Long table along the wall. Desk for two children. Material and condition

The desk in the nursery by the window is an important work, game Zone rooms. It is needed by a schoolboy, kindergartener, parents for evening reading of books. A window is a natural source of light. It's good for the eyes. This arrangement of the desk saves space in the children's room. Use the freed area differently.

To choose the right place for a desk, you should carefully examine the children's room, calculate the area, determine the size of the furniture elements. Many parents mistakenly assume that the location of the work area by the window is not a good choice. Let me disagree with them. Here are some arguments in favor of the design solution:

  • Put desk near the window. Save space in a small room.
  • As a continuation of the working area along the window, use a window sill.
  • Saving energy on lighting during daylight hours, maintaining the health of the child's eyes.
  • A desk of any shape, size in a nursery by the window is unusual option furniture arrangements. Emphasizes the individuality, feature of the house.

When setting the tabletop in the right place, consider the size of the workspace, the availability of storage space for writing instruments. Choose universal models with built-in cabinets, shelves, hooks.

Basic selection rules


Durability, strength of the working area, aesthetics, resistance to external influences depend on the choice of material. Do not forget, the table is intended for children. Little naughty during classes, games shed paint, damage the surface. If you want the countertop to last for a long time, be sure to ask for a product quality certificate, specify what material it is made of.

A good option would be natural wood, covered protective layer, varnished, treated with special solutions.
Sturdy plastic, MDF - durable, durable material. They will last you about 10-15 years.
Glass and chipboard should not be chosen. They wear out quickly. Metal will not fit into the interior of the nursery.

Products made of natural wood are considered expensive, plastic ones are considered cheap.MDF is inexpensive, but very durable material that fit the place for educational activities with kids. Material and surface condition are inextricably linked.


Consider the age and height of the children. Long desks fit the entire wall near the window for two. Of course, picking up the height of the table top for two or three students individually will not work, you will have to buy chairs with an adjustable leg that can rise as the preschooler grows.

There should be plenty of legroom under the window. The ideal dimensions of the space under the table are 45 cm in length, not less than 50 cm in width. A tilted tabletop is needed to maintain posture. They are made to order. The slope angle should be 30°. If the table is straight, buy a bookend.

For students elementary school a small batch will do. She has correct height, working space designed for one child. You will have to store the necessary accessories on the shelves, in the closet. The desk has no additional cells. The height of the tabletop is selected individually.

The form

The variety of forms is amazing. The best option for a small room will be rectangular. Get comfortable workplace for 1-2 guys.

It is more convenient to install a desk along the window if it is angular. This is especially true for large families. Everyone will sit on their side, with their backs to each other. But the angular solution takes up more space.

Keep in mind that the distance between the students at the same table should be equal, the same, arrange the furniture in such a way that there is enough space for everyone.

Semicircular, oval-shaped countertops can be placed against the window, but this option takes up a lot of space.


Think about the color of furniture for classes, a place for preschoolers to play. Optimal scales working area are considered peach, green, yellow. Don't use too dark shades.

The desk and chairs should be beautiful. Excessive decoration of furniture distracts from work, disperses attention. Buy a sliding tabletop model. They are compact and comfortable.

How to properly organize the workspace along the window

A well-equipped workplace for schoolchildren and younger children is the key to success in school. Parents should set themselves several tasks:

  • Keep the health of the child.
    First-graders do their homework for several hours every day. From bad furniture, an uncomfortable table and chair, posture deteriorates, vision sinks. Environmental friendliness and quality of execution - that's what you need to pay attention to in the first place.
  • Make the workplace as lit as possible.
    Natural light from the window is great for the eyes and well-being of a young student, but additional measures lighting will not interfere. You should hang a light transparent tulle on the window, you can use easily raised blinds, lighting fixtures.
  • Choose multifunctional furniture.
    An excellent choice would be corner table or models with cabinets. Built-in shelves and shelving will make the space more functional. The child will not be distracted to get a book from a drawer on the other side of the room.
  • Take care of the radiator.
    A table near a window can cover the heat source. Please select a model without a back cover for the battery to function normally.
  • Check windows for cracks.
    The window can become a source of cold. Make sure the sashes close tightly, there are no gaps for cold air to enter into winter time of the year.

Proper arrangement of the workspace only at first glance seems difficult. Entrust the child with the choice of the model of the table, its colors, then he will be much more willing to learn and engage.

Advantages and disadvantages

The option of locating a desk near a window opening has a lot of advantages:

  • Rational use of space.
  • Maximum illumination of the working area in a natural way.
  • The original interior of the children's room.
  • The possibility of using the window sill as an additional working area.
  • Large selection of models to install in this way.

Opponents of this method of arranging furniture in the nursery highlight several disadvantages:

  • Abundant sun, which will interfere with the process of completing tasks.

The problem is easily solved by dark curtains, blinds.

  • Inability to reach the window.
  • Window sill blockage.
  • Violation of heat transfer (radiator is blocked).

The disadvantages are easily outweighed by the advantages of this method of arranging furniture.

Summing up

Each of us can come up with a lot of options for the location of the desk in the children's room. The optimal, original option is when the desk is in the children's room by the window. Many options for desks can be found in the store https://svoiamebel.ru/category/detskaja-mebel_82/ .

To choose a table, install it correctly, use the valuable advice of experienced designers.

  • For first graders of medium height, buy a teenage table, a chair with an adjustable leg. This is how you optimize costs.
  • Computers are afraid of direct sunlight. Equipment can be placed on the edge to avoid breakage, close part of the window with a thick curtain.
  • In a room where the table is opposite the window opening, do not use long curtains. They interfere with the student's legs. An excellent option would be Roman, roll models.
  • Try to order, buy a countertop with an inclination. Posture, the student's vision will be healthy.

Feel free to install work areas near windows, because it makes the room cozy, comfortable and original.

The attitude of parents to the organization of educational space for children has big influence on their performance. A well-organized workplace is the first step to a successful study. In a small room for two students, a common table for two is the best solution.

Organization of the educational process

In a room for two children, it is necessary to organize a cozy workplace for everyone. Already from elementary school, it is important to create a work corner that emphasizes their changed status. When choosing children's desks, you need to consider significant factors:

  • Ergonomic models. Furniture must meet the criteria age development. Preference should be given to models "for growth", whose design can change as children grow (adjustable tabletop height).
  • natural materials. Doing homework even primary school takes 2-3 hours daily, and after the transition to the older ones, 4-5 hours. Therefore, it is so important that children come into contact with quality furniture.
  • Color design. Tables in the children's room in a bright color performance can tire, it is better to give preference to a muted palette. Classic options are shades of brown, beige and cream. The more neutral the shade, the easier it is for children to maintain concentration.
  • Decor. It is necessary to find the "golden" mean in decorating the workplace. So that the desk for the child is not dull and boring and at the same time does not distract him from his studies.

The desktop for boys will be decorated with original table lamps, organizers for pens and pencils with favorite characters that each child will choose to his taste.

Desks for girls will decorate note boards, photo frame, storage stands stationery, desktop calendars with favorite images.

Placement options

A common desk for two children should be purchased only if it is impossible to put two separate ones in different parts rooms.

Along the window

The most convenient option for most children's rooms is a desk located along the window. Ideally, its table top extends from one wall to another, giving the kids plenty of room to play. Standard Models may not fit, so you will need the services of furniture companies. The window sill can be replaced with an extended countertop.

Light curtains should be hung on the window so that daylight does not interfere with children's activities.

When choosing such a model, you should pay attention to:

  • the presence of a separator between two workplaces. Its role can be played by a bookcase located in the middle of the table top or a lower cabinet. Completely keep children from interacting while performing homework impossible, but helping them to concentrate is essential.
  • temperament. A writing desk along the window fits well into almost any interior, but this option is not suitable for everyone. Many schoolchildren, especially younger ones (7-10 years old), have difficulty concentrating. In this case, you should not put it near the window - the children will be constantly distracted by external stimuli. It is better to choose the corner option.
  • additional attributes. A battery is usually placed near the window. district heating. Staying in such close proximity to a heat source for a long time can do a disservice and adversely affect health. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a desk with a back wall and often ventilate the nursery.

corner option

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then you can choose a corner table, where both countertops are the same size.

A simple solution would be to purchase the same tables for each child, and arrange them with the letter "G", and put a bedside table between them.

Corner location has significant advantages. First, in the nursery through the use free corner it is not necessary to allocate an entire wall for the working area, but you can use it for a second separate bed. Secondly, students are less distracted by each other.

Table along the wall

In a long nursery, the location will be successful common table along one of the walls. The main thing is to choose it correctly. For right-handed people, the light from the window should fall from the left side, and for left-handers - from the right. But at the same time, it is necessary to provide for additional table lighting.

This location is one of the most popular types arrangement of the working area for two children. It resembles the installation of a table along the window, but in this case, shelves can be placed above the countertop.

The task of adults is to educate the correct attitude of schoolchildren towards learning process. “Learning is light,” but they have yet to realize it. Both boys and girls under the age of 12 feel a psychological need for games, so you should not spend all their time studying. The possibility of relaxation and the presence of a well-equipped workplace will have a beneficial effect on the academic performance of both children.

photo:depositphotos.com/sveter, fiphoto, Toncsi47, alkir_dep, poligonchik, zuzulicea, kuprin33, photosphobos

October 14, 2016
You can talk about design canons for a long time, but every day the existing canons become less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials, brought together in order to get such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to keep the right course in “high design”.

Placing a desktop near a window has many advantages:

  • First of all, maximum amount natural lighting;
  • secondly, the ability to switch attention during prolonged work;
  • thirdly, space savings, which is achieved by installing a hybrid design.

Today, a mother will speak in me, who strictly monitors the posture and vision of the child, and a designer who is used to a single interior. What is the difference computer desk from the worker, how to choose a model and why is the quality of materials important? I have already found answers to all these questions.

Let's do the classification

Types and forms

  • So, let's start with my favorite design - the "architect's" table. The name does not give a link to the profession, this design is suitable for pupils, students and people of creative professions. The advantage of such a table is a table top with adjustable height and tilt.
    On the modern market you can find budget models from IKEA and designer ones with a big name. Due to its mobility, the table can “move” to a window or wall in one movement.

Tilt-top models will not allow you to install a computer, so decide in advance on the purpose of the table, perhaps the best option for you is a corner computer table along the window.

  • Children's desk. Again, “desk” may be completely non-childish, but this phrase is optimal for describing the design. My humble opinion is that this should be the first table for a student. The advantage of this model lies in the possibility of adjusting the height of the table top and chair, if it is connected to the table in a single system.

  • "Teacher's desk. Suitable for those who are accustomed to the abundance of boxes. I would not recommend it to children, because the design is not adjustable and cannot boast of mobility. If you install such a desk in the nursery by the window, he will settle there for a long time.

Now a few words about the form. The traditional and most common is rectangular shape, which is in a number modern models can be transformed into a T-shaped.

An additional top extends from the central part of the tabletop, which resembles a side table for visitors. I found such models in Origgi and Swenson. It is worth noting that it is better to use such a desktop for two and install it in the center of the room, and not by the window.

Corner models are a rather rare guest of catalogs if we are talking about desktops. More often they belong to the category of computer and involve the installation of the upper tier.

Rounded U-shaped "wrap around" the seated and allow the most rational use work surface. An excellent example of such a design is the Bean Desk table from Ceccotti (price - from 700,000 rubles).

A few words about design

The design of the desk should match the interior of the room, whether it is a nursery or an office.

Style Description
Classical The main condition of compliance classic stylenatural materials, more often a tree valuable breeds . The design is quite heavy, equipped with several cabinets, has a blank wall.

It is because of the last point that I would not advise putting such tables near the window, under which the heating radiator is located.

To all my appearance the table speaks of the status of its owner, so it will look foreign in the children's room.

Country If you are furnishing a room for a schoolboy in a private house, why not turn it into a plot from the Three Bears fairy tale. Despite the massiveness, the tabletop must be adjustable in height and angle of inclination..

Such designs are perfectly adjacent to the window, because they do not have rear wall and do not close the batteries.

Modern This category is dominated by lightweight materials, bright colors and a variety of shapes. In the children's room, I recommend choosing models in neutral shades with a smooth surface of PVC countertops.

Why? They are easier to wash, they perfectly tolerate wet cleaning, and even cleaners with abrasive particles.

Ethnic Such a table can hardly be called universal, it requires special interior and is only suitable for cabinets. I would not recommend installing it near a window, since teak, rattan, bamboo and tropical wood do not tolerate proximity to heating radiators.

3 ideas for two children

The biggest headache is placing two children at one table, or at two, or at one L-shaped, or at two parallel ones, well, my head already hurts.

Option number 1

A long table in the entire wall takes the place of a window sill, in the upper part (on both sides of the window) you have the opportunity to mark the shelves.

This option requires the installation of a special back wall of the table, which would allow warm air to pass from the radiator.

The decor of the window also requires special attention, give preference to Roman blinds with a bright print.

Option number 2

Two tables installed in one line - a solution that is suitable for rectangular rooms elongated shape. If the configuration of the room does not allow installation near a window, consider which side the natural light falls on (for a right-handed person, it should fall on the left).

Option number 3

Corner options are suitable for large rooms. If the design has, it is installed between the tables, delimiting the space.

If the computer is supposed to be placed on the table, install the equipment on the side of the tabletop.

And finally, a solution for very modest rooms. Pay attention to folding tables with folding tops. If desired, they free up space for the game in one movement.

Instructions for selecting the size of the table and chair for a child and a teenager:

Summing up

When choosing furniture, remember that, first of all, it must correspond hygiene standards and the age of the child, style and design move to the background. This approach will be the key to maintaining the health of the baby and the formation of the correct posture.

In anticipation of a new school year be sure to take a look at the video in this article at least with one eye, I'm sure it will be useful to you.

And I invite you to a discussion on the topic "What is important in children's furniture"?

October 14, 2016

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During repairs in an apartment, the question often arises of how to make the room the most functional and comfortable. good decision in this situation will use table instead of window sill in the room. This replacement is becoming more and more popular and will bring a fresh flow and coziness to your room.

The role of the window sill in the house is often underestimated.

When you need to make the most of the space in a small kitchen or any other room, a window sill table will do you an invaluable service.

The peculiarity of this design is that it consists of a window sill turning into a table. In this case, the window sill, as such, is absent, connecting to the table and performing its functions.

We can say that this is an "elongated window sill."

Wherever you arrange it, it will help save space, make it convenient to use daylight and make the interior more interesting.

Using a table built into the windowsill, the window opening is often equipped with additional shelves and cabinets. Then this design, and the space near the window turns into a real workplace, illuminated by natural sunlight.

Modern window sills allow you to use them as a desk.

A small upgrade that does not require major temporary and financial costs, will make it convenient and functional.


There are several types of this design, depending on what material was chosen for its base.

Where to use

A table built into the window sill will look good in any room, whether it is a nursery, a kitchen, or an office.Let's look at a few examples of how this innovation can be used.

  • Children's. good decision for students or teenagers. A window sill as a desk in this room will save space and good lighting child's work area.

Window sill table in the nursery - perfect solution to save space, especially if you have more than one child.

The illumination of such a design is not only greater, but also much better, which is very important for schoolchildren, students and other people working at a table at home.

  • Living room. Window sill table in the room , where the whole family gathers and welcomes guests, will serve as a convenient assistant (you can put drinks or snacks on it), as well as give the interior coziness and an unusual look.

You can create not just an ordinary window sill-table, but interesting object that will decorate the room.

  • Kitchen. practical option for a small room. A window sill that turns into a table in the kitchen will help you make the most of all the space.

If you use the window sill as a worktop, then you can do without artificial lighting without harming your eyes.

  • Study. Desk window sill for the office will create a fresh environment, and improve productivity by periodically switching to the view from the window.

A table lamp is needed extremely rarely and only in the dark.

Very much attention should be paid to the quality of the material of the window sill-countertop.

Advantages and disadvantages

To finally decide whether to make a table, or leave the window sill in its original form, consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this design.

Tabletop-sill with an incredible view from the window.


  • Space saving;
  • Created modern look rooms;
  • Good lighting (especially useful for the work area).

Have breakfast at the dining table-windowsill, enjoying the vista that opens up.


  • Circulation is disturbed warm air in the room while working heating appliances located under the table;
  • Excessive lighting in clear weather;
  • The inability to use long curtains (which is not always good for the living room).

Organize your windowsill desk by drawing inspiration from the beauty of nature before your eyes.

No matter you want to place window sill table in the nursery , living room or kitchen should pay attention to the following criteria.

  • Material. In the nursery, it is better to select functional and easy-to-care material.

For desk better fit Chipboard or natural wood.

  • The size. One of the important parameters. To avoid problems with installation, you should make accurate measurements.

If this is a desk, then you need to calculate the parameters in such a way that it is convenient to work.

  • Quality. Be sure to consult with the seller during the purchase and ask for all the documents for this design, which will indicate the manufacturer and the exact composition.

Make sure the firm you choose is environmentally friendly pure material that does not emit harmful substances into the air.

If you decide to install the window sill table yourself, pay attention to the following factors.

Do-it-yourself window sill installation.

  • Be sure to check the accuracy of the installation of the countertop (especially if you are installing).

It should be at a 90 degree angle to the floor.

  • It is advisable to make holes in the countertop (if there are none) so as not to disturb the air circulation in the room.

However, it is better to entrust the installation of the structure to professionals in order to avoid various damage to the structure and the window sill during its removal.

VIDEO: Window sill table in a modern interior.


Even 50 years ago, parents did not even think about placing a schoolchild's table near the window. Folding desks were placed where there is space, but today working area for a child, you can organize even in a odnushka.

The location near the window performs several functions at once:

  1. Saves space in the room, especially if the table is corner or.
  2. The walls near the window can be used to place shelves, not flowerpots.
  3. Protects the child's vision: sunlight prevents vision problems.

Cabinets are rarely installed near the window - they block the light. The sleeping area is also not a place by the window, if it comes from the window cold air. But this is a great area to place a desk (or even two).

We offer you a selection of photos that will help you choose and ergonomically place a table for a student.

An unusual model that combines two study spaces and a storage system. You can install a computer near the wall, and make the zone near the window a study area.

Room in british style co school table located near the window.

The function of the working area is performed wide window sill- This technique saves both space and money.

A small desk of a simple design does not take up much space at all. The downside is the lack of a storage system.

Long corner model, which can combine both a study area, a computer work area, and a storage system for textbooks and notebooks. On the window there is a translucent tulle with tie-backs, which will not distract the child and interfere with learning.

Desk for two children

In our country, one room is often shared by two or even three children, each of whom needs to. In this case, each child should have his own corner where he can store textbooks, do homework or just draw. If children have joint boxes, conflicts cannot be avoided, but two separate lockers or.

When organizing such places ideal solution will be the placement of the study area for schoolchildren near the window. Modern manufacturers furniture offer a lot of solutions that allow you to install not only a table, but also cabinets for it. The area above the workspace is reserved for lamps, hanging shelves.

This pencil-shaped room has three workplaces at once: two near the window and one near the wall. Each child has their own corner.

Table shape

When choosing, first of all, you need to rely on the shape of the room in which the child will live. There may be several solutions:

  1. A long table, the surface of which stretches along the entire window sill from wall to wall.
  2. Corner model suitable for small rooms irregular shape.
  3. An oval table is the prerogative of large rooms in which there is no need to save space.

They help free up space in the room for a closet, bed or appliances. But if, then it is recommended to place a loft bed in the room, and the work area under it.

If you choose a two-tier design for a girl's room, pay attention to - they will help make the nursery's interior bright and unusual.

In a nursery with a working area by the window, it is better to use short curtains. In the photo above - roller blinds"day Night". They can be adjusted in height and degree of illumination of the room.

And this room has roman blinds, too. great option, which will not interfere with the task.

Cabinet with drawers for storage can serve as a chair. For the comfort of the child, it can be equipped with a seat cushion.


Too bright furniture lit by direct sunbeams, reduces the ability to concentrate. Therefore, it is better for a child to purchase furniture in neutral shades:

  • peach;
  • cream;
  • light brown;
  • white;
  • shade of tea rose;
  • mint;
  • natural wood models.

Summing up

If you choose a table that you will install next to the window in the future, then pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose models that are adjustable in height, which will save you from having to buy a new table in 1-2 years.
  2. For a child under 10 years old, it is better to purchase two tables, one of which will be used for classes, and the second for working at a computer.
  3. If the surface has a slight slope, it will be much easier for the student to complete the lessons.
  4. choose multifunctional models. The learning process will be easier and more enjoyable if the necessary books and notebooks are always within reach. outstretched hand child when he will perform homework, sitting at the table.
  5. If the workplace is by the window, do not use long curtains. The best option for the nursery, depending on the style of the interior, there will be Roman, roller or Austrian curtains.
  6. Direction plays an important role. If the child is right-handed, the lighting should be on the left side, and if the child is left-handed, vice versa.
  7. Select the model of the chair together with the table so as not to provoke the development of scoliosis in the child. In addition, an uncomfortable or too low stool can cause visual impairment.

We hope that our tips will help you create beautiful interior children's room and successfully position the student's work area near the window.

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