How to clean different surfaces of kitchen furniture from grease. What is the best way to remove grease from kitchen furniture? How to remove grease deposits in the kitchen

Kitchen furniture is most often subjected to various contaminants- During the day, many activities are carried out there: food processing, preparing various dishes, washing dishes and wet cleaning. Most complex problem is frozen fat - its small droplets settle on the surfaces of cabinets, walls, and stoves. When they harden, they create a sticky crust that quickly collects dirt and dust particles. This cannot be avoided - even with a good hood, it is impossible to exclude oil splashes during frying or drops falling on various coatings by negligence.

Daily cooking requires equally frequent cleaning of the kitchen.

The question is, how to wash off fat from kitchen furniture, always relevant. It is worth removing the frozen crust a lot of work, this requires special aggressive compounds. The right choice The cleaning product must provide high-quality results and safety for coatings.

In the case of capricious surfaces that can be scratched by abrasive, as well as household appliances, it is better to use liquid detergents

At modern diversity In the field of household chemicals, it is easy to choose a product that takes into account the characteristics of any surface. There are also gentle types that cope excellently with stains on expensive materials. Proven folk recipes for cleaning agents do not lose popularity either.

In order for the kitchen to last for many years, you should choose the right cleaning products

Range of kitchen care products

Various types chemicals provide many ways to clean kitchen furniture from grease without high costs time and effort. Based on the type of impact, they are divided into several types.

Chemical solutions provide high efficiency, but often pose a danger. Incorrectly selected composition can damage expensive material kitchen set, and toxic substances cause poisoning and allergies. For this reason, you should choose household chemicals with great responsibility, and when using, be sure to strictly follow the instructions and use gloves to protect your skin.

We carefully familiarize ourselves with the composition when choosing cleaning and detergents to avoid allergies

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease. Folk recipes

Simple products for quick cleaning

Much more gentle and less expensive are mixtures based on folk recipes. Their effectiveness and safety have been tested by the experience of entire generations; these simple and effective methods should not be neglected.

  • Alcohol with vinegar. The solution will quickly remove oil stains and disinfect the room. To prepare, mix alcohol or vodka with vinegar in equal proportions, dilute half with water, and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Grease contamination should be sprayed generously, allowed to stand for 10 minutes, and wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. For a pleasant aroma, just drop a drop into the mixture. essential oil. Alcohol mixture is suitable for delicate cleansing furniture set made of wood, various household appliances.

    Mixture of alcohol and vinegar for kitchen cleaning

  • Baking soda. For best degreasing, it is recommended to use in combination with laundry soap. First, prepare a warm soap solution (previously laundry soap you need to grate it finely, then it will quickly dissolve in hot water). With a sponge soaked in the resulting mixture, carefully wipe all contaminated areas - the surface should remain damp. Soda is poured onto the sponge and the wiping procedure is repeated. After 20 minutes, the soda along with any remaining dirt is washed off warm water. For cleaning wooden cabinets It is recommended to use baking soda in combination with vegetable oil. They are mixed until the consistency of sour cream is obtained, the mixture is applied to the stain, leaving for 15 minutes. It is recommended to rub with a brush or sponge and wipe the mixture thoroughly with a damp cloth. Baking soda cleanses grease very well when mixed with hydrogen peroxide - the composition is used to clean carbon deposits from dishes and baking sheets.

    Baking soda is used in the kitchen not only in baking, but also as a safe cleaning agent.

  • Citric acid – represents no less effective remedy than industrial acids, while being safe for health. The acid is diluted with water and poured into a spray bottle. Spray the desired area generously, leave for 15 minutes, and wipe with a sponge. Citric acid helps to dissolve old crusts of fat, a layer of soot, soot - to do this, it is only slightly diluted with water, stirred to a thick paste and applied to the problem area.

    Citric acid is a natural stain remover

  • Sea salt. Copes well with oil stains. Salt is mixed with water to a mushy consistency, then the contaminated areas are lubricated. For abrasive action, use fine salt powder on a damp sponge.

    Sea salt is not only a source useful substances and microelements, but also an excellent remedy for fighting stains

  • Mustard. Use in powder form to remove difficult stains or dilute with water. Mustard powder is excellent against grease stains, but is not suitable for wooden furniture.

    Dry mustard for removing stains

  • Ammonia. Its advantage is rapid evaporation, the absence of streaks on glass, mirror surfaces. To prepare, dilute a spoonful of alcohol in a liter of water, and pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. A sponge soaked in the solution will be effective. The desired area is sprayed, left for five minutes, and wiped with a damp cloth. When using, the room must be well ventilated (if open window, window).

    Ammonia is a great helper for cleaning the kitchen and bathroom

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Works great against oil splashes. An additional advantage of peroxide is its disinfecting properties. The solution kills bacteria, protecting the room from the appearance of fungus and mold.

    Hydrogen peroxide should be kept not only in the first aid kit, but also in the kitchen

Exists great variety recipes on how to clean kitchen furniture from grease using folk remedies, but if the contamination is very old and complex, you will need household chemicals with a stronger effect.

Visit perfect cleanliness help in the kitchen without difficulty and expense folk remedies

Cleaning safety rules

Keep the kitchen clean with modern means easy, but not always safe

Following safety rules will help you get rid of problematic stains in the kitchen without wasting time or harming your health.

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the chosen product is suitable for the material of the kitchen unit. Most types of household chemicals contain chlorine or acids, which is contraindicated for use on wooden coverings, MDF.
  2. Abrasive chemistry should be used for metal, ceramics, and plastic. It cannot be used on varnished or painted surfaces; it is not recommended to use powders to clean enamel.
  3. Do not mix different formulations (use simultaneously).
  4. For natural stone(granite or marble), you need to choose specialized products.
  5. To reduce the risk of damage to the surface, it is recommended that before applying household chemicals, first wet the contaminated area with warm water and leave it for a while. The water will soften the dried crust, eliminating the need to rub the stain and risk scratching.

To avoid irreparable damage to your kitchen furniture, use products correctly according to the instructions.

Be sure to wear gloves when working with chemical solutions, and if the product gets on open area skin, it should be washed off immediately. A number of substances and sprays require the use of a mask to protect the respiratory tract.

The use of gloves when cleaning surfaces in the kitchen is mandatory.

How often should you clean the kitchen?

Wiping the furniture in the kitchen once every two days is enough to simply maintain order.

The answer to the question “How to clean grease from a kitchen set?” depends on the type of contamination and the regularity of cleaning. Fresh oil splashes that have not had time to harden can be easily removed; to clean, just wipe the surface with a drop of regular dish gel.

A very convenient and effective device for cleaning the kitchen - a steam cleaner

But if the stain has already hardened or the carbon deposits and soot have to be washed off, aggressive cleaning compounds will be needed. To keep cleaning efforts to a minimum, it is recommended to carry out light maintenance cleaning every few days.

We clean grease from different surfaces in the kitchen, effectively without harm to the surface or your own health.

Video: How to remove grease from kitchen doors

The kitchen is the only place in the house where they inevitably appear. greasy spots. Pollutionappear on work surfaces,cabinets and towels. If aprons and towels are sent to washing machine typewriter, then the headset will have to from wash by hand. The question of how to clean the kitchen is a pressing problem. You can wash the furniturechemical or home remedies.

Proven Home Recipes

To Since the appearance of detergents for grease in the kitchen, our compatriots somehow coped with this task. They used helpers.

It is difficult to clean grease from cabinets using folk remedies; it dries out quickly.To make your task easier you need to know, how to clean grease in the kitchen, how to do it faster.

Baking soda

Remove greasy stains With MDF, plastic, wood glass will help sea salt b or vegetable oil mixed with soda.Universal products.

Cannot be used on varnished surfaces. Baking soda is abrasive and will scratch countertops and cabinets.

What to wash and how to clean dried fat:

  1. Treat the surfaces of the headset hot water. It will soften the plaque. Grind 100 g of salt, mix with 100 g baking soda, add some water. Cover all surfaces with a thick mixture. Rinse it off through 20 minutes after application.
  2. You can clean kitchen furniture with oil and soda in a 1:2 ratio. Treat with scrub wooden furniture. Light movements r wipe it off. All that remains is to wash the chipboard with water.

Cleaning is done every 3 weeks. The plaque is completely removed, the color of the wood becomes brighter.A mixture of soda and vegetable oil protects furniture from high humidity indoors and from overdrying.

Baking powder - wood

Baking powdersmall, so the surface is good from It washes off and leaves no scratches.

How to remove fat, procedure:

  1. Dilute the baking powder water until creamy state.
  2. Rub the paste onto the cabinets. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Remove the remaining gruel and stubborn fat with a microfiber cloth.
  4. Wipe thoroughly furniture.

Baking powder for dough is used onwooden and varnished surfaces.

Anti-stain salt

Salt effectively removes greasy stains. Fits for processing wood and plastic.

How to clean kitchen furniture with salt:

  1. For cleaning the apron preparing a solution: salt (1 tsp) diluted in a liter of water. Composition wash the coating. Wash off pure water saline solution Ouch .
  2. For abrasive action (cleaning wood), table salt is used.Can not be diluted with water or washed off. Apply with a damp cloth.

Salt disinfects and prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. The apron, facade and countertop are processed every week.

Soap with soda

Clean the kitchen unit from will help regular laundry soap and soda.Works better on fresh stains that have not had time to harden. Before use, check on an inconspicuous part of the surface. Soap and baking soda lighten paint.

How to clean grease from your kitchen:

  1. Grind the soap and place in a deep container.
  2. Mix with water , the liquid will become cloudy. Treat the solution with ohm facade and countertop.
  3. While the composition is not dry, add soda
  4. Remove after 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with water using a clean sponge.

Only laundry soap is suitable for cleaning.

Acetic acid

How to care for cabinets and backsplashes using vinegar.

Effective ways to use:

  1. Prepare the solution:1 glass of vinegar and 4 glasses of water. Sponge treat the tiles and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and wipe dry. Vinegar does not leave streaks on the tiles.
  2. A mixture of vinegar, vodka and essential oil will help remove stubborn dirt on cabinets. The first two components are taken in equal quantities, mixed, then 0.5 tsp is added. ether. The mixture is poured into a spray bottle, spray . Leave for 15–25 minutes, wipe with a napkin. There is no need to rinse off with water.
  3. Moisten surface with vinegar solution, apply soda An active reaction will begin, during which all ingrained contaminants will be removed.leave the tree. Put away the remains with a damp sponge.

Mustard powder fights stainsold faton metal and ceramic surfaces.

How to clean:

  1. pour Not large number powder on a cloth.
  2. To be applied dry, you need to wipe the handles thoroughly.
  3. If you manage to remove the dirt, delete the remaining mustard powder with a damp sponge orrepeat the procedure.

This method is not suitable for wooden and varnished surfaces; mustard acts as an abrasive.


No matter how strong they are modern headsets, caring for kitchen furniture requires attention and accuracy.

From ammonia You will get a good DIY cleaning product.

Cleaning the kitchen from grease ammonia:

  1. Dilute water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. First you need Wash the kitchen furniture from grease with plain water, thereby softening it.
  3. Spray composition for dirty places, wipe with a sponge and dry microfiber cloth.

Cannot be used on wood surfaces . They require delicate care. Same it is forbidden treat with ammonia, stains will remain.

Clean other surfaces (plastic, glass and metal handles) using this method. Can .

Hydrogen peroxide

A mixture of soda and peroxidehelps restore whiteness to a white apron. P Hydrogen heresy brightens, so it is not recommended for use on dark facades.

How to clean grease from a kitchen set:

  1. Mix peroxide with soda. The resulting mass cover dirty places, can be used to remove grease on the hood mesh. Grate sponge, then a damp cloth and wipe dry.
  2. A saline solution with hydrogen peroxide will help clean kitchen cabinets. particle board processed with the following composition: 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. salt and 10 drops of peroxide. Facade abundantly process and leave for 15 minutes. Wipe doors and walls with a soft cloth.

Used for glass surfaces, mirrors, wood panels.

Melamine sponge

Gets rid of greasy marks on cabinets will help melamine sponge. Cleanses fat, ink stains, traces of a marker and soot from the tiles.Should be wetmelamine sponge with water, squeeze without twisting. Wipe the surface thoroughly.After processing, pieces of melamine will remain.Remove with damp and then dry cloths.

Removing dirt with a steam cleaner

It is good to clean cabinets with a steam generator. Steam cleaner cleans dirt that has not been cleaned by other methods, deletes oil and scale residues, destroys fungus and unpleasant odor.

A steam generator removes plaque from steel, glass, wooden facades and tiles. P The aromatic cleaner is used to treat walls and other kitchen equipment.


Chemicals are quickly removedany stains, including deposits of soot and grease on the kitchen set.

How to remove grease from kitchen furniture:

  1. Amway has a powerful cleansing formula. The product dissolves fat from the inside. Detergent L.O.C.™ degreases surfaces. First pour 375 ml of water, then add 125 ml of detergent funds . The composition is sprayed on the surface and wiped with a rag. Particularly stubborn dirt is removed with a 1:1 solution.
  2. Schumanite is suitable for all surfaces. Working with him, need to wear respirator and gloves, Schumannite is toxic and harmful to the body. How to wash off fat: apply spray on the surface, wait 5–10 minutes, remove with a damp cloth. Room after treatment ventilate .
  3. Silit Beng anti grease + shine effectively copes with oil stains and stubborn dirt. How to quickly wipe off kitchen furniture greasy coating: spray the composition on the cabinets, wait 5 minutes, rinse with water.
  4. Mr. Muscle will save plastic surfaces, glass and tiles from accumulated grease and soot. It is also used for a headset, but it is not as effective (you will have to use it several times). There are two types of sprayer: spray and foam, the first type is for horizontal surfaces, the second is for vertical surfaces. Spread the mixture over dirty surfaces and leave for 5 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.

Professional chemistry is an indispensable tool. It is important to distinguish products for metal, glass and tiles, furniture. How to wash off fat kitchen cabinet folk methods or household chemicals, it’s up to you to decide the owner of the kitchen . The main thing is that after cleaning the room is cozy, clean and comfortable.

Any housewife tries to keep her kitchen set clean, as a result of which she spends regular cleaning. However, you don’t always have the energy and time to wash a wall apron or countertop from greasy deposits, which accumulate in a very short time. Through certain time new growths turn into persistent greasy stains that cannot be washed off with dishwashing liquid or running water. At this moment, the first difficulties begin, since hygiene needs to be carried out, and effective ways There's not much removal. Let's look at each one in order.

Baking soda and sea salt

A positive characteristic of this method is its versatility. The abrasive composition can be used on almost any surface with the exception of varnished panels. An excellent result is achieved by processing aprons and kitchen units made of wood and tiles.

Before you start using the mixture directly, wide area, carry out the test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the kitchen unit. Wait a quarter of an hour, then evaluate the result. If the abrasive particles did not damage the panel, feel free to proceed with the procedure.

  1. Put on thick rubber gloves, take a kitchen sponge and soak it in hot water. Walk over the surfaces of the headset, softening the grease.
  2. Take 100 gr. sea ​​salt without dyes or fragrances, place in a coffee grinder and grind. If you don't have a coffee grinder, crush the mixture into powder using a hammer. Mix salt with 100 gr. baking soda, dilute the dry mixture with filtered water. Ultimately, you should end up with a thick mass that can be easily processed on both horizontal and vertical panels.
  3. Scoop a generous amount onto the rough side of a sponge or use an old toothbrush. Treat areas contaminated with grease by thoroughly rubbing the mixture into the surface. Wait about 15-20 minutes.
  4. At the end of the period, take a sponge, soak it in water and wipe the panels again. After this, rinse off the product completely. cold water, evaluate the result. If necessary, repeat the previous manipulations several times.


To prepare the cleansing mixture you will need 100 grams. chopped table salt and half a grapefruit. Pass the citrus through a meat grinder or blender, mix with salt. As in the case of soda, the composition should be thick, otherwise adjust it by adding salt or, conversely, water.

Scoop a large amount of product onto toothbrush, rub areas with greasy stains. Glue on top cling film, wait half an hour. At the end of the period, wash off the composition. If the result does not please you, repeat the procedure.

Salt does not always effectively remove old grease stains; in most cases, it is necessary to repeat the manipulations 4 or even 5 times. If the kitchen is equipped with light-colored furniture, we recommend adding a teaspoon of peroxide to the saline solution. This combination will speed up cleansing several times.

Mustard powder

Mustard has been used in everyday life for a long time; it is used to clean not only kitchen furniture, but also interior items in the bathroom. The product is also used to wash dishes and remove complex stains from the surfaces of household appliances.

To use mustard powder correctly, mix 50-60 g. product with cool water, you should get a thick mixture. Now cut the lemon into 2 parts, wipe the grease stains with it, wait 5 minutes, wipe again.

Repeat the steps 5-7 times, only after that use mustard. Scoop a little mixture onto a wet kitchen sponge and rub the panels well. Leave to soak for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water. If you don't like the effect, repeat the steps.

Citric acid and alcohol

The product not only has cleaning properties, but also perfectly disinfects the surface. To prepare the mixture, take 3-4 sachets citric acid, dilute with cold water. Do not wait until the granules are completely dissolved. Scoop the mixture onto a sponge, apply to the kitchen unit, wait 10 minutes. Rinse the sponge, soak it in medical alcohol or vodka, remove excess product. To achieve a better result, you can dilute vodka/alcohol with vinegar in a 3:1 ratio.

Cleaning products

There is no point in talking about which manufacturer to give preference to. Choose the composition according to your financial capabilities. Below will be given practical recommendations on the selection and use of household chemicals.

  1. It is important to understand that powder products involve treatment with abrasive particles, due to which they severely damage the varnish surface. In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at drugs available in the form of an aerosol, gel or spray.
  2. To remove grease, it is not necessary to pick up a hard metal sponge. Household chemicals will dissolve contaminants if you wait a certain period of time (indicated on the back of the bottle).
  3. An oven, electric/gas stove, range hood and others will require special efforts from you. metal surfaces. Soaking alone is not enough; you will have to repeat the manipulations at least 3-4 times.
  4. If you don't have a hood, due to which all the fat rises and settles on upper cabinets, soak them using polyethylene. Apply the product, glue cling film and secure with electrical tape. Wait a while and clean the surface with a sponge.
  5. When choosing a product, carefully read the label; most manufacturers indicate what type of surfaces a particular product is suitable for. Do not thoughtlessly cover your headset with unfamiliar products. First, do a test for small area countertops/cabinets, then begin processing.

Table vinegar

The main disadvantage of using table vinegar solution (6%) as a cleaning agent is considered to be low efficiency. If grease stains appeared a long time ago, and you delayed removing them, clean the set in short terms it won't work. You will have to repeat the procedure several times daily for 3 days.

Fold gauze or bandage into 8-10 layers, place cotton wool between the rows. Soak the compress in a vinegar solution (not to be confused with vinegar essence) and rub the stained area. If the coating allows, use a hard sponge. In case of low efficiency, add a small amount of thick dishwashing liquid to the vinegar.


To remove grease from kitchen appliances, use household or tar soap maximum concentration. To use the product correctly, take a double-sided kitchen sponge (foam and abrasive coating), soap the hard part and walk over the surface. Wait 20-30 minutes and rub the set again. At the end of the second stage, rinse off excess with water and buff with a soft cloth.

It is necessary to deal with grease stains on the panels of the kitchen unit immediately after they appear. Otherwise, achieving results in 1 session will be extremely difficult. First, try folk remedies; if the result is poor, take a closer look at household chemicals.

Video: how to remove grease from kitchen furniture

Cleaning is a process that is not always enjoyable, especially if the housewife is faced with the question of how to clean the kitchen from grease. The surfaces of tables, cabinets and stoves quickly become dirty and accumulate traces of cooking, and it is not so easy to get rid of them later. To make your task easier, you need to understand how and how to remove grease from kitchen furniture so that it is quick and effective.

Modern housewives have the opportunity to choose cleaning products from a wide and varied assortment presented in stores. However, more and more often they return to the old and proven traditional methods cleaning using effective means at hand.

The first and main rule that must be followed to ensure that the kitchen always sparkles with cleanliness is that cleaning must be done regularly. So that you don’t have to invent and figure out how to wash old fat in the kitchen, it is better not to start it, but to remove it immediately when it gets dirty. Among other basic recommendations, the most useful are:

  1. When starting cleaning, you need to understand what materials the surfaces that need to be washed are made of. Different cleaning products are suitable for different areas of the kitchen and pieces of furniture.
  2. Before using a store-bought cleaning product, you must read the instructions for use and follow them.
  3. It is better to first try compositions made from available cleaning products on a small area of ​​the kitchen surface, and then wash everything.
  4. Any detergents and mixtures must be washed thoroughly clean water, and then wipe the surface dry so that there are no streaks left.

The kitchen is a room in the house that requires daily cleaning, cleaning and hygiene. But wash away many days kitchen plaque much more difficult. Every housewife has encountered this, because you don’t always have the time and energy to thoroughly clean kitchen surface, and grease stains quickly transform into a persistent, indelible plaque.

There are a lot of kitchen cleaning products, but which ones won’t harm your health, won’t damage surfaces, and will also quickly dissolve grease without excessive effort?

The kitchen has a minimum of 3 kitchen unit covers. Each of them requires an individual cleaning method, since the mechanical and chemical effects of cleaning agents leave negative consequences. For example, caustic powder can instantly clean furniture, but corrodes the surface of the kitchen unit, which over time becomes unusable.

Therefore, before purchasing and choosing a product, determine what material your headset is made of. The packaging of detergents always states what surfaces it is suitable for.

Household chemicals are not universal

To avoid damaging the integrity of the surface, you need to apply products with warm water in advance. After a couple of minutes, it’s enough to simply wipe the walls of the headset from grease without friction and the risk of leaving scratches. But be careful with furniture made from cheap materials, fiberboard, which can become saturated with moisture and deteriorate.

If you have purchased a new product to remove grease from your furniture, it is better to test it on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​furniture.

Therefore, you need to select the product individually for each surface, work with gloves, and also rinse the surfaces well with running water and ventilate the kitchen.

For vertical furniture panels, it is better to use anti-grease sprays or gels. This way you can control the application without dripping onto the floor.

Grandma's products for all kitchen surfaces

In Soviet times, kitchen detergents were practically not used. Housewives used to clean the set:

  • soda;
  • salt;
  • acetic and malic acid;
  • lemon and its zest;
  • mustard powder;
  • vodka and alcohol.

Before use, it is necessary to moisten the kitchen furniture panels with hot water to soak. After 5-10 minutes, you can sprinkle the sponge with soda or mustard, and then clean the contaminated areas from grease. If the contamination is severe, then it will not be possible to wash it right away or you will have to put in a lot of effort. Therefore, you can make a porridge from water and the ingredient, spread it on greasy stains and wait a little. You can add acids.

A tincture is made with lemon zest and vinegar and then used for cleaning. The result is excellent, and a pleasant citrus aroma remains.

Another recipe is suitable for cleaning any set. Mix equal parts vinegar and vodka in a glass, add a couple drops of essential oil. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray on dirty surfaces.

Wooden kitchen corner

If the set is made of solid wood, then, oddly enough, you can wash off greasy stains using vegetable oil and soda at a ratio of 1:2. The resulting slurry is applied to the contaminated areas and rubbed with a soft brush, or a toothbrush. The operating principle is as follows: the oil dissolves similar fat and removes it from a dried state. Soda washes away and removes the released oil from the surface of the headset.

Polished surface

Polishing products are both expensive and very harmful to health. Therefore, in order to save money and have a neutral effect on the body, regular potatoes are used. The tuber is cut lengthwise and rubbed onto the surfaces of the furniture. The effect is no worse than from sprays from the store.

Equipment for cleaning and cleaning in the kitchen

Modern steam cleaners are becoming increasingly popular in the kitchen. The powerful pressure of hot steam can clean any surfaces, materials, fabrics without excess detergents. The only drawback is that wooden furniture with thin film coatings and soft surfaces can deteriorate under the influence of high temperatures.

Innovative sponge (melamine)

Melamine sponge is similar to rubber or plastic that shrinks when compressed. The effect when working is similar to when erasing a pencil from paper with an eraser. The sponge wipes away dirt without detergents. Over time, the sponge wears down to small sizes. Quite convenient and, according to manufacturers, harmless to health.

Its best quality is considered to be the removal of traces from permanent markers and felt-tip pens. If children or adults leave drawings and notes on the refrigerator or stove, then such a thing in the household is simply necessary.

Which product to use is up to you. After all, there is no ideal approach to cleaning the kitchen and furniture yet. The main thing is that the overall result is satisfactory, the furniture does not deteriorate, and health does not deteriorate.