Polessky State University where to apply. Polessky State University (PolesGU). Faculties and other divisions

The educational institution "Polesye State University" (PolesGU) was established by the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko. Date of foundation: April 5, 2006. The national governing body of the university is the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The university trains personnel with higher education.

The material and technical and educational and material bases allow to carry out the educational process at the appropriate level.

The university has modern classrooms equipped with technical support, 6 research laboratories, a library with 2 reading rooms, 2 assembly halls (250 seats and 502 seats), a cultural and entertainment center, a sports complex with indoor sports facilities (2120 m2), an ice arena, a stadium with athletics tracks and sectors, swimming and jumping pools, a universal sports hall, rowing bases, outdoor combined tennis, volleyball and basketball courts, a ski-roller track, 3 gyms.

The university library provides information for scientific, educational activities, is a center for the dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication, and culture.

The university pays great attention to the development of student self-government. The faculties have student councils, whose activities are regulated by the Regulations on the student councils of faculties. The main goal of the Faculty Councils is to unite and coordinate the efforts of the entire team of students of the faculty, aimed at improving the quality of training of specialists, improving scientific activities and cultural leisure, conducting ideological and educational work with student youth.

The increased interest of modern youth in higher education is currently largely determined by the realization that this is a reliable way to take a worthy place in public life and learn to flexibly adapt to the attractive interests of a changing world.
PolesGU has created all the conditions not only for professional training, but also for the harmonious development of the individual. The results of participation of our students in scientific conferences, in international competitions, in professional competitions are high. Our graduates feel confident in the labor market.
I wish you to successfully complete your tasks, achieve your goals and emerge victorious from the test called "applicant".
Welcome to Polesye State University!

Shebeko Konstantin Konstantinovich, Rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Shebeko Konstantin Konstantinovich,
Vice-Rector for Research
Kruchinsky Nikolai Genrikhovich,
doctor of medical sciences, professor
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Zolotareva Olga Alexandrovna,
doctor of economic sciences, professor
Vice-rector for educational work
Vlasova Svetlana Viktorovna,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Structure (faculties and departments):

There are 5 faculties in the structure of the university:

  • Faculty of Biotechnology;
  • Faculty of Banking;
  • Faculty of Healthy Lifestyle Organization;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of additional education.

The main activities of the Faculty of Additional Education are:
- retraining of personnel at the level of higher education;
- advanced training of managers and specialists;
- teaching foreign students Russian as a foreign language;
- long-term (October - May) and short-term (February - May) evening preparatory courses for the CT.

Graduating departments:

foreign languages

Humanities, philosophy and law

General and Clinical Medicine

Physical culture and sports

Improving and adaptive physical culture

landscape design

Management and Marketing

Tourism and hospitality



Accounting, analysis and audit

Higher Mathematics and Information Technology

Industrial fish farming and processing of fish products


Economics and organization of production

economic theory

Selection committee:

The address: Pinsk, st. Kirova, 24, educational building No. 1
Directions: buses No. 2, 12, 13 to the stop Concert Hall.

375 165 31-21-60 (reception), 65-00-41 (admission committee)

Faculty of Banking +375 165 31-21-12, 31-21-00
Faculty of Economics +375 165 65-31-72
Faculty of Healthy Lifestyle Organization +375 165 31-08-15, 31-08-16
Faculty of Biotechnology +375 165 31-08-64

Working hours: from 9:00 to 18:00
lunch: from 13:00 to 14:00
Official site: http://www.polessu.by

ALL full-time and part-time students FOR THE WHOLE TERM OF TRAINING at the Polessky State University are provided with a comfortable hostel!

Sanatorium-dispensary PolesGU

The sanatorium-preventorium is a structural subdivision of the PolesGU of a sanatorium type, designed to provide medical and recreational services to full-time students, taking into account their studies, work and life, and the characteristics of the university.

The main tasks of the student sanatorium-preventorium are:
implementation of medical activities in accordance with the issued license (therapy, physiotherapy, massage);
provision of medical and advisory assistance to recovering students;
decrease in morbidity among students;
promotion of sanitary and hygienic knowledge, healthy lifestyle skills, physical culture and sports among those who are being healed, contributing to the prevention and suppression of diseases.

The order of referral to a student sanatorium-dispensary:

The following students enjoy the preferential right to be sent to a student sanatorium:
disabled people;
in need of rehabilitation treatment after trauma;
surgical interventions and diseases; registered in the dispensary, often and for a long time ill; pregnant women in early pregnancy;
donors who systematically donate blood for transfusion.
The medical selection of students to the student sanatorium-dispensary is carried out by territorial polyclinics. A certificate is issued for obtaining a ticket to a sanatorium and resort institution (the certificate is valid for 6 months).
Admission of students to a student sanatorium-preventorium is carried out in the presence of a voucher, a sanatorium-resort card, which is issued by doctors of territorial polyclinics, not more than 1 month old, and identity documents.
The direction to the student sanatorium-preventorium is carried out by the commission for the rehabilitation of full-time students of PolesGU.
The student sanatorium-preventorium does not accept vacationers who require special care, suffering from infectious, mental, venereal diseases, registered with a narcologist, as well as patients during their temporary disability, with the exception of those sent for rehabilitation treatment.
Repeated referral to a student sanatorium of the same person during a calendar year may be permitted in case of emergency for medical reasons and for no more than one period.
The duration of stay in a student sanatorium for students is 21 calendar days. The student sanatorium-dispensary operates on a continuous schedule of arrivals (12 shifts per year).
For each student admitted to a student sanatorium, a medical history is made, where complaints are noted upon admission, heredity, bad habits, allergic anamnesis, objective status, diagnosis, rehabilitation plan, and dynamic observation are ascertained. The data is entered into the health resort book. After each arrival, a discharge epicrisis is written for all vacationers, where all the therapeutic measures taken, the effectiveness of the treatment and recommendations for further monitoring are noted.

The student sanatorium-dispensary provides the following services:

hydrotherapy: circular, rain, horizontal, ascending showers; sharko shower, fan shower, as well as underwater massage shower; therapeutic baths; swimming pool;
electroprocedures: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF, laser therapy, amplipulse therapy, diadynamic therapy;
drug therapy;
exercise therapy.

PolesGU - "Queen Spring-2017"

The address: st. Dnieper flotilla, 23, Pinsk, Brest region, Republic of Belarus, 225710
Directions: bus No. 2, 5, 6, 12, 13 to the stop. "Concert Hall", bus No. 4, 10, 17 to the stop. "Polesye State University".

375 165 31-21-60 (rector's office);

375 165 65-00-41 (admission committee)

Fax: +375 165 31-21-95

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
Official site: http://www.polessu.by

Created April 5, 2006. The national governing body of the university is the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

The university has 3871 students (2613 full-time students, 1186 part-time students), 72 lyceum students.

The University trains personnel with higher education in the following specialties:

  • Economics and management at the enterprise
  • Economics and management in an industrial enterprise
  • Economics and management at the agro-industrial complex enterprise
  • Accounting, analysis and audit
  • Finance and credit
  • Marketing
  • Physical Culture
  • Improving and adaptive physical culture
  • Physical rehabilitation and occupational therapy
  • Tourism and hospitality
  • Biology
  • Industrial fish farming
  • Landscape construction

Training of specialists at the university is carried out at 18 departments of four faculties:

  • economic (full-time and part-time forms of education);
  • banking (full-time and part-time forms of education);
  • organization of a healthy lifestyle (full-time and part-time forms of education);
  • biotechnological (full-time and part-time forms of education).

The priority areas of scientific research are: the effectiveness of monetary policy; ensuring financial stability; development of the banking system; problems of social and economic development of Polissya, healthy lifestyle, development of biotechnologies. The results of scientific research are being introduced into practice.

The student scientific society is actively working. Scientific circles function at the departments. Members of the student scientific society are the main reserve of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification of the university. It has already become a tradition to hold international scientific and practical conferences at the Polesie State University: “Scientific potential of youth - the future of Belarus” (youth), “Banking system: sustainability and development prospects”, “Sustainable development of the economy: state, problems, prospects”, “Health for all".

International cooperation of the university is carried out within the framework of joint educational, cultural, scientific programs and projects. A constant exchange of students and teachers with foreign higher educational institutions is organized. Successfully implemented contracts and agreements concluded with such universities as the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow), St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft, University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (Lviv), University of Applied Sciences (Anhalt, Germany). One of the most important international partners is the German Federal Bank, cooperation with which is carried out within the framework of the latter's agreement with the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. Frequent guests of the university are representatives of business circles and diplomatic missions of foreign states.

All university students have the opportunity to engage in social, cultural and sports activities, as well as visit the museum rooms of the university, which feature more than 4,000 exhibits.

Medical care is provided on the basis of the educational and medical center, as well as in the medical and preventive institutions of the city. There is a student sanatorium-dispensary designed to improve the health of students on a full-time basis of education, taking into account their studies, work and life, and the specifics of the university. It is possible to improve the health of employees, residents and guests of the city in the conditions of a sanatorium-dispensary when paying the full cost of the voucher.

If you are studying or are an applicant and are going to enter, then you should know that za4etka specialists are always ready to provide you with all possible assistance in preparing control, term papers, practice reports, theses, as well as all kinds of tests, cheat sheets, essays, answers to questions , drawings.

You can order a control, term paper, diploma work for Polesie State University by sending an application through our website or by contacting the office directly.

Polessky State University

original name

Polessky State University (PolesGU)

Year of foundation

Belarus Belarus, Pinsk


3 academic buildings, 5 dormitories, a sports complex, a hotel, a medical center, a library and a repository of PolesGU

Legal address

street of the Dnieper Flotilla, 23, city of Pinsk, Brest region, Republic of Belarus



Faculties and other divisions

The university has the following faculties:

  • banking (specialty "Finance and credit", "Accounting, analysis and audit" "Information systems and technologies")
  • economic (specialty "Economics and management at the enterprise", "Marketing", "Tourism and hospitality");
  • biotechnological (specialties "Biology (biotechnology)", "Biology (scientific and industrial activity)", "Gardening and park construction", "Industrial fish farming");
  • organization of a healthy lifestyle (specialties "Physical culture", "Improving and adaptive physical culture", "Physical rehabilitation and ergotherapy");
  • Faculty of advanced training and retraining of personnel;
  • faculty of pre-university training.

The university trains specialists in 13 specialties and 16 specializations. As of September 1, 2006, 4,042 people studied at the university (of which 1,009 were full-time students and 3,033 were part-time students). In 2011, half of the four thousand students studied full-time. The university has set a goal to provide all students with dormitories.

The university also has lyceum(Grades 10-11) with physical and mathematical and chemical and biological specialized classes.

The training of highly qualified specialists is carried out through the magistracy, postgraduate and doctoral studies of the university.

Training of specialists at the second stage of higher education ( magistracy) is carried out in the following specialties: "Economics and management of the national economy" (master's program, which forms the skills of research and scientific and pedagogical work; academic degree - master of economic sciences); "Business Administration" (master's program with in-depth specialist training; academic degree - master of business administration); "Finance, monetary circulation and credit"; "Accounting, statistics"; "Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture".

PhD by specialties: "Biotechnology" (including bionanotechnology) (agricultural sciences); "Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture" (pedagogical sciences).

Doctorate in the specialty "Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture" (pedagogical sciences)

The university has a modern material and technical base: an administrative building, 3 academic buildings, 5 comfortable dormitories, a university sports complex, which includes a stadium, an ice arena, a multi-purpose hall for game sports, swimming pools, flat sports facilities, an educational and medical center. There is a training base for rowing and sailing sports.


The university publishes 5 journals:

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An excerpt characterizing Polesie State University

Denisov smiled, took a handkerchief from the tashka, which diffused the smell of perfume, and thrust it into Nesvitsky's nose.
- I can't, I'm going to work! got out, cleaned his teeth and perfumed himself.
The imposing figure of Nesvitsky, accompanied by a Cossack, and the decisiveness of Denisov, who waved his saber and shouted desperately, acted so that they squeezed through to the other side of the bridge and stopped the infantry. Nesvitsky found a colonel at the exit, to whom he had to convey the order, and, having fulfilled his order, went back.
Having cleared the road, Denisov stopped at the entrance to the bridge. Carelessly holding back the stallion, which was rushing towards his own and kicking, he looked at the squadron moving towards him.
Transparent sounds of hooves were heard on the boards of the bridge, as if several horses were galloping, and the squadron, with officers in front, four people in a row, stretched out along the bridge and began to go out to the other side.
The stopped infantry soldiers, crowding in the mud trampled by the bridge, looked at the clean, dapper hussars, harmoniously passing by them, with that special unfriendly feeling of alienation and mockery with which various branches of the army usually meet.
- Nice guys! If only to Podnovinskoye!
- What good are they! Only for show and drive! another said.
– Infantry, not dust! - the hussar joked, under which the horse, playing, splashed mud at the infantryman.
“I would have driven you away with a knapsack for two transitions, the laces would have been worn out,” the infantryman said, wiping the dirt from his face with his sleeve; - otherwise it’s not a person, but a bird is sitting!
“It would be better to put you on a horse, Zikin, if you were dexterous,” the corporal joked at the thin soldier, twisted from the weight of the knapsack.
“Take a baton between your legs, here’s a horse for you,” the hussar replied.

The rest of the infantry hurried across the bridge, vortexing at the entrance. Finally the wagons all passed, the crush became less, and the last battalion entered the bridge. Some hussars of Denisov's squadron remained on the other side of the bridge against the enemy. The enemy, visible in the distance from the opposite mountain, from below, from the bridge, was not yet visible, since from the hollow along which the river flowed, the horizon ended with the opposite elevation no further than half a verst. Ahead was a desert, along which in some places groups of our traveling Cossacks were moving. Suddenly, on the opposite elevation of the road, troops in blue hoods and artillery appeared. These were the French. The Cossacks' troop moved off downhill at a trot. All the officers and people of Denisov's squadron, although they tried to talk about strangers and look around, did not stop thinking only about what was there, on the mountain, and incessantly peered into the spots that appeared on the horizon, which they recognized as enemy troops. The weather cleared up again in the afternoon, the sun set brightly over the Danube and the dark mountains surrounding it. It was quiet, and from that mountain occasionally came the sounds of horns and cries of the enemy. There was no one between the squadron and the enemy, except for small sidings. An empty space, three hundred fathoms, separated them from him. The enemy stopped firing, and that strict, formidable, impregnable and elusive feature that separates the two enemy troops was felt all the more clearly.
“One step beyond this line, reminiscent of the line separating the living from the dead, and - the unknown of suffering and death. And what's there? who's there? there, behind this field, and a tree, and a roof lit by the sun? Nobody knows, and one wants to know; and it’s scary to cross this line, and I want to cross it; and you know that sooner or later you will have to cross it and find out what is there, on the other side of the line, just as it is inevitable to find out what is there, on the other side of death. And he himself is strong, healthy, cheerful and irritable, and surrounded by such healthy and irritably lively people. So if he does not think, then every person who is in sight of the enemy feels, and this feeling gives a special brilliance and joyful sharpness of impressions to everything that happens at these moments.
Smoke from a shot appeared on a hillock near the enemy, and the ball, whistling, flew over the heads of the hussar squadron. The officers who had been standing together dispersed to their places. The hussars diligently began to straighten the horses. Everything in the squadron went silent. Everyone looked ahead at the enemy and at the squadron commander, waiting for the command. Another, third core flew by. It is obvious that they fired at the hussars; but the cannonball, whistling evenly quickly, flew over the heads of the hussars and hit somewhere behind. The hussars did not look back, but at every sound of a flying cannonball, as if on command, the entire squadron, with its uniformly varied faces, holding its breath while the cannonball was flying, rose in the stirrups and fell again. The soldiers, without turning their heads, squinted at each other, curiously looking for the impression of a comrade. On every face, from Denisov to the bugler, near the lips and chin, one common feature of struggle, irritation and excitement appeared. The sergeant-major frowned, looking at the soldiers, as if threatening punishment. Junker Mironov stooped down with each passage of the core. Rostov, standing on the left flank on his touched but visible Grachik, had the happy look of a student called before a large audience for an exam, in which he was sure that he would excel. He looked around clearly and brightly at everyone, as if asking them to pay attention to how he calmly stands under the cannonballs. But in his face, too, the same feature of something new and strict, against his will, was shown near the mouth.
- Who bows there? Yunkeg "Mig" ons! Hexog "oh, look at me" ite! - shouted Denisov, who could not stand still and who was spinning on a horse in front of the squadron.
The snub-nosed and black-haired face of Vaska Denisov and his whole small, knocked-down figure with his sinewy (with short fingers covered with hair) hand, in which he held the hilt of a drawn saber, was exactly the same as always, especially in the evening, after drinking two bottles. He was only redder than usual, and, throwing his shaggy head up like birds when they drink, ruthlessly pressing his spurs into the sides of the good Bedouin with his small feet, he, as if falling back, galloped to the other flank of the squadron and in a hoarse voice shouted to inspect pistols. He drove up to Kirsten. The staff captain, on a broad and sedate mare, rode towards Denisov at a pace. The captain's staff, with his long mustaches, was as serious as ever, only his eyes shone more than usual.

Educational institution ” Polessky State University“ was created on April 5, 2006 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko. Republican the governing body of the university is the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

The university trains personnel with higher education in the following specialties and specializations(directions of specialties):

  • Economics and management at the enterprise;
  • Economics and management at an industrial enterprise;
  • Economics and management at the agro-industrial complex enterprise;
  • Accounting, analysis and audit (according to directions);
  • Accounting, analysis and audit in industry;
  • Finance and credit;
  • Finance;
  • Banking;
  • Marketing;
  • Marketing of industrial enterprises;
  • Information systems and technologies;
  • Physical culture (therapeutic);
  • Physical culture (preschoolers);
  • Improving and adaptive physical culture (improving);
  • Improving and adaptive physical culture (adaptive);
  • Physical rehabilitation and occupational therapy (according to directions);
  • Physical rehabilitation and occupational therapy (physical rehabilitation);
  • Physical rehabilitation and occupational therapy (ergotherapy);
  • Sports and educational activities;
  • Tourism and hospitality;
  • Biology (scientific and industrial activity);
  • Biology (biotechnology);
  • Industrial fish farming;
  • Technology of fish products processing;
  • Landscape gardening construction;
  • Landscape design;

Training of specialists at the university is carried out at 18 departments of four faculties:

  • economic (full-time and part-time forms of education);
  • banking (full-time and part-time forms of education);
  • organization of a healthy lifestyle (full-time and part-time forms of education);
  • biotechnological (full-time and part-time forms of education).

Based on the decision of the Council of Polesie State University in 2006, the Faculty of advanced training and retraining of personnel.

The work of the faculty is aimed at improving the skills of managers and specialists of the National Bank, institutions and organizations of the financial sector of the economy, non-financial organizations, as well as retraining personnel on the basis of higher education in the following specialties:

  • Banking,
  • business administration,
  • Coaching work.

At the Faculty of Pre-University Training, students are trained for Centralized Testing. Experienced, highly qualified teachers will help you prepare for the CT in Russian, Belarusian, English, mathematics, biology, chemistry, history of Belarus, social science, physics.

Material and technical and educational and material bases allow the educational process to be carried out at the appropriate level. The university has a library and 2 reading rooms, 6 research laboratories, classrooms equipped with technical support, 2 assembly halls (250 seats and 502 seats), a cultural and entertainment center, indoor sports facilities (2120 m2), a universal a sports complex, an ice arena, a stadium with athletics tracks and sectors, swimming and jumping pools, a universal sports hall, rowing bases, outdoor combined tennis, volleyball and basketball courts, a ski-roller track, 3 gyms. The university library provides information for scientific, educational activities, is a center for the dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication, and culture. Users are served on 2 subscriptions: educational and scientific literature and in reading rooms with open access to the fund. The introduction of information technology has made it possible to automate the main library and bibliographic processes. The library uses AIBS IRBIS-64, maintains an electronic catalog. Full-text databases, the information retrieval system “Consultant Plus” are actively used, the resources of the “Virtual Reading Room” of the National Library of Belarus are at the service of users. All computer workstations have access to the INTERNET to external information resources, to electronic catalogs of republican scientific libraries, libraries of educational institutions, websites of the National Bank and periodicals. The information network of the university makes it possible to access information resources from any user's workplace.

The priority areas of scientific research are: the effectiveness of monetary policy; ensuring financial stability; development of the banking system; problems of social and economic development of Polissya, healthy lifestyle, development of biotechnologies. The results of scientific research are being introduced into practice. The student scientific society is actively working. Scientific circles function at the departments. Members of the student scientific society are the main reserve of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification of the university.

It has already become a tradition to hold international scientific and practical conferences: "Scientific potential of youth - the future of Belarus" (youth), "Banking system: stability and development prospects" "Sustainable development of the economy: state, problems, prospects" "Health for all".

EE "Polesye State University" (PolesGU) was established on April 5, 2006 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko. The national governing body of the university is the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The university has 3871 students, 72 lyceum students.

On the basis of the decision of the Council of Polesie State University in 2006, the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel was established. The work of the faculty is aimed at improving the skills of managers and specialists of the National Bank, institutions and organizations of the financial sector of the economy, non-financial organizations, as well as retraining personnel on the basis of higher education in the specialties: “Banking”, “Business Administration” and “Coaching” in accordance with the intra-university regulation “On the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel” (approved on January 22, 2007, No. 126) and other regulatory documents.

At the Faculty of Pre-University Training, students are trained for Centralized Testing. Experienced, highly qualified teachers will help you prepare for the CT in Russian, Belarusian, English, mathematics, biology, chemistry, history of Belarus, social science, physics.

The material and technical and educational and material bases allow to carry out the educational process at the appropriate level. The university has a library and 2 reading rooms, 6 research laboratories, classrooms equipped with technical support, 2 assembly halls (250 seats and 502 seats), a cultural and entertainment center, indoor sports facilities (2120 m2), a universal a sports complex, an ice arena, a stadium with athletics tracks and sectors, swimming and jumping pools, a universal sports hall, rowing bases, outdoor combined tennis, volleyball and basketball courts, a ski-roller track, 3 gyms.

The university library provides information for scientific, educational activities, is a center for the dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication, and culture.

Users are served on 2 subscriptions: educational and scientific literature and in reading rooms with open access to the fund.

The introduction of information technology has made it possible to automate the main library and bibliographic processes. The library uses AIBS IRBIS-64, maintains an electronic catalog. Full-text databases, the information retrieval system “Consultant Plus” are actively used, the resources of the “Virtual Reading Room” of the National Library of Belarus are at the service of users.

All computer workstations have access to the INTERNET to external information resources, to electronic catalogs of republican scientific libraries, libraries of educational institutions, websites of the National Bank and periodicals. The information network of the university makes it possible to access information resources from any user's workplace.

The priority areas of scientific research are: the effectiveness of monetary policy; ensuring financial stability; development of the banking system; problems of social and economic development of Polissya, healthy lifestyle, development of biotechnologies. The results of scientific research are being introduced into practice.

The student scientific society is actively working. Scientific circles function at the departments. Members of the student scientific society are the main reserve of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification of the university. It has already become a tradition to hold international scientific and practical conferences at the Polesie State University: “Scientific potential of youth - the future of Belarus” (youth), “Banking system: sustainability and development prospects”, “Sustainable development of the economy: state, problems, prospects”, “Health for all".

Polesie State University publishes magazines: “Health for All”, “Economics and Banks”, “Bulletin of Polesie State University. Series of Social Sciences and Humanities”, “Bulletin of the Polessky State University. Series of natural sciences".

Journals "Economics and Banks", "Bulletin of the Polessky State University. Series of social sciences and humanities” are included in the List of scientific publications of the Republic of Belarus for publishing the results of dissertation research.

International cooperation of the university is carried out within the framework of joint educational, cultural, scientific programs and projects. A constant exchange of students and teachers with foreign higher educational institutions is organized. Successfully implemented contracts and agreements concluded with such universities as the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow), St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft, University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (Lviv), University of Applied Sciences (Anhalt, Germany). One of the most important international partners is the German Federal Bank, cooperation with which is carried out within the framework of the latter's agreement with the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. Frequent guests of the university are representatives of business circles and diplomatic missions of foreign states.

The system of ideological and educational work at the university is a unity of several levels: the rector's office, the Coordinating Council for educational work, deans, departments, the department of educational work with youth, the student club, the trade union organization of students, the primary organization of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union", Councils of student self-government, curators student groups, elders, student dormitory councils, student group assets, the editorial board of the UniVestnik newspaper.

At 1-3 courses, the institute of curatorship was formed.

The curators of the groups keep the "Journals of the curator". Socio-pedagogical characteristics of groups and the university have been developed. Reports of curators are systematically heard at the Councils of faculties, meetings of departments.

The university pays great attention to the development of student self-government. The faculties have student councils, whose activities are regulated by the Regulations on the student councils of faculties. The main goal of the Faculty Councils is to unite and coordinate the efforts of the entire team of faculty students aimed at improving the quality of training of specialists, improving scientific activities and cultural leisure, conducting ideological and educational work with student youth, preparing students to fulfill social roles - citizen, patriot, professional and family man.

Student self-government is also represented by other student bodies, formations: the student scientific society (SSS) - of the university and faculties, elders at the faculties, the youth law enforcement squad, the editorial board of the university newspaper "UniVestnik".

An effective system of meetings of the administration, representatives of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, its structural divisions, representatives of local authorities with students at faculties, in hostels, with different categories of student activists has developed. Information and curatorial hours are held weekly. The connections of the university with local authorities, representatives of government bodies, public associations, and creative intelligentsia are being strengthened.