Order signs. Why punctuation is needed and what punctuation marks are

Any modern written text will be incorrect if it lacks graphic elements, which are commonly called punctuation marks. Without them, it is impossible to understand the boundaries of sentences and it is difficult to perceive the text itself, its theme and problem.
Punctuation marks highlight, separate, and separate different parts of sentences. Each of the punctuation marks is necessary for the Russian language, otherwise confusion will occur in it, and people simply will not be able to understand the simplest things. As a result, complex and contradictory situations can arise.
In modern texts of a literary, scientific, business and journalistic nature, punctuation marks are certainly needed, among which a period, a comma, an interrogative and Exclamation point and, colon, dash, semicolon, ellipsis, quotation marks, brackets. Moreover, each of these signs performs its own individual function.
The most commonly used characters in sentences are periods and commas. This is not difficult to prove, since without a dot at the end of a sentence, it will be considered incomplete, and commas serve to separate and highlight parts of the sentence and its members.
Punctuation marks in sentences play the same role as in the text: without them, it can lose its meaning or be distorted in a straight line. opposite side. Therefore, when writing any texts, you need to place them very carefully, while being guided by the rules.
The placement of a comma in a simple sentence is justified if it contains homogeneous members of the sentence - both main (subject and predicate) and secondary ones, and they should not be connected by unions, that is, when there is an union-free connection or there are unions, but they are repeated.
For simple sentence, complicated by homogeneous members, the presence of colons is also characteristic, if there is a generalizing word, and it is in front of them. If it is after, then you need to put a dash.
With the help of commas in a simple sentence, representing participial and circumstances constituting adverbial turnover.
A simple sentence is also characterized by the use of such a punctuation mark as a dash. It usually separates one main member from another (subject from predicate) if they are a noun in nominative case, verbs in indefinite form, numerals.
the same as in simple. Most often, in complex sentences, both compound and complex, a comma is placed between simple ones.
A compound sentence includes simple sentences connected by intonation and separated by commas. In sentences of this kind, in cases of a quick change of events, it is necessary to put a dash. In a compound sentence, parts of which are very common, put a semicolon.
A complex sentence contains such punctuation marks as commas, with the help of which subordinate clauses are attached to the main part, and the connection is provided by adding a subordinating union or allied word.
A non-union complex sentence is characterized by an intonation connection, while its parts are separated from each other by a comma or a semicolon. But such a sentence may contain punctuation marks such as colons and dashes.

AT complex sentence with an allied connection, the second part of which contains the reason, explanation and addition of what is written in the first, these parts are separated by a colon. Setting a dash is appropriate if the second part shows a quick change of events, the result is a contrast to what was said in the first part.
Punctuation marks divide our written language and help to understand thoughts correctly.

Today we will talk about existing punctuation marks.
Find out what are punctuation marks what they are for and where they come from.
Let's start by forming a certain understanding of the purpose of punctuation marks. Why do we need these signs?
Our speech is extremely diverse, not only in terms of the content of words in it, but also in terms of intonational features. We can meaningfully ask something, pause, exclaim, bring the speech to its logical conclusion. Divide your story into parts. Quote someone, use many other techniques in speech.
To reflect these same intonational and semantic features in writing, punctuation marks come to our aid.
We list all the existing punctuation marks and give a brief description of each.
« » - Space serves to separate words from each other.

« . » - Dot allows us to split text into sentences. A sentence is a kind of complete thought within a narrative. Also, the dot serves to shorten long words (example "kv. ​​97" - short for apartment 97).

« , » Comma allows us to place accents, to separate words from each other within a sentence. Famous example: “Execute, you can’t pardon.” and “You can’t execute, pardon.” shows how important commas are in creating the meaning of a sentence.

« ? » Question mark allows us to make a sentence "asking".

« ! » Exclamation point comes to our aid when it is necessary to give a more pronounced emotional coloring to the proposal.

« » ellipsis(three dots) we use when we want to indicate a pause or innuendo in a story. Ellipsis is also used for technical purposes to shorten text, usually in quotations.
In the lines of Gorky's poem: "Over the gray plain of the sea ... The petrel soars proudly," we can meet a call for revolution.

« ”” » Quotes. As you can see, they are used quite often in this article. With them we highlight quotes, direct speech, titles, words in figurative meaning. They are a kind of highlighters of words in a general context.

« - » Dash or hyphen. The boundaries of the application of this punctuation mark are quite wide. It is used both as an en dash without spaces in words like "ever, someone, somehow" and as an em dash in sentences. For example: “Teaching is light! ". The dash serves as a kind of bridge between words or sentences, denoting their relationship. Let's give a few more examples so that you catch the essence and variety of uses of this sign.
With me, the book is my faithful assistant.

In forests, fields, seas and oceans - harmony is everywhere.

- How did you sleep today?
Sleep is a miracle!

"To me!" the owner said.

I will buy two buckets - one for home, the other for the country.

I am very sorry for the East.
I will fly away Moscow - Vladivostok.

« : » colon we denote the belonging of the next part of the sentence to the previous one. For example, when in a sentence we have a generalizing word, and after it there is a list of words related to it. Various animals live in the forest: a wolf, a fox, a bear and others. A colon can separate 2 parts of a sentence if the second follows in meaning from the first. I am pleased: today the day was not in vain. Also, the colon is actively used in sentences with direct speech and quotations in cases where the words of the author come first. For example. Einstein said: “Everything is relative!”

« ; » Semicolon. We usually use this sign for the same purpose as the comma. It is worth saying that if a comma is a kind of intonation pause for the purpose of separation, then a semicolon is an intonational pause, but a little longer and more significant.
It is used in complex sentences, as well as list enumerations.
Let's give a couple of examples.
Need to buy:
1) apples are red;
2) pickled cucumbers;
3) tomatoes.
Victor did not catch a fish; but, despite this, he spent the whole evening talking about how interesting the fishing was.

« () » brackets we separate implied text that is inconsistent with other parts in the sentence. Usually in brackets are written: clarifications, some details and details. In speech, we usually designate such moments with words: more precisely, in the sense, I mean, etc.
In winter (at the end of December) I am going to go to Austria.
Punctuation marks - handy tools to create clearer and richer text.

« » Apostrophe. This sign, as a rule, separates one part of a word from another in complex surnames (Joan of Arc, d'Artagnan) as well as in words with a part of the word in Latin (I sometimes use E-mail and skype). This is a kind of upper comma, letting us know that when pronouncing, we need to make a micro-pause at the place of the apostrophe.

« Paragraph” - a punctuation mark, denoted by a paragraph, is, in fact, a transition to newline. It is used for the purposes of semantic or intonational division of the text into parts. With the transition to a new line, a new thought usually begins. Transitions are actively used when writing poems and dialogues.

We have listed and revealed all punctuation marks in Russian today. In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to a few facts from history.
Did you know that until the end of the 15th century in Russia, words were written together without spaces?
The period did not appear until the 1480s, the comma in the 1520s. And the first double sign (brackets) - in 1619.
Today we successfully use all of the listed signs, both for their intended purpose, and creating bizarre emoticons from them.
That's all for this one.
Good luck;)

1. What is punctuation?!

Punctuation (from lat. dot - punctum cf. lat. - punctuatio) is a system of punctuation marks that is available in the writing of any language, as well as a set of rules for their placement in writing.

Punctuation contributes to the visibility of the syntactic and intonational structure of speech, highlights both the members of sentences and individual sentences, thereby facilitating oral reading.

Punctuation system in Russian

Russian modern system punctuation has been formed since the 18th century. on the basis of achievements in the theory of grammar, including the theory of syntax. The punctuation system has some flexibility: along with mandatory norms, it contains indications that are not strict and allow options that are related both to the meaning of the written text and to the peculiarities of its style.

Historically, in Russian punctuation, among the questions about its purpose and foundations, 3 main areas stood out: intonational, syntactic and logical.

Intonation direction in the theory of punctuation

Adherents of the intonation theory believe that punctuation marks are needed to indicate the melody and rhythm of the phrase (Shcherba L.V.), which mainly reflects not the grammatical division of speech, but only the declamatory-psychological one (Peshkovsky A.M.).

Although representatives of different directions have a strong divergence of positions, they all recognize that punctuation, which is an important means of designing a written language, has its communicative function. With the help of punctuation marks, the division of speech according to meaning is indicated. So, the dot indicates the completeness of the sentence, as the writer understands it; the arrangement of commas between homogeneous members in a sentence indicates the syntactic equality of these elements of the sentence, which express equal concepts, etc.

logical direction

Buslaev F.I. belongs to the theorists of the semantic, or logical direction, who said that “... punctuation marks have a double meaning: they contribute to clarity in the presentation of thoughts, separating one sentence from another or one part of it from another, and express the sensations of the speaker’s face and his relationship to the listener. The first requirement is satisfied by: comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:) and period (.); the second - signs: exclamation (!) And interrogative (?), ellipsis (...) and dash (-) ".

In modern writing, the semantic understanding of the basis of Russian punctuation (German punctuation is close to it, but English and French diverge from it) was expressed in the works of Abakumov S.I. and Shapiro A.B. The first of them notes that the main purpose of punctuation is that it indicates the division of speech into separate parts that play a role in expressing thoughts during writing. Although he goes on to say that for the most part the use of punctuation marks in Russian writing is regulated by grammatical (syntactic) rules. But he believes that "the rules are still based on the meaning of the statement."

Shapiro A.B. argues that the main role of punctuation is the designation of a series of semantic shades and relationships that, due to their importance for understanding a written text, cannot be expressed by syntactic and lexical means.

2. Why do we need punctuation in Russian?

Understanding why punctuation is needed contributes to competent writing and ease of expression. Punctuation is needed to facilitate the reading of the text, with its help, sentences and their parts are separated from each other, which allows you to highlight a specific thought.

Considering punctuation marks, one cannot ignore their function in the Russian language.

Having started a conversation about why punctuation is needed, it is necessary to clarify what punctuation marks exist, since there are many of them and each plays its role. Punctuation can be used in the text - both for the purpose of separating several different sentences, and within one sentence.

A dot - separates sentences and symbolizes a neutral intonation: "Tomorrow I will go to the theater." Used in abbreviations: “i.e. - i.e".

Exclamation mark - serves to express emotions of admiration, surprise, fear, etc., separates sentences from each other: "Hurry up, you must be in time!". Also, an exclamation point is highlighted within the sentence of the appeal itself, the intonation is accentuated: “Guys! Please don't be late for class."

Question mark - expresses a question or doubt, one sentence separates from another: “Are you sure that you did everything right?”

Within a sentence, punctuation also plays a prominent role. But without understanding why punctuation is needed, we will not be able to clearly express our thoughts and write an essay, because without the correct selection of parts, the meaning will be lost.

Following signs punctuation is applied within sentences:

Comma - divides the sentence into parts, serves to highlight individual thoughts or appeals, separates its components in a complex sentence simple friend from friend. “I don’t really care what you think about it” is a complex sentence. “Schi, mashed potatoes with chop, salad and tea with lemon were served for dinner” - homogeneous members in the sentence.

Dash - they denote pauses, replace missing words, also denote direct speech. " healthy eating- a guarantee of longevity "- here the dash replaces the word" this ". “What time can you come tomorrow? the cashier asked. “About three,” Natalya answered her. - direct speech.

Colon - used to focus on what follows; delimits parts of one sentence, explaining each other, interconnected; direct speech separates from the words of the author, or the beginning of the enumeration is indicated in this way. "The buffet sold delicious pies with different fillings: with apples, with potatoes, with cabbage, with cheese, with boiled condensed milk and jam.” - enumeration. Direct speech: "Without looking into her eyes, he said:" Do not hope, I will never return to you "and quickly walked away."

Semicolon - used in sentences that have a complex structure, in which there is already little comma to separate parts. “It was a feeling of warmth and light that brought happiness and peace, made the world a better place, filling the soul with joy; the first time these feelings visited me here many years ago and since then I always strive back to experience them again and again.

Understanding why punctuation is needed, you will be able to competently and clearly express your thoughts when writing, emphasize what needs to be emphasized, and by doing this in accordance with the rules, you will show the readers of your writings that you are a literate person.

Knowledge of punctuation rules is carefully checked when passing the GIA exams (state final certification), because this knowledge cannot be dispensed with. And indeed, only correct use punctuation will allow you to understand you correctly in any correspondence

3. Principles of Russian punctuation

The principles of Russian punctuation are the foundations of modern punctuation rules that govern the use of punctuation marks. It must be remembered that the purpose of punctuation marks is to help transfer sounding speech to a letter in such a way that it can be understood and reproduced unambiguously. Signs reflect the semantic and structural articulation of speech, as well as its rhythmic and intonational structure.

It is impossible to build all the rules on one principle - semantic, formal or intonational. For example, the desire to reflect all the structural components of intonation would greatly complicate punctuation, all pauses would have to be marked with signs: My father // was a poor peasant; Over the forest // the moon has risen; Grandfather asked Vanya // to chop and bring firewood, etc. The absence of signs in such positions does not make it difficult to read texts, reproduce their intonation. The formal structure of the sentence is not reflected by signs with full sequence; for example, homogeneous writing series with a single and: Signs are associated with everything: with the color of the sky, with dew and fog, with the cry of birds and the brightness of starlight (Paust.).

Modern punctuation relies on meaning, structure, and rhythmic-intonational articulation in their interaction.

4. Punctuation marks in Russian

punctuation punctuation Russian writing

Punctuation marks are graphic (written) signs needed in order to divide the text into sentences, to convey in writing the structural features of sentences and their intonation.

Russian punctuation marks include: 1) a period, a question mark, an exclamation point - these are the signs of the end of a sentence; 2) a comma, a dash, a colon, a semicolon - these are signs for separating parts of a sentence; 3) brackets, quotation marks ("double" signs) highlight individual words or parts of a sentence, for this, a comma and a dash are used as paired characters; if the highlighted construction is at the beginning or at the end of the sentence, one comma or dash is used: I was bored in the village like a locked up puppy (T.); In addition to rivers, there are many canals in the Meshchersky region (Paust.); - Hey, where are you, mother? - And there, - home, son (Tv.); 4) special sign ellipsis, "semantic"; it can be placed at the end of a sentence to indicate the special significance of what was said, or in the middle to convey confused, difficult or excited speech: - What is dinner? Prose. Here is the moon, the stars ... (Ostr.); - Father, don't cry. I will also say ... well, yes! You're right... But your truth is narrow to us... - Well, yes! You... you! How did ... you formed ... and I'm a fool! And you ... (M.G.).

Combinations of signs convey a special, complex meaning. Thus, the use of interrogative and exclamatory marks together forms a rhetorical question (i.e., a reinforced affirmation or denial) with an emotional overtone: Who among us has not thought about war?! Of course, everyone thought (Sim.); Scoundrel and thief, in a word. And marry such a person? Live with him?! I'm surprised! (Ch.). Compound different values can be achieved by a combination of a comma and a dash as a single sign: A black rider rode, swinging in the saddle - horseshoes carved two blue sparks from a stone (M.G.); The sky cleared up over the forest, - the pale sun poured down on the gray bell towers of Beloomut (Paust.) - grammatical uniformity, enumeration is conveyed by a comma, and with the help of a dash, the significance of the consequence-result is emphasized. More often they can be placed side by side, each according to its own rule, for example, a dash in a non-union complex sentence after a comma that conveys isolation: cf. particle-bundle is)”, and the invocation is separated by commas.

Variants of the use of punctuation marks are provided for by punctuation rules. If different signs are allowed, then usually one of them is the main one, i.e. he is given an advantage. So, plug-in constructions are distinguished, as a rule, by brackets: A few days later, the four of us (not counting the all-seeing and ubiquitous boys) became so friends that the four of us went almost everywhere (Paust.). It is allowed to highlight the insert with the help of two dashes: And in the middle of May there was a thunderstorm and such a downpour that along the street - it was not even, but sloping - a whole river of yellow water rolled rapidly (S.-Ts.). For brackets, this use is the main one, and for a dash, it is one of many and secondary.

Variants of the use of signs are provided for by the rules for the design of complex non-union sentences, for example, when explaining or motivating, a dash is used instead of the main colon sign: Separation is illusory - we will be together soon (Ahm.). When separating definitions and applications, along with commas, dashes can be used: The sea - gray, winter, inexpressibly gloomy - roared and rushed behind thin sides, like Niagara (Paust.); Colored autumn - the evening of the year - smiles lightly at me (March.). Selection is possible separate definitions and applications with two signs - a comma and a dash - at the same time: A calm, courageous whistle flew by - oceanic, in three tones (Paust.). Variants of signing are also allowed by some other rules (in particular, commas and semicolons in complex unionless proposal, a comma and an exclamation mark when addressing, an exclamation mark and a question mark with an exclamation point when rhetorical question and etc.).

Variance also appears in the possibility of using or not using signs in some other cases, for example, some introductory words are inconsistently highlighted: indeed, in fact, first of all, predominantly; they can be distinguished together with the attached noun.


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Punctuation is an important design tool writing. Punctuation marks indicate semantic , structural and intonational articulation of speech. It is known that punctuation marks not only organize the written text to facilitate its perception by the reader, but also directly convey part of the information contained in the text. In particular, sometimes punctuation, by disambiguating, serves as the only accessible means choosing the correct interpretation of the text.

According to their functions First of all, the signs separating (separating)(dot; question mark, exclamation mark, comma, semicolon, colon, dash, ellipsis) and highlighting (two commas, two dashes, brackets, quotes).


An ellipsis can be a "pause" in sentence expansion and can end a sentence.

The ellipsis, along with the general separating function, has a number of specific, diverse meanings, which most often reflect emotional coloring speech.

The ellipsis conveys understatement, reticence, interruption of thought, often its difficulty caused by great emotional stress.

An ellipsis can convey the significance of what was said, indicate subtext, hidden meaning.

With the help of an ellipsis, the author, as it were, signals the reader about his feelings, impressions, asks to pay attention to next word or to the previous one, to what was written (to unexpected or especially important information), conveys the excitement of the hero, etc.

The ellipsis is a punctuation mark in three dots placed next to each other. In most cases, it denotes an unfinished thought or a pause.

Morphology is a section of grammar that studies parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.) and their forms. One cannot do without knowing the parts of speech in Russian.

Firstly, the written literacy of a person depends on the knowledge of parts of speech, because many spelling rules are based on the ability to determine the part of speech of a particular word. For example, the use soft sign at the end of a word after hissing depends primarily on what part of speech the given word is. If this is a noun of the 3rd declension, then "b" is written at the end (daughter, luxury, etc.), and if it is, let's say, short adjective, then "b" is not written (mighty, dense). Or the noun "burn" is written with the vowel "o" after the hissing in the root, and the verb "burn" - with the vowel "e".

Secondly, knowledge of the parts of speech forms a person's punctuation literacy. For example, such a part of speech as an interjection (oh, ah, well, etc.) is always separated by commas in writing.

Thus, morphology is a very important branch of the science of language.

There are only 10 punctuation marks. But in writing they help to express all the variety of shades of meaning oral speech. The same sign can be used in different occasions. And while playing different role. 20 chapters outline the main patterns of punctuation, which are studied at school. All rules are illustrated good examples. Give them Special attention. Remember the example - you will avoid mistakes.

  • Introduction: What is punctuation?

    §one. The meaning of the term punctuation
    §2. What punctuation marks are used in written speech in Russian?
    §3. What role do punctuation marks play?

  • Chapter 1 Period, question mark, exclamation point. ellipsis

    Period, question and exclamation marks
    Ellipsis at the end of a sentence

  • Chapter 2 Comma, semicolon

    §one. Comma
    §2. Semicolon

  • Chapter 3 Colon

    Why is a colon needed?
    Colon in a simple sentence
    Colon in compound sentence

  • Chapter 4 Dash

    §one. Dash
    §2. double dash

  • Chapter 5. Double signs. Quotes. Parentheses

    §one. Quotes
    §2. Parentheses

  • Chapter 6. Punctuation of a simple sentence. Dash between subject and verb

    A dash is put
    Dash is not put

  • Chapter 7 Punctuation marks with homogeneous members

    §one. Punctuation marks at homogeneous members no general word
    §2. Punctuation marks for homogeneous members with a generalizing word

  • Chapter 8

    §one. Separation of agreed definitions
    §2. Separation of inconsistent definitions
    §3. Application isolation

  • Chapter 9

    Circumstances stand apart
    Circumstances are not separate

  • Chapter 10

    §one. Clarification
    §2. Explanation

  • Chapter 11

    §one. Offers from introductory words
    §2. Offers with introductory sentences
    §3. Offers with plug-in structures

  • Chapter 12

    Appeals and their punctuation in written speech

  • Chapter 13

    §one. Comma separation of comparative turns
    §2. Turnovers with a union as: comparative and non-comparative

  • Chapter 14

    §one. Punctuation design of direct speech, accompanied by the words of the author
    §2. Puncture design of the dialogue