Why are there rats in the house? How to catch a rat in the house: a review of traps, poisons and folk remedies. Video: homemade live trap

Rats and mice are mammals and belong to the order rodents, mouse family. The main feature of these animals is the presence of enlarged, continuously growing incisors on the upper and lower jaws, which are continuously growing, so the rodents are constantly eating something.

Types of rats that can be found in St. Petersburg

Gray rat ("Pasyuk", Rattus Norvegicus)

By color, the gray rat can be distinguished by its characteristic somewhat brown-gray fur on top and gray-white underneath. Gray rats differ from their relatives in their largest size - The body length of the gray rat including the tail reaches 45 cm and up to 500 grams of weight.

Gray rat Absolutely omnivorous, it can eat all foods of animal or plant origin. In cities and others populated areas Pasyuki mainly feed on waste and waste of human food.

Gray rats can occupy almost any building or structure for various purposes, it would be something to profit from, and in big cities There will always be some warehouse, cellar or trash heap. Therefore, such a rat can be found almost everywhere.

In nature gray rats usually live near bodies of water along the banks, abundantly covered with grass and shrubs. At the same time, rats can easily immigrate over long distances in cases of persecution or depletion of food supply.

Gray rats adapt well to changing living conditions and quickly occupy new territories.

It is important to remember that gray rats are quite aggressive and, if threatened, can attack humans and pets.

Gray rats are the cause of diseases such as fever, jaundice, typhus, cryptospiridosis and so on. The destruction of rats of this type is extremely important for residents of large cities, since they can breed in huge numbers near garbage disposals.

Black Rat ("Ship Rat", Rattus rattus)

Black rats are smaller in size than their gray relatives and are also less aggressive. Adults have body length 15-22 cm and weight 132-300 grams. The tail is densely covered with hair; it is usually longer than the body, up to 28.8 cm (133% of body length).

Black rat Unlike gray, it prefers dry areas and rooms, so it is often located not in basements, but on the roofs and attics of buildings. Rats on the roof of a house.

Black rats They are also omnivores, but most readily eat food of plant origin, such as seeds, fruits, and plants. Such a rat reproduces at the same rate as the gray one, except that females are able to become pregnant earlier - already two months after birth.

The most dangerous infection that black rats spread is plague. Every year, more than 2 thousand people infected with plague are registered around the world. In addition to plague, black rats can spread cholera and yellow fever.

What is the most common mouse in St. Petersburg, Russia?

House mouse (Mus musculus Z.)

In St. Petersburg, Leningrad region and in other regions of Russia the common house mouse . Given rodent species distributed much more widely than its older relative - gray rat. This is due to the fact that the house mouse can exist quite comfortably independently of humans.

The house mouse has a brown-gray back and a light gray belly. The rodent's body length ranges from 7 to 10 cm; tail length exceeds half the body length and is 4-10 cm. Weight adult rarely exceeds 20 grams.

House mice are found in almost all populated areas our vast country. These small creatures happily settle in all types of buildings and structures for any purpose - from grocery stores to schools, libraries and archives. With the same success, mice of this species can be found in open areas - in vegetable gardens, gardens, forests and fields.

In cities and towns, the house mouse happily settles next to a person in residential buildings, in warehouses, shops and other commercial buildings. Penetrating into multi-story building, the house mouse mainly inhabits only those premises in which food products are stored, processed or sold.

However, mice can just as easily appear in the premises of various institutions that are not directly related to food activities, but where employees bring food with them every day, for example, business center offices. In this case, mice can be found in cabinets with dishes, books, in various drawers, among garbage, etc.

The house mouse has even adapted to life in refrigerators where frozen meat is stored. The mouse thrives in warehouses where the only food available is, for example, flour.

House mice can go without water for a long time or be content with a small amount of it., due to the formation of water from food during the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats during digestion.

The house mouse is very mobile and agile- she runs fast, jumps well and is very voracious, while polluting with her droppings and urine food products and often makes them unfit for use.

House mice, like rats, are omnivores. The average daily food consumption of a house mouse is 6-8 g. Inhabited in human dwellings, in warehouses, shops, in premises where pets, birds, etc. are kept, they eat all types of foods of both plant and animal origin.

Fertility of house mice comparable to fertility gray rats- from 5 to 10 litters per year of 5-10 cubs each. The female mouse reaches sexual maturity in the 2nd month of life. The reproduction of mice is facilitated by an abundance of food and warmth.

House mice, like rats, are carriers of infections dangerous to humans and domestic animals: tularemia, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), leptospirosis, etc.

Where do rats and mice come from?

Rats and mice, as well as pigeons, crows, cats and dogs, have been neighbors with humans since the beginning of time and share their territory of residence. Of course, such a neighborhood did not bring joy to St. Petersburg residents as during the time of Peter I, so it is now. Therefore, the fight against rats and mice has been going on for hundreds of years.

Rats and mice lead a colonial lifestyle. Having found a territory suitable for life, rodents begin to actively reproduce and destroy everything edible nearby. Having devastated one area, they begin to migrate to the next and so on ad infinitum.

Why is it necessary to exterminate rats and mice?

First of all all rats and mice are potential carriers of more than twenty dangerous diseases- plague, Q fever, typhus, pseudotuberculosis and others. At the same time rodents can infect humans not only as a result of aggression and a bite, but there is also a high probability of infection through contact with objects on which saliva, urine or animal fur remains.

Rats and mice harm not only your health, but also your property.: they chew through telephone and fiber optic cables, electrical wires. They, like all mammals, need warmth, water and food, so basements and garbage chutes are ideal place for their prosperous existence and reproduction.

Rats and mice are very fertile, in comfortable conditions and in the presence of water and food, they can reproduce all year round, so they very quickly fill any territory - be it a building, a warehouse or a garbage dump. On average, rats can live up to 4 years, and they can begin to reproduce as early as three months of age. Therefore, if population control is not carried out in a timely manner, but simply extermination of rats, they can become a serious and rapidly spreading problem over a growing area.

Extermination of rats and mice. Rodent control methods

Deratization works employees of the SES Control company include the use of only drugs certified for Russia, having all the necessary licenses and certificates, and also tested by independent laboratories for harmlessness to humans. By using chemical treatment Can get rid of rats and mice in large areas: warehouses, hangars, granaries, food markets and so on.

Mechanical method of extermination of rodents carried out using all kinds of traps and snares. Professional mechanical tools are much more varied than those that you can purchase yourself. These devices provide maximum rat control effect. Advantage this method is the safety associated with the absence of any poisons in principle. The disadvantage is the small coverage area, as well as the cost of purchasing traps.

This method is well suited for apartments, private houses and small offices. For larger rooms, it is more advisable to use the chemical method.

Biological method of rodent control mainly used in the home, it involves the use of natural enemies of rats, such as cats. The main thing is to choose a cat that will do this (not all purebred cats like to hunt mice and rats), and you should also understand that not every cat can cope with a large gray rat, especially if there is a whole litter of them. This method is successfully used in dachas and villages with a moderate number of rodents. It is better to combat a full-scale invasion chemically.

Repelling rats and mice: using ultrasonic repellers

The use of ultrasonic repellers to get rid of rats and mice is modern and quite in an efficient way fight against uninvited guests.

Ultrasonic rat and mouse repellers are special devices that emit ultrasonic wave signals in a certain range, which has an irritating effect on rats, leading to a state of panic. Such an impact forces rodents to leave even inhabited objects, not to mention passing such objects by the side when choosing a place for colonization.

Rats and mice leave only those objects in which repellers are installed and operating within a certain radius of influence.

Ultrasound machines are safe for pets, birds and people. The scope of application of repellers includes areas of shopping and production premises, houses, cottages, warehouses, granaries and other places where there are no problems with electricity.

The disadvantages of ultrasonic rat and mouse repellers include energy consumption and dependence, costs for the equipment itself, and a certain range of action.

Rats or mice in an apartment building

According to modern sanitary and epidemiological standards basement and attic windows major cities, for example, like Saint Petersburg And Moscow must be glazed, any technical holes sealed with a special metal mesh, cement mortar, in places where holes appear, should contain glass fragments, etc. This preventive measures combating rodents, their settlement and subsequent spread. Some modern homes even have electric barriers and ultrasonic repellers. However, prevention does not guarantee 100% protection against the appearance of rodents, and in some places it is not even applied due to the negligence of the authorities responsible for it.

What to do if there are rats in your house?

In a private house or apartment, you will have to expel or destroy uninvited guests yourself. Choose any means - cats, chemicals, smoke bombs or calling professionals from a specialized SES service .

If rats or mice appear in the common area of ​​an apartment building, you need to submit a statement (preferably collective and written) to your management company servicing the house or the chairman of the HOA. Utilities are obliged to consider your appeal and promptly apply all necessary measures. In particular, find a company engaged in deratization, For example, in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region This " SES Control" and enter into a service or one-time processing agreement in order to exterminate rats in an apartment building.

When deratization, specialists first examine the house, identify the habitats of pests, then decide on control methods, and, finally, proceed directly to extermination. As a rule, in places where rats gather, they lay out poisonous baits, and the burrows and routes are cemented.

Unfortunately, requests from residents of houses where rats have appeared are often ignored by utility workers. In order not to endure the smell, dirt and other inconveniences from a rat neighborhood, fill out a statement; it wouldn’t hurt to submit it immediately to the municipal administration.

Cars at the moment are complex system, hidden under a beautiful body. A lot of wires, plastic, metal and trim with secluded places can attract uninvited guests, especially in the autumn-winter time, when wandering rats, escaping from the street cold, can take a fancy to a newly parked car with a hot engine that can warm up more than one rat for many hours. And as soon as the rat is under the hood of the car, it's already starting to take over- chew on everything.

Mice or rats under the hood of a car- this is not only unpleasant for the owner in itself, but also very dangerous not only for the car itself, but also for the driver and passengers while driving. Rats can chew through important pipes through which fluids flow, as well as electrical wiring, which can lead to short circuit and even a car fire, or some kind of failure important system while driving and cause an accident.

This problem is relevant in densely populated areas of large cities, when there are a lot of cars in the yards, and right next to it there is a garbage dump with household waste, and there is a store or hypermarket around the corner.

Fight against rats in a car it is possible by treating the engine compartment by special means. However, few modern car enthusiasts think about this problem until one day their car starts up or burns out on a frosty night. Therefore, collective control over the territory residential complex or municipal supervision in the field of deratization will help residents of large cities sleep peacefully, without fear for their movable property.

Extermination of rats - action plan for deratization

Professional methods of rat control should be carried out in several stages:

  • territory survey and selection necessary funds to carry out effective deratization;
  • laying out baits with chemical poisons, while the death of rats begins in about one to five days;
  • if it is impossible to use chemicals, rats are caught using mechanical means, that is, various traps are installed;
  • treatment of burrows with professional preparations to destroy a litter of rats;
  • sealing holes;
  • carrying out preventive measures to achieve a guaranteed result;
  • monitoring the result and, if necessary, carrying out repeated measures.

Extermination of rats- this is a rather difficult undertaking, because rodents are quite cunning and tenacious creatures, so they won’t just let you get rid of themselves. Deratization should be entrusted to experienced and proven specialized services.

At our specialist pest control service" SES Control"experienced professionals work who have been engaged in deratization and disinfestation every day for many years and have long studied all the habits of pests and the intricacies effective fight with them. Thanks to this we can guarantee highest quality services according to the most low prices . See for yourself.

Hearing the word “rat”, many people have an image of a dangerous pest and the culprit of large-scale epidemics. and infections. In addition, animals are capable of causing enormous damage to the economy, spoiling food, wooden buildings and electrical wiring. However, in addition to its notoriety, the rodent has amazing abilities and qualities. Many facts about rats are sometimes simply amazing. In addition, one should not underestimate the medical benefits of animals for humans. Here are some of the most interesting facts about rats.

When did the rats appear?

According to scientists, rats are the oldest mammals - they appeared much earlier than humans (the time difference is about 48 million years). During this time, the number of rodents almost doubled the number of inhabitants of the planet.

There is even an assumption that it was these rodents that caused the extinction of dinosaurs. Mammals are accused of being the destroyers of the eggs of giant animals. And eggs, as you know, are one of the most favorite delicacies of rodents.

Almost all owners country houses People in basements have at least once encountered a visit from some kind of rodent, be it mice or rats. You can track mouse visits by the traces left in the form of dark balls - excrement. As for rats, you can personally encounter them, and the animal will not even be in a hurry to run away from you. If this happens, you need to read to the end of our article and learn how to deal with nasty rodents. We will tell you below how to get rid of rats in the cellar.

Smart animals

Rats try not to leave obvious traces behind themselves, since they are not deprived of intelligence. These cunning animals are able to roll chicken eggs by making a loop from their tail that limits the rolling. In addition, there are cases when rats chew off their paws or tails in order to get out of the trap. Mice are not that smart, so it is much easier to fight them. So what to do with rats?

Where do rats come from?

After harvesting the crop and storing it in the cellar, many people are faced with the problem of storing supplies. Rodents – main enemy homemade preparations. There are different ways rodent control, such as rat traps, poisons, keeping pets, etc.

On the floor in the basement or cellar it is necessary to scatter crushed wood ash: a bucket for every 4-5 square meters. Ash sticks to the paws of rodents and they are forced to lick it off, and since the substance has an alkaline reaction, the animals are subject to irritation of the mouth and paws. In this regard, rats try not to run in places sprinkled with wood ash.

Construction gypsum

You can prepare a special arrogance by mixing building gypsum with wheat flour or oatmeal in a ratio of 1 to 1. The bait should be poured into a saucer and a container of water should be left nearby. After the rat eats the prepared delicacy and drinks it with water, the mixture will harden in the stomach after 5-10 minutes, and the animal will die. The bait has a familiar smell that does not arouse suspicion among rodents.

Singed wool

Rats and mice really don't like the smell of natural burning wool. Try burning a small skein of natural wool thread or a piece of hair from a pet, be it a cat or a dog, in the cellar or basement.

The plant has an unpleasant odor, and the clinging seeds do not give the animals rest. It is necessary to scatter the stems and seeds of blackroot in those places where rodents appear. This plant does not cause any inconvenience to humans, which is very important.

Glass jar

With the help of a simple device you can effectively catch mice. It is necessary to place a simple three-liter glass jar in the box with the harvest so that the neck of the jar is located about a centimeter above the level of the vegetables. In general, the jar should be buried in the crop and the neck should be left open. Place bait with a strong aroma or poison on the bottom. Attracted by the smell of the bait, the roofs will end up in a jar from which they will not be able to escape.

There is a special glue that is applied to cardboard or a board in small layers and the bait is placed in the middle of the cardboard. The trap is left on the floor of the basement or cellar. Once a rat or mouse gets its paws into the glue, it will stick tightly.

Other ways

Of course, we cannot write off such effective devices as mousetraps and rat traps. There are various poisons, which you can use at your own peril and risk, since it is unknown whether the rodent will die after taking the poison or not.

The above methods of dealing with rodents should help you clear your basement of unwanted guests, and your harvest will remain intact.

Rodents are different. If you can admire a fluffy hamster, then you definitely need to fight wild rats, which are a scourge for the owners of many private housing constructions. These pests are distinguished by their amazing vitality and fertility, intelligence and cunning, which allows them to avoid set traps. They spoil things and food, can attack small pets and carry many dangerous infectious diseases. This article is about how to get rid of a rat in a country house or in a private house, and what is the most effective remedy to use for this.

How to find out that uninvited guests have appeared in your home?

The earlier the fight against mice and rats is started, the more successful it will be. These animals live in packs. Therefore, if efforts are not made in time to remove one or two uninvited guests, the house will soon be filled with dangerous pests.

You can understand that this rodent is visiting you by the following signs:

  • the appearance of extraneous sounds: rustling, squeaking, scratching, etc.;
  • detection of rat excrement in the form of small dense round pellets;
  • damage to property. Can rats cause more damage than a hole in a grocery bag? Of course yes. They can not only chew wiring and furniture, but also plastic water pipes.
  • An unpleasant odor that was not there before.

Why do rodents appear?

The reasons for the appearance of pests may be as follows:

  • violation of the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the home and nearby premises: dirt, crumbs on the floor, irregular removal and removal of garbage;
  • storage of impressive reserves of products: cereals, sugar, flour, etc.;
  • proximity to a catering outlet (cafe, restaurant);
  • presence in the house of cracks, holes, unclosed ventilation holes etc.

The problem especially worsens with the onset of cold weather, when all the rodents in the area go in search of a warm shelter. Considering that a small hole is enough for them to enter a room, not a single home owner is insured against the danger of their invasion.

How can you deal with the problem?

Since getting rid of rats is not an easy task, the main thing is to choose the right “weapon”. The main methods of dealing with them are divided into:

  • biological - with the help of other animals;
  • mechanical - through rat traps;
  • chemical - the use of poisons;
  • folk, that is, using folk remedies;
  • electronic – the use of ultrasonic repellers.

Are there universal methods? Alas, no. Before removing rats, you need to assess the scale of the existing problem, its neglect and the presence of additional complicating factors (children, allergy sufferers, pets).

Considering the cunning of pests and their high adaptability to any conditions, it is better if the control is carried out in several directions.

Biological option

Many people believe that exterminating rodents is the job of cats. In fact, cats are better suited to catching mice. The local “Matroskin” is not always able to catch a rat, if it has impressive dimensions.

A dog can deal with this issue much more effectively. Dachshunds and fox terriers, who are natural hunters, are especially good.

Another exotic way is to start a terrarium. Rodents are afraid of snakes, which can destroy them in the blink of an eye. Even if you don't let your scaly friend out, the rats will smell him and leave.

Use of rat traps

Methods of pest control using rat traps are considered inhumane. Such traps most often brutally kill animals. Therefore, if children live in the house, they need to be protected from this unpleasant sight. In addition, the owner will have to dispose of the corpses himself, which is also not very charming.

Another point is that rodents quickly learn from the mistakes of their fellow tribesmen. As soon as a couple of individuals fall into the trap, the rest will avoid it the tenth way. Consequently, the rat trap is effective only at the very beginning of the settlement of the home by uninvited tailed guests. Be careful not to let your pet.

Reviews from “experienced” people say that the animal should first be “fed.” To do this, you need to put food in the traps for a couple of days without activating them. Then the rat will lose its vigilance and will definitely get caught after the spring mechanism is activated.

Use of chemicals

Modern poisons in the form of a solution, granular powder or aerosol can be added to food or placed near burrows and along the route of pests. It is believed that it is better to use granules that do not emit vapors into the air and are safe for inhalation.

Chemicals are divided into the following:

  1. Instant rat poison. It allows you to poison rodents in 1 day. For example, after eating “Rat” the animal dies within a couple of minutes. Today this is the fastest way to destroy the pest. But it is suitable for a small number of individuals. After several deaths, the rats, due to their intelligence, will stop eating the dangerous delicacy.
  2. Long acting poisons. They kill the rodent within ten days from the moment of consumption of the poisoned food. In this regard, there is a chance that a significant part of the flock will have time to taste the treat. When choosing what to poison rats with, you should give preference to drugs with proven effectiveness. These include: “Ratsomor”, “Zookoumarin”, “Krysid”, “Ratindan”, “Rakusid” and “Goliath”, used by professional exterminators.

There are also chemicals for prevention against rodents, for example, "Zimat". It is added to plaster or paint at the construction or repair work and is capable of scaring away uninvited guests for up to five years.

Recipes from the people

If there are small children, pets or people with allergies living in the house, the use of chemicals is dangerous for their lives. In addition, there is always a chance that rodents will spread poisoned drugs onto food.

In this case, folk remedies will help, which will get rid of rats without the use of poisons. To do this, you need to take the following steps.

  1. Place a “delicacy” of sugar and quicklime around the room.
  2. Apply any cracks and baseboards aqueous solution with the addition of any ingredient: naphthalene, fish oil, clove essential oil, camphor or mint essence. These funds exude strong smell, unpleasant for rodents.
  3. Rats can be removed using linen bags filled with herbs: tansy, burdock or dried chamomile. Blackroot seeds work well.
  4. Mix alabaster (gypsum) with flour in equal proportions, spreading the mixture around your home. Place jars of water nearby. This will cause the substance to harden in the animal's stomach and cause its death.
  5. Scatter ash near the holes, which will irritate the pests' paws and force them to leave.
  6. Place glass wool around the perimeter of the home. This method can protect your home from the invasion of uninvited guests during the onset of cold weather.

Modern ultrasonic repellers

Many pests can be controlled quickly and humanely electronically. Special devices emit ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves, which have a depressing effect on the psyche of rodents and force them to look for a new shelter. A big plus is complete safety for residents.

Based on your financial capabilities, you can purchase various devices, the range of which is large. The most popular due to their good quality and affordable price include: “Riddex”, “Useful Plug White Pest Repeller” and “Ultrasonic Dual Pest Repeller”. The last two have an impressive range of influence and drive away not only rodents, but also insects.

Finally, we cannot fail to mention the need for regularity of events. We also must not forget about problem prevention, which consists in maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of the premises.

Rats bring pleasure to home owners only when they are decorative. However, it often happens that wild rodents become uninvited guests in the house. And if this happens, you will have to make a lot of efforts to drive these insolent rodents out of residential and utility rooms. Fortunately, there are many ways to control rats.

Why do rats start and is it dangerous for humans?

The basic life instincts of rats are to obtain food and procreate. That is why they settle in close proximity to humans. But then the question arises, why do they appear in some homes, while others are bypassed?

The main reason for the appearance of rats is the presence of garbage dumps, garbage cans, compost pits, and available food. Even fruits or berries on the ground in the garden that are not harvested on time are an excellent bait. Having found food outside, rodents will go into the house to find a source of heat and new portion food. And if rats find accessible supplies of grains, vegetables or waste, they will settle for a long time.

It has always been believed that the favorite places of residence for rats are private households and barns with pets, since it is always warm there, there is a lot of food and no one bothers you. But in lately these uninvited guests increasingly began to appear in cities and penetrate into multi-storey buildings. Having initially settled in the basement, rats enter the home through ventilation shafts or sewer pipes. Having sharp long teeth and the constant need to grind them down, they can destroy any obstacle in their path, with the exception of metal and glass. Therefore, the slightest hole instantly turns into a full-fledged passage.

Rats are carriers of infectious diseases. Their appearance is fraught not only with damage to property, but also with the danger of contracting plague, typhus, tularemia and salmonellosis.

Signs of rats:

  • the presence of intense, uncharacteristic sounds: squeaking, grinding, stomping (mice make significantly less noise);
  • unpleasant odor throughout the room;
  • the presence of animal excrement (looks like black, shiny balls);
  • holes in the walls of the pantry, bathroom, kitchen;
  • lumps of papers, newspapers and threads scattered around the apartment;
  • chewed bags of cereals.

When rats are discovered, you should immediately take measures to eliminate or expel them, otherwise you will have to deal with an ever-increasing population.

Control methods: mechanical, chemical and others

When starting to fight rodents, you need to carefully study all methods and determine whether they are suitable in this case. An incorrectly chosen method leads to unpleasant consequences, such as a cadaverous odor for many months, with the impossibility of removing its cause.

How to fight with traps and rat traps

Nowadays there are many modifications of various traps and rat traps on the market. The simplest and most understandable option is a mechanical rat trap, which is activated by a spring. To do this, you need to secure a treat in a certain place in the mechanism and place it in the path of the rats. As soon as the individual tries the bait, the spring will work, and the animal will be mortally squeezed. The disadvantage of this method is the need to constantly recharge the rat trap and clean the mechanism of the dead animal. Before the next use, the rat trap should be thoroughly washed to get rid of the cadaverous odor.

Video: how to use a mechanical rat trap

More humane way- this is the use of live traps. They happen various designs How industrial production, and homemade. The operating principle is similar to a rat trap, the difference is that the rat remains alive in a confined space. This method is also not very pleasant, since then you have to deal with a live rat.

Video: homemade live trap

Improved rat trap with built-in bait. The advantage of this device is that it is made entirely of plastic and can be used in homes with small children and animals. The principle of operation is the same as that of a conventional rat trap. Only the animal is well clamped and not crushed, which simplifies the cleaning process. Can be used repeatedly.

Rat trap with built-in bait

The glue trap is by no means a humane invention and is not 100% effective. It is a container with low sides filled with glue. Manufacturers claim that the composition is non-toxic, so the trap can be used in residential areas. The disadvantage of this method is that the animal dies long and painfully, making piercing sounds.

These traps are easy to use

How to repel rats

The most humane methods of repelling are considered. Rats are afraid of strong smells and sounds.

You can drive away rats using the following substances: vinegar, kerosene, gasoline, naphthalene, Vishnevsky ointment. To do this, you need to moisten cotton balls or pieces of rags in some aromatic liquid and place them in the room. The smell spreads throughout the building, so this method is not suitable for residential buildings, since people will also have to inhale harmful fumes.

You can also use strong-smelling herbs: black root, wormwood, tansy, mint, chamomile. You need to hang bunches of fresh or dried grass throughout the house and especially near food supplies, rats will not dare to approach.

But dried herbs lose their aromatic properties over time and not everyone is ready to decorate their home with armfuls of hay. Therefore, many are inclined to repel rodents with industrial devices.

Types of repellers:

  • ultrasonic;
  • electromagnetic;
  • combined.

The action of an ultrasonic device is based on the emission of sound waves that are not perceptible to humans, but act on rodents. Sound vibrations affect nervous system and to the ears of rats, causing fear and panic. This leads to a desire to avoid unpleasant sensations and leave the area faster. It is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room and the presence of furniture. Since any obstacle in the path of ultrasound reduces or completely stops the force of the waves.

Electromagnetic devices generate pulses that propagate through the electrical wiring of the room. They cause anxiety in rats and are completely harmless to humans. Therefore, during the first time the device is used, there is an increase in the number of individuals that leave the burrows in search of a way out. Electrical wiring is required to use this appliance. Therefore, it cannot be used in rooms without electricity.

Combination devices combine both of the above methods. Such devices are universal and make it possible to get rid of rats for a long time.

Video: ultrasonic repeller “Electronic cat”

How and what to poison rats with

Ready-made poison for rats, which can be purchased in the store, is divided into three types:

  • organic;
  • inorganic;
  • anticoagulant.

Inorganic poisons have a harsh effect on the animal due to their high toxicity. The lead salts contained in the poison pose an environmental hazard. Therefore, such poisons in everyday life are used in extreme cases, when all other methods have been tried.

Organic poisons are more gentle. They work according to the accumulation system without causing acute pain. Lead to suffocation and force the rodent to leave the room.

Anticoagulants are a type of organic poison. The principle of action is based on a violation of blood clotting and the animal dies from hemorrhage.

Preparations for baiting rats can be presented in the form of: powder, liquid, tablets, briquettes, creams. Ready-made poisons generally do not require preparation. The maximum that may be required is to mix the poison with aromatic bait, scatter it in containers and place it in secluded places.

The most effective poisons:

  • Goliath - causes attacks of suffocation, which leads to the rodent coming out into the air.
  • Ratindal is a highly toxic powder that is mixed into regular foods. It is highly toxic and should not be used in the presence of people and animals.
  • Tsunami is a rodenticide, usually used by professionals for deratization. In rodents it causes hemorrhage and rapid death.
  • Mortorate is a granular poison used both indoors and outdoors. The death of the animal occurs after 5 days. Causes mummification, which prevents the appearance of a corpse odor. Dangerous for people.
  • Storm - produced in the form of briquettes, which simplifies use. Death occurs 4–8 days after first use. Has a mummifying effect. Dangerous for people and pets.

When using poisons, you must strictly follow the instructions and use personal protective equipment.

Safety precautions:

  • Start using the drug by reading the instructions.
  • When using highly toxic poisons, process in a well-ventilated area.
  • Before opening a package of poison, put on rubber gloves and a mask.
  • Restrict access to the drug to small children and pets.
  • After contact with poison, wash your hands thoroughly.

Video: poison or ultrasound

Other ways

The choice of one or another method of exterminating rodents depends on your own preferences and capabilities. The main thing is to try to take into account not only the effectiveness, but also the consequences of using the product.

Current Usage

Recently, electric traps have become very popular. This is the most humane way to get rid of rodents. A trap is a container in which bait must be placed. As soon as a rat gets inside, all exits are blocked and a shock is delivered, which instantly kills the animal. A special sensor signals the need to clean the device. Can be used repeatedly. Safe for children and pets.

Biological method

Homes where cats live are less likely to be infested by rodents. A cat must have a developed hunting instinct, but this is not always the case. This is the most natural way extermination of rodents, but there are also disadvantages. The animal may become infected infectious diseases, eating caught prey. Therefore, your cat should be vaccinated. Another disadvantage of this method is that the cat eats its prey in front of the household. And this, you see, is an unpleasant sight.

Folk remedies

There are many folk remedies, the effectiveness of which can only be verified in practice:

Video: getting rid of rats forever using improvised means

External assistance

If the size of the problem becomes catastrophic, you have tried all methods, or you simply don’t want to deal with getting rid of rats yourself, you can contact the city SES or special companies that provide rodent control services.

Features of getting rid of rats in various rooms

When choosing a method of struggle, you need to take into account the territory from which you are going to expel uninvited guests.

Residential premises

In apartments it is necessary to use more humane and non-toxic means, since there are always people there. The main thing is to cover up all holes and suspicious cracks with a mixture of concrete and broken glass. The most suitable would be folk remedies and ultrasonic devices.

IN apartment buildings Rats enter apartments using sewers. It is extremely rare, but there have been cases when a rat entered an apartment through the toilet. In this case, you should not panic, but quickly slam the lid and rinse with water until the rodent goes back. To avoid this situation, you should clean the toilet with alkaline products as often as possible. The alkali corrodes the rodent's paws and discourages it from moving in that direction.

Ash is a good choice for fighting rats in a private home. It damages the paws of rodents and is bad for digestive system, causing death. Sprinkle along the foundation and baseboards. You can also try to get rid of rodents with the help of animals: cats, hedgehogs, ferrets, geese.

Video: DIY rat trap

Animal sheds

Chicken coops, pigsties, and rabbit hutches are favorite places for rodents. To avoid their appearance, when building a shed, it is necessary to cover the floor with gravel mixed with broken glass. If this was not done, then the holes that appear must be filled with broken glass and sealed with cement.

Baits with poison are best suited for getting rid of rats, but they need to be placed in a place inaccessible to animals. You can also use ultrasonic devices.

Outbuildings and garages

You can fight rats using strong odors:

  • spray the corners of the building with formaldehyde or kerosene;
  • burn a piece of rubber;
  • mix mothballs and sawdust and scatter them near the holes and in the corners;
  • place a rag soaked in turpentine in the hole;
  • fumigate the room with a sulfur bomb.

You can also use all kinds of poisons, traps and traps. And it’s best to invite specialists to carry out deratization.

You can use a smoke bomb in the garage. If a rat gets under the hood of a car, you need to start the car, get out and close the gate. Let the engine run for 10–15 minutes. Then turn it off and leave the garage closed for a day. After this, ventilate thoroughly. The rat will not withstand such an environmental disaster and will leave.

Video: how to deal with rats in a car

Garden plots

The use of traps and chemicals on personal plot dangerous for humans. Therefore, it is better to use ultrasonic repellers. You can use traditional methods and plant strong-smelling herbs: black root, elderberry, mint, garlic.

Photo gallery: “repellent herbs”

Properly dried mint, as well as its tincture with alcohol, repels rats well Alkaloids contained in black root juice have a negative effect on the nervous system of animals Rats can't stand it unpleasant odor elderberries The smell of garlic repels rats

Scorched pieces of natural wool scattered around the area are good at repelling rodents.

How to get rid of the smell of a dead rat

There are verified effective ways to get rid of the smell of a dead rodent:

  1. The cause of the smell needs to be removed.
  2. Ventilate the room.
  3. Cover the area where the corpse was lying with soda, which can then be easily collected with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Wash and clean all textiles.
  5. Place a piece of cotton wool in a ceramic or iron bowl and set it on fire. Leave in a smoldering state for several hours.
  6. Treat all hard surfaces with vinegar, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or bleach.
  7. Place absorbents in the room: coffee, lemon, salt, soda, activated carbon or store-bought products.
  8. Wash the floor with bleach and use a fragrance and air freshener.

What to do to prevent rats from getting infested

Simple steps are needed to prevent the appearance of rats:

It is easier to prevent any problem than to solve it later. By following some simple rules, you can prevent rats from appearing indoors. But if rodents have taken over your home, don’t despair. For each specific situation there is a suitable method.