How to remove grease from kitchen cabinets. We wash off grease on kitchen cabinets using traditional methods How to wash off grease from kitchen furniture

One of the most difficult home cleaning tasks involves cleaning the kitchen, or rather removing greasy deposits from all surfaces in this room. Regular work in the kitchen associated with cooking inevitably leads to splashing of fat and oil, in addition, greasy vapors settle on furniture, household appliances, walls, after which dust and dirt stick to them. This is how severe pollution forms on many surfaces. Keeping your kitchen clean takes some effort.

But don’t despair, nowadays there are a huge number of the most different means, helping in the fight against fat and other contaminants. Now there is no question of how to wash off fat from kitchen furniture and how to do this, everything is limited only by choosing the appropriate detergent.

Choosing a remedy

There are plenty of means to combat industrial pollution in the kitchen, but they can all be divided into three categories:

  • household chemicals, sold in all kinds of containers and specializing in various contaminants, with a variety of cleaning properties;
  • folk remedies, which most often contain vinegar, soda, citric acid, mustard, ammonia (by the way, a common chemical), laundry soap;
  • devices with steam cleaning: steam generators, washing vacuum cleaners, steam mops, cleaning with which is based on the magical effects of steam.

For selection optimal solution, V ideal Every housewife needs to try all three methods for removing dirt and old grease in the kitchen. We, in turn, will tell you what the positive and negative aspects of each method are, which method is easier to clean the stove, and which method is easier to clean the blinds. Let's start with the most banal method, using household chemicals.

Clean kitchen pledge good mood in the morning

Cleaning with detergents

The use of household chemicals requires safety equipment; for gentle compounds, rubber gloves are sufficient; for more aggressive ones, the use of a respirator is necessary. Take care of these things in advance; you will also need various sponges, brushes, rags or rags.

Using modern household cleaning and washing products, you will clean the kitchen quickly and efficiently. There is no doubt about this, since modern means have super-strong cleansing properties. You probably won’t be able to choose the brand of household product that will suit you best right away, but through trial and error you will find excellent compositions that you will feel comfortable working with around the house.

The use of rubber gloves during cleaning is essential

It is also gratifying that you are free to choose both universal and specialized products for washing specific items. It is permissible to use one composition to wash a gas stove, another to clean the wooden surface of cabinets, or to treat a matte tabletop we use a third composition, a fourth to remove dried grease from the wall, and a fifth to wash the blinds on the windows. Household chemicals are convenient to use; each of them has instructions for use.

Classic methods of cleaning surfaces from grease using household detergents most often come down to the following steps:

  • First of all, you need to moisten the dirty area with ordinary warm water;
  • then apply your chosen detergent to the stain;
  • now you need to wait, see how long to wait on the product label, where the instructions are located;
  • as soon as the greasy deposit dissolves, remove household chemicals along with dirt with a sponge, brush or rag, depending on the location of the contamination;
  • To achieve maximum effect, the area where the dirt was is additionally washed with warm water.

Usually such manipulations are enough to wash away even old fat. Difficulties can arise only when picking out dirt from hard to reach places, for example, the corners and folds of the relief of the decorative wooden surface of the cabinets with which our kitchen set. If the fat remains on a flat surface, then you can repeat the procedure, while increasing the time range of operation of the detergent composition. After cleaning, it is best to wipe the surfaces dry with a cloth.

Choose your own detergent

Let us remind you once again that when working with detergent compositions based on household chemicals, you must definitely use personal protection. You should develop the habit of immediately putting on rubber gloves when preparing to clean. To work with special by dangerous means To avoid damaging your respiratory tract, wear a respirator or mask.

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, then the use of household cleaning chemicals is contraindicated for you; you need to turn to folk recipes.

Cleaning using traditional methods

If your kitchen is not heavily soiled, then it is quite possible to use folk remedies for cleaning. Somehow they coped with various contaminants our parents and their parents are in the kitchen. Here are some popular recipes that you can use to remove grease from your kitchen set or stove.

Soap and soda

The simplest, one might say basic, method is to use laundry soap. With a soap solution based on it, you can wash everything in the kitchen: walls, stove, blinds, household appliances, kitchen set. At the same time, you will additionally disinfect the surface, killing various types of bacteria.

Laundry soap - a budget means of cleaning

For durable and strong surfaces, it is permissible to use conventional baking soda. Baking soda is an environmentally friendly product; it effectively cleans surfaces of various contaminants until they shine.

The tandem of laundry soap and baking soda works well. We create some semblance of a washing paste from these two substances, and act in the manner described above, as if we were in the hands of a professional cleaning composition.

After application, we set the time at our discretion, depending on the type of contamination, we use rags, brushes and sponges. We focus on the abrasive qualities of soda and do not let it dissolve completely. The method is great for washing many surfaces, except kitchen furniture, and it can also ruin a glossy item.

Other means

To clean grease from a stove or kitchen unit, you can use mustard powder. This product also effectively deals with fat. It is enough to sprinkle it on a wet, greasy surface, and you will see how the mustard, absorbing the fat, will form small balls. After which the surface can be cleaned of mustard with plain water.

With this method of cleaning, your kitchen furniture will not be damaged, the wallpaper covering the walls will not be damaged, and there is no need to worry about the gas stove. If your kitchen has blinds, you can also try treating them with mustard powder.

Vinegar is an unpleasant-smelling but extremely effective way to combat stains of all kinds. Vinegar will help you in washing kitchen fixtures made of ceramics or steel, and other metal objects.

Vinegar is used to clean plumbing fixtures not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom.

In addition, vinegar effectively fights odors, simply killing them. Housewives often use a vinegar-based composition to wash floors to get rid of various odors: spilled grease, pets or prolonged humidity.

An excellent detergent composition for washing kitchen furniture is obtained by mixing dishwashing detergent, vinegar and soda. This product effectively cleans the leather of soft kitchen sofas.

But not only folk remedies will help a person with allergies or asthma clean the kitchen; modern steam appliances are created specifically for environmental cleaning.

Steam engines

One of the most effective means for removing dirt, including grease, is steam. Hot steam allows you to painlessly remove dirt and further disinfect the surface. However, steam units are usually expensive, so not all housewives can afford them.

The principle of operation of all steam appliances simple: they are filled with water, which is heated to steam and sprayed under pressure onto the contaminated surface for cleaning and disinfection. The steam temperature is usually 150 degrees Celsius.

Cleaning hob from dirt using a steam generator

With this steam treatment, the dirt is immediately washed off, or sucked up if we are dealing with a washing vacuum cleaner. At the same time, almost any hard surface can be treated with a steam generator, kitchen tiles, wardrobes, blinds. Note that, floors, plumbing and much more.

Finally, I would like to advise that, if possible, it is better to immediately wash kitchen utensils from grease and carbon deposits, rather than wait until they dry out and absorb dirt. But cases are different, and in many cases, contamination in the kitchen has a cumulative effect.

In any case, there is no dirt that we could not wash off using the above-described means and methods. You can really wash off even the oldest grease by thoroughly washing our kitchen surfaces: stove, kitchen units, blinds.

The choice of purchased surface cleaning products is quite extensive.

In stores large selection various means. They are effective and are produced in whole series. When choosing how to wash off grease in the kitchen, you should take into account the material from which the furniture is made, and give preference to gels and liquid formulations.

Lack of all store-bought drugs in high content Surfactants that actively decompose grease on cabinets, but dry your hands and can cause allergies. Safe and natural remedies network company Amway is gentle and harmless to health. But their price is very high. To remove dirt in the kitchen, Faberlic produces natural compositions. Their effect is weaker, but the cost is comparable to store-bought drugs.

All anti-grease products in the kitchen are used according to the same scheme:

  • apply to the surface;
  • withstand a certain time;
  • wash off;
  • wipe dry.

Be sure to thoroughly wash all products and wipe the furniture dry.

Only the application methods and exposure time differ. They are indicated with the instructions on the package.

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease without scratching it. You should use only mild detergents, without abrasives, without bleach or acids.

How to clean old grease in the kitchen. Only with a sponge and napkins:

  • microfiber;
  • flannel;
  • cloth.

Used to remove particularly greasy stains. toothbrush, cotton swabs. After applying the detergent composition to the kitchen furniture, it is allowed to act on the dirt for 20 - 30 minutes, then continue cleaning.

If you can’t wash the cabinets of grease in one go, you need to repeat the procedure after a few days. You should not rub harder or increase the concentration of the detergent. Scuffs and lightened spots form on the surface.

Household wet wipes sold in stores can quickly remove grease from kitchen furniture. You don't even need to use detergent. The composition with which the napkins are impregnated washes away dirt. Glossy surfaces may leave streaks. Their removal is done immediately with a dry paper towel, without allowing the furniture to dry out. It is more profitable to buy household napkins in large packs with a valve. Then they will be enough for several cleanings and the natural moisture of the detergent will be preserved.

With the help of a steam generator that has various attachments, you can restore perfect order. Clean the kitchen furniture from grease, restore the whiteness of the seams between the tiles and the gloss of the tiles themselves. The exception is a kitchen set made of MDF. It swells with steam and high temperature, delaminates, loses its appearance.

Natural wood and plastic can be easily cleaned with a steam mop with an appropriate attachment for cleaning vertical surfaces. After steaming, kitchen cabinets and tiles should be wiped dry. Ideally, use a microfiber cloth; if you don’t have one, cloth and flannel will do. There will be no streaks left on the kitchen surfaces, and they will shine like new.

Steam cleaners are good for removing dirt.

Steam can easily clean kitchen tiles from all types of dirt and old grease, especially in the apron area. There, during cooking, most of the pollution ends up on the wall. Splash marks remain when cleaning and cutting food; drops of water, steam and fat eat into the surface of the tiles, especially with a matte finish.

Option beautiful and budget kitchen cabinets and cabinets made of pressed sawdust - MDF. With proper and careful handling, kitchen furniture long time will look good. The MDF facade has different coatings:

  • lamination;
  • PVC film;
  • coloring.

Each type has its own advantages and weaknesses, which must be taken into account when choosing how to remove grease from kitchen furniture.

Laminate furniture has many color options and imitates different types of wood. The disadvantage is that it is not durable. The film covering the slabs does not tolerate moisture, loses its shine and peels off. Even such a mild abrasive as dry baking soda can scratch the coating.

Among the disadvantages of laminated kitchens is fragility

How to remove grease from laminated MDF kitchen cabinets. Most in a simple way is a soap solution.

  1. Grate half a bar of dark laundry soap on a coarse grater and dissolve in 2 liters of water.
  2. Apply the solution to the contaminated areas with a sponge, being careful not to wet it too much.
  3. After a while, wash the softened fat with the same sponge.
  4. Remove any remaining soap and dirt with a damp cloth.
  5. Wipe dry and polish with a paper towel.

Soap easily removes grease from the smooth laminate film. If the greasy stains are old, you won’t be able to remove them in one go. It is better to regularly clean the kitchen of dirt or try rubbing old grease with vodka.

PVC film coating is not afraid of moisture or aggressive detergents. The exception is acetone and other solvents. Despite this, before using a new composition, you need to try its effect on the coating. You need to choose an inconspicuous place and rub it with a napkin soaked in the product.

PVC coating is moisture resistant, but is afraid of aggressive detergents

Launder PVC coating You can get rid of fat using folk remedies using laundry soap, vinegar with white clay.

  1. Dilute the clay by filling it with vinegar, approximately 2 times more in volume. Grind and mix until smooth.
  2. Apply the composition to the dirtiest places that have not been washed, or spread in a thin layer if the grease has formed a fresh film.
  3. After about 20 minutes, the clay will dry and absorb the fat layer dissolved by vinegar.
  4. Rinse off any remaining clay with warm water, rinse and wipe dry.

Glossy surfaces must be rubbed with a dry towel, otherwise cleaning products will leave streaks on them. Even handprints remain on the doors if the cabinets are not constantly wiped down.

For painted surfaces, do not use detergents that are not based on acids, chlorine, solvents or abrasives. How to remove grease from a painted kitchen. Vinegar with clay, laundry soap and baking powder.

  1. Pour a pack of 100 grams of baking powder into 50 grams of vegetable oil.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Apply a thin layer to oily stains.
  4. After 20 minutes, wipe everything off with a damp cloth.
  5. Remove residues with water and wipe.

They mainly paint MDF panels, applying paint to the facade, then several layers of varnish. This must be taken into account before cleaning the kitchen from grease. Even rough fabric can ruin the shine and leave dull scuffs. Folk remedies - soda with vegetable oil.

  1. Drops of oil are added to the soda and mixed until a thick porridge is formed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the stains using a soft sponge or cotton pad.
  3. After 30 – 40 minutes paper napkin the composition is removed.
  4. The area of ​​contamination is washed with soapy water and wiped dry.

Cleansing occurs due to the softening of fat with oil. Baking soda absorbs all the dirt. There is no need to rub the composition, just remove the headset from the surface. Baking soda is a mild, fine abrasive and can scratch the varnish.

Natural wood absorbs water and swells. When making furniture, it is impregnated and coated protective compounds. How to clean the kitchen from natural wood and preserve the unique beauty of wood. We wash with home remedies:

  • laundry soap;
  • mustard;
  • rice water;
  • vodka.

Furniture polish is used from store-bought formulations. It is sprayed onto the surface and immediately wiped with a napkin. The wax contained in the composition covers the furniture with an additional layer and protects it from moisture. Polish solves the problem of how to remove scuffs and small scratches on wooden kitchen. You should not constantly use polishes. It is enough to use once a month, washing the furniture in the kitchen with other means in between.

Vinegar mixed in equal parts with olive oil. The wooden surface is first treated with a detergent, then the compound is applied to a clean scratch and rubbed with a napkin across the defect. It is best to use microfiber and wipe everything dry.

Depending on the surface, cleaning methods are selected individually

Mustard is suitable for removing grease from kitchen furniture made of all materials. How to clean the headset with it? Horizontal surfaces should be slightly moistened with water and dry mustard should be sprinkled. After a few minutes, wipe the countertops and lids with a sponge.

For vertical surfaces, a porridge-like substance is prepared from mustard powder with the addition of water. Apply a thin layer to the furniture with a sponge. Mustard removes grease and dirt without damaging the varnish and paint coating of wood and MDF. Cleansing occurs quickly, so you can wash it off after just 10 minutes. clean water– with a damp cloth soaked in water, the remains of mustard powder.

After boiling rice, do not pour out the water from it. You will have something to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen. It is advisable to wash it with a warm decoction; it can easily remove minor fatty deposits. It will not remove old stains in one go.

Some housewives use rice water to cleanse dirt.

Vodka is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed. Then wipe with a dry towel. The remaining stains of heavy dirt and old grease are moistened additionally, after 10 - 15 minutes they are wiped with a cotton pad, removing remaining moisture and dirt.

When preparing for cleaning, the question of how to clean grease from kitchen tiles is resolved. Waterproof tiles have a hard surface. Regardless of the matte or glossy version of the tile, when cleaning it you cannot use:

  • abrasive powders;
  • solvent;
  • metal scourers;
  • acid based products.

How to clean grease from kitchen tiles without damaging its surface. You can use purchased special products and natural homemade ones used for furniture:

  • soap;
  • mustard;
  • White;
  • vinegar with soda;
  • vodka.

Use dry mustard as a cleanser

Using a spray bottle, you can apply Whiteness to tiles and mortar. Add 10–20 ml of it per liter of water and spray it over the tiles. Can be applied with a sponge, wetting it in the composition. When working with bleach, be sure to wear protective rubber gloves and a mask.

In addition to cleaning tiles from grease, Whiteness removes dirt and whitens the seams between tiles. It can be replaced with oxygen bleaches. They act effectively and do not destroy cement mortar joints

For tiles, housewives make their own detergent to remove grease. Mix lemon zest, dried and ground into powder, vinegar and vodka. Spray on the surface of the tile and wipe with a napkin. Heavily greasy areas cannot be cleaned in one go.

Apply the solution using a spray bottle and rub

Who can't stand the smell? table vinegar, it can be replaced with apple juice and mixed in equal proportions with vodka.

Plastic dissolves in acids and loses color when in contact with bleaches. Abrasives scratch it. You can wash it by special means and folk:

  • laundry soap;
  • rice water.

Any gel or liquid dish soap is also suitable for plastic. it should be dissolved in water, a few drops per liter, and the surface should be wiped with a soft sponge. The plastic must be rinsed well with water and wiped dry, rub it until it shines, removing all stains and marks.

Glass is easy to clean from grease. To do this, you can use dish soap, soap, and soda. For shine, you need to rinse off the detergent and rinse everything weak solution vinegar. You can simply dilute 100 ml of vinegar in a liter of water and wash the glass covered with a greasy film.

You can clean glass with regular dishwashing detergent.

You can quickly tidy up a glass splashback or window in the kitchen with a spray for windows and mirrors. Can be wiped clean for a brilliant shine old newspaper.

The hardest part is the handles and other fittings

When you have managed to clean the kitchen and everything seems to be shining, handles, hooks, and awnings catch your eye. They are clean on top, but dirt is hidden in the corners and underneath them. It is impossible to get it out with a sponge or napkin. Therefore, cotton swabs and an old toothbrush are used.

First, the composition is prepared:

  • soda with vegetable oil;
  • mustard with water;
  • vodka.

A universal remedy for removing old fat under the arms at home is ammonia and anise drops. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Can also be used purchased product, designed to clean grease and dirt on the surface of this type of furniture. First you need to apply the prepared composition. Then, after a while, remove dirt from hard-to-reach places with a toothbrush. Where there is not enough lint, use cotton swabs and toothpicks.

Every housewife dreams of a kitchen that always shines, but unfortunately, during cooking, drops of oil and fat are splashed, and the steam released condenses on the surface of walls and furniture. Over time, the inconspicuous layer becomes no longer so thin, because dust also settles on it, so the question arises: how to remove grease from kitchen furniture without harming the surface and your own health?

Preventing the appearance of a thick layer of grease on furniture

Many housewives will agree that the most difficult part of cleaning the kitchen is fighting the droplets of grease that are lurking everywhere:

  • on the facades of kitchen furniture;
  • on the walls of the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • on the side walls of the refrigerator and stove;
  • on the hood and tiles.

Even a fresh stain cannot be removed without the help of detergents, so train yourself to wipe all kitchen furniture doors with a damp, clean cloth once every two days so as not to accumulate grease deposits. If the contamination is not severe, then you can use baking soda and laundry soap, which will erase plaque and stains and spare your hands from strong household chemicals. Do exactly this and then the problem of how to remove grease from kitchen furniture during general cleaning will bother you much less.

How to clean grease from kitchen furniture?

To clean grease from kitchen furniture, use only soft sponges and cloth. Perfect for this purpose:

  • microfiber;
  • cloth;
  • flannel.

Important! Use metal brushes, even if the fat deposit is very thick, it is impossible. When using them, deep scratches are formed, which will only worsen the situation, and grease and dirt will clog into damaged surfaces even faster.

Removing grease from the surface of furniture is a very painstaking and long work. To clean this kind of contamination, you need to carefully select cleaning products. You should also use the kitchen furniture cleaner carefully, as the powder will leave scratches and abrasions. To wash away fat, use only liquids and gels, but even in this case you need to study the composition - if it contains ammonia and acids, they will ruin your set.

Important! Try a new product on an inconspicuous surface first. kitchen cabinet to see if it will leave stains or damage, and then clean the entire surface.

Folk remedies

If for some reason you do not want to resort to using household chemicals in the kitchen or prefer to use products that have been proven over the years, then pay attention to traditional methods of cleaning furniture. Using the tools listed below, you can easily cope with the problem of how to remove and remove grease from kitchen furniture.

Recipe No. 1

This recipe is suitable for any surface, since vegetable oil is well absorbed into the wood, hiding scratches and abrasions, and also forms a protective film:

  1. Mix vegetable oil and soda in equal proportions.
  2. Apply them to contaminated areas.
  3. Leave the product on the surface for 30 minutes, after which remove the fat that has collected in lumps with a soft cloth.

Important! If you were unable to remove the grease from the kitchen unit on the first try, repeat the procedure again.

Recipe No. 2:

  1. Moisten the baking powder with water.
  2. Apply the resulting slurry to grease stains.
  3. Leave the product for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Recipe No. 3:

  1. Add vinegar to a glass of water (preferably apple cider vinegar, as it does not have a pungent odor). Dampen a soft cloth with the product and lightly rub the contaminated surface.

Important! As a result of this cleaning, the grease will be removed and the furniture doors will become shiny.

Recipe No. 4:

  1. Soak a soft sponge in alcohol (vodka) and thoroughly rub the grease stains.
  2. If the dirt is not removed immediately, moisten the surface with the product and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. After treatment, rinse the furniture with water, adding a few drops essential oil(eucalyptus or spruce).

Important! The oil not only has a bactericidal effect, but also effectively cares for wooden surfaces. In addition, essential oils have a pleasant aroma.And essential oils and many other products that we have collected in a separate article will help you quickly remove unpleasant odors from the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 5:

  1. Dilute 15 g of citric acid, 2 drops of detergent in 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in the resulting liquid and thoroughly treat the stain.
  3. Leave the product on for 30 minutes and then rinse off the residue with warm water.

Recipe No. 6

For this method you will need:

  • 200 ml vodka;
  • 200 ml vinegar;
  • ½ tsp. orange essential oil.

Pour the prepared product into a spray bottle and spray on side surfaces and doors of kitchen furniture. Leave the product on for 20 minutes and then wipe the furniture with a dry soft cloth.

Important! This mixture also perfectly removes limescale from tiles, ceramic and faience surfaces, water tap. Therefore, you can wash off grease from any furniture and plumbing fixtures in the kitchen.

Recipe No. 7

Wipe the doors of the kitchen furniture with a slice of lemon so that the juice drips out, and after 10 minutes, rinse the furniture with a cloth soaked in warm water. After treatment, wipe the set dry with a paper towel.

Just cleaned the doors near the oven and realized that its condition is also far from ideal? Don’t worry, you don’t have to spend the whole day doing such tedious and routine work, because we have already collected the most best ways so that you can clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home in 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 8

If the set is wooden, then ordinary clay diluted with vinegar to a soft paste will help to wash it of grease. Apply the product to the cabinet doors and leave until completely dry. Be sure to wash off any grease or dirt from the surface with water.

  • Granite and marble surfaces cannot be washed with chemicals, so use laundry soap to clean them.
  • After washing, the furniture must be wiped dry. To avoid leaving streaks on the surface, use a paper towel or a completely dry cloth for this purpose.
  • Scratches and cracks on the surface of wooden furniture can be masked by rubbing with walnut.
  • To clean grease from kitchen units with fronts made of laminated chipboard use a scraper for glass-ceramic stoves; for enamel-coated refrigerator walls, use a wooden spatula.
  • Before cleaning vertical surfaces, lay down paper so that the removed grease and dirt fall onto it.
  • After cleaning, apply polish to the surface of the furniture - this will slow down the contamination.

How to clean old grease from a stove using modern means?

Along with new technologies, modern cleaning and detergents appear that cope with various types pollution. Almost every kitchen has the following products:

  • Mister Muscle;
  • Santry;
  • Schumann;
  • Cilit Bang;
  • Sanita;

Important! Each of these brands produces a wide range of products that can be used to clean tiles in the kitchen, remove grease from furniture made of plastic or hob. There are also universal series that are suitable for all types of surfaces.

There is no point in listing the entire range of household chemicals, because every housewife has her own preferences. All of them are effective, you just need to choose suitable option. Let's give just a few tips:

  1. Before using this or that product, be sure to read the instructions, as it may contain toxic substances.
  2. In the case of capricious surfaces, to avoid scratching them with abrasives, use liquid detergents.
  3. We recommend cleaning the ceramic hob with cream, as it gently penetrates top layer, removes grease and smooths out minor scratches due to its structure.
  4. MDF-based facades, as well as furniture finished with plastic or film, must be washed with cleaning products that do not contain abrasives and chlorine. We recommend using a neutral detergent diluted in water.
  5. To avoid rubbing the surface after applying the product, leave it for a while, and then remove the residue along with the soaked fat with a soft, damp cloth.
  6. When using household products, be sure to use gloves to protect your hands when working with chemicals. After cleaning with chemicals, be sure to ventilate the room.
  7. Eco-friendly washing and cleaning products made with mineral, plant based. Use them when working, as they are safe not only for humans, but also for the environment.

How to clean grease from a kitchen set using steam?

Not long ago, steam generators appeared on the household appliances market and immediately began to be in great demand. All this is not without reason. Steam cleaning has high efficiency, and even the most simple model Such a device is universal - it can clean literally everything, including grease from the kitchen unit.

Important! The bottom line is this: water is poured into the steam generator, cleaning agents are added if necessary, and steam with a temperature of about 150 C is released out under pressure of several atmospheres. With this treatment, dirt and grease are removed instantly (with manual cleaning water temperature does not exceed 40 C).

With a steam cleaner, you will not have problems cleaning not only grease on kitchen furniture, but also grout lines on tiles. You can even freshen your curtains with this device.

Advantages of the steam generator:

  • cleans furniture, walls and kitchen equipment without chemicals;
  • removes grease, scale, burnt marks;
  • restores the shine of glass and stainless steel surfaces;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • removes odors;
  • To avoid the problem of greasy deposits in the kitchen, keep your food preparation area tidy. Every day, remove a fresh layer of dust, grease, soot, wipe the stove, table, and dishes. What means to use is up to you. The main thing is that after cleaning the kitchen is cozy, clean and comfortable.

No matter how careful you are, sooner or later the question arises: how to wash off grease in the kitchen. Much to the chagrin of clean housewives, droplets of old grease accumulate on kitchen furniture, gas stoves, and tiles, which can be very difficult to wash off.

Of course, household chemical stores offer wide range cleaning products, but some are very expensive and others can cause allergic reaction or burns from skin contact.
The question involuntarily arises: how did our grandmothers deal with grease without being able to purchase cleaning products? After all, they knew exactly how to clean fat on their own without using household chemicals.

Indispensable helpers in the kitchen for cleaning are ordinary baking soda and dry mustard.
Enameled dishes and surfaces can be cleaned with baking soda. If the surfaces are very dirty: not only greasy, but also covered with oil dust, then you can add vinegar or citric acid. The chemical reaction that occurs at this moment will easily help remove any fat.

Cleaning the enamel surface to a shine gas stove, we ask ourselves the question: how to wash grease off the grate? Baking soda will also help clean grates covered in greasy stains.

To do this, dilute it with water to a paste and apply it with a brush (or an old toothbrush) onto the dirty surface and leave for 20 minutes, after which dirt of any complexity will be easily washed off hot water.

Dry mustard works in much the same way. Just before treating the surface, you need to wet it generously with hot water, and then, sparingly, sprinkle it with mustard. With this chemical reaction fat deposits are easily decomposed. Then the mixture just needs to be washed off, and the kitchen will shine like new.

Cleaning delicate surfaces

When cleaning, we habitually apply force to achieve a brilliant result. But the question involuntarily arises: how to clean grease and dirt from ceramics, glass, plastic, wood?
These delicate surfaces require careful and careful handling. But here, too, essential baking soda will help. Only now you need to mix the soda with vegetable oil to the consistency of sour cream. Rub wooden or plastic furniture with this mixture with a soft rag or a special napkin - it perfectly cleanses dirt and dust. This procedure must be repeated every 2-3 weeks.

Furniture made of plastic is inexpensive and comfortable, but fragile and easy to damage. mechanical impact. How to clean a fragile surface? After all, it requires especially careful handling. It can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. Spray peroxide over the surface using a spray bottle, and after 5–10 minutes, wipe the furniture with a soft, dry cloth.

Cleaning tiles

The white tiles in the kitchen turn yellow over time, and on the walls near the gas stove they become covered with drops of orange grease, which is very difficult to clean. If patented detergents and cleaning products are powerless here, then ammonia will help you. Dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:10 and rub the tile with a rag or sponge; in places where the dirt is very strong, moisten the tile and leave for a short time.

IMPORTANT: do not forget to open the window before starting to clean the kitchen; the smell of ammonia can cause an allergic reaction.

After cleaning tiled walls Wipe with clean water, and you will no longer have the question of how to clean grease from tiles. The walls will shine with a mirror shine.

Universal ways to fight fat

There is an amazing way to clean kitchen utensils. You need to take a very large tank (you can use boiling water for boiling laundry), pour water into it, pour out a pack of soda ash, a pack of baking soda and a bottle of office glue. Place the tank on the fire and place all the dishes that need cleaning there. Let the water in the tank boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After which you can remove the tank from the heat, but do not remove the dishes until the water has cooled completely.
You will be amazed by the result: all the dishes will come out clean and shiny, as if they had just come from the store. You just need to rinse it and you can use it.
Excellent cleaning product kitchen surfaces is vinegar. In addition, it also helps get rid of unpleasant odors. It can be used to wash wood, plastic, leather and ceramic surfaces.

To get rid of old odors in the refrigerator or cabinets, wipe the insides with water and vinegar.
Can be cooked effective mixture for cleaning kitchen surfaces. To do this, mix water, alcohol (you can use vodka) and vinegar in a ratio of 2:1:1 and add a few drops of any essential oil. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray all areas that need cleaning.

After 15–20 minutes, treat the dirt with water and detergent, greasy stains will easily come off, and the smell will be fresh and pleasant.

Over time, you have to clean the inside of the microwave. Citrus fruits will help to cope with this problem: oranges, tangerines, lemons. Cut the fruits and place them inside the oven, turn the microwave on to maximum and leave for 15–10 minutes, after which the fat will come away from the walls and can be easily removed with a sponge and detergent.

When the question arises: how to clean grease from kitchen surfaces quickly and efficiently, try patented products.
“Silit - anti-fat”, LOC, “Komet” - gel and some other products have proven themselves well. They remove tough stains and make our kitchen sparkle, but they are not suitable for all surfaces and you need to be careful when using them. Some chemical additives cause allergies and skin burns. In addition, effective means are quite expensive.

There are many means to combat grease and dirt in the kitchen, your task is to choose for yourself best option, but remember: the sooner you start removing grease and oil stains, the easier your job will be. Old fat cleaning is many times more difficult.

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How to wash off fat kitchen cabinets- overview of popular solutions, including folk remedies

Sooner or later, a characteristic yellowness appears on kitchen furniture, which is very difficult to get rid of. We are talking about a thin layer of soot and grease that settles on cabinets near the stove. Meanwhile, there are many means that allow you to restore the original freshness of the kitchen quickly and without much effort.

Choosing between folk remedies and store-bought formulations

Conventionally, all products for removing grease and soot from kitchen furniture can be divided into two types:

  • Factory made products - chemical compositions, which can be purchased at most supermarkets;
  • Folk remedies- certain compositions made from improvised means at home.

It is believed that factory-made remedies are more effective than folk ones. Is this really true? To answer this question, let’s take a look at the most popular solutions belonging to one and another category.

Traditional methods of cleaning furniture from plaque and dirt


  • Cheapness. Most folk ways the fight against fat and soot is based on the use of formulations prepared from inexpensive ingredients;
  • Efficiency. Despite common misconceptions, many cleaning products prepared at home work as well as, and sometimes better than, store-bought counterparts;
  • Safety. Almost all self-prepared cleaning compositions are safe, since they consist of components known to you, which cannot be said about store-bought gels or pastes.

Are there any disadvantages? The use of folk remedies does not have any disadvantages. If one or another natural composition does not work, this is a disadvantage of this particular composition, but not of folk methods in general.

Illustrations Description of folk detergents

Salt. Table salt NaCl (sodium chloride) is a dual action agent.

Firstly, salt absorbs fats into early stage until dry. Therefore, if a drop of oil gets on the upholstery, add salt heaped up. After a minute, sweep away the salt and there will be no stain left.

Secondly, a saturated aqueous salt solution corrodes old fatty stains. To do this, dissolve the salt with a small amount of water and apply the solution with a sponge to the dirt and rub it.

Mustard powder. This is an excellent product that simultaneously breaks down fats and disinfects the surface.

Wet a foam sponge and apply a tablespoon of dry mustard to its surface. Rub the wet powder into the contaminated surface. After a minute, wipe off the dirt with a damp sponge.

It is possible that heavy contamination will not come off the first time and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Citric acid and alcohol. Citric acid, like most concentrated acids, is an excellent fat solvent. In order to enhance the effect of the solvent, the acid granules are mixed with water and alcohol.

Unlike the previously listed products, this composition dries the skin. Therefore, when applying the solution with a sponge to grease stains, do not forget to wear rubber or plastic gloves.

Baking powder from greasy stains . The so-called baking powder contains soda, which, when in contact with water, forms an alkaline solution that breaks down fats.

Baking powder works well as a solvent, but to save money, you can buy a less expensive packet of baking soda. By the way, the effect when using soda is stronger than when using a less concentrated baking powder.

A mixture of clay and vinegar. Dilute ordinary clay with any vinegar and mix until it forms as in the photo. Apply the finished composition to a greasy or smoky surface.

Wait a little until the clay absorbs the dirt, and then wash the mass with a damp cloth. Do not allow the clay to dry completely as it will be difficult to remove.

Essential oils for cleansing and pleasant smell . Essential oils dissolve in vodka in a ratio of 5-10 drops per 100 grams of liquid. A rag is moistened in the prepared solution, which is subsequently used to remove dirt.

The solution will solve several problems at once: grease is washed off, the surface is disinfected, and after the alcohol dries, a fragrant film forms on the surface.

Store-bought cleaning products

What preparations for cleaning kitchen furniture can you buy in the store? The range is wide, starting with ordinary dishwashing gels and ending with chemically aggressive compounds that literally corrode dried-on grease and soot from the stove.

The choice of one option or another depends on the degree of contamination of the furniture.

  • Dishwashing gels repel fats, and therefore can be used for regular cleaning of countertops and furniture facades located close to the stove.
  • It is preferable to use special grease-breaking agents for old stains in the lower part and on the sides hanging cabinets located in close proximity to the hob.

Sprays designed to remove fat are chemically active compounds containing alkalis and acids. Therefore, cleaning furniture should be carried out wearing protective rubber gloves. Do not allow the spray to come into contact with unprotected skin or eyes. For safety, use special sprays in well-ventilated areas.

Unusual cleaning products

Illustrations Description of preparations that are not intended for kitchen cleaning

“Whiteness” (weakly concentrated aqueous solution of chlorine). Chlorine solutions were originally intended for bleaching fabrics. However, “whiteness” allows you to clean and refresh dirty kitchen furniture.

“Whiteness” is characterized by a pronounced bactericidal effect, and therefore a chlorine solution can be used not only during major cleaning, but also for preventive purposes, weekly wiping surfaces susceptible to contamination.

Domestos. This universal remedy, which perfectly washes away contaminants from various surfaces. The advantage of using such a composition is the ability to wash both furniture and furniture with one gel. kitchen equipment, And tiles on the walls and floor.

Like “whiteness”, the product contains chlorine, and therefore I do not recommend using it on wooden furniture facades

Ammonia. Aqueous solution ammonia has long been known as effective remedy for cleaning surfaces from grease stains. A similar effect can be obtained using peroxide.

To deal with old stains on furniture or on household appliances just apply ammonia and leave for a minute. After this, with a rag soaked in ammonia, wipe the stain, and it is guaranteed to come off without a trace.

Melamine sponge. A sponge is not a detergent, however, this device will help deal with any dirt.

Melamine sponge works on the principle of rubber erasers. Sponges of this type do not contain abrasive particles, and therefore do not leave scratches on the paintwork of furniture.

Use of household chemicals

How to use household chemicals correctly?

  • We follow the instructions given in the instructions. All household chemicals certified for sale in the Russian Federation have a description in Russian, which indicates operational recommendations and restrictions. Before use, study the instructions and follow them;
  • We work in compliance with safety regulations. When using household chemicals, we wear protective rubber or polyethylene gloves so as not to damage the skin. To avoid inhaling chemical fumes, ventilate the room;
  • Clean without haste. Any household chemical for breaking down fat does not act instantly, so we apply the product, wait at least a minute for the reaction to begin, and only then wash it off.

What kind of surface is there and how to wash it

There's a lot in the kitchen different surfaces. For example, furniture is made of laminated chipboard, cabinet fronts are made of plastic or MDF lined with vinyl, ceramic tiles, hob either metal or glass-ceramic. But despite the difference, every surface gets dirty with greasy splashes and soot.

How to choose detergents according to the type of contaminated surface? Any detergent that you find in the store has a description with restrictions and recommendations. You can find out which surfaces the products are suitable for and which they are not from what is written on the label.

Illustrations Description of surface and maintenance method

Washing plastic kitchen . Any household chemical is suitable for washing kitchen plastic surfaces, regardless of its degree of aggressiveness.

If you decide to use folk remedies, you can use anything to wash plastic, provided that the composition does not include solvents such as acetone, gasoline, etc.

A gentle remedy for wooden surfaces . To avoid damaging solid wood furniture when washing, I recommend washing it with regular dish soap or soapy water. After the stains have been washed, dry the surface with napkins so that the wood does not crack during prolonged drying.

How to clean glass. There are many sprays on sale for the care of glass and glass ceramics. This effective means, which quickly remove fat, but require compliance with basic safety rules.

How to clean stainless steel. Personal experience shows that stainless steel can be washed with ordinary dishwashing gels and a foam sponge. If the contamination is strong, I recommend citric acid, which breaks down fat but does not spoil stainless steel.

Fragrant liquid for cleaning furniture

Essential oils - cleanser and fragrance in one bottle

This composition is easy to prepare with your own hands. Dissolve half a glass of vinegar in half a glass of vodka, add a teaspoon of eucalyptus or orange essential oil to the solution. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and use it for regular cleaning of any kitchen furniture.

The product not only removes dirt and grease, but also makes the cleaned surface fragrant for several hours after cleaning.

How to properly preserve furniture

Instead of searching for recipes for effective cleaning products, take steps to keep kitchen surfaces clean. I offer several simple recommendations which are guaranteed to help:

  • Regular cleaning. Try not to put off cleaning for too long, especially if the furniture is new. Get into the habit of wiping off even barely noticeable stains with a regular damp cloth every day after cooking;
  • Install a powerful hood. Soot in the kitchen is caused by the lack of an exhaust hood or poor exhaust air removal. Install the most powerful hood you can find on sale and make sure there is less dirt;
  • Use light furniture. On light furniture dirt is clearly visible and there is an incentive for its timely removal. On dark elements of the surroundings, dirt is not so visible, and therefore fat is not removed in a timely manner and accumulates on the surface for a long time.

Let's sum it up

Now you know that to clean the kitchen from grease stains, along with ordinary household chemicals, you can use folk remedies. If you still have questions about the choice and use of detergents, ask them in the comments to the article.

April 26, 2018

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