How to write a characteristic from a previous place of work. How to write a description of an employee and a sample of such documents

Characteristics for an employee is a special type of document. Despite the fact that there is no single approved sample for its compilation, the importance of this "paper" is undeniable.

In general, a characteristic, if we talk about a specific definition of the concept, is a document reflecting the assessment by the management of an enterprise of its employee, a kind of analysis of an employee in terms of the effectiveness of his professional activity, the adequacy of personal qualities.

Characteristics of an employee from the place of work can be both positive and negative.

A positive reference from the place of work is a document containing an assessment of the best business skills of an employee, his capacious professional potential, reveals his worthy sides as a person.

Negative characteristic for an employee- this is a negative "review" about the business and personal qualities of an employee, reflecting his failure as a specialist and certain character traits that are a barrier to building high-quality and efficient activities.

An example of a characteristic form for subsequent filling:

Sample of a positive characteristic for an employee

"F. I. O. has 25-year experience. During his work at the enterprise, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist, able to competently and rationally approach the solution of tasks. All assigned projects are implemented with maximum efficiency and absolute dedication. Including complex and labor-intensive.

I. O. is distinguished by such qualities as activity, a rare sense of purpose, responsibility for each task performed, and devotion to the cause. As well as the talent of mentoring young professionals, the desire to always come to the aid of colleagues.

In his professional baggage there are many awards, including diplomas of the relevant ministry, Thanksgiving letters enterprise management."

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An example of a negative characteristic for an employee

"F. I. O. has been working at the enterprise for 2 years. Despite some positive traits, it can be characterized as an employee with low professional potential.

This is expressed in non-compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of instructions, insufficient quality of work, indiscipline and disorganization.

Repeatedly subjected to disciplinary action. Has a number of reprimands.

Colleagues are dismissive, unable to establish contact. He is not ready to help new employees, although this is part of his direct duties.

Ignores offers to participate in public life enterprises".

Step by step instructions for self-calculation profitability of the enterprise with examples is contained

Sample characteristics for an employee to submit to the court.

The biggest difficulty

It lies in the fact that there are no clear rules and strict regulations for writing characteristics. The documents of this type compiled in an arbitrary manner.

And the personnel officer or manager who is faced with the task of writing such a “review” needs to show maximum diplomacy and objectivity in order to write a worthy text.

Before writing a characterization, it will be correct to communicate with colleagues of the employee on whom the “paper” is being written, with his immediate supervisor. And imagine yourself in the role of a psychologist and a diplomat who thoughtfully and correctly approach the solution of any issue.

Based on information received from employees and armed with their own best qualities"Psychologist and diplomat", you can start compiling a characterization. And remember the "golden rules" of its writing: objectivity, accuracy, impartiality.

How to write a good job description? What should be included in the description? These and other questions are answered in the following video:

How to write a description of an employee is a question that interests every employer. A characteristic is a business document that describes the professional qualities of an employee and summary essence of his professional duties. In the modern business world, characteristics have somewhat outlived their usefulness. First of all, because of its template. In their place, more and more letters of recommendation come.

The need for paperwork

Despite this, the essence of the characteristic and its purpose should be understood by every person of working age.

You should find out in what cases it is needed:

  • when changing positions or moving to another enterprise;
  • in the conditions of certification of workers;
  • when issuing a large loan;
  • in case of adoption;
  • in litigation;
  • when entering educational institutions.

The structure of the characteristics from the place of work

It is written in a free form, but in compliance with the structural parts.

Questionnaire. Here the personal data of the employee, the availability of education, degrees educational institutions are listed.

The work activity of the employee. It indicates when and by whom the person worked, from what time and by whom he has been working in the current organization. It should be indicated whether the employee was transferred to other departments. This column indicates the labor "exploits" of the employee, what he did significant for the organization. You can characterize the personal qualities shown at work. In the case when the employee took courses, attended seminars, received additional professional education, it is required to designate in the document.

Information about the human qualities of the employee. This column indicates the professional qualities, knowledge, skills acquired by the employee during his stay in the labor institution. You can focus on the diligence of a person, his desire for personal and professional development.

Separately, you need to write about the communicative qualities of a person, his relationship with members of the team. Does the employee have authority among colleagues, how aggressive can he be, how does he resolve work conflicts. Attention should be focused on psychological qualities, general level culture and education. The same section includes possible awards, thanks and encouragement to the employee.

Conclusion. In this column, the purpose and place of the requirement for the characteristic should be indicated. The document is signed by the head. The person who draws up the characteristic is responsible for the information contained in it. The authority to draw up the document belongs either to the inspector of the personnel department or to the head of the enterprise. One copy of the characteristic is taken by the employee, the other by the organization.

There are two types of characteristics: internal and external. Therefore, there are several ways to write a characteristic from the place of work.

An internal characteristic is compiled for use in the organization itself. It may be required in several cases:

  • for the implementation of collections;
  • for reward or gratitude;
  • in case of promotion.

External is compiled for sending to other structures and organizations. Before drawing up such a document, the employee is required to take permission, fixed on paper.



to the psychologist of the Emergency Hospital

Sokolova Anna Nikolaevna

Sokolova Anna, born in 1984. In 2006 she graduated with honors from the State medical institute. She joined the organization in April 2008.

During the period of work, she carried out psychodiagnostic, psychocorrectional, psychoeducational work with colleagues and patients. In my work I used modern technologies psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, carried out advisory work on the assessment psychological state patients, carried out the necessary rehabilitation procedures.

Sokolov A.N. executive and conscientious worker. She complies with the norms of behavior adopted in the work team. Colleagues are friendly and polite. Behave in a friendly and courteous manner. In the event of a conflict, he behaves diplomatically, prefers to search for solutions that satisfy the interests of all parties. In the process of communicating with colleagues and patients, he shows attentiveness and tact. She is distinguished by diligence and high efficiency. In difficult times for the organization, Sokolova A.N. supports the work in every possible way, sometimes staying overtime. The main qualities that distinguish an employee: a conscientious attitude to their work, the desire for self-improvement, increasing professional skills. Regularly attends various courses, seminars, trainings. There are no disciplinary actions.

Head physician N.Ya. Weinstein




on Pyotr Ivanovich Korotkov

bearing factory worker

the city of Tver

Petr Ivanovich has been a foreman for about 1.5 years. He joined the company in 2012. At the workplace, he behaves irresponsibly, negligently treats the performance of duties.

The work is done poorly, half-heartedly. In the work without initiative, requires guardianship and control. Korotkov P.I. he is slow, he remembers the instructions given to him badly.

Relations in labor collective conflict, can be aggressive. Warm, friendly relations are not maintained. Keeps aloof. Does not participate in corporate events.

Has disciplinary sanctions for absenteeism.

Differs weak intellectual development, concrete thinking.

He was elected brigadier, but with official duties could not cope. Does not participate in the life of the plant. No awards or commendations.

Differs in regular violation of labor discipline, shows a tendency to an antisocial lifestyle.

Among the team and management does not enjoy authority.

The characteristic was issued for submission to vocational school No. 12 of the city of Tver.

Plant director (signature) V.P. Serafimko

How to write

  1. Degree of professionalism: experience, skills, knowledge of professional issues.
  2. Knowledge of professional responsibility.
  3. Knowledge of document management.
  4. Ownership modern methods and technologies.
  5. Ability to plan work, anticipate risks and prospects.
  6. Degree of performance.
  7. Attitude to work.
  8. Discipline and responsibility.
  9. Ability to support initiatives.
  10. Possibility to spend personal time to fix problems.
  11. Punctuality.
  12. Organization, initiative, independence in the execution of instructions.
  13. Persistence.
  14. Modesty.
  15. Communicative qualities.
  16. Ability to resolve conflicts.
  17. Relationships in the team.
  18. Objectivity, exactingness.

The information provided in the reference is extremely important for the applicant, because it gives the employer an idea of ​​the competitiveness of a person, his personal and professional qualities.

How to write a characterization for an employee

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A characteristic for an employee is an officially issued document that assesses the professional and personal qualities of an employee, describes the work path and social activities of an employee. The characteristic can be compiled at the request of the employee himself or at the request of external sources. So, how to write a characterization for an employee?

Types of production characteristics

Despite the fact that the characteristic for an employee is a document drawn up on a form, having its own serial number and in without fail certified by the seal, there are no strict requirements for its preparation in the regulatory and legislative acts.

The only thing you can be guided by when writing a characteristic is GOST R 6.30-2003, where are registered general rules formatting and filling working documentation.

Characteristics sheet for an employee.

3. Data about labor activity and career of an employee:

  • the date of commencement of work at the enterprise, the terms of work in other organizations may also be indicated;
  • brief information about the career - when, where and to what positions he was transferred;
  • receiving additional education, advanced training, self-performed work, key projects;
  • characteristics of the results of labor activity - the most significant results.

What is the primary documentation in accounting, how to properly maintain and store it, you can read

4. Are there any penalties or rewards?- in the paragraph, all the achievements of the employee should be written (receipt of diplomas, achievement of titles, the employee’s own developments, and so on).

5. Evaluation of the personal and professional qualities of an employee.

This paragraph lists psychological and communication skills, the level of his knowledge, professionalism in a particular area.

7. The characteristic is certified by signatures management staff (the signature of one director or head of a division, department is enough) and the head of the personnel service.

8. Document issue date is placed at the bottom left, signatures are certified with a seal.

9. One copy of the characteristic is transferred to the employee or third parties(if authorized in writing by the employee), and the second (copy) remains with the organization.

Form characteristics ( letter of recommendation) for an employee is a special type of recommendation that reflects the opinion of the management of the institution about the professional activities and the adequacy of the personal traits of its employee. Despite the fact that there is no approved template for compiling letters of recommendation, the significance of such a document is undeniable. Today, a positive recommendation often serves as a promotion for a person, and this term is becoming more and more firmly established in everyday life. Such a document plays a particularly important role when registering for an enterprise.

What is an employee characteristic

Such a letter does not describe his biography or what he achieved outside the institution. That is, it displays his labor and social activities in the institution in which he works.

In most cases, the characteristic is issued to the employee on the letterhead of the institution, and in the absence of it, it is necessary to display the details of the institution or businessman at the top of the document. Such a form is signed by the head or a person entitled to it, and certified by a seal.

How to write a job description for an employee?

The format for filling out the characteristics is not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, however, recommendations for its preparation are generally accepted. Let's try to figure out how such a letter of recommendation is filled out and why it is necessary.

First, the characteristic is written either on letterhead or on an A4 sheet. The letter must have three main sections.

The first section is general and displays:

  • In the absence of a letterhead, all the details of the institution are filled in at the top
  • Name (in full) of the person for whom the form is filled out.
  • The date he was born.
  • Working hours of the employee in the institution.

The second section is a description of the labor and social functions of the employee at the specified institution, which displays:

  • Career movement during the period of work at the company. Position, transfers, promotions, demotions, etc.
  • Rewards, rewards, punishments are displayed (with reasons displayed).
  • Professional skills, training courses, trainings.

The third section refers to personal traits, which displays:

  • Professional skills.
  • The accumulated experience and skills of a professional to perform the assigned tasks.
  • Sociability.
  • Relationships with employees.
  • Diligence, etc.

Despite the fact that there are managers who consider the characteristic from the enterprise a past relic, this form is still in demand and is gaining “ second wind". The ambiguous assessment of this letter is explained by the fact that many managers treat it formally and do not pay too much attention to this form.

The characteristic is not too different from the rules for writing any official documents and usually contains the following set of information:

  1. General information
  2. Work experience
  3. Personal Traits

If the document is written in ordinary leaf, then all the details of the enterprise issuing the document are filled in at the top.

  1. Next, fill in the information about the employee for whom the document is being drawn up. This includes the surname and initials, date of birth, marital status, relationship to military duties, education, and receiving various awards.
  2. In the next paragraph, information about labor activity is filled in. The section displays information about work experience, about its beginning and end (if the employee is no longer a member of the company team), about moving around career ladder at the issuing agency. It is also required to display labor and professional merits, whether a person improved his qualifications in the process of work, etc. If a person has gratitude or penalties, this information also needs to be displayed.
  3. The personality traits of a person are perhaps the most significant part of the entire form. The document must display information about the personal qualities of the employee. If a person belongs to the junior management team, then it is necessary to display his organizational skills, the level of responsibility for the department, the ability to make responsible decisions, self-discipline, etc. If the person is an executor, then here you need to show his readiness to complete tasks, determination to achieve results, etc. In addition, here you need to display the relationship of a person with employees.

If such a form is sent at the official request of the organization, then it is necessary to display where this document is intended. The letter is certified by the person who issued such a form. This could be a human resources officer or the head of an institution. It is also mandatory to record the number of filling out the letter.

An example of compiling a characteristic

For a better understanding of the correctness of filling out a characteristic from an institution, we will give an example of compiling such a document.

  1. Option one (on company letterhead)

Here are the details of the company

№____ "______" _______________ 20___


Issued by ______________________________________________

(full name - when born, position)

Full name worked (s) in ____________________________________________ starting with "______"

_______________ twenty___. During the period of his career, he was repeatedly sent to study to improve the level of qualification, which he successfully completed, on the following topics:


The full name has broad skills in the profession he has received and is always versed in innovations in his field of activity. Acquired worthy skills of business relations.

FIO is a responsible employee, focused on obtaining the final result, instantly perceives innovations and is not afraid to take responsibility for their implementation. Always able to work under any circumstances, including outside working hours.

By nature, he is punctual, delicate in communicating with members of the team, enjoys respect among people. Demanding of himself and of his employees.

___________________ ___________________

Position Surname I.O. Signature

  1. Option two (recommendations upon request)

"______" _______________ twenty___


This characteristic is presented by the full name, who was born: ____________________, working in _______________________________________________________________.

(name of the institution and its details)

from "______" _______________ 20___ to the present period in the position of ______________.

Received a secondary technical education __________________________________________.

Marital status: _____________ ______________________________________________.

(describe the composition of the family)

The employee proved to be an excellent specialist. Never received any disciplinary punishment.

Supports in the team a good relationship. Friendly and modest, under any circumstances, ready for a peaceful resolution of any disputes. Has no bad tendencies. Has the right priorities in life. Actively participates in the social movement of the company.

The characteristic is provided for ______________________________________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position Surname I.O. Signature

(Video: “Characteristic from the place of work. How to write a letter of recommendation for an employee

For an accountant

Today, entrepreneurs are increasingly asking for references before hiring a person. In Soviet times, instead of such letters, an ordinary description from the final place of activity was offered. Especially importance Now he has a recommendation when applying for a responsible position, as any manager wants to be sure of the employee. The position of an accountant is a responsible one.

Below is a sample of such a recommendation for an accountant, according to which such a document can be written.

If an employee treats his duties with due responsibility, then he will always be given a positive response.

Here are some examples of when positive recommendations are issued:

  • For a device on new company(from the previous place of employment).
  • To pass exams in an educational institution.
  • When awarding regalia.
  • When moving up the career ladder.
  • When moving to another department.
  • When assigning the highest rank to an employee.
  • To pay remuneration.
  • For the presentation of diplomas, certificates.
  • When purchasing a loan.

Usually, such letters are written on the letterhead of the organization. The document is drawn up either by the manager of the employee, or by the employee personnel department. The characteristics form must be filled out in the same format as described earlier in the previous sections.

At the end of the letter of recommendation, it is necessary to write for whom the drafted document is intended, for example, - “ …to be provided on demand…". The letter filled in this way is certified by the head of the unit and the head of the institution.

An example of a negative characteristic per employee (Sample)

Here are the circumstances under which, most often, negative recommendations are issued:

  • For law enforcement agencies.
  • For courts.
  • For banking departments.
  • for disciplinary action.

The form of the letter is filled in the same format as the positive recommendation. At the end of the document, the purpose of the characteristic is necessarily written. The completed letter is certified in the same way by the head of the department and the head of the company.

A characteristic from the place of work may be needed by a citizen when applying to various authorities and organizations.

There are certain rules for compiling this document.

Depending on the purpose of compilation, the content of the document may vary. Consider how to write a job description.

Depending on the purpose of obtaining characteristics, they are divided into two types:

  1. Internal. This type applies only within the organization when a transfer is made to another position, moving to another department, or a disciplinary sanction is imposed, etc.
  2. External. Written at the initiative of a citizen, third-party organizations. Such documents are intended to be presented upon request outside the employee's place of work. For example, when applying for a loan, when applying for a new employer, or guardianship authorities, for a military registration and enlistment office, for municipal organizations, etc.

How to write a characteristic for an employee - sample and drafting procedure

From the point of view of the law, there is no single generally accepted form of the document, that is, each employer can draw up a characteristic at his own discretion.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for applying for parental leave.

An example of compiling a characteristic

Let's look at an example of a well-written document.

The possible text of the document can be considered on the example of the characteristics of an enterprise accountant, compiled for presentation at a new place of work.

After specifying the date of preparation of the document and the title, the following text may appear:

“Issued to Margarita Petrovna Kharitonova, born on July 15, 1981.

She was educated in Moscow state university majoring in economics. Married. Has two children (7 and 5 years old).

She worked at the LLC "Vash Dom" enterprise from 04.04.2010 to 15.02. 2016 as an accountant.

While working, she was sent to trainings under the programs "Chief Accountant" and "Consultant Plus", took courses under the program " Financial statements 2016". Annually received an award at the end of the year for effective and qualified professional activity. Disciplinary sanctions was not subjected.