What does the symmetrical arrangement of the pattern on the wallpaper mean. Wallpaper marking decoding and description. Moisture resistance

Surely, each of us at least once faced with self-repair of the apartment. For many, this is a very long and complex process that needs to be approached wisely.

When buying wallpaper, most people pay attention only to the picture they like, and no one thinks about how the wallpaper behaves in the room. Although, all technical characteristics are carefully indicated by the manufacturer on each roll. But what exactly they mean, and why you should definitely pay attention to them, we will try to figure it out with you.

Why is labeling necessary?

Wallpaper marking allows you to correctly select the material for pasting any room, based on the technological properties of the material. The range of these products is so large that many can simply get confused and purchase a coating that is completely unsuitable in terms of its properties and characteristics for a particular room. And in the future, this discrepancy can lead to disastrous results, at best, the wallpaper will simply fall off, and it will be necessary to redo the repair. In order not to spoil the mood for yourself and your loved ones, need to read the label, which is embedded in each roll.

The designations on the wallpaper will help you decide how to work with this material, what characteristics it has.

Most often you can see various small icons, they are one of the fundamental factors in choosing the right wall covering. Knowing this information will greatly facilitate your choice and help you correctly calculate the required amount of material, as well as save not only money, but also time for repair work.

Sign decoding

Next, we will consider in more detail what the icons on the wall wallpaper roll mean, and we will also try to figure out what you need to pay attention to first of all when buying. The marking below means that you can see these signs on the label of all types of wallpaper, including paper, washable, non-woven, cork, fabric, and so on.

Knowing these symbols, an ordinary person can easily understand what kind of wall covering he has to work with, how to paste, what is the wear resistance of the material, how it is installed.

In addition, deciphering the icons will help you find out how the material will behave with excessive moisture and bright light. Knowing all these factors, work will be much easier and more enjoyable.


Each type of wallpaper necessarily has a letter abbreviation. These symbols will show what material the coating is made of. This is necessary in order to choose the right finishing material for the room. For example, paper types of wallpaper are never used for the kitchen, as they will become unusable very quickly. So, the lettering can be as follows:

  • A - wallpaper coating based on acrylic;
  • B - paper;
  • BB - foamed vinyl coating;
  • RV - wallpaper with embossed vinyl;
  • PV - flat vinyl;
  • STL - cullet;
  • STR - structural coating, usually for painting;
  • TKS - textile.

Graphic images

Let us dwell in more detail on the graphic images that are indicated on any roll. These are mandatory symbols that indicate the necessary installation work and coverage rules:

  • These designations indicate moisture resistance level(wavy lines) and resistance to mechanical damage (wavy lines with a brush). Accordingly, the more waves, the more resistant the material to moisture and detergents. The last symbol indicates that the wallpaper can be washed with a soft brush and chemical detergents can be used.

  • Signs pointing to burnout resistance(indicated by the sun). Here, too, there is a spread from the smallest to the maximum. That is, the average light fastness indicates that the wallpaper quickly fades with prolonged contact with the sun's rays. Excellent light resistance suggests that such products can be exposed to sunlight all year round, and the paint will retain its original brightness for a long time.

  • Brush symbols indicate how to glue wallpaper to the wall. From them you can find out whether to apply glue directly to the canvas or to the wall, how to stick self-adhesive wallpaper, and whether special glue is needed (there will be additional information from the manufacturer about this or you need to check with the seller).

  • The arrow markings are intended to help you understand How exactly to connect the canvases. A custom sticker is a designation for wallpaper without pattern selection. A symmetrical arrangement means that the pattern needs to be joined for a complete image. Offset of the location of the picture - you need to adjust the joints to get the right picture.

Multidirectional arrows say that each subsequent canvas must be rotated 180 degrees. Sometimes you can see a sign in the form of three arrows up. In this case, you need to understand that gluing occurs strictly in one direction.

The last marking indicates how much the canvas needs to be shifted in order to get a complete picture. Sometimes the number 64 is found instead of 53. This means that a direct fit of the pattern is possible only after 53 or 64 cm, respectively.

eco label

Many manufacturers of wallpaper materials are trying to produce environmentally friendly products in order to protect not only people, but also the environment as much as possible. For this, additional testing and certification is carried out at the production site and in special laboratories. Upon completion, relevant documents are issued, and a certain marking is affixed to the wallpaper, confirming the safety of the product. Currently, some of the main eco-labels are:

  • Leaf of Life is the only Russian company that is internationally recognized.
  • "Nordic Ecolabel" is the official label of the Scandinavian countries.
  • The European flower "Ecolabel" and Organic Euroleaf are the insignia of the European Union.
  • The Blue Angel "Der Blaue Engel" is the mark of the German environmental certification.
  • FSC is a German forest organization.
  • MSC is a certification mark of an English company.

This is not a complete list of existing eco-labels in the world. It is worth noting that most eco-companies are united in the World Eco-Label Organization.

Therefore, if you see such differences on rolls, you can safely buy these products without fear of harming your health.

Quality symbols

If you carefully study the information on the wallpaper roll, you can see additional symbols that will tell you about the safest product. For example:

  • RAL- a distinctive quality mark from Gütegemeinschaft Tapete (Germany), which confirms the compliance of the product with the declared technical characteristics, safety standards for humans and the environment.
  • CE 2013 EN1502– confirms that the product is a decorative wall covering and complies with all European product quality standards. In addition, the wallpaper must be accompanied by an operational declaration.

Children's wallpaper

For a children's room, paper, foamed vinyl and structural wallpapers are mainly used. This is primarily due to their practicality and environmental friendliness. In addition, vinyl and structural materials can be washed periodically, which is often a necessity in a child's room. Of course, it is important for children that the walls of their room are bright and beautiful, so you need to give preference to materials. with very good light fastness.

Particular attention should be paid to the eco-labeling of rolls in order to be calm about the health of your child.

As you have seen, it is not so difficult to understand all the wallpaper markings. These are simple signs that can be understood even at the level of intuition. Now, with the help of the knowledge gained, you can easily select the necessary material for pasting your particular room. And the achieved result will surely please you and your loved ones.

For more information about the notation on the wallpaper, see the following video.

When choosing wallpaper, we are mainly guided by color, beautiful pattern and pattern. If possible, we prefer more expensive and high-quality samples. We understand the main types, such as: paper, vinyl, non-woven. This is where the basic knowledge of wallpaper and how to paste them ends with the majority. And, in principle, this knowledge is quite enough. But for a more competent selection of wallpaper in specific rooms, determining their exact number and other parameters, it is necessary to understand the markings - the symbols on the packaging of the tubes.

By marking, the manufacturer highlights the main characteristics, such as the width of the web, moisture resistance, the method and conditions of the sticker, and resistance to sunlight.

Type designations

The following letters exist:

  • BUT- acrylic;
  • B— paper;
  • BB- foamed vinyl;
  • PV— flat vinyl;
  • RV- embossed vinyl;
  • tks- textile wallpaper;
  • STR- structural wallpaper for painting;
  • STL— glass wallpaper.

When choosing the type of wallpaper for specific rooms, be guided by the following recommendations.

  • B, A, BB, PV, RV, STR, STL- for the hallway, corridor;
  • B, A, WW, PV, TKS, STR, STL- for living rooms;
  • B, A, WW, PV, TKS, STR, STL- for the bedroom;
  • B, WW, STR, STL- for the children's room;
  • BB, PV, RV, STR, STL- for kitchen;
  • RV, STL— for a bathroom;
  • BB, STR, STL- for the ceiling.
  • PV, RV, STR, STL— for cafes;
  • BB, PV, STR, STL— for office premises;
  • BB, PV, STR, STL- for schools;
  • B, WW, STR, STL- for kindergartens;
  • STR, STL- for medical institutions.

Graphic marking

Graphic symbols characterize the wallpaper according to the following parameters:

  • Glue application method:
  • Selection (fitting) of the pattern:
The drawing does not need to be customized.
Straight pattern, horizontal joint
Stepped docking, Diagonal docking
The arrow indicates the location of the pattern towards the ceiling (for patterns that are difficult to read)
Each next strip must be glued in the opposite direction.
Figure height in centimeters (numerator); when pasting the wallpaper, shift by half the height (or by the distance in centimeters that will be indicated in the denominator)
Picture height in centimeters
The wallpaper is overlapped and an incision is made, after which the cut sections are removed, forming an even joint (this is how photo wallpapers can be glued)
  • Fade resistance:
Sufficiently lightfast
Very good light fastness
High lightfastness
  • Water resistance:
Water-resistant during processing (can be wiped with a sponge while sticking, fresh glue stains can be removed with a damp sponge)
Resistant to wet processing (small dirt can be removed from the wallpaper with a wet sponge)
Highly resistant to wet processing (can be washed with detergents)
Resistant to mechanical stress (wallpaper can be washed with detergents and brushes)
Highly resistant to mechanical stress wallpaper
  • Removal method:
  • Other designations:

Examples of working with symbols on packaging

Having considered the main letter and graphic designations on the wallpaper, as a conclusion, we will deal with some subtleties, the knowledge of which will serve you well when choosing and determining the required amount of material:

  • When choosing expensive and high-quality wallpapers, give preference to wide (1.05 m) non-woven ones. They stick easily and relatively quickly. And the joints will be two times less than when using standard half-meter tubes.
  • Before buying, calculate the length of all walls (excluding windows and doors). For example, if the room is 3 meters by 6 meters, then the length of the walls (perimeter) is 18 meters. Accordingly, the number of required strips is 18 (meter wallpapers) and 36 (half-meter ones). Further, the resulting amount is multiplied by the height of the walls (for example - 2.8 meters). 18 * 2.8 \u003d 50.4 (meters). 36 * 2.8 \u003d 100.8 (meters). A common tube length is 10 meters. Accordingly, meter tubes without pattern selection will need - 5 pieces (50.4 / 10), and half-meter tubes - 10 pieces.
  • For direct horizontal wallpaper joining, pay attention to the height of the picture on the package (graphic marking). For example, the height of the picture is 60 cm. The height of the wall is 2.8 m (280 cm). Therefore, on one strip of wallpaper glued to the wall, the pattern will be repeated completely 4 times (4 * 60 = 240) and partially 40 cm (280-240 = 40 cm). Therefore, before cutting the next sheet, it is necessary to remove 20 cm of the sheet. Since this part refers to the first sheet, which lacks 20 cm for a complete repetition of the pattern (40 + 20 = 60 cm). To make it clearer, you can initially prepare sheets of 300 cm (5 * 60 = 300 cm), and then cut off the extra 20 cm (300-280 = 20 cm). Accordingly, from one tube of wallpaper (10 m) you get 3 strips of 280 cm each, 2 segments of 20 cm each and one segment of 120 cm.
  • With stepped (diagonal) docking, we also look at the packaging for the height of the pattern and the height of the offset (for example, 60/30). Based on the example discussed above, the first sheet must be cut off with a length of 330 cm, of which 280 cm will be on the wall, 20 cm will be the remainder, and 30 cm will be offset. Accordingly, from one tube of wallpaper (10 m.) You will get 3 strips of 280 cm each. 2 segments of 50 cm each and one segment of 60 cm ..
  • With the above tips in mind, be sure to check each tube, as the layout of the pattern is not always the same in them. And moving on to the next tube, cut off the excess part of the wallpaper (if necessary) to bring the pattern in line with the previous tube.

When choosing wallpaper in a hardware store, you make a decision based on three main criteria: cost, beauty, practicality. Each criterion is important for us, but different people have their own priority, someone is more interested in the aesthetic side of the issue, and their choice is non-woven vinyl wallpaper, while for someone the determining factor is the cost, and they stop on plain paper.

Marking on the wallpaper label in the form of icons is highlighted in a red rectangle

It is best to carefully consider the wallpaper before buying, touch it, listen to the recommendations. Confirmation of the quality properties of the material will be special icons printed on the label of the wallpaper roll, and what they mean, we will now tell.


Very often, a label is applied to the label, which is responsible for the type and quality of the wallpaper material. Letter designations show what the wallpaper itself is made of.

  • A - acrylic wallpaper, more precisely paper wallpaper with acrylic foam applied on top.
  • B - classic paper wallpapers: duplex, simplex, sink.
  • BB - vinyl wallpaper created using foaming technology.
  • PV - vinyl wallpaper that has undergone additional pressing is called flat.
  • RV - vinyl wallpaper with a distinct relief, vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base.
  • TCS - textile wallpapers, which include fabric.
  • STR - wallpaper for painting are referred to as structural.
  • STL - cullet, wallpaper, also used exclusively for painting.

After the letter designation, there is usually a row of several icons. Each group of icons meets its own criteria.

Summary table of markings on wallpaper


Wavy lines on the wallpaper show the degree of their moisture resistance, these are long-accepted designations.

One wavy line defines the most insignificant moisture resistance. Such wallpapers are ready for contact with water only in the process of gluing. You can use a damp cloth to remove the remnants of wallpaper glue and not worry about the safety of the wallpaper.

The two wavy lines show that the wallpaper can withstand a little damp cleaning. Already after gluing the wallpaper, during their operation, you can from time to time lightly wipe them with a soft sponge or an ordinary wet rag. It is to wipe, it is not necessary to press hard on the decorative surface.

Moisture resistance of wallpaper

Three wavy lines tell us that the wallpaper is even more tolerant of moisture. For wet cleaning in a room covered with such wallpaper, it is permissible to use a soap solution that will help remove dirt. But again, rubbing the wallpaper is not yet allowed.

One wavy line and a brush signal us that in addition to moisture resistance, wallpaper is able to withstand mechanical stress. In simple terms, such wallpapers can not only be washed with soapy water, but also lightly wiped with a bristle coating.

Marking in the form of three wavy lines and a brush is applied to the strongest wallpaper. Such canvases and water at all and mechanical forces. In addition, when carrying out cleaning work, it is permissible to use household chemicals that easily remove the most terrible pollution. These wallpapers are optimally suited for difficult conditions.


A circle with rays, resembling a gear, symbolizes the sun, or rather the effect of sunlight on the wallpaper.

It is clear that there is no marking on the most fading wallpaper, if there is a minimum resistance to light, then it is marked as half of an unpainted sun. Such wallpaper should not be glued in rooms where there is daylight.

Half of the unshaded sun symbolizes a little more light resistance, but you will not feel the difference in these values, but you will see how quickly your wallpaper fades on the wall.

Wallpaper resistance to fading

The whole sun is applied to the wallpaper label of average quality, such canvases will not fade immediately, but will gradually lose the saturation of their colors. Such wallpapers can be glued in rooms where natural light is present from time to time.

A whole sun with a “+” sign placed in it tells us that the wallpaper is not at all afraid of sunlight and is ready to withstand even direct sunlight. On modern non-woven vinyl wallpaper, this designation is often present.

Two suns placed one above the other mean the highest degree of light fastness. Such wallpaper can be glued in any room with any lighting. For warm countries, such wallpapers are just a godsend.


Everyone probably knows that wallpapers come with and without fitting, these characteristics are marked with arrows. You need to especially carefully study this icon on expensive ones, since the number of rolls largely depends on the fit.

Lack of fit is indicated by an arrow on one side of the line, and a zero on the other. This marking is applied to all plain wallpaper. But do not immediately rejoice and clap your hands, you still have to work hard to create a normal joint between the canvases.

If the marking shows two arrows looking at each other through the strip, then the fit is only in the horizontal direction, and it must be observed. If you do not pay attention to the drawing, it can move on different canvases, which will look ugly.

Wallpaper customization

If the arrows are spaced at different heights, then this means that the wallpaper has a horizontal fit. When gluing such wallpapers, it is necessary to cut pieces of canvases with a margin, align them and join them together. A rather painstaking and complex process, but the result can be very good, especially if the joints can be brought together normally.

If two arrows are drawn in different directions, then you will have to suffer with gluing such wallpaper. Pieces of such wallpaper are glued in opposite directions, with each piece rotated 180 degrees.

In some cases, there is a fractional number in the marking, where the upper number indicates the height of the pattern, and the lower distance of its offset. If we divide, we get the size by which one strip of wallpaper will be shifted relative to the other on the wall.

Another icon: with two parallel straight lines and one horizontal, means that it is recommended to glue the wallpaper with an overlap. Overlapping wallpaper is rarely practiced nowadays.


Other designations

Adhesive application is indicated by four icons:

  1. the first - in the form of a brush tells us that only the wall needs to be smeared, it is mainly used for non-woven wallpaper;
  2. the second - in the form of a bath with a submerged wallpaper, that the glue is already present on the wallpaper and it only needs to be soaked;
  3. the third - in the form of a brush and wallpaper canvas, makes us understand that the wallpaper must be carefully lubricated;
  4. the fourth - in the form of an equal symbol on a piece of wallpaper means that it is supposed to use special glue.

Working with glue

The designations of the next group show how easy the wallpaper is to be dismantled after prolonged use.

The wall and peeled wallpaper icon appears on the labels of rolls of modern canvases that are easy to stick and easy to remove. However, to remove the wallpaper, you need to moisten them thoroughly.

The wall, wallpaper and arrow icon symbolizes that the wallpaper is moving away from the wall in one layer.

Wallpaper removal

The icon in the form of a wall, wallpaper and a spatula indicates that the wallpaper will have to be heavily moistened before removal.

The wall and layered wallpaper icon indicates that you will have to dismantle the wallpaper layer by layer until you reach the wall.

An icon with a wall and two curved wallpaper strips means that the wallpaper is embossed and has multiple layers.

Embossed multilayer wallpaper

The icon with a wallpapered wall and a hammer shows that the wallpaper is very strong and must be damaged in order to remove it.

Marking is applied to all types of wallpaper: paper, non-woven vinyl, glass. You can see it on the label by turning the roll in your hands.

In order to avoid dissatisfaction after the repair is completed, you need to have information about the purchased product. Knowing everything in this world is not at all necessary, but with an independent choice of material for wall decoration, understanding the designations on the wallpaper is simply necessary. Thanks to this, you will be able to determine what characteristics a particular type of canvas has and how to use it correctly.

The people say: knowledge is light, ignorance is darkness. In order for the repair not to turn into complete darkness, you need to simply understand what wallpaper marking is.

Why are they labeled?

Signs are applied to the wallpaper in order to make it easier to understand the quality, purpose, and functional use of a particular product for both a professional and an ordinary worker. On each roll there are certain symbols, having studied which, you can easily decipher their meaning, which means determining which canvases they are, where they are best used and, most importantly, how.

Let's try to carefully and in order to figure out what the icons on the wallpaper hide in themselves.

For the convenience of the consumer, the manufacturer has introduced a series of letters for wallpaper:

  1. The letter "A" means that the wallpaper is made of acrylic material.
  2. The symbol "B" marks paper products.
  3. Wallpaper decorating the walls with fiberglass is indicated by the STL index.
  4. The subgroup of vinyl coverings includes products based on foamed vinyl (“VV”), flat sheets of PVC (“PV”) and well-defined relief (“PV”) wallpaper.
  5. Cloths based on paper with cotton threads fall into the textile subgroup, they are designated "TKS".

You can also learn other important information by carefully looking at the symbols on the wallpaper. The second, no less important part is the graphic wallpaper marking, which describes in detail the recommended installation technology and material operation characteristics.

According to the graphical sign of water resistance, products are divided into the following types:

  • super-washable fabrics - withstand strong wetting and the action of acids;
  • washable tapestries - can be washed with a rag, using household chemicals, without abrasive materials;
  • moisture-resistant materials that can withstand a small wet cleaning with a rag.

By another graphic designation on the wallpaper, you can find out how resistant the material is to abrasion. It is characterized by the following pictograms:

  • wet cleaning with a coarse, fluffy brush;
  • the possibility of using brushes and household detergents.

An equally important graphic decoding of wallpaper designations is light fastness. According to this parameter, the products are divided into the following subcategories:

  1. Wall coverings to be protected from direct sunlight. Fluorescent coatings can be attributed to this type.
  2. Partially discolored material upon prolonged exposure to light.
  3. Light-resistant materials that are suitable for rooms with huge windows and attics.

Products with increased UV resistance are more likely to wear out from cleaning than from sunlight.

Explanations for use

  1. Materials that do not require special impregnation. This means that only the walls need to be glued with glue, and the canvases must be dry.
  2. For tapestries that require impregnation, we will apply glue both on the walls and on the canvas.
  3. Self-adhesive products already contain an adhesive layer, which is applied to the reverse side of the sheets and requires only the removal of the protective coating.

For high-quality installation, it is important to follow the instructions for combining the pattern. This will help the graphic designation of icons on the wallpaper, indicating the direction of the picture. There are also several categories:

  • drawings requiring direct docking;
  • stripes with stepped joining (in the form of a chessboard);
  • products can be glued to the walls without combining.

How correctly you decipher certain characteristics of the canvases depends only on you. Be attentive to the designation on the wallpaper and the characteristics of the material, and then the repair will be more pleasant and short. In any case, the topic of wallpaper designations is worthy of study and your attention.

Manufacturers use the following letters to mark wallpaper:
A - acrylic
B - paper
BB - foamed vinyl
PV - flat vinyl
RV - embossed vinyl
TKS - textile wallpaper
STR - structural wallpaper for painting
STL - cullet

Designations on wallpaper for Residential premises:
Entrance hall, corridor - B, A, BB, PV, RV, STR, STL
Living room - B, A, BB. PV, TKS, STR, STL
Bedroom - B, A, BB, PV, TKS, STR, STL
Children's - B, BB, STR, STL
Kitchen - BB, PV, RV, STR, STL
Bathroom - RV, STL
Ceiling - BB, STR, STL

Designations on wallpaper for non-residential premises:
Cafe - PV, RV, STR, STL
Office - BB, PV, STR, STL
School - BB, PV, STR, STL
Kindergarten - B, BB, STR, STL
Medical facility - STR, STL

Wallpaper Icons

When choosing wallpaper, pay attention to the icons put by manufacturers to indicate the type of wallpaper, the method of gluing and care:

Waterproof during processing. You can wipe the wallpaper with a sponge at the time of sticking. Fresh glue stains can be removed with a damp sponge.

Resistant to wet processing. Small dirt can be removed from the wallpaper with a wet sponge.

Highly resistant to wet processing. You can wash the wallpaper with detergents

Resistant to mechanical stress. Wallpaper can be washed using detergents and brushes

Highly resistant to mechanical stress wallpaper

Sufficient lightfastness

Good light fastness

Very good light fastness

Excellent lightfastness

Wallpaper does not need to be customized

Drawing straight, horizontal arrangement

Offset pattern, diagonal arrangement

Glue each next strip of wallpaper in the opposite direction.

The height of the picture in centimeters, when gluing the wallpaper, shift by half the height

The wallpaper is pasted with an overlap

Glue is applied to the surface of the wall

Wallpaper with already applied adhesive coating

Glue is applied to the wallpaper

Wallpaper can be easily removed

When repairing, the wallpaper can be removed from the wall in a dry state without leaving any residue.

Wallpaper is removed after pre-wetting

Removed in layers. The bottom paper layer of wallpaper remains on the wall.

Wallpaper duplicated with the top embossed layer

Impact resistant wallpaper

This wallpaper comes with matching fabrics and curtains.

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