General table setting rules: cutlery and crockery. How to properly place cutlery on the table. Table setting: the correct arrangement of cutlery Placement of cutlery on the table

Or at a dinner party, it can be difficult for an inexperienced person to figure out how to properly use all these countless cutlery. It won’t take long to get confused, remembering the purpose of several dozen forks and spoons. It will not be possible to study the rules for using cutlery immediately. The ability to eat aesthetically while maintaining a relaxed look is a whole art.
In order to study the table rules of etiquette, cutlery, their types, purpose, it will take time. People who have been taught since childhood definitely have advantages, but others should also start to understand this art.
Information: why and what all the cutlery is for, will help you feel more confident in any society, easily make useful connections, and enjoy the most delicious food beautifully.
There are two styles of table etiquette - continental(for Europe) and American. Each of them implies significant differences in behavior at the table. In the European style of etiquette, every movement of the hands, the position of the items left on the plate are important. According to one theory, it has remained unchanged since the 17th century. Other researchers argue that the Napoleonic era greatly simplified etiquette in favor of convenience.

traditional cutlery

Every item on the table has a purpose. There are several sets that are customary to use in a solemn setting:

  • Large dining set: contains the usual spoon, knife, fork, which is used to eat most dishes.
  • snack set: items in it are somewhat smaller than ordinary dining rooms.
  • dessert set: small in size, but the items are similar to ordinary ones.
  • Garnish forks: there are two of them, one has 4 teeth.
  • sauce spoon.
  • meat set: consists of 2 forks of different sizes with 2 prongs and a knife.
  • Steak knife.
  • Salad spoons and salad tongs.
  • Fish set.

Cutlery serving

Correctly setting the table for guests is the task of the waiters or the owners of the house. The cutlery on the table is arranged in strict accordance with the order in which the dishes are served, so it is easier to navigate which fork and what to eat. Under each item you need to lay a napkin. Which side the spoon and fork lies on depends on whether the guest is right-handed or left-handed.
is needed not only for aesthetics, its purpose is also the convenience of eating. In accordance with the cutlery, lying in a certain order, the rules should be clear: how and why to use them, why they are here. So guests can understand where the fork or knife is for fish, with which fork they eat salad. During meals, the mood of others, the atmosphere is very important. The location of food utensils according to etiquette has been determined for centuries, it serves as a good helper to look aesthetically pleasing and dignified.

How to properly hold a knife and fork according to etiquette

In which hand to hold a knife with a fork depends on the style of etiquette. According to American- You can eat pre-cut food with your right hand. The fork is first in the left hand, then the knife is put on the plate, and it can be shifted to the right. This method is convenient for everyone who is not used to frills while eating. You can take a knife only when necessary. It must be put aside on the edge of the dish.

The European style is more strict about which hand to hold the knife and which one to hold the fork. Do not let go of cutlery while eating. The fork must always be held in the left hand.
If the food does not require cutting, hold the fork correctly in the right hand and use it like a spatula to break off a piece of chopped steak or scoop up a portion of the side dish. This method does not require special skills. You can just eat soft food with a fork or.
The upper third of the handle of cutlery must be clasped with the whole palm in order to eat them more confidently without risking dropping them.

There are 3 ways to hold the fork:

You can only cut meat with a knife towards yourself in order to avoid accidents. It is unacceptable to produce extraneous sounds by touching the edges or bottom of the dishes with appliances.

cutlery language

The knife and fork on the plate can tell a lot to the waiter. Gestures with two cutlery will help confident communication with the staff during the meal. After eating, put the knife and fork in parallel so that the dirty plate is taken away.
If you want to praise the cook, you need to place the items parallel to the edge of the table towards the left on your plate. You can put the fork and knife far apart, which serves as a signal that the guest is full, the food tastes good.
Bad service cutlery signs can be filed in three ways:

  • Cross them by holding the knife between the teeth (did not like the food);
  • Objects are located with their handles up at an angle to each other (the attitude is unfriendly);
  • Items lie parallel towards the edge of the table (administrator call).

There is another flirtatious signal. Cross objects slightly. Above is a knife. This speaks of a great mood after a wonderful dinner.
To change dishes faster, objects must be crossed perpendicularly. This is a signal that the guest is in a hurry.
A sign of a pause so that the plate is not taken away will be objects crossed or located on the edge of the plate.

Dessert tableware

There are separate serving items for desserts and coffee. The tea ceremony of Europeans is not as complicated as the Chinese one, but cutlery must be put no less.

Tongs, spoon for sugar.

Cake spatula.

Cheese knife.

Spatula, tongs for baking.

Coffee spoon.

Fruit set.

Compote spoon. It is customary for her to eat boiled fruits along with syrup.

Sour cream spoon. She is as fat as a ladle.

dessert set.

Special cutlery

Some appliances are served only with certain dishes.

Lobster fork and lobster tongs. Break the shell with tongs. A two-toothed small fork is used to get meat from the claws.

Devices for black caviar. With the help of a special spatula, caviar can be safely transferred to a plate or sandwich.

Tongs and a small snail fork. They get tender meat from the shell.

Knife and fork for oysters.

The success of a festive lunch or dinner largely depends on the ability to decorate the table beautifully and correctly, to create maximum comfort for all those present. And the boring word “serving” can mean a creative and pleasant process, and its goal is not to throw dust in the eyes of guests, but to make life beautiful in the best sense of the word, and turn family holiday dinners into a special pleasure.

The general rule for arranging dishes is very simple - plates and cutlery should be placed in the order in which the dishes will be served. For example, a plate for snacks is placed on a hot plate. The plate for bread should also be placed on the left.

Forks and knives are located further from the plate, the faster they are needed. Those. the salad fork will be the last one near the plate, and the hot fork will be the last one near the plate. Dessert devices are placed on top of the plate. Knives should be placed to the right with the blade towards the plate, spoons - with the bulge down, and forks - to the left of the plate with the teeth up, so as not to spoil the tablecloth. Soup spoons can be placed to the right, to the right of the last knife. If butter is served with bread, then a small butter knife is placed on the bread plate, which should be located to the left of the fork. Classical rules suggest no more than three cutlery on the table at the same time, so if your gala dinner consists of ten courses, you don’t need to try to lay out all the necessary forks and knives on the table at once. All plates should be placed a short distance from the edge of the table, forming a straight line parallel to the edge.

Wine and water should be put on the table uncorked. Juices, fruit drinks, vodka and various tinctures are best served in decanters. Glasses are placed to the right of the plates, again in the order in which you are going to serve drinks. Champagne is placed in a bucket of ice and covered with a napkin, or it is stored in the refrigerator and uncorked just before drinking. Champagne is poured gradually, topping up as the foam falls. Fill glasses with drinks should be no more than three-quarters of their capacity.

Do not forget to place salt, seasonings and sauces on the table. Bread is placed on the table on several plates, so that it is convenient for all guests to get it. All dishes and salads should have separate spoons, lying with the convex side up, so that guests, reaching for a dish, do not accidentally drop food on the tablecloth. Cold snacks are arranged, alternating fish, meat and vegetable dishes.

Soup should be served in a tureen, and hot dishes - in special dishes or rams (a dish with a lid).

Near the place of the hostess, you can provide a small table on which clean plates, spare cutlery, napkins, extra bread and other necessary things will be at hand.

A beautifully laid table requires a spotlessly clean and ironed tablecloth and matching napkins. The latter can be turned into special decorations by folding them into a triangle, a cap, or in some completely original way. You need to put a napkin on each set of plates.

Flowers perfectly decorate the festive table - live or dry compositions, for example, two or three small neat bouquets in different parts of the table. Another option is to place a large bouquet in the middle of the table, or a very small bouquet next to each plate. In any case, flowers should not take up too much space, and it is better to make bouquets low so that they do not interfere with taking snacks and do not interfere with guests communicating with each other.

Finally, the last rule, which is difficult for a hospitable Russian person in a typical small apartment, is that the festive table should not “break” from an overabundance of dishes and utensils. An elegantly laid table offers freely arranged snacks and salad bowls and enough personal space for each of the guests.

If you want to prepare the table a little in advance so that you have time to clean up, or your guests really like to be late, cover appetizers and salads with ordinary cling film - this will keep them fresh before guests arrive.


a tablespoon for soup served in a bowl;

Dessert spoon (slightly smaller than a tablespoon) for dishes such as porridge, soup in a cup, dessert, fruit;

A teaspoon for liquid dishes served in a cup, as well as for grapefruit, eggs and fruit cocktails;

A coffee spoon (half the size of a teaspoon) for coffee served in a small cup;

Long-handled spoon for chilled tea and drinks served in tall glasses.


A large fork for laying out dishes from a large tray. The shape resembles a large dinner fork, but oversized;

Large dinner fork for meat dishes; small fork for snacks and desserts;

Fish fork for fish dishes; fork for oysters, for dishes from oysters, crabs, cold fish cocktails. Its dimensions are small: length 15 cm, width at the base 1.5 cm;

Fruit fork for fruits. Served at the end of the meal along with a cup for rinsing fingers.


Large dinner knife for meat dishes;

Small knife for snacks and other dishes, except for meat and fish;

Fruit knife (with the same handle as the fruit fork) for fruit;

Fish knife for separating fish bones in fish dishes;

Butter knife only for spreading butter; dessert knife for cheese, dessert and flour dishes.

It should be borne in mind that all devices are not used at the same time. Therefore, when setting the table, it is customary to put no more than three forks and three knives at the same time. The remaining knives, forks and other additional serving items are served, if necessary, with the corresponding dishes.

The place at the set table usually looks like this:

- on the front plate there is a smaller plate for snacks, on it is a napkin folded in a triangle, cap or otherwise. To the left of the plate are the forks (in the order in which the dishes are served): a small fork for an appetizer, a fish fork and a large fork for the main course. To the right of the plate are a small appetizer knife, a tablespoon (if soup is served), a fish knife and a large dinner knife,

Cutlery items lie one next to the other at a distance of 1 cm, and at the same distance from the edge of the table, forks are bent down, knives are pointed to the plate.

To the left, a little away from the front plate, there is a saucer for bread and a butter knife on it. Fruit knives are brought in at the time the fruit is served.

To the right of the plate, obliquely, there are glasses for drinks (from left to right): a glass (glass) for water, for champagne, a glass for white wine, a slightly smaller glass for red wine and an even smaller one for dessert wine. This arrangement of glasses is explained by the fact that drinks are poured from the right side. On the highest wine glass, they usually put a card with the name and surname of the guest to whom this place is intended. Sometimes a glass of cognac closes the row of glasses. It is set if after breakfast (lunch) guests are served coffee at the table and they do not go into the living room. If cognac is served in a special large glass with a wide bottom, then it is poured a little. At receptions in our embassies, special small glasses for vodka are also placed on the table, which is served with a snack.

For dessert and fruit, sometimes a spoon, knife or fork is placed behind glasses with the handle to the right and the convex side to the table.

- A creative approach to the choice and preparation of dishes and a beautifully set table will make your lunches and dinners especially appetizing and unusual, which means you will remember them for a long time and with pleasure. Is it worth the effort and time? Each hostess decides for herself. But in order to make the right choice, you need to try to give yourself this pleasure at least a couple of times.

According to and

Almost anyone can set the table correctly. It all depends on the money and the taste of the person. Therefore, table setting can be safely called art. It is very important to choose the right composition so that the color scheme of the interior style is in harmony with the room. In addition, there are rules for serving cutlery, which, depending on the type of feast and menu, will teach anyone how to set the table beautifully and correctly.

Rules for serving cutlery


First, the table is covered with an ironed and clean tablecloth. The ends of the tablecloth should hang evenly from all sides of the table, it is desirable that its corners cover all the legs of the table.


Then the plates are arranged. They must be wiped to a shine with a napkin or towel.

The snack plate should be placed strictly opposite each chair, about two centimeters from the edge of the table.

A pie plate is placed to the left of the diner at a distance of no more than ten centimeters. The center of the plates should be in line. But you can put a few plates, depending on the feast.

Basic Rules:

  • The deep plate is intended for the main dish.
  • Dessert plate can be served as needed.
  • Cutlery should be positioned so as not to get confused when using them: the fork and knife are next to the main dish, the dessert spoon lies to the right behind the plate.
  • When serving wine, the corresponding glass should be placed to the right behind the knife, in case of serving several drinks (water, juices), the rest of the glasses are placed there.
  • A plate of bread must be served with Italian dishes.
  • Spaghetti, pasta is consumed with a fork and spoon, and a butter knife is in a bread plate.
  • With Italian dishes, water is always provided. Accordingly, the glass should be located closer to the dish. A wine glass is placed on the top left behind a glass of water.


Forks are placed with the tip up on the left side, and knives on the right, the blade should be directed towards the plate. A soup spoon is placed next to the knife.

In the case when the menu provides for the serving of several dishes, they proceed as follows: a table knife lies at the plate, a fish knife is on the right, and a snack bar is placed last.

When serving butter with bread, put a small butter knife on the patty plate.

If soup is served on the menu, then the soup spoon is placed between the fish and snack knife.

If there is no fish dish, a spoon can be put instead of a fish knife.

Snack, fish and table forks should be placed to the left of the plates, when laying out, the forks should match the knives. The distance between devices should not exceed one centimeter.

For ease of use of cutlery, the ends of their handles, together with plates, should be located two centimeters from the end of the table.


Next comes the turn of crystal (glass) dishes. If only water is supplied, then a glass or a glass is placed in the center behind each plate. If fruit drink or kvass is served, they put not a glass, but a mug with a handle towards the right.

When serving alcoholic beverages, the corresponding dishes are placed on the right, next to the glass. If several items are provided for drinks, then the glass must be shifted to the left side, relative to the center of the plate, on the right side, the rest of the items are lined up in one line.

It is not customary to put more than three items in one row. Items for drinks when fully served are placed in two rows. A distance of at least one centimeter should be observed between objects.

A soup cup and a deep plate are placed on a dish-stand. On the right is a soup spoon, a fork and a knife for snacks. The fork and knife for the main course are located near the plate.

The dessert spoon is placed behind the plate. The white wine glass is on the top right behind the soup spoon. If a water supply is provided, the glass must be placed to the left behind the wine glass.

Next to the dish-stand, just above the forks on the left is a plate for bread. Cutlery should be placed in the following order: a soup spoon - a fish knife next to the right, a fish fork lies on the left edge, a knife and fork should lie near the plate with the main course.


Napkins are an indispensable attribute of proper table setting. They are laid out immediately when placing dishes, but most often napkins are placed under the appliances on the table.

Today, there are a huge number of ways to roll napkins.


Upon completion of the table setting, they put vases with flowers, devices with various spices or other elements for decoration.

Remember! Salt and pepper should be placed in the middle of the table on special stands. You can also put bottles of vinegar, sauces and vegetable oil.

Flowers on the table can be placed in any dish. Small vases are an excellent solution, as bouquets should not obscure the dishes and people sitting at the table.

Videos serving cutlery

Proper serving of cutlery and appropriate decoration can create a special atmosphere at the table, in which even the simplest homemade dish will be perceived as a culinary masterpiece.

For a real hostess, the ability to lay a table is no less important than the presence of culinary talents. Proper serving is a sign of attention and respect for those sitting at the table, as well as an indicator of the taste of the hostess herself.

Where to begin?

Before you start serving, you need to carefully plan and think through everything. Be sure to take into account the number of guests and the menu - the type and number of dishes depends on what devices will be used.

First of all, a carefully ironed tablecloth spreads on the table. They cover it in such a way that the corners cover the legs of the table, and the edges hang from the table by 25-30 cm. The edge of the tablecloth should not fall below the seat of the chair, so as not to cause inconvenience to those sitting.

To prevent the dishes from knocking on the table, you can put a soft cloth (for example, fleece) under the tablecloth.

Even the most expensive and beautiful tablecloth should not be covered with oilcloth on top as a precaution - etiquette does not allow this. But buying and laying a Teflon tablecloth on the table is not forbidden.

The Teflon coating of such a tablecloth does not allow spilled drinks and fat to be absorbed into the material, so they can be easily removed with a sponge. After removing the liquid, it will not leave unaesthetic marks and wet spots.

In some cases, instead of a tablecloth, the use of underplates or runners is allowed. The first are stands of various configurations, placed under plates and cutlery. Underplates are plastic, bamboo, made of rattan, or just paper. The second are narrow fabric strips spread only in the center of the table.

As for cutlery and utensils, before placing it is necessary to check them for integrity(there must be no chips, cracks, rust, bent parts) and cleanliness.

To remove dust and traces of water, all dishes are wiped with a damp warm towel and polished with a dry cloth.

Important! Proper table setting requires that all sets of cutlery be placed in the same order. In an informal setting, it is allowed to use different utensils for different guests. But at the same time, for each individual participant in the meal, all devices must be equipped from one set.

What is for what?

There is a wide variety of serving items. Most of them are not used daily at home, but they may well be needed to organize a banquet or gala dinner.


About 35 species are known. However, the most commonly used are:

  • Soup. A recessed plate that serves not only soups, but also muesli, milk with cereal or oatmeal. But broths, according to the rules, are not served in such dishes - special bowls are provided for them.
  • Dinner plates. They are shallow and deep. Small ones are used for serving second courses, and pasta and other pasta dishes are put into deep ones.

  • Pirozhkovaya. Bread, croutons or butter are served on it. Place it on top and slightly to the left of the main set. A small butter knife is placed on top of it.
  • Chill mold. It looks like a clam shell. Designed for salad appetizers or oysters.
  • Fish. Slightly elongated for easier handling of fish dishes.

In addition, there are caviar, egg, dessert, salad bowls and many others. In addition, there is also such a type of plate as a serving plate. It is placed under a plate for snacks, soups or main courses.

According to the rules of etiquette, it may differ from the rest of the dishes (be from a different set or a different color).


Most often, glasses and wine glasses are used as utensils for drinks. They may vary in shape, volume and have different purpose, which should also be taken into account when preparing for the meeting of guests:

  • Classic elongated glasses with a volume of 120-200 ml are intended for champagne sparkling wines. served for refined champagne wines. Refrigerate before filling.
  • A glass that differs slightly from the classic one in increased volume, with a slightly narrowed neck, is served for refined champagne wines. Refrigerate before filling. And fill it no more than 2/3.
  • For white wine, use glasses with an elongated bowl on a narrow leg, with a volume of 180-260 ml.
  • Red wine is poured into wider and more open glasses.
  • Cognac glasses can have a classic shape (snifters) or a tulip shape.


Over the years of the evolution of the art of cooking and serving, no less than plates, cutlery has also appeared. All of them are usually divided into main and auxiliary (they are also called serving devices).

The first are intended for individual use. The second is used by all participants in the meal. They serve to separate and cut dishes into portions, laying them out on individual plates.

The main devices, in turn, are divided into:

  • Canteens. They eat soups and main dishes. The set includes a knife 20-24 cm long, a fork and a spoon, which are 5-6 cm shorter than the knife.
  • Eateries. Designed for snacks and cold dishes. Consists of a knife and fork.
  • Fish. A set of slightly modified forks and knives. Fish knife - blunt, in the form of a spatula. The fish fork has shortened teeth.
  • Dessert. A trident fork 18-19 cm long, a small spoon and a knife with a narrow blade. Served with pies, mousses, puddings and other desserts. A dessert spoon can also be served with fried eggs and berries with cream.
  • fruity. These include a fork with two prongs and a knife. They are used for fruit salads, melons, watermelons and unpeeled fruit desserts.

In addition, special utensils designed for certain dishes (for example, a fork for oysters, sprats or lobsters) may be served.

What and how to use?

The greatest difficulty is most often the unfolding and use of cutlery. The rule can help here: devices are always used in the direction from the edge to the center and from right to left. This means that when a meal is supposed to be changed, those cutlery that lies farthest from the main plate will be used first. When in doubt, the device located on the right is taken first.

Placement rules

Serving is a whole science with a long history, which has its own rules and exceptions. However, if you remember the basics, then setting the table correctly will not be difficult at all:

  • The dishes are placed on the table in a strictly defined sequence. First - faience and porcelain items, then - cutlery. At the end they put objects made of glass and crystal.
  • It is necessary to decompose everything so that what is needed first of all lies closest. When scheduling multiple meals, dishes and cutlery are arranged in the order in which the food will be served. At the same time, it is not necessary to pile everything on the table at once. It is enough to put the devices intended for serving dishes on the first and second. Dessert sets can be arranged later - after the main ones are removed.
  • The knife should be placed so that its blade is turned towards the dishes.
  • According to the etiquette, a glass (glass) should be placed above the knife. If several types of glasses are used, then they are all placed side by side.
  • Forks must be laid out on the left side of the plate.
  • Spoons are always located to the right of knives.
  • If you plan to serve Italian dishes, there should be a plate for bread on the table.
  • If there is soup on the menu, the soup spoon is placed between the knives for snacks and fish.

In addition, there are several more generally accepted rules governing the location of individual serving items.


According to the rules, the layout of dishes should begin with plates. At the same time, it is necessary to put them so that they are 1.5-2 cm from the edge of the table. The distance between them should be approximately the same. It is believed that the dishes should be arranged with an interval of 50 cm - so that those sitting at the table are comfortable.

Plates with cutlery should lie opposite each chair. Their number depends on the variety of the menu and the type of meal. For example, for a regular snack, one plate will be enough, but for lunch and dinner, two are served.

Smaller cymbals are always stacked on top of larger ones, allowing for quick replacement while saving space on the table.

Spoons and forks

Appliances are laid out behind the plates. They must be placed on the sides of the main plate, turning the concave side to the table.

Forks are placed on the left side, spoons and knives are placed on the right. A teaspoon can be placed on top.

It is important to place on the table only those devices that are really needed. Most often, one knife, one fork and two spoons (for a hot dish and dessert) are enough for a regular meal. If necessary, this set is supplemented with special devices.


Behind the plates, a little to the right, you can arrange the glasses. When deciding on a variety of glasses, glasses and wine glasses, it is necessary to take into account the contingent of guests and the options for drinks offered to guests.

According to the rules, containers for drinks should be arranged from largest to smallest. At the same time, you should not put too many glasses or stacks - this will only clutter up the table and may cause inconvenience to guests.

Does color matter?

Color in serving is as important as when decorating an interior or choosing an outfit.

Most often, the table is covered with a white tablecloth, but any other color can be used to create an unusual atmosphere. Everything here will depend on the nature of the event and the preferences of the hosts.

A white tablecloth, for example, is perfect for formal dinners. It goes well with porcelain, crystal and looks elegant in any situation. At the same time, white color can be easily combined with any other. The table, decorated in black and white, will look original.

A romantic mood for dinner or lunch will help to give a combination of white with delicate pastel shades. And the green color will bring warm spring notes to the meal. The serving, completely made in green, will look original.

The combination of white and blue will also be beautiful, but red must be used with caution, since under different conditions it can act differently on others and affect the atmosphere at the table.


Decor will help complete the serving, give it completeness. The main decor element is napkins that can be placed in a water glass, laid out next to the plates or put on top.

For a quiet family dinner, you can use large napkins, for breakfast - a smaller size.

For large celebrations and holidays, napkins can be folded in the form of flowers or tied in an original way. The color and pattern of napkins can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the overall picture of the design.

Since ancient times, celebrations were accompanied by feasts, and it was then that the customs and rules of table setting began to take shape. Over the years, they have been honed, turning into a kind of ritual. Some of them smoothly flowed into everyday life.

Introduction to dining etiquette

For many, table setting, shown in films and TV shows or described in books, frightens with its complexity. A lot of devices, the purpose of which is not always clear. A variety of dishes that are scary to approach, and glasses of various shapes and sizes are not clear for which drink. But everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance.

The basic rule of table etiquette is "from the edges to the center." As the dishes change, the cutlery that is further away from the plate is used. The same applies to glasses and glasses, changing from left to right.

Table etiquette includes the rules for serving dishes, the order in which cutlery is used, as well as the norms of behavior at the table and the basic basics of politeness. The basic rules of etiquette include:

  • the location of the napkin is strictly on your knees;
  • “thank you” and “please” must be said both with requests and when they are fulfilled;
  • slouching while sitting at the table is not accepted;
  • men sit down at the table after women, having previously pushed a chair for them;
  • Being late for a festive event is regarded as disrespectful:
  • elbows on the table is a sign of bad manners;
  • you should not start eating if your companions have not yet brought plates;
  • the knife must be held exclusively in the right hand;
  • fork and spoon - the perfect combination for long pasta;

  • cutting or biting off bakery products is indecent, you should eat them in small pieces broken off from the whole;
  • the device missed on the floor must be replaced;
  • educated people chew with their mouths closed;
  • to slurp in society is indecent;
  • bad taste - eat from a knife;
  • before pouring a drink, offer it to your neighbors;
  • no need to be greedy when you impose from a common plate;
  • you need to close your eyes to the violation of table etiquette by the interlocutor;
  • slightly half-eaten soup is better than a tilting plate;
  • using a knife and fork, calculate the strength to chew immediately without biting off;
  • cutlery laid crosswise means that you are waiting for the next dish, folded in parallel - a sign of a finished meal;
  • in any awkward situation, you should apologize.

Purpose of dishes

As mentioned above, there can be a lot of devices on a served table, but not all of them are there at once. To date, there are many different cutlery designed strictly for their type of dish.

It is unacceptable to use them for eating dishes of a different type, and so that guests who are not accustomed to complex serving are not confused by the variety of devices, they are advised to lay them out in the order of the planned serving of dishes.

General rule applies "from the central plate to the sides."

Types and purpose of spoons:

  • dining room, oblong shape - for soup;
  • broth - round, otherwise indistinguishable from soup;
  • dessert, less dining room;
  • tea room;
  • coffee - less than tea;
  • for ice cream - it has the same dimensions as a coffee shop, but longer;
  • salad - served in a plate with salad;
  • for caviar - another small spoon resembling a shell;
  • pate - a common cutlery for all guests;
  • sugar scoop;
  • ladle for sauce - served with a gravy boat.


  • dining room - for second courses;
  • dessert;
  • for spaghetti - has five teeth, facilitates winding pasta;
  • for sprats - a common device;
  • for seafood - a two-pronged fork;
  • for mollusks - with three teeth, the largest of which separates the meat from the shell;
  • herring - a two-pronged fork for shifting herring from a common dish;
  • salad - served in a plate with salad;
  • cocotte - an elegant trident fork used to apply julienne;
  • lemon - serves to shift the pieces;
  • for olives;
  • for fruits - used for sliced ​​​​or small fruits.


  • dining room, its prerogative is second courses;
  • snack bar;
  • meat - served with the dish;
  • fish;
  • cheese - used only for cutting;
  • oil - a common device;
  • fruity - served for unpeeled fruits.

All tongs (except the last ones) are used by all companions together:

  1. for ice;
  2. confectionery;
  3. asparagus;
  4. for spaghetti;
  5. salad;
  6. for lobsters.

The very name of such tableware will tell the owners which tongs to put next to the salad bowl or in the ice bucket.


  • soup - better wide and shallow;
  • bowl - narrow, small diameter, very relevant for cream soups and broths;
  • diner - usually flat;
  • dessert, served only for confectionery;
  • fish - a common dish for all guests;
  • chill mold - a small ladle for julienne;
  • a manazhnitsa is a sign that a buffet is organized at the celebration;
  • herring - an oblong dish;
  • egg;
  • saucer - used as a stand for cups;
  • socket;
  • creamer - used for jelly, mousse and ice cream.

Wine glasses and goblets:

  • high under champagne;
  • wine (separately for white and red varieties);
  • liqueur;
  • cognac;
  • for martini.


  • for whiskey;
  • for cocktails;
  • punch;
  • for juice and water.

As well as glasses for vodka and other drinks of comparable strength.


  • tea - on a saucer with a corresponding spoon;
  • small cylindrical - for espresso;
  • under cappuccino;
  • for the look.

As you can see from all of the above, there are a lot of serving items. Do not be afraid, because the name of each speaks for itself. The appliances used to serve dishes from common dishes are common.

Does color matter?

Color is always important, and their harmonious combination will help in the design. A white tablecloth is a tribute to tradition, it goes well with almost all colors of dishes. Variegated tableware looks advantageous on a plain tablecloth, but for a plain set, you can equally choose both options for tablecloths. Napkins should be in harmony with the tablecloth.

It may seem that the black and white serving option is something out of the box, but it is not. The harmonious combination of these two colors can give a special charisma to the reception.

The combination of purple and mint (green) looks very fresh, red color gives solemnity. Silver and gold are indispensable attributes of a wedding. A dinner in honor of a man must be concise, with white dishes and contrasting napkins. Bright colors are the best solution for a bachelorette party.

Placement rules

Do not put too many appliances on the table, it is better to leave some free space. No matter how many changes of dishes are planned, it is better to take out the required appliances and items with a new serving. In the figure below you can see an example of the correct serving.

As you can see from the image, knives and spoons are always placed to the right of the plate (except for the oyster fork). Above them are wine glasses. To the left of the plate are forks, with a patty plate above them. Dessert cutlery should lie above the plate. As mentioned above, the location of the devices depends on the order in which they are used.

The napkin should be placed on a serving plate. Before serving dishes, it must be laid out on your knees. Common dishes must be arranged symmetrically.

Serving sequence

Place dishes for a new dish only after the previous shift has been removed. It is recommended to arrange devices at the same time.

Appetizers are served first - cold at first, and then hot. They are followed by the first dish (soup), after it - the second: fish, meat. Dessert is served before fruits, which are the conclusion of the meal.

In appetizers and cold second courses, one should move from fish to meat, then to vegetables and mushrooms, and, finally, to dairy (cheeses).

The sequence of serving is observed in order to avoid loss of appetite and dulling of taste. Of course, everyone has the right not to eat what he does not like, especially if everything is immediately on the table.

The main thing is to remember the order of serving and do not return to the previous dish.

What to do after eating?

When you have finished your meal, roll up the napkin from your knees to hide the soiled parts. You need to place it in the place of your plate, if it is occupied - to the left of it.

At the end of the meal, the cutlery should be put on a plate. The knife and fork are placed parallel to each other. The instrument knobs must be directed to the right and down. The blade of the knife should be directed inside the plate, as well as the convex part of the fork.

After eating liquid food, cutlery should be left in the plate or bowl in which the dish was served. Scolding the chef is considered bad form, as well as outright lying about how much you liked everything. It is better to highlight something that you really liked.

Reminder for every day

You need to set the table not only for guests, you can do it every day for yourself.

Breakfast is the start of the day and can be spent beautifully. It is better to place the plate for the main dish in the center, in front of you. It is better to put a fork or spoon on the left, and a knife on the right. You can put a tea cup and saucer over the knife, and put bread over the fork.

At home, it is quite possible to dine with two dishes. Take soup and pasta for example. Under a deep plate, place a plate for the second, which will play the role of serving. Bread will stand diagonally to the left, and a glass of water and a cup of coffee can be placed on the right. Spoon and fork traditionally will be located on the right and left, respectively.

Dinner can be the perfect end to a busy day. One has only to add a couple of cutlery, and arrange the wine glasses according to the wine glass. Paper napkins are placed on the left.

Beautiful table examples

There are a lot of options for table setting.

As mentioned earlier, black and white color will add solemnity and special chic. Black stripes of fabric and candles are in perfect harmony with gilded appliances. The white tablecloth echoes the napkins and roses, while the snow-colored wine glasses and plates go great with all of the above.

A white tablecloth on a round table with pale pink napkins and flowers in a vase will be an excellent decoration for a holiday in a women's team. Glass candlesticks in tone with flowers and napkins, echoing in shape with glasses, fill the atmosphere with comfort.

To create a beautiful table, it is not necessary to invent something special. A service with an unobtrusive cream painting and a bouquet of flowers standing on a white tablecloth is all you need for a small family dinner.

Turquoise wine glasses, napkins and tiny boxes with a gift are perfect for a celebration, and flowers to match the tablecloth will only cheer you up.

The layout of the fruit is very simple - you can just cut them into plates. However, you can create a whole installation that will become a real decoration of the holiday.

And, of course, do not forget about alcohol. Buffet tables can be arranged in a different order, forming different shapes. Glasses are placed on them with a snake, glass herringbone or triangles. A pyramid of wine glasses can make a real sensation.

Creativity can be found in everything. Dining etiquette is not that strict. You can arrange your own, unforgettable and unlike any other banquet.

You can learn about the correct layout of cutlery from the following video.