Which countries are prohibited for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to travel to. Data privacy levels. Customs workers

Due to the difficult geopolitical situation between Russia and Ukraine that developed in 2014, many residents of Russia today have restrictions on foreign travel. First of all, this affected the officials, with free access to state secrets, classified information and FSB officers. In addition, ordinary employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as their close relatives, fell under these “sanctions”. However, these strict measures do not mean that Russian police officers will no longer be able to visit exotic countries during a well-deserved vacation. There is a list of permitted countries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019, which the above persons and members of their families can use without a threat to their safety and personal peace.

Following media reports raising the issue of a ban on overseas leave for employees public service, the Russians got worried, is it really now that all the police have become restricted to travel abroad?

Three years ago, the order of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was more of a recommendation, but now the scope of the ban threatens to become more massive and serious. The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was approved by the heads of many departments, sometimes with a radical approach, prohibiting travel altogether. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of the degree of admission, were banned from traveling abroad, insisting on rest within the country, thereby supporting domestic tourism.

If the Draft Law restricting the travel of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs abroad is adopted, the “sanctions” will affect almost the entire staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which includes police officers, employees of the migration department, the State Drug Control Service and investigators. These professions, on the duty of their activities, are admitted or may be admitted at any time to secret and classified information, which has three degrees of access.

Since the draft law on the ban on travel abroad by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was not adopted (withdrawn), there is no strict ban on visiting foreign countries. However, for employees with access to classified documents of the first and second forms, the order of the Ministry of the Interior remains relevant. An exception is the reason for a valid plan: an urgent need for treatment abroad and death, a serious illness of a close relative living in another country.

Labeled "Top Secret"

The reason for the travel ban lies in the desire to protect the Russian police from potential provocations by foreign intelligence agencies, as well as in order to preserve state secrets that may be known to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The higher the clearance, the more difficult it is to go abroad.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On State Secrets”, the right Russian citizen to leave the country may be restricted if a citizen has or had access to information of "special importance" or "top secret information". This restriction is valid for no more than 5 years from the date of the last acquaintance with classified information, with the possibility of extending the ban up to 10 years.

The first form of admission is granted only to high-ranking heads of departments, such as, for example, heads of departments and heads of operational departments of the prison department. The second form of admission is received by the heads and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are engaged in operational-search work. The admission of the second form is also available to operational officers of the penitentiary system. The third form of access can be available to any employee who has access to documents marked "for official use".

In migration departments, only heads of regional departments, deputy heads of departments, as well as individual employees working with classified documents, including classified statistics, have access to classified information.

Countries forbidden to visit

A categorical ban on traveling abroad is for employees with first and second degree clearance. Persons with a third degree of clearance or without it, but who still work in departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are not recommended to visit the EU countries and those that are connected by contractual agreements with the United States.

Scroll foreign countries not worth visiting: Bulgaria, Great Britain, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Turkey, Czech Republic, Japan, as well as island states: Seychelles; Bahamas; Marshall Islands and Micronesian Islands.

List of allowed countries

In the fall of 2015, the Ministry of the Interior of Russia issued the so-called Order 360, which published a list of countries that are not prohibited from visiting by the Interior Ministry. These are such countries as Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, South Ossetia; Brazil, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Cuba, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nicaragua, UAE, Oman, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, South Africa.

The procedure for obtaining permission

The law restricting the movement of Russian police officers has not yet been adopted, however, many employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs still face problems obtaining permission to leave. Exists next order actions that will help avoid problems with the leadership before or after the trip.

  1. Submitting a report.
  2. Request permission to leave at the head office of your unit, with a detailed indication of the route for the country to which the trip is planned.
  3. Waiting for management decision.
  4. Obtaining a foreign passport in ODiR, if it was handed over there.
  5. Trip report.
  6. Submit your passport back to the appropriate department.

In April 2014, like a bolt from the blue, there was a demand from Minister V. Kolokoltsev to limit the travel of security forces outside the country. Despite the fact that the press service tried to smooth over the situation and stated that this order was only advisory in nature, many police officers realized that in fact everything was much more serious.

The ban is still in force today. Many Internet sites reprint each other's list of countries where workers are prohibited from traveling power structures. But they themselves also bring a reservation - it is far from perfect and is formed literally at the level of rumors. Specifically, it can only say that the ministry strongly discourages Interior Ministry employees from traveling to those states with which the United States has extradition agreements.

In which countries will law enforcement officers be able to spend their holidays?

At first, the ban applied only to those police officers who have access to any official secrets and can become a source of important information for the intelligence services of the member states of the North Atlantic bloc. However, today we can say with confidence that even employees working in regional and territorial departments will not be able to go abroad.

Rather, they will be able to ride only in states that have not fallen under the ban. The list of countries to which law enforcement officers are currently allowed to travel is as follows:

  • territory former USSR- Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, Tajikistan and South Ossetia, Latvia and Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldova, Abkhazia;
  • Asia - Laos and always friendly China, Myanmar and the State of Palestine, Israel and Yemen;
  • other than those mentioned above former formations the Soviet state, you can see that Europe in this list is represented only by the Vatican, Andorra, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia;
  • Africa - Lesotho and Côte d'Ivoire, Chad and the Central African Republic, Uganda and Tanzania;
  • from the countries of the American continent, only Puerto Rico, Chile and island states in the Caribbean Sea, such as Bonaire, Aruba and others, were included in the list.

In 167 countries, travel by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is strictly prohibited. Exceptions are made only for those who have seriously ill relatives abroad. And even then, only if they do not have access to state secrets.

What official structures say about the ban on travel abroad for security forces

As the reasons for which a list of countries allowed for exit appeared by official structures under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they are called:

  • ensuring the security of the security forces. The above-mentioned extradition agreement with the United States means only one thing - in the event of any unforeseen situations, Russia will simply not be able to protect its citizens in the countries that have such agreements. Therefore, the ban eliminates any such cases. "Permitted" states do not have any agreements with the States;
  • protection of state secrets. As you know, there are three main degrees of secrecy of data that can be transferred to the special services of other states. So, today the ban on travel to a number of countries applies to the first two of them.

Is it possible to somehow go to the "forbidden" country

Yes, you can, but this must be authorized by the authorities in accordance with the law. To receive it, it is necessary to submit an appropriate report (for civilians - an application), which will be considered as soon as possible.

If a police officer has seriously ill relatives abroad, no travel permit is required. It is enough just to submit supporting documents and notify your command of the need to go to a particular country.

Most of all, travel bans to states included in the so-called estradition list of the United States of America will hit fans of tourism and recreation abroad, working in law enforcement agencies and living in Far East or in Kaliningrad region. If earlier they could have a great vacation in Europe and at popular foreign resorts, today this opportunity is becoming completely illusory. As an alternative, they can only be offered Vietnam, the Maldives or Tunisia.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that some tourist destinations that were banned a few years ago are open today. This is, for example, Indonesia, the United United Arab Emirates, Cambodia and China. But you can go there only after obtaining the appropriate permit.

How to get permission to travel to one of the "allowed countries"

It is quite easy to do this. The main thing is not to rush to book a hotel room or buy plane tickets until the very moment the relevant permit is issued. Otherwise, it is unlikely that someone will compensate the employee for expenses.

The procedure for obtaining permission is as follows:

  • indicate in the vacation application the country to which you intend to go for tourism purposes;
  • submit a report to the command;
  • wait for your application to be considered, as well as to issue the desired document;
  • transfer permission to travel to one of the permitted countries to the personnel department for the prompt processing of a foreign passport.

The whole process takes a few hours at most and does not require any bureaucratic formalities. Once you have the permit in hand, you can safely start planning your trip.

When will the ban on police travel outside of Russia be lifted?

The question of the timing of the lifting of all bans on the travel of police officers to a number of countries is very popular on the Internet. But no one has yet been able to give an encouraging answer to it.

Moreover, both the Ministry of Internal Affairs and various federal services, including the FMS, unanimously assert that there are no bans or even small restrictions on traveling abroad and never have been. According to the law, they say, they are generally a violation of civil rights. No one denies that in the current political situation, law enforcement officers are advised to refrain from traveling to those states with which the United States has concluded extradition agreements. However, mandatory this recommendation does not wear.

Despite this, there is a lot of evidence that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are still not allowed to rest abroad. There are even examples of the application of punishments to those who make attempts to go to any of the prohibited states. Therefore, police officers who have become accustomed to spending their vacations at world-famous resorts will have to wait for optimistic information from official sources, and not rely on numerous analytical articles and forecasts regularly published online.

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In 2018, police officers will be able to rest abroad. At least in several countries that have been recognized as safe for holidays in terms of "military-political, criminogenic, sanitary-epidemiological and natural-climatic conditions."

The list of countries where employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can go on vacation is as follows: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as the republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In addition, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can go to Cuba, Vietnam, Palestine or China.

Where can you rest for police officers in 2018

Turkey, Greece and Spain - the most popular beach destinations for Russians - were not included in the permitted list for the police. But there still turned out to be four countries from the top ten demand of ordinary Russians: China, Vietnam, Abkhazia and Cuba.

wounds and regions of the former USSR, included in the permitted list for the rest of the police, are not in high demand among Russians. Perhaps there are only two exceptions: the already mentioned Abkhazia and Belarus, where sightseeing tourism is developed. Experts suggest that from the list of allowed countries, China and Vietnam will benefit the most - they will have the main demand from law enforcement officers,

List of countries allowed for travel by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In 2015-2016, the Interior Ministry's list included Morocco, Tunisia, Thailand, Myanmar and Nicaragua. Also on the list were Turkey and Egypt - despite the suspension of tourist interaction and air traffic with these countries.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on traveling abroad 2018 list of allowed countries

The list of countries allowed for visiting during the holidays by the Ministry of Internal Affairs was determined on the basis of an analysis of the "military-political, criminogenic, sanitary-epidemiological and natural-climatic situation," the text of the document says. The heads of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be guided by the document when considering applications from their subordinates for vacations.

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Vacation abroad is not allowed

Publications appeared in the media about a ban on vacation abroad for those who work for the benefit of the state. Russians are worried about whether the police have really become travel restrictions. Three years ago, the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation published a recommendatory order, but now the ban can be massive and serious. The situation continues to escalate, therefore, in 2018, only 13 countries allowed for exit were recommended to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a special list.

Despite the fact that Interior Ministry officials were initially advised to support domestic tourism, travel to some states is still possible.

At the legislative level, trips by the Ministry of Internal Affairs are allowed in Russia, but sanctions must still be taken into account. For this reason, there is no strict ban on visiting abroad and compliance with a special recommendation is assumed.

Despite this, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must take into account the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

An exception can only be valid reasons, among which are the need for treatment in a foreign clinic or a serious illness, the death of a close relative from another country.

By good reason employees are allowed to enter

Which countries can not be visited

Employees in positions of responsibility must refrain from traveling to most countries around the world in order to comply with legislative norms. The remaining representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should take into account the recommendation, but they are less responsible for foreign travel.

Thus, almost all countries of the world have banned tourist trips under the influence of sanctions and conflicts between Russia and the European Union and the United States of America.

It is advisable to take into account these prohibitions, since the restrictions are due to the need to take care of the safety of citizens. Russian Federation during scheduled travel trips.

Where you can and where you can't

Which countries can you visit

In 2018, an official list of countries allowed for travel by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was presented. This list includes 13 states. At the same time, the list of countries was developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs together with the Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

The above countries are primarily focused on sightseeing holidays. For beach holiday only Abkhazia and Azerbaijan will do, but only during the holiday period. Only in Vietnam, China and Cuba you can plan a beach holiday according to your wishes.

Compared to previous years, the list of recommended countries has significantly decreased. In addition, obtaining permission to travel abroad now implies a mandatory appeal to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result of which the recommendation should be taken into account and subsequently observed.

Tourism experts note that it will be difficult to organize a tourist trip to some states. This aspect also seriously limits the possibilities for travel by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Uzbekistan is very dear country for tourist trips, which is not available to every Russian. In addition, travel is almost impossible due to the specific seasonality and expensive flights.

The list of allowed countries to visit is based on an analysis of the situation in the field of military-political, criminogenic, natural-climatic and sanitary-epidemiological.

List for 2018, allowed countries

The procedure for obtaining permission to leave Russia

The heads of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs take into account the applications of their subordinates for vacations and the developed, adopted document.

Obtaining an exit permit for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs takes place in stages:

  1. The first step is to submit a report.
  2. Then permission is requested. The request must include detailed and detailed description travel itinerary.
  3. Management decision is pending.
  4. After that, you can use a foreign passport.
  5. After returning to Russia, a detailed report on the completed trip is compiled.
  6. If necessary international passport returned to the appropriate authority.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should take into account the recommendations of the management in order to maintain the position in their work.

In 2018, the list of countries allowed for travel by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes only 13 states, so a tourist trip should be carefully considered when planning it.


Moscow, January 12, 2018, 12:00 — REGNUM A list of foreign countries has been approved where employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including civil servants, can go on vacation, and their stay there will be safe. The corresponding order was signed by the head of department Vladimir Kolokoltsev, reported the Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

According to the order of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, foreign countries are recognized as safe for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based on "military-political, criminogenic, sanitary-epidemiological and natural-climatic conditions."

The list approved by the Interior Minister includes 13 countries: Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Cuba, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and South Ossetia.

Vacations will be granted after the submission by employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and civil servants of reports or applications for leaving the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, ATOR noted that only Cuba, Abkhazia, China and Vietnam are on the list of beach destinations.

Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Armenia are countries of predominantly excursion direction.

In Belarus, they mainly go to rest in sanatoriums. Tours to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are poorly represented in Russian travel agencies, and tours to South Ossetia and Tajikistan are practically not represented.

Read also: Another outrage? Who prohibits police officers from traveling abroad

Recall, as reported IA REGNUM, in the summer of 2015, the exit permit for police officers could be obtained in one of 30 countries according to the published list.

But in autumn 2015 letters of recommendation were received by the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Customs Service, in which the leadership of the departments urged their employees to restrict travel to more than 100 countries with which the United States has an extradition treaty.

Read also: Vladimir Putin: Banning police officers from traveling abroad is an excessive measure


Reasons for imposing a ban on travel abroad of police officers

The directive of the Ministry of Defense does not contain a categorical ban on employees of internal organs from leaving Russia, but rather narrows the list of foreign countries where they are allowed to travel. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a warning that the safety of police officers in some countries may be in question. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies accepted the warning as an order and confiscated the employees' foreign passports. The main reasons for the introduction of a ban on holidays abroad are considered to be:

  1. Attempts to protect employees of law enforcement agencies from provocations that are possible on the territory of countries that have concluded an extradition agreement with the United States of America.
  2. Protection of state secrets. In this case, the ban on leaving the country applies only to employees admitted to classified information. Permission to travel abroad is issued on an individual request, while the authorized person of the department is guided by the degree of secrecy of the documents with which the employee was familiarized.
  3. Ensuring the safety of the police officers themselves. We are talking about countries where Russian legislation does not apply.

Is there a law restricting travel outside Russia for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The bill prohibiting employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from traveling abroad was withdrawn (was not adopted), but at the level of recommendations it is proposed to refrain from traveling abroad.

There is a strict ban on foreign travel for this moment no. Establishing restrictions on travel outside of Russia is the prerogative of the leadership of the territorial divisions of law enforcement agencies: somewhere there have been no changes regarding the rest of police officers abroad, and somewhere the recommendations of the Ministry of Defense were accepted as an order. As for employees who have access to secret information of high levels of secrecy, they are prohibited on the basis of the current Federal Law of July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 “On State Secrets”. The issue of issuing them permission to travel abroad is considered in individually and only if there are compelling reasons for the temporary lifting of the ban on crossing the borders of Russia. A similar procedure for restricting exit from Russia applies to civilians who have concluded an agreement with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation providing for the imposition of a temporary ban on exit. The last proposal from State Duma deputies to consider a draft law on imposing a temporary ban on travel abroad for police officers and representatives of “certain positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs” was received in March 2017. One of the points of the document is the study of the issue of exclusion from the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of holders of a residence permit and other documents that are the basis for residence in the territory of foreign states. After a preliminary study of the proposal, the government instructed to develop a list of positions that would be subject to a ban on leaving Russia. No conceptual grounds for rejecting the bill were found.

If the law is adopted, the labor contract of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be supplemented with a corresponding article, which implies the imposition of a temporary restriction on foreign trips by employees of law enforcement agencies.

What are the levels of data privacy?

Information that is not subject to disclosure by employees of law enforcement agencies, which were admitted to state secrets, is conventionally divided into three degrees:

  1. Information classified as "Secret" is available to law enforcement officers and is intended for official use.
  2. Information labeled “Top Secret” can be obtained by employees engaged in operational-search work and operational officers of the penitentiary system.
  3. Data classified as "Special Importance" is provided exclusively to the heads of departments and heads of departments.

The right to travel outside the country is limited in the event that an employee of a law enforcement agency had access to information related to information classified as “Top Secret” and “Special Importance”. He may be considered restricted to leave for no more than 5 years or for a shorter period, if it is stipulated in employment contract or contract.

The ban can be extended by decision of the interdepartmental commission for up to 10 years.

Which countries are the police allowed to travel to?

In the event that a police officer did not have access to state secrets, in relation to him the ban on travel abroad by the police will be advisory in nature. There are individual situations in which a recommendation can be equated with an order, and vice versa - sometimes an exception can be made for a law enforcement officer. Most strict restrictions established in relation to NATO countries and foreign states that have concluded an extradition treaty with the United States. It is easiest to travel abroad if the purpose of the trip is to visit friendly Russia countries. Full list countries that police officers are not recommended to visit is not currently published. However, there is a list of foreign states where prosecutors cannot go - it is contained in the order of the Prosecutor General’s Office dated 04.24.2014 No. 201 “On Restricting Travel Abroad for Prosecutors of Bodies and Institutions of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”: there are 166 such countries in total. There are reasons to believe that the list “ prohibited” states for police officers will be similar. There are only 32 countries where police officers are allowed to travel abroad. Their list can be found in the appendix to the order of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 2015 No. 360 “List of foreign countries to which employees of the Main Directorate and subordinate units can go on tourist trips taking into account the evolving international situation.

What documents are required to obtain a permit to travel abroad

In many subdivisions of law enforcement agencies, passports were confiscated from employees. New police officers, upon employment, give this document to the personnel department or the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within 5 days after the start of work. The procedure for obtaining permission to enter a country from the list of states allowed to visit is not difficult. But in order to be granted the opportunity to travel abroad to one of the foreign countries prohibited from traveling, police officers must go through a cumbersome process of obtaining a permit. For this you will need:

The maximum possible stay of a police officer outside Russia is 15 days. If an employee of the law enforcement agency needs more time to resolve the issues that have arisen, this should also be written in the report - in such a situation, his immediate supervisor will have to consult with higher management. In case of non-compliance with the above requirements, a fine will be imposed and the police officer will be fired for traveling abroad.


An exact forecast as to when the police will be allowed to travel abroad is impossible to give today. The list of foreign countries where law enforcement officers are not recommended to travel is constantly changing depending on the geopolitical situation in the world: countries with which Russia is escalating relations are immediately included in the list of prohibited visitors. In general, the government of the Russian Federation and General Prosecutor's Office advise police officers to opt for vacations in resort areas within the Russian Federation.

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What is the reason for the travel ban for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

There are several factors that are taken into account when applying for travel documents to another country:

  1. The state is not interested in disseminating important information. The list of countries is approved by experts, taking into account the level of secrecy. Heads of departments and heads of departments have access to confidential information. When visiting European countries, an operative can become an object of attention from the intelligence services.
  2. The security of MIA employees may be at risk due to military operations.
  3. Restrictive measures are not affected by changes in the political environment.

Russia has tense relations with the UK and the US. The Russian Federation cannot guarantee the life and health of citizens residing in these countries under such conditions. The state withdraws foreign passports to protect law enforcement officers. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs warns the police in advance about dangerous situations that may occur during your stay in certain countries.

What law regulates the travel of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs abroad

Prohibited measures concerning police visits to other states are regulated by Art. 15 Federal Law No. 114. Operatives may have access to classified information. To prevent the dissemination of important information, employees are restricted from traveling abroad in accordance with Art. 24 Federal Law No. 5485-1.

Important! The list of countries prohibited from visiting is indicated in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 360, which was adopted in 2017.

What rules apply in 2018: latest changes

The increase in political and military risks led to the expansion of the banned list. Many countries have signed an extradition treaty with the United States.

Important! To avoid arrest by US intelligence agencies, Interior Ministry officials this year were banned from traveling to Montenegro, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Morocco, Thailand and Tunisia.

Reasons for imposing restrictions on visiting other countries

The state must ensure the safety of law enforcement officers. Special attention should be paid to countries that have concluded an extradition treaty with the United States. During the holidays, the Russians can become an object of attention from the American intelligence services.

The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provides for the possibility of such situations. To this end, an order was issued that all employees must surrender their foreign passports. Ban on travel abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs associated with protection from provocations that may occur during a business trip or vacation.

Russia is interested in ensuring that state secrets do not fall into the hands of ill-wishers. The procedure for going abroad depends on the secrecy group. The heads of departments have the most important information. Investigators may also have secret information.

Which countries can law enforcement officers go on vacation to?

The state has established a list of countries allowed to visit, based on the military-political and epidemiological situation. The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs contains clauses that clearly describe the procedure for the departure of employees abroad. The list of countries allowed to visit includes 13 countries, which include not only the republics of the former Soviet Union.

If desired, operational workers can relax in Cuba, China or Vietnam. Fans of European resorts will be interested in trips to Belarus or Moldova.

What documents do you need to collect in order to obtain permission to travel abroad

There are several stages of obtaining a holiday permit:

  1. First you need to submit a report or application addressed to the head of your unit. In case of a positive decision, the employee receives a notification, which he must sign and date.
  2. After that, the employee must visit the personnel department with a completed certificate. The permit specifies the duration of the employee's stay abroad. The duration of the trip cannot be more than 2 weeks.

What if a person is going to spend more than 14 days in another country? The head of the unit cannot give permission for such a trip on his own. It must be approved by top management. Features of the procedure for processing documents depending on the level of secrecy.

An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must write a report in which the following information must be indicated:

  1. The decision of the management depends on which country the employee wants to go to.
  2. The mandatory items include the purpose of the trip, the date of entry and exit.
  3. The person must indicate the source of funding for the trip.
  4. The operational employee fills in information about the details of the travel agency that issued the ticket.
  5. It is necessary to fill in information about the person who invited the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to a foreign tour.

Important! When considering a case, the command takes into account the degree of access to secret documents that the employee had.

To travel outside the Russian Federation, he must obtain a permit visa, which must be presented at the personnel department. Specialists check the applicant's report for restrictions that are an obstacle to visiting a foreign resort.

An overseas tour may be disrupted due to arrears in utility bills, fines or taxes. The presence of obligations of the user can be checked using the public services portal. When visiting other countries, you may need a foreign passport, an invitation and medical insurance.

Which countries are forbidden to visit the police in 2018

The list of countries that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not allowed to enter includes more than 150 states. After the crash of an Airbus A32 over the Sinai Peninsula, Russia imposed a ban on flights to Egypt. In 2018, Rostourism allowed holidays in this country. Turkish resorts continue to be in high demand among Russians.

However, permission to rest in Turkey and Egypt does not apply to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police officers can only visit 13 countries that are on the permitted list. Increased international tension has led to a reduction in the number of countries to which you can get a ticket. The risk of extradition to the US led to protective measures relating to employees of law enforcement agencies.

In 2018, the banned list was replenished with several countries at once.


The state restricts the travel of police officers abroad. In the course of performing their official duties, employees gain access to classified information. Operatives can be arrested in countries that have an extradition treaty with the US. The situation is aggravated by military-political differences that began to develop in 2018.


For a long time, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were worried about the list of countries in which they are allowed to rest. In fact, locally they were simply not allowed to go on vacation abroad in order to eliminate all discrepancies. Now this issue has been resolved, and according to the order of the Interior Minister Kolokoltsev, an approved list of countries has appeared where employees of the department will be able to freely rest on their next vacation.

If the early approved list of foreign holiday destinations from 2015-2016 included such countries as: Morocco, Tunisia, Thailand, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Turkey, Egypt, then from 2018 employees of this department will be able to rest only in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Vietnam, China, Cuba. These areas for recreation were recognized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs as safe, both in military-political, criminogenic, sanitary-epidemiological, natural-climatic terms.

It is this list of countries allowed for visiting by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that was posted on its website by the Russian Association of Tour Operators. And from now on, the heads of all Russian departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be guided by this list, considering the reports of employees on vacation, moreover, this includes both certified employees of the department and civil servants working in these structures and departments.

It is worth saying that only Cuba, Vietnam, China and Abkhazia are among the destinations for beach holidays in the list of countries allowed to visit. As for the prices for a tour to such countries, a weekly vacation per person in Vietnam for a week, in a four-star hotel with breakfast and dinner, will cost from 56,000 to 170,000 rubles; to China, according to the same parameters, from 45,000 to 90,000 rubles per person; to Abkhazia - from 45,000 to 65,000 rubles; to Cuba - from 62,000 to 105,000 rubles. The question is, which of the employees can afford to relax at sea abroad with their family in these countries? In which city of Russia do the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs suitable salaries for such a holiday? The feeling that they were deceived again, beckoned with hope, which crashed against the harsh life. And again, hello, Crimea or Russian seaside resorts!

As for tours to such countries of the post-Soviet space as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, South Ossetia, it is difficult to say that they have ever aroused a keen tourist interest among Russians. And, Turkmenistan, in general, is a visa country for Russians, and, as experts say, our compatriots are given visas there with great reluctance. And is the game worth the candle? A country like Uzbekistan can be called a rather interesting destination for sightseeing tours, but it’s hard to believe that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tired after a year, would prefer to get acquainted with the ancient cities of Uzbekistan: Margilan, Samarkand, Kokand, and so on, than bask in the sun on the seashore. In addition, all possible sightseeing tours in countries where there is no sea limit the seasons, as well as the high cost of air travel.

As a result, it is worth concluding that from the coastal countries, where the rest of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is now officially allowed, most likely they will choose Abkhazia, and even then, because at a price it will be the cheapest to get there, and if you rent a room from local residents with minimal amenities , then it will be possible to relax more or less on a budget. But, if we take into account the prices for holidays in the same Turkey, where the employees of this department cannot now go, then for 45,000 rubles, which you spend in Abkhazia on the rest of one person, you will have a great rest with a family of three, with a flight and meals all inclusive.


There are several factors that are taken into account when applying for travel documents to another country:

  1. The state is not interested in disseminating important information. The list of countries is approved by experts, taking into account the level of secrecy. Heads of departments and heads of departments have access to confidential information. When visiting European countries, an operative can become an object of attention from the intelligence services.
  2. The security of MIA employees may be at risk due to military operations.
  3. Restrictive measures to travel abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are influenced by changes in the political situation.

Russia has tense relations with the UK and the US. The Russian Federation believes that under such conditions it cannot guarantee the life and health of citizens residing in these countries. The state withdraws foreign passports in order to “protect” employees of law enforcement agencies. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs warns the police in advance about dangerous situations that may arise during their stay in certain countries.

What law regulates the travel of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs abroad

Prohibited measures concerning police visits to other states are regulated by Art. 15 Federal Law No. 114. Operatives may have access to classified information. To prevent the dissemination of important information, employees are restricted from traveling abroad in accordance with Art. 24 Federal Law No. 5485-1.

Important! The list of countries prohibited from visiting is indicated in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 360, which was adopted in 2017.

What rules apply in 2018: latest changes

The increase in political and military risks led to the expansion of the banned list. Many countries have signed an extradition treaty with the United States.

Important! To avoid arrest by US intelligence agencies, Interior Ministry officials this year were banned from traveling to Montenegro, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Morocco, Thailand and Tunisia.

Reasons for imposing restrictions on visiting other countries

The state is trying to ensure the safety of law enforcement officers. Particular attention is paid to countries that have concluded an extradition treaty with the United States. According to the government, during the holidays, the Russians can become an object of attention from the American intelligence services.

The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provides for the possibility of such situations. To this end, an order was issued that all employees must surrender their foreign passports. The ban on travel abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is associated with protection from provocations that may arise during a business trip or vacation.

Russia is interested in ensuring that state secrets do not fall into the hands of ill-wishers. The procedure for going abroad depends on the secrecy group. The heads of departments have the most important information. Investigators may also have secret information.

Which countries can law enforcement officers go on vacation to?

The state has established a list of countries allowed to visit, based on the military-political and epidemiological situation. The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs contains clauses that clearly describe the procedure for the departure of employees abroad. The list of countries allowed to visit includes 13 countries, which include not only the republics of the former Soviet Union.

If desired, operational workers can relax in Cuba, China or Vietnam. Fans of European resorts will be interested in trips to Belarus or Moldova.

What documents do you need to collect in order to obtain permission to travel abroad

There are several stages of obtaining a holiday permit:

  1. First you need to submit a report or application addressed to the head of your unit. In case of a positive decision, the employee receives a notification, which he must sign and date.
  2. After that, the employee must visit the personnel department with a completed certificate. The permit specifies the duration of the employee's stay abroad. The duration of the trip cannot be more than 2 weeks.

What if a person is going to spend more than 14 days in another country? The head of the unit cannot give permission for such a trip on his own. It must be approved by top management. Features of the procedure for processing documents depending on the level of secrecy.

An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must write a report in which the following information must be indicated:

  1. The decision of the management depends on which country the employee wants to go to.
  2. The mandatory items include the purpose of the trip, the date of entry and exit.
  3. The person must indicate the source of funding for the trip.
  4. The operational employee fills in information about the details of the travel agency that issued the ticket.
  5. It is necessary to fill in information about the person who invited the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to a foreign tour.

Important! When considering a case, the command takes into account the degree of access to secret documents that the employee had.

To travel outside the Russian Federation, he must obtain a permit visa, which must be presented at the personnel department. Specialists check the applicant's report for restrictions that are an obstacle to visiting a foreign resort.

An overseas tour may be disrupted due to arrears in utility bills, fines or taxes. The presence of obligations of the user can be checked using the public services portal. When visiting other countries, you may need a foreign passport, an invitation and medical insurance.

Which countries are forbidden to visit the police in 2018

The list of countries that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not allowed to enter includes more than 150 states. After the crash of an Airbus A32 over the Sinai Peninsula, Russia imposed a ban on flights to Egypt. In 2018, Rostourism allowed holidays in this country. Turkish resorts continue to be in high demand among Russians.

However, permission to rest in Turkey and Egypt does not apply to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police officers can only visit 13 countries that are on the permitted list. Increased international tension has led to a reduction in the number of countries to which you can get a ticket. The risk of extradition to the United States has led to protective measures that concern law enforcement officers.

In 2018, the banned list was replenished with several countries at once.


The state restricts the travel of police officers abroad. In the course of performing their official duties, employees gain access to classified information. Operatives can be arrested in countries that have an extradition treaty with the US. The situation is aggravated by military-political differences that began to develop in 2018.

Until 2014, the Government of the Russian Federation only discussed the issue of restricting the exit of employees of law enforcement agencies abroad, and today there is already a decree on imposing a ban on the exit of police officers and civil servants from the country. Currently, such restrictions are becoming especially relevant due to the imposition of sanctions by the West against Russia. Traveling abroad for police officers in 2019 becomes possible only when choosing foreign countries from the list of permitted ones, which is constantly changing due to the unstable political situation in the world.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, approved the list of countries where employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are allowed to travel in 2019. The list lists 13 states that are considered safe for police officers. Among them: Vietnam, Cuba, China, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and South Ossetia. According to the approved list, civil servants can also go on vacation. I would like to recall the fact that Russian police officers were banned from going on vacation in the spring of 2014 due to the international political situation.

Reasons for imposing a ban on travel abroad of police officers

The directive of the Ministry of Defense does not contain a categorical ban on employees of internal organs from leaving Russia, but rather narrows the list of foreign countries where they are allowed to travel. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a warning that the safety of police officers in some countries may be in question. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies accepted the warning as an order and seized the employees. The main reasons for the introduction of a ban on holidays abroad are considered to be:

  1. Attempts to protect employees of law enforcement agencies from provocations that are possible on the territory of countries that have concluded an extradition agreement with the United States of America.
  2. Protection of state secrets. In this case, the ban on leaving the country applies only to those admitted to classified information. Permission to travel abroad is issued on an individual request, while the authorized person of the department is guided by the degree of secrecy of the documents with which the employee was familiarized.
  3. Ensuring the safety of the police officers themselves. We are talking about countries where Russian legislation does not apply.

Is there a law restricting travel outside Russia for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The bill prohibiting employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from traveling abroad was withdrawn (was not adopted), but at the level of recommendations it is proposed to refrain from traveling abroad. That is, there is no strict at the moment. Establishing restrictions on travel outside of Russia is the prerogative of the leadership of the territorial divisions of law enforcement agencies: somewhere there have been no changes regarding the rest of police officers abroad, and somewhere the recommendations of the Ministry of Defense were accepted as an order. As for employees who have access to secret information of high levels of secrecy, the ban applies to them on the basis of the current Federal Law of July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 “On State Secrets”. The issue of issuing them permission to travel abroad is considered on an individual basis and only if there are weighty grounds for the temporary lifting of the ban on crossing the borders of Russia. A similar procedure for restricting exit from Russia applies to civilians who have concluded an agreement with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation providing for the imposition of a temporary ban on exit. The last proposal from State Duma deputies to consider a draft law on imposing a temporary ban on travel abroad for police officers and representatives of “certain positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs” was received in March 2017. One of the points of the document is the study of the issue of exclusion from the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of holders of a residence permit and other documents that are the basis for residence in the territory of foreign states. After a preliminary study of the proposal, the government instructed to develop a list of positions that would be subject to a ban on leaving Russia. No conceptual grounds for rejecting the bill were found.
If the law is adopted, the labor contract of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be supplemented with a corresponding article, which implies the imposition of a temporary restriction on the commission by employees of law enforcement agencies.

What are the levels of data privacy?

Information that is not subject to disclosure by employees of law enforcement agencies, which were admitted to state secrets, is conventionally divided into three degrees:

  1. Information classified as "Secret" is available to law enforcement officers and is intended for official use.
  2. Information labeled “Top Secret” can be obtained by employees engaged in operational-search work and operational officers of the penitentiary system.
  3. Data classified as "Special Importance" is provided exclusively to the heads of departments and heads of departments.

The right to travel outside the country is limited in the event that an employee of a law enforcement agency had access to information related to information classified as “Top Secret” and “Special Importance”. He can be considered restricted to leave for no more than 5 years or for a shorter period if it is stipulated in the employment contract or contract.

The ban can be extended by decision of the interdepartmental commission for up to 10 years.

Which countries are the police allowed to travel to?

In the event that a police officer did not have access to state secrets, in relation to him the ban on travel abroad by the police will be advisory in nature. There are individual situations in which a recommendation can be equated with an order, and vice versa - sometimes an exception can be made for a law enforcement officer. The most stringent restrictions are set in relation to NATO countries and foreign states that have concluded an extradition treaty with the United States. The easiest way to go abroad is if the purpose of the trip is to visit a country friendly to Russia.
A complete list of countries that police officers are not recommended to visit has not yet been published. However, there is a list of foreign states where prosecutors cannot go - it is contained in the order of the Prosecutor General’s Office dated 04.24.2014 No. 201 “On Restricting Travel Abroad for Prosecutors of Bodies and Institutions of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”: there are 166 such countries in total. There are reasons to believe that the list “ prohibited” states for police officers will be similar. There are only 32 countries where police officers are allowed to travel abroad. Their list can be found in the appendix to the order of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 2015 No. 360 “List of foreign countries to which employees of the Main Directorate and subordinate units can go on tourist trips taking into account the evolving international situation.

What documents are required to obtain a permit to travel abroad

In many subdivisions of law enforcement agencies, passports were confiscated from employees. New police officers, upon employment, give this document to the personnel department or the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within 5 days after the start of work. The procedure for obtaining permission to enter a country from the list of states allowed to visit is not difficult. But in order to be granted the opportunity to travel abroad to one of the foreign countries prohibited from traveling, police officers must go through a cumbersome process of obtaining a permit. For this you will need.