What is the best way to remove grease from kitchen furniture? How to wash kitchen furniture from grease: the best DIY options How to wash greasy stains on kitchen furniture

Harm from synthetic cleaning and detergents everyone knows, but it’s difficult to achieve shine in one of the most accessible rooms without them. Many housewives use folk methods, trusting the age-old advice of their ancestors and not using industrial compounds. This question worries many people - how to wash off grease in the kitchen quickly and efficiently?

The effectiveness of natural remedies

Our compatriots, even before the advent of “Fairy” and “Comet,” somehow dealt with scale, grease and other stains on furniture and dishes. They used available means and available compounds.

The effectiveness of mustard powder was noticed by housewives many decades ago. This product is an excellent grease remover; just sprinkle it on the surface and clean it with a napkin. After this, the mustard is washed off with a stream warm water.

The water that remains after rinsing cooked rice is an excellent cleanser. They can be used to wash glasses, plates and other utensils.

The fight against scale did not begin yesterday and not with the release of Antiscale. Citric acid powder can solve this problem. It is worth noting that this acid has whitening and disinfecting properties for the surface being treated. To remove scale, pour 1 packet of citric acid into the kettle, bringing the water to a boil 2-3 times. The interval between procedures is until the contents of the kettle have cooled down. In this case, the dissolved citric acid does not need to be replaced every time.

Important: ordinary citric acid does an excellent job of removing scale in an automatic washing machine. To do this, pour 2 sachets of powder into the drum and turn on the washing mode on the most high temperature(boiling) without loading laundry.

To the question: how to clean the kitchen from grease and at the same time disinfect the surface, there is universal advice– use a bar of laundry soap. At the same time, absolutely any materials (glass, tiles, metal, etc.) can be treated with a soap solution.

Important: the most effective laundry soap is an unremarkable dark bar; a piece bleached and deodorized with fragrances may not cope with the task.

Another cleaner that has been known since ancient times is baking soda. The powder is non-toxic, perfectly removes dirt and gives dishes a sparkling look. If glasses, glasses and vases are washed with soda and rinsed with water, they will shine with all the colors of the rainbow. The surface inside enamel pans that has begun to darken can be easily bleached with soda powder. Plastic surfaces (refrigerator walls and other household appliances).

Clay mixed with table vinegar has worked well. This solution can be used to clean pots and tiled surfaces (walls, kitchen floors). After cleaning, the ceramics are wiped dry. The most important thing is not to use clay with pebbles that protrude into the in this case abrasive material and spoil appearance the base being cleaned.

The health of all family members depends on the cleanliness of the kitchen, and if there is an allergy sufferer among the household, use chemicals to remove fat may be prohibited. Then the remedies proven over centuries and by millions of housewives will come to the rescue. And to the question: how to clean kitchen units from grease without synthetic compounds, there is only one answer - natural means described above.

Using household chemicals

Any housewife knows how to remove grease wooden kitchen and floor surface. For this purpose, there are a number of plants and factories producing household chemicals. The kitchen is a kind of room that is constantly polluted by flying drops of oil and small particles food products. Keep the floor clean hob, work surface countertops and walls with modern tools is not difficult and does not take a lot of time. Gone are the days when cleaning work surfaces in the kitchen became a general cleaning for the whole weekend.

When developing modern household chemicals, all the nuances are taken into account: the type of dirt, surface material, and even the hardness of water from a centralized water supply. The compounds are quite strong, so they should be used with extreme caution. No need to neglect funds personal protection– rubber gloves and sometimes even a respirator. The fact is that many factory cleaners contain surfactants (surface active substances) are the strongest allergens.

When purchasing a new gas stove cleaning, dishwashing or cleaning product in the store tiled surfaces You must carefully read the instructions and ingredients. If the list of ingredients is in doubt, it is better to clean an inconspicuous area first. After all, the coating in a bathtub or shower can be damaged very quickly, and replacement costs a lot of money.

Keeping the kitchen clean

Any self-respecting housewife knows how to remove grease from the kitchen. If dirt is not removed in time, it accumulates and becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. The room in which food is prepared for all family members must be clean with a safe microclimate. Therefore, fat and oil adhering to the floor, walls and stove must be removed in time.

If you use store supplies, the method of application must be written on them. Therefore, write about how to wash kitchen furniture from fat by special means, no need. Let’s take a closer look at natural and environmentally friendly cleaners and folk recipes.

Practical housewives know how to remove grease from kitchen furniture without much effort. financial costs. To do this, mix soda powder with a few teaspoons vegetable oil. Next, pick up a brush and apply the homemade composition to the surface of the headset using circular movements. During operation, the result of cleaning will be noticeable immediately - one door (washed) will be very different from one that is still dirty.

Grease stains not only furniture, but also dishes. You can wash a baking sheet from burnt dirt using the following method: mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide until it reaches the consistency of homemade sour cream. With the mixture applied, the baking sheet should stand for at least 0.5 hours. After this, you can use a brush and wash off the remaining fat.

At the same time as deciding how to clean kitchen furniture from grease, the housewife should take care of cleaning the blinds. To do this, vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. Put an old cotton sock on your hand, moisten it in the resulting solution and begin to wipe the blinds. By the way, vinegar is considered a universal kitchen cleaner.

Vinegar in the fight against pollution

Before you wash your kitchen furniture from grease, you need to thoroughly wash the sink, faucet and other metal surfaces. Vinegar does a great job even of removing scale from the inside walls of the kettle. Any salts that have accumulated on the tap and on the surface of the sink can be easily cleaned off with a simple napkin after softening. If dirt has been collecting for a long time, there is no point in unscrewing the faucet. It is enough to wrap it in a rag, which is generously moistened in a vinegar solution. The holding time for this composition is from 20 to 60 minutes.

When deciding how to clean the kitchen from grease, you may need to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the carpet. This “aroma” can appear for a variety of reasons:

  1. Spilled liquid dishes;
  2. Pets;
  3. Constant humidity;
  4. Other reasons.

When washing a carpet in the kitchen, add to the detergent regular vinegar 1 to 1. You can do it differently: pour vinegar and water into a spray bottle and treat the already washed carpet with it. All odors after this procedure disappear without a trace.

Important: if you don’t like the strong vinegar smell, you can squeeze lemon juice into the solution.

Cleaning ceramics and tiles, as well as kitchen countertops, can also be cleaned table vinegar. Many housewives use this universal product for washing dirty kitchen towels. Just don't mix vinegar with washing powder to avoid the start of a chemical reaction.

Cleaning furniture in the kitchen

Before washing off grease from kitchen furniture, it is necessary to inspect the condition of all surfaces: working, horizontal and vertical. To remove pet lint from carpet or soft upholstery corner, you need to put on rubber gloves and wet your hands with water. Use these gloves to walk on dirty surfaces. Even very short hair and thin undercoat fibers collect on wet rubber.

To wash off grease from soft seats in the kitchen, you need to prepare a set of the following ingredients:

  • baking soda;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • vinegar 6-9%.

The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. Soft seats are wetted with water;
  2. Places with grease stains are generously sprinkled with baking soda powder and begin to be cleaned with a brush. The soda should be absorbed into the material and remain there for 15-20 minutes;
  3. After this, the powder is collected with a vacuum cleaner;
  4. If the stain is not gone, 1 tablespoon of Fairy type product, the same amount of vinegar and 250 ml of water are mixed and applied with a microfiber cloth to the greasy area;
  5. The seat is wiped with a sponge dampened clean water.

It is worth noting that vinegar, when mixed with olive oil(1:1) can even remove minor scratches and scuffs from furniture. The more thoroughly the rubbing is done, the less visible the defects are after finishing the work.

One last thing unique recipe cleaning handles on a gas stove. At the pharmacy you need to buy ammonia-anise drops, cotton swabs and disks. You need to work with an old toothbrush. Where the brush does not reach, you can smear the surface of the slab with a stick. A little effort and the front side of the gas stove sparkles clean!

No matter how careful you are, sooner or later the question arises: how to wash off grease in the kitchen. Much to the chagrin of clean housewives, droplets of old grease accumulate on kitchen furniture, gas stoves, and tiles, which can be very difficult to wash off.

Of course, household chemical stores offer wide range cleaning products, but some are very expensive and others can cause allergic reaction or burns from skin contact.
The question involuntarily arises: how did our grandmothers deal with grease without being able to purchase cleaning products? After all, they knew exactly how to clean fat on their own without using household chemicals.

Indispensable helpers in the kitchen for cleaning are ordinary baking soda and dry mustard.
Enameled dishes and surfaces can be cleaned with baking soda. If the surfaces are very dirty: not only greasy, but also covered with oil dust, then you can add vinegar or citric acid to the soda. The chemical reaction that occurs at this moment will easily help remove any fat.

Having washed the enameled surface of the gas stove until it shines, we ask ourselves the question: how to wash the grease off the grate? Baking soda will also help clean grates covered in greasy stains.

To do this, dilute it with water to a paste and apply it with a brush (or an old toothbrush) onto the dirty surface and leave for 20 minutes, after which dirt of any complexity will be easily washed off hot water.

Dry mustard works in much the same way. Just before treating the surface, you need to wet it generously with hot water, and then, sparingly, sprinkle it with mustard. With this chemical reaction, fat deposits are easily decomposed. Then the mixture just needs to be washed off, and the kitchen will shine like new.

Cleaning delicate surfaces

When cleaning, we habitually apply force to achieve a brilliant result. But the question involuntarily arises: how to clean grease and dirt from ceramics, glass, plastic, wood?
These delicate surfaces require careful and careful handling. But here, too, essential baking soda will help. Only now you need to mix the soda with vegetable oil to the consistency of sour cream. Rub wooden or plastic furniture with this mixture with a soft rag or a special napkin - it perfectly cleanses dirt and dust. This procedure must be repeated every 2–3 weeks.

Furniture made of plastic is inexpensive and comfortable, but fragile and easy to damage. mechanical impact. How to clean a fragile surface? After all, it requires especially careful handling. It can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. Spray peroxide over the surface using a spray bottle, and after 5–10 minutes, wipe the furniture with a soft, dry cloth.

Cleaning tiles

The white tiles in the kitchen turn yellow over time, and on the walls near the gas stove they become covered with drops of orange grease, which is very difficult to clean. If patented detergents and cleaning products are powerless here, then this will help you ammonia. Dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:10 and rub the tile with a rag or sponge; in places where the dirt is very strong, moisten the tile and leave for a short time.

IMPORTANT: do not forget to open the window before starting to clean the kitchen; the smell of ammonia can cause an allergic reaction.

After cleaning tiled walls Wipe with clean water, and you will no longer have the question of how to clean grease from tiles. The walls will shine with a mirror shine.

Universal ways to fight fat

There is an amazing way to clean kitchen utensils. You need to take a very large tank (you can use boiling water for boiling laundry), pour water into it, pour out a pack of soda ash, a pack of baking soda and a bottle of office glue. Place the tank on the fire and place all the dishes that need cleaning there. Let the water in the tank boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After which you can remove the tank from the heat, but do not remove the dishes until the water has cooled completely.
You will be amazed by the result: all the dishes will come out clean and shiny, as if they had just come from the store. You just need to rinse it and you can use it.
Vinegar is an excellent product for cleaning kitchen surfaces. In addition, it also helps to get rid of unpleasant odors. It can be used to wash wood, plastic, leather and ceramic surfaces.

To get rid of old odors in the refrigerator or cabinets, wipe the insides with water and vinegar.
Can be cooked effective mixture for cleaning kitchen surfaces. To do this, mix water, alcohol (you can use vodka) and vinegar in a ratio of 2:1:1 and add a few drops of any essential oil. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray all areas that need cleaning.

After 15–20 minutes, treat the dirt with water and detergent, greasy stains will easily come off, and the smell will be fresh and pleasant.

Over time, you have to clean the inside of the microwave. Citrus fruits will help to cope with this problem: oranges, tangerines, lemons. Cut the fruits and place them inside the oven, turn the microwave on to maximum and leave for 15–10 minutes, after which the fat will come away from the walls and can be easily removed with a sponge and detergent.

When the question arises: how to clean grease from kitchen surfaces quickly and efficiently, try patented products.
“Silit - anti-fat”, LOC, “Komet” - gel and some other products have proven themselves well. They remove tough stains and make our kitchen sparkle, but they are not suitable for all surfaces and you need to be careful when using them. Some chemical additives cause allergies and skin burns. In addition, effective means are quite expensive.

There are many means to combat grease and dirt in the kitchen, your task is to choose for yourself best option, but remember: the sooner you start removing grease and oil stains, the easier your job will be. Old fat is much more difficult to remove.

One of the most difficult home cleaning tasks involves cleaning the kitchen, or rather removing greasy deposits from all surfaces in this room. Regular work in the kitchen associated with cooking inevitably leads to splashing of fat and oil, in addition, greasy vapors settle on furniture, household appliances, walls, after which dust and dirt stick to them. This is how severe pollution forms on many surfaces. Keeping your kitchen clean takes some effort.

But don’t despair, nowadays there are a huge number of the most different means, helping in the fight against fat and other contaminants. Now there is no question of how to remove grease from kitchen furniture and how to do it, everything is limited only by choosing the appropriate detergent.

Choosing a remedy

There are plenty of means to combat industrial pollution in the kitchen, but they can all be divided into three categories:

  • household chemicals, sold in all kinds of containers and specializing in various contaminants, with a variety of cleaning properties;
  • folk remedies, which most often contain vinegar, soda, citric acid, mustard, ammonia (by the way, a common chemical), laundry soap;
  • devices with steam cleaning: steam generators, washing vacuum cleaners, steam mops, cleaning with which is based on the magical effects of steam.

For selection optimal solution, V ideal Every housewife needs to try all three methods for removing dirt and old grease in the kitchen. We, in turn, will tell you what the positive and negative aspects of each method are, which method is easier to clean the stove, and which method is easier to clean the blinds. Let's start with the most banal method, using household chemicals.

Clean kitchen pledge good mood in the morning

Cleaning with detergents

The use of household chemicals requires safety equipment; for gentle compounds, rubber gloves are sufficient; for more aggressive ones, the use of a respirator is necessary. Take care of these things in advance; you will also need various sponges, brushes, rags or rags.

Using modern household cleaning and washing products, you will clean the kitchen quickly and efficiently. There is no doubt about this, since modern means have super-strong cleansing properties. Stamps household product Most likely, you won’t be able to choose the one that suits you best right away, but through trial and error you will find excellent compositions with which you will be comfortable working around the house.

The use of rubber gloves during cleaning is essential

It is also gratifying that you are free to choose how universal means, and specialized, for washing specific things. It is acceptable to use one composition to wash gas stove, another to clean the wooden surface of the cabinets, or to treat the matte tabletop we use the third composition, the fourth to remove dried grease from the wall, the fifth wash the blinds on the windows. Household chemicals are convenient to use; each of them has instructions for use.

Classic methods of cleaning surfaces from grease using household detergents most often come down to the following steps:

  • First of all, you need to moisten the dirty area with ordinary warm water;
  • then apply the detergent you selected to the stain;
  • now you need to wait, see how long to wait on the product label, where the instructions are located;
  • as soon as the greasy coating dissolves, remove household chemicals together with dirt with a sponge, brush or rag, depending on the location of the contamination;
  • To achieve maximum effect, the area where the dirt was is additionally washed with warm water.

Usually such manipulations are enough to wash even old fat. Difficulties can arise only when picking out dirt from hard-to-reach places, such as corners and folds of decorative relief wooden surface cabinets that our kitchen units are equipped with. If the fat remains on a flat surface, then you can repeat the procedure, while increasing the time range of operation of the detergent composition. After cleaning, it is best to wipe the surfaces dry with a cloth.

Choose your own detergent

Let us remind you once again that when working with cleaning compositions based on household chemicals, you must use personal protective equipment. You should develop the habit of immediately putting on rubber gloves when preparing to clean. To work with special by dangerous means To avoid damaging your respiratory tract, wear a respirator or mask.

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, then the use of household cleaning chemicals is contraindicated for you; you need to turn to folk recipes.

Cleaning using traditional methods

If your kitchen is not heavily soiled, then you can use folk remedies cleaning. Somehow they coped with various contaminants our parents and their parents are in the kitchen. Here are some popular recipes that you can use to remove grease from your kitchen set or stove.

Soap and soda

The simplest, one might say basic, method is to use laundry soap. With a soap solution based on it, you can wash everything in the kitchen: walls, stove, blinds, household appliances, kitchen set. At the same time, you will additionally disinfect the surface, killing various types of bacteria.

Laundry soap - a budget means of cleaning

For durable and strong surfaces, using regular baking soda is acceptable. Baking soda is an environmentally friendly product; it effectively cleans surfaces of various contaminants until they shine.

The tandem of laundry soap with baking soda. We create some semblance of a washing paste from these two substances, and act in the manner described above, as if we were in the hands of a professional cleaning composition.

After application, we set the time at our discretion, depending on the type of contamination, we use rags, brushes and sponges. We focus on the abrasive qualities of soda and do not let it dissolve completely. The method is great for washing many surfaces, except kitchen furniture, and it can also ruin a glossy item.

Other means

To clean grease from a stove or kitchen unit, you can use mustard powder. This product also effectively deals with fat. It is enough to sprinkle it on a wet, greasy surface, and you will see how the mustard, absorbing the fat, will form small balls. After which the surface can be cleaned of mustard with plain water.

With this method of cleaning, your kitchen furniture will not be damaged, the wallpaper covering the walls will not be damaged, and there is no need to worry about the gas stove. If your kitchen has blinds, you can also try treating them with mustard powder.

Vinegar is an unpleasant-smelling but extremely effective way to combat stains of all kinds. Vinegar will help you in washing kitchen fixtures made of ceramics or steel, and other metal objects.

Vinegar is used to clean plumbing fixtures not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom.

In addition, vinegar effectively fights odors, simply killing them. Housewives often use a vinegar-based composition to wash floors to get rid of various odors: spilled grease, pets or prolonged humidity.

An excellent detergent composition for washing kitchen furniture is obtained by mixing dishwashing detergent, vinegar and soda. This product effectively cleans the leather of soft kitchen sofas.

But not only folk remedies will help a person with allergies or asthma clean the kitchen; modern steam appliances are created specifically for environmental cleaning.

Steam engines

One of the most effective means steam is used to remove contaminants, including grease. Hot steam allows you to painlessly remove dirt and further disinfect the surface. However, steam units are usually expensive, so not all housewives can afford them.

The principle of operation of all steam appliances simple: they are filled with water, which is heated to steam and sprayed under pressure onto the contaminated surface for cleaning and disinfection. The steam temperature is usually 150 degrees Celsius.

Cleaning hob from dirt using a steam generator

With this steam treatment, the dirt is immediately washed off, or sucked up if we are dealing with a washing vacuum cleaner. At the same time, almost any hard surface can be treated with a steam generator, kitchen tiles, wardrobes, blinds. Note that, floors, plumbing and much more.

Finally, I would like to advise that, if possible, it is better to immediately wash kitchen utensils from grease and carbon deposits, rather than wait until they dry out and absorb dirt. But cases are different, and in many cases, contamination in the kitchen has a cumulative effect.

In any case, there is no dirt that we could not wash off using the above-described means and methods. You can really wash off even the oldest grease by thoroughly washing our kitchen surfaces: stove, kitchen units, blinds.


Professionals are best familiar with high-quality cleaning technologies. Cleaning company specialists need to work quickly and efficiently, and the result must satisfy the most demanding customer. We asked Olga Malakhova, chief technologist of the cleaning company “Pure Power”, about how to get rid of greasy deposits in the kitchen:

Greasy deposits on kitchen surfaces form from mixing regular household dust with fumes during cooking, and in the immediate vicinity of the stove - due to the smallest greasy splashes. It is possible to remove old greasy deposits, but be prepared for the fact that this is a step-by-step process.

    Wear rubber gloves before starting work. Any detergent contains alkali, from which it is better to protect your hands.

    Moisten the surfaces you are going to wash, it is convenient to do this using a bottle with a spray nozzle. This is to allow the grease remover detergent to enter chemical reaction with water and began to work effectively. If we apply the product to a dry surface, we will simply complicate our work and cleaning time.

    Use a regular double-sided sponge— parallon, with a hard abrasive layer. If the sponge has been used for a long time, replace it with a new one, since the abrasive layer eventually becomes clogged with the same grease and stops working as it should.

    Apply to damp skin kitchen surfaces any anti-fat product, using a soft layer of sponge and leave for 15 minutes to act.

    From work experience: often not big difference whether it's cheap or expensive product you use against fat, it is the alkali that “works” in it, which is included in most products.

    Using a sponge layer, scrub the surfaces vigorously, then remove the product with the soft side of the sponge. After the procedure, there should be no greasy residue left. If necessary, repeat the process again.

    Wipe kitchen surfaces with a microfiber cloth to remove any remaining detergent. For glossy surfaces, finish with a dry microfiber cloth to allow them to shine.

What about the lamp?

These recommendations are also suitable for cleaning any lamps in the kitchen. Remember that the lamp should never be turned on during washing! After cleaning, give the lamp time to dry thoroughly and only then can it be turned on.

How to clean grease from wood and metal?

Any chrome plated metal and wooden parts In the kitchen you should not wipe using an anti-grease agent. They can be washed by making a solution of warm water with any soap, including dishwashing detergent. You can make a solution of water with the addition of ammonia or ordinary vinegar and gently wipe the desired surfaces with the soft side of the sponge, and then treat with a damp and dry microfiber cloth. We hope that our tips will make cleaning your kitchen easier!

You need to know how to properly wash off grease in the kitchen

Modern means and methods for cleaning grease in the kitchen

You can easily clean the kitchen from grease in three ways: using chemical detergents, mechanically, proven folk methods. Which one to use is up to you.

Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages:

    A surefire way to combat fat deposits. It gets rid of stains quickly, but be careful - scratches may form on the smooth surface of kitchen furniture or dishes.

    Cleaning chemicals very aggressive, you need to be careful with them, but they give excellent results. Before use, be sure to read the instructions. Avoid getting the substance into your eyes, respiratory tract, or hands. Before use, wear protective rubber gloves; in some cases, you will need a respirator.

    Try cleaning your kitchen using the traditional method.
    This is an economical and harmless option, it does not require large financial costs. But not all traditional methods give the expected result.

Now we will tell you about these methods in more detail so that you can make the right choice.

Household chemicals for cleaning old grease on cabinets, hoods, stoves, glossy MDF facades, plastic and wooden furniture, countertops, ceilings, linoleum, aprons, blinds, laminate flooring, wallpaper, walls, pipes, TV, chandelier

Chemical laboratories are developing cleaning agents different types surfaces from dirt and grease. They are sold in markets, specialty stores, and department stores. You will need medications for home use, not professional ones.

You need to select household chemicals depending on the material of the items you are going to clean.

Pay attention to the composition and consistency of the drug. If you need to clean shiny metal or a plastic product, the product should not be powdery or contain abrasive substances, otherwise it will leave scratches.

It is best to wash furniture and countertops with liquid products that do not contain chlorine, otherwise white stains will form on the surface, which are more difficult to remove than grease. Dishwashing liquid will do.

To care for glass products buy a soft gel or spray, special drugs for cleaning ceramics.

The varnished surface can be easily cleaned using products that contain ammonia.

You can clean the inside of the oven from grease by preparing a mixture of dishwashing gel, Comet and citric acid. Treat the walls with the solution and leave for half an hour. The product is washed off with warm water. Before cleaning, preheat the oven so that it is warm, but does not burn your hands, this will make the work easier.

Technical means

Some types of household appliances make life easier for housewives; they provide functions that facilitate quick cleaning.

Dishwasher. It washes not only dishes, but also hood filters, grates, stove handles…. In order for fat to be easily removed, the water temperature must be high.

Appliances with special functions, such as catalytic oven cleaning. Fats inside the device automatically dissolve into water and soot under the influence of temperature and oxidizing agents that are present on the walls of the device. Next, the decomposition products are absorbed by the sorbent.

Steam cleaner. Removes grease from furniture and cleans seams tiles, deletes old stains, disinfects. The steam generated by the apparatus penetrates into hard to reach places, easily dissolves grease and dirt. With it you can clean literally everything at home.

An oven with a pyrolytic cleaning option – self-cleaning and burns deposits on the walls. Having such equipment in your home, you will forget about cleaning the oven. Technical means highly effective, but their cost is considerable. But by purchasing these devices, you will enjoy comfort for many years.

Folk remedies for quick and easy cleaning of frozen fat deposits

All housewives have their own household tricks, it's time for you to learn about them.
To clean the oven from grease using folk remedies, use one of these products; they can be found in everyone’s home:

    Citric acid or carbonic acid,

    Laundry soap,


    Baking powder for dough,

    Soda, vinegar, salt.

We will tell you how to remove fat using citric acid from the kitchen. To do this, mix citric acid with. Apply the mixture to a washcloth, rag or brush. Rub the mixture with pressure into the places where the fat is ingrained. Stains will dissolve, rinse off any remaining product with hot water and wipe with a clean cloth. Citric acid and baking soda can easily remove plaque.

Fruits will help clean the microwave from grease from the inside: lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruit. Take a couple of citrus fruits, cut them into pieces, put them in a special plate, and fill them with water. Place it inside the device, turn it on, set the heating temperature to maximum. After 15 min. Unplug the microwave. Wipe off the softened fat with a sponge. Cleaning the microwave with vinegar is also considered effective. It is carried out on the same principle as cleaning with citrus fruits, replace the fruit with a solution: 400 ml of water, 2 tbsp. vinegar.

“Remove greasy stains in the shortest possible time“The longer they remain on the surface of kitchen utensils, the more difficult it is to remove them.”

To clean a ceramic frying pan from carbon deposits, rub laundry soap. Add slightly warmed water. Extinguish 2 tsp. soda, 3 tbsp. vinegar and combine with soap solution. Keep the product in the pan for 15 minutes. Remove the mixture with a sponge and rinse with water.
This way you can cleanse old carbon deposits not only a frying pan, but
other kitchen utensils.

Cleaning a glass-ceramic stove from carbon deposits is not as easy as a metal one. Its surface will suffer if you act ineptly. Experienced housewives It is recommended to wash the surface with baking soda, moistened. Apply the paste to the stained areas, drip vinegar on top, hold for 10 minutes. After this, the product is washed off with water. Difficult stains are removed with a special scraper.

A soda solution will allow you to clean the carpet from grease without removing it from the floor. Dilute half a glass of soda in five liters of water. Fill a spray bottle with the resulting liquid and spray it over the carpet. After 30 min. Vacuum thoroughly. For dry cleaning, use salt. Scatter the grains over the carpet, rub them into the surface with a damp brush, and sweep away the residue.

You can clean grease in the kitchen without any problems if you have good products at hand.

You can wash kitchen cabinets from fat with mustard. Pre-wet furniture facades hot water. After 10 min. Rub the contaminated areas with a sponge with mustard applied to it. Another method is using vegetable oil. It easily dissolves old, dried fat. The oil is diluted with soda in a ratio of 1:2 and rubbed over the surface with a brush. Vodka or alcohol dissolves fat quite well. Wipe the walls of the kitchen furniture with them; if stains still remain, soak them for 5 minutes, then remove with a sponge soaked in alcohol.


Try cleaning electric oven baking powder for dough, this is proven folk way. Wet the inner walls and sprinkle with baking powder. After two hours, the fat will form lumps that can be easily removed.

Now you know what methods you need to deal with grease stains and you can give them a worthy rebuff. Your kitchen will shine and delight with its immaculate cleanliness.

Now you know how to clean grease in the kitchen.