Mercury electronic veterinary certificates. What is fgis "mercury"? Mercury automated system

Automated system Mercury is a system designed to electronic certification cargoes supervised by Gosvetnadzor, tracking their transactions, as well as the ways of moving through the territory of Russia.

The main goal of AIS Mercury is to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, as well as to improve biological and food safety.

The goals of the system also include reducing the time required to complete all supporting documentation, which is achieved by automating the process as a whole. The system also allows you to automatically record both incoming and outgoing volumes of products. Another goal that was pursued in the development of Mercury is the ability to enter and store all information related to the selected samples intended for the study of imported products. In addition, the Mercury system allows tracking the movement of a consignment across the country, taking into account the fragmentation of the consignment being moved.

This system also allows to reduce labor, material and financial expenses, which was also one of the goals in its development. Achieved cost reduction due to the design of VSD electronic versions of forms. In addition, the system allows to achieve such goals as minimizing the impact of human errors, which is achieved due to the presence of ready-made forms used to enter the necessary information and verify all input data, as well as the creation of a single centralized database that allows quick access to information needed to generate reports, search and analyze data.

The system operator is federal Service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor). Developer of a special information system Mercury - Federal State state-financed organization « federal center Animal Health” (FGBU “ARRIAH”).

Rosselkhoznadzor Mercury also has a number of subsystems, each of which can be found on the relevant Internet resources. Among them are such subsystems as the Temporary Storage Warehouse, the State Veterinary Expertise, the Economic Entity, the Territorial Administration, Notifications, Authentication of issued VVD, Preliminary notifications from foreign countries.

Before you start working with the system, you can familiarize yourself with its educational version, known as Mercury.Demo, which allows you to get a complete picture of the execution of veterinary accompanying documents in in electronic format.

The use of the Mercury system is provided for employees of the central office of the Rosselkhoznadzor, economic entities, animal disease control stations, veterinary departments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial departments of the Rosselkhoznadzor service, as well as customs control zones and temporary storage warehouses.

Mercury - Main page

To gain access to the system, it is necessary to submit an electronic application using the automated system Vetis.Passport (with the exception of business entities for which a different procedure for obtaining access is provided). The submitted application should indicate the full name of the organization, legal and actual addresses, taxpayer identification number, reason code, main state registration number, type of certified activity, last name, first name and patronymic of the employee who will be entrusted with the functions of the administrator.

Due to the fact that Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor interacts with the Internet, all users get access to up-to-date information at any time convenient for them. This does not require the installation of additional programs, since the work is carried out by using one of the user-friendly browsers (preferably Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 or higher, Internet Explorer version 7.0 and above). The system itself is located on a central server, which is also connected to the global network, due to which timely receipt of sent requests occurs, as well as the formation of responses to them.

Work organization scheme

In case of temporary lack of access to the Internet, you can also use the desktop version of the Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor system. After the connection appears, the entered data can be synchronized with the central server.

It is worth considering that in order to log in to the system, you will need to indicate the username and password given to you during registration, which is required to ensure security when working with the Mercury system.

Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor is an automated system designed for electronic certification of goods supervised by the state veterinary supervision, tracking their movement through the territory of the Russian Federation in order to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, improve biological and food safety.

The Mercury system includes a number of subsystems. Among them are a temporary storage warehouse, state veterinary examination, subsystems of an economic entity, territorial administration, notifications, authentication of issued VSDs, as well as a universal gateway (Vetis.API).

Each of the subsystems is designed to perform certain tasks, and also performs a number of functions assigned to it. In order to proceed to work with Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor, you will need to log in to Personal Area.

However, before that, it is necessary to gain access to the system, which is provided both to employees of the veterinary service and employees of the Rosselkhoznadzor, and to business entities (organizations and individual entrepreneurs).

So, in order to gain access to a service such as the Mercury personal account, employees of the veterinary service and Rosselkhoznadzor employees will need to send an electronic application for the provision of the corresponding service. Such an application is submitted using the Vetis.Passport system.

Registration of business entities is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589. In this case, authorized persons of organizations must send an application either to writing on the letterhead of the organization signed by its head (deputy head) to the FSIS operator or to its territorial department or in the form of an electronic document signed by the electronic signature of the head (deputy head) of the organization sent by e-mail indicated on the official website of Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor.

To gain access to the personal account, individual entrepreneurs will also need to register by sending an application either in writing by mail to one of the territorial departments of the FSIS operator or by submitting an application in person to one of the territorial departments of the FSIS operator or in electronic form to the address Email, listed on the web resource of the Mercury system.

After you have been granted access, you will be able to log in to your personal account with Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor. In this case, you will need to enter a username and password, and then click on the "Login" button. If necessary, you can also check the "Do not remember username" checkbox.

In the event that when you try to log in to your personal account, it turned out that you do not remember your password, you must use the link "Forgot your password?". After that, you will be asked to enter your login or personal e-mail, which was specified in your profile. Please note that recovery can only be carried out if the email address has been confirmed. After specifying the necessary data, click on the "Restore" button.

You can also log into your Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor personal account through the State Services portal. At the same time, you will need to have an account in Vetis, in the account profile in the Vetis system. The field SNILS (Insurance number of an individual personal account) must be filled in the passport, an account on the EPGU portal (Unified Portal of Public Services), which must be of the third level , that is, a verified account.

Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor - Login to your personal account through the State Services

When logging in through Public Services, you will need to provide a phone number or email address and a password. You can also log in through SNILS and a password or using an electronic signature. If necessary, the "Alien computer" item can be checked. It is also possible to recover the password in case it is lost.

In the event that you have any questions when logging into your personal account, you can contact the e-mail address indicated on the Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor website. You can also contact this address in case of technical issues, and for expressing suggestions and wishes on the development of the automated system Mercury.

Registration in Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor from 1 day

Here you can order registration services in FSIS Mercury, as well as support with eVSD cancellation, training and an electronic signature key for electronic registration in the system.

The Mercury system was created to achieve the following goals:

  1. Ensuring traceability and control of veterinary products and the entire segment as a whole.
  2. Increasing the level of product safety, its quality and minimizing counterfeit products.
  3. Tax control and financial flows in the economic sector of the country.

The information system Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor controls the circulation of veterinary accompanying documents or otherwise VVD. If earlier VSD were only in paper form, now the entire document flow is transferred to an electronic system. Documents in the Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor system are abbreviated as eVSD.

What is the Mercury System Rosselkhoznadzor

The Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor system for employees implies the issuance of three types of VSD:

  • production documents (VSD, which are issued in the production, for example, of meat sausages);
  • transport documents (VSD, issued for each subsequent movement of the same meat sausages);
  • return documents (VSD when meat sausages are returned by a store to a supplier, for example, a warehouse).

The state eVSD system in veterinary medicine is designed to simplify the workflow, because paper copies of numerous certificates took a decent amount of time. Due to a single information base, the procedure for obtaining and processing many documents throughout the country has been simplified.

Now it is possible to trace the entire life cycle goods. The buyer, having come to the store, will be able to find out detailed information about the product through a special application. Now you can find out who produced the product and when, whether it is safe or not for use, and much more. All product information is recorded in the Mercury system (Vetis subsystem) of Rosselkhoznadzor.

How does Mercury work?

  • Creating requests and tracking their status, for example, for the transportation of products.
  • Extinguishing of eVSD.
  • Authorized cancellation of eVSD.
  • Keeping a product log.
  • Acts of non-compliance (inventory).
  • eVSD applications and other transactions.
  • Working with nomenclature.

When the Mercury system is introduced Rosselkhoznadzor

Initially, many major players in the market opposed the automated mercury system under the control of the Rosselkhoznadzor, as they understood that a system that was not just developed had many inaccuracies and shortcomings and could lead to interruptions in supplies to retail chains. As a result, the program was launched in a voluntary mode. But now, from July 1, 2018, Mercury has become mandatory for all participants. Simply, you will not be able to participate in the business if you do not have a personal account. Until 2019, a complete transition to mercury of the remaining irresponsible citizens is planned.

Mercury system Rosselkhoznadzor who is obliged to use

Very often you can find such a name "Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor Information system XS". In this case, XC is an abbreviation for the concept of an economic entity. What is meant? An economic entity is a natural or legal person who takes part in any economic activity, in this case, takes part in the circulation of veterinary goods.

Mercury Veterinary Help System who should register:

  • retail outlets and chain stores that sell products that fall under the new order.
  • Warehouses, delivery companies one way or another connected with the products included in the list.
  • Kindergartens, schools, catering establishments that manufacture products using regulated goods.
  • manufacturers, plants and factories, farms and others.

System Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor registration of IP and LLC

Connection to the Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor system for both individual entrepreneurs, and LLC occurs in three ways:

Personally Through an intermediary In person remotely
In the territorial office of Rosselkhoznadzor in your city by submitting an application in person. To do this, fill out a special application in the form indicating all the information. Wait. You, with the help of the manager, correctly fill out the application form. The manager certifies the application with an EDS, registers, receives a personal account, registers outlets, and provides you with ready-made data. You send an application according to the form in electronic form using the Vetis Passport system. The application is certified by EDS. Get access without outlets.
Pros: Pros: Pros:
Saving money.

Quick registration;

100% result guarantee;

correctly completed application;

Correctly registered points and user.

Saving money.

Saving time.

No need to visit the Rosselkhoznadzor branch.

Minuses: Minuses: Minuses:

Problems in future work.

Probability of getting fined.

Small connection costs.

The probability of being denied registration due to an incorrectly executed application.

The probability of errors in the data and personal account.

Problems in future work.

Probability of getting fined.

How to register in the Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor system

We recommend that you order the registration procedure from third-party services with an established mechanism for interaction with specialists from the Federal State Information Service and Rosselkhoznadzor. By applying on your own, you risk (with highly likely, given the statistics) to be refused or lose time without gaining access to the site. We are approached by many clients who have already submitted an application on their own and do not know what to do. They ended up wasting their time.

By submitting an application with us you will receive:

100% result guarantee.
Correctly completed application. (Our staff checks and corrects each application).
Quick registration and getting a login and password.
Well-designed outlets.
Escort from and to.
Before starting work, you conclude an agreement with Multikas.

Rosselkhoznadzor registration in the Mercury IP system does not differ from the procedure for an LLC.

Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor system how to work in it

All work in the Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor system is reduced to the following points:

  • Registration of goods acceptance in in full by eVSD or VSD.
  • Issuance of return eVSD for partial or full return of goods under eVSD or VSD.
  • Registration of a batch of goods in production.
  • Transport documents.
  • Inventory (difference between journal data and actual balances).
  • Utilization with the help of recycling, recycling plant.

How to receive goods in Mercury

If the acceptance of the goods is complete, i.e. all data in the incoming ERR match, then the incoming eRR must be extinguished.

A window will open where you need to specify information about the arrived goods (the discrepancies should not exceed 5%). Checking the information in the log in the section input products.

How to accept part of the goods in Mercury

What if I need to accept part of the goods and return the rest? If everything is fine, the information about the product matches the TRR, the quantity is the same and the discrepancies are not more than 5%, then you need to pay off the TRR.

Veterinary documents → incoming → issued → pay off → VSD cancellation

A window will open in which you must also specify information about the received goods, then in the cancellation information, mark the division of the lot and enter data on the quantity of the goods received. A return eVSD will be automatically generated for the remainder, which we return. We check the magazine.

How to return to Mercury

If you need to issue a return in Mercury, then we check the information in the VSD. If everything is fine, then again you need to press the button to repay. A window will open in which, in the actual product information section, we separate the batch of goods in the cancellation information. The number of received products is set to zero. A recurrent eVSD will form. We check the magazine.

But what if the VSD does not correspond, but you still need to accept the goods?

If the acceptance is complete, then again we go to the incoming documents, click to pay off and extinguish the VSD. In the blanking window, fill in the actual information. By clicking on the redeem, a form for filling out an act of non-compliance will open. Let's fill it in. checking the magazine.

But what if, in case of discrepancy, you also need to return part of the goods?

Here you will also need to issue a return eVSD. In the VSD cancellation window, we fill in the information about the goods after the fact and divide the batch, indicate the quantity of the goods received. Click to pay off and form an act of non-compliance. We check the magazine.

Video instruction extinguishing the VSD in Mercury

Will there be a transfer of the Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor system

The transfer of the Mercury system is not expected. The system has already been introduced as mandatory for all market participants involved in the circulation of veterinary goods. So we recommend not to wait and connect. If you do not connect to the system in time, there will be problems with supplies, since not all suppliers will agree to take risks and work with you.

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According to existing laws Russian Federation, approved by the Rosselkhoznadzor, all economic entities working in the field of veterinary medicine must display their activities in the unified electronic system Mercury XC.

In this regard, the enterprises of many of their employees are asked to register there and work through it. What functions does this software how to use it, how to create and process veterinary documents, is described in this article.

General information about the program

The main tasks that can be solved using the system under consideration are:

  • Filling out the warehouse journal.
  • Application for a certificate. At the same time, the system itself checks whether there are errors in the filled fields.
  • Display of veterinary documents already in the database.
  • The possibility of creating an application and obtaining a special certificate or certificate from a doctor working in the state veterinary medicine.
  • Obtaining other data contained in the system.

How to access the system?


User accounts of all information government systems are interconnected, since the main storage in which their data is located is Vetis Passport.

In this regard, in order to gain access to the Mercury, Cerberus, Hermes, Assol, Irena, Vesta, etc. system, you need to register with Vetis.

Rosselkhoznadzor is responsible for creating accounts. This is where you should send your application. It can be written on paper and sent by mail or taken to one of the local offices, where the employee will tell you about the next steps.

It is also possible to file an application electronically.

Individual entrepreneurs need to certify it with their electronic signature and send it to mailbox [email protected]. If the document is sent by an organization, then it must contain an enhanced qualified electronic signature. The address to which the representative of the organization should send the application - [email protected].


In order to log in to the Mercury CX system, you need to go to the official website and enter your username and password issued by Rosselkhoznadzor in response to the submitted application.

You can also enter Mercury CX through your Gosuslug account by clicking the appropriate button. But for this, the user must have an account in the VETIS system, in which the SNILS field must be filled in.

Personal Area

After entering the Mercury CX subsystem, the user opens his personal account, in which he can perform all the above actions. The program has a clear web interface that allows you to access it from any computer connected to the Internet.

What functions does it perform?


View the status of an export certificate application

In the case where an export application has been submitted and it is necessary to find out what status it has in this moment, you must enter the Mercury CX subsystem and click on the Applications item.

A list with the applications available in the database will appear on the screen. Among them, you should find your own and look at the Status column. It will display its current status. It can have one of five values:

  • The application is accepted, then the field in the Status column opposite your application will be highlighted in green.
  • Pink indicates that the application has been rejected by the territorial office. In this case, the reason for the refusal will be indicated.
  • Red color if the application was canceled at the initiative of the business entity. Then also present the reason for the cancellation.
  • If the application has been sent to the Territorial Department, but the employee of this department has not yet considered it, then the color of the field will be yellow.
  • In the case when the application was generated, but it was not sent to the Territorial Administration, the field is marked with a gray background.

In order to view all the data available about the request, you should click the magnifying glass icon opposite it. In the window that opens, in addition to the displayed information, there will also be an opportunity to print this document, cancel the request, cancel it, marking the reason for cancellation, or create another one.

For applications with different statuses, the list of available functions may differ.

Adding certificate claims without permission

In the case when there is a need to create an application in order to obtain a certificate, but there is no export permit, go to the Applications section and click on the add item.

In the opened window of the Mercury XC system, the mandatory fields are where you need to specify the type of means used for transportation and the type of goods. The item that there is currently no permission is set by default.

After clicking on the Continue button, the following form will open, where you need to enter information about the product, its manufacturer and transportation details. After saving the entered data, the user will see a window for viewing the application being created, and four fields labeled Edit, in which you need to upload the relevant documents.

This action is mandatory, because without these documents the application will not be considered.

On the created application, you can perform such actions as deleting, printing, sending, editing and canceling.


Cancellation of import veterinary certificates upon receipt of products at the enterprise

Goods arriving from other countries must be checked at customs and registered by employees of the temporary storage warehouse in the Mercury subsystem of temporary storage warehouse. At the same time, a separate veterinary certificate is issued for each type of product of each manufacturer, which is stored electronically in the database.

When the cargo arrives at the enterprise, the certificate corresponding to it must be canceled. But the business entity is only allowed to do this if it is specified as a recipient. Veterinary certificates of the received goods can be redeemed in the GIS Mercury XC, not only in full, but also in parts.

In order to cancel, the user must:

  • click on the menu item Cargoes for temporary storage warehouses,
  • search in the list that opens using the corresponding button, specifying the search criteria,
  • click on the white checkmark icon on the green circle next to the found entry,
  • in the window that opens, indicate when the cargo arrived at the enterprise and in what quantity,
  • save the entered information.

Step by step algorithm in pictures:

If an error is made in the partial cancellation of the goods, this operation can be cancelled. To do this, you need to open the Production Log, since it is in it that the entire history of changes is stored, and select Input Production. Using the search and set criteria, you should find the desired entry and open it. In view mode, the user will have the opportunity to cancel it using the button of the same name.

If the cargo in the Mercury XR subsystem has been completely repaid, then the corresponding entry should be searched for in the menu item Cargoes in the temporary storage warehouse. Cancellation is done by clicking on the cross icon, which is located opposite the desired entry. In this case, in the window that appears, you will need to indicate the reason for which the decision to cancel was made.

Cancellation of products received via electronic VSD

When the cargo arrives at its destination, the representative of the economic entity is obliged to remove it from the carrier company and note in the veterinary certificates of the Mercury XC subsystem that the owner is now his enterprise. This procedure is called quenching.

Upon receipt of the goods accompanied by eVSD, the person responsible for extinguishing must inspect the goods and verify the data about it with the information available in the document. To do this, you need to open the issued incoming veterinary documents, find the one that describes the incoming cargo. Open it with the magnifying glass icon and check everything.

If no discrepancies are found, you can start accepting the goods, otherwise the user must draw up an appropriate act, indicating actual value parameters.

Acceptance of the goods involves pressing the Cancel button and recording the date the goods were received.

There may be situations where the Redeem button is missing. The reason is the lack of access to such actions. You should check whether you are authorized under your account and whether your account has the right to change such information. Also, the button will not appear if at the very beginning of the work the enterprise for which changes are being made was not selected.

Authorized cancellation of VSD

Sending a request for authorized cancellation and its consideration

FSIS Mercury XC provides for the possibility of canceling electronic veterinary documents by the party that is the sender of the cargo. This feature can be useful when a large enterprise works with retail outlets.

The latter may shift the burden of extinguishing the eVSD to the suppliers, since this is the only operation that requires them to use the Mercury subsystem.

This delegation of responsibilities should be carried out in two stages. First, an application must be generated from the party receiving the cargo, after which the supplier must confirm it. To do this, each of them must have an account in the Vetis Passport and Account with rights that allow you to make changes to the Mercury XR subsystem.

Sending a request is carried out in the Settings menu item. The user needs to select the Authorized cancellation setting subsection and select one of the two items there, and then add a request with the button of the same name.

In the window that opens after performing the above steps, you must select the names of business entities. There may be several, but total number should not exceed twenty positions. Then the generated data should be sent using the button located at the bottom of the window.

All existing requests and already established connections between businesses are stored in Authorized Cancellation Settings. To cancel a specific request or connection, you need to search for the required entry and select one of the necessary buttons opposite the found line in the operations column.

… Authorized extinguishing of eVSD

When a large enterprise is engaged in the supply of goods to small retailers, it may be inconvenient for them to deal with the cancellation of electronic documents. Then the supplier assumes these responsibilities. For such situations, Rosselkhoznadzor has provided the function of authorized extinguishing in the Mercury XC system. She actually frees Retail Stores from electronic journaling.

The sequence of actions for authorized extinguishing is similar to the usual one. First, you need to check the received goods with the information available in the accompanying documents. Draw up an act if any discrepancies are found. If everything matches, accept the goods, paying off the eVSD.

The main difference from the usual cancellation is the search for documents for the cargo. They should be looked for in the Outbox folder of the Veterinary Documents item, indicating that it is the Authorized Cancellation that is needed.

Product magazine

Logging of input products

By logging in to the system, the Mercury XC user gets the opportunity to keep a log, which will reflect all the goods received at the warehouse. This journal can be filled out by hand, entering all the data yourself. Also, the system allows only cancellation of goods that were accompanied by import or electronic certificates. In this case, all information will be transferred to the journal automatically.

Tasks that can be performed include:

  • Adding new lines to the journal about goods that came in accordance with paper documents.
  • Cancellation of any of the existing entries.
  • Ability to add a template to simplify the introduction of new data.

To add a record, you need to enter data on input products. To do this, select the menu item Production log and write down all the available information in the fields and save it.

Then the user must indicate in the window that opens the data on laboratory studies, which should include the date of their conduct, the number of the laboratory, the parameters obtained and the result. This information also needs to be saved and click on the finish button.

To create a template in the input log, the user needs to enter it, find the entry on the basis of which the template will be created, and open it for viewing. A corresponding button will appear at the bottom of the window, by clicking on which the template will be saved in the system.

Keeping a log of products produced at the enterprise

In addition to entering information about products that enter the enterprise, FSIS Mercury XC has the ability to save data on manufactured goods. To do this, go to the menu item Transactions and click on the Add button.

In its type, you need to specify processing / production, and then enter information about the owners of the goods, about the product itself and about the raw materials from which it was obtained. At the same time, it should be remembered that the system checks the conformity of the raw materials of the product. Therefore, it is impossible to record in the database such raw materials from which it is impossible to produce goods.

To complete the document, the user should click on the Write off button. After this action, the system will automatically generate the corresponding entries in the log.

In the case when the employee filling out the journal has few rights to make changes in the database, a special message will be displayed in the window. Then he should redirect this record to a veterinarian, where he can complete it in the Mercury HVE system. To do this, use the Send button, located immediately below the message.

After completing the above steps, the application will receive the status of sent. As soon as the doctor begins to work with her, her status will change to Accepted, and when he completes her examination, she will become Completed. At each stage, the name of the section in which it is located will correspond to its status.


Creation of an act of non-compliance in Mercury.XC

Upon delivery of goods that do not comply with the documents accompanying it, an employee of the enterprise to which the goods were delivered must create an act of non-compliance. This procedure can be carried out in the Mercury XC subsystem approved by Rosselkhoznadzor.

To do this, the user must select the menu item called Inventory and click the Add button in the window that opens. The system will prompt you to indicate the date when the inventory of the incoming cargo was carried out and the name of the person who carried it out. After saving these data, you should write down information about the detected inconsistencies by clicking on the Add button in the form that opens.

In this case, the system will prompt you to select the type of operation that the employee is going to carry out:

  • Add a new entry.
  • Make changes to an existing one.
  • Delete one of the ones in the database.

Before you start changing or deleting the desired entry, you must find it. The search is carried out by selecting one of the product types and clicking on the magnifying glass icon.

After all the actions performed, the system returns the user to the request viewing page. Here you should check the correctness of filling in all the fields and the presence of correct data, click on the Submit button, as a result of which the inventory request will be created.

To print the act of non-compliance, you need to click on the field with the same name in the product information viewing window. A form with data on the selected act will open, and the Print button will appear at the bottom. By clicking on it, the system will show how the generated report looks like. To send it to the printer, the employee should use the standard browser functions.


Adding applications for issuance of VSD

Having an account with access to information in the role of a Certified Specialist or an Authorized Person, an employee can independently draw up veterinary documentation for incoming goods and cargo. However, in the absence of such access, he can create an application in the Mercury information system for this procedure to be carried out by the state veterinarian.

To do this, the user must select the Transactions menu item and click on one of the buttons located above the list with the name Add. In the window that opens, specify the type of operation. If it involves the movement of goods, then it is also necessary to highlight the item on which transport the goods will be moved.

After confirming the choice made by clicking on the Save button, in the transaction view window, the employee needs to select the recipient and product by clicking on the Add line, opposite the corresponding items.

The system also allows you to create templates for created records, speeding up the subsequent filling of applications.

After clicking on the Submit button, all entered data is checked by the Mercury XC system in accordance with the instructions in the database. Based on the results of the check, a message about the verdict appears at the top of the viewing page.

The system can approve the application and allow transportation. The application may be rejected, indicating the reasons for such a decision. Also, the system can give consent to transportation, but after the company or employee fulfills certain conditions.

The status of the generated request will also be indicated by its color in the view column.

Registration of work in progress

There are enterprises where the shipment of manufactured goods can begin before the moment the entire batch is formed. In other enterprises, the amount of raw materials needed to create a certain amount of products can only be known after it has been released.

In such cases, company employees can create veterinary documents for the product in the Mercury XC program, where it is not necessary to enter its quantity and the volume of raw materials spent on its release. This operation is called work in progress.

To implement it, the user must visit the page for adding transactions and, when creating a new transaction, indicate processing / production in the type, marking with a bird that the production is incomplete.

After saving the initial data, the user will be able to enter raw materials and manufactured products in the window that opens using the Add items located next to each of these lines.

In this case, the volume of production can be:

  • filled with data currently available,
  • not filled at all;
  • filled with zero values, which will create a link between raw materials and products.

After completing the application and pressing the appropriate button, the record will be marked that it has been completed, but the production has not been completed. In the browser window, the button Specify raw materials will appear, which will allow you to add data as they become available. Appear in the product magazine new line and a veterinary accompanying document will be generated, and the addition of data for this transaction will be accompanied by its update.

When the batch is formed and the entire volume of raw materials and products is known and entered into the database, the employee should complete the registration of this production by clicking on the Finish production button located at the bottom of the view window of the previously created transaction.

As a result, the indicated volumes will be written off, and the corresponding IRR will be issued.

Registration of VSD for raw milk

All individuals and organizations producing milk as a raw material, regardless of the form of ownership of their enterprise, must receive special certificates that their product is safe for further use. Such a certificate is issued by a veterinarian in the service of the state.

Its presence allows farmers to independently create and draw up veterinary accompanying documents. At the same time, an employee of the civil service can at any time check which documents are being created in his area, and on what basis.

A certificate issued by a state veterinarian in electronic form can be valid for no more than a month. When the validity period expires, it will need to be received again, since without a certificate the farmer will not be able to create a new IRR for the milk produced at his enterprise in the Mercury XC subsystem.

The electronic form of the certificate, created in Mercury GVE, allows you to attach to it data on indicators obtained in the laboratory during the analysis of milk samples.

However, it can have several statuses:

  • Created if the state veterinarian entered data about the enterprise, but did not complete its registration.
  • Valid when its issuance has been completed and has not yet expired.
  • Annulled, upon recognition of a certificate that does not meet the conditions set.
  • Invalid when fixed time her action is over.

The certificate of safety of raw milk does not make it possible to transport it. It speaks only about the acceptable state of the product, and its possibility of use. But such a certificate allows you to issue a veterinary certificate, which gives the right to transport products.

In order to issue this certificate, you need to visit the Transactions section and create a new one. When creating, you must specify which vehicle will be transported, and its details.

Then the user must add the recipient of the shipment and information about the product itself.

After saving all the changes made, you can create an entry template or complete the design using the appropriate buttons.

Maintaining a directory of the nomenclature of the enterprise

The Mercury Information Program has a directory containing four categories. The first three are veterinary groups. Their filling and editing is carried out exclusively by the Rosselzhoznadzor.

The procedure for maintaining the directory, represented by the fourth category, implies both the addition new information, and changing or editing an existing one. Information refers to data about the goods that the company stores or produces.

Its introduction can be entrusted to both an employee of the enterprise and a state veterinarian working in the area. At the same time, the warehouse nomenclature used within the enterprise may differ from the one that is filled in when issuing transport documents. This discrepancy is used for the convenience of joint work with the recipients of the goods.

To add a new item, you must click the button of the same name and enter all the required data: product type, name, type, manufacturer, owner, and so on. All information that has been recorded must be saved by clicking on the Save button.

To delete or edit entries, you must search by one or more criteria.

Also, the list of products generated as a result of the search and information about them can be downloaded to a text file by clicking on the green arrow located at the top of the page.

Thus, the entries on the range of products added to the directory can be used in subsequent execution of veterinary documents.

Setting up areas of responsibility

What is being done?

The function of setting up areas of responsibility allows you to set the options that will be available to the user when he enters the Mercury XR. Initially, he can perform any action on all sites that are associated with his enterprise. However, this permissiveness can be limited by specifying only one available, for example. Also, sites available for editing can be set geographically - by one district or city or village.

The main rules for setting up areas of responsibility include the following.

  • A user can be assigned only those platforms that are associated with the selected XS.
  • The area of ​​responsibility can be either one site (indicating a specific address) or several.
  • If a city is specified as a zone of responsibility, all enterprises located in it are included in this zone.
  • If no zone is assigned to an employee, he has access to all companies associated with his XR.
  • If an employee is assigned to several XS, the areas of responsibility are set for each of them.

What actions are being taken?

In the case when it is necessary to assign specific areas of responsibility to the user, go to the Settings of areas of responsibility and click on his last name.

In the window that opens, there will be a list of available to him and available to all other enterprises. The first will be marked in green, the second in grey. Next, you need to find a company from the gray list to which you want to open access and click on it, then click the Add button.

As a result, it should also turn green. When you click on a company already highlighted in green, it will leave the available areas of responsibility for this employee and change color to red. All changes made should be saved by clicking the button of the same name.

Based on the created settings, you can create a template, applying which in the future, you can assign the same areas of responsibility to another employee.

The deadline for issuing veterinary certificates in electronic form has been postponed to July 1, 2018. From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by Gosvetnadzor are required to connect to the Mercury system. From this date, veterinary accompanying documents (certificates, certificates and references) will be issued exclusively in electronic form.

Recall that 14 subsystems have been created and are functioning within the framework of the federal state information system of veterinary medicine "Vetis". for various purposes. So, "Irena" is used for registration veterinary drugs, feed, additives; Hermes is intended for licensing pharmaceuticals for animals. And "Mercury", which will be discussed below, was created for electronic certification of goods controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision Service, tracking their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to controllers, one system electronic veterinary accompanying documents (VVD) will improve biological and food safety. The number of electronic VSD is increasing every month. In February 2018, 33.8 million units were issued through Mercury. This is 4.1 million (14%) more than in January 2018 and 29.9 million more than in February 2017. The dynamics of the development of electronic certification in the regions varies. According to the results of February, 21 subjects of the Russian Federation issued more than 600 thousand electronic veterinary documents every month.

Who and when must join

From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision Service are required to connect to the Mercury system. These include those who now draw up paper veterinary accompanying documents: farms, meat processing plants, poultry farms, seafood producers, their suppliers, distributors.

From July 1, 2018, this list will be replenished by dairy producers, logistics companies and retail outlets that deal with any regulated products.

A complete list of controlled goods that are subject to mandatory electronic veterinary certification is contained in the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015 No. 648. The list includes about 25 large groups of goods (in TN VED codes). In order not to guess, you need to check with him: if you work with any of the goods named there, then you need to register with Mercury.

Individual entrepreneurs can also submit an application either in writing to the TU of the Rosselkhoznadzor, or in electronic form to the address [email protected].

The procedure and data that must be indicated in the application are prescribed in the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589. This document regulates the rules for issuing veterinary accompanying documents both in paper and in electronic form. In the application, in particular, indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the authorized employee; citizenship; information about the identity document; e-mail address, and in case of its absence - postal address; phone number (at the request of the registrant). Registration is made within two working days after the application is submitted.


Application templates can be downloaded on the website of the federal state information system of veterinary medicine (Administration of the list of users of an economic entity in Vetis.Passport).

What needs to be done in retail

Outlets are required to cancel veterinary accompanying documents (VSD). When they receive products for which the supplier has issued a veterinary certificate, the store representative must enter Mercury and note that the goods with this VSD have been accepted in full or in such and such a quantity. This ensures the traceability of products, its path from the manufacturer to the end point - the shelves of a particular store.

If the store does not have Internet access, you can issue a power of attorney for the supplier to extinguish the VSD in Mercury upon receipt of the delivery. In addition, paragraph 61 of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 27, 2016 No. 589 provides for the remote cancellation of electronic veterinary certificates. Even trade point does not have Internet access, she has, for example, an accountant with Internet access. In this case, he can enter the "Mercury" and pay off the VSD.

How to make work easier

Electronic certificates for one delivery are formed many times more than paper ones. This is due to the fact that they are issued for each item of controlled goods, while a paper document could be made one for the entire delivery. To extinguish each received VSD in the web version of "Mercury" is laborious and time consuming. If the data needs to be corrected during acceptance, processing of one incoming veterinary certificate may take several minutes.

Rosselkhoznadzor’s IT partners (the list is available on the department’s website), including SKB Kontur, have developed solutions that can be used to integrate Mercury with the company’s accounting system. This allows you to automate the work with electronic VSD. In particular, special modules allow in a familiar and familiar 1C interface to process the entire array of VSD for delivery in a few seconds.

Will there be delays and penalties?

You can work with paper VVD until July 1 of the current year. From July 1, 2018, paper documents become invalid. The originally scheduled date of January 1, 2018 (according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2015 No. 243 “On Veterinary Medicine”) was postponed for six months, so it is hardly worth counting on a second postponement.
In mid-March (03/15/2018), a draft amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses on fines for violating the rules for issuing VSD was published. For the production, transportation or transfer of ownership of controlled goods, accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all for legal entities the following sanctions are imposed:
  • up to 100 thousand rubles for the transportation or transfer of ownership of animals accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all;
  • up to 20 thousand rubles for the transportation or transfer of ownership of fish and products from aquatic biological resources;
  • up to 10 thousand rubles for the transportation or transfer of ownership of raw milk and raw cream;
  • up to 5 thousand rubles for the production, transportation or transfer of ownership of heat treatment products;
  • up to 50 thousand rubles for the production, transportation or transfer of ownership of all other goods, if they are subject to mandatory certification.
Repeated violation of the rules threatens with a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles. Until 04/04/2018, the draft law is under public discussion. The terms for the entry into force of individual articles vary from 180 days from the date of adoption to 01/01/2019.

In addition, do not forget about the risk of spoiling business relations with a partner due to non-compliance with the law.