The key to a clean kitchen is removing grease. How to wash kitchen furniture from grease: the best DIY options How to wash kitchen furniture from grease

Daily cooking requires equally frequent cleaning of the kitchen. If you do not deal with the grease that has appeared on the walls and kitchen furniture in a timely manner, then it will become more difficult to get rid of it in the future. Save main room Wet cleaning will help keep your house in perfect order.

Wiping the furniture in the kitchen once every two days is enough to simply maintain order. Having learned how to remove grease from kitchen furniture, everyone will be able to effectively remove old stains!

What equipment to choose for cleaning?

A properly selected tool will help you effectively wash off grease in the kitchen without damaging the surface of the furniture. It must be remembered that using a soft cloth and sponge is the most gentle option for such cleaning. Textiles are relevant: cloth, microfiber, flannel.

It is better to avoid using metal brushes for furniture. The use of such equipment will only damage the surface and also lead to scratches. The most effective result in the cleaning process can be easily achieved if you pre-soak the fat (applying the product to it) for 30 minutes.

Do not forget that the formation of scratches from a hard brush will only lead to dirt getting into the voids much faster.

The wide selection of materials for cleaning kitchen surfaces confuses many housewives. It must be remembered that a standard sponge or flannel rag will cope with its function no worse than highly specialized materials.

During wet cleaning, you should choose the right equipment, namely:

  1. Use rubber gloves. This precaution will protect the skin from cleaning agents and also keep the manicure intact.
  2. Buy a regular sponge. Such material will make it possible to delicately get rid of new as well as old problematic stains.
  3. Use a cloth at the final stage of cleaning. With its help, it will be very easy to remove the remnants of imported detergent, as well as wash off the folk remedy from the headset.
  4. Use a soft brush. Using such equipment, it is easy to deal with complex contamination: on embossed parts, previously scratched surfaces.

How to clean old grease in the kitchen?

In order for the wooden kitchen (and not only) to serve the family for many years, you should choose the right cleaning products. It is better to use furniture powders to a minimum, as they can damage the integrity of things and lead to scratches. Before you choose household chemicals for your kitchen, you should carefully study the composition of the product. Eco-friendly products will allow you to remove grease from kitchen furniture as safely as possible. They are made on a natural and mineral basis, making it possible to effectively cope with old stains. Eco-substances are safe for family health and the environment.

You should not buy detergents that contain acids and ammonia to remove grease. Such components will effectively remove grease, but will damage the set. To clean glossy surfaces, as well as easily scratched furniture, it is important to use the most gentle chemicals, primarily gels and sprays.

In order to remove old grease, it will take much more time than in the case of a fresh stain. It is quite difficult to remove dirt from a hood, stove and other metal surface. Cleaning this area of ​​the kitchen is best done in 2-3 stages. Each time the surface must be pre-soaked and then treated.

Wash kitchen set, made of MDF and at the same time finished with film or plastic, preferably with specialized means. The chemical composition should not include abrasives or chlorine. When choosing a product, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition, as well as the instructions. Household chemicals for glass, wood or metal surfaces may differ.

If you have not previously used a product (regardless of whether it is a household chemical or a folk remedy), it is better to test its quality before use. Miss Clean magazine recommends testing the product on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the headset. similar measure will protect furniture from unwanted damage.

Before cleaning the set from grease, you need to carefully read the instructions. Using any chemical substance, it is recommended to adhere to the following safety measures:

  1. Observe the specified concentration of the product when cleaning the surface. Remember that using the substance in excess dosage is dangerous for the integrity of the furniture.
  2. Make sure the room is ventilated. By opening the window slightly, it will be very easy to prevent chemical poisoning and (dizziness) from the pungent odor.
  3. Wear rubber gloves. This measure will protect the skin on your hands, as well as your manicure and nail plates.
  4. Make sure there are no small children or pets in the kitchen while cleaning.

It is extremely dangerous if the baby knocks over the concentrated composition on himself or drinks, being seduced bright color substances or packaging. It is important to understand how to wash fat effectively and safely.

Cleaning with folk remedies

Quite simple and effective method fight against greasy spots The use of laundry soap with soda is considered. You need to grate the soap on a coarse grater and add a little water. The dirty surface is wiped with a sponge, which is pre-moistened in this solution. Then the material is applied large number soda and treat problem areas. After 20 minutes, the consistency is washed off. This option is suitable for cleaning tiles, stoves and other metal surfaces. However, do not forget that baking soda powder is an abrasive.

Water and vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) will help remove fat efficiently. This option will allow you to get rid of fat in the kitchen, but will require patience from the housewife. It is necessary to moisten the dirty area with a rag and wait until the grease comes off, and then wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth.

Baking powder will help remove fat from the headset. A little water is added to the component to form a slurry. Then the necessary areas are wiped with a sponge, and after 30 minutes the product is washed off with water.

Vodka or alcohol will help get rid of grease stains. First, the sponge is moistened in this solution, then the greasy places on the furniture are wiped with it. If this cleaning option does not bring results, then the problem area is thoroughly moistened with vodka (alcohol) for 30 minutes.

Essential oil (spruce or eucalyptus) ideally removes unpleasant odors and cares for wood. You need to add a few drops of oil to the water and wipe the surface with a sponge during the final stage.

Using a slice of lemon to combat old stains is also quite effective. This option will allow you to safely clean the headset from grease. To do this, first wipe the kitchen cabinet with a slice of lemon so that the juice drains from the surface. After 10 minutes, treat the surface with a damp cloth and again with a paper towel.

Citric acid will help to effectively clean the set from dirt. Add 15 g of acid and a little detergent to 1 liter of water. Moisten the problem areas with this cleaning liquid and then wipe the surface with a clean cloth.

Using vegetable oil and baking soda is another method of dealing with dirt. To prepare the consistency, you need to take both components in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. It is recommended to leave this mixture on the furniture for 30 minutes. After that, the resulting lumps of fat should be removed with a rag. To remove dirt, you do not need to rub the problem area with a sponge. If the first time the procedure did not bring the desired result, it is worth processing the headset again.

Clay in combination with vinegar is also suitable for dealing with stains in the kitchen. To prepare the mass, you need to dilute the clay with vinegar until a paste forms. Removing dirt is quite simple if you lightly rub the surface with a sponge and this home remedy. A soft sponge, which must first be rinsed in water, is ideal for washing off the cleaning mass.

When fighting fat, regardless of the chosen method (household chemicals or folk remedies), you must remember safety measures. A cleaning agent for kitchen furniture will not harm your health only if you ventilate the room every time after cleaning. When processing glossy or glass surfaces, you need to be especially careful. Household powder, as well as folk remedies (with a mushy mass) are not suitable for this type of cleaning - they scratch and dull the surface. Gloves must be used to protect hands and all bottles, sponges and bowls containing detergent must be kept out of the reach of children and pets. Compliance simple rules will help keep furniture clean and attractive in such an important part of the house as the kitchen.

Oily spots on kitchen surfaces– a normal phenomenon. During cooking, they can end up in the most unexpected places. Sometimes you even have to wash the ceiling. But you can’t use the first product that catches your eye. It is important to consider what material the surfaces are made of so as not to harm their appearance. Cleaning your kitchen of grease is very easy if you do it right.

As a rule, the parts closest to the cooking area suffer the most from fat. And this role is always occupied by kitchen furniture. It is made from several popular materials, each of which has its own characteristics. It is worth considering kitchens made of MDF, wood and plastic.

How and with what to wash kitchen facades - video:

How to work with MDF

MDF kitchens are distinguished by the beautiful and durable material from which the surfaces are made. They require a thorough approach to cleaning, as they can be easily damaged. There are three ways to wash them from fat.


A specially hand-prepared paste will allow you to wash away old grease from your favorite kitchen furniture. This method can also be used for household appliances and stone coatings.

How to achieve the result:

  1. Mix some mustard powder with water to form a thick mass.
  2. Apply it to all problem areas for a few minutes.
  3. Carefully remove any residue with a soft cloth soaked in warm water.

All the fat will remain on the rag. Therefore, you should only take fabric that can be thrown away.

A popular means of getting rid of pollution since ancient times - ammonia. He is capable of providing negative impact for some materials, but in this case he is harmless.

What to do:

  1. Dilute a liter of water with a spoon of ammonia.
  2. Fill a spray bottle with them.
  3. Spray onto all stained areas.
  4. Blot with a dry cloth.

This method cannot be used to clean glossy kitchen, as this may cause unsightly liquid marks to form.

Alcohol, vinegar, lemon

Ideal for modular kitchens with glossy finishes, suitable for white. It won't even harm the material low quality which makes it practically universal remedy removing dirt from kitchen cabinets and other surfaces.

How to proceed:

  1. Mix equal parts of vinegar, alcohol and lemon juice or grated zest.
  2. Blot with a soft cloth and wash off all dirty marks.
  3. Wipe with a clean cloth.

How and with what to clean a wooden kitchen

Cleaning a kitchen made of wood is no more difficult than any other. You just need to use certain tools that are suitable specifically for it.

Oil, soda

The combination of vegetable oil and baking soda works great for various contaminants, ridding the kitchen of plaque or other contaminants.

How to wash:

  1. Mix oil and soda in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  2. Distribute throughout all contaminated areas.
  3. Treat with a sponge without hard fibers.
  4. Rinse off with a damp cloth after 10 minutes.

If cleaned wooden kitchen If such actions do not work the first time, you can repeat them. Also, instead of this mixture, you can use lemon slices, which you need to wipe all the necessary places and wait ten minutes before rinsing.

Baking powder, known to all chefs, instantly cleans countertops and other furniture. You will need a volume of powder that is enough to cover all dirty spots.


  1. Dilute the powder slightly with water to obtain a thick paste.
  2. Rinse all areas with it.
  3. Wipe with a napkin.

Classic medical alcohol can be used according to the same instructions.

How to wash a plastic kitchen

Removing grease from kitchen furniture made from plastic should be done with extreme caution. The top layer, as a rule, consists of “delicate” materials that can receive significant damage from many substances.


It's safest to use regular soap. It is advisable to give preference children's version, because it does not contain harmful additives that could damage plastic kitchen units or other surfaces.

How to wash:

  1. Dissolve enough soap in warm water until the mixture is fairly cloudy and fairly “soapy.”
  2. Wash all surfaces with dirt using a soft cloth.
  3. Wipe with a dry cloth.

This method will help to clean the kitchen not only from plastic, but also works great with acrylic or PVC.

Special means

There are a large number of specialized substances that are designed to clean plastic. They are the most effective and safe for the kitchen.

How to use:

  1. Moisten a soft sponge with the product.
  2. Wash all dirty surfaces.

If the instructions provide for a different procedure, then you should rely on it.

Features of washing walls

Often, grease ends up not only on furniture located near the cooking area, but also on the walls. The process of cleaning them depends on what kind of coating they have:

  • Tile – almost any product will do that won’t cause mechanical damage(scratches when washed);
  • Paint – all products that do not contain alcohol or solvents are acceptable;
  • Wallpaper - only dry contact is allowed (with a regular rag or sponge) for paper, and for vinyl or non-woven wallpaper you can use “soft” products;
  • Whitewashing – it is advisable to use dry cleaning only.

If the coating is made of other materials, then maximum care should be taken so as not to damage appearance kitchens using folk remedies.

Household appliances, flooring, and other surfaces

Other surfaces suffer just as often from the effects of cooking. Most of them are allowed to use any method, with the exception of rare materials that require a special approach. If you need to wash ordinary household appliances or the floor, then you can safely choose any method.

Paper towels

The best solution for absolutely any surface is a clean paper towel. It cannot harm any objects, with extremely rare exceptions.

How to use:

  1. Prepare one towel.
  2. Wet it warm water.
  3. Wipe every contaminated area.

If you need to remove a fresh stain of grease or other dirt, then this ideal option, which will instantly solve the problem.

Soap, soda

You can remove grease from most surfaces yourself using baking soda and soap. This is an ideal option for household appliances and dishes.

How to clean:

  1. Rub the soap into small pieces and add a small amount of water.
  2. Blot the sponge and wipe off all the dirt.
  3. Pour baking soda onto a sponge and wipe the dirty surface.
  4. After 20 minutes, rinse with a soft, damp cloth.

This product cannot be used when cleaning varnish or glossy coatings, as they can be scratched by soda granules.

Regular hydrogen peroxide, which is available in every pharmacy, will help remove grease, soot and other contaminants.

How to use:

  1. Mix a small amount of peroxide with baking soda to form a thick mixture similar to sour cream.
  2. Apply it to all areas that need to be washed for half an hour.
  3. Use a brush to remove everything that has “moved away” from the surface.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth.

This method, like the previous one, is not applicable for varnish or glossy coatings due to the risk of damaging top layer material.

Melamine sponge

A melamine sponge will help clean all surfaces without streaks. It is quite dangerous for some surfaces, because it is a rather hard material. Nevertheless, it is extremely effective.

What to do:

  1. Moisten a sponge with a small amount of water and squeeze lightly.
  2. Wipe off all traces of fat.
  3. Remove grains with a soft cloth.

In cases where the stains are very small, it is best to cut off a corresponding piece from the sponge and use it to clean off the dirt.

Steam cleaners

This method is applicable to most surfaces. The only exceptions are those that cannot be wet. Steam cleaners not only allow you to easily clean any kind of kitchen dirt, but also disinfect the entire kitchen, making it as safe as possible for humans.

How to use:

  1. Start the device.
  2. Apply steam to problem areas one by one, while simultaneously cleaning them with a soft cloth.

After this, you can additionally apply any of the above methods. This will improve efficiency.

Household chemicals

Kitchen cleaning can be done using special chemical compositions. All of them are produced in factories, but are first carefully tested for effectiveness and safety. This is why many people prefer this method. Each product has a unique purpose, which depends on the type of material, the type of contamination requiring removal, the speed of exposure, as well as the effect on humans, for which the likelihood of allergic reactions is taken into account.

How to clean the kitchen:

  1. Moisten a soft sponge with the product. If it requires dissolving, then do it.
  2. Remove existing dirt.
  3. Wipe items with a dry cloth.

When using such products, you should follow the instructions on the packaging. It is also very important to wear rubber gloves and a protective mask if necessary.

A great way to clean kitchen grease - video:


Cleaning any kitchen from grease or other types of dirt is a completely simple task. You just need to approach the matter responsibly and do everything possible following the instructions. The result will be pleasantly surprising.

Every housewife always has the following substances:

  • soda;
  • soap;
  • lemon;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • mustard;
  • baking powder for dough;
  • vodka.

Among the advantages of such components it is worth noting environmental friendliness, safety, and accessibility. They are easily washed off with water without leaving an unpleasant odor. However, it should be borne in mind that home cleaners can only deal with small stains that have recently formed. General cleaning should be carried out with weekly regularity so that you don’t have to spend a long time fiddling with dirty furniture. Some of these tips are also suitable for.

Before you start cleaning, you first need to treat with the product small area, preferably in an inconspicuous place. If after 20 minutes no damage has occurred, you can safely use it.


Laundry soap effectively removes dirt. It contains fatty acids that remove dirt well. Soap is suitable for cleaning kitchen utensils dark brown, with an acid content of at least 72%. A solution is prepared from it: 10 g of grated soap is mixed with 0.5 l warm water.

You can use a soap solution to treat any surface of the headset:

  1. The hard part of the sponge is moistened with the solution.
  2. The resulting foam is applied to dirty areas for 30 minutes.
  3. When the fat has completely dissolved, the furniture is rubbed with a sponge again.
  4. Upon completion of the second stage, the residues are washed off with a wet cloth.

Salt vs fat

Kitchen salt removes the fat layer well from wooden surfaces, prevents the spread of germs. It is recommended to treat facades and countertops weekly with saline solution. It is prepared from 1 liter of water and 50-60 g of salt, moisten a rag and wipe the furniture. The product will cope better with old stains if you add 1 tsp to it. 3% hydrogen peroxide. After 15 minutes, the dirt is washed off with water. Instead of a solution, you can use fine salt, scooping it up with a wet toothbrush. Rub the greasy deposit with the product, wait 30 minutes, then wash off.

Read also

Baking soda

Baking soda works well on glass and plastic surfaces. The contaminated area is moistened with water, sprinkled with soda, then wiped with a dry sponge. Remains of the substance are removed with a damp cloth. Baking soda acts as an abrasive that helps clean stubborn stains. Experienced housewives Use this product if you need to whiten darkened areas of plastic. Baking powder for dough has a similar effect. The powder is mixed with water until a homogeneous paste is obtained. It is applied to oily areas, left for 30 minutes, then washed off with water.

Do not clean glossy or varnished coatings. Otherwise, scratches may appear on them.

Soda and oil

To clean furniture made of wood or MDF, prepare a mixture of ordinary soda and sunflower oil in a ratio of 2:1. The prepared gruel should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. It is applied to the dirt in a circular motion using a brush. The oil-soda mixture along with lumps of fat is washed off after 30 minutes. If the plaque cannot be removed the first time, repeat the treatment. The oil is well absorbed into wooden products, forming protective layer. It is recommended to use this mixture once every 2 weeks. It cleans the set, protects it from drying out and high humidity.

Soda and soap

The greasy layer from the kitchen set is removed with a product made from laundry soap and soda. The components can be used separately. But if you prepare a mixture of them, desired result is achieved faster. To obtain a soap-soda solution, rub the bar on a coarse grater. Then to 3 tbsp. shavings add 1 tbsp. warm water. The ingredients are stirred until a thick paste is formed. Then the product is applied with a sponge to grease-contaminated areas. Until the mixture has dried, sprinkle it with soda, rub it well, and after 20 minutes, rinse everything off with water. The cleaning composition can be used to treat metal and plastic surfaces.

Using vinegar and alcohol

If a small layer of grease has formed on the headset, it can be removed with vinegar or alcohol. The substances have a cleaning and disinfecting effect. Before use, add a little water to the vinegar. To prepare another effective remedy, you need 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. alcohol It is convenient to spray the solution with a spray bottle. After waiting for the fat to separate from the surface, thoroughly wipe the furniture with a damp cloth.

After using alcohol or vinegar, the kitchen should be well ventilated.

A mixture of 9% vinegar, alcohol and vodka, prepared in a ratio of 2:1:1, will help to clean wooden furniture from the greasy layer. It is recommended to add 5-10 drops to it essential oil: sage, eucalyptus or lemon. Contaminated areas are sprayed with a spray bottle. After 20 minutes, wash the furniture with a kitchen sponge. After using the solution with essential oil, a pleasant aroma will be felt indoors for a long time.

Mustard powder and lemon

Mustard powder quickly dissolves greasy deposits. After treatment, dirt can be easily removed with a napkin. To remove stains, they are moistened with water and sprinkled with mustard powder. Then the set is wiped with a dry cloth, and the remaining powder is removed with a damp sponge. Mustard can be used to clean plastic coverings. It is not recommended to use this product if the kitchen set is made of MDF or wood.

Effectively removes fat deposits lemon juice. You need to cut the lemon in half and rub the contaminated surface well so that drops form on it. After 10 minutes, wash off the product with warm water. Stubborn stains can be treated with mustard paste. To prepare it, the powder is mixed with water until a thick mixture is formed. It is washed off 10 minutes after application.

Fat dissolves well when exposed to citric acid. The washing solution is prepared from 15 g of the substance and 0.5 l cold water. The kitchen set is treated with the product without waiting for the granules to completely dissolve. Furniture is washed after 10 minutes with water or alcohol. To remove stubborn stains, use a mixture prepared from fine salt and citric acid solution.

Wash kitchen furniture Another remedy that will help with greasy stains is table vinegar. Place the peeled lemon in a glass jar and pour in 150 ml of 9% vinegar. The mixture prepared in the evening is infused until the morning under a tight lid. Then 150 ml of water is added to the liquid. The solution is sprayed over the surface or applied using a cotton rag. It is washed off after 10 minutes.

Ammonia and peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat any kitchen surface. Pharmaceutical product does not leave streaks, so it can be used to clean mirror or glass elements. It perfectly dissolves fresh grease stains and destroys bacteria. The old layer can be removed by adding soda to the peroxide. The furniture is treated with a paste mixture, which is washed off after 15 minutes with rubbing movements.

Fatty deposits can be removed with ammonia. The solution is prepared immediately before harvesting by adding 1 liter clean water 1 tbsp. ammonia. You need to open a window or window in advance. Impregnate a textile napkin with the product and lubricate the areas of the kitchen unit that require cleaning. Dirt is removed after 5-7 minutes with a damp cloth. After cleaning, do not close the windows for 30-40 minutes so that the room is well ventilated.

Use ammonia or peroxide carefully so that the solution or paste does not come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes.

Preventive measures

It is recommended to clean dirty kitchen surfaces 2 times a week, since fresh stains are easier to get rid of. Grease can be quickly removed using dishwashing gel. For minor stains, simply rub with baking soda. Finally, the furniture is washed clean water. Old stains treated with a home remedy are removed with the abrasive side of the sponge. The washed set must be wiped dry with a soft rag or paper towel. There is no need to use dirty towels, you need them first.

To maintain cleanliness in the kitchen, it is enough to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Every time after cooking, surfaces contaminated with grease should be cleaned to prevent stains from drying out.
  2. General cleaning should be carried out at least once a week.
  3. To preserve the furniture's original shine, areas prone to contamination can be treated with a special protective compound.

Cleaning the kitchen is serious business. Prepare your rubber gloves and enthusiasm - in this article we will tell you how to clean the kitchen at home easily and safely for finishing facades, countertops and aprons (including wooden ones!).

But before you start choosing a recipe, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following universal rules and recommendations that are relevant for both painted/unpainted wooden kitchens and laminated, varnished, plastic facades made of MDF and chipboard.

  • For those in a hurry, we advise you to go straight to the recipes using the quick navigation (at the beginning of the article).
  • The most important rule is: ALWAYS test the cleaner on an inconspicuous area before cleaning your kitchen. Treat it, then wipe clean and dry, wait 1-2 minutes and evaluate whether the color of the coating has changed, whether the shine has disappeared, etc.
  • A greasy coating on kitchen furniture is a mixture of dust with fumes and a tiny suspension of fat that forms during cooking. The older the plaque, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. Therefore, the optimal schedule for “general” cleaning of the kitchen from grease is 1-2 times a year, “major” cleaning is every 2 months using mild products and, of course, when the need arises.
  • To clear hard to reach places, cracks or decorative finishing use toothbrush, soaked in the cleaning product from our article. You can also clean narrow crevices with a knife wrapped in cloth.
  • Do not use harsh abrasives; only baking soda, a soft toothbrush, or the hard side of a regular foam sponge are acceptable. This is especially true for wooden kitchens, as well as any painted furniture without a top protective coating.
  • When cleaning the kitchen, it is better to use a new sponge with a clean abrasive side. An old, greasy sponge can do even more damage.
  • At the end of cleaning, it is advisable to wipe the kitchen: clean with a damp microfiber cloth and dry with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. This way you will avoid streaks and residues of the cleaning product itself.
  • When cleaning the kitchen, pay special attention to the cabinets above the stove.
For a wooden kitchen (painted with stain, enamel or other types of paint, unpainted but treated with oil/wax/polish/special impregnations/matte varnish, etc. For all other kitchens: glossy, varnished, plastic, laminated and painted MDF and chipboard sets
A wooden kitchen requires the most delicate care. Most “folk” remedies like peroxide, ammonia, alcohol or citric acid are contraindicated for it, as are ordinary alkali-based household chemicals. Whether you use expensive or cheap household chemicals, the main thing is that it contains alkali.
It is the one that most effectively copes with fat and dirt.
Manufacturers of wooden kitchens recommend washing facades only by special means with neutral Ph or a solution of warm water and soap (dishwashing detergent), diluted in a ratio of 5:95. But what if the Fairy solution does not remove old fat and stubborn stains? Ideally, thorough cleaning of the kitchen should be entrusted to special cleaning services, especially if the kitchen is relatively new, with expensive finishes. Our recipes are in most cases safe for wood, but there is still some risk in them. It is convenient to use a spray bottle to clean the kitchen.
When wiping the kitchen, try to move along the grain of the wood, and not against or across. This will allow you to better clean the pores of the material and act more delicately on the fibers. Before applying cleaning agent to the contaminated area, moisten it, for example, using a spray bottle. Moisture will speed up the chemical process somewhat. reaction and will make cleaning easier.
The rag should not be too wet. Excess moisture is harmful to wooden surfaces.
After washing and cleaning wooden furniture, do not forget to treat it with protective wax, oil or polish.

Method 1. Express cleaning and polishing for advanced cases (soda + vegetable oil)

PURPOSE: wooden UNpainted kitchens and countertops (coated with matte varnish, oil, wax, polish, any impregnations), varnished and laminated kitchens made of MDF and chipboard, aprons made of any materials.

This recipe is especially helpful if you need to bring it back to life. old kitchen or countertop for minimal time and money.

  • With its help, you can, firstly, easily remove tightly adhered drops of fat, plaque and stains. Secondly, to “seal” the pores of the wood, protect it from moisture and dirt. And thirdly, to give the facades a natural shine and brightness. Basically this old one home recipe Replaces both cleaning agent and furniture polish.

WITH CAUTION: painted wooden kitchens and light wooden kitchens (oil may yellow slightly).

CLEANING FREQUENCY: It is important that cleaning with soda-oil is carried out regularly - at least every 2 months. The fact is that oil tends to oxidize and lose protective properties, may vary in color.


Step 1. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (can be used in more in a ratio of 1.5:1).

Step 2. Apply the resulting “scrub” to contaminated surfaces, focusing special attention cabinets in the stove area. The soda will crumble a little, and the oil will be absorbed like polish. You will see that the tree will become cleaner and a little brighter before your eyes.

Step 3: Wipe treated areas with a clean, damp microfiber or soft cloth.

Step 4. Wipe the remaining cabinets from dust and light dirt with a damp cloth. If necessary, you can treat the entire kitchen with an oil-soda solution.

Method 2. How to remove local stains, grease and dirt (6% vinegar + warm water)

INTENDED USE: For all types of surfaces, but with caution for wooden surfaces.



Add 6% vinegar to warm water in a 1:1 ratio, then remove dirt with a sponge or spray the product from a spray bottle, wipe the treated area clean with a damp cloth. Finally, dry the surface with a dry soft cloth or microfiber cloth.

Method 3. Universal recipe for deep and thorough cleaning (6% vinegar + isopropyl alcohol)

PURPOSE: For spring cleaning old fat and other complex contamination of painted and unpainted wooden kitchens, laminated, varnished, plastic glossy facades made of MDF and chipboard, all types of countertops and aprons.

CLEANING FREQUENCY: 1-2 times a year.


Step 1. Mix 6% vinegar with rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) alcohol in a 7:1 ratio and add a few drops of liquid soap to the solution.

Rubbing isopropyl alcohol can be purchased at outlets that sell printer supplies, companies that sell fiber optics, and specialty online stores. You should not experiment with other types of alcohol.

Step 2: Wipe down your cabinets with the mixture using a microfiber cloth.

Step 3: Now wipe the kitchen clean with a cloth soaked in warm water.

Step 4. Finally, rub all surfaces with a special oil for wooden furniture, which contains beeswax. This action will “seal” the pores and protect your kitchen from stains, dirt, moisture and grease for a long time.

Method 4. Ammonia + warm water

INTENDED USE: For all types of surfaces, but with great care for wooden surfaces.

CLEANING FREQUENCY: if necessary, but not more often than once every two to three months.


Add ammonia to warm water in a 1:1 ratio, then remove dirt with a sponge or spray the product from a spray bottle, wipe the treated area clean with a damp cloth. Finally, dry the surface with a dry soft cloth or microfiber cloth.

Method 5. Hydrogen peroxide + water

INTENDED USE: Only for kitchens, splashbacks and countertops made of MDF and chipboard. The product will help not only clean the kitchen of grease and dirt, but also disinfect the areas treated with it.

  • It is permissible to clean a wooden kitchen with hydrogen peroxide, but only if you need to remove mold.



Mix these ingredients in a 1:2 ratio, treat with the resulting liquid required areas using a rag (it is best to spray the product from a spray bottle).

Method 6. How to remove burnt dark stains from cigarettes (linseed oil)

PURPOSE: To remove burns on unpainted wooden facades, countertops or aprons.



Rub into the stain linseed oil using a soft, clean cloth until it disappears.

Method 7. Removing stains and scratches (6% vinegar + vegetable oil)

PURPOSE: For rubbing out small scratches, removing grease and stains from wooden kitchen furniture, countertops and splashbacks.

CLEANING FREQUENCY: If necessary and with caution.


Rub a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil (diluted 1:1) into the scratches using a soft, clean cloth until the scratches disappear.

Method 8. Removing difficult stains (6% vinegar + salt)


Make a creamy paste from vinegar and salt. Dip a toothbrush into the toothpaste and lightly scrub the stained area. Rinse off the paste with clean water and dry with a clean towel.

Method 9. Removing difficult stains (soda + damp sponge)

PURPOSE: To remove difficult and stubborn stains such as berry juice, ketchup or chocolate from wooden kitchen furniture, countertops and aprons.


Simply sprinkle some baking soda onto a damp sponge and rub the stain. You can also use a soft toothbrush.

Many folk remedies cope even better with greasy stains and dirt on furniture, tables, chairs, cabinets, countertops and other kitchen furniture than industrial chemicals. Such cleaning products, which can be prepared at home, allow you not only to wash off grease from kitchen appliances but also save time and money.

If we compare household chemicals sold in stores with folk remedies, then the latter are safer for humans and can become a great assistant in the fight against dirt in the kitchen.

Before you begin removing grease from the surfaces of kitchen furniture, you should select suitable cleaning equipment. It is worth choosing a more gentle tool - a sponge, soft cloth, microfiber, cloth, flannel. Any of the materials can perfectly remove grease from kitchen furniture. No need to use metal brushes: Using such products may cause scratches and other damage to the furniture.

Damaged furniture gets dirty much faster: scratches become clogged with grease, plaque and dirt.

When cleaning the kitchen, you should use rubber gloves for the safety of your hands and nails.

Before completely washing the furniture from dirt, you should check the quality of the product on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the furniture. This measure will protect the furniture from damage.

Various cleaning products

You can use the most different means, which can be found in every kitchen. You need to choose one or another product taking into account the types of stains and types of furniture that need to be cleaned.

Baking soda against stains

A simple way to clean furniture is to use baking soda. It can be used to wash glass surfaces: dishes, inserts in the set. It cleans plastic parts well in the kitchen (refrigerator doors, household appliances). You should moisten the stained area and wipe it with baking soda. Wash off any remaining substance with a damp cloth.

You can use soda to clean soft seats in the kitchen.

First you need to wet the seat with water. Then generously cover the greasy stains with baking soda and begin scrubbing them with a brush. Afterwards, you need to leave the soda absorbed into the furniture for 15–20 minutes. Then collect the powder with a vacuum cleaner.

If the stain remains, you can try diluting one tablespoon of vinegar with one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent in 250 ml of water. The product is applied with microfiber to the stains. The seat should be wiped with a clean damp sponge.

Laundry soap and soda

Both soap and soda are effective means in the fight against grease on the surface of furniture. Both components can handle stains individually, but together they allow you to achieve the desired result.

To prepare a cleaning product from soap, you need to grate it on a coarse grater into a deep bowl. You need to add a little warm water to the soap shavings. The solution should become cloudy. The resulting product must be applied to contaminated areas using a sponge. While the solution is still wet, apply a small amount of baking soda on top and treat problem areas. The consistency is washed off twenty minutes after application.

Soda in such a solution is an abrasive agent that will help thoroughly wash contaminated areas.

Soapy soda solution is great for metal and plastic surfaces. Should not be used on glossy or varnished surfaces as scratches may occur after cleaning.

It is important to remember that laundry soap must be dark brown. If the soap is bleached and has a fragrance, then it will not be able to cope with stains in the kitchen.

Cleaning furniture with vinegar

Regular table vinegar works well against fat; it can be used apple cider vinegar. In addition to furniture, countertops and tiles in the kitchen, you can also clean limescale from metal and ceramic objects and get rid of scale in kettles.

You need to add a little water to the vinegar. Apply the resulting solution to the greasy stains with a rag and wait until the grease comes off from the surface. Then the set should be wiped with a damp soft cloth.

Baking powder for grease stains

Baking powder will help you quickly clean your kitchen utensils.

You need to prepare a paste of baking powder and water. The product is applied to a dirty surface and remains on it for half an hour. Then it is washed off with water.

Anti-greasy alcohol

Alcohol or vodka removes grease stains perfectly. The product cleans well modular furniture and regular headsets coated with a glossy surface. Before processing furniture, you should open the windows in the kitchen.

To make the product, you need to dilute one tablespoon of alcohol in one liter of water. For cleaning you can use a sponge, rag and spray bottle. Using available products, treat the kitchen furniture and leave to clean for half an hour. You can remove the solution with a regular damp cloth.

Vodka is also good for combating pollution. In this case, you can simply moisten a sponge in vodka and wipe the greasy surface, and then rinse with water.

Disinfection and cleaning with alcohol and vinegar

An excellent product that not only fights grease and dirt, but also disinfects furniture from bacteria and germs.

To prepare the solution, mix table vinegar, alcohol and vodka in a ratio of 2:1:1. You can add a third of a teaspoon of any essential oil to the mixture.

The resulting mixture must be used to clean dirt using a spray bottle. The solution should remain on the contaminated areas for ten to fifteen minutes. Then you should wash off the solution with a napkin or sponge. After using this mixture, the aroma of essential oil will emanate from the furniture.

Essential oils for cleansing and pleasant smell

Essential oils with other components do an excellent job of cleaning furniture.

In order to get rid of unpleasant odors and effectively care for surfaces made of wood, you will need essential oil of spruce or eucalyptus. Add a few drops of oil to a container of water and then wipe the wooden surface with a sponge.

You can prepare a mixture of orange and eucalyptus oils with vinegar and vodka. You should take half a glass of vodka, half a glass of vinegar, half a teaspoon of orange oil and a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix the solution thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle. Apply the product to greasy spots for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with a damp cloth.

This recipe can cope with dirt not only on wooden surfaces: it helps fight limescale on metal surfaces and washes plastic and ceramic parts.

Lemon as a detergent

A lemon slice effectively and safely fights fat. In addition to furniture and other surfaces, you can use lemon to clean tiles and remove scale and limescale.

It is necessary to wipe the furniture with lemon so that the juice drains from the surface. After ten minutes, the set can be washed with warm water and wiped with a paper towel.

Citric acid for all types of pollution

A solution of citric acid is an excellent remedy for stains on furniture. To prepare the solution you will need one liter of water, 15 grams of citric acid and a little detergent. The liquid should be applied to problem areas and then wiped with a damp cloth.

The acid can be used as a descaling agent in teapots, to clean limescale on metal and ceramic surfaces.

Vegetable oil and soda for all types of headsets

The furniture will be clean if you use a product made from vegetable oil and soda.

The product is excellent for washing wooden surfaces, sets and furniture made of MDF and solid wood, cutlery, tables, chairs, shelves, doors, frames and dishes.

It is necessary to prepare a slurry that will resemble sour cream in consistency. To do this you need to take vegetable oil and soda in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to areas with greasy stains and treat them with a soft brush. Leave the polished surface for half an hour. Then remove any lumps of fat using a cloth. May be required reprocessing headset, since the greasy coating may not come off the surface the first time.

By using an oil and soda scrub to clean your kitchen, you can achieve sparkling cleanliness and also perfectly protect your furniture from high humidity in the kitchen or drying out from high temperatures.

This mixture should be used once every two weeks.

A mixture of clay and vinegar

A product made from clay and vinegar will perfectly remove stains in the kitchen. The product is suitable for cleaning wood and solid furniture, floors, walls, tiled surfaces and pots.

To get a mass for cleaning, you need to add a little vinegar to the clay. The product is applied to a sponge and the surface of the headset is wiped with it. After the procedure, the surface should be washed with water.

The clay in the cleaning product acts as an abrasive substance. You should choose clay without stones, as they can damage the furniture during cleaning.

Mustard powder for kitchen furniture

The product is suitable for cleaning any surfaces from dirt.

Mustard dissolves fat well, so after washing, dirt and grease will remain on the napkin.

In order to wash the surface from dirt and grease, you need to moisten it with water and sprinkle with mustard powder. Then wipe the furniture with a dry cloth. A damp cloth or sponge will help to completely remove mustard powder.

You can use mustard to clean kitchen units with a protective surface, stoves, sinks, and refrigerators. The powder should not be used on wooden surfaces and MDF furniture.

Anti-stain salt

Salt is great for cleaning wooden surfaces. It effectively removes greasy plaque and prevents the spread of germs and bacteria.

To clean, wipe areas with dirt and grease with salt.

Can be used once a week saline solution for processing facades and countertops.

Dish detergent

Normal detergent for dishes can also be used to clean tiles, appliances, kitchen units and other furniture in the kitchen. It is enough to dilute a little product in water and get foam. Treat all contaminated surfaces with it. It is advisable to use the abrasive side of the sponge to scrub off stubborn stains and old grease.

This product can be used after every meal preparation.


There are many cleaning products for kitchen units, furniture, dishes, cutlery, various surfaces, floors and walls. All of them contain chemicals that can cause enormous harm to the human body. Many people are susceptible allergic reactions, difficulty breathing while using such products. Therefore, the advice of mothers and grandmothers, who previously used folk remedies to combat greasy deposits on various kitchen surfaces. Such products clean no worse than industrial ones. It is necessary to observe safety precautions when treating the kitchen with one or another cleaner. You should use gloves, ventilate the kitchen during and after cleaning, and keep children and animals away from the substances.