Abstract of a lesson on visual activity in the middle group using non-traditional drawing methods "Look - bullfinches have arrived!"

Program tasks:
to teach to convey in drawing the image of a bird, the features of the shape of the head and tail; learn to pass and pick up desired colors, guide children to search for drawing techniques, continue to teach how to place the drawing on the entire sheet; develop aesthetic education, love for nature.

Educator: Guys, a magpie flew to us today and brought riddles on its tail. She knows that you love to guess them and asks you to do it. Well, are you ready?
Children: Yes, ready.
Teacher: Then listen.
I've been catching bugs all day
I eat insects, worms.
I don't fly away for the winter
I live under the ledge.
Chick - chirp! Don't be shy, I've been...
Children: Sparrow.
Educator: Right. Listen further:
Guess what bird
Afraid of bright light.
Crocheted beak, patchy eyes,
Eared head. This is…
Children: Owl
Educator: Yes. And who is this:
“Cracked in the morning: “Porra!”
And what a time!
Such a hassle for everyone when it crackles ...
Children: Magpie
Educator: Yes, you correctly guessed all the riddles. You probably noticed what they are about?
Children: They are about birds.
Educator: Yes, these riddles are about birds, but what kind?
Children: About wintering
Educator: Well done, tell me, what do all birds have in common?
Children: Voices, torso, tail.
Educator: The head of the birds is rounded, the body is oval, the tails resemble an “arrow”, then in some birds it is longer, while in others it is shorter. What is different about them?
Children: Birds different color plumage.
Educator: Of course. Today we will consider with you a picture of a bullfinch, and then we will try to draw it. So, as we have already said, the structure of birds is the same. Tell me, Danya, what head does the bullfinch have?
Danya: It is round, rounded.
Educator: Right. Look closely, it fits snugly to the body. What is the shape of the body?
Children: The body is oval.
Educator: Right. And what does a ponytail look like, have I already told you?
Children: It resembles an "arrow".
Educator: Yes. Look at the interesting coloring of the bullfinch. What color is her plumage?
Children: The bullfinch is black, but his breast is red.
Educator: And look what small eyes. The beak resembles a small triangle. The bullfinch's paws are small and bent, because. he sits on a branch. So we examined the bullfinch with you. Did you understand everything?
Children: Yes, of course.
Educator: Then everyone sit down in their places, and let's try to draw a bullfinch bird. You have sheets of white paper, paints and brushes in front of you, and you can start working. Do not forget that the drawing should be in the center of the sheet, it should be depicted neatly.
Educator: Well done guys. Here are some beautiful bullfinches everyone got. Now each of you will try to describe your bullfinch, tell us how you drew it, with what colors.
Well done, everyone did their best today, beautiful drawings drew and made up good stories.

Page Preview #1

Summary of drawing classes in the senior group

Theme: "Bullfinch on a branch"

Program tasks:

to teach to convey in drawing the image of a bird, the features of the shape of the head and tail; teach to transfer and select the right colors, guide children to search for drawing techniques, continue to teach how to place the drawing on the entire sheet; develop aesthetic education, love for nature.

Educator: Guys, a magpie flew to us today and brought riddles on its tail. She knows that you love to guess them and asks you to do it. Well, are you ready?

Children: Yes, ready.

Teacher: Then listen.

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat insects, worms.

I don't fly away for the winter

I live under the ledge.

Chick - chirp! Don't be shy, I've been...

Children: Sparrow.

Guess what bird

Afraid of bright light.

Crocheted beak, patchy eyes,

Eared head. This is…

Children: Owl

Educator: Yes. And who is this:

“Cracked in the morning: “Porra!”

And what a time!

Such a hassle for everyone when it crackles ...

Children: Magpie

Educator: Yes, you correctly guessed all the riddles. You probably noticed what they are about?

Children: They are about birds.

Educator: Yes, these riddles are about birds, but what kind?

Children: About wintering

Educator: Well done, tell me, what do all birds have in common?

Educator: The head of the birds is round, the body is oval, the tails resemble an “arrow”, then in some birds it is longer, while in others it is shorter. What is different about them?

Children: Birds have plumage of different colors.

Educator: Of course. Today we will consider with you a picture of a bullfinch, and then we will try to draw it. So, as we have already said, the structure of birds is the same. Tell me, Danya, what head does the bullfinch have?

Danya: It is round, rounded.

Educator: Right. Look closely, it fits snugly to the body. What is the shape of the body?

Children: The body is oval.

Educator: Right. And what does a ponytail look like, have I already told you?

Children: It resembles an "arrow".

Educator: Yes. Look at the interesting coloring of the bullfinch. What color is her plumage?

Children: The bullfinch is black, but his breast is red.

Educator: And look what small eyes. The beak resembles a small triangle. The bullfinch's paws are small and bent, because. he sits on a branch. So we examined the bullfinch with you. Did you understand everything?

Children: Yes, of course.

Educator: Then everyone sit down in their places, and let's try to draw a bullfinch bird. You have sheets of white paper, paints and brushes in front of you, and you can start working. Do not forget that the drawing should be in the center of the sheet, it should be depicted neatly.

Dugarzhapova Irina Valerievna, teacher. MBDOU No. 50 Krasnogorsk, Moscow region.

Topic of the lesson: drawing "Bullfinch on a branch" for children of the older group.

Target: continue to learn how to draw birds, conveying characteristic features;

develop fine motor skills hands, spatial thinking;

to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds;

to acquaint with a new technique for decorating a picture with salt.

Material: pictures of birds; drawing paper, a simple pencil, watercolors, pony brushes No. 3 and No. 1, a jar of water, a palette.

Teaching methods: Visual: looking at illustrations: the teacher pays attention to the features of birds - size, color, leg length, beak shape.

Verbal: the teacher advises which colors to mix in order to obtain the desired and more reliably convey the color.

Lesson progress:

Shrubs blushed

Not from the dawn.

These are red lanterns.

The snowmen lit up.

They clean crimson feathers,

They drink water from a spring.

Bell overflows

I hear from afar.

(L. Tatyanicheva)

Please consider the painting "Bullfinches" (artist Natalya Tokar).

What is shown in the picture?

What season?

What kind of birds?

We have already drawn a bird with a pencil. Today we will also draw with paints. Let's remember the scheme of drawing a bird.

In the middle of the sheet, we outline the line of inclination of the bird.

On this line we mark the middle, from it to different sides two more points (of the same size from the center). This will be the body.

Draw an oval along the line between these points.

Draw a circle on top of the oval (this will be the head).

From the bottom, a narrow, long rectangle (tail).

On the left side of the circle, we mark the beak with a strip.

Now let's start drawing the bird. We start drawing from the head.

We start drawing from the beak, draw the head and back up.

Below the beak is the breast, slightly thickening the oval. Pay attention to the bird's head smoothly into a plump tummy (the neck of our bird does not stand out).

Now draw the tail and eyes.

(remembering and explaining the drawing technique, the teacher simultaneously shows on the board how to do it, the children are on their sheets.)

To correctly draw the paws, you need to "plant" the bird on a twig. To do this, we retreat a short distance from the body, draw two lines parallel to the bird and this will be a twig. Pay attention to the bird's thin and long legs with strong claws. The wings are not long, but pointed at the end. Here we have such a bullfinch.

Please look at the blackboard, what kind of bird did we draw? (answers)

Of course, our bird looks like a bullfinch, because. has a rounded body, a small beak and a small sprout.

Would you like to fly like birds? (answers)

Then get up from the tables and come to me.


Flew, flew magpie (palms crossed, thumbs hands intertwined)

Through Grandma's Gate. (crossed palms flapping like wings)

Here she beat her wings, (clap hands)

Grandma's jelly spilled (hands in front of her, fingers spread out)

(children sit at the table)

And now let's decorate our bullfinches.

During work, the teacher talks separately with each about the color of the bird, if necessary, advises which paints are best mixed together to obtain the desired shade. Working independently, children have the opportunity to experiment.

Work form. Let's circle the work with blue paint, and sprinkle with salt, look at what beautiful patterns are obtained. (Salt leaves interesting streaks when dissolved.)


Well done guys, you did a really good job today. With each session your work gets better and better! Well done!

After class, the work is exhibited in the corner.

GCD for drawing in the senior group

on the topic: "Red-breasted bullfinches"

Program content:

- Deepen knowledge about the world around; continue to improve the ability of children to convey in the drawing the image of birds - bullfinches; learn to convey characteristic details, the ratio of objects and their parts in size, height, location relative to each other.

To improve visual skills and abilities, to form artistic and creative abilities.

Encourage creative initiative.

Cultivate observation, caring attitude towards birds, goodwill, mercy.

Equipment and materials:illustrations depicting a bullfinch, a sparrow, a crow, etc.,a simple pencil, watercolors, a jar of water, brushes, napkins, tinted paper blue color, drawing made by the teacher.

Preliminary work:bird watching on a walk, looking at illustrations, finding out the structure of birds, reading V. Sukhomlinsky's stories “Red-breasted bullfinches”, “Bullfinch - a carver”; collective modeling "Birds at the feeder"; didactic game: "Learn by description"

vocabulary work: To achieve complete detailed answers from pupils, an introduction to the active vocabulary of children red-breasted, flock.

Lesson progress

Organizing time"Give me a smile"

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Left - turn right

And we smile at each other.

caregiver hangs a poster "Wintering Birds" and asking questions:

Guys, what time of year is it? (winter)

Who flies to our feeder in winter? (birds)

What is the name of these birds in one word? (wintering)

Why are they called that? (because they don't fly to warmer climes but stay with us?

What winter birds do you know? Look at the pictures and name the birds that are depicted here (crow, sparrow, magpie, dove)

And now the guys depict a flock of birds - flapping their wings, fly to their places.

Educator: There are birds that come to us only for the winter. And to find out this bird, guess the riddle:

Black, red chested,

He will find shelter with us.

He is not afraid of colds.

With the first snow right there. (Bullfinch.)

caregiver . That's right, today we will draw a bullfinch.

The teacher shows an illustration depicting this birdand conducts a conversation to clarify and enrich children's ideas about appearance bullfinches (body parts, body shape, feather color).

Explains the way the work is done, pronouncing the characteristics of the bullfinch with the children.


I take a simple pencil and make a sketch. Next, I begin to draw a bird with paint, with wide lines. First, I paint an oval body with red paint. On the one hand, where the breast is, it is wider, and where the tail will be, it is narrower (it looks like an egg).

Above the chest with black paint I draw an oval head so that it slightly overlaps the body, since the neck of the bullfinch is short.

Now draw the tail medium size two wide lines and wings. They are raised up if the bird has fluttered, and pressed to the back if it is sitting.

And what is the beak of a bullfinch? That's right, he's short and fat. Why do bullfinches need such a strong and thick beak? (to get the seeds out of the cones). The eyes are higher than the beak, the legs are short, located closer to the tail. I will draw the beak with short strokes, if it is open - with two strokes. The bullfinch is already drawn.

The teacher, with the help of questions, fixes the sequence of the method of depicting a bullfinch.

Before independent work held

Gymnastics for fingers

On the trees in the yard

The snowmen have arrived!

(Children show with movements how a bird flies.)

Like a little apples

So I would take them in my hands!

(Palms with bent fingers.)

And the apples have sat ....

(Movements that imitate picking apples.)

(Children show with movements how birds fly.)

And now you can get to work.

Children draw on their own.

The teacher observes the sequence of work, with the help of questions clarifies the name of the form, the proportional ratio.

Praises those who contributed to their work additional elements, for example, drew a bullfinch in a different pose, changed the position of the head.

Outcome of GCD

At the end productive activity Pupils lay out their drawings to dry. The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem

Z. Alexandrova:

Where the finches sang in summer

Today - look!

Like pink apples

On the branches of snowmen.


What bird did we draw today? (Bullfinch).

What is the bullfinch doing in the picture? (A bullfinch sits on a branch, flies, pecks seeds).

Well done! Now our group has a whole flock of bullfinches. How beautiful and very different they are!

Pupils consider who, how they painted the birds: spread wings - wants to fly; sitting on a branch, pecking at something.

Children choose the most interesting work.

GCD. Gouache drawing. Theme "Bullfinch".

Middle group.


To acquaint children with the bullfinch bird, with its structure. Some features (when it arrives, what it eats), teach children to convey the image of a bird in the drawing, learn to select the appropriate color scheme, learn to compositionally arrange an image on a sheet of paper, develop a sense of shape and color, cultivate accuracy, love for nature.
Sheets of A4 paper, tinted and painted with rowan branches, gouache, brush No. 3 (synthetics), napkins, photo illustrations or pictures depicting bullfinches

V. Guys. Do you know what time of year it is? That's right, winter. Remember, in the fall we talked about migratory birds, about those birds that fly away to warm countries for the winter. But there are birds that come to us in winter. Hear about them a riddle:

Arrived for the winter
Birds that deftly in frosts
Jumping on trees, branches
In red-flame vests.
We can not recognize them -
We love the bird


V. That's right, this bird is a bullfinch.The bullfinch got its name because it flies to us along with the snow, and lives all winter.

Bullfinches sit on the branches of mountain ash, maple, viburnum bushes, pick berries and peck at seeds.The bullfinch is a beautiful, calm bird. Look carefully and remember what it looks like. Top part his head, wings and tail are black. And the breast, abdomen and cheeks are red. The bullfinch's beak is short, thick, black.

Look at your leaves. Last time we drew bunches of mountain ash? Now bullfinches will fly to our rowan branches. In order to draw a bullfinch, we need red paint. We carefully pick up paint with the tip of the brush so as not to stain the piece of iron and draw a red circle.

Then wash the brush and wipe it on a cloth.Then we take black paint on the tip of the brush and paint the back of our bullfinch.

Then, we decide in which direction our bullfinch is looking, and draw a small beak, on the other hand a tail.

It remains to draw the wings.

Now we wash our brush properly. Because you will need to take a different color of paint. Wipe with a rag. With white paint we draw an eye and a pattern on the wing. So we got a snowman.

Now guess the riddle:

He's busy all the time
He cannot go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything you see along the way.

Children: Snow.

B. That's right, snow. On branches, on bunches of mountain ash, in the air we will draw snow.

Now you can start drawing the bullfinch.

The outdoor game "Bullfinches" is held after the children have drawn the breast and back.

Look at the branches - clapping their hands on their sides

Bullfinches in red T-shirts - tilt head to the side

fluffed up feathers - frequent hand shaking

Basking in the sun - claps on the sides

They turn their heads, they want to fly away - head turns

Shh! Shh! Fly away!

For the blizzard! For the blizzard! - the children scatter around the group, waving their arms like wings.

Summarizing:Well done boys!What beautiful bullfinches flew to your rowan branches!

senior group

Integration educational areas: reading fiction, socialization, communication, health, music, work. Tasks: To continue to form the ability of children to draw using the poke method, to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly; to form an aesthetic attitude to what is drawn, to deepen knowledge about the environment and consolidate knowledge about colors. Cultivate love for birds, diligence and the desire to achieve success through their own work, accuracy, creative self-realization

Material: Album sheet of paper with a pencil outline of a bullfinch on a branch for each child, and a bullfinch drawn by poke, two brushes (hard and soft) for each child, gouache black, red and Brown, wipes for wiping the brush, non-spill with water for rinsing the brush, stands for the brush.

Dictionary enrichment: female, snowman, snowman.

Lesson progress

Educator: Children, do you like riddles? (Yes)

I will guess a riddle, and you name the answer: Red-breasted, black-winged, loves to peck grains, with the first snow on the mountain ash he will appear again.

Educator: Who is this? (Bullfinch.)

That's right, it's a bullfinch. He came to visit you. Did you know that the birds are called so because they appear in our area with the first snow and the first frosts. A bright red breast is a sign of an adult bullfinch, and a dark brown female bullfinch. She is called very beautifully - snowman, snowman. Bullfinches decorate our winter nature.

Educator: Children, our bullfinch is sitting alone, because trouble has happened.

The Snow Queen has bewitched all the birds and he is sad. Can we help our guest disenchant his friends? (Let's help.)

But first, let's look at what a bullfinch looks like.

(The teacher opens the image of the bird on the easel and offers to examine the image.)

Educator: Children, what parts does a bullfinch consist of? (The bullfinch has a body, it is oval in shape.)

Educator: And what is on his body? (A bullfinch has a head on its body, it is round, small.)

Educator: What is on the head? (on the bullfinch's head are small black eyes and a sharp beak).

Educator: What ends the body of a bird? (the body of the bird ends with a tail, it looks like a fork).

Educator: That's right, but what else does the bullfinch have? (the bullfinch has two short legs with which he clings to a twig).

Educator: what kind of chest does a bullfinch have? (breast bright, red, plump). Educator: Well done children, you correctly spoke about the bullfinch.

You will now disenchant them with your kind heart and warmth. in an unusual way! (And what? You will show us.)

Go to your seats and start disenchanting the birds. To do this, perform an exercise with a brush. Let's take the brush like this (like a pencil, above the metal part), it's simple. Right - left, right - left, up - down, up - down and around. And now run with your hand (hold the brush vertically) ... one ... poke two poke !!! (this is done with a dry brush along the contour).

Teacher: Now get to work. (Children's work.) Individual help for those who find it difficult on the teacher's sheet. Let's get some rest.

Physical culture pause

Oh oh oh! Oh no no no! (put palms on cheeks).

An evil sorceress has come to us! (walking in place).

She waved her arms around, (wave her arms wide).

She bewitched all the birds, (circular movements of her hands to the sides). The birds bowed their heads, fell silent and froze. (freeze in place with head bowed).

Take soft brushes and draw bullfinches eyes, beaks and legs. (well, well done, you try).

Exhibition of works. Encouragement, encouragement of children. Reading a quatrain.

How beautiful, look!

Everything sparkles in the cold

And on a branch of bullfinches,

Like roses have blossomed.

(Analysis of children's work.)

Educator; True, your bullfinch children are like blossoming roses, like red apples. Birds are important, bold, sitting on their branches, as if nothing had happened.

Children, how do your drawings make you feel? a feeling of joy, because the birds are bright, elegant; a sense of courage, because bullfinches are not afraid of frost; a feeling of love, because you have to take care of the birds; A feeling of pleasure from the fact that they have disenchanted the bullfinches with their warmth. Well done guys!

Educator: Now I will stand for a minute good fairy and I will turn you into bullfinches (touches each child with a golden stick).

1. The sun is shining brightly, bullfinches have flown onto rowan branches (waving their hands).

2. We saw rowan berries. (Tilts forward.)

Z. Sat down (sat down) and began to peck at them (they tap their fingers on the floor).

4. A cat came running (easy running on the spot), the bullfinches got scared and flew away (arms to the sides and running in one direction into the corridor).

The lesson is over.