Golden wallpaper in the interior. Beautiful golden wallpaper in the interior, photo of the bedroom, hall, hallway Wallpaper with a golden pattern

Color has long ceased to simply characterize the color of objects. After scientists proved the influence of different shades on the psycho-emotional state of a person, they began to approach the choice of colors for interior design more meaningfully.

In this article, we will consider the features of using golden wallpaper in the interior, their impact on the perception of the room, as well as ways to combine it with wall coverings of other shades. How gold wallpapers look in the interior, photos from our gallery will demonstrate clearly.

Golden color in the interior of the apartment: its role

This luxurious color combines yellow and orange shades - the warm colors of the spectrum, which are associated with warmth, summer, joy, high spirits.

But this color also has a metallic sheen that fascinates, enchants, captures. Gold wallpaper for walls helps to stimulate human brain activity, pushing him to make decisions. Their presence in the decoration of the room immediately turns the interior into an elite, expensive, exclusive, royal.

Like a precious product look golden wallpaper in the interior, photo

This color has many shades - from light amber to dark bronze. The darker, bronzed shade already includes reds and browns mixed in varying proportions.

Advice: copper shades should be used carefully in the decoration of the room, as they can "eat up" the space.

Wall decoration in bronze tones - an interior with character

In addition to plain wall coverings, the catalogs of many manufacturers contain various golden wallpaper with ornaments. It can be classic stripes, geometric or botanical prints, or intricate swirl patterns.

Romantic print with roses for bedroom decoration - wallpaper, gold

Wall coverings depicting money and gold bars look more outrageous. Very interesting are textured wallpapers, or canvases with optical drawings (3D effect).

It is believed that the image of money in the interior attracts them energetically.

Advice: gold wallpaper in the interior should be harmoniously complemented with decor items - paintings, dark wood elements, antiques.

Bronze wallpaper in the interior of the apartment

Golden wallpaper for walls can be used in different rooms, creating a special warm atmosphere.

Precious color in the living room

The living room is a solemn room for meeting guests and holding various events. Gold-colored wallpapers in the interior of this room will be very appropriate, as they will create a festive, aristocratic atmosphere.

Please note: wallpapers of a noble shade should occupy a central place in the living room.

An example of a successful choice of golden wall coverings for the hall

The use of gold-colored wallpaper in the bedroom

You can add mystery and fabulousness to the sleeping room with the help of wallpaper in bronze tones. This will make the room a modern, luxurious bedchamber. Gold wallpaper for the walls of the bedroom seems to take you to another era, the world of luxury and sophistication.

On a note: in the bedroom it is better to use light-colored wallpapers. Dark canvases (plain, or with prints) are best applied locally.

Journey to a fairy tale - golden wallpaper in the bedroom, photo

How to make your kitchen shine

Applying glossy golden wall coverings in the kitchen is not entirely practical. But if you want to add a little sparkle to the interior of this room, you should buy matte shimmering gold wallpaper for wall decoration. They give space volume and depth.

Wallpaper with gold on the kitchen wall should be not only beautiful, but also practical to care for

golden corridor

The entrance to a house or apartment is the room that the visitor sees first, and on the basis of which he gets the first impression of the interior and the owners of the home. Golden wall coverings will immediately turn the shooting to itself, captivating with its shimmer and brilliance.

The corridor, decorated in light bronze tones, will emphasize the good taste of the owners of the house.

Remember: for such frequently used premises as a kitchen and a corridor, paper wallpapers are not suitable. Vinyl coatings are resistant to abrasion, moisture, mechanical damage.

How to combine bronze wall coverings with other colors

Golden shades are very beautiful, but finding a good pair for them is not at all easy. Since this color consists of warm shades of the spectrum, beige, peach, brown tones will be good companions for it. The combination with these colors will give the room lightness and will promote relaxation.

On a note: the optimal ratio of golden hues and other colors in the interior is 1:3.

The combination of golden wallpaper with chocolate brown creates a rich and radiant interior.

The combination of gold and black looks stylish and expensive. But in such an interior solution, accents should be correctly placed. These colors must either be used in equal proportions, or bronze coatings should be used as a background, and black - for accents.

Attention: this combination of wall coverings must not be diluted with other colors.

Luxurious interior for a luxurious stay

A bright contrasting design is obtained by combining golden and blue wall coverings. An interesting combination is given by light bronze and green shades, since they are based on yellow.

Gold and turquoise - bright, extraordinary, interesting

You can add light and space to the room using a combination of golden wallpaper with light ones - white, beige, gray. The wallpaper with a bronze pattern in the form of monograms on a white background looks interesting.

Sometimes, when renovating an apartment, it is very difficult to decide on a color scheme. After all, the choice of one or another shade changes the perception of the room and has a different effect on others. There are universal tones that are well perceived by different people, and gold belongs to them. It harmoniously combines yellow, red and brown shades and gives the interior elegance and chic.

Let's look at the varieties of golden wallpaper, options for their use for decorating different rooms in the apartment.

Features of the use of bronze wall coverings in the decoration of premises for various purposes

Golden wallpapers for walls are versatile and can be used to decorate different rooms.

Features of the use of noble shades in the living room

Since this room in the apartment is used for receiving guests, holding family celebrations, gold-colored wallpapers in the interior will be very appropriate here. They look very presentable and create an atmosphere of celebration, loftiness, aristocracy in the room.

Advice: when choosing golden wallpapers for the hall, do not forget to complement them with beautiful moldings, and decorate the room itself with paintings, antiques, and a luxurious chandelier.

In such a hall it is pleasant to receive guests and gather with the whole family.

Bedroom decoration

In the rest room, you should not use too bright gold wallpaper for the walls. It is preferable to use softer light shades, with a light background pattern or ornament.

Royal dreams will provide golden wallpaper in the bedroom, photo

Kitchen finishing

Do you want to always be happy to meet a new day? Then you should apply golden wallpaper in the kitchen. A great option would be matte wall coverings that give a slight shimmering sheen to the room.

Remember: this is a high-use room, so the wallpaper with gold on the kitchen wall must be wear-resistant.

A small kitchen space will visually increase the use of wall paintings and furniture in a golden sandy hue.

welcoming hallway

As you know, guests develop an opinion about the owners of the house as soon as they crossed the threshold of the apartment. Therefore, it is worth taking care of how to decorate the corridor. Golden wallpaper on the walls will create an atmosphere of hospitality, cordiality and comfort.

Advice: for decorating the hallway, it is better to buy vinyl wall coverings. They have superior performance.

Corridor in bronze tones will meet your guests with warmth and comfort

More options for using golden wallpaper in the interiors of various rooms will be demonstrated by our photo selection.

The role of gold wallpaper in the interior

Gold has always been associated with luxury, wealth, brilliance and charm. This metallic shade seems to radiate warmth, gives a positive mood. Previously, this color was used to decorate the palaces of nobles, but today everyone can afford gold wallpaper for walls. They are able to transform the interior, make it more expensive, stylish, elite.

Please note: when decorating a room, it is important not to overdo it with the presence of this color, its excess is considered bad taste.

An example of how to successfully use gold wallpaper in the interior, photo

What to combine with gold wall coverings

In order for gold in the interior to be a symbol of nobility, and not kitsch, it should be correctly combined with other shades. Beige, sand, peach, gray tones will balance this color. Such an interior will be light, relaxed, but at the same time interesting.

The combination of light and golden hues creates a feeling of spaciousness

Bronze and blue wall coverings combine to form a bright and positive design. Their light shades create a feeling of lightness, freshness. The background may be dominated by a marine theme (a drawing of a fish), or a vegetable one.

Gold and turquoise - a very stylish combination

But dark blue and rich green shades in combination with bronze look completely different. Blue and gold wallpapers give a feeling of luxury and respectability. And the combination of noble metal with green increases efficiency, so it is ideal for decorating cabinets.

The perfect bedroom for a respectable man

The combination of golden with bright red can create a boudoir effect. Therefore, for the design of residential premises it is better to choose more saturated dark colors. An ideal option would be burgundy wallpaper with a gold pattern.

Wallpaper burgundy with gold - a sign of aristocracy and good taste

An interesting effect is given by the game of contrasts. Brown or black tones will effectively complement gold. They should either be used in equal proportions, or bronze should dominate.

Please note: these color combinations should not be diluted with other shades, this can spoil the whole effect of the repair.

Decoration in golden and black colors is a sign of the refined taste of the owners of the house

Varieties of golden wall coverings

Gold is a complex color consisting of various tones. The predominance of one or the other provides a wide range of shades: from sparkling sand and sunny amber to copper and bronze brown.

On a note: light golden tones add volume to the room, while dark ones, on the contrary, reduce the space.

Copper-bronze wall covering adds respectability to the interior

Wallpaper with an ornament has a different decorative effect. Vertical stripes of different shades of bronze give the space organization, make it visually higher. Plant motifs create a romantic and light atmosphere, so it is advisable to use them to decorate the bedroom. And patterns with curls are an essential attribute of the classics.

Remember: in order for the gold wallpaper in the interior to look harmonious, this color should be repeated in furniture elements, textile design, or decor items.

White wallpapers with a gold pattern look elegant and not pretentious

Bold and outrageous persons will like wall coverings depicting gold bars or money. This design focuses on itself, so it should be used only on one of the walls of the room.

Eccentric ingots - golden wallpaper in the interior, photo

In the catalogs of wall covering manufacturers there are also quite interesting solutions, for example, with a 3D pattern. They have an interesting texture and are able to visually change the appearance of the room under different lighting conditions.

An unusual decorative effect is given by shimmering wallpapers, gold


You can create a luxurious interior with golden wallpaper. This color makes the room noble and aristocratic. You can use plain wall coverings, or with a pattern, or combine gold with other shades - the main thing is to end up with a harmonious room.

If the design of one of your rooms is made in shades of gold, then, for sure, the question of which curtains are best suited to gold wallpaper is already on your doorstep. Deciding on the color scheme of the walls is not enough for a full-fledged design; it is equally important to correctly combine colors in the interior and highlight accents. And for this you need to understand the nature and psychology of the color scheme.

A matter of style

First of all, when choosing curtains for golden wallpaper, it is important to decide on the style of the room. As a rule, shades of gold are chosen by people who want to fill their home with the spirit of the time, which once lived in palaces and has seen many magnificent balls. Walls decorated in this way will look equally luxurious in all rooms. It does not matter whether it is a hall designed to collect guests, or a bedroom accessible only to the owner. The only thing that matters is the uniformity of the design. Most often, gold is inherent in such styles as:

  • High tech;
  • Baroque;
  • Classicism;
  • Rococo.

Each of these areas provides for certain nuances, failure to comply with which may affect the final result of the entire repair. Therefore, if you do not have the proper amount of knowledge, and there is no time to study the rules of home coloring and the basics of design, the best solution would be to turn to professionals for help.

In an interior where the main element is golden color, curtains should become its harmonious continuation. Curtains made of dense fabric will give great significance and chic; they should be heavy and solid. Curtains made of fabrics will look best in a room with golden wallpaper:

  • Velvet. For the eye and skin, the material is very gentle and pleasant, but at the same time it is heavy and practically does not let in sunlight.

velvet curtains

  • Flock. Sufficiently dense fabric, the hallmark of which is a small pile on the outer surface. A common option is samples decorated with shiny powder, which will be a unique addition to the gold on the walls.
  • . A curtain made of this material will completely block light from entering the room, which is convenient for bedrooms. The material is strong and completely merges with the situation, adding precious comfort and mystery to it.
  • Jacquard. Also dense heavy fabric, which will look very nice in the interior of the living room, as it is often decorated with large unobtrusive patterns.

Jacquard curtains

But light options like linen or silk are not recommended at all, their structure will destroy the rich decoration of the room.

Pattern or canvas?

Another issue to consider is the design of the curtains under the gold wallpaper. Should it be large or small? Contrasting or barely noticeable? Or maybe the canvas of future curtains should be monophonic?

There is no single answer. Here the important point is the choice of wallpaper you have already made. If the walls are decorated with gold with a pronounced pattern, then the curtains in this room should be neutral, best of all - one color. If, on the contrary, the design of the room is made in a single color, then it is allowed to purchase curtains with a pattern. But the style must be sustained to the last detail.

Some designers advise using a professional trick: when the color is chosen, the materials are determined, but the curtains for your golden wallpaper are not selected - repeat the pattern from the wallpaper in their design, this will give the room peace and harmony.

Matching color palette

If the main color is dark - chocolate, blue, gray, then get white tulle. This will be exactly the accent that will balance the character of the room. If the curtains are shaded with a clear pattern or pattern, then the tulle can only be monophonic. Important: do not experiment with organza - the glitter of wallpaper is enough to bring to life the ideas of luxurious decoration of royal castles. Colored fabric shimmering in the rays of the sun will eat up the space of the room and make the interior a cheap imitation of antiquity.

Plain tulle dilutes the space of the room

Color psychology

When choosing the right curtains, as well as other colored decor elements, it is important to understand what the palette of colors you are interested in carries. Each shade has certain properties that affect a person. This influence can be equally beneficial and dangerous.

So, the golden color has long been a symbol of luxury and prosperity, symbolizes joy and prosperity. However, in the modern world, golden tones in the interior are already called a sign of bad taste, more often because of its misuse. Gold and its palette attracts good luck, creates an atmosphere of calm and tranquility, allows you to focus and calm your nerves. At the same time, an excess of brilliance can bring a person to despondency and drive into depression. It is best to decorate the western rooms and their parts with gold, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, this attracts money and success to the house.

If you choose to go with golden walls, you can provide a sense of stability and calmness to this room. This is the color of the earth and its main feature is the ability to soothe. In combination with gilded brilliance, it fills the atmosphere with strength and peace.

White color in the interior creates inspiration for the inhabitants of the house. Since ancient times, it has been considered the color of peace and faith. White curtains can help you believe in yourself, gather strength and inspire new steps and achievements. The moderate use of this shade gives lightness and helps to reveal the hidden and false in controversial moments.

Blue, the sky color is ideal for bedrooms. The elements made in this palette help to relax, to understand oneself. It will not only help you fall asleep and cope with migraines, but also fill the room with harmony. In combination with gold, you get a unique tandem, a place where you can relax your body and soul.

Tulle and bed decor are made in the same direction

Tricks of choice

It should be summarized which curtains are best suited to the interior of a room with gold wallpaper. The answer is simple - those that will be ideal for its inhabitants. Don't be afraid to experiment, but don't try to mix different styles. Gold requires a special attitude - everything must match the main vector.

It is important to highlight three basic rules:

  1. Gold is a luxury, and an excess of luxurious decoration is an indicator of bad tone and poor taste.
  2. Drawing for precious brilliance is superfluous, only graceful patterns are allowed, repeating in small details of the entire interior.
  3. Gold goes well with many colors, but the palette of the room should contain no more than three shades: one is the main color, the other two are diluting the character of the room.

And most importantly, do not try to choose curtains from a photo, the highlight of the golden color is precisely in its unique brilliance, which no picture can convey. Therefore, it is best to go to your choice by posting a piece of wallpaper from your walls. This will help you choose the right shade and texture of the curtains, which will give the room completeness and the necessary gloss.

Gold in the interior has always been associated with wealth and luxury, and at one time it was quite actively used in decoration - we are talking about prints on wallpaper, as well as furniture and chandeliers.

But fashion is changing, and today this color is found mainly on wallpaper. Other options for including gold in the design of rooms are rarely used. Today we will talk about the use of gold-colored wallpaper in the interior.

Decoration of different rooms. Gold wallpaper in the interior

Hall and hall, bedroom

Gold wallpaper is produced in a variety of textures and shades, from polished, light gold to muted, matte. For example, gold wallpaper for walls with shiny elements is best used in halls and halls. The type of drawing is selected depending on the overall design of the room:

  • Modern styles - floral or abstract pattern.
  • Classical or baroque style - classic pattern.

Golden wallpaper in the interior. Hall photo

For the bedroom, it is better to choose wallpaper with an aged gold color pattern, almost without shine. A shiny print would be inappropriate here, as the glare from the finish can put a good rest for the eyes. You can choose from two finishes:

  • With a very thick pattern or all gold - in the form of a panel above the head of the bed. The rest of the walls in the bedroom are pasted over with light wallpaper in white or cream color.
  • With the main white color, along which the gold print goes, all the walls in the bedroom are finished.

The type of pattern is selected according to the same principle as above for halls and halls. If it is for children, then the pattern can be anything: birds, fish, etc.

Golden wallpaper in the bedroom: photo of a classic print option

Kitchen and corridor

In the kitchen, gold-tone wallpaper for walls is used quite rarely. This is due to the fact that in the design and arrangement of the premises a large number of small details are used, often with a shine. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to choose wallpaper with a gold print here. Best suited for the kitchen finish with a discreet, pale pattern. Or we take completely plain, but also not bright shades.

Vinyl golden wallpaper in the interior. Kitchen photo

And in the corridor it all depends on its size. Narrow and small rooms are best finished with golden wallpaper without a pronounced pattern, with a slight sheen. You can see a good example in the photo below. A large print will be easier to perceive in spacious hallways.

Wall decoration in the corridor

Perception of golden color in the interior

As mentioned in the introduction to this article, gold in the interior evokes strong associations with luxury or even some pomposity. And what's more, we are often afraid to get the so-called "barbaric splendor" at the end of the finishing work. Therefore, many refuse such decoration in the design of apartments. However, the problem can be solved by the correct use of color.

Note:gold in the interior will be quite appropriate if you follow the “1/3” rule. That is, this color should not dominate, it should be used in moderation. In addition, we choose what will be emphasized. Or we use wallpaper with gold on the walls, or we select decor and accessories “under gold”.

Burgundy wallpaper with gold pattern in the bedroom

Gold will look equally good both in large halls and in very modest-sized rooms. Due to the reflection of light, the room will always look more spacious, airy. At the same time, the design can be done in different styles, up to futurism. Only the shade and degree of gloss changes.

Room interior with golden wallpaper

Combining gold wallpaper with other colors. patterns

These wallpapers are used not only on their own, but also in combination with wallpapers of other colors. Next, we will talk about the most popular color combinations, as well as the most commonly used print options.

Wallpaper combination: gold with other types

The most popular combination is gold plus any shades of white or light beige or gray. Moreover, golden wallpaper is always with an ornament, and the finish of a different color is plain, matte. As a maximum, drawings created not by color, but by texture are acceptable.

In the photo below - a fairly common version of the design of the walls. Its popularity is understandable: the brightness of the ornament softens against the background of white, and the result looks rich, but at the same time without “gypsy”. This combination is equally well suited for the bedroom and living room. The only difference is that in the hall you can afford brighter versions of the drawings.

Wallpaper white with gold pattern

Another option is on a black, dark brown, dark red, dark green background, blue and gold wallpapers, etc. In combination, there is a color of the same shade as the background, or another suitable one. Similar combinations are suitable for living rooms and halls. And in small rooms they can be used with the condition that the dark part of the finish in terms of area will be much smaller than the light one. The example below shows the option - an ornament on a black background + cold beige.

Option for living rooms and halls, dark colors: black wallpaper, blue or burgundy with gold

Note:you can combine gold with gold itself, but in a different shade and different texture of the wallpaper. The result can be very worthy, but it is very important not to overdo it. The pair color should not be pronounced, let it be just a hint of the main color. Be sure to remember the 1/3 rule.

One of the options for decorating the bedroom

The combinations that can be called classic are described above. But sometimes there are quite controversial decisions. Colors for decoration are selected not compatible in the generally accepted sense. For example, in the next photo there is a finish with a warm red background, and a cold pink wallpaper is paired with them.

An example of an unusual combination: red with pink

Most Popular Patterns

First of all, it is necessary to mention the vegetable print. It can be different in size and thickness of the lines. It can be used in combination with wallpaper of other colors, and on its own. Suitable for decorating a room in almost any style.

Botanical pattern trim

The second most popular is the classic print. It exists in a variety of versions, it can be both monograms intertwined with each other, and separate wreaths, as in the photo. Options on a white background are used to complete the decoration of any room, on a dark one - most often in the form of combinations with other types of wallpaper.

classic ornament

When decorating rooms in the classical and baroque style, two types of patterns are often used at once: stripes + classic or stripes + floral. Thus, the zoning of space is carried out. In the photo you see that there is a division into rooms into a dining area and a relaxation area.

Classic ornament and stripes

Note:The use of story drawings can be very interesting. At the same time, the whole room is pasted over with plain golden wallpaper for the walls, and the drawing is located on one of the walls.

Story drawings in the design