Ways to remove grease from kitchen furniture, how to wash it. How to remove grease from kitchen furniture using folk remedies The reason for the appearance of grease on the surfaces of kitchen cabinets

In the kitchen, the enemy of every surface is a coating of grease and dust that has settled on it, and to all this is added soot and lime, for example, on furniture that is installed near the sink and stove. If you wipe your kitchen set daily with a damp cloth soaked in dishwashing detergent, and then remove everything with a clean rag, you can prevent problems in the future. If you do not have time for daily care of kitchen cabinets, then the question immediately arises of how to wash kitchen furniture from grease, but without harming it.

Rules for preserving furniture

All washcloths and sponges that have a hard or metallic surface are excluded from the cleaning arsenal. This is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of scratches when cleaning grease, which, in addition to spoiling the appearance, can contribute to the strong penetration of dirt into the damaged surface. To prevent streaks from appearing, you should move the rag down and up, rather than making circular and chaotic movements. Subject to availability complex design Furniture wiping should be according to configuration. It should be noted that you should not use any product that comes to hand. So, for example, what helps with the enamel coating of a bathtub often leaves whitish spots on the surface of plastic or wood, especially painted ones. The use of products with ammonia or acid is unacceptable, since kitchen furniture is immune to this. Aggressive ingredients and powder cleaners have a negative impact, and this is unacceptable for kitchen furniture.

Any product that is chosen to clean grease from cabinets must remain on the surface for some time after application. This is required in order to eat away stubborn dirt and grease. Once the product has been applied, do not waste energy scrubbing the surface. You need to rub with a sponge 20 minutes after. If there is no effect, it is worth treating the surface again, although this already subjects the furniture to some kind of test. If you are using the product for the first time, then first try cleaning the kitchen unit on a small surface, so that if there is an undesirable effect, you will not be too upset. It is better to do this in the most inconspicuous places. It should be noted that the steam cleaner should not be used on MDF and other wood-film surfaces.

You can clean the kitchen from grease only with soft sponges and a cloth. Great option is microfiber, cloth or flannel.

It should be noted that metal brushes are not used to wash off grease in the kitchen, even if the grease deposit is too thick.

It is better to leave it for soaking together with the applied product, so that later there will be no problems with high-quality cleansing and large labor costs.

Purchasing cleaning products is very important occupation. Use only liquids and gels to clean kitchen units from grease. Powdered detergents can scratch the surface, creating scuff marks. It is worth studying the instructions on the product in order to avoid damage to the set: what kitchen surfaces it is suitable for, whether there are aggressive components, etc.

Household products

Clean the kitchen unit using household cleaning products chemicals- the fastest and most popular method. Regardless of the type of contamination and surface, you can find a cleaning product kitchen set, for example, Silit Bang, Santry, Mister Muscle and others. The assortment is very large. There are quite a lot of manufacturers. In addition, there are washing liquids kitchen cabinets, perfectly dissolving fats, cleaning any type of contaminated surface. They all have their own individual effectiveness; you need to choose only the most suitable option.

When cleaning kitchen cabinets using household chemicals, you should follow these steps:

  1. 1 The area of ​​contamination is washed ( warm water).
  2. 2 Detergent cleaning agent is applied.
  3. 3 Leave to soak for half an hour until the plaque is dissolved.
  4. 4 Wipe with a sponge or brush.
  5. 5 Residues of cleaning agent are removed.
  6. 6 Wash with a damp sponge until the required cleanliness is achieved.
  7. 7 Repeat the process if necessary.

You need to clearly know that there are products for cleaning metal, glass, tile and furniture surfaces. Each product comes with instructions that must be followed exactly.

MDF-based kitchen units, which are finished with film or plastic, can only be washed with cleaning products without chlorine and abrasives. It is better to use special furniture detergents. It is recommended to clean with a small amount of neutral detergent solution.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the steam cleaner. It helps perfectly in the fight against greasy stains, making the furniture look like new. However, if such equipment is available, then the logical question arises of how to remove fat from kitchen furniture. To do this, simply follow the instructions for use.

The folk remedies used to cleanse grandmother’s accumulated dirt also help get rid of grease in the kitchen. Few people know that sunflower oil helps get rid of traces of grease in the kitchen. To do this you need:

  1. 1 Mix a spoonful of baking soda with the same amount of vegetable oil.
  2. 2 This composition is applied to the most contaminated areas.
  3. 3 After half an hour, wash everything with a sponge.

If necessary, the procedure is repeated until desired effect. If in doubt about adding oil, use only baking soda. A small amount of baking soda is poured onto a damp sponge or rag and you can begin cleaning. A substance that has a slight abrasive effect can easily clean the cabinet. It is only necessary to note that you will have to rub for quite a long time.

Vinegar also has a good effect. Soak a cloth in plain table vinegar and wipe the cabinet with it. You will have to try, since cleaning the surface of grease in the kitchen is a very difficult undertaking. In this case, it is better to use a hard sponge.

If the case is sufficiently advanced, then the surface of the cabinet is pre-treated with a solution of soap or other conventional detergent. When the dirt becomes limp, it is easier to treat with vinegar.

After cleansing the fat, the products are washed off clean water, and the surface of the cabinet is wiped dry. If the furniture requires polishing, you need to thoroughly wipe it with polish.

A few words about safety

Remember to use gloves when cleaning grease from kitchen surface, since potent substances can be very toxic. You should value your own hands and follow safety rules when working with chemicals. If you have allergies or bronchial diseases, you should not use aggressive agents. In addition, after work, it is better to ventilate the room well.

Useful notes

Undoubtedly, important point is to carry out daily cleaning: cleaning the table, stove, dishes, tiles. However, it also happens that it is very difficult to notice that a kitchen cabinet, which is regularly cleaned of dust, has begun to become covered with a grease film or oil droplets have become more noticeable, even though you have been regularly caring for the furniture. Even the tidiest housewives have such moments. It is very important not to put off cleaning: when you see droplets of grease, try to start cleaning immediately, so as not to complicate your task in the future.

A large amount of greasy layer on the surface of the tile, hob often makes us think about “How to wash off grease in the kitchen?” This is labor-intensive work that requires the use of effective tools.

Daily cooking involves the use of oil and fat, as a result of which they are splashed onto nearby surfaces, and vapors rise and settle on walls, ceilings, furniture, household appliances, and dishes.

A sticky, greasy coating attracts dust, resulting in the formation of stubborn stains, which cannot be dealt with by simply wiping the surface with water.

But how to clean the kitchen from grease and put it in order? There are many methods that involve the use of modern household chemicals. Folk methods that have stood the test of time are not inferior to them.

Which product should I choose?

To combat grease stains, it is necessary to choose the optimal kitchen product that will be effective and safe. If preference is given to household chemicals, then such compositions are sold in special containers of different packaging and have certain cleaning properties.

These are basically high-concentration solutions that can easily cope with any layer of dirt. In order to use the composition for its intended purpose, you must read the instructions for use.

But many housewives want to know how to wash off fat with simple folk ways, which are environmentally friendly and completely safe. There are a lot of options and it’s worth talking about this separately..

Whichever method is chosen, delete greasy spots should be done periodically, this will be the key to easy cleaning and quick tidying up of surfaces in the kitchen.

Folk remedies in the fight against fat

First of all, a grease remover in the kitchen must be safe, since this is a food preparation area, which means it must be environmentally friendly. Traditional methods that involve the use of natural cleaning products are relevant.

The most accessible are food products, available to every housewife:

Mustard powder is an excellent cleanser and has been used in this regard for several centuries. Using the powder, you can quickly wash kitchen tiles from grease without damaging the enamel surface.

The product is sprinkled on contaminated areas, previously moistened with water. To wipe the surface, use a soft, dry cloth, on which a layer of dirt remains. The mustard is washed off the surface with a stream of warm water.

Cleaning procedure furniture facade from greasy deposits goes in the following order:

The façade surface is wetted hot water and after 10 minutes, the contaminated areas are wiped with a sponge dipped in mustard powder. Then the surface is washed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Please note

Effective and inexpensive folk remedies that help remove fat include rice water, which is obtained after washing the cooked cereal. This product is good for cleaning porcelain and glassware - plates, glasses and other items.

You can clean your kitchen of grease using a homemade solution consisting of vegetable oil and baking soda. The ratio of oil to soda is 1:2. Ready mix rub on the surface to be treated with a brush and after 10-15 minutes wipe with a damp, soapy rag or other degreasing solution.

Vodka or alcohol will help clean the walls of kitchen furniture from grease stains. Special attention Special attention should be paid to difficult-to-remove stains, which are moistened and left for 5 minutes, and then wiped with a sponge and alcohol.

How to clean grease from kitchen tiles - folk remedies and video recommendations from a housewife

A handy food product that can cope with dried fat on the surface of an electric oven is baking powder. Baking powder is poured onto the pre-wetted inner walls, a pause is maintained for about two hours, after which the coagulated fat is easily removed.

Effective removal of grease deposits

Time-tested fat removers include:

  1. Citric acid.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide solution (3%).
  3. Citrus
  4. Soda, salt and table vinegar.

To get rid of fat using folk remedies, you need to mix the following ingredients together: dissolve citric acid in vinegar and add soda. The resulting mixture is applied to a washcloth, sponge or napkin and rubbed with little effort into places where there is a greasy layer or stains.

When the procedure is completed, the remaining mixture is washed off with hot water and the surface is wiped dry with a clean napkin.

But not only soda and citric acid can easily clean the tiles of grease and give the surface its original appearance. For example, citrus fruits will help remove greasy stains and build-ups from the microwave. To do this, take an orange, lemon, grapefruit or lime, cut into pieces and place in a deep plate with water.

The dishes need to be placed in the microwave and the mode with the maximum heating temperature must be turned on. After 15 minutes household appliances de-energize and remove dirt from the walls using a sponge.

Please note

Good results are obtained when cleaning a microwave oven with vinegar. The principle is the same as peeling citrus fruits, but instead of fruit, vinegar in the amount of 2 tablespoons is added to 400 ml of water.

Ways to remove old grease in the kitchen

If you don’t know how to clean old grease in the kitchen, then you can try making a simple and inexpensive composition yourself, which will require:

  1. Laundry soap.
  2. Soda - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Table vinegar - 3 tbsp.

Rub the soap with a grater and pour in warm water. The soda is quenched with vinegar and combined with a soap solution. With the resulting mixture you can wipe the tiles in the kitchen, clean frying pans and any other utensils from carbon deposits.

Helpful tips for dealing with old grease in the kitchen

The soap is specially grated on a coarse grater, which makes it instantly soluble, so it better demonstrates its cleaning properties after combining with water. Use a cloudy detergent to wipe all contaminated surfaces.

You can clean kitchen tiles very easily using baking soda. This is a unique fine-grained product that will not damage enamel or glass coatings. After this treatment, the dishes will acquire their former shine and cleanliness. Soda slurry is applied to the contaminated area, and a little vinegar is poured on top.

The composition remains on the surface for about 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. A special scraper is used to remove stubborn stains. Knowing simple ways, there will be no questions about how to clean the tiles in the kitchen.

Cleaning the tiles in the kitchen

Tiles are the most susceptible to grease deposits. You can clean tiles using all of the above methods, but you need to remember that a smooth surface is susceptible to mechanical damage. Under no circumstances should you use abrasives or hard sponges.

How and with what to wash the tiles is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but the chosen option depends on the degree of contamination of the surface. After all, not all formulations made from food products or citrus fruits cope well with old dirt or grease layers. How to clean the tiles in this case? We must remember that with any chosen option you will have to work hard, although not physically.

In order to get rid of accumulated grease, you will need to treat the surface several times with a soap solution, soda mixture with vinegar or lemon. The procedure will have to be repeated until the result is satisfactory. But if traditional methods prove powerless, you will have to use effective means household chemicals.

A visual example of how to clean grease from kitchen tiles with your own hands

Dishwashing liquids are suitable for daily care, but when the layer of dirt becomes stable, then drugs will come to the rescue. Do not use powdered compounds, as they are abrasive and can cause scratches, which will worsen the appearance finishing material.

When choosing a drug, you should pay attention to the composition and consistency. When applying the grease-removing composition to the surface to be treated, gloves should be used to protect the skin of the hands from adverse effects. After the procedure, the composition must be thoroughly rinsed off.

Now you know how to clean grease from kitchen tiles. minimal costs, high quality and fast.

Most housewives, one way or another, are faced with the need to remove dried fat deposits. kitchen utensils, household appliances or where food is prepared. Old grease stains smell unpleasant and look even worse, and bacteria feel right at home there. But even when there seems to be absolutely no way to wash off the dirt, you should use tricks that can change the situation for the better.

The first thing a woman thinks about when she starts a total kitchen cleaning is to use store-bought detergents and cleaning products. It's convenient, but often expensive. And most of the “jars” that can remove long-term deposits of kitchen fat are far from harmless.

Folk remedies for kitchen fat

Therefore, it is worth considering the option of turning to folk remedies. For the most part, they are cheaper and safer.

So, what folk remedies can help get rid of old fat in the kitchen?

  1. Most common today folk method- cleaning with soda. If the surface that needs to be cleaned is difficult or impossible to scratch, this fine abrasive will do an excellent job of removing old grease and returning, for example, pots to their former shine and whiteness. To clean enamel pans, add vinegar, lemon or citric acid to the soda. Chemical reaction their interaction will automatically break down the fat - and you can simply wipe it off with a rag.
  2. Almost the same effect on old fat mustard powder. Not only is it not harmful, but it is even beneficial for the respiratory system. The surface to be cleaned (dishes, stove or oven) should be soaked or, if possible, poured with hot water as much as possible, and then a thick layer of dry mustard should be poured onto the stain. The powder soaked in water will quickly and easily eat away fatty deposits. After time, the solution just needs to be washed off the surface - and it will shine brighter than new.

Delicate treatment of surfaces

Washing old kitchen fat, we must not forget: each surface must have its own approach. Metal, ceramics, plastic and varnished surfaces will not tolerate the touch of an aggressive iron sponge or fine substances such as salt and soda. Such delicate cleaning methods will inevitably lead to scratches on the item. And on a scratched surface, grease and dirt accumulate more often and more abundantly, which can even lead to complete unsuitability of the item.

In this regard, I would like to draw your attention to several proven cleaning products. various types kitchen furniture.

  • For cleaning wooden kitchen you need to prepare a “scrub” from soda and sunflower oil in a ratio of 3:2 respectively. The finished mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. The product is applied to a piece of soft, lint-free material, and the dirty wooden furniture is rubbed with it. It is advisable to repeat the procedure approximately every two to three weeks.
    Plastic furniture, despite being fashionable modern look and low price, not at all resistant to mechanical stress. How to wash plastic furniture in the kitchen without scratching it? Here, perhydrol or a solution of hydrogen peroxide will help housewives. It not only breaks down the oldest kitchen fat, but also disinfects the surfaces being treated. Directions for use: Apply a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the surface to be cleaned using a cloth or spray bottle, leave for ten minutes - and then rinse off.

And a few more universal recipes

Old greasy stains with tiles can be washed with ammonia. This method is simple to use: slightly dilute a fairly strong-smelling liquid with water and apply it to the stains. After time has passed, rinse the surface thoroughly.

Advice. Ammonia is not particularly safe for the respiratory system, so it should not be used in the presence of children, and it should not be “sniffed vigorously.”

Laundry soap and tooth powder will also help get rid of greasy stains in the kitchen. They are suitable for many surfaces.

It looks somewhat exotic - but works great - a way to clean the kitchen using ordinary clay. To prepare the detergent, the clay is diluted with vinegar to the consistency of a slurry. The diluted gruel is applied to dirty spots and left there until dry, after which it is removed with warm water. Clay by its nature perfectly absorbs all kinds of fat.

After using one of the cleaning products described above, it is important to thoroughly rinse the cleaned dishes, furniture or appliances. To do this, it’s good to have a special sponge or brush. And by definition, the easiest way to deal with fat in the kitchen is to prevent it from appearing. To do this, it is enough to regularly wipe with a cloth surfaces on which steam from cooking food can settle, wash the stove every time after cooking and do not leave dirty dishes “for later”.

How to clean the kitchen from grease: video

Reading time: 1 minute

Housewives who love to cook are often interested in how to clean kitchen furniture. Cleaning the kitchen can be real problem, especially for furniture made of soft, absorbent materials. Drops of fat sometimes become so ingrained that it is impossible to remove them with anything. But housewives are in no hurry to take on more aggressive substances: there is a risk of ruining their favorite set.

How to wash off unpleasant drops of grease from kitchen furniture?

Suitable for cleaning the kitchen special means for washing kitchen furniture. “Special” means intended exclusively for the materials from which kitchen sets are made. Therefore, before you grab the first cleaning product you come across from the store shelf, it’s worth finding out what your kitchen cabinets are made of.

Most often, kitchens are made of MDF - wood fiber boards, which are covered with a protective film or plastic on top. This material is most vulnerable to aggressive substances containing acid, chlorine or ammonia. Also, do not rub MDF with detergents containing abrasive materials.

You should be careful with varnish coatings and unprotected wood panels. The varnish is corroded by many active substances, and wood not covered with protective materials quickly absorbs moisture and becomes deformed.

Before purchasing a product, you should carefully study the composition and recommendations. For glass or metal surfaces appropriate means will do. Vulnerable, delicate materials should be cleaned with liquid, foaming, gel-like substances using soft fiber cloths and sponges.

From household chemicals for cleaning furniture in the kitchen, you can choose the following products:

  • liquid dishwashing liquid ( for example, "Fairy");
  • gel-like with a soft structure and non-aggressive composition, specially designed for wet cleaning ( for example, universal gel "Comet");
  • concentrated for cleaning furniture, which require dilution in water ( for example, "Mr. Proper").

Advice! In order not to spoil the kitchen set, you should try the new product on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​furniture. If the surface does not come into contact with the product, it is therefore safe to use it for cleaning.

Traditional methods

As already mentioned, the surface of many kitchen units cannot withstand aggressive substances. Therefore, it is logical to assume that to clean the kitchen with your own hands you can use natural remedies, which will remove fat and keep the surface intact.

Among the most effective and safe folk remedies To remove fat you can note:

  • vinegar;
  • laundry soap;
  • lemon and citric acid;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vodka;
  • mustard;
  • sunflower oil.

Salt Soda
Laundry soap Mustard powder
Lemon Vegetable oil

Using recipes with natural substances, you can wash even the most difficult areas and stubborn dirt.

Soda, salt, soap

Salt, laundry soap and soda will tell you how to remove grease from kitchen furniture. These substances, which can be found in any kitchen, often help housewives in the fight against pollution.

Baking soda can be used on almost all surfaces, including wood. You should be careful when using baking soda on glossy and polished surfaces. Salt is good for furniture covered with plastic, and laundry soap is good for effective cleansing granite, marble, metal and ceramic surfaces.

Information on how to use baking soda, soap and salt for cleaning is presented in the table.

Means Instructions
Soda 1. wet a cloth with hot water and wipe all the furniture in the kitchen;

2. mix 2-3 tablespoons of soda with a small amount warm water so that the consistency is not liquid mush;

3. using a brush ( for example, dental) or sponges rub the resulting mixture into problem areas;

4. wait 10 minutes ( Don’t wait for soda stains to dry completely);

5. wash the mixture off the furniture cold water and wipe dry.

Salt (1 option) 1. dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water;

2. soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the cabinets and tables with it;

3. After some time, rinse the surfaces with water.

Salt (2 option) 1. fine salt ( if necessary, it can be ground with a coffee grinder) mix with a little water or lemon juice ( diluted citric acid);

2. mix thoroughly until mushy;

3. apply the mixture to the contaminated surface and rub with a sponge;

4. leave for a few minutes and rinse.

Laundry soap and soda (for metal, glass, ceramics) 1. grate the soap on a coarse grater;

2. add enough water and stir to obtain a cloudy liquid;

3. wipe all dirty places with the solution using a soft sponge;

4. Without waiting for the surfaces to dry, pour a small amount of soda onto a sponge and wipe all contaminated areas;

5. Leave the soda for 15-20 minutes and wash off the substance with a sponge.

Laundry soap (for gentle cleaning of glossy and varnished surfaces) 1. wet the sponge;

2. rub the sponge with soap until a thick foam forms;

3. rub the dirty areas and leave for a while so that the fat is completely dissolved;

4. wash soapy areas with water using a sponge or rag;

5. Wipe the furniture dry with a soft cloth.

Advice! If the salt solution is not effective enough, then hydrogen peroxide can be added to it. The resulting product is well suited for light-colored surfaces.

Mustard, lemon, oil

How to clean kitchen cabinets to save money and not damage your kitchen furniture? To do this, you can use food products that have cleaning properties. Mustard powder, lemon juice and sunflower oil will work well for greasy stains.

These substances often come to the rescue of housewives. You can use mustard to wash dishes, and lemon juice can deal with greasy stains not only on hard surfaces, but also on fabrics. No matter how surprising it may be, oil effectively helps fight greasy stains on various materials.

You can wash kitchen cabinets from grease using mustard, lemon or vegetable oil as follows:

  • Sprinkle mustard powder onto damp horizontal surfaces and rub with a dry cloth. If the surface is vertical, then the powder can be poured onto a sponge and wiped down the wall cabinets. The remaining mustard is washed off with water. This method works well for cleaning the stove, refrigerator, sink and kitchen furniture with protective coating. It is not recommended to use mustard powder on wooden furniture.
  • Lemon can be used in its pure form. All you have to do is cut a slice of lemon and rub it on greasy dirt. After 10-15 minutes, wipe off the remaining lemon along with the dirt and rinse with water. The method is suitable for light or fresh stains. For heavy soiling different surfaces(including light ones) a mixture is suitable lemon juice, vinegar and alcohol. Use the mixture to wipe all dirty areas and rinse with water.
  • A mixture of vegetable oil and soda in a 2:1 ratio is suitable for cleaning wooden furniture. The resulting product must be applied to greasy stains and left for 30 minutes. Remove any remaining product and lumps of dirt with a sponge. Wipe the furniture with a damp cloth. It is better not to rub soda into surfaces. If the stain is not completely removed, the procedure should be repeated.

You can also use baking powder. Make a paste from the baking powder by stirring it in a small amount of water. The resulting mushy mass should be applied to greasy surfaces and left for 30 minutes. Then rinse the areas with water.

Vinegar and other liquids

Vinegar and solution citric acid are versatile in cleaning and will also tell you how to remove grease from kitchen cabinets. In addition, a solution of ammonia and vodka (or diluted ethyl alcohol) will help get rid of stains. The products, especially in diluted form, are suitable for almost all surfaces.

More details on how to use liquids to clean furniture in the kitchen are described in the table.

Photo Means Description

can brighten surfaces) You can use either pure 3% vinegar or its solution ( 1:1 with water). Apply vinegar or solution to a sponge and wipe off all dirt. Wait a few minutes, rub and rinse.

Fresh grease stains should be wiped with a rag soaked in vodka. Older stains can be treated with a spray bottle of a mixture of water, vinegar and vodka ( 2:1:1 ). In order to give the mixture and furniture a pleasant aroma, it is recommended to add 1/3 teaspoon of any essential oil. After applying the product to the furniture, you must wait 10-15 minutes, and then wash off the solution along with the dirt with a damp sponge.

In 1 liter of water you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of citric acid and a few drops of detergent ( for example, for dishes). Moisten a rag or sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated areas. Wait 30 minutes and wash the furniture with a damp cloth or washcloth.

Make a solution by adding 1 tablespoon of ammonia to 1 liter of water. After soaking a rag in the solution, treat all the furniture ( you can also use a spray bottle). Leave the solution for a few minutes and rinse with a sponge and water.

Advice! To protect your skin from fairly active liquids, you should wear gloves. Also, many solutions emit an unpleasant and pungent odor, so it is better to clean in a ventilated area.

In some cases, you can use a steam generator or a regular iron in steam mode. This method is the most effective and can remove even stubborn and old stains. However, you should be careful when using hot steam on furniture with protective film. Steam may deform the surface.

The video in this article will give you a few more ideas for effectively cleaning kitchen furniture from grease and dirt.

In order not to have to figure out how to clean kitchen furniture from grease, you should clean up the kitchen immediately, during or after cooking. Fresh, unstuck drops of fat are much easier to remove than dirt accumulated over the years.

Cleaning and washing the kitchen takes a lot of time, especially cleaning the surface from grease. Many women, due to the busy pace of life, simply do not have time to take care of the kitchen every day. Regular cooking tasks leave behind an unpleasant dirty trail on the countertop, walls, stove, sink and household dishes. These moments cannot be avoided, since the appearance of dust and dirt is inevitable. In our article we will try to answer the question of how to clean old grease from the walls in the kitchen. This can be done in several ways, the recipes for which we will talk about today.

How to clean the walls and apron from grease in the kitchen with detergents?

There is the most common and fastest way to solve this problem - the use of special detergents and cleaning products. On modern market they are presented in a large assortment, with different purposes, validity periods and pricing policies. Using a purchased detergent, you can quickly and efficiently get rid of annoying fat not only from the surface of furniture, but also from dishes. Modern technology so modernized that such “helpers” include potent substances that help to ideally cope with the problem.

  • When using household chemicals, you should worry about your safety in advance. To use more gentle compounds, you need to use rubber gloves, and for more aggressive ones, use a respirator.
  • Also, before you start cleaning, you need to prepare everything necessary materials, with which you will clean surfaces. A set of sponges, brushes, and rags for various purposes is perfect for this.
  • It is advisable to carefully study the instructions for the product offered while still in the store. It should describe not only the components, but also the purpose, and sometimes the method of use with detailed instructions.
  • Do not exceed the permissible concentration of detergent. Otherwise, you risk damaging furniture, expensive dishes and kitchen appliances.
  • Even before starting cleaning, we recommend opening the window slightly to allow air into the room to reduce the impact of the pungent odor on the body.

Surface cleaning:

  1. Wet the dirty area with clean warm water.
  2. Apply the product you selected to the greasy area.
  3. We wait for the time indicated on the product label.
  4. After dissolving the plaque, we remove household chemicals from the surface along with the removed layer of dirt with a sponge or other device, depending on the location of the contamination.
  5. We rinse the area where there was previously dirt with warm water to achieve maximum and long-lasting effect.
  6. Wipe the surface dry.

Such manipulations should be enough to wash away recent and even dried fat. Difficulties may arise just to remove dirt from hard to reach places, for example, along the contour of the countertop, burners, and so on. It won’t hurt to use toothpicks here, and after picking out the dirt, you need to refill the detergent and repeat all subsequent steps.

Popular products

The range of modern household chemicals is very wide, but not all of them are so effective that they can remove serious plaque in a matter of minutes. However, there are also those that will literally eat away all the dirt and deposits before your eyes, transforming the surfaces. To quickly and easily clean or wash stubborn grease on panels in the kitchen, furniture, stoves and other surfaces, we recommend using products from the following brands:

  • Amway;
  • “Silit”;
  • “Comets”;
  • “Shumanite”;
  • “Sif”;
  • “Ecover.”

Traditional methods

Grease stains on the wall can be easily removed using grandma's methods. They have a number of advantages: they are simple, affordable, chemical-free, and quickly and efficiently deal with grease, stains and severe dirt. We will tell you how to use them correctly so that the results are noticeable. Below are a few basic recipes, many of which are completely safe and fast-acting.

Mustard powder

You don't know how to remove grease from the walls in the kitchen? Ordinary dry kitchen mustard will help you. With its help, you can restore the former purity and shine of absolutely any surface.


  1. Wet the contaminated area with water.
  2. Sprinkle it generously with mustard powder.
  3. Wipe the surface with a clean dry cloth.
  4. We remove the remaining substance with a sponge previously moistened in warm water.

Important! Mustard is an excellent fat solvent, and after reading it will simply remain on your napkin. In this way you can quickly and easily clean a sink, stove, refrigerator or kitchen furniture with a protective coating. The only thing you should pay attention to is that mustard powder is not suitable for removing grease from a wooden surface.

Soap and soda solution

One of the most effective methods In the fight against fat, a combination of soap and soda can be called. Cleaning your kitchen from dirt with such a solution couldn’t be easier. It is advisable to use a soap-soda mixture to clean kitchen utensils and household appliances.

Work progress:

  1. We grate simple laundry soap. These manipulations will allow one piece of soap to quickly dissolve in water.
  2. Fill the resulting shavings with warm water so that we end up with a cloudy solution. Make sure that the water covers the soap a little, otherwise you may end up with a weak concentration of detergent.
  3. Wipe the contaminated surface with the resulting mixture.
  4. Without waiting for the soap solution to dry completely, pour it onto the sponge baking soda, and then wipe the still wet areas treated with soap with it.
  5. Let stand for about 20 minutes.
  6. We wash the surface first with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth.

This soap-soda solution can clean even heavily soiled pots. Soda is an excellent abrasive substance, and soap will not only help get rid of grease, but will also serve as a disinfectant for the treated areas.

Important! Remember one thing: the recipe can only be used for cleaning tiles, stoves and other metal elements. Soda is absolutely not suitable for removing grease from glossy or varnished coatings, as it can scratch such a delicate coating.

Oil and soda

The combination of oil and soda is quite good, and most importantly, it is an effective remedy for combating contaminated areas.

Important! It is with the help of this composition that you can delicately clean a wooden set.

Technology of use:

  1. Mix the usual vegetable oil with soda in a ratio of 1 to 2. We got a rather thick mixture, similar in consistency to sour cream.
  2. Apply a homemade mixture to problem areas.
  3. We go over the surface with a soft brush, thereby removing any remaining dirt and grease. Do not scrub too vigorously to avoid damaging the wood.
  4. Let the paste act, waiting for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Wash off the applied composition with a damp cloth.

Alcohol-vinegar solution

If you want to clean your kitchen furniture and disinfect it in one fell swoop, then this method is just for you. It can be safely used for washing kitchen units, utensils and various household appliances.

Stages of work:

  1. Mix together table vinegar with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Alcohol can be replaced with regular vodka; it also disinfects perfectly.
  2. Add two parts of water to the resulting solution.
  3. Pour ⅓ teaspoon of essential oil into the liquid. To do this, we took tea tree oil, which is used as a cleaner not only for leather, but also for other surfaces, including kitchen utensils.
  4. Pour into a spray bottle homemade remedy. Now we spray all contaminated areas with it.
  5. Give the solution time to absorb; 10-15 minutes will be enough for this.
  6. We clean the kitchen furniture from grease using a damp sponge or cloth.

Important! Essential oil Not only will it do a great job with problematic oily areas in the kitchen, but it will also leave behind a pleasant light aroma.


Here's another one effective way solving the question of how to remove grease stains from the wall. Ammonia can be found in any first aid kit, so the product is very affordable.

Important! Before starting all subsequent actions with this substance, we recommend that you immediately open the window, as the smell will be very intense.

Recipe for making and applying ammonia to a greasy surface:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of ammonia with one liter of water.
  2. We soak a sponge in the liquid, and then go over all the greasy places in the kitchen.
  3. Let the solution sit for 5 minutes and then remove it with a damp cloth.

With this simple method You can easily wash your kitchen furniture and household appliances.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is with this substance that you can wash the oven and baking tray until it shines. Not only does everyday cooking affect gas stove, household appliances, but also utensils that are frequently used.

Work progress:

  1. Add baking soda to a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to get the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to a baking sheet, which we leave to dry for half an hour.
  3. Remove any remaining grease with a brush.
  4. Rinse the baking sheet with warm water.

Steam cleaning

It will be great if you have a steam cleaner in your home, which can deal with absolutely any dirt in no time. Using hot steam, you will not only thoroughly clean a dirty surface, but also disinfect it perfectly.

A steam cleaner will save you from the following problems:

  • Cleans walls, household appliances, furniture from scale and other contaminants.
  • Removes remaining scale, oil and carbon deposits on dishes.
  • Returns the former shine to glass and stainless steel surfaces.
  • Destroys fungal formations, bacteria, and unpleasant odors in the kitchen.

Video material

We have presented to your attention the most different options How to remove grease stains from the wall in the kitchen. As you can see, cleaning the kitchen can take a minimum amount of time, and the results will be simply stunning. May your kitchen always be clean and tidy!