We will wash off grease and dirt in the kitchen. How to clean old grease from dishes and kitchen accessories How to clean old grease from kitchen furniture

A large amount of greasy layer on the surface of a tile, a hob often makes us think about “How to wash the fat in the kitchen?”. This is laborious work that requires the use of effective means.

Daily cooking is associated with the use of oil and fat, as a result of which they are splashed onto nearby surfaces, and the vapors rise and settle on walls, ceilings, furniture, household appliances, utensils.

The sticky greasy coating attracts dust, resulting in persistent dirt that cannot be removed by simply wiping the surface with water.

But how to wash the kitchen of grease and put it in order? There are many ways that involve the use of modern household chemicals. Not inferior to them and folk methods that have stood the test of time.

What tool to choose?

To combat fatty contamination, it is necessary to choose the best means for the kitchen, which will be effective and safe. If preference is given to household chemicals, then such compounds are sold in special containers of various packaging and have certain cleaning properties.

These are mainly high concentration solutions that can easily cope with any layer of pollution. In order to use the composition for its intended purpose, it is necessary to read the instructions for use.

But many housewives want to know how to wash fat in simple folk ways that are environmentally friendly and completely safe. There are a lot of options and it is worth talking about it separately..

Whichever method is chosen, greasy stains should be removed periodically, this will be the key to easy cleaning and quick tidying up of surfaces in the kitchen.

Folk remedies in the fight against fat

First of all, the remedy for fat in the kitchen must be safe, since this is a cooking area, which means that there must be environmental cleanliness. Relevant are folk methods, which provide for the use of natural cleaning products.

The most affordable are the food products that each housewife has in stock:

Mustard powder is an excellent cleaner and has been used in this direction for several centuries. With the help of the powder, you can quickly wash the tiles in the kitchen from grease without damaging the enameled surface.

The product is sprinkled on contaminated areas, previously moistened with water. To wipe the surface, a soft dry cloth is used, on which a layer of dirt remains. The mustard is washed off the surface with a stream of warm water.

The procedure for cleaning the furniture facade from greasy deposits is carried out in the following order:

The surface of the facade is wetted with hot water and after 10 minutes the contaminated places are wiped with a sponge dipped in mustard powder. Then the surface is washed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.


Effective and inexpensive folk remedies that help remove fat include rice water, which is obtained after washing cooked cereal. This tool is well washed porcelain and glassware - plates, glasses and other items.

You can clean the kitchen of fat with a homemade solution consisting of vegetable oil and baking soda. The ratio of oil to soda is 1:2. The finished mixture is rubbed on the surface to be treated with a brush and after 10-15 minutes it is wiped with a damp soapy rag or other degreasing solution.

Vodka or alcohol will help clean the walls of kitchen furniture from grease stains. Particular attention should be paid to stubborn stains, which are wetted and left for 5 minutes, and then wiped with a sponge with alcohol.

How to wash the tiles in the kitchen from fat folk remedies and video recommendations from a housewife

A handy food product that can cope with dried fat on the surface of an electric oven is a baking powder for dough. Baking powder is poured onto the previously wetted inner walls, a pause is maintained for about two hours, after which the coagulated fat is easily removed.

Effective fat removal

Time-tested fat removal products include:

  1. Citric acid.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide solution (3%).
  3. Citrus
  4. Soda, salt and table vinegar.

To get rid of fat with folk remedies, you need to mix the following components together: dissolve citric acid in vinegar and add soda. The resulting mixture is applied to a washcloth, sponge or napkin and rubbed with little effort into places where there is a greasy layer or stains.

When the procedure is completed, the remnants of the mixture are washed off with hot water and the surface is wiped dry with a clean cloth.

But not only soda and citric acid will easily clean the tile from grease and give the surface its original appearance. For example, citrus fruits will help remove greasy stains and layers from the microwave. To do this, take an orange, lemon, grapefruit or lime, cut into pieces and place in a deep plate with water.

The dishes must be put in the microwave and turn on the mode with the maximum heating temperature. After 15 minutes, household appliances are de-energized and dirt is removed from the walls with a sponge.


A good result is obtained by cleaning the microwave oven with vinegar. The principle is the same as peeling with citrus fruits, but instead of fruits, vinegar is added to 400 ml of water in the amount of 2 tablespoons.

Ways to remove old fat in the kitchen

If you don’t know how to wash old fat in the kitchen, then you can try to make yourself a simple and inexpensive composition, which will require:

  1. Laundry soap.
  2. Soda - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Table vinegar - 3 tbsp.

The soap is rubbed with a grater and poured with warm water. Soda is quenched with vinegar and combined with soapy water. With the resulting mixture, you can wipe the tiles in the kitchen, clean pans and any other utensils from soot.

Useful tips for dealing with stubborn fat in the kitchen

Soap is specially rubbed on a coarse grater, which makes it instantly soluble, so it shows its cleaning properties better after combining with water. All contaminated surfaces are wiped with a cloudy detergent.

It is very easy to clean the tiles in the kitchen with baking soda. This is a unique fine-grained product that will not damage enamel or glass coatings. After such processing, the dishes will acquire an experienced shine and cleanliness. Soda gruel is applied to a contaminated place, and a little vinegar is poured on top.

The composition remains on the surface for about 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. A special scraper is used to remove stubborn stains. Knowing the simple ways, there will be no questions about how to clean the tiles in the kitchen.

Cleaning tiles in the kitchen

The tile is most subject to fatty stratifications. You can clean the tile in all of the above ways, but you need to remember that a smooth surface is afraid of mechanical damage. Under no circumstances should abrasive products or hard sponges be used.

How and with what to wash the tile, everyone decides for himself, but the chosen option depends on the degree of contamination of the surface. After all, not all formulations made from food or citrus fruits do a good job with old dirt or a fatty layer. How to clean the tiles in this case? It must be remembered that with any option chosen, you will have to work hard, although not physically.

In order to get rid of accumulated fat, you will need to treat the surface several times with a soapy solution, soda composition with vinegar or lemon. The procedure will have to be repeated until the result is satisfied. But if folk methods turn out to be powerless, you will have to use effective household chemicals.

A visual video example of how to wash the tiles in the kitchen from fat with your own hands

Dishwashing liquids are suitable for daily care, but when the layer of pollution becomes stable, then preparations will come to the rescue. Do not use powdered compounds, as they are abrasive and can lead to scratches, and this will worsen the appearance of the finishing material.

When choosing a drug, you should pay attention to the composition and consistency. When applying a fat-removing composition to the surface to be treated, gloves should be used to protect the skin of the hands from adverse effects. After the procedure, the composition must be thoroughly washed off.

Now you know how to wash the tiles in the kitchen from fat at minimal cost, efficiently and quickly.

One of the most difficult tasks in cleaning the house is associated with washing the kitchen, or rather, removing greasy deposits from all surfaces in this room. Regular work in the kitchen associated with cooking inevitably leads to splashing of fat and oil, in addition, greasy vapors settle on furniture, household appliances, walls, after which dust and dirt stick to them. This is how heavy pollution is formed on many surfaces. Keeping a clean kitchen takes some effort.

But do not despair, in our time there are a huge number of various means that help in the fight against fat and other contaminants. Now there is no question of how to wash grease from kitchen furniture and how to do it, everything is limited only by the choice of a suitable detergent.

Choosing a tool

There are plenty of tools to combat industrial pollution in the kitchen, but they can all be divided into three categories:

  • household chemicals, sold in various containers and specializing in various contaminants, with a variety of cleaning properties;
  • folk remedies, which are most often based on vinegar, soda, citric acid, mustard, ammonia (by the way, an ordinary chemical), laundry soap;
  • appliances with steam cleaning: steam generators, washing vacuum cleaners, steam mops, cleaning with which is based on the magical effects of steam.

To choose the best solution, ideally, every housewife needs to try all three methods for removing dirt and old grease in the kitchen. We, in turn, will tell you what positive and negative points each method has, which method is easier to clean the stove, and which blinds. Let's start with the most banal method, with the use of household chemicals.

A clean kitchen is the key to a good mood in the morning

Cleaning with detergents

The use of household chemicals requires safety equipment, rubber gloves are sufficient for gentle formulations, and a respirator is required for more aggressive ones. Take care of these things in advance, you will also need various sponges, brushes, rags or rags.

Using modern household cleaning and washing products, you will clean the kitchen quickly and efficiently. There is no doubt about this, since modern products have superstrong cleansing qualities. You probably won’t be able to choose the brand of household product that suits you best right away, but through trial and error you will find excellent compositions with which you will be comfortable working around the house.

The use of rubber gloves while cleaning is essential

It is also gratifying that you are free to choose both universal products and specialized ones for washing specific things. It is permissible to use one composition to wash the gas stove, another to clean the wooden surface of the cabinets, or to process the matte countertop, we use the third composition, the fourth to remove dried grease from the wall, the fifth to wash the blinds on the windows. It is convenient to use household chemicals, each of them has instructions for use.

Classical methods of cleaning surfaces from grease using household detergents, most often come down to the following actions:

  • first of all, it is necessary to moisten the dirty place with ordinary warm water;
  • then apply the detergent of your choice to the pollution;
  • now you need to wait, how long to wait, look at the label of the product, where the instruction is located;
  • as soon as the greasy coating dissolves, we remove household chemicals along with dirt with a sponge, brush or rag, depending on the place of contamination;
  • to achieve maximum effect, the place where there was dirt is additionally washed with warm water.

Usually such manipulations are enough to wash even old fat. Difficulties can arise only when picking out dirt from hard-to-reach places, such as corners and folds of the relief of the decorative wooden surface of the cabinets that our kitchen set is equipped with. If the fat remains on a flat surface, then you can repeat the procedure, while increasing the time range of the detergent composition. After cleaning, it is best to wipe the surface dry with a cloth.

Choose your favorite detergent

We remind you once again that when working with detergents based on household chemicals, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment. You should get in the habit of putting on rubber gloves right away when preparing to clean up. Wear a respirator or mask when working with especially dangerous agents so as not to damage the respiratory tract.

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, then the use of household detergents is contraindicated for you, you need to turn to folk recipes.

Cleaning folk ways

If your kitchen does not have strong pollution, then it is quite possible to use folk remedies for cleanliness. Somehow our parents and their parents coped with various pollution in the kitchen. Here are some popular recipes that you can use to wash your kitchen set or stove from grease.

Soap and soda

The easiest, you can say the basic way - the use of laundry soap. With a soap solution based on it, you can wash everything in the kitchen: walls, stoves, blinds, household appliances, kitchen sets. In this case, you will additionally disinfect the surface, killing various kinds of bacteria.

Laundry soap - a budgetary means of cleanliness

For durable and strong surfaces, the use of ordinary baking soda is acceptable. Baking soda is an environmentally friendly product, it effectively cleans surfaces from various contaminants to a shine.

The tandem of laundry soap with baking soda shows itself perfectly. We create some kind of detergent paste from these two substances, and act in the manner described above, as if we had a professional detergent composition in our hands.

After application, we mark the time at our discretion, depending on the type of pollution, we use rags, sponge brushes. We focus on the abrasive qualities of soda, do not let it dissolve completely. The method is great for washing many surfaces, except for kitchen furniture, it can also ruin a glossy thing.

Other means

To clean grease from a stove or kitchen set, you can use mustard powder. This tool also effectively copes with fat. It is enough to shower it on a wet greasy surface, and you will see how the mustard, absorbing the fat, will form small balls. After that, the surface can be cleaned of mustard with plain water.

With this cleaning method, your kitchen set will not suffer, the wallpaper covering the walls will not deteriorate, and it’s not at all scary for the gas stove. If there are blinds in your kitchen, you can also try treating them with mustard powder.

Vinegar is an unpleasant odor but an extremely effective remedy for combating pollution of all stripes. Vinegar will help you in cleaning sanitary ware in the kitchen from ceramics or steel, other metal objects.

Vinegar is used to clean plumbing not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom

In addition, vinegar effectively fights odors, simply killing them. Housewives often use a vinegar-based floor cleaner to get rid of various odors: spilled grease, pets, or prolonged dampness.

An excellent detergent composition for washing kitchen furniture is obtained by mixing dishwashing detergent, vinegar and soda. This tool effectively cleans the skin of soft kitchen sofas.

But not only folk remedies will help a person with allergies or asthma clean up the kitchen, modern steam appliances are designed specifically for environmental cleaning.

steam engines

One of the most effective means for removing dirt, including grease, is steam. Hot steam allows you to painlessly remove dirt and additionally disinfect the surface. However, steam units are usually expensive, so not all housewives can afford them.

The principle of operation of all steam appliances is simple: water is poured into them, which is heated to a state of steam and sprayed under pressure onto a contaminated surface for cleaning and disinfection. The steam temperature is usually 150 degrees Celsius.

Cleaning the cooking surface from dirt with a steam generator

With such a steam treatment, the dirt is immediately washed off, or absorbed if we are dealing with a washing vacuum cleaner. At the same time, almost any hard surface, kitchen tiles, cabinets, blinds can be treated with a steam generator. Note that, floors, plumbing and much more.

Finally, I would like to advise that, if possible, it is better to immediately wash kitchen utensils from fat and soot, and not wait for the dirt to dry and absorb. But the cases are different and in many cases pollution in the kitchen has a cumulative effect.

In any case, there is no such dirt that we would not be able to wash using the above-described means and methods. Even the most old grease can really be washed off by thoroughly washing our surfaces in the kitchen: stove, kitchen set, blinds.

Good afternoon dear friends!

How much effort, time and money we sometimes spend on washing kitchen furniture from grease and stains, if we did not do it in a timely manner. But this happens even to the cleanest of cleanliness.

The side surface of the cabinet, standing close to the stove, is especially dirty. After all, in order to wash it, you need to move either the stove or the cabinet, you won’t do it every day, and the streaks of fat dry up in the meantime.

Are you familiar with this? And how do you solve this problem?

How to wash grease from kitchen furniture

Regular stains of dirt from hands, water, dishes, food are easy to wash with soda. I usually make a slurry of baking soda and water and use a sponge to wipe furniture surfaces with this mixture.

But it can be more difficult to wash kitchen furniture from fat, especially old one. Although the same soda alone copes with this, there are other means that will help you easily, quickly, cheaply, safely and effectively deal with this.

How to clean matte wooden and plastic kitchen surfaces

A very interesting tool for washing grease from kitchen furniture is soda, connected with vegetable oil. Do not be surprised, vegetable oil will not leave new greasy stains. It will soften the old stain.

And instead of soda, it is better to use ... baking powder for the dough! It is more gentle than soda, and perfectly removes softened fat.

So, take a bag of baking powder (100 grams) and add 50 ml of vegetable oil to it. In general, all proportions do not have to be strictly observed, we take the ingredients, as they say, by eye, they will work anyway. Mix well and apply on the oily surface. It is better to work with gloves, then smear the product directly into them with your fingers or with a sponge.

We leave for 3 minutes, then first we remove the applied product simply with a napkin, and then we wipe the old fat with a damp sponge. There is no need to apply special efforts and rub.

But, since vegetable oil was used, it will leave a small greasy mark, which must be additionally wiped off with a sponge lathered with laundry soap.

That's all! An amazing miracle product for cleaning kitchen furniture from greasy stains, which our grandmothers also knew.

How to clean glossy glass surfaces in the kitchen

To wash greasy kitchen furniture with glass surfaces, it is also better to use household cleaners. We try not to use chemicals, besides, the surfaces become cloudy over time from chemicals, and stains remain, and scratches may appear.

Glass cleaner is made from vinegar, water, vodka and any essential oil.

Pour half a glass of water (100 ml), 50 ml of table vinegar and the same amount of vodka into a cup. If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can add a teaspoon of essential oil to neutralize it. There will be no greasy stains from it, since essential oils are volatile.

Pour the resulting product into a spray bottle and spray on the glass surface of kitchen furniture.

This tool should not be left, we immediately wipe the surface with a dry cloth, and it will shine like new.

Such a vinegar and vodka remedy can also be used to clean mirrors, and indeed any glass, windows, if necessary.

How to clean windows without streaks

How to clean lacquered kitchen furniture from grease

Lacquered kitchen surfaces can be stained and prone to scratches. Therefore, the choice of means for washing them should be treated with caution. How to wash kitchen furniture from grease, I will tell you now.

Here again, vinegar comes to the rescue. This is such a wonderful all-rounder, just recently we were talking about different ways to use vinegar in everyday life.

Vinegar connect with regular clay! It can be purchased at a hardware store. For two parts of clay we take one part of vinegar (for example, 100 grams of clay and 50 ml of vinegar).

What is the effect of using this remedy? Vinegar perfectly corrodes fat, and clay absorbs it.

Set aside the product applied to the dirty surface until the clay dries, it will take 15-20 minutes.

Now we wash everything off with a wet sponge and wipe it with a dry cloth.

How to clean handles on kitchen cabinets

Do not forget, when washing the surfaces of furniture from grease and dirt, wash the handles.

Wiping them outside is not a problem. But how much dirt accumulates in the reverse side, in hard-to-reach places! On my cabinets, for example, there are handles with such complex recesses that it’s impossible to clean them with a hand and a rag.

The problem is easily solved using the old toothbrush.

Any cleaning agent, for example, you can make a slurry from mustard powder, vinegar and water(by the way, it is also suitable for cleaning wooden and plastic surfaces) apply with a toothbrush on the handles from all sides, rub them well, and then rinse with water and wipe dry.

A modern, beautiful kitchen should always remain clean, and kitchen furniture should always shine. I hope that my tips on how to wash kitchen furniture will help you with this. Can someone tell me about their methods?

In the kitchen, the enemy of every surface is a coating of fat and dust that has settled on it, and soot and lime are added to all this, for example, on furniture that is installed near the sink and stove. If you wipe the kitchen set daily with a damp cloth soaked in dishwashing detergent, and then remove everything with a clean cloth, you can prevent problems in the future. If you do not have time for daily care of kitchen cabinets, then the question immediately arises of how to wash kitchen furniture from grease, but in a way that does not harm it.

Furniture preservation rules

All washcloths and sponges that have a hard and metallic surface are excluded from the cleaning arsenal. This is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of scratches when cleaning the fat, which, in addition to a spoiled appearance, can contribute to the strong penetration of dirt into the damaged surface. To avoid stains, it is worth holding the rag up and down, and not to carry out circular and chaotic movements. In the presence of a complex furniture design, wiping should be according to the configuration. It should be noted that you should not use any tool that comes to hand. So, for example, what helps with the enamel coating of the bathtub often leaves whitish spots on the surface of plastic or wood, especially painted. The use of products with ammonia or acid is unacceptable, as kitchen furniture is immune to this. Aggressive components and powder cleaners have a negative effect, and this is unacceptable for furniture in the kitchen.

Any product that is chosen to clean cabinets from grease should be left on the surface for some time after application. This is required in order to corrode the established dirt and grease. After the product has been applied, do not waste energy cleaning the surface. Sponge should be rubbed 20 minutes after. If there is no effect, it is worth treating the surface again, although this already puts the furniture to some test. If the tool is used for the first time, then first try to clean the kitchen set on a small surface so that if there is an undesirable effect, there will be no great upset. It is better to do it in the most inconspicuous places. It should be noted that the steam cleaner should not be used for MDF and other wood-film surfaces.

You can wash the kitchen from fat only with the help of soft sponges and cloth. An excellent option is microfiber, cloth or flannel.

It should be noted that metal brushes are not used to clean the grease in the kitchen, even if the grease is too thick.

It is better to leave it for soaking along with the applied product, so that later there are no problems with high-quality cleaning and high labor costs.

Buying cleaning supplies is a very important undertaking. Apply to wash the kitchen from fat, you need only liquids and gels. Powdered detergents can scratch the surface, creating abrasions. On the jar, it is worth studying the annotation of the product in order to avoid damage to the headset: what kitchen surfaces it is suitable for, whether there are aggressive components, etc.

household products

Cleaning a kitchen set with household chemicals is the fastest and most popular method. Regardless of the type of pollution and surface, you can find a kitchen cleaner, for example, Silit Bang, Santry, Mr. Muscle and others. The range is very large. There are quite a few manufacturers. In addition, there are liquids for washing kitchen cabinets, which perfectly dissolve fats and clean any type of soiled surface. All of them have their own individual effectiveness, you need to choose only the most suitable option.

When cleaning kitchen cabinets with household chemicals, you should follow these steps:

  1. 1 The place of contamination is washed (with warm water).
  2. 2 Detergent is applied.
  3. 3 It is left to soak for half an hour until the plaque is dissolved.
  4. 4 Wipe with a sponge or brush.
  5. 5 Cleaning agent residue is removed.
  6. 6 Washed with a damp sponge until the required cleanliness is achieved.
  7. 7 Repeat the process if necessary.

You need to clearly know that there are products for cleaning metal, glass, tile and furniture surfaces. Each tool has instructions that must be followed exactly.

Kitchen set based on MDF, which is finished with a film or plastic, can only be washed with cleaning products without chlorine and abrasive. It is better to use special detergents for furniture. Cleaning with a small amount of neutral detergent solution is recommended.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the steam cleaner. It helps to fight greasy stains, so that the furniture becomes like new. However, if such equipment is available, then the logical question arises of how to remove grease from kitchen furniture. To do this, simply follow the instructions for use.

Folk remedies, which cleaned the accumulated dirt of the grandmother, also help get rid of fat in the kitchen. Few people know that sunflower oil helps to get rid of traces of fat in the kitchen. For this you need:

  1. 1 Mix a spoonful of soda with the same amount of vegetable oil.
  2. 2 This composition is applied to the most contaminated areas.
  3. 3 Half an hour later, wash everything with a sponge.

If necessary, the procedure is repeated until the desired effect is achieved. If in doubt about adding oil, only soda can be used. A small amount of soda is poured onto a damp sponge or rag and you can start cleaning. A substance that has a slight abrasive effect can easily clean the cabinet. It is only necessary to note that it will take a long time to rub.

Vinegar also has a good effect. A rag is soaked in simple table vinegar, and the cabinet is wiped with it. We'll have to try, since cleaning the surface of fat in the kitchen is a very difficult undertaking. In this case, it is better to use a hard sponge.

If the case is sufficiently neglected, then the surface of the cabinet is pre-treated with a soap solution or other ordinary detergent. When the dirt becomes sour, it is easier to process with vinegar.

After cleaning the fat, the products are washed off with clean water, and the surface of the cabinet is wiped dry. In the case when the furniture requires polishing, you need to carefully wipe it with a polish.

A few words about security

Don't forget to use gloves when scraping grease off the kitchen surface, as harsh chemicals can be very toxic. It is worth cherishing your own hands and observing safety rules when working with chemicals. In case of allergies or bronchial diseases, do not use aggressive agents. In addition, after work it is better to ventilate the room well.

Helpful notes

Of course, an important point is the daily cleaning: cleaning the table, stove, dishes, tiles. However, it also happens that it is very difficult to notice that the cabinet in the kitchen, which is regularly cleaned of dust, has begun to become covered with a greasy film or oil droplets have become more noticeable, even though you regularly looked after the furniture. Even the most tidy housewives have such moments. It is very important not to postpone cleaning indefinitely: when you see droplets of fat, try to start cleaning immediately so as not to complicate your task in the future.

Small yellowish droplets that instantly stick to surfaces are difficult to remove. How to wash grease on kitchen cabinets? Standard rags only rub dirt, and not all household chemicals can cope with it. It takes a long time to rub and wash the stubborn stains of fat. But there is a danger of damaging the surface. Often, the materials from which cabinets or tiles are made immediately leave white spots or, worse, scratches. It is impossible to eliminate them. To avoid such an annoying nuisance, it is worth adopting a few rules of cleanliness.


The most important principle to follow is to remember to wipe the surfaces of kitchen cabinets daily. So fat will not accumulate. But often busy housewives have a lot of things to do at work, and at home they only have time to cook lunch or dinner. When to fight for purity? On the weekend. In this case, the dirt will have to be washed with special predilection and the use of cleaning products. And they are not always of a chemical type. There are a lot of tips for putting things in order using folk recipes for cleanliness.

A fatty deposit on kitchen furniture is a common phenomenon, it appears instantly and imperceptibly for the hostess. While the most delicious and healthy food is being prepared, droplets of oil fly off the pan and fall on different surfaces. Especially quickly they "settle" on their favorite light cabinet, which hangs very close to the stove.

The method of cleaning and the type of detergent will depend on the material of the furniture.

Dust quickly sticks to the yellow droplets of fat, being absorbed into the viscous composition. This is facilitated by the steam that escapes every time you open the lids of pots and pans. It acts as a catalyst, helping the dirt to adhere better to the fat droplets. Such plaque cannot be removed even with hot water.

How to wash the kitchen set from grease? In order not to spoil the surface and quickly eliminate kitchen soot, you should first determine what material the furniture is made of. The method of cleaning and the type of detergent will depend on this.

It is important to have "helpers" on hand. These are rags, sponges, through which you can clean your favorite locker. It is worth choosing fabrics from flannel, microfiber, cloth. In no case should synthetics or coarse materials be used. And you should completely abandon metal graters. They can only clean old pots and cast iron pans. It is worth stocking up on the softest sponges.

How to wash the tiles in the kitchen from grease, if the plaque is a little old? You should let him soak. To do this, it is important to wet the dirt with a solution of soapy water and leave for an hour. Then wipe with a soft cloth, rinse with clean water and wipe dry. Instead of soap, you can dissolve the gel for washing surfaces in water.

Lockers should be cleaned with a cloth made of flannel, microfiber, cloth

If stains need to be removed from furniture, under no circumstances should cleaning be carried out with a powder or a hard cloth. Modern manufacturers cover kitchen cabinets with a protective film, but even so, you should not risk using an abrasive. It is necessary to carefully study the composition of the gel or other liquid for cleaning surfaces. If you have to clean the fat from a wooden cabinet, the composition should not contain ammonia, acids, chlorine.

In order not to harm the surfaces for sure, when cleaning the kitchen of grease, it is better to test the detergent on an unnecessary plank or tile first. After observing how the gel will behave and making sure that it does not damage the materials, you can proceed to the general cleaning of the kitchen.


After making sure that the cleansing gel does not contain aggressive substances in its composition, you need to learn how to use it correctly. Do not pour the gel directly on the sponge and apply to the surface of the cabinet. It is advisable to thoroughly dissolve it in warm water and wipe the fat with the resulting product.

It is advisable to thoroughly dissolve the agent in warm water and wipe the fat with the resulting agent.

There are solutions that are specifically designed to deal with stubborn fat, but standard products can also be used. Gels include:

  • Comet;
  • Pemo-Lux;
  • Chistin.

After the product dissolves the dirt, you need to carefully remove it with a damp cloth and then wipe the surface with another sponge dipped in clean water. This should be done until whitish stains disappear.

Old fat in the kitchen cannot be eliminated at once. You will have to carry out a number of procedures to restore cleanliness. It is worth treating surfaces without the use of aggressive agents and graters. Washcloths can be used. They are slightly stiffer than sponges.

A steam cleaner will also help, but it is worth remembering that such a device will ruin kitchen furniture covered with a protective film.


If the hostess is allergic to cleaning chemicals, or they run out abruptly, folk remedies can help. How to wash grease from kitchen furniture if there is no way to buy a new bottle of washing gel? It is acceptable to use laundry soap, lemon, soda.

The recipe is:

  • dissolve 5 g of citric acid or squeeze 2 ml of lemon juice into a liter of warm water;
  • add some soda;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • soak a sponge in the solution;
  • wipe surfaces;
  • be sure to rinse with warm clean water.

How to clean surfaces if the stains are very old? Everything is simple. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of soda and citric acid (5 g each). Moisten a little with water to form a paste and apply with a sponge to tiles or kitchen cabinet surfaces. Due to the alkaline reaction, the agent will foam and hiss, the grease to be cleaned will dissolve, and it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

If the hostess is allergic to cleaning chemicals, or they ended abruptly, folk remedies can help

To help the hostess when removing dirt and grease in the kitchen, alcohol or vodka, vinegar. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of the above funds, combining them in equal quantities. This will turn out a detergent composition that will perfectly cope with any pollution, even stubborn ones.

You can pour this solution into a spray bottle. After spraying on the stains, it is advisable to let the product soak in, and then rinse it thoroughly with water.

If the dirt and grease have dried well, it is recommended to clean the surface with clay mixed with vinegar. Dilute the product to the consistency of sour cream. Cleaning will take a little time, the fat will come off quickly, and the doors or walls of the cabinet will not be damaged. Not a scratch will remain. After manipulation, the clay must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water and wipe the surface dry.

A great helper in removing dirt from kitchen furniture is coarse salt. But it is recommended to use not only it. If you mix salt with mustard powder, you get an excellent composition for removing fat. The product is a natural abrasive that will not damage surfaces. It is desirable to wash off this powder with a soapy solution, and then with clean water.

A piece of laundry soap must be crushed and the powder dissolved in water to make a thick mass. This paste should be applied to tiles or furniture, rub a little and rinse with warm water.

You can even use dough baking powder if you need to urgently clean the furniture, and you don’t have soda or vinegar on hand. Wet the baking powder a little and wipe the surface with this mixture. Be sure to rinse everything off with water afterwards. This substance is very good at removing grease stains.

Works wonders and a mixture of equal proportions of vodka, vinegar (50 ml each) and 1-2 ml of any essential oil. It is advisable to pour the composition into a spray bottle and spray on contaminated surfaces. Let it soak for half an hour and rinse thoroughly. This solution perfectly removes limescale from taps and tiles.

So, you can eliminate fat droplets from kitchen furniture and tiles without even using specialized tools, but using only what is at hand. Before starting work, it is advisable to stock up on soft cloths, sponges and study the structure of the surface of the cabinets well. It is impossible to act when cleaning with abrasive substances, this will lead to scratches. You need to choose products based on gels.