Manual rangefinder LPR 1 repair diagram. Introduction. On the back and bottom sides


The laser reconnaissance device (laser binoculars-rangefinder) LPR-2 “Anode” (1D18) is mass-produced at OJSC Kazan Optical-Mechanical Plant (KOMZ).
It is used to measure the range to observed ground and air targets, conduct reconnaissance, determine the polar coordinates of the target and navigate the terrain, control artillery fire, as well as to measure the range at night when docked with night vision devices. The output of information about the measured range in computer code and the possibility of remote control make it possible to use the range finder in automated fire control systems. Thanks to the presence of the mounting unit, the rangefinder is easily connected to a variety of devices and equipment. High-aperture optics allow you to work in the twilight. The reticle of the viewfinder is illuminated if necessary. The goniometer device helps to accurately measure horizontal and magnetic azimuths and vertical angles. In sea and river navigation, the device is necessary for placing navigational signs and when ships pass through bottlenecks.

The 1D18 product, when installed on the PAB-2M periscope artillery compass, and the 1D18-1 product, when installed on an angle-measuring device mounted on a tripod, provide determination of the polar coordinates of targets and orientation relative to the cardinal points. High-aperture optics allow you to work even in the twilight, and the reticle of the sight is illuminated if necessary.
The rangefinder binoculars have remote control, an autonomous or on-board standard power supply, an information output to a computer or an information transmission channel. The rangefinder is powered from a standard battery
batteries 10D-O, 55S-1. The rangefinder can be powered from rechargeable batteries with a voltage of 12-14.5 and 22-29V, as well as from the on-board network (27+ 2.7)V.


Maximum measured range to large targets, m not less than 20000
Minimum measurable range, m no more than 50
Magnification of the viewfinder, x 8
Angular field of view of the viewfinder, deg. 6
Root mean square error of range measurement, m ±3.5
The number of range measurements without replacing the autonomous power supply is at least 1000
Number of measurements and memorization of range to targets with one radiation up to 2
Distance at which smooth gating of the measured range is ensured, m 60 – 6000
Supply voltage, V:
— from the built-in source (battery) 11 – 14
— from the on-board DC network 12, 27
— from non-standard batteries 12
Operating temperature range, degrees. From –40 to +50
Overall dimensions, mm 100x185x190
Weight, 6 kg
Weight with built-in primary power supply, kg: 1.6

Sources: KOMZ,,, etc.

Position requirement

To conduct combat work, the decision maker is installed at the observation post in such a way that there is no interference in the beam line that would interfere with determining the coordinates of the selected targets.

Transfer LPR-1(2) from traveling to combat position in the following order:

Choose a place to observe;

If observations and measurements are to be made from a tripod, install the tripod in the chosen location by extending the telescopic legs to the required length and pointing one of the legs towards the observation, the base of the tripod should be approximately horizontal;

If there is no need or opportunity to use a tripod, unscrew the tripod cup from the base and secure it to some wooden object by inserting the anchor into the wooden object and screwing it there until it stops;

Install the angle measuring device with a ball support into the cup;

Level the ICD with a ball level by rotating the ICD in the cup and inserting the level bubble into the center of the ring marks. Securely fasten the ICD with a clamp;

Install the LPR-1 on the angle-measuring device, moving the rangefinder along the guides of the ICD bracket, insert the ICD clamp into the TV-shaped groove of the rangefinder bracket until it stops, then securely fasten the rangefinder by turning the handle of the clamping device;

Orient the rangefinder along the magnetic meridian.

When working with a periscope artillery compass, transfer the device from the traveling position to the combat position in the following order:

Install the compass tripod, place the compass in the tripod cup, level it and orient it;

Install the adapter bracket on the compass monocular and securely secure it with the clamp screw;

Moving the rangefinder along the guides of the adapter bracket, insert the bracket clamp into the T-shaped groove of the rangefinder bracket until it stops, then securely fasten the rangefinder by turning the handle of the adapter bracket.

Transfer the device from the combat position to the traveling position in the following order:

Turn the handle of the clamping device of the ICD or adapter bracket all the way and remove the rangefinder from the ICD or adapter bracket, put it in the case;

Also put in the case, a coordinate converter, a napkin, a pencil, an eraser, and a spare battery (if they were used in the work).

Application of the device

Turn the switch to the ON position;

Point the rangefinder at the target;

Press the “Measurement 1” button and release it after the readiness indicator lights up;

Take the range reading and elevation angle of the target, i.e. polar coordinates;

When the red indicator lights up, replace the battery;

If there are several targets in the goniometric grid gap during measurement, the decimal point in the low-order digit of the range indicator lights up.

By pressing the “Measurement 1” and “Measurement 2” buttons, you can measure the distance to the first and second targets;

If there is a measurement, for example, through bushes, it is necessary to set the minimum range limit with the handle, rather than a distance slightly greater than the distance to the bushes and carry out the measurement. In this case, the beam reflected from the bushes will not be detected, that is, we will get the distance to the target;

When working at night, switch the “Backlight” switch to the ON position.

V. Start processing mode.

1. Move the platform to the Home point position by pressing the button on the program control panel.

2. Turn on the Power unit by turning the key on this unit to the horizontal position.

3.Wait for the unit to enter operating mode and press the reset button on the BKU 4-2 control panel. (Perform until the processing mode parameters are displayed on the display).

4. Close the security doors of the complex.

5. Start processing the part/workpiece along the trajectory by pressing the Play button (start 1 time) or enter on the program control panel and confirm the start of the process.

6. Upon completion of processing the workpiece, turn off the power unit pumping unit by turning the key on the unit to the vertical position.

7. Move the platform to the “sample loading” position by pressing the button on the program control panel.

VI. Lab Report Requirements:

The laboratory report must contain:

Title of work,

Brigade number,

Full names, names and names of students performing this work,

Installation diagram, its technical characteristics, description of the designed technological process,

Description of the control system and software of the complex,

Processing path image,

Conclusions from the work.

The report is drawn up in 1 copy for 1 team, it must be presented in printed form (A4 format), graphics are made on graph paper.

LPR-1 - laser reconnaissance device (observation and rangefinder kit, Laser binoculars-rangefinder 1D13, "Karalon-M").

Developed in the 1980s. It is equipped mainly with artillery and reconnaissance units of the former Warsaw Pact states. It is designed for observation, detection of targets, determination of spherical coordinates of targets and converting them into rectangular coordinates, marking and measuring magnetic and topographic azimuths, binding to points with known coordinates, orientation of other devices, as well as determining the coordinates of shell explosions (ground and air) . The laser rangefinder provides determination of the distance (in one measurement) to the first two objects located in the so-called active zone.


The LPR-1 laser reconnaissance device is intended for:

1. conducting surveillance;

2. target detection;

3. determining the spherical coordinates of targets and converting them into rectangular coordinates;

4. marking and measuring magnetic and topographic azimuths;

5. snapping to points with known coordinates;

6. orientation of other devices;

7. determining the coordinates of shell explosions (ground and air). The laser rangefinder provides determination of the distance (in one measurement) to the first two objects located in the so-called active zone.

Laser reconnaissance device LPR-1 (1D13):

1 - rangefinder; 2 - angle measuring device (AMD); 3 - tripod.

The main tactical and technical characteristics are presented in the table

No. Name characteristic Indicators
Range of measured distances (meter capacity), m 145 - 20000
Range to tank type target, m, not less than 5000
Maximum measurement error, m no more than 10
Viewer magnification, times
Visor field of view, deg 6,7
Exit pupil diameter, mm 6,4
Exit pupil relief, mm
Diopter adjustment of the viewfinder eyepiece not less than ±4
Radiation wavelength, microns 1,06
Radiation divergence, s no more than 2
Range of vertical aiming angles ±5
Horizontal pointing angle range ±30-00d.u.
Median error in measuring horizontal angles no more than 0-02
Median magnetic azimuth measurement error no more than 0-03 d.u.
Median error in determining rectangular coordinates, m no more than 50
Range measurement frequency, Hz 0,2
Supply voltage, V 11-14
Current consumption, A no more than 0.8
Operating life from one battery charge: · at an ambient temperature of 20C and 50C · at an ambient temperature of minus 40°C 600 measurements 200 measurements
Ready time for measurement: in normal climatic conditions, s no more than 3
At extreme operating temperatures of minus 40°C and plus 50°C, s no more than 5
Overall dimensions in stowed position, mm 550x337x283
Rangefinder weight, kg no more than 2.5
Weight in firing position, kg no more than 5
Weight in stowed position, kg no more than 15

LPR-1 kit

The LPR-1 kit includes:

1) observation monocular, interlocked with a rangefinder and power system

2) a protractor for making measurements in the vertical and horizontal planes, interlocked with a magnetic compass (MCI);

3) converter of polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates;

4) tripod;

5) equipment for recharging the battery;

6) three spare batteries;

7) a set of cables for connecting battery charging equipment to various power sources;

8) a set of spare parts;

9) additional remote control “Measurement I - Measurement II”;

10) operational documentation;

11) bracket for mounting the observatory monocular compass;

12) additional case;

14) storage box.

LPR-1 set in a transport case:

1 - intermediate bracket for mounting an observation monocular on a compass goniometer;
2.5 - spare batteries;
3 - observation monocular rangefinder in an additional case;
4 - goniometer; 6 - container for tools and cleaning products;
7 - covers;
8 - additional remote control with buttons “Measurement I-Measurement II”;
9 - equipment for charging the battery;
10 - set of cables for connecting power;
11 – tripod (on the lid of the storage box);
12 – storage box; 13 – converter

An observation monocular with a laser rangefinder was placed in a case; it can be used separately in the same way as prismatic binoculars. The device is powered by a built-in rechargeable battery with a voltage of 11-14 V; Power supply from the on-board network (27±2.7) V is allowed, including from the on-board network of tracked vehicles, as well as from non-standard batteries with a voltage of 22-29 V or 12-14.5 V.

The armies of the United States, Great Britain and Norway are equipped with the same observation and rangefinder devices, designated as LP-7.

Main controls of LPR-1 (Figure 5.3)

On the front and top sides:

· cover with battery compartment handle;

· toggle switch "OFF" - "ON" to turn the device on and off;

· drum (handle) “GROBING” - to set the minimum range, closer than which range measurement is impossible;

· viewer eyepiece;

· indicator eyepiece;

· toggle switch “ON” - “OFF” - to turn on and off the illumination of the reticle of the viewfinder;

· buttons “MEASUREMENT 1” and “MEASUREMENT 2” - to measure the range to the first or second target located in the radiation target.

On the back and bottom sides:

· bracket for installing the device on the ICD bracket or on the adapter bracket when installing the device on a compass;

· drying cartridge;

· viewer lens;

· telescope lens;

· connector with a cover for connecting the cable of remote buttons.


2. handle;


5. belt;

6. panel;

7. LIGHT toggle switch handle;

8. viewfinder eyepiece;

10. viewfinder eyepiece;

12. battery compartment cover;

13. ON-OFF toggle switch handle.


1. drying cartridge;

2. belt;

3. bracket;

4. cover.

Note . If there is no reflected pulse, zeros (00000) are displayed in all digits of the range indicator. In the absence of a probing pulse, zeros are displayed in all digits of the range indicator and a decimal point is displayed in the third digit (Figure 5.4 position 5).

If there are several targets on the radiation target (at a break in the goniometric grid) during measurement, the decimal point in the least significant digit of the range indicator lights up (Figure 5.4 position 2).

The device is designed to determine the coordinates of ground targets, ground and air shell explosions.

It allows:

Conduct surveillance;

Orient yourself relative to the cardinal directions;

Determine the polar coordinates (magnetic azimuth and range) of the target and

convert them into rectangular coordinates or a topographic map;

Determine the rectangular coordinates of the device’s standing point using known

landmark coordinates;

Determine the rectangular coordinates of the target using known coordinates

landmark without knowing the coordinates of the device’s position;

T.T.H. device

Ranges of measured distances, m- 145 ¸ 20 000

· Mach measurement error: - range, m - 10

Horizontal angles - 0-02

· Magnification - 7 X

· Field of view angle - 6.7°

· Supply voltage, IN- 11 ¸ 14

Current consumption A- 0,8

· Service life from one battery charge at t° = 20°C - 600 measurements.

Ready time for measurement at t°= 20°С - 3 sec

· Weight in firing position, kg - 5

rangefinder weight, kg - 2.5

Included in the device includes:


Angle measuring device;


Spare parts kit;


Transferring the device from traveling to combat position.

Choose a place to observe;

Install the tripod, or, unscrewing the tripod cup from the base, insert the anchor into a wooden object and screw it until it stops;

Install the angle measuring device and level it;

Install the rangefinder;

Preparing the device for use

Set the viewfinder eyepiece to sharpen the reticle image by rotating the eyepiece frame;

Disorient the compass magnetic needle by unscrewing the brake handle

magnetic needle;

Align the compass pointer with the end of the magnetic needle by turning the ICD around its axis;

Disorient the horizontal angle scale by unscrewing the brake handle;

Set the zero value of the scale (or the correction device value specified in the device passport), fix the scale with the brake handle;

Insert battery (switch in OFF position)

If necessary, connect a remote control panel.

Application of the device

Turn the switch to the ON position;

Point the rangefinder at the target;

Press the "Measurement 1" button and after the ready indicator lights up

let her go;

Take the range reading and elevation angle of the target, i.e. polar coordinates;

When the red indicator lights up, replace the battery;

If there are several targets in the gap in the goniometric grid when measuring

The decimal point in the least significant digit of the range indicator lights up.

By pressing the “Measurement 1” and “Measurement 2” buttons, you can measure the distance to the first and second targets;

If there is a measurement, for example, through bushes, it is necessary to install

handle limiting the minimum range than a distance of several

greater than the distance to the bushes and take a measurement. In this case

the beam reflected from the bushes will not be recorded, i.e. we will get the distance

When working at night, switch the “Backlight” switch to the ON position.

Battery operation

1.The battery is supplied in a discharged state. A note about the operation and retraining of the battery must be recorded in the passport table.

While charging the battery, touch any non-insulated circuit elements;

Violate charge and discharge modes;

Disassemble the battery;

Store batteries in the same room as acids, acid batteries and batteries;

3. Carry out the charge at air temperature + (20 ± 5) ° C in the following order:

Unscrew the cover of the UZR compartment;

Insert the battery into the compartment with the “+” terminal towards the bottom contact

battery compartment and screw on the cover;

Connect the UZR to the power source with the charger to charge

battery 10D-0.55S-1 from the on-board DC network with

voltage (27 ± 2.7)V or 22-29V and AC mains 220V 50Hz;

3.1. If the battery was stored in a discharged state for no more than 28 days, then it is charged for 15 hours (position of the UZR CHARGE and MAIN toggle switches).

3.2. If the battery has been stored in a discharged state for more than 28 days. But no more than 3 months, then she needs to be informed about the cycle according to the regimen:

Charge according to clause 3.1;

Discharge (position of the DISCHARGE and MAIN toggle switches) before flashing starts

DISCHARGE LED, indicating low battery. Next, let me know

operating charge for 15 hours, clause 3.1.

3.3.If the battery has been stored in a discharged state for more than 3 months. Then before use it needs two training cycles:

1st cycle

Charge within 24 hours (position of the UZR CHARGE and PREPARATORY toggle switches);

Discharge (position of the DISCHARGE and PREPARATORY toggle switches) before the start


2nd cycle

Charge according to clause 3.1;

Discharge (position of the UZR DISCHARGE and MAIN toggle switches) until the DISCHARGE LED starts blinking.

If the discharge time is 5 hours or more, then the battery must be given a working charge in accordance with clause 3.1.

If the discharge time is less than 5 hours, but more than 3.5 hours, then the battery must be given another training 2nd cycle in accordance with clause 3.3, after which - a working charge in accordance with clause 3.1.

If the discharge time is less than 3.5 hours, the battery is considered unsuitable for further use.

3.4. If the battery was not completely discharged during operation, then before subsequent charging it is necessary to discharge it (the position of the UZR DISCHARGE and MAIN toggle switches) until the DISCHARGE LED starts blinking.

4. During operation, the battery can be stored as charged. So in the discharged state.

If the batteries have been stored in a charged state for no more than 28 days, then they can be used immediately.

If after 28 days the charged batteries have not been used, then they must be discharged in accordance with clause 3.4.

Before use, charge the battery in accordance with paragraphs. 3.1 -3.3.

5. If the battery is operated at negative temperatures, then before further charging it must be kept at ambient temperature (20 ± 5) ° C for at least 12 hours and discharged in accordance with clause 3.4.

6. At the end of charging:

Disconnect the UZR from the power source;

Unscrew the cover of the UZR compartment;

Remove the battery;

Close the cover of the UZR compartment.


The R-299 device is designed to determine the location and depth of main cable communication lines, field communication lines and metal pipelines located in the ground and fresh water, when the reconnaissance operator moves over the place where they are laid.

The operating principle of the device is based on the detection of electromagnetic cables or metal pipelines (hereinafter referred to as lines in the text).

Basic T.T.H. device R-299.

1. The device provides detection:

Field communication lines in soil or water at a depth of up to 30 cm;

Main cable communication lines and metal pipelines in the ground and in water up to 2 m;

2. Errors in determining the location of the line do not exceed:

In the horizontal plane ± (10cm + 10% h);

In depth - ± (10cm + 15% h), where h is the actual depth of the line.

Fig. 8 The procedure for determining the location of underground communication lines.

3. The operating range of the device is 150-408 kHz and 525-1600 kHz.

4. The operating time of the device without adjustment is at least 30 minutes.

5. The device is powered from an internal power source - a 6RTs-83 battery or six D-0.25 batteries. The device provides the ability to connect an external power source with a voltage of 6 - 7.8 V.

6. Time of continuous operation of the device when powered by one 6RTs-83 battery:

Without dial illumination - 32 hours;

With backlit dials - 8 hours.

Continuous operation time when powered by D-0.25 batteries:

Without scale illumination - at least 8 hours;

With illuminated scales - 5 hours;

7. The weight of the working set of the device is 2.5 kg.

8. Device deployment time is 5 minutes.

The time required to prepare the device for combat operation after switching on is no more than 3 minutes.

9. Maintenance of the device by one reconnaissance operator.

Complete set of the R-299 device.

The R-299 device includes a working kit. Spare property and accessories.

The working kit includes:

- device- the receiving device provides reception of signals - broadcasts of DV (SV)

radio stations re-radiated by cable or metal pipeline;

- headphones, which are connected to the device and serve for sound

search control;

- equipment: a bag for carrying the device and a strap with a latch for working with

the device in the search mode and the mode of determining the location and depth of occurrence

- cord with divisions for measurement;

- remote power supply with battery 6РЦ-83 or batteries (included in

kit when working at low temperatures).

Spare equipment and accessories consist of:

- tool kit required during operation of the device;

- spare light bulb scale illumination;

- bushings- for making a battery from D-0.25 batteries;

- charger for charging batteries D-0.25;

- spare battery and power supply 6РЦ-83.


The “Tabun” product is a complex of small-sized reconnaissance and signaling equipment and is designed to detect moving ground objects of two classes: “Man” and “Equipment”.

Set "TABUN" OPI device

POI device

Technical data:

Detection range:

For objects of the “Human” type - 20 ¸ 50 m;

For objects of the “Equipment” type. - 50 ¸ 200 m;

· Information transmission range:

When using the D-4 “Inclined Beam” antenna - 3 km;

When using the Kulikov antenna with mast (A2) - 2 km;

When using a shortened wire antenna (A-3) - 0.5 km;

· Power supplies - 10РЦ85 (LT343).

· Operating time from the LKB kit is 6 days.

· Weight of the working set - no more than 11 kg.

including: - OPI device - 0.95 kg

POI device - 1.0 kg

Composition of the working kit:

1. OPI device - 8 pcs.

2. POI device - 1 pc.

3. Cable - 1 pc.

4. Antenna A1 to OPI - 8 pcs.

5. Antenna A2 for POI - 1 pc.

6. Antenna 41 for POI - 1 pc.

7. Case with wire antenna A3 - 1 pc.


The Tabor product is a receiver-relay of signals from the Tabun MRSA complex and is intended to:

For relaying signals from the Tabun MRSA, when used as a PRS unit.

To receive and display information when used as a POI block.

Technical data is similar to the product "Tabun".

Quantum rangefinders.

4.1 Operating principle of quantum rangefinders.
The operating principle of quantum rangefinders is based on measuring the travel time of a light pulse (signal) to a target and back.

Maintenance of target sighting (creation of benchmarks);

Studying the area.

Rice. 13. DAK-2M in combat position.

1- transceiver; 2- angle measuring platform (UIP); 3- tripod; 4- cable;

5-rechargeable battery 21NKBN-3.5.

4.2.2. Main performance characteristics of DAK-2M


Characteristic name






Range and measurements, M:



To targets with angular dimensions ≥2′



Maximum measurement error, m, no more



Operating mode:

Number of range measurements in a series;

Measurement frequency;

Break between series of measurements, min;

Time of readiness for range measurement after turning on the power, sec., no more;

Time spent in readiness mode for range measurement after pressing the “START” button, min., no more.

1 measurement per 5-7 seconds


Number of measurements (pulses0 without recharging the battery, not less



Pointing angle range:



± 4-50


Accuracy of angle measurements, d.u.



Optical characteristics:

Magnification, times;

Field of view, degrees;

Periscope, mm.




Voltage of standard battery 21NKBN-3.5, V;

Non-standard battery voltage, V;

On-board network voltage, V, (with a battery voltage of 22-29 V included in the buffer. In this case, voltage fluctuations and ripples should not exceed ± 0.9 V).



Rangefinder weight:

In combat position without stowage box and spare battery, kg;

In stowed position (set weight), kg


Calculation, pers.


4.2.3. Set (composition) DAK-2M (Fig. 13)

  1. Transceiver.

  2. Angle measuring platform (AIP).

  3. Tripod.

  4. Cable.

  5. Rechargeable battery 21NKBN-3.5.

  6. Single set of spare parts.

  7. Stowage box.

  8. A set of technical documentation (form, maintenance and electrical engineering).

      1. Design of components of DAK-2M.

  1. Transceiver- designed for conducting optical (visual) reconnaissance, measuring vertical angles, generating a light probing pulse, receiving and registering light pulses probing and reflected from local objects (targets), converting them into voltage pulses, generating pulses for starting and stopping the time interval meter ( IVI).
The transceiver consists of a housing and a head. Eyecups are installed on the front side of the transceiver. There are brackets to protect the binocular from mechanical damage.
a) The main blocks and assemblies of the transceiver are:

  1. optical quantum generator (OQG);

  2. photodetector device (PDU);

  3. FPU amplifier (UFPU);

  4. launch block;

  5. time interval meter (TIM);

  6. DC-DC converter (DCC);

  7. ignition unit (BP);

  8. DC-DC converter (DCC);

  9. control unit (CU);

  10. capacitor block (BC);

  11. arrester;

  12. head;

  13. binocular;

  14. mechanism for measuring vertical angles.

OGK designed to generate a powerful, narrowly directed radiation pulse. The physical basis for the action of lasers is light amplification using stimulated emission. For this purpose, lasers use an active element and an optical pumping system.

FPU designed to receive pulses reflected from the target (reflected light pulses), process and amplify them. To enhance them, the FPU contains a preliminary photodetector amplifier (UPFPU).

UVPU is designed to amplify and process pulses coming from the UPFPU, as well as to generate stopping pulses for IVI.

BZ is designed to generate pulses for starting the IVI and UFPU and delay the trigger pulse for the IVI relative to the laser radiation pulse for the time required for the passage of stopping pulses through the UFPU and UFPU.

IVI designed to measure the time interval between the fronts of the starting and one of the three stopping pulses. Converting it into a numerical value of range in meters and indicating the range to the target, as well as indicating the number of targets in the radiation range.


Range of measured ranges - 30 – 97500 m;

D resolution - no worse than 3 m;

The minimum value of the measured range can be set:

1050 m ± 75 m

2025 m ± 75 m

3000 m ± 75 m

IVI measures the range to one of three targets within the range of measured ranges at the choice of operators.

PPT designed for a block of pump capacitors and storage capacitors of the power supply unit, as well as for providing a stabilized supply voltage to the control unit.

BP designed to generate a high-voltage pulse that ionizes the discharge gap of a pulsed pump lamp.

PPN designed to provide a stabilized supply voltage to UPFPU, UVPU, BZ and stabilize the rotation speed of the optical-mechanical shutter motor.

BU designed to control the operation of rangefinder components and blocks in a given sequence and control the voltage level of the power source.

BC designed to accumulate charge.

Arrester designed to remove charge from capacitors by shorting them to the transceiver housing.

Head designed to accommodate a sighting mirror. At the top of the head there is a socket for installing a sighting rod. A lens hood is attached to protect the head glass.

Binocular is part of the viewfinder and is intended for monitoring the terrain, aiming at a target, as well as for reading range indicators, a target counter, indicating the readiness of the rangefinder to measure the range and the state of the battery.

designed for counting and indicating measured vertical angles.
b) Optical circuit of the transceiver(Fig. 14)

consists of: - transmitter channel;

Receiver channel;

The optical channels of the receiver and the viewfinder partially coincide (they have a common lens and dichroic mirror).

Transmitter channel designed to create a powerful monochromatic pulse of short duration and low angular divergence of the beam and send it in the direction of the target.

Its composition: - OGK (mirror, flash lamp, active element-rod, reflector, prism);

Galileo telescopic system - to reduce the angular divergence of radiation.

Receiver channel is designed to receive a radiation pulse reflected from a target and create the required level of light energy on the FPU photodiode. Its composition: - lens; - dichroic mirror.

Rice. 14. Optical circuit of the transceiver.

Left: 1- telescope; 2- mirror; 3- active element; 4- reflector; 5-pulse lamp ISP-600; 6- prism; 7.8- mirrors; 9- eyepiece.

Right: 1- protective glass; 2, 10 - mirror; 3- receiver lens; 4- prism AR-105. 5, 11 - lens; 6- fiber optic harness; 7- lamp; 8 - light filter; 9- viewfinder eyepiece; 12-photodiode in frame; 13- dichroic mirror; 14- reticle.
Visor (visor-monocular) designed to monitor the terrain and point the rangefinder at the target.

Its composition: - lens;


Reversing system (two lenses, deflecting mirror, eyepiece).

The angular reticle of the viewfinder is located in the focal plane of the lens. To illuminate the reticle there is a lamp and a fiber-optic bundle.

c) Main controls of the rangefinder.(Fig. 15,16)
On the front side:

On the control panel
toggle switch “FOOD”;

Toggle switch “BACKLIGHT”;


START button;

“MEASURE” button;

The “GOAL” switch is to the right of the binocular;

Switch “STROBING” - to the left of the binocular;

“LIGHT FILTER” switch - above the binocular;

Vertical angle reading scale.
On the left side:

Flywheel (handle) for vertical guidance.

On the back (reverse front) side:

On the control panel



Under the plugs

FLASHLIGHT connector.

On the bottom are located:

Bracket with a pin for securing the transceiver to the UIP;

POWER connector;

SRP connector (for connecting a computer);

Drying valve.
On the transceiver head are located:

Drying valve;

Socket for sighting rod.
Switch "TARGET" designed to measure the range to the first or second or third target located in the radiation target.

GATE switch designed to set minimum ranges of 200, 400, 1000, 2000, 3000, closer than which range measurement is impossible. The indicated minimum ranges correspond to the positions of the “GROBING” switch:

400 m - “0.4”

1000 m – “1”

2000 m – “2”

3000 m – “3”

When the position of the “GROBE” switch is set to position “3,” the sensitivity of the photodetector to reflected signals (pulses) increases.

Rice. 15. Controls DAK-2M.

1- drying cartridge; 2-node illumination of the grid; 3-switch LIGHT FILTER; 4-switch TARGET; 5.13-bracket; 6-control panel; 7-button MEASUREMENT; 8-START button; 9-knob BRIGHTNESS; 10-toggle switch BACKLIGHT; 11-toggle switch POWER; 12-connector CONTROL PARAMETERS; 14-switch STROBING; 15-level; 16-reflector; 17-scale vertical angle counting mechanism.

Rice. 16. Controls DAK-2M.

Left: 1-belt; 2-fuse; 3-connector FLASHLIGHT; 4-control panel; 5-ring; 6-connector PSA; 7,11-rings; 8-power connector; 9-button CALIBRATION; 10-button CONTROL VOLTAGE

Right: 1-socket; 2-head; 3.9-drying valve; 4-body; 5-eyecup; 6-binocular; 7-vertical guidance handle; 8-bracket.

  1. Angle measuring platform (UIP)

UIP designed for mounting and leveling the transceiver, rotating it around a vertical axis and measuring horizontal and directional angles.

Composition of the UIP(Fig. 17)

Clamping device;



Lifting screws;

Ball level.

The UIP is installed on a tripod and secured through a threaded bushing with machine screws.

Rice. 17. Angle measuring platform DAK-2M.

1-worm laying handle; 2-level; 3-handle; 4-clamp device; 5-base with wheel; 6-drum; 7-precision guidance handle; 8-nut; 9-limb; 10-handle; 11-threaded bushing; 12-base; 13-screw lifting.

  1. Tripod designed to install the transceiver to install the transceiver in the working position at the required height. The tripod consists of a table, three paired rods and three extendable legs. The rods are connected to each other by a hinge and a clamping device in which the extendable leg is clamped with a screw. The hinges are attached to the table with pads.

  1. Rechargeable battery 21 NKBN-3.5 designed to power rangefinder units with direct current through a cable.
21 – number of batteries in the battery;

NK – nickel-cadmium battery system;

B – battery type – panelless;

N – technological feature of plate manufacturing – spreadable;

3.5 – nominal battery capacity in ampere-hours.

  1. Single set of spare parts
Designed to ensure the operation of the rangefinder, maintaining it in constant combat readiness and troubleshooting by crew forces.

Rice. 18. Composition of a single spare parts kit DAK-2M.

1-device for filling electrolyte; 2-portable flashlight; 3.4-screwdriver; 5-cable; 6-safety glasses; 7-jar for silica gel; 8-brush; 9-pin; 10-adapter; 11-napkin; 12-fitting; 13-key; 14-socket wrench; 15,16-bag with spare parts; 17-case with spare parts; 18-AKB 21NKBN-3.5; 19-plumb.

4.3. Purpose, performance characteristics, kit and

device of the laser reconnaissance device LPR-1 (product 1D13).
4.3.1. Purpose of LPR-1.
LPR-1(Fig.19) intended For:

Range measurements to fixed and moving objects;

Measurements of horizontal and vertical angles;

Determination of polar coordinates of points;

Services for target sighting (creation of benchmarks);

- study of the area.

Rice. 19. LPR-1 in combat position.

1-rangefinder; 2-angle measuring device; 3-tripod.

4.3.2. Main performance characteristics of LPR-1





Full name of the device

Laser reconnaissance device

Where is it used?

PRP-4mu in other management and art. intelligence

MAX measurement range to target (tank) m


MIN measurement range to target (tank) m


Range measurement accuracy m


Magnification, times

7 x

Field of view, degrees

6 7’

Price of small grid division, unit price


The rangefinder is ready for operation after switching on. power supply, sec.


Supply voltage, V


Weight of the device set in B/P, P/P, kg

5 .

Number of range measurements without replacing the battery


600th anniversary

Battery, expiration date, year.

10d-0.55 s1 3 years or dry elements type RC 83x in a quantity of 10 pieces

4.3.3. Set (composition) LPR-1.
1. Rangefinder in a case.

2. Angle measuring device.

3. Tripod.

4. Single set of spare parts and accessories.

5. Stowage box.

6. Set of technical documentation (form, maintenance and electrical engineering).

4.3.4. Design of components of LPR-1.
The main blocks and assemblies of the rangefinder are:

Photodetector device (PDU);

Time Interval Meter (TIM);

Information display device (IDD);

Automation circuit (SA);

DC-DC converter (DCC);

Ignition circuit (SP).
The purpose of the rangefinder blocks and assemblies is the same as the corresponding blocks and assemblies of the DAK-2M transceiver.

Main controls of LPR-1 (Fig20).
On the front and top sides:

Cover with battery compartment handle;

Toggle switch "OFF" - "ON" to turn the device on and off;

Drum (handle) “STROBING” - to set the minimum range, closer than which range measurement is impossible;

Visor eyepiece;

Indicator eyepiece;

Toggle switch "ON" - "OFF" - to turn on and off the illumination of the reticle of the reticle;

- buttons “MEASUREMENT 1” and “MEASUREMENT 2” - to measure the range to the first or second target located in the radiation target.

Rice. 20. LPR-1 controls.

Top: 1-casing; 2-handle; 3-index; 4-buttons MEASUREMENT 1 and MEASUREMENT 2; 5-belt; 6-panel; 7-knob toggle switch BACKLIGHT; 8-eyepiece of the viewfinder; 9-screws; 10-eyepiece sight; 11-fork; 12-battery compartment cover; 13-knob ON-OFF toggle switch.

Bottom: 1-drying cartridge; 2-rkmen; 3-bracket; 4-cover.

On the back and bottom sides:

Bracket for installing the device on the ICD bracket or on the adapter bracket when installing the device on a compass;

Drying cartridge;

Sight lens;

Telescope lens;

Connector with a cover for connecting the cable of remote buttons.

Rice. 21. Field of view of the LPR-1 indicator

1-range indicator; 2,5,6-dicimal points; 3-ready indicator (green); 4-battery discharge indicator (red).

Note . If there is no reflected pulse, zeros (00000) are displayed in all digits of the range indicator. In the absence of a probing pulse, zeros are displayed in all digits of the range indicator and a decimal point is displayed in the third digit (Fig. 21. position 5).

If there are several targets in the radiation target (at a break in the goniometric grid) during measurement, the decimal point in the least significant digit of the range indicator lights up (Fig. 21. position 2).

If it is impossible to remove screening interference beyond the gap in the goniometer grid, as well as in cases where interference is not observed, and the decimal point in the low (right) digit of the range indicator is lit, point the rangefinder at the target so that the target covers, possibly, a larger area of ​​the gap goniometric grid. Measure the range, then set the minimum range limit knob to a range value that exceeds the measured value by 50-100 meters and measure the range again. Repeat these steps until the decimal point in the most significant digit goes out.

When zeros are displayed in all digits of the range indicator and the decimal point is illuminated in the most significant digit (left) (Fig. 21. position 6) of the indicator, it is necessary to turn the minimum range limit knob to reduce the minimum measured range until a reliable measurement result is obtained.

2. Angle measuring device (Fig. 22.).
Designed for installing a rangefinder, pointing the rangefinder and measuring horizontal, vertical and directional angles