Walls and ceiling in the kitchen. Do-it-yourself ceiling in the kitchen: we fix plastic panels with step-by-step actions. Wallpapering the ceiling

Each apartment needs periodic repairs, especially if various finishing materials become unusable: panels, wallpaper or whitewash on the ceiling. The ceiling in the kitchen is one of the most vulnerable places in the entire apartment: daily cooking can quickly pollute it, and then the owners will have to think about repairing it.

Requirements for ceiling coverings in the kitchen

The kitchen is a room where changes in humidity and temperature often occur. Here they usually wash dishes and cook food regularly. Therefore, all finishing materials must have the following properties:

  • Hygiene. The kitchen should be as clean as possible, because this is a guarantee of the health of the household. So, when thinking about repairing the ceiling, you should give preference only to those materials that can be washed and wiped.
  • Moisture resistance. The ceiling finish should not lose its visual appeal and absorb moisture when exposed to steam.
  • Practicality. Now few people want to spend a lot of time maintaining cleanliness. For this reason, when planning a do-it-yourself ceiling repair in the kitchen, it is recommended to give preference to those materials that will not create difficulties during cleaning.
  • Durability. Materials that can last a long time are always preferred. After all, their use postpones the prospect of the need for a new repair.
  • Aesthetics. The ceiling in the kitchen should be in harmony with the rest of the furniture and decoration, as well as pleasing to the eye.

Do-it-yourself ceiling repair in the kitchen

The ceiling, just like the whole kitchen, belongs to the high-risk room. Soot, fumes and steam will definitely test the surface for strength even with a modern ventilation system. And below you will learn how to repair the ceiling in the kitchen, and photos and videos will clearly demonstrate this difficult process to you.

Contacting a construction and repair company or repairing the ceiling in the kitchen on your own is a question that apartment owners need to decide.

By doing repairs yourself, you can significantly save your money by spending it on finishing with more expensive materials. And below you will learn how to repair the ceiling yourself.

Where to begin?

First of all, it is necessary to assess the degree of damage and the scale of the forthcoming work. The resulting soot on the finish whitewash requires much less effort to renew the ceiling covering than cracked plaster.

Depending on the level of ceiling damage and the budget you allocate, the following repairs can be done:

  • Painting or whitewashing.
  • Pasting of finishing panels or wallpapers.
  • False ceiling installation.
  • Stretch ceiling installation.
  • Preparing for repair work.

Whichever option you choose, you will first have to prepare the work surface. To do this, you will need: a stiff brush, a spatula, finishing putty and a primer mixture.

Previously, it is necessary to take out the furniture from the kitchen (and just cover the one that remains with plastic wrap). You also need to cover the floor with a film, and if it is not there, then use newspapers. This will significantly save time and effort on cleaning after the repair of the ceiling in the kitchen is completed.

The old coating must be cleaned to the maximum with a stiff brush or spatula. Any irregularities and cracks on the flow surface are important to be primed. After the primer dries, a finishing putty is applied. It will prepare the surface for further action, and also level the surface of the ceiling. In the event that it was not possible to achieve a smooth surface in one application (checked by level), after drying, another layer will have to be applied. Finishing materials are applied to the leveled surface.

Do-it-yourself ceiling repair in the kitchen: photos and similar instructions

Whitewashing or painting

Due to their fragility, both of these methods are becoming a thing of the past, but on the other hand, these are the cheapest finishing materials.

If the repair of the ceiling in the kitchen must be done by whitewashing, it is important to consider the following subtleties:

  • Before applying whitewash, you need to thoroughly wash off the old whitewash from the ceiling surface to the very concrete base.
  • When preparing a mixture for whitewashing, it is necessary to add a certain amount of wood glue, as a result of which the finishing material will receive additional strength.
  • Paint should be applied in even strokes, perpendicular to each other. Thus, you will be able to exclude the formation of longitudinal "sagging" of paint.

Choosing to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, you should give preference to waterproof high-quality paint. Its costs depend on its characteristics.

For staining, brushes, foam rollers or an airbrush are used. We recommend applying at least 2-3 coats of paint.

Advice! Please note that the last coat of paint must be applied towards the light source, because this way you will avoid brush marks on the surface of the ceiling.

Pasting the ceiling of the kitchen with polystyrene plates

The main advantage of this material is its low cost and ease of operation. Before proceeding with pasting the ceiling, you need to place the plates so that the central one is strictly in the center of the room. In addition to the attractiveness of such a cladding, you can accurately determine the number of undersized tiles, adjusting them to the required size.

The pasting technology is very simple - a layer of glue with a thickness of at least 1.5 cm is applied to the tile with a spatula, after which the tile is applied to the cell allotted to it and gently pressed against the ceiling.

PVC panels or wallpapering

A little more difficult, but it is more convenient to use PVC panels for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen. They are available in a variety of colors and sizes.

PVC panels need to be fixed with a special glue. They have protruding grooves and details for better docking with each other. Moreover, it is convenient to take care of them: periodically wipe with a cleaning agent.

When choosing wallpaper for the ceiling in the kitchen, you should give preference to detergent options that are designed for gluing in such a room. Experts advise giving preference to light-colored wallpapers in order to visually increase the height of the stream, thereby expanding the space of the kitchen.

As for wallpaper with a print, it is important to select them so that the pattern completely matches around the entire perimeter of the gluing. In this case, the sticker should be carried out parallel to the wall where the window is located, namely from the window to the door.

The process of pasting the ceiling with wallpaper implies compliance with the following rules:

  • The length of the wallpaper strip should be 15-20 centimeters longer to block the connection of the ceiling to the wall.
  • You need to stick wallpaper in the direction from the window (parallel to it).
  • Pieces of wallpaper are pre-cut to fit the pattern exactly, after which they are numbered and pasted alternately.
  • From pasting to drying of the wallpaper, windows and doors in the kitchen should be closed to prevent drafts and, as a result, peeling of the wallpaper.

False ceiling installation

Suspended ceilings proved to be much more practical and easier to use in the kitchen. And this is not surprising, because they are not subject to deformation, easy to clean and completely replaceable.

When installing a false ceiling, you must first organize the frame. But keep in mind that the instructions for arranging it differ depending on which one you decide to install the ceiling in the kitchen. Although the following general points can be distinguished:

  • Fasteners U-shaped metal profile.
  • Preparation and fastening of suspensions for fixing profiles, where the subsequent final fastening of the panels will be carried out.

The panels you have chosen must be fixed with self-tapping screws on a pre-installed frame (they are attached at the edges). Traces of self-tapping screws are hidden by special corners, which does not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the ceiling.

Drywall is a material that is even more hygroscopic than expanded polystyrene tiles, so for the kitchen it is better to give preference to its moisture-resistant version, especially since it is not much more expensive.

But be that as it may, many owners choose this finishing option for the kitchen, as it allows you to create the most original, multi-level designs.

Moreover, the false ceiling allows you to hide communications and install built-in lights.

The disadvantages include:

  • Sufficient complexity of installation.
  • Reducing the height of the ceiling, which can become critical in standard-plan houses, where the ceilings are already low.
  • The need to perform various additional work. After installing the drywall construction, you will have to putty and paint the surface. Drywall allows you to hold and sticker wallpaper.

Slatted ceilings in the kitchen

This option for finishing the ceiling has a huge number of positive qualities, which include:

  • Resistant to adverse operating conditions.
  • Slatted ceilings, like other types of suspended structures, do not need careful surface preparation and allow communications to be laid discreetly.
  • Variety of decorations. You can resort to options with open and closed types of rails, use different combinations of colors for inserts and rails.
  • Slatted ceilings are easy to maintain, easy to clean.
  • If necessary, you can disassemble the structure without any difficulties (for example, if you need to replace a lamp).
  • Ceilings meet fire safety requirements.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting only a decrease in the height of the ceilings.

Stretch ceiling installation

The process of installing a stretch ceiling is quite complicated, so it is better to entrust it to specialists. It justifies the high price without requiring serious effort when leaving.

This option is quite expensive, but it is one of the most practical. Its main advantages:

  • Long service life of ceiling panels. The coating will last for several decades without the need for repairs.
  • By installing stretch ceilings in the kitchen, you can not worry about the flooding that neighbors from above can arrange. The panels are able to withstand a huge amount of liquid, your ceiling and the interior of the kitchen itself will not suffer.
  • Using different design options, installing panels of different textures and colors, building multi-level structures, etc.
  • If necessary, the ceiling is easy to clean.
  • Stretch ceilings do not fade in the sun and perfectly tolerate temperature changes.

Conclusions about repairing the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands

So, you can perform ceiling repairs using almost any technology. When choosing a finishing material, the owner needs to take into account its durability, quality, cost and, of course, the ability to serve in difficult conditions. By comparing all the factors, you can choose the most suitable option.

The kitchen in any apartment or country house is considered a special room. This is a favorite place for the whole family to eat and socialize. During repairs, with the decoration of walls and floors, there are usually no questions. But how to finish the ceiling in the kitchen so that the coating looks good and lasts longer, many do not know. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Requirements for materials for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is a special place where food is constantly prepared, windows are often opened. There are conditions here, so it is important to choose the right ceiling finish in the kitchen. In the kitchen, temperature changes occur, there is always high humidity. During cooking, steam from the dishes rises to the surface of the room. All this should be taken into account when choosing a material for facing.

The main parameters by which the coating is selected include beauty and practicality.

When deciding what to make the ceiling in the kitchen of, you must consider the following requirements for the facing material:

  • moisture resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • how easy it is to clean. It is desirable that there is the possibility of wet cleaning;
  • safety in operation;
  • incombustibility;
  • simple installation of the coating;
  • smooth surface, aesthetic appearance.

Given the above requirements, you can consider options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen.

What is the best ceiling?

In construction markets, a large selection of materials for lining the kitchen ceiling space. When choosing which ceiling is better to do in the kitchen, you need to take into account not only the practicality and service life of the material, but also many other equally important characteristics.

There are several main options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen, which are used most often:

  • painting;
  • whitewash;
  • polystyrene tiles;
  • drywall sheets;
  • wallpaper;
  • plastic panels;
  • plaster;
  • clapboard trim;
  • stretch fabrics.

The better to finish the ceiling in the kitchen depends on the taste, and on how the material will be combined with the overall design style of the apartment or country house.

Before deciding which ceiling to make in the kitchen, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials listed above.

What to cover?

To determine the material and choose how to cover the ceiling in the kitchen, we will consider in detail the most common cladding options for kitchen premises. You should also separate the coverage for a country house, and an apartment in a high-rise building. We will talk about these differences after discussing the materials for the kitchen cover.


Despite the large selection of finishing materials for kitchens, plaster is still one of the most popular options.

Using plaster to finish the ceiling and walls of the kitchen has the following advantages:

  1. budget option, especially when doing the work yourself;
  2. environmentally friendly material;
  3. perfectly hides any defects and surface irregularities;
  4. if you finish the ceiling in the kitchen with plaster, then its height will not suffer, because the layer of material does not exceed 3 cm;
  5. you can apply plaster on the surface of any material;
  6. if you apply decorative plaster, the room will look unusual.

The disadvantages of using the material include the process itself, which is quite laborious. The amount of work is rather big, and requires certain skills. If the surface becomes dirty, then all stains will remain visible. When the structure shrinks, cracks may form on the ceiling.


The most obvious advantages of whitewashing include the cheapness of the coating. And any owner of an apartment or house can whitewash the kitchen surface. The work will be especially simple if you do not need to pre-level the surface.

But, over time, the whitewash turns yellow, and the coating loses its original appearance. Whitewash does not withstand prolonged exposure to moisture, and vapors released during cooking. Choosing this option for finishing the kitchen cover, you should consider the likelihood of an early repair.


Among the advantages of using paint, the following points are distinguished:

  1. economical, inexpensive option;
  2. the height of the room does not suffer;
  3. simple care;
  4. easy to apply.

The only disadvantage of staining is an uneven surface that is not hidden by the best paint. It turns out that before painting it is necessary to prepare the ceiling. And this is a rather difficult process.


Expanded polystyrene tiles with a cellular structure have the following advantages:

  1. inexpensive;
  2. no surface preparation required;
  3. moisture resistant;
  4. easy care, you can do wet cleaning.

The cons include:

  1. fast pollution;
  2. if the tiles are carved, they get dirty faster and are difficult to clean.

If you are at a loss as to how you can make the ceiling in the kitchen, then you can choose tiles from different materials, except for polystyrene foam. These are tiles laminated with film, which are better protected from moisture, or tiles made of plastic.

Plastic tiles have their advantages:

  1. a large selection of colors and structures;
  2. fast installation;
  3. good sound insulation;
  4. the possibility of mounting in the ceiling lighting fixtures.

But, plastic plates will make the room lower by a few centimeters.

Plasterboard sheets

Drywall is considered one of the best options for finishing the kitchen ceiling, due to the following advantages:

  1. no preparation needed;
  2. can be mounted on the ceiling lighting and ventilation;
  3. the ability to create any kind of surface, from flat to wavy, or with transitions in height;
  4. inexpensive.

The disadvantages include labor-intensive installation, reducing the height of the room.


If wallpaper is glued to the kitchen ceiling, then they must be waterproof and washable. The best option would be fiberglass wallpaper.

Material advantages:

  1. inexpensive option;
  2. not difficult;
  3. height will not be affected;
  4. strength;
  5. long service life.

Of the nuances of such a finish, one can name the obligatory alignment of the working surface.


Separately, it must be said about the decoration of the ceiling in the kitchen with clapboard. Now different profiles are produced, having different widths and structures. This option will be ideal for a country house or cottage.

If you sheathe the ceiling in the kitchen with clapboard, you can leave the material unpainted. In this form, the material will look if the interior of the entire room is made in a rustic style. You can paint the lining if you choose a softer style, for example, Provence.

Lining for finishing kitchen ceilings is used both in country houses and in apartments. If the material is dyed, then white is usually used. So you can decorate the room in the Scandinavian style.

In the apartment

In order to competently finish the ceiling in the kitchen in the apartment, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, height, and combination with the interior.

Equally important is the floor of the apartment. So, if the floor is the last, then you need to take care of the normal condition of the roof before deciding what is better to make the ceiling in the kitchen from. If the roof leaks, then some finishing materials will not withstand the presence of moisture, and the repair will have to be done again.

Among the most popular ceiling coverings for apartment kitchens are materials such as:

  • plastic panels;
  • painting;
  • stretch fabrics;
  • rack structures.

Most often in high-rise buildings, the ceilings do not differ in high height. Therefore, you need to choose a coating that will not take the necessary centimeters of height.

In a private house

When choosing a kitchen ceiling finish in a private house, you need to adhere to such material requirements as practicality, durability and combination with the general style of the house.

Unlike ceilings in apartments, in a private house you can apply any, the most incredible solutions. It can be a loft or country style, high-tech, Provence, or the surface is simply sewn up with wooden beams.

Lots of options. And besides the most common ones, in the form of painting, stretch fabrics, clapboard lining, or painting, you can build on any preferences. This is the advantage of a private house compared to an apartment.

When choosing a ceiling finish for the kitchen of a country house, one should also take into account such a moment as thermal insulation. For example, clapboard lining will be a great option for a kitchen in a private house.

When choosing a finish, the feature of the ceiling device is also taken into account. In private houses, to reduce heat loss, a draft ceiling is mounted. As a result, the main load is not carried by the walls, but by the ceilings.

The kitchen is constantly exposed to high humidity and temperature changes. Most of all, this affects the ceiling, since both fumes, and soot, and hot air rise up. In order not to have to do repairs every year, you need to do the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, taking into account these factors, choosing the appropriate materials.

What ceilings are suitable for the kitchen

The ceiling in the kitchen must withstand high and low temperatures, have water-repellent properties, and be well washed. Do not use flammable or porous materials. Additionally, the possibility of flooding from above should be taken into account and a design capable of retaining a large amount of water should be chosen. Or vice versa, choose the type of ceiling that is easiest to restore.

The easiest way is plastering and painting. and the painted ceiling does not lose its original appearance for a long time, does not warp when exposed to moisture, is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and is easy to clean. If there was a water leak from above, the damaged area can be restored in a matter of hours. Both paint and putty are quite affordable, and you can do all the finishing yourself.

Plastic panels are considered an acceptable option for a kitchen ceiling. They do not burn, have a very low hygroscopicity, and are easy to clean. To avoid deformation from high temperatures, the panels should be fixed with movable fasteners - clamps. It is better to give preference to seamless panels with a glossy finish, which accumulates less soot and dust. In addition, the plastic ceiling is not afraid of flooding: water almost does not pass through tight joints and flows out at the corners of the structure.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are also well suited for kitchens. They look great, they are not afraid of moisture and heat, they are easy to wash, and most importantly, they retain water when flooded. This coating also has its drawbacks: the film can be easily damaged by any sharp object, the cost of the canvas is quite high, it will not work to install it yourself.

The described methods are the most practical and easy to implement. Such ceilings are easy to care for, they retain an attractive appearance for a long time. Of course, a lot depends on the intensity of use of the kitchen and the quality. The less evaporation, the less impact on the ceiling, and vice versa.

Video - Do-it-yourself ceiling in the kitchen

In order to decide which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen, you should carefully understand the properties of each of the materials, find out all the pros and cons of its use. At the moment, there are many materials suitable for finishing the kitchen ceiling. This is wood, and the so popular PVC, and drywall and even metal. It is especially worth paying attention to the combustibility of the materials used and their resistance to humidity, as well as to temperature extremes - these are the most common conditions in kitchens. The service life plays a significant role - it depends on it how long this or that coating will last.

One of the cheapest and most proven options for finishing ceilings in the kitchen is plaster. Making the ceiling in the kitchen with plaster helps to prevent damage to the coating due to changes in humidity. Among the additional advantages of this finish, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Plaster is not afraid of temperature changes - severe frosts, as well as suffocating heat, do not affect the coating in any way.
  2. The plastered ceiling in the kitchen can be washed countless times - this will not bring the slightest harm to the surface.
  3. The low cost of this coating is also quite a significant advantage.

Plaster - the most affordable and common option for finishing the ceiling surface

However, plaster, with a fairly large number of advantages, has many disadvantages, in particular:

  1. The plaster gets very dirty, it also has the ability to absorb fat, so you will have to wash such ceilings in the kitchen quite often.
  2. It does not protect against flooding from above, from which even a small flood will result in stains on the kitchen ceiling, or even worse - peeling plaster.
  3. Another, quite significant minus - such a finish strongly absorbs odors.

Plaster is a good budget option for decorating the ceiling in the kitchen. Cheap, reliable, effortless - this option looks pretty decent. However, if you plan to make the ceilings in the kitchen more aesthetic and practical, it is better to give preference not to ordinary, but to decorative plasters.


Plasterboard finishing is an excellent solution to the question of how to finish the ceiling in the kitchen, provided that it has an exhaust hood. One of the main advantages is the ability to create multi-level structures, thanks to which you can emphasize the overall design of the room. Also, due to the design features of the plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen, the surface does not need to be leveled, which can significantly reduce costs.

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings - affordable and beautiful

Such a kitchen ceiling also has disadvantages - it cannot be washed, and in the absence of an exhaust hood in the room, it will quickly lose its appearance. This option is very popular due to its aesthetics, comparative budget, as well as the ability to significantly diversify the design.

Finishing PVC panels is a fairly popular option due to the variety of textures, as well as ease of installation. Such a ceiling finish in the kitchen has many advantages, in particular:

  • low cost;
  • water resistance;
  • durability;
  • ease of care.

Plastic panels - a budget option for finishing kitchen ceilings

Moreover, this type of finish can be easily replaced if damaged. Moreover, the damaged area is replaced, and not the entire coating, which significantly reduces the cost of repairs.

The ceiling in the kitchen made of plastic has its drawbacks. One of them is high sensitivity to damage. Any, even a slight blow, can break the coating. In addition, plastic is easily combustible, and in the process of combustion it releases toxic gas, which is especially important for such a fire-hazardous room as a kitchen.

When deciding which finish to apply, we must not forget about the metal ceilings in the kitchen. They are quite popular due to their high strength, as well as low cost. In this case, there are various versions, in particular from aluminum or other metal. Among the additional advantages of such a ceiling, it is worth highlighting:

  • long service life;
  • the coating is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes;
  • such a kitchen ceiling is easy to clean;
  • the material is not subject to combustion;
  • not afraid of floods.

It is worth noting that the last point is applicable exclusively for finishing - water will not affect it in any way. But it will get into the room, so the metal ceiling will not be able to protect the interior from the consequences of flooding.

Metal panels - a practical option for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen

This choice of ceiling in the kitchen is really reliable and practical. Metal or aluminum finishes do their job well, are easy to clean, and absolutely unaffected by time. However, it is rather difficult to call this type of ceiling covering environmentally friendly.

When choosing a ceiling for the kitchen, tension structures are in great demand - and for good reason. Their appearance can be safely called impeccable, and the cost has long passed into the category of affordable. The design consists of a decorative profile to which a fabric or film is attached. Which material to choose is up to you. We will take a closer look at each type.

Fabric ceilings in the kitchen are initially considered more durable than film ones. Among the features of fabric options, it is worth highlighting:

  1. High resistance to mechanical damage.
  2. Partial transmission of water during flooding.
  3. The need for a complete replacement of the canvas during the forced dismantling of the ceilings in the kitchen.

The film version has the following characteristics:

  1. Subject to mechanical stress, easily torn from contact with a sharp object.
  2. Retains water, so you can not be afraid of leaks when flooded from above.
  3. Can be removed and stretched many times without changing the material (for example, to drain water and dry).

In addition, both film and fabric stretch options can be matte or glossy, satin or transparent. This ceiling finish in the kitchen has many advantages:

  • resistance to changes in humidity;
  • ease of installation;
  • the possibility of installing spot lighting;
  • the possibility of combining with other designs;
  • easy care.

Stretch ceilings have their drawbacks:

  • the design cannot be installed independently;
  • the material is exposed to sharp objects;
  • heating contributes to the deformation of the ceilings, including sagging, which is especially important for the kitchen, where temperature changes are common;
  • if the structure is severely deformed, it must be completely replaced, just applying a patch will not work.

Ceiling painting

Many types of ceilings in the kitchen, including plaster or plasterboard, need to be painted. That is why the question of how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen is also quite relevant when decorating this room. You can answer it based on the requirements that are being put forward. If you are not threatened by flooding, ordinary water-based paint will do. Such a ceiling covering is easy to clean and, if necessary, simply refresh by applying a layer of paint. But experts advise using more stable facade coloring compounds for kitchens, which can easily withstand constant temperature changes and even a small flood.

Paint for kitchen ceilings must withstand temperature extremes and wet cleaning

Other finishes

There are quite a few options for finishing the ceiling at the moment. In addition to the common ones listed above, there are also exotic designs - including laminate. However, such a ceiling in the kitchen is susceptible to moisture, fungus and mold and is created more to impress than for practical reasons. At the same time, such options are quite expensive and often do not justify their cost.

It is also worth noting whitewash, as a finishing option, and foam. But such materials can hardly boast of special aesthetic properties. The reliability and duration of operation of such a design is also small, which makes them not very popular, but, nevertheless, a very affordable option. Their use can be justified if you need a temporary finish before carrying out larger repairs.

The choice of ceiling for the kitchen should be made based on the characteristics of the room, the requirements put forward to it, and, of course, the budget. To date, there are quite a few design options for kitchen ceilings that meet both aesthetic and practical requirements, while not requiring high costs. However, it is worth remembering that for the best quality of the installed finish, it is better to entrust its installation to professionals who will also tell you how to finish the ceiling in the kitchen in your case in the most optimal way.

Starting to carry out repairs, many are wondering: which ceiling is better for the kitchen? In the interior of any room, everything should be in harmony - the ceiling, floor, walls. This problem is not raised by chance, because the kitchen is a room in which there is high humidity, soot, drops of water and fat are often formed. To avoid such problems, you need to allocate time, choose high-quality material that is resistant to moisture, temperature changes and is easy to clean.

Material selection

Modern building materials suitable for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen are provided in a large assortment: panel, tension, and rack structures. You can paint the ceiling or paste it with wallpaper.

The classic option is a perfectly plastered ceiling and subsequently painted. What are its advantages? The result is a smooth and white surface that refreshes the room and is always practical, regardless of taste and preference. Plaster is an environmentally friendly material. White color visually expands the space, which is beneficial for a small room.

The disadvantages of plastering include the complexity of the process. To make a flat and smooth surface, you need to resort to careful leveling and cleaning the ceiling, which takes a lot of time.

Other options

To perform the difficult task of choosing a material, options are needed that will not negatively affect the functionality and aesthetics of the room. Some of them:

  • hinged plasterboard ceiling;
  • plastic panels;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • painted surface;
  • wallpapering.

When choosing one of the options, it is necessary to consider the positive and negative characteristics. Do not forget about the features of the room itself.

Plasterboard ceiling

There are various ideas for using this surface. Drywall is a material thanks to which you can qualitatively hide all the irregularities, as well as hide engineering communications under it. Many designers like such ideas, there are a huge number of solutions. Between the ceiling and drywall sheets, place original built-in lamps that visually increase the vertical of the wall and decorate the room.

There are many options for hinged, multi-level structures. But, when choosing this material, you should pay attention to its properties. Moisture resistant material required. It washes better, does not change color when it gets wet. The solution consisting of several levels is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

plastic panels

If it is necessary to decide which is better to make a ceiling in a kitchen with poor ventilation, then there is no better option. The material does not require a lot of time for care, it tolerates wet cleaning perfectly. Installation of PVC panels is not difficult even for a beginner. If the question for beginners is being resolved, what material to use in the kitchen, plastic panels are a great option.

A common material is produced in different colors. The room can be arranged in any style. It is possible to make a structure of several levels, if the height of the room allows. For one tier, a gap of 7-10 centimeters will be enough.

If a decision is made to finish the shelf surface with PVC panels, then you need to know that it is better to purchase material that is resistant to elevated temperatures. Raw materials must be accompanied by the necessary documents that confirm that heating is provided and no toxic gases are emitted.

Ceiling for painting

For the ceiling, it is better to purchase detergent-type paint. Algorithm for preparing for staining:

  • surface leveling, cleaning from defects;
  • all irregularities and cracks must be eliminated with putty;
  • sand the treated surface with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • apply several coats of primer with a paint roller;
  • paint the ceiling with purchased paint.

To prevent protruding yellow spots from spoiling the appearance in the kitchen, they should be treated with alkyd matte paint before painting.

Ceiling tiles

What is the easiest material to install? Ceiling tiles. Laying tiles from expanded polystyrene does not require special tools, great skills. To finish the ceiling, you need to have:

  • set of tiles;
  • measuring tape;
  • sharp clerical knife;
  • special glue.

Under the tile, minor defects can be perfectly hidden, but if the base has large differences, plaster should be done. It is better if the surface of the tile is laminated. In case of severe contamination, individual fragments can be replaced if it is not possible to wash or paint. This material is combustible and absorbs moisture. It is best used in small kitchens that are equipped with a good exhaust system.

When using this material, incandescent lamps should be placed at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the base.


This method of finishing the ceiling has certain advantages over others:

  • the material is inexpensive;
  • if there are minor cracks on the surface, then under the wallpaper they are invisible;
  • moisture resistant material is easy to wet cleaning;
  • special wallpapers can withstand up to 10 paints, which makes it possible to embody various design ideas;
  • color, texture, pattern - all this has a huge assortment;
  • work is done quickly.

It is not difficult to make a room cozy with the help of wallpaper, and a pre-designed ceiling design in the kitchen will help to bring ideas to life.

Important! When buying glue, you need to pay attention to the type of wallpaper, choose the most suitable one. This will positively affect the quality of the adhesive.

Stretch ceiling

This type of finish is very popular. When evaluating which ceilings are best used for the kitchen, many choose this option. This design tends to solve several problems at once:

  • perfectly masks irregularities, surface defects;
  • there is no need to prepare the base for installation, ideally;
  • various communications will be hidden behind the film;
  • the material is not demanding to care;
  • moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • presentable appearance;
  • the ability to implement a variety of design ideas;
  • The material is water resistant.

There are several options for installing a stretch ceiling. One does not require special equipment and you can do it yourself.

How to choose a ceiling for the kitchen? (2 videos)

Design options for the ceiling in the kitchen (40 photos)