How to call a good fairy in the morning for always. How to call the fairy of desires. A guide for little dreamers

Fairies are magical creatures, messengers of the goddess of the moon on our planet. There are many different fairies, each of which has its own abilities and its own “tasks”.

The Fairy of Desires can fulfill everything that the one who managed to call her will think of. The main "tool" for fulfilling desires is a miniature magic wand, which is given to the Fairy by the goddess Moon herself.

It is said that the Fairy of Desires is very beautiful, but it is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to check this: with a good combination of circumstances, you will simply feel the presence of the Fairy of Desires nearby, but you will not be able to see her. Although ... it is worth believing in a miracle, and it will certainly happen.

Despite their small size, are powerful beings. The Fairy of Desires can fulfill any desire, but on one condition: it should not harm anyone. The fairy of desires loves to fulfill those desires that are beneficial and good for others, so you need to make a wish with pure thoughts.

The fairy loves grateful people, and in no case should she be ordered to do something. Better to ask her about it. Try to say not “I want me to have ...”, but “Let me have ...” and really believe that the Fairy exists, and the wish will come true.

The Fairy of Desires, like other messengers of the goddess of the moon, is a little capricious. Never disturb the Fairy just like that, out of curiosity - she may be offended that she was distracted over trifles, and next time she will not come.

First of all, it is worth deciding on the time: for example, in winter, fairies sleep until spring, and on days church holidays it is better not to contact them. Better days to call the Fairy of Desires - the period of the full moon. Many people say that the Fairy of Desires should be called in the evening or at night, because she does not like noise. But recipes are also known for how to call the Fairy of Desires during the day, so everything here already depends on your mood.

Keep in mind that you can make from one to three wishes at a time, the main thing is that your requests cannot harm another person.

There are rituals for calling the Fairy of Desire for the day and for the night, but there are some general rules that will work regardless of the season and the position of the sun. For example, a fairy will always be attracted to something left on the windowsill. beautiful flower, coin or chocolate candy. Under such a "surprise" they enclose a note with a desire. Fairies love fruits, so a gift for the Fairy of Desires and a note with a request can be buried under a fruit tree.

The first way is to draw the Fairy with bright colors or felt-tip pens. It is good if in the figure the Fairy is depicted in nature - in a flowering meadow or on branches beautiful tree. If you do not know how to draw, you can make a colorful application or collage. The drawing must be carefully folded and hidden under the pillow. And before going to bed - repeat your desire three times.

Another option is to call the Fairy of Desires with a pencil and ribbon. To do this, you need to take an unsharpened pencil, a white satin ribbon and a sheet of paper. Tie the ribbon to a pencil, write your desire on paper and read it aloud, while winding the ribbon around the pencil. It will take a little time, and your wish will be fulfilled.

Bad weather helps to call the Fairy of Desires: if it goes heavy rain pour into a cup warm water, write a wish on a piece of paper, tear it into small pieces and stir them in a cup. You need to mix the scraps of paper for at least ten minutes.

If you notice that the rain has intensified, wait with making a wish until the next time. If the rain began to calm down during these ten minutes, then in ten days your wish will come true.

You will need a sheet of paper, chalk, three sugar cubes, three saucers of water, and a chair. Write your desire on paper and hide the sheet in your left pocket. Draw a circle on the floor with chalk, put a chair in the center of the circle, and saucers and sugar on it.

After that, you need to bend over the chair and say three times: “I call you, Fairy of Desires, wake up from sleep, come to me at least for a minute.” Then say your desire out loud and dissolve a piece of sugar in each saucer of water.

The Wish Fairy will appear within a second if you perform one simple ritual first. At exactly noon, drink a glass of very sweet water (with sugar) and eat a candy. And exactly at midnight, stand in front of the window or go out onto the balcony, look at the moon and put a glass of the same sweet water on the windowsill, put sweets next to it.

If at this moment you kneel down, close your eyes and say “Fairy, you are the best, there is no one in the world kinder than you”, then you can hear how the sweets crumbled. This means the Fairy of Desires is already in the apartment. Speak your desire out loud for a minute, and it will soon come true.

How much we have time to wish in our life, but that's just gold fish- it's just a fairy tale. But after all it is possible to approach a question in other party. There are more real ways. For example, wondering how to call a fairy of desires.

In general, if you think about it, the existence of fairies is very controversial issue. Rather, certain spirits will respond to your call, which we will conditionally call by a similar name. You won’t need much to call, but since fairies are lunar (night) creatures, you need to call them at night, and even on a full moon. And if you consider that their call is a full-fledged ritual, then the night for such actions is the best fit, and you will attract less attention. So, how to call the fairy of desires?

Calling on the street

On the street - it's purely figurative. Specifically, in this case, we need a field. Prepare in advance a piece of paper with a wish written by your hand and a bell. Separately, about desire. It should not harm anyone: neither man, nor animal, nor nature as a whole. In general, it should be pure and intimate. There should not be any negative and selfish emotions. Therefore, before figuring out how to invoke the fairy of desires, think through all the details and make sure that your assurances are pure.

So, when you come to the field, start walking in a circle counterclockwise. At each step, you need to shake the bell and call on the fairy. You need to say something like: "Fairy of desires! Kind, affectionate, sympathetic, meek and omnipotent! Please come to me and help my wish come true. I need your help!" Remember that your call should be regarded as a request for help, and not as an order from superiors to a subordinate. Otherwise, you yourself will not be happy later on how your desire will be fulfilled. When you go around the circle three times, stop and read your desire from a piece of paper loudly and emotionally enough so that you are not only heard, but also understood. After the end of the ritual, a piece of paper is buried under any fruit or deciduous tree. It’s impossible under the needles, she has other patrons who are tougher and gloomier. In addition, along with the note, you need to put a couple of sweets and any trinket (hairpin, mirror, the same bell or any other little thing). But you need to do this from a pure heart, as if you choose this gift for yourself. And without the slightest hint of pity.

How to call the fairy of desires at home

We agree that in modern cities it is very difficult to find a field at night. And it's even harder to take action there. Therefore, there is a special ritual with which you will learn how to call the fairy of desires at home.

So, the night, the full moon, a piece of paper, a pencil and a one meter satin ribbon. Tie a ribbon to the top of a pencil, write a wish on paper that will be expanded, but without the word "I want." Then start winding the tape around the pencil, saying your

Wishing until the tape ends. Having wound the entire tape, you collect a pencil, sweets, gifts for the fairy and a note with a wish, go to the crossroads or the side of the road, bury it under calling the fairy.

If you are tormented by the question of how to summon a wish fairy during the day, then this can only be done if you need to fulfill a small wish very quickly. Only then is it possible to call in the light. Put the above items in a pile, call on the fairy, and then bury it all in front of your porch. In a few days you will see necessary signs and ways to solve the problem. That is, get what you want.

It is believed that the fairy of desires is activated on the full moon. It is this time that is especially favorable in order to call it.

For this ritual, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, wooden pencil and a white thin satin ribbon (about one meter).

Now you need to tie a ribbon to a pencil and write your desire on a piece of paper. Your request to the fairy of desires must be correctly framed, otherwise she simply may not understand you. No need to start the phrase with the word "I want." Your desire should look like it must certainly come true and it is best to start it with the word “Let”. After that, you need to read the desire aloud and during this, wind the tape around the pencil.

The Fairy of Desires will not help you just like that: you need to prepare gifts for her. She is very fond of all sorts of shiny and trinkets. Choose a few cute pieces, like some earrings, rings, beads, or chains.

Take a pencil and gifts for the wishing fairy. All this must be buried at the crossroads by the side of the road, saying the words: “Fairy of desires! You are very kind, affectionate, gentle and omnipotent. Accept my gifts and help me. I really need your help!".

Remember that the wish you made should not harm anyone. Desires based on self-interest, hatred and envy can turn against you. The wishing fairy is considered a good spirit, but can get angry if something bad is forgiven from her.

Do not be upset if your desire is in no hurry to be fulfilled after the ritual. Maybe the time has not yet come, or the fairy of desires has not heard you.

If your wish came true, then you should thank the fairy of desires. To do this, you need to take some sweets and take them to where you buried the pencil and gifts.

How to summon a wishing fairy on a full moon

This ritual can be performed at any time of the day, but it is necessary that there be a full moon.

You need to prepare in advance the paper on which what you want to ask her will be written, and put it in your left pocket. Take the bell and go to a deserted place. It is advisable, of course, to perform this ritual in a field where no one will see you.

Walk around the field three large circles counterclockwise. While walking, you need to ring the bell and speak following words: "Wish Fairy! Come to me! I really hope for your help! You are tiny, but very powerful! Come to me! I need your help!"

As soon as you have passed the third round, you need to stop, take out a piece of paper with a desire and read your request out loud.

Now you need to bury a piece of paper with your desire under a tree. For this, it is best fruit plants. conifers better to avoid. Together with the sheet where your wish is written down, you need to bury three sweets and some shiny trinket. No need to give the fairy broken things. The gift must be made from the heart. The bell used in the ritual may also be buried.

Case of life

This ritual is more like a game. An adult is unlikely to take him seriously, but I personally know the woman who tricked him, and her wish was granted, despite the fact that it seemed then simply unbelievable.

When we were in nature, she performed this ritual with a bell. She wished that she wanted to live in a new residential complex in the city center. At that time, it seemed simply unrealistic: she had no career prospects, a meager salary, her husband left her and she had to raise a child alone. However, just six months later, she meets a man at work who recently bought an apartment exactly where she always dreamed of living. She soon moved in with him. This incident is now remembered by all those who were present during her performance of this ritual.

Of course, we can say that this is a mere coincidence, but this case clearly shows: if you really want something, then it will certainly come true.

Magic surrounds us everywhere, one has only to believe in the possibility of a parallel world.

The Tooth Fairy, Snow White's gnomes, elves and other magical creatures. Dreaming of real magic? Read how to call the wishing fairy for real.

You can call a little sorceress even at home. You just need to take care of the bait for the sweet tooth.

But it is worth thinking about the consequences of the rite. If the thoughts are impure and have malicious intent, there is a risk of angering the fairy and remaining in sadness and sadness.

Important! The main condition for performing the ritual is purity of intentions.

Even at home you have to spend preparatory work at the call of an elf. Wait full moon. It is good if the night is cloudless and the light of the celestial planet makes its way through the window.

To conduct the ceremony of summoning a fairy at home, you will need:

  • Red ribbon 50 cm.
  • Paper.
  • Pencil.

Wait until the moon is especially clearly visible from the window. Sit on the windowsill, do not turn off the light yet. The first step is the formulation of a cherished desire.

On a piece of paper, clearly formulate your thoughts, but avoid phrases in command form. Present your dream not as an order, but as a request: "It would be nice if ...".

Important! The commanding tone of the message can offend the sorceress.

After the wish is written, you can turn off the light. Let your eyes get used to the darkness. Go to the window, the moonlight will allow you to see objects in front of you.

Take the pencil with which the message was written and the red ribbon. Put the sheet on the windowsill, wind the satin patch around the pencil, read the spell: “Show yourself, Fairy of Desires. Come to me".

At this moment, you need to free your thoughts from negativity and longing. Fill your head only with positivity and kindness. Go to bed leaving a note on the window. Hope the little Winx read the message.

If there is no time to wait for the full moon, you can lure the magical creature to yourself with the help of sweet bait. Elves love chocolate and colored caramel.

Wait for the evening, it is better to perform the ceremony at midnight, and collect the necessary items:

  • Candles.
  • Water in a glass.
  • Sweets.

The ritual is more complicated than the previous one. Because of the urgency of the desire, you will have to try and not make a mistake. To begin with, close all windows and doors, stay at home alone.

Light candles in an odd number, put on the table. Put water in a transparent mug or glass in the center of the burning circle.

Say a prayer: "Oh Fairy of Desires, appear to me!". After the spoken words, the water in the glass can change color to pale green for a second.

Say your wish out loud. Get up, leave a candy on the windowsill as a gift. In a couple of days the dream will come true.

Important! You can call the sorceress no more than 1 time per month.

Real ways to summon a fairy day and night

There are many ways to communicate with a magical creature. In addition to the night of the full moon, you can try other real rituals.

Keep in mind that the fairy may not come. Perhaps the matter is in an incorrectly performed ritual or your desire is impure.

Advice! Call a magical creature if the dream is really important and big.

Strive for small desires yourself:

Times of Day Description
At night For night communication, you will need a small set of items: paper, pencil, sugar and a glass of water.

Write on a piece of paper cherished desire and put it in your pocket. Wait for the night, sit near the window and say three times: "appear before me, dream fairy."

After the spell is cast, look into the sky at the moon and dissolve a piece of sugar in water.

Out loud say a wish, a note and sweet water leave it on the window and go to bed

Afternoon You will have to perform a day call exclusively on the street. The city yard is not suitable for the ritual, it is better to go to the village or to the forest.

The best choice - green meadow spring. Make sure no one is watching you. For the ritual, the following items are needed: a bell, a note with a wish.

Formulate your request on a piece of paper in advance, put it in your pocket. Walk in the meadow, enjoy the sun and nature.

Take out the bell, ring it with the words: "Wish Fairy, come to me, appear before me."

After a gust of wind, whisper your request and go home. To enhance the effect, leave a message written on paper in the grass in the meadow

Important! Correctly formulate the desire, exclude the wording "I want."

Instructions: how to summon a wish-granting fairy

You can call the sorceress anywhere, at any time and any person. More often, little girls turn to magical help. The flying lady fulfills children's dreams and requests with great pleasure.

Follow the instructions when calling a wish-granting fairy:

  1. To make the dream come true with a greater probability, it is better to carry out the ritual on the full moon.

    The greater the desire, the more often it is worth asking for help. One call of magic is not enough to fulfill a cherished dream.

  2. Always perform activities alone. You should not invite a girlfriend and wait for a fairy.

    The Enchantress will be embarrassed and will not show up for the meeting. Do not tell anyone about how your wish came true.

  3. Always come with sweets. Even if the ceremony does not indicate that sweets are needed, it is better to put sugar and chocolate in the house or nearby. Fairies also love the scent of vanilla and cinnamon.
  4. Clear your thoughts. The sorceress will fulfill only a sincere desire. Human purity plays a major role for elves.

    Try to prove to magical creatures that you are worthy of fulfilling your dream.

Regardless of age and gender, try to discover a parallel world magic.

Remember, resorting to white magic is necessary only as a last resort. Try to fulfill your desires on your own!

Useful video

Probably every person dreams that all his wishes come true. To make this a reality, you can ask for help from invisible forces, for example, call the fairy of desires, since it belongs to the light forces that help kind people. To get the result, it is important to believe in the power of magic and clearly articulate. It is necessary to invoke the spirit in good location spirit, since any negativity will serve as a repulsive factor. Fairies can not only make a wish come true, but also give advice on how to get out of a difficult situation.

How to call the fairy of desires at home?

In order to establish contact with a fairy, you need to draw it with bright colors, located among the flowers or by the pond. Use bright colors to make the drawing filled with positive energy. If you can’t draw, then you can make an application or a collage. When the "masterpiece" is finished, fold the sheet and put it under the pillow. Before falling asleep, say your cherished wish 3 times.

How to summon a wish fairy during the day?

Before proceeding to the ceremony, it is necessary to tune in to desire, there should not be any extraneous thoughts in the head. The request must be serious, because spirits do not come for nothing. First, write down your wish on a small piece of paper. To conduct the ceremony, prepare chalk, a chair, 3 sugar cubes and 3 saucers with clean water. Put a note with a desire in the left pocket of your clothes. Take the chalk and draw a circle on the floor. Place a chair in the center, not saucers and sugar. Bend over a chair and say these words 3 times:

“I call you fairy of desires, wake up from sleep, come to me at least for a minute.”

Then say your desire out loud and dissolve a piece of sugar in each saucer. Now it remains to wait for the fairy to fulfill the wish. In general, the ceremony can be performed on any day, but maximum result will be during the period of the full moon.

How to call a good fairy of desires on the street?

Since spirits love nature, it is best to perform the ceremony in a park or square. Before you begin, in a relaxed atmosphere, write down your desire on paper. Still need to prepare a small bell. Arriving at the park right hand take a sheet with a wish, and in the other - a bell. Walk 3 times in a circle with a diameter of 20 steps. Stop, mentally call the fairy and ask her to make her wish come true. Then read the written down in a whisper, saying each word, ring the bell.

How to call the fairy of desires at night?

The ritual is performed at midnight. For him, take 3 candles, a glass of water and a candy. Place the candles in a triangle, and put a glass of water in the center. Close the windows with curtains, go to the glass and say a spell to call the fairy of desires: "Fairy of desires, come, show yourself."

If the ritual is successful, then ripples will appear on the surface of the water. Immediately after that, say out loud the desire. To thank the fairy, leave a piece of candy for her on the windowsill. Do not perform the ritual more than 2 times a month.

How to call a real fairy wish at any time of the year?

There are rituals designed specifically for a particular season: