The process of manufacturing facades from MDF. Business idea: we make facades for kitchen furniture Equipment for furniture facades

MDF facades are a building material for finishing furniture and panels. Has an average density. It is made by cutting wood-fiber boards, followed by milling and applying a film or painting.

The regular demand for furniture facades makes the production of these products a very profitable business. Compared to chipboard, MDF facades are more expensive, but the latter have significant advantages, such as:

  • Release less toxic substances
  • Differ in the increased durability.

All this makes them very popular in the domestic building materials market. So, annually in Russia, the need for MDF is 200,000 cubic meters. in year.

The range of MDF facades is extremely wide:

  • Method of application: interior doors, furniture;
  • Milling type: 3D, embossed;
  • Coating type: painting, PVC film, etc.;
  • Inserts: stained glass, glass, lattice;
  • Shape: flat, bent, curvilinear.

From MDF you can also make:

  • Wall panels
  • Dropped ceilings
  • Floor coverings
  • Molded products
  • Decor elements
  • And much more.

Where to sell?

  • Repair Companies
  • Furniture stores
  • Construction companies
  • Individuals.

MDF facades for kitchens - an inexpensive and practical option

How to organize production?

For the manufacture of MDF facades, 1-3 specialists will be needed. As for the premises, look for an area of ​​at least 100 sq.m. There should be no dust in the pressing room, and the temperature should be maintained at least 15 degrees. As raw materials, you will need to purchase MDF boards, PVC film, and glue.


Here is a mandatory list of equipment necessary for the production of MDF facades with an approximate cost:

  • Panel saw (for example, RMGROUPPS400) - 230,000 rubles.
  • Milling machine (for example, CNC FS-ZSh) - 390,000 rubles.
  • Copy-milling table - 30,000 rubles.
  • Industrial vacuum cleaner (for example, Makita 440) - 10,000 rubles.
  • Vibratory grinder (for example, MakitaBO3711) - 2,000 rubles.
  • Spray gun (for example, JonneswayJA-HVLP-6109) - 6,000 rubles.
  • Piston compressor (for example, SUMAKEHDV-3050) - 7,800 rubles.
  • Vacuum press (for example, PROFI 1700) - 165,000 rubles.

Calculate income and expenses

Capital costs consist of the following items:

  • Purchase of equipment - about 800,000 rubles.
  • Additional equipment - 100,000 rubles.
  • Preparing the premises for production - 200,000 rubles.
  • Delivery and installation of equipment - 200,000 rubles.
  • Creation of a commodity stock for a couple of months - 300,000 rubles.
  • Company registration and other expenses - 100,000 rubles.

Total - 1,700,000 rubles.

Now let's calculate the approximate revenue for the work of 2 people:

  • Production of square meters of MDF panels for 1 shift - 25.
  • The number of shifts per month is 30.
  • Production sq.m. per month - 750.
  • The cost of panels in bulk is 1100 rubles per 1 sq.m.
  • Revenue per month - 825,000 rubles.
  • Profitability - 25%.
  • Payback period - 8 months.

All numerical data are not final and may vary in one direction or another.

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The relevance of the production of MDF facades is justified by the regular demand for these products. Despite the high price compared to chipboard materials, medium-density furniture fronts emit less toxic substances and have greater strength, which makes them so popular in the market for quality building products. In Russia, the need for MDF is more than 200,000 cubic meters per year.

MDF facades are a medium-density building material for furniture and paneling, which is made by cutting fibreboard, milling and applying a film or painting.

From English MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard - medium density fiberboard.


  • by application (furniture,);
  • by type of coating (PVC film, painting, etc.);
  • by type of milling (embossed, 3D);
  • by inserts (stained-glass window, lattice, glass);
  • in shape (curved, curved, flat).

In addition to facades, MDF is made of:

  • floor coverings;
  • Wall panels;
  • dropped ceilings;
  • molded products;
  • decorative items, etc.

Sales market

  • construction organizations;
  • repair companies;
  • individuals.

Organization of production

The production of MDF facades requires the work of 1-3 specialists. The area of ​​the required premises is 100 sq.m. The pressing room should be free of dust and the temperature should be maintained at a level of at least 15 degrees. The raw materials for production are MDF boards, PVC film and glue.

Necessary equipment

Cost: 230 850 rubles.

Cost: 30 000 r.

Productivity: 2 passes up to 10 m/min.
Cost: 390,000 rubles.

Productivity: 4000-11000 fluctuations/min.
Cost: 1990 rub.

Productivity: 55 l/s
Cost: 9 800 rubles.

Cost: 7 770 rubles.

Cost: 5 848 rubles.

Productivity: 8 cubic meters/hour
Cost: 165,000 rubles.

Feasibility study

Capital expenditures

  • Equipment - 0.8 million rubles.
  • Additional equipment - 0.1 million rubles.
  • Delivery and installation - 0.2 million rubles.
  • Preparation of the premises - 0.2 million rubles.
  • Inventory for 2 months - 0.3 million rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 0.1 million rubles.

Total start-up costs: 1 700 000 rubles.

Calculation of revenue when working 2 people

* Business profitability is indicated according to the expert opinion of the author of the article.

Case parts are an integral component of any furniture. Previously, only blanks from wooden boards were used for their manufacture. But the emergence of new materials has made significant adjustments. A set of fiberboard processing machines can be the backbone of a profitable business. But for this it is necessary to choose the right equipment for the production of MDF facades.

Line equipment

The first step in planning a new line for the production of processed panels is to decide on important initial indicators. The first is the overall budget. Based on it, the optimal set of equipment is selected, the line performance is calculated.

There are additional factors that directly affect the purchase of equipment:

  • The total area of ​​the premises. After the installation of the equipment, there should be free space for the working personnel and movement from one processing zone to another.
  • A place to store raw materials. In order for the machine for the production of MDF facades to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to reduce the time for the tray of workpieces for processing.
  • Provide a mechanism to check product quality after passing through each stage of manufacturing. This also applies to the storage conditions of finished products.

Having fulfilled these conditions, you can proceed to the selection of equipment for arranging the line.

Workpiece processing

After accepting MDF sheets, checking their quality, it is necessary to perform cutting. According to the received drawings, a cutting map is drawn up, which will ensure the minimum remaining scraps. Even high-tech equipment for the production of MDF facades without a professional program for the preparation of technical documentation will not be able to perform all its functions.

For cutting sheets, a formatted circular saw is required. The sheet is mounted on a movable frame and cut into blanks according to the cutting plan. Depending on the type of equipment, the procedure can be carried out in manual or automatic modes.

With small volumes of production, you can not purchase this machine. Currently, there are specialized companies that sell MDF with the right dimensions.


After that, it is necessary to perform surface treatment of the workpiece. It includes the formation of patterns on the MDF plane by milling, the creation of mounting grooves on the edges of the sheet.

Often the production of MDF facades is part of an assembly line for the manufacture of furniture or interior doors. The classic models of these products must necessarily have a three-dimensional pattern on the surface, which is formed by milling. If the budget does not allow you to purchase a CNC device, then you can make the processing equipment yourself.

To do this, you need to make a table, the dimensions of which must exceed the dimensions of the largest workpiece. A movable frame with a milling unit is attached to it. Drawing templates are laid on the MDF surface, according to which the sheet is processed. It should be noted that the process will take much longer than when using a CNC machine. However, with further modernization, you can replace the home-made device with a more advanced factory model.

Upon completion of the manufacture of the pattern, the MDF is processed by a grinder and sent to the final stage of production - painting or laminating.

Film pasting

Applying a certain shade to the surface of the product is an important stage in the manufacture of decorative panels. To do this, you need to purchase a membrane-vacuum press for the production of MDF facades.

When choosing a particular model, you should pay attention to its functional characteristics. The simplest equipment fixes the paint layer on the MDF surface by thermal action. Machines with a more sophisticated device are capable of applying a decorative PVC film, as well as processing curved facades.

When buying, special attention should be paid to the presence of a silicone membrane. It limits the area of ​​influence on the desktop. This is necessary for processing small batches of workpieces.

Professional equipment for the production of MDF facades should include a cutting machine that processes the edge. After that, the product enters the packaging area.

Preparing for storage and transport

According to the technological scheme, full packaging of MDF panels is not recommended. Possible ingress of moisture inside can lead to swelling and loss of geometric shape. For proper preparation for storage, it is necessary to purchase special equipment for the production of MDF facades.

The packaging machine processes the edges of the product, leaving its middle open. In the future, cardboard panels are attached to it, protecting it from mechanical stress. It is best to store MDF facades in a vertical position, as this eliminates the change in geometry.

When choosing a specific production line, it is recommended to purchase equipment from one manufacturer. This will make it possible to select the machines that are optimal in terms of productivity.

Manufacturing technology of MDF facades is increasingly considered by furniture manufacturers as a promising, strategically significant, innovative direction for the development of an enterprise in the most difficult competitive environment. Furniture made of MDF in terms of its quality characteristics in many respects surpasses the same products made of laminated chipboard, metal, plastic or natural wood. And it's hard to argue with that.

The main materials used for the manufacture of MDF facades are the MDF board itself, PVC film for vacuum pressing, glue and sometimes, for lining the back of the furniture facade, laminating paper is used.

MDF board for facades

MDF stands for Medium Density Fibreboard, and is made by hot pressing fine wood fibers treated with binders.

MDF board, used in the manufacture of furniture, has one of the most important qualities - ease of processing. This allows, without excessive effort, to give blanks a variety of shapes and freely work with the surface relief using the usual set of sawing, milling and grinding tools that are available in almost every furniture manufacturer. In fact, the manufacture of MDF facades is possible even in garage conditions, "on the knee".

PVC film for MDF facades

PVC film for cladding furniture facades MDF is made from a synthetic substance, hard polyvinyl chloride. When heated to a certain temperature, it becomes plastic, under the influence of vacuum tightly fits the MDF facade blank, repeating its relief, and when cooled, it retains its shape.

Due to the huge variety of colors, shades, patterns, embossing and textures, PVC film for MDF facades is able to imitate virtually any natural or artificial material, whether it be wood or stone, metal or fabric, leather or fantasy abstraction and other, other, other design ideas.

Besides , PVC film, used for cladding MDF facades, has many other positive qualities:

  • It has a high degree of resistance to mechanical and chemical damage.
  • Does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • It does not age, as it is based on the polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  • Easily cleaned with household products from stains and dirt.
  • As a rule, it has a low cost, especially PVC film from a Korean manufacturer.

Characteristics of MDF facades in PVC film

  • First of all, it should be noted the widest choice for the implementation of design ideas. The ability to give the MDF facade any shape, create an intricate relief on its surface, and imitate a huge variety of materials, allows you to meet the most incredible requirements of a fastidious customer.
  • Along with high quality and excellent appearance, MDF facades have a relatively low prime cost production. On the one hand, this is due to the low cost of the main materials: MDF furniture board and PVC film. On the other hand, there is the possibility of partial or complete automation of production.
  • The manufacturing technology of MDF facades is so simple that even a start-up enterprise with limited opportunities for additional capital investments can master it. To start the production of MDF facades in PVC film, you only need to purchase membrane vacuum press. The rest of the necessary equipment, as a rule, is available from each furniture manufacturer.
  • Due to its fibrous structure, MDF holds furniture fittings better, does not dry out over time and does not lose its qualities.
  • The resistance of MDF to moisture makes it possible to produce MDF kitchen fronts, as well as bathroom furniture.
  • Environmental Safety. The production technology of MDF facades does not provide for the use of materials hazardous to health. And the level of formaldehyde emission from MDF boards is comparable in safety to natural wood.

Of course, MDF facades in PVC film also have a number of disadvantages. First of all, it is worth noting the weak resistance to high temperatures. For example, on kitchen cabinets, the heat from the stove heats the facades, the adhesive layer softens, and the film begins to peel off and curl.

Production of furniture facades: a plan for starting a business

Most often this is caused by low-quality glue or incorrectly selected pressing mode in the manufacture of facades.

Another disadvantage of facades in the film, upon closer examination, is the presence of irregularities and shagreen on the surface. The fact is that when applying glue to MDF, barely noticeable villi can rise. In the process of vacuum cladding, the PVC film copies the relief of the facade, including them.

Painting MDF facades

The disadvantages of MDF facades in PVC film are absolutely not characteristic of painted facades. On the one hand, the paint layer is able to withstand much higher temperatures than the film. On the other hand, after painting, the facades undergo a grinding and polishing procedure, so they have an almost mirror-like surface. It is these basic qualities that painted MDF facades have won the trust of the consumer.

To diversify the range of furniture production with painted MDF facades, significant additional capital investments will not be required, since the equipment used to prepare MDF blanks for cladding in film and for painting is identical. Here it is worth highlighting one aspect of the technological process - labor intensity. But there are other pluses and gifts in this case. Painting, grinding and polishing MDF facades require a significant amount of skilled labor, which increases their cost by an order of magnitude.

However, the main advantage of film facades over "paint" is the ability to imitate a variety of natural and artificial materials. Thus, the use of MDF facades in PVC film in the manufacture of furniture for the kitchen, bedroom, hallway or office will always be profitable, beautiful and in demand. So, manufacturing technology MDF facades in the future, it should be mastered by every furniture manufacturer developing its enterprise.

The relevance of the production of MDF facades is justified by the regular demand for these products. Despite the high price compared to chipboard materials, medium-density furniture fronts emit less toxic substances and have greater strength, which makes them so popular in the market for quality building products. In Russia, the need for MDF is more than 200,000 cubic meters per year.

MDF facades are a medium-density building material for furniture and paneling, which is made by cutting fibreboard, milling and applying a film or painting.

From English MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard - medium density fiberboard.


  • by application (furniture, interior doors);
  • by type of coating (PVC film, painting, etc.);
  • by type of milling (embossed, 3D);
  • by inserts (stained-glass window, lattice, glass);
  • in shape (curved, curved, flat).

In addition to facades, MDF is made of:

  • floor coverings;
  • Wall panels;
  • dropped ceilings;
  • molded products;
  • decorative items, etc.

Sales market

Organization of production

The production of MDF facades requires the work of 1-3 specialists.

Production of MDF furniture facades as a business

The area of ​​the required premises is 100 sq.m. The pressing room should be free of dust and the temperature should be maintained at a level of at least 15 degrees. The raw materials for production are MDF boards, PVC film and glue.

Necessary equipment

Feasibility study

Capital expenditures

  • Equipment - 0.8 million rubles.
  • Additional equipment - 0.1 million rubles.
  • Delivery and installation - 0.2 million rubles.
  • Preparation of the premises - 0.2 million rubles.
  • Inventory for 2 months - 0.3 million rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 0.1 million rubles.

Total start-up costs: 1 700 000 rubles.

Calculation of revenue when working 2 people

* Business profitability is indicated according to the expert opinion of the author of the article.

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