French architectural universities. Higher educational institutions. Preparatory courses at universities in France

France attracts applicants with the absence of entrance exams, the opportunity to learn the realities of the country, and the low cost of studying. But French higher education with the prospect of a good job is not easy to get.

The vast majority of French universities are part of the state system, subordinate to the Ministry of Education. Government subsidies allow free admission to them, the minimum tuition fee.

They share a short, full, post-graduate education ("Doctorat"). Short education (3 years) is designed to work in industry, the service sector, is assessed by the diploma "Universitaire de technologie". Universities and higher schools have adopted the “bachelor-master-doctor” system, which is not regulated by time.

Higher schools are opposed to university higher education, the lack of which industrialists and employers consider the lack of selection (“the principle of free enrollment”), the absence of tuition fees. Fundamental sciences and theoretical disciplines have been reduced to a minimum in higher schools. The practical orientation of higher schools in France is highly rated, in the ranking of "Financial Times" - 18 French higher schools.

The best educational centers

The famous Sorbonne is the oldest (since 1215) of 87 state universities. Having grown from church colleges, the university is now divided into five autonomous universities. His heirs were the "Sorbonne Pantheon", "Paris-Sorbonne University", "New Sorbonne", "University. Rene Descartes". The specialization of universities has been preserved, the educational process is close to historical patterns. The best foreign students of the Sorbonne can receive a scholarship.

The University of Nantes is considered the second in France, it has more than 33,000 students. The University of Nantes gives at the faculties of economics, management, natural sciences, social sciences, law, medicine, philology. The Higher Polytechnic School is also considered a university faculty.

The University of Strasbourg is divided into "Louis Pasteur" universities(Faculties of Medicine, Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Earth Physics, Chemistry, Botany, General Biology, Geophysics, Geology), Mark Bloch University (Faculties of Art, Social Sciences, History, Humanities, Philosophy, Sports Sciences, Theology), "Robert Schumann University" (faculties of 160 specialties, including law, economics, criminalistics, industrial property studies). In total, there are more than forty thousand students in three universities, of which 8,000 are foreigners.

Admission, study, life

French universities do not require entrance exams. Some practice an interview conducted by the selection committee. State universities are subsidized from the budget, even for foreigners the payment is minimal, but dropout from the first courses is significant.

In higher schools there is a big competition, there are entrance exams, which are quite difficult. This is due to the guarantee of full employment for graduates, better prospects for obtaining government positions, prestigious, well-paid jobs. In addition to specialized exams, a positive result of the ESABAC exam (knowledge of French) is required.

Most applicants enter higher schools through specialized two-year courses at the same higher school, passing the first courses of the university. For such applicants, the duration of study is reduced to 3 years. At the Sorbonne, tuition fees are affordable, 250 - 1000 euros, but living in Paris is expensive.

An example of paying for higher education is the Paris Polytechnic School, where the cost of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien (three-year) program is about 22,000 euros, the Master’s program is 11,000 euros (for a full course). Many universities have a government “Family Allowance Fund” available to foreign students. It provides subsidies, mainly for housing rent.

Education in higher schools takes place according to its own programs, many universities work according to the Bologna system (accumulation of "credits" for all lectures, tests, work, exams, tests). The oldest universities stick to traditional programs.

Job prospects

After graduating from a higher educational institution, the most promising job is in France, French-speaking countries. University education is faced with the problems of an indefinite status of the licentiate. Many employers do not understand whether a licentiate's diploma is an admission to the next cycle of study, has an independent value of an educational document.

The chances of getting a good job in Switzerland, Belgium, Canada are growing for graduates of technical higher schools. In the third world (francophone countries) French education is highly regarded.

In the post-Soviet space, the rating of French higher education is quoted lower than English. Adequate value of it is understood by a small part of employers. The chances of a successful job search are higher in foreign representative offices of French firms, in the automotive industry, design and fashion, restaurant, hotel, and tourism businesses.

The best state paid and free universities in France. Features of admission and study at the university. The higher education system of this European country in 2019.
French universities occupy a special place among. Most of them boast centuries of history, as well as high standards of education. The prestige of French universities is beyond doubt, since for a long time, along with Oxford and Bologna universities, they taught only the upper strata of society.

The University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne is one of the 13 that arose during the division of the Sorbonne. The university includes 14 faculties, 8 institutes and research centers, as well as the House of Economics.

Over time, the policy of the French Ministry of Education has changed a lot and has become more democratic in relation to students. One of its main directions is the desire to make education more accessible and attractive for both residents of the country and foreign students.

When considering the possibility of entering universities in France, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the reasons for the popularity of this option. First of all, they should include the financial availability of education. All institutions are funded by the state, which makes it possible to make education free for both citizens of the state and foreigners.

To study at a university or higher school, you only need to pay a special registration fee, the amount of which is established by the relevant ministry. For 2019, it is no more than 200 euros per year for a bachelor's degree and 270 for a master's degree. If the applicant plans to receive a doctoral degree, the fee will be a little more than 400 euros.

Higher schools markedly outperform universities in terms of fees. They can reach 1 thousand euros annually. However, all the above prices are valid for courses taught in French. For English-language education, the amount of the fee can reach up to 6 thousand euros per semester.

Watch the video: How to get a scholarship to study in France.

Directions of study

In France, there are a huge number of universities that teach students a variety of specialties. However, there are a number of areas where local institutions have excelled more than others. These include, first of all:

  • mathematics;
  • engineering;
  • medicine and related sciences.

Holders of diplomas in these and similar disciplines obtained in France significantly increase their chances of finding a job.

In addition, such a diploma opens up incredibly wide opportunities for the student to develop in the scientific environment and build an academic career.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the creative and cultural areas in the educational activities of local universities. Historically, Europe. This led to the creation of a full-fledged and independent network of art schools, education in which allows not only to achieve recognition in the field of cinema, photography and other arts, but also to find people who share the interests and views of the student.

Despite the many advantages and high standards of education, only 11 universities in France are in the top 250 of the best universities. According to experts, this is not due to the quality indicators of education, but to the imperfection of the assessment algorithms used by the English agencies QS and THE.

Watch the video about studying in France.

Classification of universities in France

All higher educational institutions existing in the country are divided into three main categories, depending on the type of organization, profile and other features. Among them are:

  1. specialized schools. Training is conducted in the following areas: music, design, photography, painting and other arts.
  2. Universities.
  3. higher schools.

Universities and higher schools are fundamentally different in a number of ways. The majority of applicants get into the institutions of the first category, while higher schools are extremely selective in relation to people who want to enter them. A similar situation is observed in the quality and quantity of teaching staff.

The answer to this situation is the measures taken by the government to attract gifted students to universities. They are based on scholarship and other preferential programs, as well as research funding. However, this failed to change the situation, as a result, higher schools still outperform universities.

Among other things, membership in the EUA says a lot about the quality of education of a particular university. The institutions included in such an association are generally recognized as the best, which significantly increases the value of the diploma and the demand for graduates from employers.

3 main types of French universities

Specifics of higher schools

If you plan to enter the best educational institutions in France, it is advisable to take a closer look at the higher schools. Among the most prestigious institutions of this kind, 4 schools can be distinguished at once - Paris, Lyon, Cachan, Rennes. At the same time, the most selective schools in relation to applicants are located in Paris and Lyon.

All of them have full autonomy, but they suggest the possibility of passing preparatory courses in one institution and subsequent admission to another. Upon graduation, all graduates are assigned the status of "normal", which carries with it not only a respected title, but also a number of responsibilities.

In particular, each holder must have worked in the civil service for at least 5 years, which in France seems to be the best of all possible. This requirement does not apply to foreigners, however, if they wish, they can take advantage of this opportunity.

French university ranking

Among the most popular universities among foreign applicants, there are both private and public educational institutions in France. in the vast majority of them - free of charge, both for citizens of France and for foreigners.

Among them:

  • Sorbonne University in Paris.
  • University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.
  • University of Nantes.
  • Samadeva University.
  • University of Cergy-Pontoise.
  • Descartes University.

Each of them has its own, unique history and a set of areas in which students are trained. Since classes are free, the final choice should be made, depending on the interests of the applicant and the specialty that is planned to be acquired.

This educational institution first opened its doors to applicants in 1289 and today is one of the most prestigious in France. The university owns an urban-type campus for students to live, which is especially important for foreign citizens.

The University of Montpellier is popular with students from all over the world due to its quality teaching, the prestige of the diplomas received and free education.

Montpellier is included in five percent of the best universities in the world, and this university is recognized as the leader in terms of the quality of education in the country. For enrollment, it is enough to pay the registration fee, as well as present documents confirming the passing of exams.

It belongs to the category of large educational institutions, accommodates more than 24 thousand students, and also has its own library. The main specialties in which students are trained are: medicine, sports, law, business and natural sciences.

It belongs to public educational institutions and ranks 33rd in the national ranking. It belongs to the category of old universities, since 1887 is considered to be the date of its foundation. The main campus of the university is located in the city of Lille, while a number of branches operate in other large cities.

The process of admission to this institution is similar to the previous option: you will need to provide data on the successful passing of exams, as well as pay the registration fee in the amount established by the ministry. This university is medium in size, and about 18 thousand students are educated here every year.

As in many other educational institutions in France, it provides for the possibility of teaching foreign citizens on an equal basis with local residents. On the territory of the university there is a large library, and he himself is one of the most prestigious European educational institutions EUA.

University of Nantes

Another popular university is the University of Nantes, which is one of the oldest educational institutions of this category. It was founded back in 1460, and the main building of the complex is located in the city of Nantes. Included in the 30 most prestigious universities in France and boasts a spacious hostel.

Castle on the campus of the University of Nantes

Since the institution is actively involved in international student exchange programs, foreign students are not uncommon here. Thanks to a large hostel, they have the opportunity to live near the place of study at affordable prices. As in most universities in France, the academic year consists of two semesters.

The number of students exceeds 31 thousand people, and teachers - 1500. The percentage of foreigners among applicants fluctuates around 8%. The main areas of study are natural and applied disciplines, which include:

  • medicine;
  • mathematics;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • control.

In addition, the higher Polytechnic School is a formal part of the university, which indicates the first-class quality of education.

French universities themselves, as well as the level of education they provide, are among the small number of things that the French are extremely scrupulous about. The minimum doubt about the quality of education causes a huge number of checks and close attention of the Ministry of Education, especially when the educational institution is state-owned. If it is confirmed that the programs or level of higher education do not meet the standards, the reaction should be immediate. Thanks to this approach, French universities have gained immense popularity in the world, and the flow of foreign students is increasing from year to year.

Even the eternal opponents, the British universities, admit that they do not see much difference in the level of education between Britain and France. Even more, French universities conduct a much larger number of different exams and tests to make sure that students have fully mastered the necessary material. Therefore, foreign applicants are warned in advance that they will have to study every day and there will be no indulgences for foreign guests. So Ukrainians who managed to graduate from an educational institution in this state can be sure that they will easily find a job in Europe, since Europeans know firsthand how highly qualified specialists graduate universities in France.


Universities of France for Ukrainians have additional attractiveness. You can enter them immediately after school, a certificate with normal marks is enough. This ease of admission is fully offset by the ease of deductions. Universities in France do not even require entrance exams, so as not to miss the “shy genius” or the future engineer-inventor without oratorical abilities. But during training, without regret, they part with negligent students.

Somewhat different entry requirements are set by the École normale supérieure. You can get an education in this educational institution only after graduating from special training programs, having received a bachelor's degree from another university, or having studied at least 2 years at a university.

Most French universities offer courses in French, especially at the undergraduate level. In the most popular specialties, which are in the highest demand among foreign students, programs in English have been introduced. But a Ukrainian, regardless of the language of instruction, will have to confirm knowledge of French or English, and preferably both languages. Proficiency in English is confirmed by passing the IELTS or TOEFL exams, it is even easier for French-speaking applicants, they have the opportunity to do this in the educational institution itself.


Universities in France finish accepting applications for admission 2 months before the start of classes, i.е. until July 1 of the current year, as studies start on September 1. Ukrainians should start the admission process as early as possible, as various universities in France ask for completely different additional documents. If you did not have time to prepare and send them, then the application is considered incomplete and is not accepted for consideration.

The scheme of admission and the main documents required by universities in France:

  • full and detailed filling of the application for admission, indicating the faculty and language of teaching;
  • simultaneously with the application, a receipt is sent confirming the payment of the fee for the consideration of documents;
  • a copy of the international passport and 1-2 photos (as for a passport) are required;
  • a certified copy of the certificate (diploma) with grades;
  • all diplomas, certificates, etc. about the completion of any courses or an extract from the university, if you studied at it or are still studying;
  • confirmation of knowledge of English (French) language;
  • applicants from non-EU countries, including Ukrainians, are often required to have a certified copy of their birth certificate;
  • it is also necessary to confirm financial solvency sufficient for comfortable living and studying in France;
  • writing an essay in which you must convince the management of the educational institution to accept you to study (it is better to entrust the writing to professionals).

Often universities in France are asked to confirm the possibility of obtaining a visa to the country, but now this is becoming less common.


French universities offer a standard European graduation of education:

  • bachelor;
  • master;
  • candidate or doctor of science.

The only difference from other countries is the completion of the École normale supérieure, since along with the acquired degree, the graduate actually receives a title. But admission to such universities in France is extremely difficult for Ukrainians.


In recent years, international and French rankings have been surprisingly unanimous in choosing the winner. Moreover, the leader is only conditionally included in the nomination "Universities of France", as it has a name recognizable all over the world: Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris).

ENS Paris has been working since 1793 and during this time has learned 13 Nobel laureates. Humanities and natural sciences are considered the strongest faculties.

Next comes another representative of Paris - École Polytechnique. This is the strongest technical university in France, one of the founders of ParisTech.

Specifically, the universities of France among the best institutions are represented only by Université Pierre et Marie Curie, which until 1971 was part of the Sorbonne (University of Paris). Now it is the most famous French center of medicine and natural sciences.

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon has seen a marked improvement in its rankings. Everyone appreciated her achievements in the field of humanities and natural sciences.

The top five is closed by CentraleSupélec, most likely the future winner of all ratings. The institution came into being only in 2015, when Supélec (Graduate School of Engineering) and École Centrale Paris merged. Supported by a strong scientific base, engineering shocked France with a number of new inventions and developments.

As you can see, among the best universities there are only state institutions and not a single private one.

Universities of France are the most popular institutes, universities and colleges in France. Detailed descriptions of study programs, reviews, photos and videos about universities in France.

Alma mater of world-famous scientists, politicians and artists, French universities are by no means inaccessible to domestic applicants. Every year an increasing number of international students take their places in their renowned classrooms, and the proportion of Russian students is steadily growing. There are all reasons for such popularity: in French universities, professions are excellently taught - be it law, economics, medicine or design, plus a couple of dozen more in-demand professions. Well, a diploma with the state emblem of France easily opens the doors of leading international companies to graduates. In order to study at universities in France, neither patronage nor a fat wallet is required - tuition fees at local universities can be called symbolic, and language proficiency is the main requirement for applicants. So if you know French and are not averse to trying your hand at studying in the vastness of the Republic - welcome to the universities of France.

Types of universities in France

Universities in France are divided into several types - these are universities, higher and specialized schools, as their narrow specialization increases. In other words, in French universities, similarly to Russian ones, the broadest education is given - many faculties and a lot of specialties, and consequently a large number of students. In higher schools, they teach in a specialty in specific areas - for example, engineering, pedagogical, IT technologies, and so on. Finally, specialized schools are educational institutions focused on certain professions of a non-mass character and an extremely narrow profile. At the same time, the range of specialties is by no means small: they produce directors, screenwriters, confectioners, social workers, workers in the tourism industry, and a host of “narrowly focused” specialists.

Education in universities in France is free for foreigners; social insurance and registration fee costs do not exceed 500 EUR per year.

Prices on the page are for August 2018.

Public universities in France

There are more than eighty state universities in France - there are thirteen of them in the suburbs of Paris alone! Their backbone is made up of institutions with a long and rich history, as well as big names of graduates "in the asset". Among the oldest universities in Europe are the famous Sorbonne (however, as an integral educational institution, it ceased to exist 40 years ago, and now several universities carry the “Sorbonne” prefix in their name) and the University of Strasbourg, founded already in 1566. Also, studying at the University of Nantes is considered very prestigious - especially at the faculties of the humanities and law. However, it is worth saying right away: there are simply no non-prestigious higher educational institutions in France.

Higher schools in France

High schools can be both public and private. It is more difficult for domestic students to enter a higher school in France than to enter a university. The fact is that these educational institutions accept only a small number of applicants annually, respectively, the requirements for candidates are higher (in particular, you will need to pass entrance exams in specialized disciplines). However, further employment for graduates is practically guaranteed even in our difficult times - education in higher schools is “tailored” for the needs of a particular industry, and many of these institutions have direct contracts with prestigious employers. Students, as they say, are passed from hand to hand. Needless to say, education in higher schools is paid, and the amount of tuition will be considerable. Among other things, foreign students are less readily accepted here, since they will almost certainly become immigrants - after graduation they are snapped up like hot cakes.

Specialized schools in France

Specialized schools are also public and private. Education here is conducted mainly in the humanities and creative specialties. That is why among the entrance examinations there are not only exams, but also a portfolio. The cost of education here is also higher (and sometimes many times) than in state universities, but, as a rule, lower than in higher schools. The reason is the same prestige of education in a creative profile, but at the same time, no one gives guarantees of employment, which is quite logical: directors, writers and actors are forced to compete with colleagues and take a place under the sun.

Entry requirements

For admission to French universities, a graduate of a Russian school will need a certificate of general secondary education and a certificate confirming knowledge of French at least B2 level according to the international classification. By the way, in France you can also study in English - in this case you will not need French certificates, but you will have to present TOEFL or IELTS. For those who have chosen commercial disciplines as their specialty, you will also need a French TAGE-MAGE business certificate or an international GMAT.

Among other things, the criterion for the compliance of a Russian student with this French university is his motivation and professional plans for the future - therefore, it is extremely important to correctly compose a motivation letter, which the applicant includes in the package of documents for admission. Also, the admissions committee will be interested in how much the specialty chosen in France corresponds to the student's educational “past” (the admission of a “techie” to a humanitarian university will cause, first of all, bewilderment). Well, the last important factor is the availability of vacant places in a particular university for students from abroad.

A graduate of a Russian school to enter French universities will need a certificate of general secondary education and a certificate confirming knowledge of the French language.

Cost of education

The cost of education in French universities compares favorably with Russian. Incredibly, education here is free even for foreigners - and this is thanks to government subsidies. Students pay only the registration fee - it is about 180-260 EUR per year - and the annual contribution to the social insurance fund - from 190 to 220 EUR. However, such lafa is practiced only in relation to applicants of state universities - the first category of educational institutions mentioned above. If you decide to get an education in a specialized or higher school, get ready to compete for a student's place not only with your brains - in the entrance exams - but also with your wallet. Higher schools estimate the amount of knowledge given from a modest 500-700 EUR per year to an impressive 20-22000 EUR. Specialized ones are not far behind: from 200-400 EUR to 12-14000 EUR per year of study.

Education systems in different countries

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  • Lithuania: