How to clean different surfaces of kitchen furniture from grease. How to clean old grease in the kitchen How to remove greasy deposits in the kitchen

The kitchen is a room in the house that requires daily cleaning, cleaning and hygiene. But wash away many days kitchen plaque much more difficult. Any housewife has encountered this, because there is not always time and energy to thoroughly clean the kitchen surface, and grease stains quickly turn into a persistent, indelible coating.

There are a lot of kitchen cleaning products, but which ones won’t harm your health, won’t damage surfaces, and will also quickly dissolve grease without excessive effort?

The kitchen has a minimum of 3 kitchen unit covers. Each of them requires an individual cleaning method, since the mechanical and chemical effects of cleaning agents leave negative consequences. For example, caustic powder can instantly clean furniture, but corrodes the surface of the kitchen unit, which over time becomes unusable.

Therefore, before purchasing and choosing a product, determine what material your headset is made of. The packaging of detergents always states what surfaces it is suitable for.

Household chemicals are not universal

To avoid damaging the integrity of the surface, you need to apply products with warm water in advance. After a couple of minutes, it’s enough to simply wipe the walls of the headset from grease without friction and the risk of leaving scratches. But be careful with furniture made from cheap materials, fiberboard, which can become saturated with moisture and deteriorate.

If you have purchased a new product to remove grease from your furniture, it is better to test it on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​furniture.

Therefore, you need to select the product for each surface individually, work with gloves, and also rinse the surfaces well running water and ventilate the kitchen.

For vertical furniture panels, it is better to use anti-grease sprays or gels. This way you can control the application without dripping onto the floor.

Grandma's products for all kitchen surfaces

In Soviet times, kitchen detergents were practically not used. Housewives used to clean the set:

  • soda;
  • salt;
  • acetic and malic acid;
  • lemon and its zest;
  • mustard powder;
  • vodka and alcohol.

The panels must be wetted before use. kitchen furniture hot water for soaking. After 5-10 minutes, you can sprinkle the sponge with soda or mustard, and then clean the contaminated areas from grease. If the contamination is severe, then it will not be possible to wash it right away or you will have to put in a lot of effort. Therefore, you can make porridge from water and the ingredient, spread it greasy spots and wait a little. You can add acids.

A tincture is made with lemon zest and vinegar and then used for cleaning. The result is excellent, and a pleasant citrus aroma remains.

Another recipe is suitable for cleaning any set. Mix equal parts vinegar and vodka in a glass, add a couple of drops essential oil. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray on dirty surfaces.

Wooden kitchen corner

If the set is made of solid wood, then, oddly enough, you can wash off greasy stains using vegetable oil and soda at a ratio of 1:2. The resulting slurry is applied to the contaminated areas and rubbed with a soft brush, or a toothbrush. The operating principle is as follows: the oil dissolves similar fat and removes it from a dried state. Soda washes away and removes the released oil from the surface of the headset.

Polished surface

Polishing products are both expensive and very harmful to health. Therefore, in order to save money and have a neutral effect on the body, regular potatoes are used. The tuber is cut lengthwise and rubbed onto the surfaces of the furniture. The effect is no worse than from sprays from the store.

Equipment for cleaning and cleaning in the kitchen

Modern steam cleaners are becoming increasingly popular in the kitchen. The powerful pressure of hot steam is capable of washing any surfaces, materials, fabrics without excess detergents. The only drawback is that wooden furniture with thin film coatings and soft surfaces can deteriorate under the influence of high temperatures.

Innovative sponge (melamine)

Melamine sponge is similar to rubber or plastic that shrinks when compressed. The effect when working is similar to when erasing a pencil from paper with an eraser. The sponge wipes away dirt without detergents. Over time, the sponge wears down to small sizes. Quite convenient and, according to manufacturers, harmless to health.

Its best quality is considered to be the removal of traces from permanent markers and felt-tip pens. If children or adults leave drawings and notes on the refrigerator or stove, then such a thing in the household is simply necessary.

Which product to use is up to you. After all, there is no ideal approach to cleaning the kitchen and furniture yet. The main thing is that the overall result is satisfactory, the furniture does not deteriorate, and your health does not deteriorate.

Removing old fat from kitchen surfaces– perhaps the most time-consuming part of cleaning. When stains are still fresh and easily washed off, they are not noticeable either on the furniture or on the countertop. Once the fat hardens, it is already clearly visible, but it is difficult to wash off. Fortunately, it lends itself to various professional and folk remedies for cleaning kitchen surfaces. How to remove grease in the kitchen from cabinetry panels, tiles and countertops?


As a rule, kitchen furniture facade panels are made of veneer, plastic or PVC film. These are materials that are resistant to moisture, scratches, shocks, chips, and temperatures. And, most importantly, they can be cleaned with regular cleaning products. household chemicals, including those with abrasive properties.

Before removing stains of old grease, the panels should be wiped with a sponge soaked in hot water. This is necessary so that the contaminant soaks and moves away from the surface more easily. After 5-10 minutes, you can start cleaning using one of the following products.

  • Mustard powder. Mustard perfectly removes grease and is suitable for cleaning not only kitchen units, but also stoves, sinks, refrigerators, pots and pans. Only solid wood It is not advisable to process it. To remove grease with mustard, apply it to contaminated areas and rub with a dry cloth. The remaining mustard is removed with a rag or sponge.
  • Soda and laundry soap. In tandem these universal means work better than one at a time. Soap acts as a grease solvent, while soda acts as an abrasive. Grate the soap on a coarse grater, add water until a cloudy solution is obtained and wipe the contaminated areas with it. Place on top baking soda, rub a little and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse off the cleaning products with a sponge. The method is also suitable for metal surfaces.
  • Soda and sunflower oil . The second component will help wash away grease just as well as soap. To prepare a cleaning solution, dilute baking soda in oil in a 2:1 ratio. The result will be a composition with the consistency of sour cream. Apply it to grease stains with a sponge, or better yet, a soft brush and leave for 15 minutes. Afterwards, remove any remaining product from the panels with a damp cloth.
  • Ammonia. Dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a liter of water, pour it into a spray bottle and spray it over contaminated surfaces. Leave the mixture for a while so that it dissolves the fat, open the window so as not to suffer from a specific smell. Then remove the solution with a damp cloth.
  • Alcohol and vinegar. Alcohol is a universal fat solvent with a sterilization effect. Mix two parts water and one part table vinegar and alcohol. If desired, you can add 10 drops of any essential oil for aromatization. Place the mixture in a spray bottle, spray over the surface of the headset and leave for 15 minutes. The fat will dissolve and can be easily removed with a damp sponge, and a pleasant aroma will reign in the kitchen.


Tile in the kitchen, especially if it is decorative, requires careful care. It should not be cleaned with metal brushes or sponges, as this may damage the surface. Special scrapers and household chemicals are produced for tiles that help maintain shine. If we are talking about expensive tiles, it is better to clean them with compounds for ceramic coatings. For example, Shumanit, Sanita, Mister Muscle and others.

Tiles can be cleaned of old grease using steam generator. First, pour hot steam over the contaminated areas, and then wipe them with a wet rag or sponge. This method does not require the use of household chemicals.

One more thing effective remedy for a smooth surface – melamine sponge. It acts like an eraser, adheres well to dirt and gently removes it. You just need to moisten the tile so that the grease stain gets a little wet, wet the sponge and rub the contaminated areas with it.

How can you remove grease from such a delicate surface in the kitchen? From folk remedies those that do not have an abrasive effect are suitable:

  • Laundry soap. Lather a sponge with it and walk over the contaminated surface.
  • Vegetable oil. Apply to dirty areas for a few minutes and wipe off with a sponge.
  • Mustard powder. A fairly delicate abrasive that is suitable for tiles. Dilute it to a paste or use liquid mustard, apply to the tiles, leave for 10 minutes, and then clean with a damp sponge;
  • Alcohol. Moisten greasy stains generously with it, rub and immediately rinse off the residue with water.

Solid wood

Wooden kitchen surfaces require the most delicate handling, otherwise the color or texture will suffer. Solid wood kitchen units are best cleaned with special care products. wooden surfaces. The following folk remedies are suitable.

Raw potatoes. Divide the tuber in half and rub the halves on the contaminated area, then remove the mark with a wet cloth. The method is quite labor-intensive and is only suitable for minor dirt, but it can be used on polished surfaces.

Pharmacy talc. Sprinkle the powder onto a damp sponge and wipe the contaminated areas. Residues are removed with a dry cloth. The method is suitable for delicate polished panels.

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Every year, new versions of kitchen sets appear on the furniture market. Various materials, shades and surface types compete for supremacy. No matter how old your kitchen furniture is or what kind of wood it is made from, no one will argue how difficult it can be to maintain it in proper condition. This is especially true when cabinets are located next to a stove or table. It is worth discussing how to clean grease from kitchen furniture.

Kitchen furniture cleaning products

In order not to have to look for how to clean grease from a kitchen unit, it is necessary to carry out thorough cleaning every day. However, no matter how hard you try, drops of fat still end up on the delicate surfaces, spoiling appearance and the freshness of the kitchen. Fortunately, there are many ways to solve this problem. And today we will talk about exactly this.

To determine which product is suitable and which will ruin the furniture, you need to understand what type of coating you will have to work with.

Important! Regardless of the type of coating, you must forever forget about abrasive sponges and napkins, as well as aggressive compounds. No matter how severe the contamination, they should not be used, as the coating can easily be damaged.

First we need to consider some simple recipes maintaining home cleanliness. Among the folk remedies the following can be distinguished:

  • regular soda;
  • homemade vinegar-based cleaners;
  • regular salt;
  • vodka;
  • mustard powder;
  • alcohol;
  • sunflower oil.

Ready-made chemicals are also common:

  • "Mr. Muscle";
  • "Mr. Proper";
  • "Fairy";
  • "Comet";
  • "Help."

Folk remedies for oily spots

It can be seen that there are many substances that can dissolve grease on our furniture. However, in order not to cause harm to surfaces, you need to know which substance is best suited in your case.

First, let's look at the baking soda method.

Using baking soda

This cleaning method is suitable for many surfaces. The exception is any polished panels. Good results are obtained when removing grease from wooden cabinets.

Advice! No matter how confident you are in the success of using any product, it is recommended to first test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the coating. If the result is excellent and the furniture is not damaged, you can start cleaning.

  1. Preparing the surface for cleaning.
    To make fat come off easier, you need to soften it a few minutes before starting work. How to do this? Regular hot water is best. Wipe all work surfaces with a cloth soaked in hot water and leave for a few minutes.
  2. Prepare soda slurry.
    To make it more convenient to apply soda to a fatty surface, you need to prepare the composition. To do this, mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with warm water. The output should be a mixture that will be convenient to distribute even among vertical parts.
  3. Rub the mixture into the wooden surfaces.
    Any soft brush will do for this. Some housewives like to use old toothbrushes for these purposes. Wipe the entire headset special attention focusing on heavily soiled areas.
  4. Wait a bit.
    If the grease stains are old, it may take a little longer to dissolve. Give the soda a chance to dissolve all the dirt, but do not let the paste dry out.
  5. Rinse with cool water and wipe dry.

Now we can look at how vinegar can help in this difficult matter.

Although vinegar has some effect on grease, it won't remove it quickly. Be careful with colored and very delicate coatings. Since vinegar is an acid, it may be mildly corrosive.

If you nevertheless decide to use this remedy to combat fat, you should not use a highly concentrated solution. 3% will be enough.

Soak a clean sponge in vinegar and wipe the stained surface. After a few minutes, try rubbing. You can add a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent to the vinegar. If the coating allows, scrub it with a brush.

Important! If your furniture needs to be polished with special products, always do it after washing or cleaning. This way you will preserve the original appearance of the furniture and can extend its service life.

Salt is a remedy that is used in different areas of our lives. And it plays not the least role in cleaning the kitchen unit. How to use it correctly?

Prepare a mixture in which a spoonful of salt will be dissolved in one liter of water. Using a soft cloth, apply this mixture to the surfaces of the cabinets. This method is especially effective when caring for kitchens with plastic facades.

The procedure can be repeated to dissolve the grease stains. To achieve better effect You can add a little hydrogen peroxide to this composition. However, such an addition is only possible if you are cleaning light-colored furniture.

There is one product that can be used on almost any surface. Regardless of whether your furniture is made of wood, plastic or has tile elements, regular laundry soap is ideal. In addition to the fact that it washes away fat well, a person does not get harmful effects, so the surface remains in better shape after it.

How to use soap to clean kitchen cabinets? To do this, take a wet sponge and rub it on a bar of soap, obtaining a thick foam. Apply it to dirty areas and rub a little. If necessary, leave for a while until the fat dissolves. If the surface of the furniture allows, you can use a brush and thus speed up the process.

After you have removed all the grease and dirt, rinse everything clean water and rub until shiny.

To reach in the kitchen perfect cleanliness, you can use diluted alcohol or vodka. Almost any coating normally accepts this detergent.
If you decide to prepare a composition for cleaning the headset, then use this recipe:

  • vinegar;
  • alcohol;
  • a few drops of any essential oil.

Mix these ingredients and pour into a spray bottle. Whenever you find a grease stain, use this product. This way you will be able to constantly keep your kitchen furniture in good condition and will not have to carry out lengthy general cleaning.

How to use mustard to achieve cleanliness

Everyone has long known how well mustard can be used to wash dishes. However, few people decide to use mustard to clean stains on furniture. And in vain.
To use this product, simply sprinkle it onto a damp sponge and lightly scrub your cabinets. As a result, you will get clean and fresh surfaces.

Use of special means

Thanks to the fact that dozens of different furniture care products have been released, cleanliness in the house has become easier. To ensure that the detergent properly cleans your furniture, read the instructions. It should indicate what coatings it is suitable for. this remedy and in what situations it should not be used.

When using chemicals, it is advisable to use gloves. Choose products made from natural basis. Not only do they do their job perfectly, but they also do not harm the environment.

Most of the products listed at the beginning of the article are excellent grease dissolvers and are suitable for many types of furniture.

The article examines in detail the use of folk remedies and chemicals. Now you can watch a video that will help you clean your house faster. Enjoy watching!

Reading time: 1 minute

Housewives who love to cook are often interested in how to clean kitchen furniture. Cleaning the kitchen can be real problem, especially for furniture made of soft, absorbent materials. Drops of fat sometimes become so ingrained that it is impossible to remove them with anything. But housewives are in no hurry to take on more aggressive substances: there is a risk of ruining their favorite set.

How to wash off unpleasant drops of grease from kitchen furniture?

Suitable for cleaning the kitchen special means for washing kitchen furniture. “Special” means intended exclusively for the materials from which kitchen sets are made. Therefore, before you grab the first cleaning product you come across from the store shelf, it’s worth finding out what your kitchen cabinets are made of.

Most often, kitchens are made of MDF - wood fiber boards, which are covered with a protective film or plastic on top. This material is most vulnerable to aggressive substances containing acid, chlorine or ammonia. Also, do not rub MDF with detergents containing abrasive materials.

You should be careful with varnish coatings and unprotected wood panels. Varnish is corroded by many active substances, and wood not covered with protective materials quickly absorbs moisture and becomes deformed.

Before purchasing a product, you should carefully study the composition and recommendations. Appropriate products are suitable for glass or metal surfaces. Vulnerable, delicate materials should be cleaned with liquid, foaming, gel-like substances using soft fiber cloths and sponges.

From household chemicals for cleaning furniture in the kitchen, you can choose the following products:

  • liquid dishwashing liquid ( for example, "Fairy");
  • gel-like with a soft structure and non-aggressive composition, specially designed for wet cleaning ( for example, universal gel "Comet");
  • concentrated for cleaning furniture, which require dilution in water ( for example, "Mr. Proper").

Advice! So as not to spoil kitchen set, you should try the new product on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​furniture. If the surface does not come into contact with the product, it is therefore safe to use it for cleaning.

Traditional methods

As already mentioned, the surface of many kitchen units cannot withstand aggressive substances. Therefore, it is logical to assume that to clean the kitchen with your own hands you can use natural remedies, which will remove fat and keep the surface intact.

Among the most effective and safe folk remedies for fat removal are:

  • vinegar;
  • laundry soap;
  • lemon and citric acid;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vodka;
  • mustard;
  • sunflower oil.

Salt Soda
Laundry soap Mustard powder
Lemon Vegetable oil

Using recipes with natural substances, you can wash even the most difficult areas and stubborn dirt.

Soda, salt, soap

Salt, laundry soap and soda will tell you how to remove grease from kitchen furniture. These substances, which can be found in any kitchen, often help housewives in the fight against pollution.

Baking soda can be used on almost all surfaces, including wood. You should be careful when using baking soda on glossy and polished surfaces. Salt is good for furniture covered with plastic, and laundry soap is good for effective cleansing granite, marble, metal and ceramic surfaces.

Information on how to use baking soda, soap and salt for cleaning is presented in the table.

Means Instructions
Soda 1. wet a cloth with hot water and wipe all the furniture in the kitchen;

2. mix 2-3 tablespoons of soda with a small amount of warm water to obtain the consistency of a non-liquid slurry;

3. using a brush ( for example, dental) or sponges rub the resulting mixture into problem areas;

4. wait 10 minutes ( Don’t wait for soda stains to dry completely);

5. wash the mixture off the furniture cold water and wipe dry.

Salt (1 option) 1. dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water;

2. soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the cabinets and tables with it;

3. After some time, rinse the surfaces with water.

Salt (2 option) 1. fine salt ( if necessary, it can be ground with a coffee grinder) mix with a little water or lemon juice ( diluted citric acid);

2. mix thoroughly until mushy;

3. apply the mixture to the contaminated surface and rub with a sponge;

4. leave for a few minutes and rinse.

Laundry soap and soda (for metal, glass, ceramics) 1. grate the soap on a coarse grater;

2. add enough water and stir to obtain a cloudy liquid;

3. wipe all dirty places with the solution using a soft sponge;

4. Without waiting for the surfaces to dry, pour a small amount of soda onto a sponge and wipe all contaminated areas;

5. Leave the soda for 15-20 minutes and wash off the substance with a sponge.

Laundry soap (for gentle cleaning of glossy and varnished surfaces) 1. wet the sponge;

2. rub the sponge with soap until a thick foam forms;

3. rub the dirty areas and leave for a while so that the fat is completely dissolved;

4. wash soapy areas with water using a sponge or rag;

5. Wipe the furniture dry with a soft cloth.

Advice! If the salt solution is not effective enough, then hydrogen peroxide can be added to it. The resulting product is well suited for light-colored surfaces.

Mustard, lemon, oil

How to clean kitchen cabinets to save money and not damage your kitchen furniture? For this you can use food products with cleaning properties. Mustard powder, lemon juice and sunflower oil will work well for greasy stains.

These substances often come to the rescue of housewives. You can use mustard to wash dishes, and lemon juice can deal with greasy stains not only on hard surfaces, but also on fabrics. No matter how surprising it may be, oil effectively helps fight greasy stains on various materials.

You can wash kitchen cabinets from grease using mustard, lemon or vegetable oil as follows:

  • Sprinkle mustard powder onto damp horizontal surfaces and rub with a dry cloth. If the surface is vertical, then the powder can be poured onto a sponge and wiped down the wall cabinets. The remaining mustard is washed off with water. This method works well for cleaning the stove, refrigerator, sink and kitchen furniture with protective coating. It is not recommended to use mustard powder on wooden furniture.
  • Lemon can be used in its pure form. All you have to do is cut a slice of lemon and rub it on greasy dirt. After 10-15 minutes, wipe off the remaining lemon along with the dirt and rinse with water. The method is suitable for light or fresh stains. For heavy dirt on different surfaces (including light ones), a mixture is suitable lemon juice, vinegar and alcohol. Use the mixture to wipe all dirty areas and rinse with water.
  • A mixture of vegetable oil and baking soda in a 2:1 ratio is suitable for cleaning wooden furniture. The resulting product must be applied to greasy stains and left for 30 minutes. Remove any remaining product and lumps of dirt with a sponge. Wipe the furniture with a damp cloth. It is better not to rub soda into surfaces. If the stain is not completely removed, the procedure should be repeated.

You can also use baking powder. You need to make a paste from the baking powder by stirring it in a small amount of water. The resulting mushy mass should be applied to greasy surfaces and left for 30 minutes. Then rinse the areas with water.

Vinegar and other liquids

Vinegar and solution citric acid are universal in cleaning and will also tell you how to wash off grease from kitchen cabinets. In addition, the solution will help get rid of stains ammonia and vodka (or diluted ethyl alcohol). The products, especially in diluted form, are suitable for almost all surfaces.

More details on how to use liquids to clean furniture in the kitchen are described in the table.

Photo Means Description

can brighten surfaces) You can use either pure 3% vinegar or its solution ( 1:1 with water). Apply vinegar or solution to a sponge and wipe off all dirt. Wait a few minutes, rub and rinse.

Fresh grease stains should be wiped with a rag soaked in vodka. Older stains can be treated with a spray bottle of a mixture of water, vinegar and vodka ( 2:1:1 ). In order to give the mixture and furniture a pleasant aroma, it is recommended to add 1/3 teaspoon of any essential oil. After applying the product to the furniture, you must wait 10-15 minutes, and then wash off the solution along with the dirt with a damp sponge.

In 1 liter of water you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of citric acid and a few drops of detergent ( for example, for dishes). Moisten a rag or sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated areas. Wait 30 minutes and wash the furniture with a damp cloth or washcloth.

Make a solution by adding 1 tablespoon of ammonia to 1 liter of water. After soaking a rag in the solution, treat all the furniture ( you can also use a spray bottle). Leave the solution for a few minutes and rinse with a sponge and water.

Advice! To protect your skin from fairly active liquids, you should wear gloves. Also, many solutions emit an unpleasant and pungent odor, so it is better to clean in a ventilated area.

In some cases, you can use a steam generator or a regular iron in steam mode. This method is the most effective and can remove even stubborn and old stains. However, you should be careful when using hot steam on furniture with protective film. Steam may deform the surface.

The video in this article will give you a few more ideas for effectively cleaning kitchen furniture from grease and dirt.

In order not to have to figure out how to clean kitchen furniture from grease, you should clean up the kitchen immediately, during or after cooking. Fresh, unstuck drops of fat are much easier to remove than dirt accumulated over the years.

Every housewife dreams of a kitchen that always shines, but unfortunately, during cooking, drops of oil and fat are splashed, and the steam released condenses on the surface of the walls and furniture. Over time, the invisible layer becomes no longer so thin, because dust also settles on it, so the question arises: how to remove grease from kitchen furniture without harming the surface and your own health?

Preventing the appearance of a thick layer of grease on furniture

Many housewives will agree that the most difficult part of cleaning the kitchen is fighting the droplets of grease that are lurking everywhere:

  • on the facades of kitchen furniture;
  • on the walls of the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • on the side walls of the refrigerator and stove;
  • on the hood and tiles.

Even a fresh stain cannot be removed without the help of detergents, so train yourself to wipe all kitchen furniture doors with a damp, clean cloth every two days so as not to accumulate grease deposits. If the contamination is not severe, then you can use baking soda and laundry soap, which will erase plaque and stains and spare your hands from strong household chemicals. Proceed exactly this way and then the problem is how to remove grease from kitchen furniture during spring cleaning It will bother you a lot less.

How to clean grease from kitchen furniture?

To clean grease from kitchen furniture, use only soft sponges and cloth. Perfect for this purpose:

  • microfiber;
  • cloth;
  • flannel.

Important! Use metal brushes, even if the fat deposit is very thick, it is impossible. When using them, deep scratches are formed, which will only worsen the situation, and grease and dirt will clog into the damaged surfaces even faster.

Removing grease from the surface of furniture is a very painstaking and long work. To clean this kind of contamination, you need to carefully select cleaning products. You also need to use the kitchen furniture cleaner carefully, as the powder will leave scratches and abrasions. To wash away fat, use only liquids and gels, but even in this case you need to study the composition - if it contains ammonia and acids, they will ruin your set.

Important! Try a new product on an inconspicuous surface first. kitchen cabinet to see if it will leave stains or damage, and then clean the entire surface.

Folk remedies

If for some reason you do not want to resort to using household chemicals in the kitchen or prefer to use products that have been proven over the years, then pay attention to traditional methods cleaning furniture. Using the tools listed below, you can easily cope with the problem of how to remove and remove grease from kitchen furniture.

Recipe No. 1

This recipe is suitable for any surface, as vegetable oil absorbs well into wood, hiding scratches and abrasions, and also forms a protective film:

  1. Mix vegetable oil and soda in equal proportions.
  2. Apply them to contaminated areas.
  3. Leave the product on the surface for 30 minutes, after which remove the fat that has collected in lumps with a soft cloth.

Important! If you were unable to remove the grease from the kitchen unit on the first try, repeat the procedure again.

Recipe No. 2:

  1. Moisten the baking powder with water.
  2. Apply the resulting slurry to grease stains.
  3. Leave the product for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Recipe No. 3:

  1. Add vinegar to a glass of water (preferably apple cider vinegar, as it does not have a pungent odor). Dampen a soft cloth with the product and lightly rub the contaminated surface.

Important! As a result of this cleaning, the grease will be removed and the furniture doors will become shiny.

Recipe No. 4:

  1. Soak a soft sponge in alcohol (vodka) and thoroughly rub the grease stains.
  2. If the dirt is not removed immediately, moisten the surface with the product and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. After treatment, rinse the furniture with water and add a few drops of essential oil (eucalyptus or spruce).

Important! The oil not only has a bactericidal effect, but also effectively cares for wooden surfaces. In addition, essential oils have a pleasant aroma.And essential oils and many other products that we have collected in a separate article will help you quickly remove unpleasant odors from the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 5:

  1. Dilute 15 g of citric acid, 2 drops of detergent in 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in the resulting liquid and thoroughly treat the stain.
  3. Leave the product on for 30 minutes and then rinse off the residue with warm water.

Recipe No. 6

For this method you will need:

  • 200 ml vodka;
  • 200 ml vinegar;
  • ½ tsp. orange essential oil.

Pour the prepared product into a spray bottle and spray on side surfaces and doors of kitchen furniture. Leave the product on for 20 minutes and then wipe the furniture with a dry soft cloth.

Important! This mixture also perfectly removes limescale from tiles, ceramic and faience surfaces, water tap. Therefore, you can wash off grease from any furniture and plumbing fixtures in the kitchen.

Recipe No. 7

Wipe the doors of the kitchen furniture with a slice of lemon so that the juice drips out, and after 10 minutes, rinse the furniture with a cloth soaked in warm water. After treatment, wipe the set dry with a paper towel.

Just cleaned the doors near the oven and realized that its condition is also far from ideal? Don’t worry, you don’t have to spend the whole day doing such tedious and routine work, because we have already collected the most best ways so that you can clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home in 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 8

If the set is wooden, then ordinary clay diluted with vinegar to a soft paste will help to wash it of grease. Apply the product to the cabinet doors and leave until completely dry. Be sure to wash off any grease or dirt from the surface with water.

  • Granite and marble surfaces cannot be washed with chemicals, so use laundry soap to clean them.
  • After washing, the furniture must be wiped dry. To avoid leaving streaks on the surface, use a paper towel or a completely dry cloth for this purpose.
  • Scratches and cracks on the surface of wooden furniture can be masked by rubbing with walnut.
  • To clean grease from kitchen units with fronts made of laminated chipboard use a scraper for glass-ceramic stoves; for enamel-coated refrigerator walls, use a wooden spatula.
  • Before cleaning vertical surfaces, lay down paper so that the removed grease and dirt fall onto it.
  • After cleaning, apply polish to the surface of the furniture - this will slow down the contamination.

How to clean old grease from a stove using modern means?

Along with new technologies, modern cleaning and detergents appear that cope with various types pollution. Almost every kitchen has the following products:

  • Mister Muscle;
  • Santry;
  • Schumann;
  • Cilit Bang;
  • Sanita;

Important! Each of these brands produces a wide range of products that can be used to clean tiles in the kitchen, remove grease from furniture made of plastic or hob. There are also universal series that are suitable for all types of surfaces.

There is no point in listing the entire range of household chemicals, because every housewife has her own preferences. All of them are effective, you just need to choose suitable option. Let's give just a few tips:

  1. Before using this or that product, be sure to read the instructions, as it may contain toxic substances.
  2. In the case of capricious surfaces, to avoid scratching them with abrasives, use liquid detergents.
  3. Ceramic hob We recommend cleaning with cream, as it gently penetrates top layer, removes grease and smooths out minor scratches due to its structure.
  4. MDF-based facades, as well as furniture finished with plastic or film, must be washed with cleaning products that do not contain abrasives and chlorine. We recommend using a neutral detergent diluted in water.
  5. To avoid rubbing the surface after applying the product, leave it for a while, and then remove the residue along with the soaked fat with a soft, damp cloth.
  6. When using household products, be sure to use gloves to protect your hands when working with chemicals. After cleaning with chemicals, be sure to ventilate the room.
  7. Eco-friendly washing and cleaning products made from mineral, plant based. Use them when working, as they are safe not only for humans, but also for the environment.

How to clean grease from a kitchen set using steam?

Recently appeared on the market household appliances steam generators immediately began to be in great demand. All this is not without reason. Steam cleaning has high efficiency, and even the most simple model Such a device is universal - it can clean literally everything, including grease from the kitchen unit.

Important! The bottom line is this: water is poured into the steam generator, cleaning agents are added if necessary, and steam with a temperature of about 150 C is released out under pressure of several atmospheres. With this treatment, dirt and grease are removed instantly (with manual cleaning water temperature does not exceed 40 C).

With a steam cleaner you will not have problems cleaning not only grease on kitchen furniture, but also seams on tiles. You can even freshen your curtains with this device.

Advantages of the steam generator:

  • cleans furniture, walls and kitchen equipment no chemicals;
  • removes grease, scale, burnt marks;
  • restores the shine of glass and stainless steel surfaces;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • removes odors;
  • To avoid the problem of greasy deposits in the kitchen, keep your food preparation area tidy. Every day, remove a fresh layer of dust, grease, soot, wipe the stove, table, and dishes. What means to use is up to you. The main thing is that after cleaning the kitchen is cozy, clean and comfortable.