Floral beige wallpaper. We reveal the secrets of how to combine wallpapers with each other: photos of interesting color schemes. The principles of combining shades

The basis of a calm and elegant interior are discreet pastel shades. Beige wallpaper will be an excellent backdrop for the design of residential and office premises. This color has many variations and is not as conspicuous as white. Beige is easy to combine with other colors, it is not at all capricious and unpretentious.

Color character

Beige is a calm, neutral color. Along with white, black and gray, it is a design classic. Shades of beige have a calming effect on the psyche, allow you to relax and enjoy the comfort of home. This color is inherently very warm and soft, it is often chosen by those people who get tired of the bustle and busy rhythm of the working day.

When decorating walls with beige wallpaper, the designer has two options: make beige the leading shade or use it as a background. In the first case, the interior will be calm and soft, in the second - more aggressive and assertive.

Beige wallpaper canvases look great in any texture. When choosing a shade, pay attention to its intensity and ability to combine with other colors.

  • Light beige, milky, ivory shade will be a great backdrop for the interior in a classic style. "Antique" beige is used to create an antique interior.
  • Intense beige Looks great in natural and artificial light. Suitable for rooms with windows facing north. It can be used in contrasting interiors, it goes well with both light and dark tones.
  • Beige brownish, the color of baked milk. It is quite dark, so it is better to use it in well-lit rooms in conjunction with light or two-tone contrasting furniture. The color is very active and will not work as a background.
  • Beige with a yellow tint. Such wallpapers can be safely used as a basis on which elements of rich warm colors are applied.
  • Cold beige with a bluish tint- a rather capricious, but interesting color for wall decoration. It will be combined with cool colors of blue, gray and purple.
  • grayish beige. Strict neutral shade. Suitable for decorating living rooms and office spaces in combination with classic colors of cold colors.
  • Beige-pink. A very interesting color, depending on the saturation, it can serve as a background or play a fairly active role in the interior.

Since beige is a light color, it will visually increase the volume of the room, make the space light and airy. It can be safely used in small rooms, nurseries and hallways.

What curtains to choose?

Curtains and furniture play an important role in the interior design of the room. What curtains are suitable for beige wallpaper, how to choose the right color and texture? Here are the general rules for combining beige with other colors.

  • Warm shades of beige are combined with brown, yellow, gold, orange and red.
  • Cold tones (with gray, bluish and pink hues) are used in conjunction with gray, blue, purple colors.

In beige interiors, it is not recommended to hang too bright curtains. It is better to shift the color accent to furniture, lamps, various accessories. And it is better to choose curtains from a color scheme similar to wallpaper, but a few tones darker. As for the pattern, if there is an ornament on the wallpaper, it is better to stop at the curtains without a print. If the design of the walls is monophonic, then you can choose a suitable pattern for the curtains, in harmony with the general direction of the interior (flowers, ornament or abstraction).

Any textiles in the interior, be it curtains or upholstery of upholstered furniture, should not match the color of the wallpaper, otherwise the room will look inexpressive.

However, as an experiment, you can choose curtains of sufficiently saturated colors, similar to the shade of furniture. In this case, the interior will look more expressive, but will lose its tenderness and airiness. With this approach, you should not use bright accessories. The arrangement of color accents should be approached thoughtfully and carefully so as not to create a feeling of tackiness. Let's say they use bright curtains and sofa upholstery, and the wallpaper and carpet and the rest of the furniture should be plain, neutral in color and without a pattern.

Furniture color

Any beige will be combined with white furniture, but if the color of the wallpaper is too simple, then you need to actively use accessories in rich colors so that the room does not look fresh.

The combination of beige walls and light blue or lavender furniture looks very interesting. Another fashion trend is interior design with beige wallpaper with a greenish tint and “revitalization” of pistachio inserts or furniture.

When choosing furniture for wallpaper, pay attention not only to color, but also to texture. Wallpaper with linen hooks harmonizes well with textile upholstery.

Beige wallpapers in the interior of classically decorated rooms are complemented by furniture in natural “wooden” colors: dark brown, alder, walnut. Also considered a classic is a pair of beige - black.

Living room in pastel colors

Beige wallpaper in the living room is ideal for creating calm classic interiors. This color is suitable for creating modern eco-friendly rooms, and for lovers of minimalism. Also popular is the use of ivory wallpaper to create an antique style.

  • The black and beige living room looks strict and formal.
  • The combination in the living room of only beige colors of various intensities will give the room warmth and comfort. Complemented by ornaments on the walls and upholstery of upholstered furniture, this design looks very cute and romantic. The beige color of the floor and ceiling will visually expand the room and create a sense of volume.
  • Beige with pink or yellow is often used to create Provence style living rooms.
  • The combination of beige with blue, green, gray or lilac colors is carried out according to the principle of bright spots. Pastel colors are complemented with accessories of bright colors - pillows, ottomans, lampshades, decorative vases.

The design of the walls of the living room in beige color provides an opportunity to choose wallpaper of an unusual natural texture: under bamboo, reed or natural stone. By choosing the appropriate curtain design and adding themed accessories, you can create very interesting options.

Beige wallpaper is very popular in the design of the bedroom. This is a room in which they try to create a calm, relaxing atmosphere, and beige is the best for this.

Floral or floral ornaments used on wallpaper and upholstery of upholstered furniture will help to diversify the interior. To create a romantic atmosphere, they use bedspreads with ruffles and frills, lush curtains with lambrequins. In the bedroom, it is appropriate to use companion wallpapers, when decorating the walls, which take into account the arrangement of furniture. The wall at the head of the bed can be decorated more intricately using wallpaper with a pattern or a more saturated tone, and the walls behind the cabinets and with a window opening can be pasted over with a plain canvas without a pattern.

Kitchens often sin with a small room size, and beige perfectly solves this problem. The combination of beige walls and dark brown furniture creates a feeling of solidity and tranquility. If you want something more modern, use beige as a backdrop for a bright modern or techno kitchen set. At the same time, they prefer cold beige shades - grayish or greenish-beige wallpaper.

When decorating the kitchen with wallpaper in beige tones, use warm light lamps. Cold light can make walls look dirty.

Beige color is considered by designers to the "basic" series along with white, black and gray. The main advantage of beige over these colors is that it is warm and goes well with other shades.

Those who find beige wallpaper boring should pay attention to the rich palette of shades. The beige scale opens with the lightest transparent tones and ends with rich colors of brown and sand. Non-standard shades of beige - greenish, gray, lavender - represent a cold range and can be combined with rich purple, carmine and lilac colors.

When choosing beige wallpaper for walls, they determine the general direction of the design solution. Will the walls be presented as a backdrop to create a fairly bright and active interior, or should the room be decorated in soft, calm colors? Both solutions have their pros and cons. A calm beige room will create a feeling of lightness, space and at the same time - warmth and comfort. Beige rooms with bright accents look stylish and sophisticated, but you risk losing the effect of expanding the space and make the interior too active. The choice depends primarily on the function of the room: it is intended for relaxation, work or entertainment.

February 7, 2018
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Beige wallpaper in the interior is a classic solution that is widely used to decorate different rooms. The article will reveal important features of using this option, as well as recommendations for a competent combination with furniture, curtains and other wallpapers.

Features of use

If you have not yet chosen a specific wall decoration option, then the first section with the advantages of design will help you evaluate all the advantages that beige wallpapers have. Then we will figure out how to choose the best solution and how to combine other interior elements with walls.


First, let's look at the most important advantages:

  • This is one of the base colors. along with black, white and grey. But unlike all other options, this is a warm shade, with which almost everything is combined, which is important for those who have little experience in decorating a house or apartment;

  • The room creates a calm and comfortable atmosphere.. In the modern rhythm of life, this is an important factor; at home you need to relax and rest from everyday worries;
  • Beige wallpapers are suitable for all rooms. They can be used absolutely everywhere, the main thing is to choose the right solution and think over such aspects as the color of the ceiling and floor, the type of furniture, curtains, and so on. For example, in the Feng Shui hallway, you need to use light shades, and our option fits perfectly;

  • This color tends to visually expand the space.. Therefore, it is very often used in small rooms. They turn out lighter and more comfortable;
  • Room looks different with different lighting. This effect allows you to show the interior in a variety of angles;
  • Beige wallpaper looks good with a pattern. It can be a rich ornament with flowers, or a simple polka dot cover. Coatings that imitate different materials are often used - natural stone, brick, etc.;

  • If you want to create a luxurious environment, then beige wallpaper for walls with elements of silver or gilding is perfect. The first option looks better, but the second should be used with caution - an excess of gold instead of a touch of luxury can give a touch of bad taste.

Combination with other colors

The question often arises, which curtains are suitable for beige wallpaper, or what furniture is better to choose for such decorations? In addition, you need to consider the right combination of beige wallpaper with other wallpapers. Recommendations are general for all situations, so you can use the information below:

Illustration Description
The combination with gray color allows you to achieve calmness and comfort in the interior.. This solution is often used in Scandinavian design; beige and gray colors can be called the hallmark of this style. Playing with shades, you can change the perception of space, and so that the room is not inexpressive, the space is enlivened with a few bright accents of yellow or green.

Such solutions are most often used in the living room or in the bedroom.

Beige-brown interiors - a classic design. Most often, such options are chosen for living rooms and bedrooms, but you can use them in any other rooms. The main thing is to choose the optimal ratio of colors. Best of all, these colors are suitable for bright rooms, you can highlight individual areas, or you can zone the space with their help.

Another interesting solution is brown wallpaper with beige flowers, or vice versa - beige coatings with a brown pattern. The first option is more suitable for large and bright rooms, the second - for small rooms in which you need to visually expand the space.

The combination with blue is another classic solution. which has many advantages:
  • Expands the space very well;
  • Great for bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms;
  • You can play with shades, choosing the color of furniture or other elements to spice up the environment;
  • The main color can also be blue, in which case beige curtains on the windows look very good.
Use turquoise tones should be very careful. It is very important to choose the right ratio, usually no more than 20% of the interior is made in turquoise.

If you are matching turquoise wallpaper for beige wallpaper, then do not use too bright a tone.

But if you do everything right, then this option will enliven the room, often this design is used for the kitchen or living room.

Purple goes well with the color we are considering. And if you don’t know what color of curtains will suit the beige room, then try this option, it will make the room sparkle with new colors.

You can use the color of the sofa as an accent, as in the photo.

The second solution is the uniform use of two colors, in this case it is better to choose pale shades.

This combination sets you up for productive work, so it is often used for work areas or offices.

The presence of green creates a natural setting. This combination is often found in wildlife, so a person feels very comfortable. If you have chosen this option and are thinking about which curtains are suitable, then you can even use a two-color option, as in the photo.

As for the ratio, then you need to be guided by the features of the room, it is difficult to overdo it, so you can experiment.

Combination with white. This technique allows you to achieve the effect of a very spacious space and seems to fill the room with light.

To get a good result, remember three simple recommendations:

  • To keep the decor from being boring, add a few bright accents that will enliven the room;
  • Do not use more than three shades of beige, so as not to get a blur effect or, conversely, a merger of individual elements;
  • You can play with the texture of materials. Also, various metal decor elements fit well into such interiors.
Pink is another classic solution. This combination is typical of the art deco style, and is also often found in girls' rooms.

But you can use this option for other rooms. For example, for the kitchen, as shown in the photo.

This style is not for everyone. However, it is in demand and popular these days.

This is a versatile solution that suits a wide variety of spaces, so you can experiment with the shades yourself to achieve the best result.

It is best to look for interesting solutions on the Internet, so you will see ready-made examples of interiors and be able to evaluate them. Often the real result is very different from what was intended, so it is better not to take risks if you do not have experience in interior design.


Now you know what advantages beige wallpapers have and how to combine them correctly with other shades. The video in the article will help you understand the topic even better, and if you have questions, write them in the comments below.

February 7, 2018

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Before starting any repair work, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the main colors that will prevail in the design. Various manuals on the psychology of colors can help with this, after analyzing which, you can make the most successful choice. Bright and juicy colors energize, encourage action, while calm and muted colors, on the contrary, promote relaxation and peace. However, dealing with each color individually, it is quite easy to get lost in this variety and completely confused. In this case, one of the most popular and neutral shades, beige, can come to the rescue. And, perhaps, wallpaper will be the best embodiment of this shade in the interior.

Beige wallpaper in the interior

Using beige wallpaper in the interior, the latter can be molded to suit every taste. Many mistakenly believe that this color is boring and inexpressive, but in fact this is not entirely true. Certain shades of it can have a different psychological impact, plus do not forget that it combines very well with other colors. So, by successfully combining various accessories, finishing materials, textiles and beige wallpaper directly in the interior, you can achieve a stunning result that will make you look at the room in a completely different way.

How to combine beige wallpaper in the bedroom interior?

First of all, it is necessary to consider combinations of different shades of beige with each other. In principle, a warm and calm palette is quite suitable for any room, but, perhaps, this peace will most successfully fit into the walls of the bedroom and living room. So, by pasting beige wallpaper in the bedroom, laying a colder laminate on the floor, you can achieve an excellent effect: the space of the room will visually expand, fill with light, but the warm shade of the walls will not allow the room to become too cold. Moreover, it will be enough to paste over only one wall with material. This, perhaps, will be a certain zest.

Beige wallpaper in the interior of the living room

If we are talking about beige wallpaper in the interior of the living room, then the use of shades of the same color here allows you to create a rich, sophisticated and even aristocratic atmosphere, full of feelings of calm, reliability and confidence. A high-quality wooden floor, as well as a well-organized artificial lighting system, will complete the picture. Not superfluous, in addition to the chandelier, there will be small lamps that can be placed on the table or hung on the wall. Curtains for beige wallpaper in this case are also selected to match.

The only caveat is that you should not make the floor and walls of the same shade. In this case, you get an inexpressive and faded interior, repulsive and even somewhat depressing.

In general, the beige color originates in nature. It can be seen on sandy beaches, stone quarries. In addition, it is very close to the color of human skin. Hence the good combinations. Other natural shades look most harmonious next to it: brown, white, raspberry, red, pink, etc. You can use them both separately and together. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the end it is the color of the walls that should remain dominant. As an accent, beige shades look very faded and uninteresting.

Options for using beige wallpaper in the kitchen

The greatest scope for experimentation can be obtained by deciding to glue beige wallpaper in the kitchen. This, perhaps, is the very place where both calm colors and saturated with bright shades will look equally good. A particularly important role here is played by the kitchen set, which in most cases is located along the walls of the room and occupies a considerable space. Furniture for beige wallpaper is selected based on the specifics of the kitchen, the chosen shade, as well as the direct taste preferences of the owners. So, furniture in neutral colors is more suitable for colder shades, and if we are talking about shades close to brown, then you can choose something brighter, for example, an orange facade. Take a look at how various beige wallpapers look in the interior in the photo:

Furniture for beige wallpaper

Of particular note is the combination of beige with pink, as well as white, gray and black. The first brings notes of tenderness and warmth to the interior. It can be used as a full-fledged companion, or as small accents, for example, cushion upholstery. The pink color of the curtains for beige wallpaper also looks very good. If we talk about black, gray and white colors, then it is better to use them not on the walls or floor, but directly in the room itself, that is, in the form of upholstered furniture. A few ottomans, a small sofa, a couple of pillows - all this will fit perfectly into the warm interior of, say, the same living room.

Choosing curtains for beige wallpaper

One of the most common questions asked by people who decide to design their apartment or room in a similar vein is something like this: "What kind of beige wallpaper to buy, and what curtains to choose for them?" It is better to answer the first question first. If we are talking about the material of manufacture, then, of course, it is better to give preference to modern non-woven or vinyl-based canvases. Also a good option would be the so-called liquid wallpaper, which has recently gained quite good popularity. If the question is in choosing a shade, then you can solve it by reading all the information that is provided above. Well, now to an equally important matter - to the choice of curtains.

Curtains play a huge role in shaping the interior of any room, and a room with beige wallpaper will be no exception. Thanks to this design element, you can achieve a visual increase or decrease in the room, you can add color to the surrounding things or directly to the window, emphasize individual interior details, dilute its color scheme.

When choosing curtains, you need to either associate the pattern of the fabric with the pattern of the canvases, or tie their color to the color of the upholstered furniture. That is, it is better to skip the options that are monophonic with walls, since in this case the fabric will literally look like nothing, that is, it will not attract any attention to itself, nor will it have any psychological effect. The very color of the curtains can be anything, ranging from shades of the same beige, and ending with bright colors, like red, blue, etc. Transparent light fabrics that do not prevent the penetration of daylight into the room will also look very good. True, this option is not suitable for every room. If in the kitchen it will come in handy, then in the same bedroom or living room it will not lead to anything good. However, if you like to wake up with the first rays of the sun, then transparent fabric will still not be such a bad choice. And finally, you can see how well-chosen curtains look like under beige wallpapers in the photo below.

In design, there is such a universal solution for finishing, ideal for any style and purpose. We are talking about beige wallpaper in the interior - a gentle, cozy and comfortable option that can be left in a laconic interpretation or diversified with bright details. How to choose the right wallpaper for your space - in our article!

Features of beige color

Coloring is one of the main visual components that form the atmosphere in the interior and the mood of people. Of course, it is important to be surrounded by flowers that correspond to the taste preferences of the residents. But it is much more important to properly organize the space, highlighting its advantages, hiding its flaws, and also fitting it into the framework of the desired style.

Beige is primarily a traditional solution for housing. If other, brighter shades appeared in houses along with modern stylistics, then beige has been present here since ancient times. It is ideal for classical trends, because in itself it has a characteristic noble charm and rigor.

But this does not mean that beige is rarely chosen in modern interiors. Here it is used to create a natural environment that gravitates towards nature and visual comfort.

Color promotes relaxation, rest, improves well-being, but at the same time helps to focus on important matters without distracting attention. Do not worry that such a design will seem boring and unemotional - beige goes well with other options, and its palette of tones shows a deep variety of shades.

These include cream, walnut, opal, caramel, biscuit varieties. Even if you limit yourself to only them, you can create a comfortable space.

Types of wallpaper

Wallpaper is perhaps the most popular finish that can be changed without damaging the walls. They differ in relatively low cost, practicality and visual variability. The construction market offers to decorate the interior with a surface with a solid design, a variety of prints, textures or colors, including the entire palette of shades of beige. But the main selection criterion is the material of the products, which affects the aesthetic and practical characteristics.

So, paper wallpapers remain the most budgetary and environmentally friendly type. They are single-layer or two-layer, rarely have a relief. In just five years, the beautiful beige will begin to fade, the coating will absorb all the odors and will definitely come off somewhere. The fragility can be justified by the cost, as well as the ease of sticking.

Vinyl wallpapers are endowed with durability and moisture resistance. They lend themselves to reusable painting, hide the unevenness of the walls, but do not let air through. This type cannot be called environmentally friendly, which is why it is not recommended to use it in the bedroom or nursery.

Non-woven wallpaper has practically no drawbacks, except for the high price. Products without a vinyl layer are absolutely harmless. They can be taken for gluing ceilings.

An unusual solution for any room will be liquid wallpaper, combining the best qualities of decorative plaster and painting. They do not leave seams when glued, do not collect dust, and also have a deep texture that diversifies and highlights even the palest shade of beige.

Textile wallpapers are characterized by low resistance to any kind of pollution. But the coating of natural silk, linen, cotton or velor will decorate rooms with a stable microclimate. And in combination with a beige color and a floral pattern, they will ideally fit into the classic style.

Photo wallpapers are not taken into account, as it is difficult to pick them up in a beige interpretation. In general, the choice depends on the conditions in the space, the budget and the desired visual effect.

What colors to match?

Interior design is not limited to the use of beige wallpaper. They need to be entered in tandem with other elements, choosing a winning palette that emphasizes the calm nature of the color or diversifies it.

You can paste over one side of the room with beige wallpaper, and paint the others in more neutral or bright colors. In this case, an important role is played by the texture of matter and the pattern, which can act as the main color accent. Consider the main options for combinations:

Halftones and monochrome gamma

This combination includes the use of different shades of the same color, in our case - beige. It offers the most comfortable palette for perception, in which, firstly, there are no bright blotches, and secondly, there are various natural variations.

Furniture with white or gray upholstery, as well as curtains, look harmoniously against the background of the wallpaper. In this case, it must be taken into account that if the textile has patterns, the wall covering should be plain, and vice versa. This will help balance the interior.

A wooden set will successfully fit in, especially if it is light-colored. Despite the fact that you have to work with one color, it is recommended to focus on tonal contrast: wooden objects are muted wallpapers, white objects are saturated beige wallpapers with texture.

Contrasting tones

The principle of this palette is extremely simple - bright details are added to the design, which are especially noticeable on the beige "canvas". It is important to choose a combination that is pleasing to the eye.

If the wallpaper has a pattern of a different color, you should use it to design textiles or decor. In other situations, it is recommended to focus on the beige undertone, which can be lilac, pink or even peach - this will provide guidance for further searches.

The cold turquoise color looks unusual against the background of the wallpaper, adding a refreshing touch to the interior. Green helps to create a natural atmosphere that gravitates towards natural landscapes. Red will fill the space with warmth, and pink with tenderness. There should be few such details, otherwise beige will be lost in bright colors.

Beige wallpaper in the interior - photo

Wallpaper of a certain color is an important reference point in the design, but the choice is not limited to it. The purpose of the room, conditions, geometry and other elements must be taken into account in order to create an aesthetic design.

Beige wallpaper in the living room

The living room is a place where you want to relax with loved ones, read a book or watch a fascinating movie. It is here that guests are often received, therefore, in addition to home comfort, you need to think about the presentability of the central part of the house.

In spacious rooms, you can use wallpaper with a floral pattern, geometric patterns, or the usual “stripe” that will visually raise the ceilings. To highlight the wall with the TV, we advise you to paint the rest of the partitions white - against such a background, even the beige will be noticeable.

Bright inclusions in the form of furniture or decor diversify the design, and neutral shades will hide the shortcomings of small living rooms.

Beige wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

Paper varieties in such a room are a very impractical solution, as they absorb odors and cannot be cleaned. It is better to stay on vinyl or washable types, choosing only high-quality products.

The wallpaper is mainly lined with the dining area or the one that is located far from the stove. If the apron is plain, you can allow the finish with bright prints, thereby realizing visual zoning.

Pay attention to the shade of beige: in its palette there are options that are associated with food and will be extremely appropriate in the kitchen. For example, cappuccino, walnut, caramel - stimulate appetite, and also improve mood.

Beige wallpaper in the bedroom

Environmental friendliness and ventilation in the bedroom are of great importance and affect not only the quality of sleep, but also human health. Here you can limit yourself to paper or non-woven wallpaper, but vinyl should be left for more demanding spaces.

This part of the house is usually free from sources of pollution, so textiles with their natural texture will help create a cozy and comfortable mood.

The color scheme is usually more restrained, not full of bright details. For rooms with windows facing north, it is better to choose a finish with a cold undertone, and vice versa.

Beige is an ideal base for interior experiments, because it is versatile and combines well. The variety of shades and textures of the body palette conceals a sea of ​​​​different solutions that can take the design to a new level.

A little about color

Beige tones are classic and natural, therefore they have a positive effect on human psychology. This color scheme is characterized by calmness, warmth, peace, measuredness, stability and harmony.

When used in the interior, beige has undeniable advantages:

  • Versatility;
  • basicity;
  • Combination with the entire color spectrum;
  • Visual increase in space;
  • Adding room light;
  • The abundance of shades and textures;
  • Stimulation of mental activity, sedation, no irritating effect on the nervous system;

Perfect Matches

Beige wallpapers amaze with their versatility: noble caramel, enchanting creme brulee, playful pearls, mysterious sand and much more. Each shade brings its own mood to the environment, especially when combined with other colors.

The whole palette from wheaten to ivory pairs perfectly with pastels and dark warm tones and acts as a backdrop for interior items that have a more saturated color.

The room looks harmonious in creamy white tones with the use of dark green shades and metal surfaces in furniture, paintings and textiles. This solution is especially relevant for the kitchen and bathroom.

Beige-brown wallpaper is a classic option and brings conservatism, restraint and elegance to the room. Against such a background, it is permissible to use any accents: bright prints, contrasting furniture and accessories.

The following combinations are also advantageous:

  • Caramel + yellow + sea wave;
  • Biscuit + gray + metallic;
  • Beige + white + wood;
  • Opal + black + gold;

It is interesting to look in the interior and beige wallpaper with a print. On a warm pastel background, refined silver patterns look expensive and luxurious, muted red floral ornaments give rustic comfort, and geometric pearl lines give off respectability and formality.

In general, the versatility of nude allows you to combine it with any color. The main thing is to maintain balance and be sure to add contrasting and intense accents.

Room solutions

The use of beige directly depends on the purpose of the room. In the living rooms, caramel decoration is a win-win classic that gives the space coziness and sophistication. Such a color scheme will be optimal for eco-style, modern, hi-tech, minimalism and rustic.

In small areas, it is recommended to give preference to light and light shades, slightly noticeable textures, soft upholstery, simple ornaments, a white ceiling and wooden flooring. In spacious rooms, any options are possible.

Nude design is selected in the kitchen to maximize the space. For these purposes, light colors are also used, with the emphasis on the headset or wooden furniture. Large rooms can accommodate brown and black furniture, which is complemented by gray curtains and dark appliances.

Double wall decoration is popular in the bedroom: a combination of white wallpaper on three sides and a central plane occupied by beige wallpaper with an unusual pattern. More often, contrasting colors of the same color scheme are chosen for such rooms, making golden or gray accents on pillows, paintings and rugs.

We select curtains

Harmoniously selected curtains, which are selected in a cream interior according to special rules, can emphasize the sophistication of pearl walls.

Firstly, curtain rods for curtains are chosen as neutral and simple as possible. Secondly, the canvases themselves are recommended to be purchased in a similar color scheme, but of an excellent tone, which will prevent them from merging into one plane. At the same time, if there is an ornament or pattern on the walls, the curtains, on the contrary, should not have a pattern and vice versa.

Thirdly, you need to remember about the optimal combinations: warm tones can be combined with red, yellow, brown and gold, and cold ones look better with shades of blue, steel, purple and black.

Rules for using beige

Before you build your interior in flesh tones, you need to familiarize yourself with some tips and tricks for using color:

  • It is not necessary to fill the entire space with monochrome beige;
  • A combination of only cream shades is allowed, which must necessarily be the most contrasting colors;
  • The optimal formula: light walls, bright furniture and dark floors;
  • You can complement the beige wallpaper with any other: both neutral white and accented red or burgundy wallpapers are suitable;
  • Of great importance is lighting, which can change the atmosphere from mysterious and mystical to festive and solemn;
  • Curtains for beige wallpapers are selected in neutral and warm colors: gray, yellow, gold, white;

Look at the above photos of beige wallpapers and appreciate the variety of existing design ideas. Neutral and boring at first glance, caramel or sand, with certain accents, can sparkle with incredible colors and enrich the interior with an amazing atmosphere.

Photo of beige wallpaper