A real Fokin flat cutter is a handy tool for gardening. Fokin's flat cutter is a handy tool for giving How does Fokin work with his flat cutter

This is an original and very convenient tool for manual tillage in the garden. The author of this convenient device is Vladimir Vasilyevich Fokin.

Instructions for working with Fokin's flat cutter

This tool, with skillful use, can replace a chopper, a shovel, a hoe, a scythe. The main direction of work with this tool is the removal of weeds. Namely, their cutting at a depth of 2-3 cm underground.

What does the original plane cutter look like?

This is a metal plate bent in a certain way and having 3 sharpened cutting edges. There is a large and small Fokin flat cutter, which differ from each other in their size and methods of attachment to the tool handle.

How to assemble Fokin flat cutter

A large flat cutter is attached with three mounting bolts. The handle must be rectangular. On the blade of this flat cutter, there are always three holes for fastening, which makes it possible to change the angle of fastening to the handle. For a person with a small stature, a flat cutter is attached at an angle. For a man of average height (175-185 cm), the blade is attached almost perpendicular to the handle.

A small flat cutter does not need to be so carefully adjusted to fit your arm. It will be easy to work with them in any case, since the length of the blade is small here. Some gardeners are mistaken, thinking that if the tool is small, then the stalk should be small. The main task is not to bend your back during work, so we take the handle for a small blade as long as for a large one. We attach the flat cutter perpendicular to the handle in the right direction (for right-handed-left-handed people) and that's it - the tool is ready to work.

How to use the Fokin flat cutter, watch the video

The use of Fokin's flat cutter

Removing weeds and weeding beds is carried out with less physical effort, the process takes less time compared to conventional methods of soil cultivation.

Starting to work with a flat cutter, keep in mind that great efforts are unacceptable here. Need - light pressure and smooth movements. To get the desired effect from the work, you need to stand almost evenly and only slightly leaning forward. Hold the tool the way you would hold a scythe.

With light pressure and movement to the right, deepen the front edge of the flat cutter by 2-3 cm (depending on the size of the weeds) into the soil. You need to lead the tool parallel to the plane of the earth. The handle at the same time is almost perpendicular to the surface to be treated. At the same time, the plants are pruned, and you can work up to one meter of soil with one movement without much effort, clearing it of weeds. As we can see, it is much easier to work with such a tool than with a chopper.

If you need to loosen the soil, then you can work in two ways. In the first case, the leading edge plunges into the soil and moves towards itself (as in weeding), then the earth remains in its original place. In the second - raking the soil in its direction with the rear blade. The end side creates the effect of a plow with loosening, but without turning the layer.

In addition, a miracle tool is used to remove strawberry whiskers, when working with hay, they are used instead of pitchforks and shovels, rakes. They even mow grass with a flat cutter, though in areas of a small area where an ordinary scythe does not pass.

Sharpening Fokin flat cutter

Often they sell tools with incorrect sharpening, these are not Fokin's flat cutters, but a fake, falsification. A real flat cutter requires sharpening a maximum of once or twice per season.

A sharp tool is required when cultivating the soil to a depth of 5 cm or more, especially for the entire length of the knife, when forming ridges, mowing weeds when they are out of their “childhood” age, and excess raspberry growth, when hilling, chopping off the “whiskers” of strawberries. Slightly less blade sharpness is needed when cutting grooves for sowing seeds, thinning densely sown carrots, parsley, dill.

How to sharpen a flat cutter

Before sharpening, carefully look at the cutting surface - it is sharpened at a certain angle, and it is not taken from the ceiling. The inventor himself says that the harder the surface to be treated, the less acute the angle should be. When you sharpen Fokin's flat cutter, do not make it sharper than it was originally (optimally 40–45 degrees).

Consider the main cutting edge, the longest. It is formed by the intersection of the front surface of the blade (the earth “creeps” along it when the tool moves in the soil) with the chamfer-bevel of the back surface of the blade (during operation, it faces the motionless monolith of the earth). You need to grind only the bevel-bevel, which sharpens the cutting edge. If, contrary to common sense, grind the front surface, then the angle of sharpness of the blade becomes larger, and therefore dumber.

Where to sharpen a flat cutter will tell you the appearance of the blade. Basically, the tip of the tool wears out, especially if the soil is heavy, stony. A bar or a rotating emery wheel must be driven along chamfers-bevels. The pressure of the flat cutter on the rotating emery wheel should be minimal so that sharpening proceeds without heating the cutting edge. Otherwise, its hardness and wear resistance will decrease.

For the winter, it is better to lubricate the blade of the tool with something to prevent rusting. Then in the spring the work will go quickly and easily.

The price of this device in 2019 is 410 rubles for a set of two pieces (large and small). This is the cost from the manufacturer.

Flat cutters sold, for example, in Leroy Merlin have nothing to do with Fokin - they are just garden tools from another manufacturer. A real Fokin flat cutter can be bought on the official website blagodatmir.ru.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

  • On the real Fokin flat cutter there is a brand of the manufacturer. There is no hallmark on a normal instrument.
  • It only comes in black. Painted with plain paint. All other colors blue, brown, green, etc. - a clear sign of a fake.
  • All bends and angles on this tool are in accordance with the invention patent. Flat cutter when buying sharp. On a fake, the angles, shapes and method of sharpening are not verified and differ from the original flat cutters.
  • The quality of the metal is the most important thing in an original instrument. Fokin's flat cutter is made of high-quality structural tool steel that has undergone special processing - hardening up to 40 Rockwell units and sharpening. Such a flat cutter is both hard and elastic at the same time. A good tool springs both in the hands and in the garden. But the fake is that the metal is either too soft - the flat cutter bends, quickly becomes dull or too hard - brittle, easily chipped, so it quickly breaks before the first sharpening. Made from stainless steel.
  • The blade of the tool is sharp. A new flat cutter must be milled and sharpened from all external (upper) sides to the handle.
  • Bolts and nuts must be attached to each flat cutter (for attaching metal parts to the handle).
  • The distance between the mounting holes is 7.5 cm
  • The cuttings attached to the flat cutter are of a special shape, flat, birch or pine with two drilled holes with a diameter of 8 mm. Their length is from 120 to 130 cm.

Only from official representatives you will be able to purchase all modifications of Fokin's flat cutters: a set (large + small), a mighty man, a strong man, a large batten, a small lintel, a disk "To the ground with science", as well as ask about the availability of permits (patents, certificates and etc. with a living seal of the manufacturer)

If someone is going to make a Fokin flat cutter with their own hands, then you need to start with a small model, because it has a much simpler profile.

Gardening is a kind of hobby for most people. Today you can buy any product in the store, but people stubbornly continue to grow potatoes, onions, carrots and other crops. To significantly facilitate this work, it is worth having a Fokin flat cutter in your household. This tool will replace many of the existing ones and will significantly reduce the time of tillage.

How did the flat cutter appear?

In the mid-90s, Vladimir Fokin was discharged from the hospital after a heart attack. He was very fond of working on his site, but he was contraindicated for great physical exertion. The summer resident thought for a long time how to outwit nature and start cultivating the land. The result of his thoughts was a flat cutter.

With its help, it was possible to do most of the gardening work, and the plants gave a huge harvest. Soon Fokin's flat cutters spread all over the world and became an integral part of organic farming. They are popular not only in the CIS countries. In America, Australia and Europe, this tool is used even more often.

The principle of organic farming

The soil consists not only of the mineral part, but also of the organic part. And most of the organic matter is in living form. These are earthworms, bacteria, beetles and other organisms. All of them as a whole create a single system that contributes to the good growth of representatives of the flora. Fokin's flat cutters practically do not violate this idyll, since they do not touch the soil deeper than 5-7 cm. The soil is turned over to a depth of about 20 cm with the same shovel, and even deeper with a plow.

Intact worms and beetles quickly enter into symbiosis with plants and help them bear fruit abundantly. At the same time, the soil always remains loose and airy. This is done by hundreds of worms, which not only dig channels, but also process organic matter into a form that is best absorbed by plants.

For this reason, more and more gardeners are choosing Fokin's flat cutter. Photos demonstrating the work with him show that this is a very convenient and simple device. With most tasks, it copes faster than its outdated counterparts.

Different sizes

Initially, V. Fokin made only one type of his instrument. It was ideal for large volume jobs. With it, you can loosen the ground, remove weeds even on turf, form beds, and mow grass. But he wasn't very good at small jobs.

The large length of the cutting edge did not allow high-quality walking along narrow aisles. Yes, and thinning the rows was quite difficult. Therefore, a smaller Fokine flat cutter appeared a little later. With its help, the treatment of beds from weeds and large thickening has ceased to be a problem. The maneuverability of the flat cutter is perfectly combined with its efficiency.

Today on sale there are several sizes of this garden tool. It is recommended to purchase at least two of them for the farm, since different purposes require different capacities. But the principles of operation remain the same. The main thing is to customize the tool for yourself. The size itself does not matter much if you know how to work with at least one of them.

Soil loosening

One of the first actions that gardeners perform in the spring is loosening the soil for sowing and planting. For these purposes, Fokin's flat cutter is excellent. How they work, the first time is not entirely clear. But a few minutes of practice - and this is no longer a problem.

The bottom line is that the flat cutter does not turn over the soil, as a shovel or plow does. In order to loosen the soil, it is enough just to bring it underground to a depth of 3-5 cm and draw it parallel to its surface, as if cutting off the top layer. This is quite enough for the fertile part of the soil to fluff up and become suitable for sowing plants.

Sharpening of the flat cutter is carried out on both sides of the blade. Therefore, any gardening work can be performed in two directions. If you learn this, then loosening the soil will go much faster. Numerous reviews speak about this. Fokin's flat cutter helps people to easily process about 20 acres, which is almost impossible with a shovel.

Weed removal

The second, and probably the most important action that Fokin's flat cutters perform is the cleaning of territories from weeds. It does not matter where they grow and how strong their root system is. The flat cutter quickly and effortlessly cuts any plants.

On loose soil, this action can be quickly performed in both directions, as if working with a hand cultivator. The principle of operation is the same as when loosening the soil. Only the depth of work is different. Young weeds are enough to cut 1-2 cm from the surface. The tool works so efficiently that even weeds that have not yet sprouted are cut.

In this case, there is no need to choose a cut one. Worms and bugs will quickly turn dead plants into fertilizer, which will add nutrients to the main crop in the garden.

You can also use Fokin's flat cutter on perennial turf. Photos of such actions are impressive. Perennial grass is cut, as if it had just grown and did not have time to get stronger, and its stems - stiff. With a flat cutter, any virgin land in a matter of minutes turns into a garden bed or flower bed.

Instead of a scythe, a rake and a pitchfork

But not only in the garden is Fokine's flat cutter effective. How they work in the garden, we will consider further.

Many people know how to properly hold a braid. In the same way, we take the handle of the flat cutter and begin to work with it on the very surface of the soil. You will be surprised how easy and fast it cuts the grass. True, for this the tool must be well sharpened. And the steel from which it is made must be durable. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers use the right brand.

We turn the flat cutter 90 degrees and take it like a rake. With one wide tooth, you can both stir up hay and rake it into a haystack. Of course, you will not achieve perfect cleanliness on the site, but in an emergency, the tool will help out.

Cleaning in the stalls, as a rule, is done with a pitchfork. If they are not there or you need to perfectly scrape the floor, take the same flat cutter. He will not only rake all the manure into one pile, but also perfectly clean the stall. It remains only with the help of a shovel to throw everything out into the street.

Series production problems

Many gardeners buy Fokin flat cutters from a manufacturer of garden tools. Then it turns out that this tool does not justify their hopes, and people begin to complain about the exaggerated advantages of a flat cutter. In fact, the problem is that mass production is associated with stamping. Mild steels are better suited for this purpose, as harder ones require much more effort. Such a tool quickly becomes dull and shows low efficiency.

Therefore, you should carefully study what you are going to buy. Be sure to check if there is a brand mark on the instrument. If it is not there or the slightest doubt has arisen, it is better not to take such a Fokin flat cutter. It is not difficult to make it with your own hands if you have at least small skills in working with metal and a strip of suitable steel. Yes, it will take more time, but you will get the perfect tool.

How to do it yourself?

In order to make this tool yourself, you first need to know what parts Fokin's flat cutter consists of. Its drawing is quite simple and understandable. This is a long steel blade with several curves.

The figure above shows the dimensions for a large flat cutter. The bend angles are as follows: the first is 95-105 degrees, but slightly rounded, the second and third are approximately 110-130 degrees each.

For a small flat cutter, the angles remain the same, but the dimensions will have to be slightly reduced. The length of the blade is approximately 10-12 cm, the width of the workpiece is 2.5 cm. The narrowing must be calculated proportionally. And instead of three holes for fastening, two are made. That is, in the upper part we leave one hole.

After everything is cut and curved, it is necessary to sharpen the tool on both sides.

Shank to flat cutter

After you have made the Fokin flat cutter with your own hands, it is necessary to build the correct handle for it. In its section, it looks more like a rectangle than a circle familiar to us.

For work, we need a rail 1.3-1.6 meters long. First, smooth its corners with a planer. At the same time, we leave 20-25 cm from the bottom untouched, so that later it would be easier to mark up the fasteners.

When all the edges are removed, proceed to the bottom. Parallel to the axis of the cutting, we draw 2 lines exactly in the middle. The distance between them should be 5-8 mm. Then we apply a flat cutter to the workpiece and move it up and down until the handle rests against the upper bend and there is no gap between them. In this case, the bottom hole should be exactly in the middle of the drawn lines. Make a mark with a pencil and drill a hole. We tightly fasten the flat cutter to the handle, carefully making sure that the upper hole is within the boundaries marked by the lines. We drill a second mounting hole and use a bolt to press the flat cutter.

harvest bed

Some skeptics will say that Fokine flat cutters are ineffective. Mankind has been plowing the land for thousands of years and getting excellent harvests. But they will be wrong. The same Sumerians never loosened the ground deeper than 10 cm, although they already had tools capable of plowing deeply. At the same time, there is evidence that the barley yield of the Sumerians was 300-400%, which is considered an almost unrealistic figure for those times.

The effectiveness of shallow tillage lies in the fact that those who help the plants live in it. At the same time, the natural capillary system of the soil and its osmosis are preserved. This means that even in the worst drought, plants have a source of moisture, and in wet weather, its excess goes deep.

Therefore, before criticizing flat cutters, it is still worth conducting an experiment on at least one bed. Believe me, it will be the most productive on your site.

Modern functional garden tools allow you to effectively carry out work on personal plots. One of these tools is a flat cutter, which is simple and easy to use, can significantly reduce the processing time of plots and optimize garden work. This device is very functional, so summer residents mainly use it for work in their backyard.

How can you work with Fokin's flat cutter

Was invented by V.V. Fokin, a journalist by education and a gardener by vocation. For many years, Fokin communicated with residents of rural areas, studied various garden tools, experimented with various methods and techniques at his summer cottage, until he invented a manual one, which now bears his name. Fokin's unique invention has become an indispensable tool for many gardeners, it significantly reduces the load on the spine, has a beneficial effect on land cover and productivity.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Let's consider further in the article what the device is and how to use it in the garden, as well as how to do it yourself. Practical and high-quality allows gardeners to effectively carry out more than 20 home gardening jobs. The photo and video materials given in the article demonstrate the effectiveness of using the tool.

Consider the basic functions of garden tools:

  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding the soil;
  • cutting weeds;
  • pulling out weeds.

The ergonomic structure allows the blade of the tool to go deep into the soil to a sufficient depth, while not disturbing the rest of the useful abodes of the earth. Do-it-yourself garden work with a flat cutter does not require much physical effort, is effective and practical. However, he is not a magic "magic wand" that can replace all garden tools, it is an auxiliary tool that can facilitate various work on personal plots.

Types of flat cutters and how to use

The design is equipped with a curved metal plate with several cutting surfaces, which have different degrees of sharpness and are located at different angles. The ergonomic design of the manual allows you to quickly and efficiently perform various tasks with your own hands. Design features are visible in the video and photographic materials. Particular attention during the operation of inventory should be given to timely sharpening, otherwise the use will not be effective. A dull one does not cut weeds, but pulls them out, which leads to a destructive effect on the ground cover and disturbs useful inhabitants.

Types of flat cutter

Today there are several types:

  • large;
  • small;
  • carpenter big;
  • small carpenter;
  • powerful;
  • big guy.

Experienced gardeners recommend keeping two species on their farm, one smaller, the other larger. For example, the big man is effective on clay soils, and the mighty one, thanks to its wide blade, is indispensable for hilling trees. Functional features are demonstrated by photo and video materials.

How to assemble a new one?

Consider further how you can assemble the tool. As a rule, they are sold unassembled. Following the instructions and focusing on the drawing, photo and video, it will not be difficult to assemble with your own hands. When assembling garden tools, safety rules must be observed, since sharp blades can be damaged. The drawing, video and photo of the flat cutter indicate that the blade must be mounted on a standard rectangular handle with bolts.

How to use in the country

Fixing bolts make it possible to change the angle of connection of the blade to the flat cutter during operation. For convenience, focusing on the drawing, photo and video, it is necessary to round the rectangular handle to a rectangular shape. With proper assembly with your own hands, you will get functional garden tools that can be used for gardening by any side without much physical effort.

How to work on a personal plot?

Using the right methods of working with a flat cutter will significantly reduce the time of garden work and optimize them. The main rule is the parallel introduction of the blade into the ground cover. If parallel actions are not obtained, it is necessary to align the angle of the blade with respect to the main handle using the fixing bolts.

When working it is necessary:

  • keep your back straight or slightly tilted forward, relaxed;
  • the stalk must be held with both hands so that the distance between the girths is 10-15 cm, and the thumbs are pointing up.

If there is discomfort or pain in the back and arms, it means that the equipment is not being used correctly and it is necessary to change the position of the back and the girth of the garden tool. To organize competent methods of working with a flat cutter, you should familiarize yourself with the video and photo instructions. Let us consider further the main functions that can be used for work on a personal plot.

In addition to the main four functions - loosening and weeding the soil, cutting and pulling out weeds, it also performs a number of useful actions on personal plots:

  • Weeding row-spacings in flowerbeds, flower ensembles, in gardens and orchards. When weeding, the wide part of the blade is used, which is launched a few centimeters into the soil and sharply pulled towards itself.
  • Formation of beds and hilling of landings. With the help of a flat cutter, it is much more convenient to carry out such garden work than using a shovel or chopper. For hilling plants, use the wide part of the blade, which is lowered a short distance into the soil and with gentle movements away from you towards the stem, the plants loosen the ground.

  • Leveling the ground cover, falling asleep planted seeds. With the wide side of the blade without deepening into the soil, with smooth movements towards itself, the earth is leveled after planting seeds, removing weeds, preparing the soil for planting, etc.
  • Thinning beds. At the same time, the narrow part of the blade is immersed in the ground for several centimeters and the beds are thinned out with movements towards themselves.
  • When pulling the narrow edge of the blade, buried in the soil, it is slitted, improving aeration, and thinning out dense crops. On the formed bed, grooves are cut in this way for sowing.
  • Breaking up large clods of earth. With the help of the heel of the flat cutter, dense clods of earth are broken with intense blows; you can help with the cutting part of the tool.
  • Uprooting. The narrow part is inserted under the plant that needs to be uprooted and they begin to swing it. Then the wide part of the instrument is inserted and unwanted vegetation is removed.

In addition, it will help to successfully stop strawberry tendrils with your own hands, scatter mulch or compost, dig the ground shallowly, remove old bark from trees, clean livestock buildings and outbuildings. All types of work and performance features with the help of a flat cutter are demonstrated by photo and video instructions. Despite the fact that it is able to cope with most of the household work, in gardening it is necessary to have other equipment - a sector for trimming tree branches and forming landscaping, a pitchfork for working with compost, a shovel for digging deep holes, etc.

Working in the garden or in the garden for many people is a kind of hobby. Despite the fact that most agricultural products can be purchased on the market, many people prefer to grow their own in the country.

There are many devices that make gardening or gardening much easier. Among them is Fokine's flat cutter. It is a great help in organic farming, and also replaces many other tools and reduces tillage time. Today you will learn what it is, see a photo of this device and how you can make it at home.

Fokin flat cutter: photo and history of creation

This tool was invented about 20 years ago. Vladimir Fokin who suffered a heart attack and could not fully work in his area. To facilitate the process of working on the site, despite the illness, he invented a flat cutter. Below you can see in the photo what it looks like.

Advantages of Fokin's flat cutter and its classification

Outwardly, Fokin's flat cutter is not very impressive, but he quite functional and has the following advantages:

Fokine flat cutter subdivided into the following types:

  • universal set, including a large and small tool for daily tillage. Using a small flat cutter is simple, with its help they cut the tendrils of strawberries, thin out thick seedlings, improve aeration and weed the beds. And with a large flat cutter they form, prepare and spud beds, mow the grass and destroy weeds;
  • mogushnik - a model with a wide blade for hilling beds of any height;
  • small and large carpets - thanks to such tools, large areas can be easily processed over an area. Polotiki have long and narrow blades, compared with conventional flat cutters, so that the work will be effortless;
  • burly - a tool of the same size with a large flat cutter, but it has a slightly shortened blade. It is used for work on virgin soil or clay surfaces.

Functions of the Fokine plane cutter

Fokina's flat cutter can perform in the garden and garden plot such actions:

Features of the use of Fokin's flat cutter

Fokine flat cutter looks like a hoe, however, the principles of its operation will be somewhat different:

  • The tool does not cut or chisel. You just need to deepen it with a blade into the ground a few centimeters and simply lead along the beds, it will cut small and large weeds;
  • there is a sharpened blade on both sides of the flat cutter, so you can lead in both directions;
  • unlike a hoe, the blade of Fokin's flat cutter is self-sharpening.

Often situations arise when a person buys this instrument, but then complains that all its characteristics are incorrect and nothing comes of it. Typically, the matter is in the wrong use of a flat cutter. Consider the following:

Also when buying a Fokin flat cutter consider the following recommendations to get the hang of it faster:

  • during weeding between rows and loosening, along with cutting weeds, the blade is placed flat on the ground so that it is turned to the left. You should be in front and lead the tool, slightly pressing on the handle;
  • to cut strong weeds or remove excess raspberry shoots, you need to slightly raise the end of the blade turned to the left;
  • when forming ridges, breaking up clods and leveling the soil, as well as filling seeds, the tool acts as a rake, and the blade turned to the right should lie on the surface;
  • when deep loosening, slotting or removing deep roots, the blade is stuck into the ground at a convenient angle.

Sharpening for Fokin flat cutter

Despite the fact that Fokin's flat cutter considered a self-sharpening tool sharpening won't last long. Sometimes the blades must have different sharpness:

If self-sharpening of the tool is incorrect, it can only spoil. Keep the following in mind while sharpening:

  • sharpen the chamfer, which is located behind the surface of the blade, but if you grind off its front part, it will become even dumber;
  • first of all, you should sharpen the tip of the flat cutter;
  • during sharpening, do not allow the cutting edge to heat up, this reduces the wear resistance of the device;
  • sharpen the tool at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • sharpening during the season must be carried out twice, using a file or an emery wheel;
  • use a universal sharpener that can be used to sharpen the blade by rubbing it several times.

Fokine flat cutter modifications

Very often, dubious outlets sell counterfeit instruments. If you want to protect yourself from such a purchase, then purchase a Fokin flat cutter only in specialized stores or hypermarkets, or at specialized exhibitions on organic farming.

The tool modifications are as follows:

  • powerful tool for working on heavy ground. It differs from others in its short length and increased width. The cost of such a flat cutter is the highest;
  • sets 2 and 3 with different sharpening angles. They differ from each other in that one of them can be used on heavier soils, otherwise they do not differ from each other.

Tool kit includes in addition to neg itself:

  • two blades;
  • instruction;
  • fasteners.

But the stalk will need to be bought additionally.

How to make a Fokin flat cutter with your own hands?

Everything is very simple: on the one hand, the end of the rail, where the tool will be screwed, must be made rounded, and at the bottom left without rounding about 20 cm to facilitate the process of forming a hole for fixing the structure. We narrow the stick at the top, and round corners with a planer.

Whether your cutting is homemade or purchased, it should be sanded to remove burrs so you don't get hurt while working. And to soak the cuttings, you need hot vegetable oil. After it is absorbed into the wood rail, the flat cutter itself is screwed. Such processing of the cutting significantly increases the period of its use.

When connecting the tool to a stick, it is advisable to put under the bolt cap large flat washer from metal. This will also positively affect the service life of the flat cutter.

As you could see after studying this material, Fokin's flat cutter is a versatile and convenient device for garden work, which will be an excellent helper, subject to the rules for its use.

In dachas and vegetable gardens, people always keep a lot of garden tools. Looking to free up space in your garden shed? Purchase Fokina flat cutter - how to work with them, video, posted in our article, will tell in detail. In addition to being able to replace many garden helpers, a flat cutter will also greatly facilitate your work, minimizing the load on your back.

How to use the Fokin flat cutter, how to work with them video!

The instrument is named after its creator. V. Fokin, who has been in love with working with plants for many years, has long nurtured the idea of ​​​​an optimal device that can easily cope with all the main tasks of cultivating the land. The heart attack deprived the inventor of the opportunity to do what he loved, but also pushed him to a brilliant development - soon a unique flat cutter appeared, which even people with spinal diseases could work with.

Fokin flat cutter - mistakes and the right approach

The flat cutter is a curved metal plate, sharpened on three sides and screwed to the handle with bolts. Depending on the purpose, flat cutters are large and small. The handle of the tool should be flat - it is more comfortable and avoids the appearance of corns. In addition, a round handle due to a different grip will change the angle of inclination of the cutting plate, this will lead to a violation of the principle of operation of the tool. It is very important to ensure that the blades are always sharp, although, with proper use, the flat cutter will self-sharpen.

Compliance with the rules of work prescribed by the instructions for the product ensures the convenience of work and an increase in crop yields.

When starting to work with this tool, please note that great efforts are unacceptable here. Correct action is light pressure and smooth movements. To get the desired effect from the work, you need to stand as evenly as possible and only slightly bend over with your whole body. While holding the flat cutter, make sure that the thumbs are turned up - just like holding a scythe.

With light pressure and movement to the right, deepen the leading edge by 3-5 cm (depending on the size of the weeds). It is necessary to lead the tool strictly parallel to the plane of the earth. The handle at the same time is perpendicular to the treated surface. At the same time, the roots of plants are cut, and without much effort you can process at least one square meter of soil in one movement. No chopper can handle such a task.

When loosening the earth, two methods can be used. First: immersion of the leading edge into the soil and movement towards itself (as in weeding), then the earth remains in its original place. Second: raking the soil in your direction with the rear blade. The end side creates the effect of a plow with loosening, but without turning the layer.

The first work experience may seem unsuccessful, but do not despair - you have not acquired in vain Fokin flat cutter; how to work, video demonstrate clearly. Carefully follow the movements, follow the recommendations and soon you will definitely be able to appreciate everything that this wonderful invention offers you.