drawn, you need to move on to the clipping, for such a process you need to get gloves and glasses.

You can use a grinder to cut the swan if the tire is pretty hard, but after all the main lines are cut out, it's better to use an electric jigsaw. It is better to move with a grinder on two lines at once, making cuts of 5-6 cm on each of them, so the process will speed up and facilitate. If you cut one side first and then the other, the process will be longer. After all the elements are cut out, they need to be trimmed along the edges so that there are no sharp or torn areas.

In order for the swan to gain wings, the span of which is quite large, the tire must be turned inside out, for this it is necessary to apply the efforts of the legs and arms at the same time.

To strengthen the neck and head, you need to use a steel bar. To do this, you need to drill paired holes on the rubber along the centerline, the distance between which will be at least 15 cm. You need to drill from the head to the tail, and then thread a soft wire into each hole. With it, the rubber is attached to a metal rod, and the swan acquires a clear silhouette.

It is better to lay the rod, starting from the bottom of the swan, so the ends of the soft wire can be twisted around it. After the neck is attached, it must be bent until a true swan curve is obtained.

In principle, the figure of the swan is ready, now you need to paint it, even if the swan is black. But before painting, the swan must be inspected for sharp or uneven elements so that neither children nor adults can get hurt.

Tire swan: decor options

The bird can be painted white or black, depending on the desire of the owner. Be sure to highlight the beak with a bright color, for example, red or orange. The main thing is that the paint with which the swan is painted should be resistant, because he will constantly be on the street.

You can also make eyes for a swan by painting the spots black, or using large nails for this. You can choose the color scheme at your discretion, it is not necessary to use white or black.

Such a scheme for making a rubber swan is considered the easiest, so you can not look for other options. And for a visual explanation of each step, you can watch training videos, and, following the example, make your own swan.

Also, the swan can be placed in different places, for example, near some flower or in the garden, in front of the yard or, directly, in the yard itself. As a stand, you can use another whole tire or sand.

In any case, many will like this way of decorating the yard: family members, children, and even animals.

What can be made from tires: video

For many Russians, a summer cottage is not only a place where vegetables and fruits grow, but also a relaxation area for body and soul. Decorative ponds, garden gnomes, flower beds, paths and more - there are a huge number of ways to decorate a garden. Recently, crafts made from waste, such as plastic bottles and old car tires, have gained popularity. There are many advantages to giving a second life to things that have served their purpose. Step-by-step instructions for learning how to carve a beautiful swan from a tire yourself will help you make such a craft!

  • Firstly, it is environmentally friendly, because things will not rot in a landfill for centuries, polluting the environment.
  • Secondly, it is always nice to create comfort and decorations with your own hands.
  • Thirdly, it is profitable, such scenery will require a minimum of financial investment, because every motorist's tires wear out. Of these, you can come up with a lot of decorations for the garden: these are small flower beds, fences, artificial ponds and much more. The figures of animals and birds carved from the tire are also gaining popularity. If you decide to decorate your garden plot too, read the master class.

How to cut a swan out of a tire with step by step instructions

To cut a swan from a tire, you need:
  • Worn out car tire
  • Saw grinder
  • Electric jigsaw
  • Thick wire, rod or steel plate
  • White and red exterior paints
  • You should work on the street, as the rubber heats up from the grinder, and this gives off a strong smell of burning
  • Be sure to wear tight mittens or gloves
  • Feet must be in closed shoes

We study safety precautions when cutting a figure out of a tire

Getting Started - step by step instructions on how to cut a swan from an old wheel

For work, you need to choose the oldest tire, as thin as possible and, as they say, bald. The more worn the rubber, the easier it will be to work with it. If there is a choice, it is better to give preference to a tire with a nylon or nylon cord, rather than a steel one. To do this, the tire itself should not be marked “steel”. The latter are difficult to cut, and they are also traumatic both during operation and during further use: it is better not to put such a bird on the playground in order to avoid cuts in children.

First you need to draw a “pattern” of the future swan on the tire. Mark a point in the middle and draw a beak from it, smoothly turning into the head and neck of the bird. When working with an R13 tire with a circumference of 1.8 m, the dimensions are approximately as follows: beak length 8-9 cm, head 9-10 cm long and 7-8 cm wide. The neck at the beginning has a width of 4-5 cm and closer to the body thickens up to 8-10 cm. Its length is about 75-80 centimeters.

The body of the swan should remain unlined, and it should not be cut: wings and neck are connected to the head on this part.

Swan carving pattern:

After completing the drawing of the swan from the wheel, the cutting process begins. The grinder cuts quickly, but this heats up the rubber and gives off a strong smell of burning and soot. Therefore, many masters prefer to make notches for the jigsaw blade with the help of the same grinder, drill or chisel, and continue to cut it out for them. It is convenient to use a blade with a reverse tooth at low speeds. So the material will heat up less, there will be no soot, and control over the process is better due to the low speed of work.

It will be correct not to cut out completely one side, and then the other, but to make small cuts on both sides one after the other. It is much more convenient to work this way, the rubber does not bend so much, moreover, the probability that it will turn out symmetrically increases.

Next, you need to unscrew the workpiece. It's not long, but it's quite hard physically. To do this, you need to put it with the cut part to the ground, press down with your foot and pull up the resulting wings. The result should be something like in the photo.

After that, you should fix the shape of the neck. To do this, it is necessary to make holes in it in pairs at a distance of 15 cm from each other and insert staples of soft wire into them. With their help, attach a rod or steel plate to the bird's neck from above. Next, bend the part so that it resembles the neck of a swan.

After cutting and shaping the swan, all that remains is to install the figurine in the selected area and decorate it. It will be beautiful to make not one bird, but a couple at once. Paint the body with white paint, and the beak with red. Draw eyes or form them from buttons, stones, pieces of rubber.

You can also make a stand from another tire lying on its side. An artificial pond or its imitation, for example, made of stones, will look very handy.

In addition to the swan, you can make other DIY crafts from tires. All it takes is a little imagination and time.

Video on the topic of the article

Swans have long chosen not only ponds and lakes, they are increasingly found in personal plots. On the green lawns you can see whole flocks of swans made from car tires. Designers called this direction trash art (from the English. trash-art) - art that involves old trash.

The name is new, but the idea of ​​creating beauty from waste appeared a long time ago. Outstanding miracle birds have already adorned more than one yard or garden. If you like this kind of art, we offer you to get acquainted with the technology of making swans in more detail.

How to make a swan from a car tire

Beauty on the site can be made from improvised materials, but you must understand that this is work, not pampering. In order for miracle swans from tires to bloom in the garden, you will need:

  • old tires;
  • Electric jigsaw or grinder (grinder);
  • Electric drill;
  • Nippers, pliers;
  • Chalk for marking;
  • metal rod;
  • Dye.

What tires to choose

For swans, old, well-worn tires from cars are suitable. Moreover, the rubber should be as worn out as possible, erased to the limit. Such tires are called bald. The worse the material looks, the easier it is to work with. Do not take studded tires, especially imported ones.

If there is an opportunity to choose, then it is better to take rubber with a nylon cord. Such material can be cut simply with a knife. Tires with a metal cord are more difficult to process, in which case special tools are indispensable.

Alternatively, in search of suitable materials, you can contact the nearest tire shop. Usually, in such places, unnecessary tires are happy to give away. One swan needs one tire. If you want to experiment with the shape of birds, take a few. Before starting work, the rubber must be washed and dried. All work is best done outdoors.

Marking the scheme on the tire and cutting

The appearance of the swan depends on the marking scheme. During operation, the tire will need to be turned out. The complexity of this process will depend on how you make the cuts.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands is described.

Step-by-step instructions for making a swan with your own hands:

Tire marking, for making a garden swan.

With the help of chalk, you need to divide the tire in half. Then outline the beak, head and neck. The length of the neck together with the beak should be more than half the circumference of the tire. The R13 wheel has a circumference of 180 cm, respectively, for the neck you need to measure about 95 cm. For a proportional head you need 10 cm, the length of the beak is 9 cm.

  • The tire must be cut along the marked lines. A knife can handle old-style tires with a nylon cord. In order to facilitate the work, prepare a soapy solution and dip the cutting object into it from time to time.
  • The metal cord will not succumb to the knife. You can use a grinder. You need to work exclusively outdoors, and do not forget about closed shoes and work gloves.
  • Please note that working with rubber increases the consumption of circles. It will take about 3 discs per swan. In addition, heated rubber does not spread the best smell around, soot and soot are provided to you. The grinder cuts quickly, but not environmentally friendly.
  • It is more pleasant to work with a jigsaw. To plant the file, you need to make a hole. You can use a chisel or drill. The wear of the jigsaw blades increases from working at high speeds. The best option is to work at speeds below average using a file with a reverse tooth. So you can cut the metal cord without any problems: the reverse motion of the file will simply break it, and a low speed will prevent the rubber from getting very hot.
  • For adherents of hand tools, a metal file is suitable. She will also cope with the metal cord, but the speed of work will be lower. What are the paths of corks from plastic bottles, set out.
  • You need to cut the tire along the contour of the neck and head, transverse cuts are not needed. As for the sequence, the biggest mistake that beginners make is to completely saw out one side of the neck. If you cut the tire on one side, it will be quite difficult to cut the other side.

  • The next step is the tail. Its length is about 25 cm. It will become an additional decorative element and will facilitate the eversion of the tire. Cut it out in the same way.
  • The workpiece must be turned out. The process is time-consuming and looks like this: the workpiece is placed with the cut part down, it is pressed down with a foot and pulled, turning the side parts up. The central part needs to be pushed through.
  • Now the design really resembles a swan. The side half rings must be lowered down. If you took a tire with a metal cord, then the edges need to be processed with a grinder. But even such a procedure will not be able to completely smooth out the protruding reinforcement. Therefore, swans made of tires with metal cord are suitable only for decoration, but not for playgrounds. Touching sections with protruding wires is not safe for adults, let alone children. You will learn more about crafts from tires for the playground.
  • In order to give the swan the desired shape, the neck should be strengthened. For fasteners, it is necessary to drill two holes along the entire length of the neck every 15 - 20 cm. They must be placed along the center line. Brackets made of thin soft wire are inserted into the holes. Brackets need to fix a thick steel wire. It will need about 1.50 m. The lower end is fixed on the inside of the neck, at the base of the tire, the upper end is at head level.
  • The swan is almost ready, you just need to bend its neck properly and make eyes out of rubber. They can be fastened with screws. For decoration, the edges of the wings are cut, then the notches resemble the plumage of a bird. If you want to have a swan princess in your garden, make a crown from a plastic bottle.

Painting tire sculptures

In order for the birds to look outstanding and aesthetically pleasing, they need to be painted correctly. For swans, white or black is usually chosen. Silver and gold sculptures look good. Any durable outdoor paint will do.

Rubber is well painted with oil, enamel and nitro paints. Do not forget that any paint is applied to a clean, dry surface. Properly applied paint fits well on the sculpture, does not deform and lasts for a long time. Residues of automotive paint sprays will do. Then the work will go quickly. An evenly painted surface can be decorated with acrylic paints. Draw the head, beak, plumage. Such swans look more naturalistic.