Folk remedies against spider mites. Spider mites on indoor plants: how to fight at home? Sulfur tar soap against spider mites

Caring for plants in the house, working on personal plot For lovers of the green world, the work is not easy, but not without pleasure. Especially when you see the results of your work. It’s a shame when a plant suddenly begins to turn yellow, becomes covered with nasty dots, or even completely withers. A thin web appears at the top or along the entire height. We sympathize - you have a spider mite. Search effective remedy from spider mite, and immediately, otherwise the harvest will be lost! IN room conditions Mites are very active and quickly move from leaf to leaf, from one plant to another. Delay in action risks infecting everyone

Meet the spider mite

The small insect, measuring from 0.3 to 0.5 mm, is almost impossible to see with the naked eye, and its eggs are even more so. Rather, the damage it causes is immediately visible. The spider mite, despite its name, is not related to the category of mites. This is not an insect, but an arachnid. This information is important to determine the current remedy for spider mites.

The color of the insects varies from green to brownish-brown or red. winter time. The body is round and covered with bristles. Spider mites hide on bottom side plants, and they are difficult to notice due to their tiny size. They begin to look for a remedy for spider mites when the leaves are already covered with brown or white dots. It is very difficult to practically destroy this pest completely and forever. Ticks have great vitality and, when attacked, do not favorable conditions stop spoiling the plant, but do not die. They can withstand long periods of hunger, hibernating and waiting for better times.

Optimal living conditions

The unique adaptability to the habitat and weather conditions allows the spider mite to live throughout the entire globe, except Antarctica. Optimal conditions: temperature 20 - 30 degrees Celsius, air humidity - 35-55%. The active stage of activity and reproduction of the pest begins at outdoors from June. At the beginning of August, ticks begin to hibernate. Exactly active period favorable for spraying plants. It is worth using folk remedies for spider mites. Very high summer temperatures, high humidity, and the onset of cold weather stop the active phase of activity, the insects hibernate, hide in the soil, in the cracks of buildings, under the remains of plants.

They crawl under baseboards, onto the ceiling, into cracks in window sills. It is difficult to use a remedy against spider mites during this period, since the spiders themselves are not visible, and the places of their activity are also not visible - they sleep and do not eat. Visually it seems that everything is in order, but the tick is just waiting for a favorable period.

Tick ​​larvae and adults are carried by humans, animals, and on spider webs. And they crawl quickly themselves. IN good conditions Egg clutches remain viable for up to 5 years.

Severity of damage

Tiny size is compensated by numbers. Spider mites live in colonies and can produce from 12 to 20 generations per year. And everything, starting with the larvae, eats much larger than its size. Larvae and adults feed on plant sap, which is obtained by piercing a leaf. Numerous bite sites are those small white dots. The affected leaf loses chlorophyll and the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. In addition, due to the destruction of the membrane, the cell loses moisture and the leaf begins to dry out. Dead cells merge into one yellow spot, then the stem, flowers, top are damaged - and the plant dies.

In addition to the main harm, spider mites are carriers of various harmful bacteria and pathogens. It is more effective to use a spider mite remedy at the beginning of the infection. It is too late and difficult to save a plant that is already completely covered with cobwebs. In addition to the main harm, ticks are carriers of various viruses and harmful bacteria, which also cause secondary diseases.

Whether in the garden, in the vegetable garden...

Methods to combat this scourge are not limited to the use chemicals. Folk remedies for spider mites, physical destruction and biological intervention are also used. Spider mites in our region have many varieties, but some of them are especially dangerous for the garden. You need to know this to determine the best remedy against spider mites for a specific group of plants, and apply it at the most appropriate time.

The problem of some indoor species is that spraying treatment is not suitable for them. And how to deal with spider mites - folk remedies or insecticides in this case? There is a way out: put tampons soaked in a prepared onion or garlic solution or a decoction of herbs in pots with affected plants. The plant is covered with a plastic bag for several days to increase the concentration of evaporation.

If this scourge has started in the apartment, disinfect the entire window sill and carry out preventive treatment healthy plants. In some cases, you may have to sacrifice one of the sickest flowers to save the rest. Ticks spread very quickly and hide well when attacked. unfavorable conditions.

Physical wrestling

This concept means, first of all, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of plants: watering, killing weeds. For indoor plants great value has a content temperature.

The first single affected plants must be removed immediately. Destroy torn out damaged leaves or shoots, do not just leave them on the ground - this is a breeding ground for next generations pest

Biological effects

To combat ticks, biological products have been created: “Akarin”, “Bitoxibacillin”, “Fitoverm”. How to use them correctly?

  • "Akarin" is diluted in a proportion of 2 ml of the drug per liter of water.
  • "Bitoxibacillin" - 80-100 g per 10 liters of water. The disadvantage of this drug is that it can cause allergies upon contact with treated plants.

Both solutions are used throughout the growing season every 15-17 days.

  • "Fitoverm" is diluted in an amount of 10 ml per 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out every 7-10 or 14-20 days. The treatment period depends on the age and size of the plant.

Another general disadvantage biological agents - they act exclusively on adults. Eggs and larvae are not affected. The processing period depends on this: for each generation - a new portion.

The pesticides clofentesine and flufenzine belong to the hormonal group. They do not destroy all individuals at once, but sterilize the uterus. The effect of their use is long-term, but becomes noticeable after a few days. Some individuals die out, while others do not appear. If you need to destroy a tick urgently, you can mix this drug with any of the biological products.

Advantages and disadvantages of "chemistry"

What do you need to know about the use of chemical industry products in the fight against spider mites?

Fighting spider mites with folk remedies

Methods proven by folk experience have an effect no worse than industrial drugs. In any case, they will not cause harm to either humans or animals. The ingredients for the solutions are the simplest and most affordable. Not only indoor plants, but also those living in garden beds, especially cucumbers, can be treated with folk remedies.

  • At the first sign of disease, give the plant a cold shower every day. This is suitable for those species that do not mind such a procedure.
  • You can use dishwashing detergent - wash the leaves, stems, pot, window sill well.
  • Chop approximately 150 g of peeled garlic in any way, add 1 liter of water and leave for 5-7 hours. Dilute the resulting concentrate in a ratio of 5 ml/1 l of water and use it to treat plants.
  • Similar to garlic, cooked onion infusion, only it is used without dilution. Garlic cloves and onion pieces can be placed in a pot if the indoor plant does not like spraying. Cover the pot with a plastic bag.
  • An infusion is prepared from the roots of dandelion: 20 g of roots per 1 liter of water. Take warm water. Can be used after a couple of hours.
  • You can treat infected areas of hard-leaved plants with a swab dipped in medical alcohol. This must be done carefully and quickly so as not to burn the leaves.

  • Cyclamen. Boil several tubers of this plant for 40 minutes. After a day, the decoction is ready for use.
  • Yarrow. Pour a bucket of boiling water over a kilogram of dried grass. After 3-4 days, add 3 tbsp to the strained infusion. spoons of grated laundry soap.
  • Tar soap. Proportion: 10 g per liter of water.
  • Turpentine. A jar of turpentine is placed near the affected houseplant and covered with a plastic bag for several hours.


On the beds:

  • Timely destruction of weeds in beds and around greenhouses.
  • Provide sufficient watering.
  • It is good to fertilize plants - they have greater resistance to disease and infection.
  • Clean up your garden in the fall and dig the soil deep.

In enclosed spaces:

  • Plants should be kept in optimal conditions: excessive dryness, as well as excessive moisture, is a favorable environment for spider mites.
  • On broad-leaved plants, regularly wipe the dust with a damp, clean cloth and periodically pamper indoor garden rain from the shower (except for those for whom it is harmful).
  • Remove wilted flowers and dried leaves promptly. This is not only disease prevention, but also a way to extend the flowering period.

  • Eat good remedy to prevent the appearance of spider mites - add a few drops of neem tree oil to the water for spraying.
  • All medicinal folk methods aimed at destroying the pest can be used in smaller doses for preventive treatment. If you don’t want to lose your favorite house plants or cucumber harvest, treat them occasionally with an infusion that is harmless to people.

And in greenhouses. Ticks feed leaf cell sap, which leads to their yellowing, death and death of the plant.

See such a tick very difficult, cobwebs on the leaves appear already on later infection.

In the greenhouse

How to deal with spider mites in a greenhouse? To prevent ticks from appearing, you need to start with prevention:

It is better to use chemicals in a greenhouse as a last resort, if folk remedies do not help. Recipes for homemade decoctions and infusions have been tested for centuries, and it is not for nothing that they are still used in pest control.

If the spider mite has settled in the greenhouse, then it's time to process. The fight against spider mites in a greenhouse with folk remedies is that you can simply dig up and burn the affected plants, but it is better to try regular spraying with homemade solutions. For greater efficiency can be alternated different means.

On indoor plants

How to get rid of spider mites on indoor flowers folk remedies? Here too we should not forget about preventive measures:

  • daily inspect plant leaves;
  • periodically rinse plant under stream warm water;
  • spray and wipe leaves with a solution of laundry soap;
  • several times a week for 1-2 minutes place the plant under a special ultraviolet lamp with long or medium rays;
  • If you suspect a mite, quickly treat the leaves pure medical alcohol.

If prevention has not brought results, and the tick still appears, then it’s time to start active struggle.

Spider mites: how to fight with folk remedies? Simple and effective way treating house plants against spider mites in this video:

What folk remedies are there for spider mites? indoor plants?


There are traditional methods of combating spider mites. We present to you several effective recipes homemade decoctions and infusions for ticks.

Soap solution

They can also be processed indoor plants and greenhouse.

For processing in a greenhouse you will need a concentrated soap solution.

Dilute in a bucket of warm water 200 g laundry soap chopped on a coarse grater.

The resulting solution is infused for 2-3 hours, mixed well and sprayed on the infected plantings. You can use it instead of soap dishwashing liquid, diluted in water.

Indoor plants are wiped with a sponge well soaped with laundry soap. Special attention given to leaves and stems. Be sure to process the pot and lightly spray the soil around the plant.

It is important to avoid contact with soapy water on the roots, this can lead to the death of the flower.

The treated plant is left for 3-4 hours, then wash off the soap suds and cover for a day plastic bag, to maintain high humidity.

Sulfur-tar soap against spider mites - a fairly effective and proven remedy. Add 100 grams of crushed sulfur-tar soap to a bucket of water and spray it weekly. This treatment is repeated 2-3 more times.

Suitable for both indoor and outdoor garden plants. After such treatment, spider mites guaranteed to disappear.

Alcohol solution

Used ammonia . A solution of ammonia is made at the rate of 30 ml per bucket of water (10 l). This product can be used to wipe the leaves and treat the greenhouse.

Soap-alcohol solution also used on indoor plants. Dissolve 20-30 grams of soap in 1 liter of boiling water, cool and pour in 10-20 ml of alcohol. Handle the plant carefully and top layer soil.


You can use it to make several types infusion:

  1. Grind 30 g garlic, add bucket hot water and leave for a day. The finished infusion is filtered and the affected leaves are treated.
  2. Can be finely chopped 500 g garlic, add 3 liters of water and insist on dark place 5-6 days. Then strain the infusion, pour 60 grams and dilute it in a bucket of water. You can add 50 grams of laundry soap there.
  3. Chopped garlic (200 g) is stirred in a bucket of water and spray immediately, without insisting.
  4. There are situations when a houseplant does not tolerate spraying (for example, succulents). In this case, chopped garlic is placed in a small container, placed next to the plant and covered with a bag for 1-2 hours.


Onion infusion also helps well in the fight against ticks. To prepare it you need 200 g fresh onion peels pour a bucket of well-warm water and put in a warm place for 12 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered, squeezed and sprayed on the plants.

In houseplants you can simply wipe leaves and stems. The procedure is carried out weekly for 1-2 months.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs

Dandelion It also helps a lot in the fight against ticks. To do this, 30-40 grams of medicinal dandelion roots are crushed and poured with a liter of water. The plant is left to infuse for several hours and processed.

Decoction of cyclamen roots saves indoor plants. Boil 50 grams of roots in 0.5 liters of water and filter. The resulting decoction can be used to wipe the leaves and stems. After 5 days, the procedure is repeated.

Yarrow infusion It is prepared as follows: 700-800 grams of dry leaves are infused in 10 liters of boiling water. After 3 days, it can be used to treat both greenhouse and indoor plants.

Infusion from potato tops It also helps a lot against spider mites: 1 kg of fresh tops is crushed and filled with a bucket of water.

Leave for 3-4 hours and filter. Can be used for greenhouse treatment.

Infusion and decoction of black henbane. This plant is extremely poisonous, but if you are careful, you can get rid of the tick forever.

For infusion, pour 1 kg of henbane into a bucket of water and leave for 10 hours. Then strain and add 20 grams of laundry soap. You can take 2 kg of fresh henbane, add water and cook for 2-3 hours. After filtering, add 10 liters of water to the broth.

Horseradish infusion: 1 kg of finely chopped horseradish roots pour into a bucket cold water. Leave for several hours and treat the plants.

Decoction of gray alder leaves prepared from 2 kg of fresh leaves filled with a bucket of water. It is infused for 24 hours, then it is boiled for half an hour and infused again for 12-13 hours.

Wormwood decoction helps not only in the fight against ticks, but also against many other pests. Add 800 grams of dry wormwood to a bucket of water and leave for 2 days. Then cook for half an hour, filter and add another 10-12 liters of water.

It is good to spray with this decoction greenhouse landings.

Rosemary essential oil

Take a few drops per 1 liter of water. Stir well and wipe home flowers.

There are a lot of recipes for various infusions and decoctions. Some of them effective, some - not so much.

But in don't use chemicals right away, because you can ruin the harvest and harm your favorite house plant.

After all folk remedies That’s why they are called folk because their effectiveness has been tested by trial and error for many years.

How to get rid of spider mites on summer cottage traditional methods, you will find out by watching this video:

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They are used against them special drugsacaricides or insectoacaricides(they work against ticks and insects). Are there any special means from spider mites?

List of effective drugs

Is there a better remedy for spider mites? List the most effective chemical and biological preparations for spider mites.



  • Agravertine;
  • Akarin;
  • Fitoverm.

About the use of anti-spider mite products Fufanon And Aktellik will tell you experienced gardener in this video:

Description of drugs


Aktara's anti-spider mite product contains thiamethoxam from the group of neonicotinoids and is not an acaricidal agent.

According to official data, it does not act on ticks, but many plant growers have noticed reverse effect.

After treatment with Aktara, not only insects die, but also phytophagous mites.


Biological insectoacaricide, belongs to the 4th generation of biological products. Fitoverm against spider mites has a very broad spectrum of effects and works against mites and many insects.

Antiklesch and Fufanon

Two insectoacaricides produced by different companies containing same active substance in the same concentration. Because of this, the drugs are identical in action and other parameters.


Insectoacaricide from the group of organophosphorus compounds. Is also fumigant, penetrating through the breathing holes.


Acaricide with ovicidal property, destroying the eggs. It does not kill adults, but it sterilizes them, depriving them of the ability to reproduce.

  • Release form. Suspension concentrate, packaged in bottles of different sizes.
  • Compound. The main substance is clofentesine, concentration 500 g/l.
  • Mechanism of influence. It enters the body of ticks by intestinal and contact methods and sterilizes them, disrupting the normal functions of the reproductive system. It has a highly toxic effect on eggs and larvae, destroying them.
  • Duration of action. It works 2 times longer than other acaricides - the protective period is about a month.
  • Compatibility. Combines with non-alkaline growth accelerators.
  • When to use? Under standard conditions - in the absence of precipitation, wind and high solar activity. Use at home is not prohibited; it is recommended to use a respirator and gloves when working with the drug.
  • How to prepare the solution? Pour 2 ml of the product into 5 liters of cold water and stir. This is usually enough to process 10 sq.m. landing
  • Method of application. Carefully spray all plant surfaces, trying to treat even hidden areas. How better bush moistened with the product, the greater the chance of destroying the entire pest colony.
  • Toxicity. Apollo is practically harmless to bees and other insects; it is toxic to people and animals, but very weakly. Belongs to toxicity class 4.


Innovative a drug that is guaranteed to reduce colonies of any vegetarian ticks.

  • Release form. Emulsion concentrate, packaged in ampoules with a capacity of 2 and 5 ml.
  • Compound. The main substance is bromopropylate. Concentration 500 g per l.
  • Mechanism of action. It is used for contact penetration, after which it disrupts the activity of many systems of the tick’s body.
  • Duration of action. Depends on and varies from 10 to 40 days.
  • Compatibility. Combines well with modern fungicides and insecticides. It is not recommended to mix with other acaricides and alkaline agents.
  • When to use? At the time of applying the acaricide and 3-4 hours after this there should be no wind, precipitation, high humidity and strong solar activity. Perfect for use in the home, however, before treatment, protect the skin with clothing and remove animals and children from the premises. After the procedure, do a wet cleaning to prevent contact of the drug with the skin.
  • How to prepare a working solution? Depending on the number of pests, use 10 to 20 ml of the product dissolved in a bucket of water. This amount is enough to process 10 bushes, 2-5 trees or 100 square meters. m of planting area. Storage of the solution is allowed for no longer than 2 hours.
  • Directions for use. Since the route of entry of ticks into the body is exclusively contact, it is very important to thoroughly wet all accessible parts of the plants. And do not allow the drug to flow onto the ground.
  • Toxicity. It is slightly dangerous for insects, as it has low toxicity, classified as class 4. May cause severe irritation to the skin or mucous membranes in humans.


The big advantage of acaricides is that they do not pose a high toxic hazard for people, animals and insects, so they can be used without danger.

A wide range modern means against ticks allows each consumer to choose the optimal product.

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Unfortunately, they have not yet come up with a method by which you can “with one shot” destroy all the plants that have settled on indoor plants. As a rule, more than one treatment, or even two, is needed before the last mite is defeated. And in this fight, the choice of remedy for spider mites will play an important role.

Calm and only calm! If the number of arachnid monsters on your plant is small, then it is quite possible to get by with folk means of destruction.

1. Rubbing alcohol

A fairly effective remedy for spider mites is medical alcohol (96%). Moisten a cotton wool with it and wipe the leaves of the plant - the tick will be destroyed (remember that you cannot take eggs this way!). Alcohol has the ability to evaporate quickly, so the leaves of the plant should theoretically not be damaged. However, it is still better not to experiment in this way with thin leaves of fuchsia or petunia. But ficus, hibiscus, date palm, Dieffenbachia and other “thick-skinned” plants will not even feel the touch of alcohol.

2. Soap (laundry soap is better, but any other will do)

If you have spider mites, the plant can be treated with regular soap. To do this, we take our plant into the bathroom and wipe all the leaves and branches with a soapy sponge. The more foam, the better. We also soap the pot and tray well. We also spray the soil with soapy water, but just a little bit, so as not to get on the roots and damage the plant. Unfortunately, some gardeners act radically and spill the entire earthen lump, and then are surprised that the plant dries out after a week. Don’t repeat the mistakes of others, there should be moderation in everything!

So, after you soap the plant, do not rush to wash off the foam. Wait 3-4 hours - that will be enough. Soap forms a film on the leaves through which gas exchange does not occur, that is, the plant “does not breathe.” Therefore, leaving it in such soapy conditions overnight is risky. After the soap is washed off, cover the plant with a bag for a day, without waiting for the water drops to dry. This will be a “double blow” for those ticks that remained alive after the soap. High humidity under the package will become unbearable for them and they will die.

Soap is an effective remedy for spider mites

You can often find a recommendation to spray plants with soapy water instead of wiping with a sponge. In some cases, this is the only correct solution, for example, when many plants with small leaves are infected. Wiping each leaf is a pain in the ass, but you can spray it in a matter of minutes.

By the way, as an alternative to soap, you can use any dishwashing detergent, for example, the same “Fairy”.

3. Garlic infusion

Take two heads of garlic and chop them finely. We put the resulting raw materials in a jar and fill it with 1 liter of water, close the lid. Place the jar in a dark cabinet and let it sit for 5 days. After this period, spray the plant with the resulting infusion, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

The tick drinks the “blood” of plants and therefore, like any vampire, is very afraid of garlic

4. Infusion from onion peel

Pour 100 g of onion peel into 5 liters of water and leave for 4-5 days. Afterwards, filter the infusion and spray the affected plants.

Chemical control of spider mites - drugs of mass destruction

The Putin mite is an arachnid “animal”, so it makes no sense to use insecticides (remedies against insect pests) to destroy it. Other drugs that are effective against ticks are acaricides and insectoacaricides.

1. Actellik – a toxic agent with “armor-piercing” action

This remedy for spider mites belongs to a series of insectoacaricides, that is, it destroys both arachnids and insects. Kills ticks outright, so it is most often recommended for mass destruction plants when other drugs may not be as effective.

When spraying plants with Actellik, you should remember that this product is very toxic. Carry out treatments either outdoors or with good ventilation.

Actellik is a remedy for spider mites of the 2nd hazard class, therefore toxic to humans and pets

2. Fitoverm – biological insectoacaricide

Another insectoacaricide that works great against mites and unwanted insects on your plants. Its advantage is that it is much less toxic, so spraying can be done in enclosed spaces, for example, in a bathroom. Naturally, you shouldn’t let your guard down - carry out the treatment at an accelerated pace, and when finished, wash your face, hands, rinse your mouth, and wash your clothes. In general, follow all safety requirements that must be observed when working with hazardous substances.

To completely destroy mites, plants must be sprayed with phytoverm 3-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

3. Neoron – acaricide with ovicidal effect

Rare drugs against spider mites damage not only adults, but also their eggs. One of these universal remedies is Neoron. It cannot be said that the eggs are completely destroyed and one can get by with just one pickling procedure, but it is a fact that a significant part of them are damaged. As a rule, 2 treatments with Neoron are enough to destroy the entire mite population.

4. Other drugs – let’s try to embrace the immensity

In addition to the above-mentioned drugs, you can use: Sunmite (just like Neoron destroys tick eggs), Actofit, Akarin, Apollo, Vermitek, Fufanon (an analogue of karbofos), etc.

In many sources there is an opinion that the traditional insecticide Aktaru can be used as an acaricidal agent. So does Aktara work against spider mites? In fact, many experienced flower growers They note the destruction of the mite precisely after Aktara spilled soil in a pot of plants. So, even if this phenomenon is not supported by the statement on the label, this does not mean that it does not exist. Try it!

Biological measures against spider mites

There is another way to get rid of spider mites. The method is quite specific, but completely harmless to humans and pets. In addition, it does not involve any labor-intensive spraying, keeping plants under a bag and other physical movements.

The essence biological control against spider mites is to use them for this natural enemies– Phytoseiulus and Amblyseius. These are also ticks, but only predatory ones. You can purchase them at garden centers, flower shops or on the Internet.

Amblyseius and phytoseius are sold in paper sachets. An open package is hung on the affected plant, predatory mites crawl free and eat the pests

As soon as you release phytoseiulus or amblyseius into a pot with a plant, they will immediately begin to look for food. In one day, 1 predator eats 5 spider mites or 10 eggs – not bad! Thus, than more predators you acquire, the faster you will be able to destroy malicious pests. The only thing is that as soon as the predators are left without food, they will die, so storing them until the next spider mite invasion will not work.

Has this ever happened to you: you wake up in the morning and come up to admire your flowers, but all the tops of the plants have drooped and are covered with cobwebs? A similar picture can be seen both on indoor plants and in the garden on flowers, trees and berries. The name of this misfortune is spider mite. It is able to penetrate everywhere and its tiny size makes it almost elusive. How quickly and efficiently get rid of spider mites once and for all and prevent its occurrence?

You need to know the enemy by sight

Spider mites(or scientifically in Latin - Tetranychidae) are distributed throughout our to the globe. But given their vitality, it is possible that beyond its borders J. Even in the ice of Antarctica, larvae of these insects were found. The species diversity of spider mites is simply amazing; there are more than 12 hundred different species.

This is what a spider mite looks like when zoomed in

The size of this pest is so small (less than one millimeter) that it is almost impossible to see it with the naked eye. The appearance of spider mites on indoor plants can be detected only when insect colonies reach impressive sizes. And also as a characteristic feature - the appearance of cobwebs near the leaf cuttings and at the bottom of the leaf.

This is what spider mite larvae look like

Mites feed on plant juices, located on the underside of the leaf blade, closer to the large veins. Spider mite, as well as forest ticks, has a sharp proboscis with which it pierces the leaf tissue and drinks the juice. As a result of the activity of a colony of pests, the plant begins to quickly wither, rapidly lose leaves and, ultimately, dies if timely measures are not taken.

And on this leaf you can see the spider mite itself, its larvae and the eggs it lays.

The lifespan of a tick is less than two months, but females manage to lay up to five thousand eggs during this time, from which a new generation of ticks emerges every 2-3 days. Therefore, the pest population is growing almost at lightning speed.