How to wash kitchen towels. How to wash a kitchen towel at home from old stains, grease, how to bleach. Boiling with soda and laundry soap

The kitchen is the heart of any home. There we are used to not only eating, but also chatting with friends, watching TV, discussing the news. The kitchen is a very special area where it is pleasant to arrange family meetings or spontaneous gatherings over fragrant tea with homemade pies.Therefore, every hostess tries to make it especially cozy and comfortable.

But the neat appearance of any kitchen will be spoiled by dirty towels with old or greasy stains. Therefore, a good housewife is faced with the question of how to quickly and efficiently wash kitchen towels at home without much effort and cost.

Our hardworking grandmothers did not have washing machines and they had no idea about household chemicals. But the towels and bed linen in their homes shone white and smelled fresh. How did they achieve such an amazing effect?

Today we will reveal some secrets that will help you solve the problem of washing dirty towels.

Laundry soap

  • Wet towels thoroughly in cold water and lather liberally with regular laundry soap. Then put the towel in a plastic bag and wrap tightly. Leave the laundry in this position for two hours, then remove and wash as usual. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

table vinegar

  • If dirty towels were left crumpled and damp, mold spots and an unpleasant smell appear on them. To solve this problem, use ordinary table vinegar. Soak towels in lukewarm water with 50 g of vinegar, and wash after half an hour.

Baking soda

  • Very soiled towels should not be washed without pre-soaking. Add five tablespoons of baking soda to the laundry detergent, and leave the laundry soaked overnight, and then wash.

Vegetable oil

Method 1

  • To return the former freshness to washed towels with old stains, you can use a rather unexpected way using vegetable oil.

In a large container of boiling water, add 50 g of any vegetable oil, 200 g of washing powder and 50 g of bleach. Put towels in the same place, and let them stay there until the water has completely cooled. Then take out the towels and wash in the usual way.

Method 2

  • You can use vegetable oil as one of the components for soaking. Mix in equal proportions (2-3 tablespoons each) of washing powder, bleach, baking soda and vegetable oil. Put towels there for the whole night, and wash in the machine the next morning.

Lemon acid

  • Stubborn stains on towels can be removed with citric acid. First, wash them with laundry soap, and then rub the stains with citric acid and leave it for 5 minutes, no more, and then wash again and rinse thoroughly.

silicate glue

A rather unusual way to wash towels using silicate glue and soap.

  • Throw a small bar of soap or 1 tbsp into the boiling container. washing powder. Add 25 g of silicate glue there. Stir the solution thoroughly until the adhesive is completely dissolved. Boil the laundry in this mixture for no more than half an hour and take it out. Next, rinse the laundry in warm water.

Thanks to this method of washing, you can return the snow-white color to kitchen towels.

By the way, old pots and pans can also be boiled in this mixture, they will shine with pristine purity.

mustard powder

Method 1

  • An excellent result is obtained by a simple wash in mustard. Pour a bag of dry mustard into a bucket of hot water, let it brew for a while and put towels in it. After three hours, rinse in several types of water.

Method 2

  • You can also disinfect and restore whiteness with mustard. Dilute the dry powder to the density of sour cream, spread on washed towels and leave for four to five hours, then rinse in two waters.

REMEMBER: brightly colored or patterned textiles should not be boiled, so the mustard method is best in this case.

As you can see, there are many recipes for washing without boiling, but you must first soak the textiles and then wash them in any way you are used to.

How to wash kitchen towels by boiling

If you have free time and are accustomed, moreover, to approach the matter thoroughly, wash dirty linen with boiling water. This process will rid the kitchen towels of stubborn old stains and disinfect them at the same time.

Method 1

After soaking in cool water and washing normally, put the laundry in the boiling tub. Then fill with hot water, pour in 50 g of detergent and add 50 g of baking soda. Bring water to a boil and boil for 30 minutes, then let cool and rinse thoroughly.

Method 2

Pour cold water into the tank for boiling clothes, rub a piece of laundry soap and place the dirty laundry. Then put the tank on the fire and stir from time to time with a wooden stick while boiling. If you want to bleach your laundry at the same time, then add half a kg of bleach or bleach to the water. But be careful, if there are bright stains from fruits or wine on the laundry, they can transfer to the rest of the fabric during boiling.

REMEMBER: only linen made from natural fabrics can be boiled, so read the labels before starting this process.

How to bleach kitchen towels without boiling - video

How to get old stains out of kitchen towels

No matter how neat the hostess is, everything happens in the kitchen and, unfortunately, stains systematically appear on kitchen linen. Therefore, the fight against stains is a paramount task for a good housewife.

fresh oil stains

  • Fresh greasy stains lend themselves well to washing if they are pre-lubricated with dishwashing detergent and left for several hours.

old stains

  • You can try to remove old fatty contaminants with hydrogen peroxide or citric acid. Using a cotton swab, apply a little liquid to the stain and leave for two to three hours. Then wash.
  • If previously snow-white towels turned yellow or gray, then return them to cleanliness with vinegar or potassium permanganate. Pour 50 g of table vinegar into cold water or drop a little potassium permanganate until a pale pink solution is obtained. Soak your laundry for a few hours and then wash.

wine stains

  • A fresh wine stain must be sprinkled with salt immediately, and only then try to wash it off.

Tea and coffee stains

  • If there are stains from tea or coffee on the laundry, then prepare a saline solution from 1 liter of water and 3 tbsp. salt. Apply to blemishes, let dry and reapply to blemishes. Then wash with laundry soap.
  • Even old stains from strong coffee and tea will help remove ammonia. Prepare a 1:1 solution and dampen the stains liberally. Leave for half an hour, and then place in hot water with soap for 15 minutes. After that, wash.

Stains from fruits and berries

  • In the autumn-summer period, stains from fruits and berries appear on the towels. They can be removed with ordinary shampoo. Soak towels in warm water, and then apply shampoo to stains, lather well, leave for an hour and a half, and then wash.

chocolate stains

  • Chocolate stains can be dealt with with boiling soapy water. Grate laundry or baby soap and place in a tub of water. Bring to a boil. Dip dry towels into a container, boil for 15-20 minutes, then rinse well.

Ice cream and milk stains

  • Mix equal parts ammonia, warm water and glycerin. Wipe the stain with this mixture, then wash the kitchen logs in warm water.

Fish, canned food and soup stains

  • Such stains can be removed with a mixture of 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp water and 1/2 tsp. ammonia.

Tomato stains

  • Spots from tomatoes should be wiped with a 10% solution of oxalic acid, then rinsed well with water.

Of course, it is best to remove fresh stains, so take your time and immediately begin to deal with the problem that has appeared.

  • To keep towels clean longer, you need to change them as often as possible, this will also extend their life.
  • White towels must be soaked and boiled so that they are always pleasing to the eye with their freshness.
  • Use your towels only for their intended purpose. Do not wipe dirty floors with them or use them as oven mitts.
  • Do not be lazy, and be sure to iron your kitchen textiles with a hot iron.
  • For work in the kitchen, try to use waffle towels. They not only perfectly absorb moisture, but also dry quickly. Good quality waffle towels can be used for many years without losing their attractive appearance.
  • In the moment of great turmoil in the kitchen, buy and use napkins or disposable towels, this will keep your towels clean.

How to wash kitchen towels in the microwave - video

Store in the kitchen cabinet, along with expensive household chemicals, such essential substances as ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and dry mustard powder. These budget funds will help not only to tidy up your kitchen linens, but also to bring such a dazzling cleanliness to your kitchen that you and your loved ones will never want to leave it.

Of all the home textiles, kitchen towels tend to be the dirtiest. These are the essentials in the kitchen, and it is with their help that all the dirty work is done. Often they wipe not only hands, but also dishes, tables. As a result, yellowness, spots, and an unpleasant odor form on them. Towels should always be clean, so you need to know how to wash kitchen towels at home and keep them fresh.

Ways to clean kitchen textiles

You can wash textiles with the help of various chemicals, as well as using improvised means. You can effectively whiten linen at home using the following methods.

Machine wash or hand wash

If the towel not too polluted or little used, you can wash it in the machine. You need to choose the right powder and set the correct washing mode. For colored fabrics, the temperature should be 50-60 ° C, for white cotton - up to 90 ° C.

You can wash towels by hand if there are not too many. For this, powder or laundry soap with a concentration of 72% is used. It is recommended to use a hand wash powder designed for a certain type of fabric and color. Then the towels will get a clean and fresh look. You need to lather the towels and leave for 30 minutes, then rub them a little and rinse in warm water.

Soaking dirty towels

If the towels are very dirty, soaking before washing may help. In order to wash white textiles, you need to dilute the washing powder and add 5 tbsp to the container. l. soda. Soak in this solution for up to 5 hours. This method will also relieve the fabric of an unpleasant odor.

Colored fabrics under the influence of soda lose their paint, so salt is used for them. It is necessary to prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 liter of water. Withstand for an hour. After soaking, wash in the machine or by hand. Also, soaking can be done using any stain remover, following the instructions on the package.

Boiling from stubborn stains

This method is the most radical, but at the same time the most effective. It allows you to wash any, even the dirtiest things. Boiling can get rid of very stubborn stains. It should be noted that only white or pastel-colored fabrics can be boiled. Colored ones shed in boiling water.

If there are old spots, then before boiling, you need to apply a special stain remover to them. After 10-15 minutes, soak in hot water with the same stain remover and leave for several hours. Then you can start boiling. For this process, you need to take a pot or a bucket that must be enamelled. Pour hot water into the container, add washing powder and bleach, preferably oxygen. Drop towels in. Then the pan is put on fire, and the contents are boiled for 1 hour. Then you need to thoroughly rinse the towels and dry them.

Boiling laundry for bleaching is widely used by modern housewives because of its effectiveness. But we must remember that it can not be used often, since boiling water has a negative effect on the fabric itself, destroying the fibers.

Bleaching of yellowed fabrics

Restore whiteness to yellowed and grayed fabrics can be done with bleach.

There are several tools available for this..

All these methods are very effective and safe but take a lot of time. If you need to quickly bleach the fabric, you can use bleach sold in stores. By following the instructions, you can easily achieve the desired result. But it should be remembered that bleaches contain some chemicals, so you need to thoroughly rinse all things.

Washing with sunflower oil

Not all types of fabrics can be bleached, boiled or exposed to aggressive substances. And if very dirty towels are washed only in gentle ways, then soon they will take on a unkempt appearance. That is why every housewife should know how to whiten kitchen towels with vegetable oil. The method is unusual, but very effective. It copes with all stains and at the same time preserves the colors of fabrics. Washing kitchen towels with sunflower oil can also easily restore the fabric to its original look.

There are 3 ways to use vegetable oil for laundry.

To prepare these solutions, you can take the cheapest bleaches and powders. The result will still be impressive.

To most effectively wash kitchen towels using vegetable oil, the following conditions must be observed:

During cooking, the kitchen turns into a kind of creative workshop. Towels become an improvised tool, among other items. When creating culinary masterpieces, assorted traces appear on them. Textiles lose their original purity and attractiveness. We have to decide how to wash kitchen towels at home.

Terms of use

The rules for using kitchen towels are simple and allow you to avoid the painful washing of stains. To reduce hard-to-remove contaminants, it is recommended:

  • have separate copies for hands and dishes;
  • do not wipe work surfaces with a towel;
  • do not use as tacks;
  • wash your hands thoroughly and only then wipe;
  • change towels more often;
  • clean towels must be ironed: this way the fabric gets less dirty.

Wipe kitchen surfaces with an absorbent cloth. And to get wet dirt on the table, it is better to take a paper towel.

Terry products are not suitable for use in the kitchen. Fat is firmly eaten into numerous villi, and persistent color spots are extremely difficult to wash off. In addition, fluffy products dry for a long time, which leads to the growth of bacteria and mold in the fibers of the fabric. Linen products or cotton waffle sheets are suitable for use in the kitchen.

We will tell you how to wash kitchen towels at home in order to restore their original beauty. Products without stubborn stains are washed in the usual way. The brand of washing powder and the temperature are chosen depending on the color and texture of the textile.

To wash heavily soiled kitchen towels, the amount of powder is increased. Adding conditioner will eliminate unwanted odor. The introduction of bleach for white or colored items will enhance the effect.

Before washing heavily soiled kitchen towels, the products are soaked in prepared solutions.

  1. Dilute and use store-bought bleach.
  2. To wash very dirty white items, keep them in water for a short time with the addition of Domestos.
  3. Washing powder and half a glass of soda are added to warm water, which will help rid dirty towels of unwanted odors, and leave the products to get wet for 5 hours.
  4. For colored fabrics, a saline solution is suitable. It removes stains from coffee and sauces.
  5. In water brought to a boil with a volume of 6-7 liters, add an incomplete glass of washing powder, two measuring spoons of bleach and two tablespoons of sunflower oil. The oil has an emollient effect on stains. Soaked products are left under the lid until completely cooled, then rinsed. It is important to observe the temperature regime: for white fabrics - 95 ° C, for color - no higher than 40 ° C.

Method for soaking kitchen towels: 1-3. Three tablespoons of washing powder, bleach, soda and sunflower oil are added to hot water. 4–5. Soak towels in solution for 12 hours, then wash. 6. Clean towels.

Boiling in the fight against pollution

Kitchen towels, washing of which did not give the desired result, are boiled. Substances that can corrode or soften stubborn dirt are added to the boiling water.

  1. A common method is boiling in a soapy solution. To do this, add washing powder and stain remover to the water. It is better to boil over low heat for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally.
  2. And here's how to wash towels using boiling and vegetable oil. Mix 30 g of oil, 10 g of soda, 200 g of powder and 100 g of bleach. Boiling lasts one and a half to two hours, after which the product is washed. Soda is used food or soda.
  3. It will help to wash the stubborn dirt by boiling the towels in a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia (13-15 drops per 5 liters).
  4. You can replace ammonia with three tablets of hydrogen peroxide dissolved in water.
  5. Soapy water with soda (based on 5 liters of water, 2-3 dessert spoons of soda) can cope with dirt on towels if you boil them for 2 hours.

Stain removal methods

Before the advent of modern detergents and cleaning products, housewives were actively looking for improvised methods and means of how to wash dirty kitchen towels. They are still used today.

Laundry soap, shampoo, dishwashing detergents

Before washing, moderately soiled places on kitchen towels are rubbed with laundry soap and washed. Stains that are firmly ingrained into the fabric are intensively treated with a soap bar, after which the products are placed in a plastic bag for a day. Then rinse the fabric in warm water.

A good remedy for removing different types of stains is a mixture of simple ingredients. Soap shavings soaked in boiling water are combined with 6 drops of ammonia and 6 crushed hydrogen peroxide tablets. Kitchen textiles are placed in the prepared solution, kept until cool. It remains to wash the towels.

Hair shampoo is applied to fruit stains for half an hour, then the products are washed.

Experienced housewives know how to remove oil stains that have appeared on kitchen utensils. Use for this concentrate for washing dishes. Apply the product to problem areas, leave for a day, rinse and send to the wash with bleaching powder. The method is applicable for white and colored fabrics.

soda and salt

You can wash kitchen towels in the machine at 90 ° C in the “cotton” mode by adding a glass of baking soda to the powder compartment.

Mixing 3 tbsp. l. soda ash with the same volume of detergent, pour hot water and leave the products in the solution until morning.

Table salt will help solve the problem of how to remove dirt that has strongly ingrained into the fabric. For 5 liters of water you need 5 tbsp. l. salt. Keep the products in the solution for an hour, and then wash them in the machine. Traces of coffee, tomato juice will disappear.

Citric acid, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

To remove stains, housewives use table vinegar or diluted essence. Towels are treated in an acidic solution for 10 minutes and rinsed thoroughly. The method is effective for removing mold from fabric and removing kitchen odors.

Old dirt is removed by treating with wine vinegar, followed by rinsing.

Citric acid is used as an alternative. Towels washed with laundry soap are wrung out and citric acid powder is poured onto problem areas. After waiting 5-10 minutes, rinse the kitchen utensils. The method is good for dealing with stains from beets and tomatoes.

Hydrogen peroxide is applied to old stains for half an hour. The fabric is then washed as usual.

silicate glue and mustard

Given that silicate glue is part of the cleaners, it is also used to remove stains. But only for white fabrics. Pour boiling water over a mixture of soap chips from one bar and 1 tbsp. l. glue. Dip dirty towels into the solution, boil for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Water is added to the mustard powder until a slurry is obtained. The mixture is applied to severe contamination, after which the product is washed by hand or machine.

Mustard is used to remove oil stains and bleach the fabric. The powder is poured into water and kitchen utensils are soaked in the liquid. Then they erase.

  • The kitchen towel is first soaked, then washed, and only then boiled or removed the remaining stains.
  • Baking soda is used for white items: colored fabrics will lose their brightness.
  • In the water for soaking dirty towels, you can add a little cleaner to clean blockages in the pipes.
  • Undesirable smell will be eliminated by washing with laundry soap in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Among the ways to wash kitchen towels, there are well-known and unfamiliar, costly and economical. Choose the one that suits the strength of each hostess.

To remove stains from kitchen items, it is not necessary to boil them. You only need 72% laundry soap. They should rub a pre-wetted cloth. After that, place it in a bag, wrapping it up so that air cannot get inside. After 24 hours, the towels will simply need to be rinsed. If the mark is oily and on a colored item, then a solution consisting of 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda and 2-3 liters of water can help. You will need to throw towels into it for 50 minutes, and then wash it.

You can also wash kitchen towels at home without boiling with a solution consisting of warm water and vinegar. It is possible to use cold water with table salt. Soiled textiles will need to be placed in it for 1.5-2.5 hours, and then washed in a washing machine.

Removing stains from towels without boiling with vegetable oil

To eliminate dullness, yellowness, traces of oil, you can use sunflower oil, suitable not only for light towels, but also for multi-colored, waffle, terry. To do this you need:

  1. Boil 4-6 liters of water in a large container. This volume can fit up to 8 products.
  2. Pour boiling water into a basin, adding 2-4 tbsp. washing powder, 1-1.5 tbsp. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. powdered bleach.
  3. Wet all the necessary things with cool water, then leave in a basin for 9-11 hours.
  4. Rinse or wash the fabric in clean water.

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Removing stains from towels with bleach

Of course, now there are a large number of professional products that quickly help to remove all pollution. Bleaches can remove not too pleasant odors, greasy stains, brighten towels, and disinfect them. As a rule, instructions for use can be found on the label. However, there are some tips for use:

  • before placing all things in the automatic machine, it is recommended to wet them with cool water;
  • next, pour 170 ml of bleach into the powder compartment. If desired, you can first pour out the powder, and then the product itself;
  • when washing light-colored textiles, it is better to wash at 85-95 degrees, multi-colored - 45-55.

The characteristics of each bleach should be taken into account. For an automatic machine, it is preferable to choose only those containing acid. But it should be borne in mind that the frequent use of bleach can harm not only things, but also the washing machine.

Washing kitchen towels

If there is no washing machine in the house, then boiling out will come to the rescue, however, this method will not work for colored towels. This will require:

  1. Wash soiled items in the washing machine or by hand.
  2. In a large bowl, an iron bucket, pour 2/3 of the water.
  3. Add clarifier, washing powder, stain remover in the ratio of 1 liter. water for 2 tbsp. funds.
  4. Put on a small fire, send all the textiles to the container.
  5. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  6. After boiling, you need to lower the fire. It is advisable to leave light towels in this form for 60-90 minutes, and colored towels - 20-25.
  7. Transfer with tongs to another container to cool.
  8. Then squeeze and rinse.

Removing Bad Odors with Vinegar

If mold with an unpleasant odor appears on textiles, you should use table vinegar. When washing in a machine, you should:

  1. Place soiled items in the drum, adding powder, setting the highest temperature and washing time.
  2. Pour a glass of vinegar into the compartment intended for the air conditioner.
  3. After finishing, hang them out to dry immediately.

When washing by hand, it will take 10-15 minutes to leave in a solution consisting of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1, and then rinse well and hang up.

Removal of old stains with citric acid and hydrogen peroxide

Traces of tomatoes, beets, removal of complex, old stains perfectly remove hydrogen peroxide and citric acid. When using them you will need:

  1. First, wash a towel with laundry soap under non-cold water.
  2. Then pour citric acid or hydrogen peroxide on dirty places, rub lightly with your hands and leave in this state for 5-60 minutes, depending on how fresh this trace is.
  3. After the time has elapsed, load into an automatic machine or simply rinse.

Home stain removal methods

In order to keep kitchen utensils fresh, clean and shiny for a long time, you can use products that can be found in any home.

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Mustard dry

Powdered mustard is able to bring even the most soiled fabric into perfect order, remove unnecessary dullness and whiten it. This will require:

  1. Pour the mustard into warm water until a slurry is obtained.
  2. Rub the resulting mixture on all contaminated places, leaving it in this form for 2-3 hours.
  3. Later, you should wash the products with your hands and throw them into the washing machine.

In addition, you can also use another method:

  1. Pour a pack of mustard into a bowl filled with warm water and stir well.
  2. After sending all the soiled products to the finished solution for 7-8 hours.
  3. Then wash as usual.

For kitchen towels, you should not use conditioner, as it does not remove the unpleasant odor, but masks it. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only for shower towels or clothes.


This product is popular because of its versatility. He is able to quite qualitatively remove stains, dirt from textiles, get rid of the aroma. If washing is hand or machine, then soda should be added to a basin of water or inside the drum. When boiling light fabrics, you need to follow a certain sequence:

  1. Boil water in an enamel container.
  2. Pour a glass of baking soda into it and stir it well.
  3. Dip the products in a bucket and boil for about 55 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, they should be washed in a washing machine or by hand.

Dishwashing liquid

With this tool, it is possible not only to wash dishes, but also to instantly wash towels for the kitchen. This method does a good job of removing oil stains on both light and colored products. To do this, you will need to apply detergent on the marks, leaving it for 3-4 hours or overnight. The key is to keep the fabric dry. After you need to send it to the car, but after rinsing it from excess foam. If there are visible stain residues, this procedure should be repeated again.

Laundry soap

This option will be great for old, greasy traces. For colored towels you need:

  1. Lather all stains liberally with homemade soap.
  2. After leaving all products in a tightly tied plastic bag for 7-8 hours or overnight.
  3. Wash well later.

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Kitchen towels can also be washed by boiling them:

  • first you should fill the large enameled bowl halfway with water;
  • grate soap on a medium grater and pour 2-4 tbsp. soda, stirring until dissolved;
  • then send all things to the container with the resulting solution and leave on low heat for about 30-40 minutes;
  • after all the steps done, it is advisable to wash things in the machine.

silicate glue

Such a tool is included in the list of the most effective means, but it is better to use only on light textiles. Therefore, for proper use you will need:

  1. Pour water into an enamel container and boil it.
  2. Add laundry detergent and silicate glue, mixing well until all lumps are dissolved.
  3. Dip all things in the solution and leave in this state for 30-40 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, send it to the automatic machine, rinsing well. The main thing is that no particles of glue remain in the fibers.

How to remove marks from a kitchen towel?

Removing prints from coffee, red wine, fruits, juices, black tea and other similar products from any fabric is a rather problematic procedure. For this reason, it is often simply thrown away. Therefore, to save soiled towels from stains, there are several ways to remove them:

Removing fruit stains with shampoo

At the height of the summer season, when the fruits are already ripe and soiled clothes cannot be avoided, this option will be the most relevant. To do this, you need to do several things:

  1. Put a waffle towel into warm water and leave it like this for 8-15 minutes.
  2. When the water cools down a little, it should be pulled out and squeezed slightly.
  3. Send to a bowl, adding shampoo and lathering a little.
  4. After 30-40 minutes, pull out, wash in the washing machine, iron if desired.

To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor on clean kitchen towels after they are washed, they must immediately be hung out on a hot radiator or in the sun.

Removing coffee stains with ammonia

This method is popular when removing traces of coffee or tea. To properly remove them without damaging the fabric, you will need:

  1. Mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:1.
  2. Apply the resulting solution to the trace, leaving it in this state for 40-50 minutes.
  3. Then leave in water, in which you need to add the powder in advance, for about 25-30 minutes.
  4. At the end of the time should be washed in the usual way.

Kitchen towels not only help in cooking, but also participate in the design of the interior of the kitchen. For this reason, it is extremely important to keep it clean. Due to frequent use, the fabric gets dirty almost daily. It happens that towels are so dirty that regular washing no longer helps.

How to wash kitchen towels at home without boiling, so that they look fresh and tidy again? There are several options for doing this, and each is effective in its own way.

Removing stains without boiling

To wash a kitchen towel, use household chemicals and folk remedies. Ordinary laundry soap can also cope with stains. To do this, soak the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric and rub it with soap. Remove the towel in the bag so that air does not get there. A day later, the product is taken out and rinsed.

Stains are also removed by placing a towel in cold water with table salt for three hours, then sending it to

Types of kitchen textiles

There are several types of kitchen towels:

  • waffle- the interlacing of cotton and linen threads creates a pattern resembling a waffle, the best option for the kitchen;
  • stuffed- the pattern is applied over the fabric;
  • terry- products are soft and not suitable for the kitchen, they dry out for a long time and become a breeding ground for bacteria;
  • paper disposable towels.

Wash with bleach

They perform several functions at once: they eliminate stains and odors, disinfect and brighten. There are several types:

  • optical- contain substances that reflect light, so the fabric becomes lighter;
  • containing chlorine- can destroy the fabric with frequent use, suitable only for things made of cotton and linen;
  • oxygen- come in the form of a powder or gel, gel-like whiten things at + 40 ° C, powder - only from + 80 ° C.

Whitening procedure:

  1. Before being sent to the machine, things are poured with water.
  2. Pour the powder and add bleach (150-170 ml).
  3. Wash on normal.

Mistresses often use "Whiteness". This chlorine-based product is suitable for washing linen and cotton items. Procedure:

  1. Add 1 tbsp. l. funds for 5 liters of water.
  2. Soak for 20-30 minutes and rinse.
  3. Wash in the machine.

The use of folk remedies

How to wash kitchen towels at home? There are several proven and effective ways to remove stains.

Lemon acid

The product washes kitchen towels. To obtain a solution in 100 ml of water, pour 2 tbsp. l. acids. Soak the fabric for 1 hour, then wash in the machine or just rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide

Effectively removes old stains. To do this, the entire bottle is poured into 100 ml of water. Soak the fabric for three hours. After soaking for half an hour with powder and wash.

Boric acid

Add 10 g of acid to 1 liter of water and mix. Soak for three hours at +50°C. After rinsing and washing with laundry soap. This method well destroys yellowness and old stains.

Mustard (powder)

The agent is diluted in water to a mushy state. Apply to contaminated areas and leave for 2 hours. After that, the mustard is washed off and the fabric is washed in the machine.

Dish detergent

The cleaning gel is applied to the fabric and rubbed into the stains. Leave for 12 hours, rinse and machine wash.


Tackles fruit stains. The towel is left in warm water for 15 minutes. After that, the fabric is wrung out and put into a container. Add shampoo and lather contents. After 40 minutes, put in the washing machine.


Removes tea and coffee stains. This product is mixed with water 1:1. Apply the contents to the site of contamination and leave for 50 minutes. After that, put the fabric in water with washing powder for half an hour. Wash in the machine. If the stains are old, rub ammonia into them with a cotton swab. Then rinse the fabric.

Extra salt

Tackles stains from tomato juice and red wine. 1.5 st. l. salt is poured into 1 liter of water. Apply the solution to the contaminated area and rub with a sponge. Then leave the product for 50 minutes and repeat the procedure. Then wash with soap and cold water.


Rinse kitchen textiles in hot water. Then rub the fabric with laundry soap and put it in a bag. The contents are placed in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. Then take out and rinse well.


Fights mold and odor. Powder is poured into the machine, the maximum temperature is selected and a glass of vinegar is poured into the conditioner section. When hand washing, towels are placed in a solution of water and vinegar (1: 1) and left for 15 minutes. Then rinse.

Attention! To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor on washed towels, they are hung out in the sun or placed on a hot battery.

Washing light dirt

First of all, choose a good powder. When washing light fabrics, use bleach. Since the towels are not heavily soiled, no special recipe is required. Enough washing in the machine. In order not only to wash the fabric, but also to kill bacteria, set the maximum temperature.

Important. Wash light fabrics at 90°C, colors at 60°C.

Soak options:

  1. Use of vegetable oil. Add a glass of washing powder and 3 tbsp to the pan. l. oils. Pour 3 liters of boiling water and leave for 10 hours. After washing in the machine.
  2. Use of soda and liquid laundry soap. Add 3 tbsp to water. l. soda and soap and leave for 2 hours. After washing in the machine at +90°C.

Removing stains by boiling

Too dirty towels sometimes cannot even be washed by a machine. In order not to throw things away, they use a more painstaking method - boiling:

  1. Add water to the pan by 2/3. Pour 2 tbsp. l. stain remover or washing powder.
  2. Put the container on the stove and lay the soiled towels.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium, stirring the contents.
  4. After boiling the solution, reduce the fire a little more.
  5. Boil from 15 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on how dirty the fabric is.
  6. Tongs take the fabric and put it in an empty container to cool.
  7. Wring out and rinse thoroughly.

Boiling with soda:

  1. Boil water in an enamel pot.
  2. Add a glass of soda and stir.
  3. Place towels and boil for about an hour.
  4. Wash by hand or machine.

Boiling with soda and laundry soap:

  1. Soda and grated soap are added to a pot of water.
  2. Everything is mixed and towels are laid.
  3. Boil for half an hour. After washing with bleach.

With washing powder and silicate glue:

  1. Heat up 3 liters of water.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. and powder. Stir until smooth.
  3. Dip the towels and boil for half an hour.
  4. Rinse in warm water.

A home remedy will help remove grease from a towel -, soda and stain remover:

  1. Add refined oil (2 tbsp), stain remover (100 g), washing powder (50 g) and soda (2 tsp) to a container of water (5 l).
  2. Boil for two hours, stirring the solution.

Boiling with ammonia:

  1. In water (5 l) add 1/2 tsp. alcohol. Boil the contents for three hours.
  2. Rinse and wash.

Pollution Prevention

  1. You can not take a towel for greasy pans and lids. Then you do not need to wash them every day.
  2. It is recommended to alternately use several products so that they do not have time to get very dirty.
  3. White towels are washed with bleach.
  4. Clean items are ironed. So they will become less dirty and will be softer.


However, kitchen textiles can be restored to their former neatness. There are many ways to whiten and remove stains. It is not necessary to resort to household chemicals, folk remedies can easily cope with this.