How to clean the oven at home quickly. How to clean an electric oven from grease, soot and other stubborn dirt: proven methods. How to clean the oven from old fat and soot

In this article, we will talk about 5 ways to clean the oven from old fat, soot and burnt sugar as quickly, easily and at home as possible.

Method 1. Verified

This folk recipe is good because you can find all the ingredients in your kitchen, the method is suitable for cleaning an oven with a medium degree of contamination.

What you need:

  • Baking soda;
  • Vinegar;
  • Water;
  • Rubber gloves;
  • Wet rag;
  • Plastic or silicone spatula;
  • Spray.


  1. Remove the rack from the oven: remove and set aside the rack, as well as the baking sheets, pizza stone, oven thermometer, and whatever else is inside.
  1. Make a baking soda paste: In a small bowl, mix 1/2 cup baking soda with a few tablespoons of water. Add water until the mixture becomes pasty. In our case, 3 tablespoons of water were used.

  1. Treat the oven with the resulting product: Apply the mixture to all interior surfaces of the oven, avoiding the heating elements. Don't forget to wear gloves to keep your hands clean, and cover the most inaccessible places with the paste. In particularly dirty areas, the mixture may turn brown from soot and grease and form lumps - such areas should be covered especially thickly.

  1. Leave baking soda overnight Leave the baking soda covered oven overnight or at least 12 hours.
  2. Wash the grate and trays: while the oven is "soaking", clean the grate and baking sheets. This can also be done by pre-soaking in a bath of dishwashing detergent and then mechanical cleaning with baking soda.

  1. Clean the oven: in the morning (or after 12 hours), take a damp cloth and remove as much of the dried paste, grease stains and soot as possible. Use a plastic or silicone spatula as needed to scrape off the dirt.

  1. Spray the vinegar solution: pour a little vinegar into the spray and treat the places where there are traces of soda and dirt. The vinegar will react with the baking soda and form a soft foam.

  1. Wipe the oven clean: now wipe clean the plaque and foam from the vinegar and soda. Dampen your rag with water or vinegar as needed until the oven walls are completely clean and shiny.
  2. Insert trays and rack: well, that's all, it remains only to return everything that you usually store in the chamber to its place and wipe the front of the oven.

Method 2. Quick

Now let's look at a way to clean the oven of grease using steam, acid or ... ordinary dishwashing detergent. The method is suitable for washing the oven of medium degree of pollution.

What you need:

  • Citric acid, vinegar 70% or regular dishwashing detergent;
  • Water;
  • Deep baking sheet or large bowl;
  • Rubber gloves;
  • Sponge and damp cloth.


  1. remove and set aside the baking sheets and everything else that is inside, but leave the grate in place - it will not interfere with the cleansing "bath" either.
  2. Turn on the oven and let it heat up: preheat the oven to 150-200 degrees.
  3. Pour water into a baking sheet and dilute citric acid in it: while the oven is heating, pour water into a bowl or baking sheet and dissolve a sachet of citric acid (10-20 g) in it. Citric acid can be replaced with 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar essence or a small amount of dishwashing liquid.

  1. Place a baking sheet with the solution on the bottom shelf of the oven: in a preheated oven on the lower tier, place a baking sheet with a solution. The bowl can be placed on the bottom.
  2. Leave the oven for 40 minutes: leave the oven for 40 minutes, namely until the water boils and the chamber door “fogs”.
  3. Turn off the oven and let the baking sheet cool down: when the water boils, turn off the oven and leave the baking sheet to cool for about 30 minutes.
  4. Clean the oven and grate: when the baking sheet has cooled, take a damp cloth and thoroughly wipe the walls of the chamber and the grate. As needed, use the hard side of the sponge, a spray of water, and baking soda or the same citric acid to remove old stains of grease and soot.
  5. Woo-ala! The oven shines again and inspires culinary exploits.

Method 3. "Heavy artillery"

And now, let's consider a more radical way, how to wash the oven from old fat and burning with the help of special products Amway, Faberlic or Bagi Shumanit spray.

What you need:

  • Gel for cleaning ovens. Briefly about popular oven cleaners:
  • Amway "Oven Cleaner" - odorless, effective, economically consumed, sold with a brush for distributing the product, but has a high price;
  • Faberlik "Means for cleaning ovens and stoves"- it costs less, has good reviews, but is wastefully spent;
  • Bugs "Shumanit" - effective, easy to use, as it is sprayed from a spray, sold in any store, relatively affordable, but has a pungent odor.

What we need:

  • Water;
  • Rubber gloves (required!);
  • Sponge, rag, brush for processing hard-to-reach places;
  • ... Fresh air from an open window (especially if you use Shumanit and other strong smelling products).


  1. Remove everything from the oven: Remove and set aside the rack, baking sheets, and everything else in the oven.
  2. Lubricate all surfaces of the chamber and the door with gel: this is very convenient to do with a brush or brush (for example, a toothbrush). Before you start processing, open the window and put on gloves!
  3. Let the tool "work": leave the oven for 15-30 minutes depending on the degree of soiling.
  4. Clean the oven from burning and fat: after such a “soaking”, old fat and burnt food contamination will be washed off quickly enough.
  5. Remove leftovers: when you clean all surfaces of dirt, thoroughly rinse off the remaining gel. Spray with water will help rinse the camera in hard-to-reach places.
  6. Return the trays and rack to their place: OK it's all over Now. It remains only to wipe the door from the outside.

Method 4. Effective

This method will make it much easier for you to get rid of difficult contaminants due to ammonia vapor.

What you need:

  • 5 bottles of ammonia (200 ml);
  • Soda (if necessary);
  • A small bowl for ammonia;
  • Large bowl for water;
  • Water (about 1 l);
  • Rubber gloves;
  • Sponge and rag;
  • ... Fresh air from an open window.


  1. Remove trays from oven: remove and set aside the baking sheets, but leave the wire rack.
  2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  3. Pour the water and ammonia into the appropriate bowls: while the oven is heating, pour all 5 bottles of ammonia into a small bowl, and water into a large bowl. Don't forget to open the windows.
  4. Turn off the oven and put both bowls in: in a preheated oven at the bottom of the oven, put a bowl of water, and a little higher (on the shelf) put a bowl of ammonia.

  1. Let the oven cool down: This process will take approximately 30-40 minutes. But, if the pollution is very old, then it is better to leave the bowl of ammonia overnight.
  2. Clean the oven and grate: when the walls of the chamber have cooled, use a damp cloth, sponge and soda to wash all surfaces and the grate from grease and carbon deposits.
  3. Wipe the oven clean: remove residues from the ammonia solution and dirt.
  4. Put the trays and rack back in place and wipe the outside of the oven door.

Method 5. Simple

And finally, the last recipe that will help you clean the oven with light to medium soiling using baking powder for dough is presented in the video instruction.

How to clean the oven from strong soot - a trick with heating

Often, in order to easily clean the oven of old grease and soot, the dirt must first be melted. Here's how to do it right:

  1. Preheat the oven to 40-50 degrees C°.
  2. When the chamber reaches the desired temperature, open the door and allow the cabinet to cool slightly. It should be hot, but not scalding.
  3. Next, apply a ready-made cleaning agent (non-toxic, preferably specially designed for ovens) to the dirt, just enough, but not too abundantly, so that the agent does not flow down and form puddles.
  4. At this stage, you can start cleaning right away, or you can close the door, let the oven “steam” for another 5 minutes, and only then start cleaning.

Question answer

How to clean the oven glass?

To clean the glass of the oven, you can use the methods described above, or this recipe: prepare a paste of soda and water (3: 1) and spread it (you can use rubber-gloved hands) on the glass. Then let the solution work for 15 minutes. Finally, in a circular motion, wipe the surface clean with a hard sponge and cloth.

For persistent dirt, the method with heating the oven is suitable. Heat it up to 40-50 degrees Celsius (no more). When the desired temperature is reached, turn off the oven, open the door and let it cool down for a minute. As soon as the door becomes warm and stops burning your fingers, start washing the glass. To do this, you can use a safe cleaning agent (for ovens and microwaves). Lightly treat the glass with it so that it does not flow down, then close the door for 5 minutes. Finally, clean the door in a circular motion with a sponge and cloth.

How to clean the oven glass inside (between the glasses)?

Since oven doors cannot technically be sealed, it often happens that something gets into the space between the panes and leaks. To clean the glass completely, you need to disassemble the door. Fortunately, it's easier than it looks. We invite you to watch the video tutorial.

Should I buy an oven with a self-cleaning function? What's the catch?

“Self-cleaning oven” sounds too good to be true. Indeed, it is good, but with some "buts". The principle of its operation is as follows: during cleaning, the oven heats up to about 470 degrees. Under such conditions, the remains of fat and food simply burn out and only a small handful of ash remains from them. Further, the remaining ash is easily removed with a damp cloth. It would seem that there are only pluses - you do not need to use chemicals and spend your time cleaning. However, there are also disadvantages: the oven self-cleans for about 3-5 hours and at this time it emits heat (uncomfortable in the summer) and an unpleasant odor. And most importantly - the function helps out only with moderate and weak pollution. If the oven is running, the self-cleaning process will only aggravate the situation - smoke will appear.

Any housewife will agree that the most difficult thing is to maintain perfect cleanliness and order in the kitchen. It is here that the most basic processes for cooking take place. So, first of all, the stove and oven get dirty. Whether your appliance runs on gas or electricity, it needs regular maintenance. But how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home if it is very dirty? Will simple folk remedies help? Let's find out.

Fortunately, whatever the pollution, it can be removed using the usual tools at hand. The main thing is to know how to use them correctly so as not to waste energy and money.

Although the modern market offers dozens of different detergents, it is most effective to use folk recipes. Of course, this is not always as fast as we would like, but on the other hand, no harm is done to human health, there is no need to breathe chemicals, and people with respiratory problems can do general house cleaning without the help of others.

How to quickly clean the oven from the old soot? The following methods and tools are discussed:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • lemon;
  • baking powder for the dough;
  • alcohol;
  • steam processing.

It is worth considering in more detail how to clean the oven efficiently and without additional effort.

Of course, with regular washing of the oven, there will be no problems with soot and grease. And yet, if you hurried once, for example, before the arrival of guests and did not wash the oven in a timely manner, then next time you will have to spend more time and effort on it.

How to achieve perfect cleanliness using vinegar? Follow a few simple steps.

  1. Prepare the oven.
    Remove all grills, braziers, shelves from it. With a dry cloth, remove all debris, large pieces of burnt.
  2. Prepare a cool vinegar solution.
    Ideally use undiluted 6% vinegar, but a little water can be added. Use a sponge for washing.
  3. Apply vinegar to the entire surface of the oven.
    Do not immediately try to clean the oven. Leave to soak for about four hours.

Advice! If the fat layer is dense, use a coarse brush. Rub the old burnt areas and also leave for a long time.

There is another interesting option for cleaning ovens using vinegar. You will also need some baking soda for this.

First you need to apply the vinegar composition to all internal surfaces. Leave for a couple of minutes. After that, try to sprinkle all the treated areas with soda. Everything will begin to sizzle, and thanks to this reaction, the fat will dissolve and you can enjoy the cleanliness of the oven.

When enough time has passed, you can clean the oven using your regular dish detergent. Let the oven air out.

Although there has already been a bit mentioned about how baking soda can help you in the fight for cleanliness, it is proposed to consider a few more tips for using this remedy. So you can see in practice how to clean the oven of fat and soot at home quickly and easily.

  1. Prepare a soda cleanser.
    To do this, dissolve a sufficient amount of powder in water. The result should be a thick gruel, the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Using a sponge, apply a dense layer of the composition on the burnt surfaces of the oven.
  3. Give the fat time to dissolve.
  4. Now scrub the oven with a brush.
  5. Remove any remaining cleaning agent and enjoy cooking in the perfect oven.

Advice! To facilitate the process of cleaning the oven, it is recommended to warm it up a little. In order for the dirt to move away easier, a warm enough temperature is enough.

The principle of action of citric acid on fat and soot is very similar to how vinegar works. You can dissolve the lemon in warm water and apply the composition to the burnt areas. After half an hour, try to wipe off the dirt and wash with clean water.

Citric acid works more effectively in combination with other substances. For example, you can try this recipe.

  1. Preheat oven to 60 degrees.
  2. Mix vinegar and citric acid in a container.
  3. Apply to contaminated surface.
  4. Let's loosen up a bit.
  5. Apply soda paste.
  6. Let stand another 20 minutes.
  7. Rinse off with a sponge.
  8. If necessary, you can rub a little.

So it was described how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home using soda. If everything is done correctly, then you will be able to cope with pollution on your appliances very quickly. Now we should discuss how to properly apply baking powder for dough.

Cleaning the oven from fat and soot with baking powder for dough

Oddly enough, but this food product can be successfully used to restore cleanliness and order at home. How to use it correctly?

  1. Moisten all soiled areas with warm water.
  2. Preheat the oven slightly.
  3. Sprinkle the fat and soot with baking powder.
  4. Leave for a few hours.
  5. Result: The fat has curdled and is now easy to remove from the oven surface.

When thinking about how to clean the oven of old fat, be sure to use this method. You will see that this is very easy to do.

For these purposes, ammonia is usually used. How to wash the device with this product? Here are some options.

  1. Soak a cloth in the composition and apply it to the burnt surfaces. Rub the oven and remove the remaining ammonia.
  2. Dilute alcohol in a small container, heat to a boil and leave in the oven. After a few hours, clean the oven with a coarse brush.

Important! If you decide to use ammonia to clean the oven, be sure to provide fresh air to the kitchen. Do not forget about your own safety and personal protective equipment.

This method can be considered one of the least time-consuming, but at the same time effective. There are several options for using the hot method to clean ovens. It is worth learning how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home in a hot way.

With laundry soap
How to carry out the cleansing procedure?

  1. Grate a small bar of soap.
  2. Dissolve it in hot water.
  3. Pour onto a baking sheet.
  4. Rub this mixture on all surfaces inside.
  5. Turn on the oven.
  6. Turn off after half an hour and let cool.
  7. The remaining dirt is easily wiped off and then rinsed with clean water.

Obviously, this method is quite simple and effective.

Using vinegar
The essence of the method is the same. Pour a small amount of vinegar into a glass of water. Place it in the oven. As it warms up, the vinegar evaporates to attack grease and dirt. It dissolves and you can easily clean your oven.

We use a steam generator
With this relatively new device, you can also make your work in the kitchen easier. Carefully treat all contaminated surfaces with this device, and then easily remove grease that has dissolved under the influence of temperature.

Soften fat with plain water
Some people cannot tolerate the strong odors that form when soap or vinegar evaporates. Therefore, you can try another option.

Pour some water into a small saucepan or onto the baking sheet itself. After setting the temperature to medium, turn on the oven. After half an hour, you can turn it off, let it cool down a bit. You will find that the process of cleaning the oven will be much easier.

Video how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home

The article discusses many actionable recommendations on how to fight for the cleanliness of ovens. All these recommendations are effective and simple. Using them, you can easily remove even old fat. Although you already know how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home, the video below will help you more clearly imagine how such cleaning should go.

Cooking meat dishes or baking in the oven is accompanied by the formation of fat accumulations on its inner surfaces. In addition, food particles can fall out of the trays and stick to the bottom and walls. It is not difficult to immediately eliminate such pollution, but it is much more difficult to clean the oven of fat and soot, which has been aged for a long time.

Sooner or later, you will have to wash any electric or gas oven in which any food was cooked. Otherwise, the remaining fat will accumulate in such an amount that it will begin to smoke and burn. As a result, in addition to cleaning the oven, you will have to think about how to get rid of the smell of soot in the apartment.

The walls of most slabs are covered with enamel, dirt from which can be easily removed with an ordinary damp sponge. Drops of dried fat can be washed off by adding a little dish detergent to warm water or, if the drops are dried, use special products. The market for household chemicals is rich in all kinds of cleaning products, you just need to choose the right one for a particular type of coating. When the choice is made, you can proceed:

  • Wear rubber gloves to prevent chemicals from damaging your hands.
  • We take the container in which we will soak the baking sheets, fill it with hot water and add a little cleaning agent there.
  • We take out all the contents from the oven and place in a container.
  • Apply a little detergent to the sponge and treat the surface. The heating elements do not need to be washed.
  • Close the oven and heat for 10 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 100˚C.
  • Turn off, let cool and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

We wash the oven - video:

The cleaning composition can be prepared independently. For example, one option includes dishwashing balm, vinegar (citric acid solution or juice), Comet-type cleaner, or the like. These ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, using in equal amounts. The resulting mixture is used as follows:

  • Using a sponge, apply to the cabinet walls, shelves, baking sheets and leave for an hour.
  • Then wash thoroughly and wipe dry.

The use of specialized household chemicals allows you to quickly get rid of even complex contaminants. But this method has one significant drawback - harmfulness. To completely remove the detergent composition, it is necessary to wash it off more than 70 times. Therefore, in order to save precious time, it is worth paying attention to more gentle methods.

Home cleaning methods

Here are some home remedies to help you get rid of sunburn.

Lemon juice

  1. Squeeze the lemon juice into an empty container, so that it is better squeezed out, you can scald the lemon with boiling water and then cut it in half.
  2. Dilute lemon juice with the same amount of warm water.
  3. We process the walls and other surfaces inside the oven with the prepared mixture.
  4. We wait 40 minutes and then carefully wipe it with a clean, damp sponge.

The prepared composition can be applied using a container with a spray bottle. Spraying is somewhat faster and more convenient than rubbing by hand, but more liquid is needed.

An alternative option for cleaning burnt fat:

  1. Fill a baking sheet or other heat-resistant container with boiling water.
  2. We dilute in it a little gel for dishes or another similar product.
  3. Add finely chopped lemon.
  4. We place it inside the cabinet and warm it up to 150˚C and boil for half an hour;
  5. Let cool for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Now the softened fatty formations can be easily washed off with a clean, damp cloth.


Salt dissolves fat, but for this to happen, it needs to be heated. The procedure for removing fat accumulations and burning with salt is as follows:

  • Sprinkle salt on the shelves, baking sheets and everything that can be sprinkled.
  • We heat the contents until the salt turns brown.
  • Then let it cool and wash it in the usual way.

Laundry soap

This universal good tool includes only natural ingredients, so its use is absolutely harmless. The concentrated alkaline environment allows you to clean even hard-to-remove old formations. Therefore, it is not difficult to remove fatty deposits in the oven with its help. All you need for cleaning is a bar of laundry soap and hot water.

  • We take half a bar of laundry soap, rub it on a grater or grind it with a knife.
  • We fill the heat-resistant container with boiling water and dissolve the prepared soap shavings in it.
  • We place the mixture in a heated oven.
  • Raise the temperature to 150˚C and hold at this temperature for 40 minutes.
  • We wait 10 minutes until the surface cools down from the inside.
  • After treatment with hot soapy steam, the fat will soften and can now be removed with a hard sponge.
  • After cleaning the soot, rinse thoroughly with a soft cloth.

If the smell of soap remains after washing, leave the oven to air out for a couple of hours or overnight.

We clean the oven from chronic fat

The burn, which was not removed in a timely manner, is removed by more aggressive folk remedies than relatively fresh.

We clean from many years of soot - video:

Steam with vinegar or citric acid

Fat in an acidic environment breaks down into its component parts, which are then easily washed off. It is difficult to get rid of frozen soot with one acid. The method described below implies an integrated approach:

  1. Heat up the stove to 150˚C.
  2. We take half a liter of water, heat it to a boil and add 50 g of vinegar to it and stir. If there is no vinegar, add 2 teaspoons of dry citric acid.
  3. Pour the prepared mixture into a deep baking sheet or other heat-resistant dishes.
  4. We put the container with the mixture in the lowest position.
  5. We close the door, raise the temperature to 200˚C and hold for 40 minutes in this state.
  6. Half an hour after turning off, you can clean it with a soapy solution.

We additionally treat the places where the burn particles remain with vinegar, a solution of citric acid or a slice of lemon. After a quarter of an hour, they can be removed without much effort.

An alternative option that is especially effective if the soot is not very old.

  1. We heat the oven so that its walls become slightly warm.
  2. We cover the inner surface with vinegar, for this it is convenient to use a spray bottle.
  3. After a couple of hours, you can wash in the usual way.

Baking soda with vinegar or citric acid

  1. We make a liquid paste by adding baking soda or baking powder to the water.
  2. We cover the warm walls of the oven with the prepared mixture, paying special attention to significant accumulations of soot.
  3. We wait 1-2 hours, after which we apply vinegar from the sprayer to the dried soda layer. As a result, a neutralization reaction should begin, which will ensure easy removal of contaminants later.
  4. After 15 minutes, you can wash the oven with a soapy washcloth.

Instead of vinegar, you can use an aqueous solution of dry citric acid in the proportion: 1 part powder to 14 parts water.

Clean with baking soda or baking powder

These products are very similar in composition, so you can use both separately, but you should not mix them.

  • We make a mixture of water and baking powder for the dough, bringing it to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • Apply to a slightly warmed surface and leave for half an hour, then rinse off.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

These two effective remedies can be used separately, but when combined, you can achieve a greater effect in the fight against chronic burns.

  • Dilute a spoonful of soda in five tablespoons of peroxide.
  • We dot the contaminated areas with the prepared mixture.
  • We wait half an hour and then wash.


This drug is available at any pharmacy and with its help you can easily clean the oven of old fat and soot:

  1. We apply ammonia on the cold inner walls of the stove. We do this with a rag or cloth napkin.
  2. We leave it closed overnight. In the morning, the soot will easily go away if you wash it with dishwashing gel.

An alternative way to clean with ammonia:

  1. We fill one container with water and put it in the bottom of the oven.
  2. Turn on, heat up to 100˚C, wait until it boils.
  3. Turn off and add ammonia to another container and put it on top.
  4. We leave for the night.

In the morning, mix the contents of two containers, add soap, stir and wash with the resulting solution, then rinse.

How to remove the smell of detergent

After the burnt dirt is removed, the following recommendations will help get rid of the smell of detergents:

  1. Leave the oven open for half an hour - let it air out.
  2. Dissolve 10 tablets of activated charcoal in a liter of water, pour into a saucepan and boil in the oven for 10 minutes.
  3. Dilute water with vinegar in equal amounts and apply (spray) on the walls. Leave for a couple of minutes, then wipe dry.

The smell of detergent can be removed by thoroughly washing with clean water, if necessary several times.

Additional ways to clean the electric oven

A few more effective ways to deal with soot and grease in ovens.

Abrasive washcloth

This is a foam rubber sponge, one side of which has a fleecy coating with an abrasive filler. The abrasive grain in such washcloths is very fine and does not leave noticeable marks on the enamel coating. However, do not wipe the glass door of the stove with it, otherwise small scratches will form on it. As for fatty deposits, an abrasive washcloth will cope with it even without chemistry and extra effort on the part of the user.

Steam cleaning

Not all methods are suitable for cleaning delicate enamel coating. Especially those that involve the use of household chemicals. Even harmless laundry soap leaves behind a smell, which, of course, quickly disappears, but what if you need to cook now, and the oven needs to be freed from grease and soot. Ordinary water will come to the rescue, more precisely - steam.

  1. Fill a baking sheet with boiling water.
  2. Heat up to 150˚C and hold for 30 minutes.
  3. Let cool and then wash with a hard sponge.

The aqueous solution can be somewhat strengthened by adding a couple of drops of detergent to it. A small concentration of it will not leave any smell in the oven, and the effect will be more noticeable.

Security measures

Before you start cleaning activities at home, you need to pay attention to some points that will help maintain the health and integrity of the equipment:

  • Without fail, we disconnect from the mains, this applies to both electric and gas stove ovens, which need electricity to set the burners on fire.
  • Some of the ingredients in cleaning products are toxic. This applies in particular to their fumes, which are bound to be present if hot steam cleaning is carried out. Therefore, all procedures for removing carbon deposits should be carried out in a well-ventilated area.
  • The use of rubber gloves is mandatory, and goggles will also be useful.
  • When cleaning with hot steam at temperatures of 100˚C or more, the oven door must never be opened until the contents have completely cooled. Even a slightly ajar door will give an escape route for steam, from which you can easily get serious burns.

After processing is completed, it is better to open the oven, leave the room to ventilate and leave the kitchen for a while, closing the doors so that children and pets do not enter.

Modern ovens, especially electric ones, are often equipped with self-cleaning systems. But the functions of pyrolysis and catalysis greatly increase the cost of the unit.

Most users prefer ovens with conventional hydrolysis cleaning. This is when they put a baking sheet with water in a preheated oven and wait for the steam to melt the fat.

But water alone is often not enough. If the stains are ingrained and old, auxiliary cleaning agents are needed. They will be discussed below, but for now a few basic rules.

Basic rules for oven care

  1. The more often, the easier. If you wipe the inner surface of the oven after each cooking, and steam the oven with water and detergent once a week and a half, you will practically not have to arrange global cleanings.
  2. To make the dirt succumb better, warm the oven a little by turning it on at 50 ° C for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Immediately before cleaning, remove the trays, remove the side guides. If the design allows, also remove the door and glass. It's easier to wash them all separately.
  4. Do not use abrasive sponges or metal scrapers. Rubbing grease with them can damage the enamel of the oven. It is better to work with a sponge or a soft cloth.
  5. Never apply a cleaning agent, especially a chemical one, to the oven fan and heating elements.
  6. After cleaning, leave the oven door open for a couple of hours so that it dries out and foreign odors disappear.
  7. Did the smell stay? Dissolve 10-15 tablets of activated charcoal in a glass of water and put in the oven for several hours. Charcoal absorbs excess aromas.

Baking soda does a great job of removing fresh stains and removing brown deposits from heat-resistant glass.

On the basis of soda, you can use a paste for cleaning the oven, or it's easier to act.

Apply baking soda to the oven walls (you can do this with a damp sponge). Spray them lightly with water from a spray bottle and leave for 60 minutes.

After an hour, clean the oven with a sponge dampened with soapy water and dry with paper towels.

Old-fashioned stains are best treated with baking soda and vinegar.

When vinegar and baking soda react, carbon dioxide is released. It destroys even dried greasy plaque.

Treat the inside of the oven first with table vinegar, then apply baking soda with a damp sponge. Leave the oven like this for a couple of hours, and then wash it with warm water.

If somewhere the stains have not gone away, rub them with a sponge dipped in vinegar.

There are two methods for cleaning the oven with lemon: using freshly squeezed lemon juice and powdered citric acid.

  1. The first method is more suitable for fresh contamination. Mix equal parts lemon juice and water. Using a sponge, treat the walls of the oven with this solution. Let it sit for 40-60 minutes and then wipe everything with a clean, damp cloth.
  2. The second method copes with abundant oily deposits and is suitable for. Fill a deep baking sheet or other ovenproof dish with citric acid water. For ½ liter of water, you need one packet of citric acid. Send the baking sheet to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Then let the oven cool down a bit and wash it thoroughly. Stains that do not go away immediately can be wiped off with a slice of fresh lemon.

The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated in the following video.

Baking powder, or simply baking powder, can be used not only for baking, but also for cleaning baking sheets and the oven after it. After all, in fact, this is the same soda in combination with citric acid.

Simply wipe the oven walls with a damp cloth and treat with baking powder diluted in water. You need about 2-3 tablespoons of water per bag of baking powder to get the consistency of thick semolina.

Leave the product on the surface of the oven for 2-3 hours. Oily deposits will clump together and be easy to remove.

Salt is an affordable remedy that is best used immediately after cooking. Sodium chloride, when heated, loosens greasy deposits, which means it will be easier for you to wash off the dirt.

Sprinkle salt on horizontal surfaces (baking trays, bottom) until the oven has cooled down, and leave for half an hour.

If the cabinet has had time to cool down, turn on the heating (≈100 °C). When the salt turns golden, turn off the oven.

When the temperature drops, wash all surfaces thoroughly with warm soapy water. Finally, dry everything with paper towels.

Many housewives consider this method the most effective. Ammonia is really great at corroding grease and burns that appear over time in the oven.

The oven can be cleaned with ammonia in two ways.

  1. cold method. Simply apply ammonia to oven surfaces with a sponge or spray. Leave overnight and wash the oven with detergent in the morning.
  2. hot method. Preheat the oven to 60°C. Turn off. Place a glass of ammonia on the top shelf. On the bottom - a bowl of boiling water. Close the door and leave the oven like this for eight hours. This cleaning method is convenient to use at night or during the day with open windows and a minimum of household members in the apartment. After the required time has elapsed, add detergent to the ammonia in the oven and wash all surfaces with this solution.

After ammonia, the oven should be ventilated.

Do you clean your oven any other way? Share your ways in the comments.

Any oven, if not taken care of, can eventually turn into a source of smoke and soot, which will be released during the operation of an electrical appliance and spoil the taste of dishes. Experts advise to clean the “insides” of the unit from fat and soot immediately after finishing work. But modern women, whose day is scheduled literally by the minute, do not always have extra time for frequent washing of the oven.

How to clean an electric oven at home without much effort and without spending money on expensive household chemicals? Owners of an oven with a pyrolytic cleaning function do not need to rack their brains over this issue. A special function built into the device helps to do this easily and quickly. For those who do not have such a miracle stove, we offer the most effective, time-tested methods.

The electric oven, inside covered with heat-resistant enamel, is easy to wash with water vapor:

  • Pour clean water into a deep pan.
  • Add a small amount of liquid dishwashing detergent to the water.
  • Preheat the appliance to 120-150°C and keep the temperature at this level for 45-60 minutes from the moment the water in the pan boils.
  • After half an hour, turn off the appliance, cool to room temperature and clean the oven with a damp cloth or sponge soaked in soapy water. Treat stubborn dirt with an abrasive washcloth.

Instead of dish gel, you can use laundry soap, previously grated and dissolved in water. If the layer of soot is not steamed enough, increase the heating time.

Attention! Do not open the door while the electric oven is in operation, otherwise the hot steam may burn your hands and face.


Old plaque will help remove ammonia. This method is suitable if you do not plan to use the unit in the next day:

  • In the evening, carefully moisten the inside of the oven with ammonia.
  • Close the door and leave the appliance in this state overnight.
  • The next morning, wash off the grease and soot with any detergent.

There is an alternative cleaning method with ammonia:

  • Install two racks inside the oven at different levels.
  • Close the door and heat the oven to 100°C.
  • Place a heat-resistant container on the bottom shelf and pour clean, freshly boiled water into it.
  • Place a bowl of ammonia on the top shelf.
  • Turn off the appliance, close the door tightly and leave until the next morning.
  • In the morning, mix water with alcohol and add any detergent. With this solution, remove the dirt inside the oven.

After treatment, be sure to rinse the internal surfaces of the unit with clean water and wipe dry with any hygroscopic cloth.


Ordinary rock salt can be used for more than just cooking. Its cleansing qualities were known to our grandmothers:

  • Take coarse salt and sprinkle a thin layer on the bottom of the oven, baking sheets and trays.
  • Turn on the appliance and set the temperature to 150 °C.
  • After a while, when the salt becomes light brown, turn off the oven and cool to room temperature.
  • Remove the salt layer and wash all interior surfaces with warm soapy water.
  • Wipe the oven cavity and oven utensils with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel.

The combination of two chemical elements - chlorine and sodium - acts destructively on any deposits of grease and dirt, violates their integrity and facilitates cleaning of surfaces.

Baking powder for the dough

There are more exotic, but no less effective ways to clean an electric oven quickly and efficiently. In recent years, resourceful housewives have successfully used baking powder for dough. The combination of active ingredients is perfect not only for raising the dough during baking, but also for cleaning the oven from grease and dirt. The procedure for washing the oven consists of several stages:

  • With a damp cloth, wipe the "insides" of the oven, covered with soot and soot.
  • Dilute the baking powder in a small amount of water to make a kind of gruel.
  • Apply the cleaning gruel to the walls, door and baking sheets.
  • Leave for 2 hours.
  • After the specified time, the grease will lag behind the surfaces, and it can be easily removed with a hard sponge or cloth soaked in water.

For processing a small area, one packet of baking powder will be enough. To clean the oven completely, you will need several bags of this miracle remedy.

Advice! In a similar way, you can use a mixture of equal parts of table salt, baking soda and any dishwashing gel.

Vinegar and baking soda

The combination of table vinegar and baking soda does an excellent job with pollution of varying degrees of complexity. These two products are also suitable for cleaning the electric oven. The "nuclear" combination of chemical components will corrode the old greasy coating and soot:

  • Use a cloth or sponge to moisten the inside of the thermal chamber with vinegar. To facilitate the work, you can use a spray gun.
  • Apply a small amount of soda to the sponge and treat the walls and bottom of the oven with it - white grains should be evenly distributed over the entire area.
  • On the oven door that is open to the horizontal position, apply the cleaning mixture in the order shown.
  • Leave everything as it is for a few hours. At the same time, the oven does not need to be turned on - the reaction necessary for cleaning occurs at room temperature.
  • After a while, take a kitchen sponge and wipe all surfaces with a hard side.
  • Rinse dirt and cleaning components with warm water, dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

You can speed up the cleaning process if you add citric acid to the indicated ingredients (1 pack per 100 ml of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of soda). In this case, the oven must be preheated, apply the mixture to the walls of the appliance and wait 15 minutes.


Of course, you can buy a special oven cleaner. But any chemistry inevitably harms human health and requires special care: all work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area, be sure to use rubber gloves during cleaning, and thoroughly wash all surfaces after processing. You can do without this if you use any of the proposed methods. Even better, avoid stubborn dirt and make cleaning the oven a regular routine. Then this "dirty" work will take a few minutes.