Application for connection to the electronic document flow of the Pension Fund. Exchange of electronic documents with the Pension Fund

I continue the series of publications of answers to questions as part of the campaign.

I am an entrepreneur, I decided to submit reports via the Internet, and I was faced with the fact that the system asks me for “the date and number of the agreement with the Pension Fund.” What kind of agreement is this and how to conclude it? Why can I submit reports to the tax office and the Social Insurance Fund without any contracts?

I’ll start, perhaps, with an answer to the second question, which is rather of a general philosophical nature and relates to rhetorical ones. Yes, the system is exactly such that no additional actions are required to submit reports to the Federal Tax Service and the Social Insurance Fund; a connection to any electronic document management system is sufficient. Why everything is wrong with the Pension Fund, I cannot answer, however, I can tell you that the regulations for the interaction of the Pension Fund with policyholders (i.e. employers, payers of contributions for compulsory pension insurance of their employees) have been approved (the document is currently in effect as amended by the order dated 10.06.2009 No. 116r, dated 19.03.2010 No. 75r), and it is directly stated there that electronic document flow between the Pension Fund and the policyholder is carried out on the basis of the appropriate agreements, the standard form of the agreement was approved by the same order.

How to conclude an agreement?

The easiest way is to download a standard form from the Pension Fund website, fill it out, print it, certify it with the signature of an authorized person, affix a stamp and bring two copies to the Pension Fund office at the place of registration of the entrepreneur (or the location of the organization).

The inspector responsible for organizing electronic document management accepts both copies of the agreement from you, registers them in his own special journal and immediately gives you the date and number of the agreement, which you can use when submitting reports. The agreement itself, signed by the Pension Fund, is issued a little later, but this is no longer important; I do not remember a single case in practice where the policyholder would need his copy of the Agreement. The main thing for you is to receive the date and number of the agreement, and you receive them immediately.

ADDED: After publication, two useful comments were received from my friends, which I considered necessary to reflect in this article.

Firstly, a comment from technical specialist Alexander Kolybelnikov, answering the question “Why is such a procedure provided only for the Pension Fund of Russia.”

…because reporting is submitted to the tax and Social Insurance Fund using certified means electronic signature, but not in the Pension Fund. These are features of a technical solution; they affect the legal significance of document flow.

To be honest, as a user uninitiated in these technical details, the differences are not very clear to me, and I directly indicated in the comments that I do not notice the difference, I did not receive any additional keys for submitting reports specifically to the Pension Fund of Russia, I personally have only one access to Kontur system and no additional keys. But if the technical regulations of different departments are different, let it be; we just need to take note of this and implement it. Separately, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if anyone wants to understand the technical procedures in detail, I will direct you to Alexander (by clicking on the link above, you will find both the text of his comment and his profile), he promised to tell something else on this topic, so how he deals with these issues professionally.

And the second important addition from Marina Mishukova, it concerns the practice of drawing up an agreement:

Unfortunately, in Moscow and the Moscow region you need to take the agreement from your UPFR (you can write it on a flash drive). In the standard agreement, Fund employees would have to personally enter the details of their UPFR, but in “their” version this data is already printed.

Taking into account this comment, apparently there is no point in printing out the text of the agreement yourself, but you need to go directly to the Pension Fund, and there either - to speed up the procedure - fill out the agreement by hand with your details, or take the electronic version from them, fill it out yourself and then print it out - bring.

Thanks to my dear commenting friends. I really appreciate any participation in my activities.

In order to facilitate the work of an accountant, in particular, to connect document flow with the Pension Fund of Russia, it is necessary to perform a number of actions: fill out an application for connection to the electronic document flow of the Pension Fund and an agreement with the Pension Fund on electronic document flow 2019. Read more about these subtleties in the material.

Due to the very intense information flow, it is very important to optimize the work of an accountant. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to connect to electronic document management with the Pension Fund. The advantages of such interaction are obvious - there is no need to visit the Pension Fund and submit reports, in addition, there is an opportunity to quickly identify and correct errors.

Digital document flow with the Pension Fund is safe. By law, all information involved in document flow cannot be transferred to third parties.

What is needed to connect electronic document management

To begin document flow with the Pension Fund, an organization must fill out the following documents:

  • application for connection to electronic document management in 3 copies;
  • agreement on connection to electronic document management in 2 copies.

The above documents must be submitted to the branch of the Pension Fund, with which, in fact, the agreement will be concluded. They can be provided either by the manager or another person on the basis of a power of attorney from this organization. The power of attorney can be drawn up in any form; it must contain information that this individual has the right to deliver and receive documents related to the registration of connection of electronic exchange of papers with the Pension Fund. Such a power of attorney must be signed by the director, and the seal of the insured organization must also be affixed to it.

Before filling out the application and agreement, you must decide on the choice of an accredited certification center or its authorized representatives, who will take care of the technical side of connecting via telecommunication channels. For today, more than enough.

As for the agreement on connection to the electronic exchange of documents, its form can be downloaded on the Pension Fund website.

How to fill out an application for electronic document management with the Pension Fund of Russia

The essence of the statement is that the insurer intends to establish an exchange of documents with the Pension Fund. In the header of the application you must indicate which branch you are submitting the application to, and below - the date from which you need to activate the service. Then fill in the following information:

  • name of the organization;
  • TIN, checkpoint;
  • registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • information about the bank where the service is provided this organization;
  • legal and actual address;
  • average number of employees.

After the information about the legal entity has been filled in, it is necessary to enter information about the selected certification center or its authorized representative.

Finally, the applicant signs and stamps the document, thereby confirming his acceptance of the terms.

After receiving the application, department employees must provide an Agreement on connecting electronic document management via telecommunication channels. This document must also be completed. The Pension Fund may spend from one week to a month to review the application. If there are errors in the policyholder's details, the application will not be accepted.

Agreement on connection to electronic document management with the Pension Fund of Russia

Employees of the Pension Fund will return an incorrectly filled out form for correction, so be careful. If you received a form from the Pension Fund, then usually the details of the desired department department have already been filled out. If you downloaded the Agreement on connecting to electronic document flow without the Pension Fund details, then you need to write down the name and contact information of the fund branch where you applied. It is also necessary to fill in all the information of the policyholder. After this, you need to sign the document and put a stamp. A sample header for this document is shown below.

Please note: the Agreement on connecting to the electronic exchange of documents of the Pension Fund states that you can count on exchanging information with the Pension Fund via the Internet, fax and other modern communication systems. After receiving all documents, the department can consider them from two weeks to a month.

Attention! When moving to another special operator, the contract must be re-signed. It happens that not all UPFRs require the agreement to be re-signed, but according to the regulations this must be done.

Once the applicant receives back signed copies of the application and agreement, you can begin setting up the program that encrypts and transmits the data to the pension insurance department. Once the procedure is completed, the exchange can begin.

Sample of filling out an Application to the Pension Fund for connecting electronic reporting

Statement standard form

In order to be able to send electronic reporting to the Russian Pension Fund via telecommunication channels (TCC), it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on electronic document management (2019). To do this, you must fill out and send to the Fund an application for connection to electronic document management. The Pension Fund of Russia makes it possible to report to employers through an accredited certification center or through authorized representatives. But in both cases, it is necessary to start with a statement; We will now tell you how to fill it out correctly.

Electronic document management (EDF) of the Pension Fund of Russia and the procedure for connecting to it

The obligation to report electronically arises for those insurance companies in which the average number of employees exceeds 25 people, as stated in Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions” dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ. Such employers must certify their reports to the Pension Fund of Russia with an enhanced qualified electronic digital signature and send them via TKS. To do this, they, of course, need such a signature, as well as a form of agreement on electronic document management with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation-2019. All other employers: entrepreneurs, private notaries and lawyers with employees, and legal entities can carry out EDI with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their own discretion. True, the Foundation itself has a number of arguments why this is convenient and reliable. Here are just a few of them:

  • an accountant shouldn't spend working hours for a trip to the Pension Fund office;
  • the possibility of errors when transferring data from a paper report to the Foundation database is eliminated;
  • You can submit the report at any convenient time (evenings and weekends);
  • in the future, EDI will become mandatory for everyone, regardless of the number of employees.

Of course, in order to start submitting reports in this way, you will have to incur costs: both time and financial. Obtaining a qualified electronic signature costs money, as does a contract for data transfer and installation of the necessary software. Although usually certification centers can provide their clients with both digital signature and software with technical support for a general fee. Absolutely free of charge, an employer can only download an agreement with the Pension Fund on electronic document management and an application for connection.

Selecting an EDF operator

For the convenience of policyholders, the Pension Fund of Russia on its official website provides data from accredited organizations that provide policyholders with e-document flow services with the Pension Fund of Russia. It is advisable to select an operator to work from this list. It is constantly replenished and updated. The table shows:

  • name of the organization;
  • the technology it runs on;
  • contact information (address, phone number and email).

If the employing organization plans to work with an authorized representative, it needs to make sure that he works on software approved by the Pension Fund of Russia.

How to correctly fill out an application for EDF

You need to start writing an application for electronic document management with the Pension Fund only after the policyholder has chosen an authorized representative or certification center that will provide data transfer services via TCS. This is due to the fact that the document must contain the data of such a company. In addition, you will have to provide the following information in detail:

  • name, INN and OGRN of the organization;
  • its legal and actual address;
  • registration number in the Pension Fund system;
  • bank details;
  • average number of employees;
  • telecom operator data;
  • other necessary information.

Sometimes employees of a certification center or an authorized representative independently fill out the form of this document immediately after concluding an agreement for the provision of electronic reporting services. There is nothing complicated in its composition. It contains two separate blocks: one for legal entities, the second for individual entrepreneurs. The policyholder must fill out only one block in accordance with his status. It looks like this:

After which you simply need to confirm your consent to the processing of personal data and the correctness of the entered information with the signature of the manager.

Pension Fund specialists, after receiving the application, will have to fill out the block intended for them, as well as create and provide the organization with an agreement on the exchange of electronic documents in the electronic document management system using the TKS.

To begin a full exchange of documents with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the policyholder must transfer the number and date of the agreement to his authorized representative. You can also enter them yourself into the section of the reporting software provided by the certification center. Instructions on how to do this can be obtained from your operator.

In this article we will talk about the agreement with the Pension Fund on electronic document management. We will tell you in what cases such agreements are concluded, for what purposes this document is drawn up, what are the subtleties and nuances of creating an agreement with the Pension Fund. Among other things, at the end of the article you will have the opportunity to download a sample agreement on connecting to the electronic document flow of the Pension Fund, so that you can clearly verify that the form has been filled out correctly and correctly. But first, we will understand the basic concepts that will help us build a logical and complete narrative outline.

Agreement with the Pension Fund on electronic document management

First, let's look at all the unclear concepts in our question. What is PFR? PFR is a pension fund Russian Federation. Why is this electronic document management agreement needed? If you, say, opened your own company, then be prepared for the fact that you will need to contact many third-party organizations and structures. Your regular contacts will definitely include the pension fund of the Russian Federation. An agreement with the Pension Fund on electronic document management is necessary so that you can officially exchange data with this structure through electronic means of information exchange. What are the advantages of such a transition to electronic document management? First of all, saving money, time and effort. It's no secret that paperwork is tiring, and very tiring. Electronic document management will ease this difficult burden and improve communications with the pension fund of the Russian Federation.

Where can I get an agreement form with the Pension Fund for electronic document management?

To receive an agreement form for electronic document management, you just need to go to the Pension Fund that oversees the region or city where you live. If it is not possible to go to the pension fund, then download the form of agreement with the Pension Fund on electronic document management from the official website of this institution. Agreements are created in the amount of two pieces, because one copy remains with the employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and the other with the person who wrote the application. By the way, both written copies of the agreement must be certified and signed by Pension Fund employees.

Drawing up an agreement with the Pension Fund on electronic document management

So, let's now take a closer look at filling out the agreement with the pension fund of the Russian Federation on electronic document management. Let’s immediately make a reservation that PFR employees simply will not accept an incorrectly written agreement from you, so it is especially important to do everything correctly right away, because it will save you time and nerves. To do this, we recommend that you download a sample agreement with the Pension Fund on electronic document management, which is located at the very end of our article.

The most popular mistake in drawing up an application for electronic document management with the Pension Fund is careless and inaccurate provision of details of your company

Treat this carefully and scrupulously. If any vagueness or incomprehensible moments arise in the agreement, then feel free to contact the employees of the pension fund of the Russian Federation. You have this opportunity, because you will need to take both copies of the application to the Pension Fund.

In the agreement on electronic document management, be sure to indicate the details, name and contact information that relates to the branch of the pension fund of the Russian Federation to which you are applying. All details of the policyholder should also be entered. If you do not have this information on hand, you can obtain it from your local PFR department. In the case where the policyholder is an employee of the company in whose name the agreement is written, then here we provide a complete information statement about the organization.

If we carefully read the agreement form with the Pension Fund on electronic document management, we will see there following conditions: With the signing of this paper, you can count on the exchange of information with the pension fund of the Russian Federation via the Internet, fax and other modern communication systems. But there is one condition: you need to have an electronic signature. What is digital signature? EDS is abbreviated as electronic digital signature. That is, this is the form that replaces the “paper” form in electronic document management. Let us immediately warn you that it is better to do an electronic digital signature for your company immediately after opening, because in the future it can significantly make life easier for your employees.

But like all good things in this world, this tool is not a free option. On average, specialists charge six or seven thousand rubles for creating an electronic digital signature. Naturally, the cost may differ depending on the region of residence, as well as depending on the financial situation in the country.

Many people ask whether electronic document management is in a safe way exchange of information? The question is understandable, because not a single company wants to show the underside of its financial affairs, be it a large trading concern or a beer stall. According to the law, all information, all data that is transferred in the form of electronic document flow between any company and the pension fund of the Russian Federation cannot be transferred to third parties. That is, saying in simple words, Pension Funds do not have the right to disclose your transmitted data in any form.

Features of the agreement with the Pension Fund on electronic document management

Now let’s look at a few nuances that relate to electronic document flow between the company and the Pension Fund:

  • Digital data can be sent via electronic means communications only from the company or from the pension fund of the Russian Federation
  • Data transmitted as text files cannot be changed or corrected during transmission
  • An electronic digital signature is a guarantee of the accuracy and correctness of the entered data.
  • The addressee to whom the data is sent is required to draw up a document that will reflect the fact that the information has been received. Typically this document is a receipt

If the average number of employees is equal to or exceeds 25 people, the organization is required to report electronically. Moreover, the headcount indicator is established for the previous reporting period. Thus, if an organization employed 30 specialists in September, and only 5 in October, then the October report must be sent electronically.

One of the options for sending documentation via secure channels is to enter into an agreement with the Pension Fund for electronic document management. Benefits for budgetary organization:

  • no need to visit the Pension Fund branch (we reduce transportation costs);
  • no need to print and sign documents (we reduce office costs);
  • prompt identification and elimination of errors (we reduce the risk of penalties).

In addition, we note that generating any report in digital form minimizes the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

How to conclude an agreement on the exchange of electronic documents with the Pension Fund of Russia

To do this, the budget organization must submit:

  1. Application to the Pension Fund for connection of electronic reporting. The standard form must be drawn up in triplicate.
  2. Agreement with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on electronic document management 2019. Drawed up in two copies on a special form. One copy remains with the applicant organization, and the second - with representatives of the Pension Fund.
  3. Power of attorney. The document is needed if the registration is not carried out by the manager, but by a responsible person. For example, an accountant or lawyer. It is drawn up in any form, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.

Submit the completed package of documents to the territorial office at your location budgetary institution. To connect separate division which independently interacts with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, send the documentation to the department at the location of the unit.

Application for electronic document management with the Pension Fund of Russia

How to fill out

You should fill out only those tabular parts of the application that correspond to the budget organization.

Step 1. We start with the header: indicate the full name of the territorial branch of the Russian Pension Fund with which the exchange of documents will be established.

Step 2. We proceed to filling out the tabular part of the application for connection to the electronic document flow of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Information about the EDF participant. We write down the registration number of the budget organization, full name, INN, checkpoint, telephone, fax and e-mail. Then we register the legal and actual addresses, indicate the full name of the head of the institution.

Additional information is indicated in the application at the request of representatives of the territorial branch of the fund: bank details (name of the bank, its BIC, current account of a budgetary institution, correspondent account), average number of employees.

Step 3. Leave the second table empty or add dashes. This part is intended for individual entrepreneurs. Filling out information in both tables is unacceptable.

Step 4. Go to the third table. We indicate the name of the operating organization comprehensive services in the SED. Sometimes representatives of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation require additional information. For example, the operator’s address, information about the cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) used.

Step 5. We sign the application with the manager, put a stamp, indicate the date of preparation.

The last table in the application is filled out by employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Features of drawing up an agreement on e-document flow

The official form of the agreement on electronic document management (EDF) is presented in the public domain on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The form can also be obtained from the territorial fund at the location of your institution. You must fill out the EDF agreement details carefully. If Pension representatives discover errors, clerical errors or inaccuracies, the agreement will be returned for revision, and the connection deadline will be postponed.

Form of agreement on electronic document management with the Pension Fund of Russia 2019

The EDF agreement form indicates the full name of TOPFR and the position of the manager (responsible person). Then they write down similar data for their organization: full name, position and full name of the head, indicate the registration number, as well as normative document regulating the activities of a budgetary institution (regulations, charter, etc.).

At the end of section 3, indicate the name of the territorial branch of the fund. Then go to section 9, here write down the details and legal addresses of the parties (your institution and TOPF).

The processing time for an organization’s application to connect to EDF ranges from two weeks to one month. ABOUT the decision taken you will be notified at in writing. If an organization plans to change the operator of complex services in the Pension Fund EDMS, then the agreement will have to be renegotiated. In any case, check with specialists for the procedure for changing service providers. local branch fund.