How to clean kitchen furniture from grease: the best DIY options. How to wash off grease in the kitchen: simple and affordable means of cleaning furniture Kitchen removal

Owners of glossy kitchens often have a question: how to clean a glossy kitchen set?

Today, the most popular kitchen sets are those made from bright and stylish glossy materials. This kitchen looks aesthetically pleasing and completely changes the room. Thanks to the diverse color scheme, even the most capricious person will find something suitable for himself. Many people like standard white kitchens, others prefer more dark colors, but the reflective properties of glossy surfaces of any color transform the room and increase visual volume.

But the owner of such a kitchen should not forget that proper care will help preserve such beauty. The owner of a glossy kitchen must have certain knowledge and comply with the conditions proper care behind her. What needs to be done to maintain the bright and shiny surfaces of such a kitchen?

A glossy kitchen has a number of advantages.

Gloss, reflecting light, visually increases the space of the kitchen. This coating is resistant to fading, so it is beautiful appearance remains for a long time. The gloss is resistant to minor damage. Cleaning the headset does not require any particular effort. A glossy surface, regardless of color, can bring something new to your interior.

Methods for caring for a glossy kitchen

Users of glossy kitchens recommend purchasing only wall cabinets with a glossy finish. The color of the kitchen furniture plays an important role. On a surface that is black, stains and marks are most noticeable. Therefore, many people are confused by this kitchen set. White hides all these defects.

It is important to remember that glossy facades must be cleaned daily, because gloss perfectly collects all drops of grease, fingerprints, liquid stains, and more. By fighting them, you extend the time during which you will enjoy the beauty of your kitchen.

So, what “enemies” exist, and how to fight them in order to emerge victorious:

Abundance of moisture. Glossy facades are prohibited from cleaning a large number liquids, since moisture penetration will damage the film that covers the furniture. What should you do? You should always keep the kitchen dry and clean with a little water. At the stage of ordering a kitchen, you need to think about which places will be most susceptible to excess moisture and order them to be made from a different material that is not so capricious. For example, the upper facades are made of glossy material, and the lower ones are made of MDF.

Several uses of these compounds will cause irreparable damage to your kitchen. Therefore, it is better to use products specially designed for delicate cleaning of glossy surfaces. They have liquid foundation, do not contain large quantities abrasives.

Important: the basic rule is that the surface of the kitchen furniture should always be kept dry, otherwise moisture will penetrate into hard to reach places, as a result of which the film will gradually peel off.


This is the most important question: how to clean a glossy kitchen set if powders and aggressive substances cannot be used for cleaning?

There are tools and methods that will help you get rid of various stains, stains or traces of something:

To glossy set pleasing to your eye, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

First, the set must be cleaned - a spray can handle this.

  1. Next, wipe the surface dry with a microfiber cloth.
  2. To enhance shine, apply polish with wax.

If you carry out these actions regularly, you will be able to extend the service life of your kitchen furniture, and you will not have to do it later. general cleaning, getting rid of old stains formed from grease. Just remember to wipe the set with a soft cloth or wet wipes after each cooking. After rubbing, the facade will acquire the desired gloss. To maintain it, you simply need to wash small grease stains daily.

Important: before using any detergent, it should be tested on an area of ​​the kitchen furniture that is almost invisible.

There is no one specific option for caring for glossy kitchen furniture. This decision is individual; the owner or hostess decides what detergents to use and how often to wash the furniture.
You can make a mixture consisting of apple cider vinegar and vodka. With this mixture you can wipe the surface of the kitchen furniture constantly; dirt simply will not have time to accumulate.

Bottom line

The main thing in caring for a glossy kitchen set is the daily removal of grease stains and marks. We think the tips in this article will help you keep your kitchen in the best condition.

Housewives spend most of their time in the kitchen. The process of cooking, washing dishes and daily cleaning takes a lot of time, no matter how neat the housewife is. Sooner or later, kitchen furniture becomes covered with plaque and grease stains.

How to wash kitchen furniture from fat and restore her decent appearance? What products should I use and what do I need to make the room sparkling clean? It's not like that difficult task, as it might seem at first glance.

What you need to clean the kitchen

To clean the kitchen set, you do not need any special equipment or expensive products. You will need:

  • several soft cloths;
  • foam sponge;
  • brush (you can use an old toothbrush);
  • gloves;
  • an apron or protective robe.

When cleaning the kitchen, it is better to do it with the windows open. If climatic or weather conditions do not allow this, ventilate the room after finishing work.

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease

Using household chemicals or improvised means, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions so that washing the cabinets is as effective as possible and does not require high costs time and effort. Follow this sequence of actions:

  • Dampen a cloth rag in warm water, and thoroughly moisten the surfaces.
  • Apply the selected cleaning composition evenly to the furniture.
  • Leave the contaminants to “acidify” for required interval time.
  • Remove greasy deposits using a foam sponge or brush.
  • Remove any remaining cleaning products with a damp cloth.
  • Wash surfaces with a sponge.
  • If necessary, repeat the manipulations again.

If you are using store product, when purchasing, pay attention to what surfaces the chemical is intended for. What can be used on plastic or MDF may ruin wood or polish.

How to remove grease from kitchen furniture

You can find it in hardware stores wide range gels, powders and liquids to combat fat. When purchasing a chemical, you can be sure that the chosen product will deal with the problem quickly, and your furniture will shine clean again.

But you can do without chemicals and clean off dirt with a melamine sponge. The principle of its “work” is similar to a stationery eraser, and it copes with greasy stains without the use of any additional cleaning agents.

Some housewives prefer steam cleaners. Thanks to a powerful stream of hot steam, dirt and grease are removed from surfaces without much difficulty. However, this unit cannot be used for wooden furniture, or for film-coated materials.

The cheapest, safest and easiest way to put your kitchen furniture in order is to use improvised means that are necessarily present in every kitchen and are also stored in home medicine cabinets.

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease using folk remedies

It is better to clean dirt after cutting it after it appears. If grease and dirt remain on surfaces for a long time, there is a danger that the dirt will “eat into” the material and will no longer be able to be removed. You can use various means and methods to clean cabinets and work surfaces in the kitchen.

Mustard powder

If your headset is covered in greasy stains, wipe it with a damp foam sponge generously sprinkled with mustard. The fat will dissolve without a trace, and all you have to do is wash the surfaces warm water.

Laundry soap

This product is almost universal and will help remove grease from any surface. Apply a generous amount of soap to the damp sponge and wipe the surfaces. After 15-20 minutes, remove greasy marks, using a brush if necessary. Clean surfaces clean water.

Saline solution with hydrogen peroxide

Prepare a cleaning solution by adding a tablespoon of salt and 10 drops of peroxide to 1 liter of water. Moisten the surfaces generously with the resulting product and leave for 15 minutes. Then remove the grease with a sponge or brush and wash the set with a soft cloth soaked in warm water.

Baking soda

Soda can be used to clean furniture made of any materials, except polished. Wet the surfaces hot water, and then apply a “mush” of soda using a sponge or brush.

Wait until the stains “soften” and can be washed off the surface of the cabinets without effort. After no trace of grease remains, rinse off the remaining soda with warm water.

3% vinegar solution

Vinegar works great on grease, but it is best not to use it on delicate surfaces. Before using this product, test its effect on a small area of ​​furniture, and if the acid does not cause any harm to it, you can start working.

Pour vinegar onto a sponge and wipe away any stains. After 3-5 minutes, use a brush to remove greasy spots. Once the surface is clean, wash the cabinets first with dish soap and then with clean water.

Vodka or alcohol and essential oil

You can clean any surfaces with vodka or diluted alcohol; this product is practically harmless. It can also be used for glass surfaces, as well as mirrors.

Pour vodka into a spray bottle, add 5-7 drops essential oil, and thoroughly “irrigate” the set. When the greasy drops become soft, clean the surfaces of dirt, and then rinse with warm water.

How to clean wooden kitchen furniture

The best solution for cleaning solid wood furniture is a mixture of vegetable oil and soda (1:2 ratio). Oil can soften dried fat, and baking soda will help remove traces without leaving any residue.

Apply the cleaning solution to the dirt and rub it over the surface with a brush. After 15–20 minutes, carefully scrub away any greasy marks and remove any remaining dirt and cleaning agent using a damp foam sponge.

How to clean varnished surfaces

Such furniture must be washed with caution, since aggressive substances can irreparably damage the coating. Use this cleaning method:

  • Add 100 grams of white clay to 50 ml of 3% vinegar.
  • Apply cleaning powder to the furniture.
  • After 15–20 minutes, wash off the clay and vinegar with a wet cloth, and then polish the cabinets dry with a piece of soft cloth.

You need to act carefully and without pressure, otherwise you will scratch the furniture.

How to clean MDF kitchen furniture

This material is sensitive to aggressive agents containing chlorine, as well as abrasives. It is better to wash such furniture by special means, which can be found at a hardware store.

In addition, you can use laundry soap; it will also not harm the surfaces.

To avoid harm to health and protect the skin of your hands, clean surfaces from grease using gloves. When using aggressive chemicals, it is better to work with the windows open, and after cleaning, be sure to ventilate the room for at least 20 minutes.

Your kitchen will always look neat if you don’t put off cleaning until later, but clean the furniture from dirt and grease right away.

Not really

Kitchen furniture is most often subjected to various contaminants- During the day, many activities are carried out there: food processing, preparing various dishes, washing dishes and wet cleaning. Most complex problem is frozen fat - its small droplets settle on the surfaces of cabinets, walls, and stoves. When they harden, they create a sticky crust that quickly collects dirt and dust particles. This cannot be avoided - even with a good hood, it is impossible to exclude oil splashes during frying or drops falling on various coatings by negligence.

Daily cooking requires equally frequent cleaning of the kitchen.

The question of how to remove grease from kitchen furniture is always relevant. It is worth removing the frozen crust a lot of work, this requires special aggressive compounds. The right choice The cleaning product must provide high-quality results and safety for coatings.

In the case of capricious surfaces that can be scratched by abrasive, as well as household appliances, it is better to use liquid detergents

At modern diversity In the field of household chemicals, it is easy to choose a product that takes into account the characteristics of any surface. There are also gentle types that cope excellently with stains on expensive materials. Proven folk recipes for cleaning agents do not lose popularity either.

In order for the kitchen to last for many years, you should choose the right cleaning products

Range of kitchen care products

Various types chemicals provide many ways to clean kitchen furniture from grease without spending a lot of time and effort. Based on the type of impact, they are divided into several types.

Chemical solutions provide high efficiency, but often pose a danger. An incorrectly selected composition can damage expensive material kitchen set, and toxic substances cause poisoning and allergies. For this reason, you should choose household chemicals with great responsibility, and when using, be sure to strictly follow the instructions and use gloves to protect your skin.

We carefully familiarize ourselves with the composition when choosing cleaning and detergents to avoid allergies

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease. Folk recipes

Simple products for quick cleaning

Much more gentle and less expensive are mixtures based on folk recipes. Their effectiveness and safety have been tested by the experience of entire generations; these simple and effective methods should not be neglected.

  • Alcohol with vinegar. The solution will quickly remove oil stains and disinfect the room. To prepare, mix alcohol or vodka with vinegar in equal proportions, dilute half with water, and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Grease contamination should be sprayed generously, allowed to stand for 10 minutes, and wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. For a pleasant aroma, just add a drop of essential oil to the mixture. Alcohol mixture is suitable for delicate cleansing furniture set made of wood, various household appliances.

    Mixture of alcohol and vinegar for kitchen cleaning

  • Baking soda. For best degreasing, it is recommended to use in combination with laundry soap. First, prepare a warm soap solution (you need to finely rub the laundry soap first, then it will quickly dissolve in hot water). With a sponge soaked in the resulting mixture, carefully wipe all contaminated areas - the surface should remain damp. Soda is poured onto the sponge and the wiping procedure is repeated. After 20 minutes, the soda along with any remaining dirt is washed off with warm water. For cleaning wooden cabinets It is recommended to use baking soda in combination with vegetable oil. They are mixed until the consistency of sour cream is obtained, the mixture is applied to the stain, leaving for 15 minutes. It is recommended to rub with a brush or sponge and wipe the mixture thoroughly with a damp cloth. Baking soda cleanses grease very well when mixed with hydrogen peroxide - the composition is used to clean carbon deposits from dishes and baking sheets.

    Baking soda is used in the kitchen not only in baking, but also as a safe cleaning agent.

  • Citric acid is no less effective than industrial acids, and is safe for health. The acid is diluted with water and poured into a spray bottle. Spray the desired area generously, leave for 15 minutes, and wipe with a sponge. Citric acid helps dissolve old crusts of fat, a layer of soot, soot - to do this, it is only slightly diluted with water, stirred to a thick paste and applied to the problem area.

    Citric acid is a natural stain remover

  • Sea salt. Copes well with oil stains. Salt is mixed with water to a mushy consistency, then the contaminated areas are lubricated. For abrasive action, use fine salt powder on a damp sponge.

    Sea salt is not only a source useful substances and microelements, but also an excellent remedy for fighting stains

  • Mustard. Use in powder form to remove difficult stains or dilute with water. Mustard powder is excellent against grease stains, but is not suitable for wooden furniture.

    Dry mustard for removing stains

  • Ammonia. Its advantage is rapid evaporation, the absence of streaks on glass, mirror surfaces. To prepare, dilute a spoonful of alcohol in a liter of water, and pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. A sponge soaked in the solution will be effective. The desired area is sprayed, left for five minutes, and wiped with a damp cloth. When using, the room must be well ventilated (if open window, window).

    Ammonia is a great helper for cleaning the kitchen and bathroom

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Works great against oil splashes. An additional advantage of peroxide is its disinfecting properties. The solution kills bacteria, protecting the room from the appearance of fungus and mold.

    Hydrogen peroxide should be kept not only in the first aid kit, but also in the kitchen

Exists great variety recipes on how to clean grease from kitchen utensils folk remedies, but if the pollution is very old and complex, household chemicals with a stronger effect will be required.

Visit perfect cleanliness folk remedies will help in the kitchen without labor and expense

Cleaning safety rules

Keep the kitchen clean with modern means easy, but not always safe

Following safety rules will help you get rid of problematic stains in the kitchen without wasting time or harming your health.

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the chosen product is suitable for the material of the kitchen unit. Most types of household chemicals contain chlorine or acids, which is contraindicated for use on wooden surfaces and MDF.
  2. Abrasive chemistry should be used for metal, ceramics, and plastic. It cannot be used on varnished or painted surfaces; it is not recommended to use powders to clean enamel.
  3. Do not mix different formulations (use simultaneously).
  4. For natural stone(granite or marble), you need to choose specialized products.
  5. To reduce the risk of damage to the surface, it is recommended that before applying household chemicals, first wet the contaminated area with warm water and leave it for a while. The water will soften the dried crust, eliminating the need to rub the stain and risk scratching.

To avoid irreparable damage to your kitchen furniture, use products correctly according to the instructions.

Be sure to wear gloves when working with chemical solutions, and if the product gets on open area skin, it should be washed off immediately. A number of substances and sprays require the use of a mask to protect the respiratory tract.

The use of gloves when cleaning surfaces in the kitchen is mandatory.

How often should you clean the kitchen?

Wiping the furniture in the kitchen once every two days is enough to simply maintain order.

The answer to the question “How to clean grease from a kitchen set?” depends on the type of contamination and the regularity of cleaning. Fresh oil splashes that have not had time to harden can be easily removed; to clean, just wipe the surface with a drop of regular dish gel.

A very convenient and effective device for cleaning the kitchen - a steam cleaner

But if the stain has already hardened or the carbon deposits and soot have to be washed off, aggressive cleaning compounds will be needed. To keep cleaning efforts to a minimum, it is recommended to carry out light maintenance cleaning every few days.

Cleaning grease in the kitchen with different surfaces, effectively without harm to the surface and your own health

Video: How to remove grease from kitchen doors

Every housewife always has the following substances:

  • soda;
  • soap;
  • lemon;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • mustard;
  • baking powder for dough;
  • vodka.

Among the advantages of such components, it is worth noting environmental friendliness, safety, and accessibility. They are easily washed off with water without leaving unpleasant odor. However, it should be borne in mind that home cleaners can only deal with small stains that have recently formed. General cleaning should be carried out with weekly regularity so that you don’t have to spend a long time fiddling with dirty furniture. Some of these tips are also suitable for.

Before you start cleaning, you first need to treat with the product small area, preferably in an inconspicuous place. If after 20 minutes no damage has formed, you can safely use it.


Laundry soap effectively removes dirt. It contains fatty acids that remove dirt well. Soap is suitable for cleaning kitchen utensils dark brown, with an acid content of at least 72%. A solution is prepared from it: 10 g of grated soap is mixed with 0.5 liters of warm water.

You can use a soap solution to treat any surface of the headset:

  1. The hard part of the sponge is moistened with the solution.
  2. The resulting foam is applied to dirty areas for 30 minutes.
  3. When the fat has completely dissolved, the furniture is rubbed with a sponge again.
  4. Upon completion of the second stage, the residues are washed off with a wet cloth.

Salt vs fat

Kitchen salt effectively removes the fatty layer from wooden surfaces and prevents the spread of germs. Saline solution It is recommended to treat facades and countertops weekly. It is prepared from 1 liter of water and 50-60 g of salt, moisten a rag and wipe the furniture. WITH old stains the product will work better if you add 1 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide. After 15 minutes, the dirt is washed off with water. Instead of a solution, you can use fine salt, scooping it up with a wet toothbrush. Fatty coating rub with the product, wait 30 minutes, then wash off.

Read also

Baking soda

Baking soda works well on glass and plastic surfaces. The contaminated area is moistened with water, sprinkled with soda, then wiped with a dry sponge. Remains of the substance are removed with a damp cloth. Baking soda acts as an abrasive that helps clean stubborn stains. Experienced housewives Use this product if you need to whiten darkened areas of plastic. Baking powder for dough has a similar effect. The powder is mixed with water until a homogeneous paste is obtained. It is applied to oily areas, left for 30 minutes, then washed off with water.

Do not clean glossy or varnished coatings. Otherwise, scratches may appear on them.

Soda and oil

To clean furniture made of wood or MDF, prepare a mixture of ordinary soda and sunflower oil in a ratio of 2:1. The prepared gruel should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. It is applied to the dirt in a circular motion using a brush. The oil-soda mixture along with lumps of fat is washed off after 30 minutes. If the plaque cannot be removed the first time, carry out reprocessing. The oil is well absorbed into wooden products, forming protective layer. It is recommended to use this mixture once every 2 weeks. It cleans the set, protects it from drying out and high humidity.

Soda and soap

The greasy layer from the kitchen set is removed with a product made from laundry soap and soda. The components can be used separately. But if you prepare a mixture of them, desired result is achieved faster. To obtain a soap-soda solution, rub the bar on a coarse grater. Then to 3 tbsp. shavings add 1 tbsp. warm water. The ingredients are stirred until a thick paste is formed. Then the product is applied with a sponge to grease-contaminated areas. While the mixture has not dried, sprinkle it with soda, rub well, and after 20 minutes, rinse everything off with water. The cleaning composition can be used to treat metal and plastic surfaces.

Using vinegar and alcohol

If a small layer of grease has formed on the headset, it can be removed with vinegar or alcohol. The substances have a cleaning and disinfecting effect. Before use, add a little water to the vinegar. To prepare another effective means you will need 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. alcohol It is convenient to spray the solution with a spray bottle. After waiting for the fat to separate from the surface, thoroughly wipe the furniture with a damp cloth.

After using alcohol or vinegar, the kitchen should be well ventilated.

Clear wooden furniture a mixture of 9% vinegar, alcohol and vodka, prepared in a ratio of 2:1:1, will help remove the fatty layer. It is recommended to add 5-10 drops of essential oil: sage, eucalyptus or lemon. Contaminated areas are sprayed with a spray bottle. After 20 minutes, wash the furniture with a kitchen sponge. After using a solution with essential oil, a pleasant aroma will be felt indoors for a long time.

Mustard powder and lemon

Mustard powder quickly dissolves greasy deposits. After treatment, the dirt can be easily removed with a napkin. To remove stains, they are moistened with water and sprinkled with mustard powder. Then the set is wiped with a dry cloth, and the remaining powder is removed with a damp sponge. Mustard can be used to clean plastic coverings. It is not recommended to use this product if the kitchen set is made of MDF or wood.

Effectively removes fat deposits lemon juice. You need to cut the lemon in half and rub the contaminated surface well so that drops form on it. After 10 minutes, wash off the product with warm water. Stubborn stains can be treated with mustard paste. To prepare it, the powder is mixed with water until a thick mixture is formed. It is washed off 10 minutes after application.

Fat dissolves well when exposed to citric acid. The washing solution is prepared from 15 g of the substance and 0.5 l cold water. The kitchen set is treated with the product without waiting for the granules to completely dissolve. Furniture is washed after 10 minutes with water or alcohol. To remove stubborn stains, use a mixture prepared from fine salt and citric acid solution.

Another product based on table vinegar. Place the peeled lemon in a glass jar and pour in 150 ml of 9% vinegar. The mixture prepared in the evening is infused until the morning under a tight lid. Then 150 ml of water is added to the liquid. The solution is sprayed over the surface or applied using a cotton rag. It is washed off after 10 minutes.

Ammonia and peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat any kitchen surface. Pharmaceutical product does not leave streaks, so it can be used to clean mirror or glass elements. It perfectly dissolves fresh grease stains and destroys bacteria. The old layer can be removed by adding soda to the peroxide. The furniture is treated with a paste mixture, which is washed off after 15 minutes with rubbing movements.

Fatty deposits can be removed ammonia. The solution is prepared immediately before harvesting by adding 1 liter clean water 1 tbsp. ammonia. You need to open a window or window in advance. Impregnate a textile napkin with the product and lubricate the areas of the kitchen unit that require cleaning. Dirt is removed after 5-7 minutes with a damp cloth. After cleaning, do not close the windows for 30-40 minutes so that the room is well ventilated.

Use ammonia or peroxide carefully so that the solution or paste does not come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes.

Preventive measures

It is recommended to clean dirty kitchen surfaces 2 times a week, since fresh stains are easier to get rid of. Grease can be quickly removed using dishwashing gel. For minor stains, simply rub baking soda. Finally, the furniture is washed with clean water. Old stains treated with a home remedy are removed with the abrasive side of the sponge. The washed set must be wiped dry with a soft rag or paper towel. There is no need to use dirty towels, you need them first.

To maintain cleanliness in the kitchen, it is enough to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Every time after cooking, surfaces contaminated with grease should be cleaned to prevent stains from drying out.
  2. General cleaning should be carried out at least once a week.
  3. To preserve the furniture's original shine, areas prone to contamination can be treated with a special protective compound.

Every housewife wants the kitchen to always be perfectly clean. That is why grease stains that appear on kitchen furniture are the subject of a tireless struggle for cleanliness.

Follow the rules when cleaning

You can use a few simple techniques to make the task easier.

  • During the cooking process, it is better to immediately wipe off greasy stains, then further painstaking work may not be needed. To do this, you need to moisten a paper towel or rag with warm water and wipe away the dirt without allowing it to dry.
  • If grease stains are thoroughly located on kitchen cabinets, worth spending preliminary preparation contaminated surface. This will make it easier further work for fat removal. Lightly wring out paper towels soaked in warm water, press them firmly onto the stain, and leave for 5 minutes until the fat softens. If the furniture is made of fiberboard or similar materials, then water cannot be used, since such surfaces can absorb moisture, collapsing in the process.
  • To clean you need to choose soft fabrics: sponges, microfiber, flannel, etc. Avoid metal sponges and brushes. Otherwise, scratches will form on the surface of the kitchen furniture, which will quickly become saturated with grease, dust and dirt. It is very difficult to clean them later.
  • It is better to carry out such cleaning using rubber gloves to protect your hands and nails.
  • You need to know exactly what materials are used to make kitchen furniture in order to choose the right one. suitable means for cleaning.
  • Before using any cleaning product, you should test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the furniture.
  • Regularity is required when cleaning. When a greasy stain has just formed, removing it will require much less time and effort than dealing with old frozen blots.

Handy grease removers

Before resorting to “heavy artillery” in the form of super-powerful household chemicals, you can use folk remedies and wash off grease from kitchen furniture in the following ways:

  • Lemon fights greasy stains very well. To do this, pour lemon juice onto the problem area and sprinkle baking soda on top. Once the fat begins to clump, wipe it off with a paper towel. This method is also good because after such cleaning the kitchen will remain with a fresh citrus smell.
  • Citric acid. Add lemon juice to the water at the rate of 15 grams per liter and a little dishwashing detergent. Apply the resulting solution to the stains, and then wipe them with a sponge.
  • Vinegar. If the fat is old, then ordinary table vinegar diluted in water will help. Wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in the product, you can leave it for about 5 minutes to act, then all that remains is to wash it off with a damp cloth. A solution of 1/4 cup of vinegar and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice works on the same principle.
  • Mustard. Walk over the dirt with a damp sponge, well sprinkled with dry mustard or soda. But if the dirt is old and you couldn’t remove it right away, you can prepare a thick paste, apply it to the surface of the greasy stain and leave it for a while. Then remove the solution with a paper towel or sponge.
  • Baking powder or baking soda, but the latter has a more pronounced abrasive effect, so it is not suitable for glossy and varnished surfaces. Dilute the selected ingredient with water to a paste, apply to the stain, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse. By the way, baking powder is convenient for cleaning.
  • Vegetable oil and soda. If you need to clean grease from wooden furniture, MDF furniture, as well as doors and chairs, then a creamy mixture of two parts butter and one part soda is ideal for this. Treat dirt with the mixture and rub a little. If necessary, leave for half an hour and then remove any lumps of remaining fat with a paper towel. For old, greasy blots or very large ones, you will have to repeat the procedure again. By the way, this treatment with a scrub of soda and oil is useful for furniture, since it can protect it from high temperatures in the kitchen and drying out, or vice versa, high humidity.
  • All-purpose solution with vodka. A product that can cleanse kitchen surfaces even the oldest grease stains. To make it you will need 200 g of vodka and the same amount of vinegar, add ½ tsp to it for flavor. essential oil. The resulting solution is applied through a sprayer as on vertical surfaces kitchen cabinets, and horizontal, which is very convenient. After waiting 10-15 minutes and making sure that the product is effective, remove the residue with a paper towel or sponge.
  • Laundry soap. Grate brown soap 72% on a coarse grater and add warm water to dissolve. The resulting soap solution washes away greasy stains well. Suitable even for marble and granite surfaces.

Not all of the listed methods are universal and good for all furniture surfaces. You need to be especially careful when choosing cleaning products for wooden and glossy kitchen sets.

Are your kitchen cabinets sparkling and clean? It's time to continue general cleaning of the kitchen or take note...

Separately about the nuances

Before using any cleaning product on furniture, you should test it on a small, inconspicuous area.

If it is a glossy, enamel or polished surface, then you cannot use various powders with an abrasive effect in order to avoid damaging its integrity in the form of small scratches.

  • To clean glossy surfaces based on MDF, it is better to choose various gels that do not contain chlorine, ammonia or aggressive acids. If the façade is made of PVC film, the cloth should not be too wet when cleaning.
  • It is very easy to clean a plastic kitchen using baby soap or dish gel. A soap solution is made from one of these components and the grease is removed using a sponge.
  • Separately, it must be said about untreated wooden surfaces. To clean such furniture, it is best to use a regular soap solution, then rinse off the remaining soap with water and be sure to wipe dry. After all, unprotected wooden surface has the ability to absorb any solution like a sponge.
  • Wet cleaning is not suitable for a polished kitchen. It is advisable to wipe such furniture daily with a soft cloth and applied cleaning polishing wax.

Which cleaning product to choose is up to you. There is no single algorithm here. The main thing is to get the desired result with less effort and cost.