My kindergarten. Autumn sounds List of used literature

“With the first autumn chill, life begins again.” This quote from the novel The Great Gatsby is very true. Moreover, it is a very romantic time of year, extremely picturesque and full of its specific autumn sounds.

Oddly enough, perhaps the first sign of the onset of autumn is the air. At this time, it acquires special purity, transparency and freshness. Although visually the picture may completely resemble summer. What follows is a series of special autumn sounds.

With the onset of September, migratory birds begin to gather in flocks. The grown chicks are undergoing their final flight training. Soon lines of wedges, geese and ducks will stretch across the sky. A separate chapter of autumn sounds is their voices saying goodbye to these lands until spring.

Endless silver cobwebs begin to stretch through the air, the foliage turns yellow, turns purple and gradually crumbles to the ground. Here it is, perhaps the most autumnal sound underfoot. One of the coolest things to do in the fall is to walk through a park or forest and kick the fallen leaves.

After this, October showers wash away the last leaves and wash the trees and ground before a long winter hibernation. All nature is preparing for bed. Of the autumn sounds, only the drumbeat of endless rains remains.

The last opportunity to wander through the forest, simply immersed in your own thoughts or engaging in a “quiet hunt” - picking mushrooms.

By the way, these three months are a particularly painful time. Dawn and among almost the entire small and large population. Romance has its costs.

It is also worth noting that autumn begins with one of the main school holidays - Knowledge Day. All schoolchildren and students return to study, and some go to the line for the first time. In any case, one of the autumn sounds undoubtedly includes the school bell. First school bell!

All files of the selection of autumn sounds are in mp3 format and can be downloaded for free - just click on the appropriate link. You can also listen to them online in advance and choose what you like.

The sound of rain and thunder outside the window:

A gust of wind and rustling leaves.

Educational field “Music” “Artistic and aesthetic direction” for children in the kindergarten preparatory group.

TARGET: develop the emotional-volitional sphere through various types of musical activities, music therapy and art therapy.


  1. Introduce children to the seasonal signs and phenomena of the “Autumn” season through various types of musical activities.
  2. To develop the creative abilities of pupils, to promote the development of children's cognitive processes, communication skills and cooperation skills.
  3. Develop a friendly attitude towards others; teach to understand feelings conveyed in music, distinguish shades of mood, empathize, rejoice, and be charged with positive emotions.


– Conversations about Autumn, memorizing poems.

– Listening to musical works on the topic.

– Displaying the theme of autumn in modeling and drawing.

GCD is integrated in nature and comprehensively solves the problems of musical and valeological education.

Musical repertoire: “Autumn” by A. Vivaldi from the cycle “The Seasons”, “Autumn Song” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, recording of “Voices of the Forest”, song “Signs of Autumn” by music. etc. Astashova N.G., dance in pairs “Cheerful Children” (lit.n.m), game for the development of auditory attention “Au”.

Material: magnetic board, two wooden sticks for each child, cut-out picture, balloon, ribbed massage track.


“Autumn” by A. Vivaldi from the cycle “The Seasons” sounds, the children enter the hall.

The teacher asks the children if they recognized the music they entered the hall to? What is the name of the music played? Author's or folk? Who performed the piece? What is the general character of the music? (Children's answers)

Teacher: Yes, the music is calm, thoughtful, lyrical, because spring and autumn have already arrived and nature is falling asleep.

Today we will listen to music about autumn. A postman balloon flies into the hall.

Guys, someone sent us a letter, let's see what's in it! Oh, and here are pieces of some kind of painting, can you imagine, they scattered all over the forest clearing. If you don’t collect them and put them together into a picture, Autumn will not be able to fully come into its own. Let's be brave, decisive and actively put together a picture of autumn! Do you agree? (Children's answers) If you get down to business together, you will definitely cope with it!

Guys, now we are going to the magical forest.
Children walk along a ribbed path, on a rug, with footprints.

We follow each other
Forest and autumn meadow.
Motley wings flicker -
Insects fly.
There is silence all around

We all gathered in the meadow.

Teacher: Here we are in the autumn forest. Look, guys, this is a frame from a painting of Autumn (they go to the magnetic board) Where can we look for parts of the painting? Maybe we can look for them in the fallen leaves? (Children's answers)

The autumn forest is full of different sounds, you just need to listen carefully to them, here is a hasty hedgehog running cheerfully, and now you can hear the purring of flying cranes and drops of autumn rain.

The teacher suggests listening to “Autumn Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Children listen to a fragment, then discuss the music they listened to, determine the composition of the performers, the composer, and find his portrait from several.

Dance exercise “Happy Children” is performed
Children find part of the picture.

Look, this is part of our picture! (attach it to a magnetic board). What else can be depicted in the painting of Autumn? What autumn signs are missing here? Name them! (Children's answers)

Teacher: I hear birds chirping somewhere. Let's listen to their voices. The recording of “Voices of the Forest” is playing

Teacher: The woodpecker sent birds in warm countries a Morse code telegram, consisting of different combinations of short and long sounds, so that the birds would return quickly.

Speech rhythmic game “Autumn Telegram” based on poems by V. Suslov. To play this rhythmic game, children need to be given two wooden sticks.

Teacher: Come on, you and I will sing along to the birds: “Chvil-vil-vil”, they sing the song in voices, combining melodiousness with clear diction, children move from middle voices down, then up to high ones.

Children perform the song “Signs of Autumn” by muses. and words by Astashova N.G.
Teacher: So the birds, flying away to warmer lands, give us another part of the picture (attached to the board). What other signs of autumn do you know? (Children’s answers) (leaves are falling, animals are preparing for winter). Yes, and the sun rises earlier and is no longer so warm, warming the earth with its rays, and the leaves fall from the trees. Conversation about proverbs about autumn (Children's answers.)

And now you and I will turn into leaves and play a communication game game "I am a Leaf".

The teacher calls the children by name, and that child comes out into the circle, says: “I am the leaf Sasha!”, improvises movements to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky. Find out with the children: in this play the melody is gentle, tremulous, calm.

Teacher: Guys, look what beautiful leaves cover our clearing. What wonderful leaves, how many friends you have. We have a whole clearing. What can it be called? (“Glade of Friendship”). Children find the last part of the picture and assemble it completely. You were a friendly team and were able to complete all the tasks. Let's hold hands and say wishes to each other. Children say their wishes to their friends.

Teacher:“I think that all your wishes will come true. All of you will take care of your friends and your friendship.” And now it’s time for us to return home to kindergarten. Invite the children to sit cross-legged and place their hands on their knees.

Relaxation – “Magic leaf of goodness” to the music of A. Vivaldi “Concerto for violin and orchestra No. 1 “Autumn” from the cycle “The Seasons”.

Place a “leaf of Goodness” and a good mood on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. It emits an amazing aroma and pleasant music. And you want to listen to it. Mentally place all the goodness and good mood of the leaf inside, into your heart. Feel how goodness enters you and gives you joy. You have new strengths: the forces of health and joy. A warm, gentle breeze blows around you. You have a warm, soul-warming mood. I want you to remember what you feel now and take it with you when you leave here. Warm feelings and good mood will continue to be with you. Open your eyes. Look around. Send kind thoughts to each other.

All the best to you! The children slowly stand up.

It's time for us to say goodbye, let's sing to each other: "Goodbye!" Well done, you were active at our meeting, I believe that you will appreciate and cherish the autumn beauty of nature, your friendship, until we meet again.”

Children leave the hall to calm music.

List of used literature

  1. Vetlugina N. A. Musical classes in kindergarten. M.: “Enlightenment” 1984.
  2. Vygotsky L.S. "Psychology of Art", ed. "Art", Moscow, 1986.
  3. Mikhailova M. A. Development of children's musical abilities. – Yaroslavl “Academy of Development”, 1997.
  4. Petrushin V.I. “Psychology of musical perception.” // “Musical psychology and psychotherapy” 2007 No. 2.
  5. Lebedeva L. D. Practice of art therapy: approaches, diagnostics, system of classes. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2008.

Prepared by music director Natalya Valerievna Seletskaya,
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 1 “Smile”,
village Smirnykh Sakhalin region

Galina Ibragimova
Summary of a music lesson for children of the middle group “Sounds of Autumn”

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 10 "Dewdrop"


music lesson

For middle group children


Made up musical director

Ibragimova Galina Vladimirovna

Target: Formation musical and creative abilities in various forms musical activities through consolidation of knowledge children about seasonal changes in nature in autumn.


1. Educational:

Enrich your experience children, form musical taste, develop musical memory;

Promote the development of thinking, imagination, memory, hearing.

2. Developmental:

Develop a sense of rhythm;

Develop pitch, timbre and dynamic hearing;

Development of creative activity children in musical performance

activities (dance moves).

3. Educational:

Cultivate aesthetic taste, instill love for musical activity;

Improve and develop communication skills.

4. Wellness:

Strengthen physical and mental health with the help of breathing exercises, finger exercises, and phonopedic exercises children.

Integration of educational regions: "Artistic and aesthetic", "Speech", "Physical", "Social - communicative"

Progress of the lesson

Under children enter the hall listening to autumn music.

Musical Hello all girls,

Head Hello all boys.

Hello guys.

I'm glad to see you on our musical clearing.

And I want to say hello to the whole world around us. Help me? Let's say hello with a movement of the hand, with a voice.

Hello, the sky is blue...

Hello golden sun...

Hello free breeze...

Hello young oak...

Hello morning...

Hello day...

I'm not too lazy to say hello...

Hello Mother Earth...

Hello my friends.

Today we brought such an unusual basket to our kindergarten. It is unusual because there is nothing inside it.

Who sent it to us and why? I don't understand. Although…. (I discover autumn leaf, reading):

"Go to autumn forest, a surprise awaits you.

Guess the riddle and you will find out who invited you.

Yellow leaf on the palm

It was once green

He flew into our window.

Why did he turn yellow?

Who, friends, won’t we ask?

They'll say: has arrived..."

Children: Autumn.

Musical I suggest you go to autumn forest.

leader We will walk carefully so as not to step on a mink of a fox or a hedgehog, we will walk quietly so as not to frighten away the birds that are sitting on the branches. Let's make our journey wonderful music.

Hearing music P. I. Tchaikovsky « Autumn»

Educator (Imagination setting) How good it is in autumn forest Admire the autumn nature.

Etude "Aw"(finish off from children expressive musical performance

Gesture "Aw" And "Listen".

How easy and free to breathe autumn air.

Let's take a deep breath - without raising our shoulders and exhale.

Let's say: "Oh".

There is silence in the forest

The leaf rustles barely audibly - (children raise their hands up and say quietly sound"sh",

The wind will blow stronger -

The leaf will rustle more boldly (Sh-sh-sh - pronounced sound"sh" loudly on a long and even exhalation)

The wind will blow again

Sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker (show with hands)

Guys, how does the breeze sing its song?

Children F-f-f-f-f...

Musical The wind is blowing - f-f-f-f-

leader The wind tears off the leaves sh-sh-sh-sh

The wind drives away the clouds o-o-o-o- (wavy sound)

The wind flies into the sky a-a-a-a-a- (glissando from bottom to top).

So a leaf flies from a branch

(P-p-p - with soft and precise movements they lower their hands and say briefly and energetically sound"p")

Spun around, spinn around

And he fell to the ground.

(A-a-a - they rotate their hands, raise their hands and lower them, saying sound"A" from the top to the bottom sound)

Educator Look at the wind that rose in our forest... SLIDE

Musical I will now perform a beautiful song for you autumn melody

Head Veterok shakes the branches of the trees.

Show how the trees sway.

Show how they sway to different tunes music trees. Let's remember:

The body is...

Children Tree trunk.

Our legs are roots that stand firmly on the floor.

Our hands are...

Children of Twigs.

And the palms are

Children Leaves.

Etude "Wind is a breeze".

Educator Listen, what kind of wind is strong or weak...Dasha?

Answer children.

Educator And now what kind of breeze has come - loud or quiet at... Misha?

Musical Oh guys, it seems autumn rain begins.


Educator Let's quickly sit down on the tree stump chairs so as not to get our feet wet.

What kind of rain is it coming? in autumn?

Children Sad, cold, strong.

Musical It started to rain, the raindrops sang a song.

leader Under a small blue cloud, a droplet sang this song, drip-drip

(Minor third below). Who can sing so low among us? sound?

Singing individual children.

Musical And a big blue cloud rained down such a song, the head of the dozhinok

(third in middle position) .

Educator Who will repeat this rain song?

Musical director Guys, and the rain song can be performed on musical ringing and knocking instruments. Which ones?

Musical Director the song of the rain. And the guys will guess which cloud the song is from.

Game children.

Musical leader These are the different raindrops. What if we play together musical instruments, then we will get a beautiful one autumn rain music. Let's try. Select the instruments you want to play. (choice children) .

Children's orchestra musical instruments.

Musical leader And when we all play together we have an orchestra. That's how beautiful it is musical word.

Educator Let's repeat it together.

Music Guys, let's cheer up our little cloud - let's sing a song.

Song "Rain".

Musical leader This is what a funny song we have made. Strong wind and autumn the rain tore many leaves from the branches. When the leaves fly, it means...

Children of leaf fall. SLIDE

Finger gymnastics "Leaf Fall"

Leaf fall, leaf fall!

Leaves are flying in the wind (children smoothly lower their hands from top to bottom, making soft movements with their hands)

Leaves are swirling in the wind (circular movements of hands)

Here is an aspen leaf flying (they bend their fingers one by one,

starting from the little finger)

And behind it is a rowan leaf.

The wind blows a maple leaf

Adjusts oak sheet.

The birch leaf is spinning

Be careful, puddle! - shake a finger

Spun, spun, (raise their arms and make rotational movements with their hands, gradually lowering their arms)

I fell straight into a puddle (hands on knees)

Educator Look how many leaves we have in the clearing.

Let's gather them, dance and play with them.

While it will sound autumn song, you will dance with the leaves, and as soon as I I'll tell you: “Leaf, leaf, don’t circle,

Fly quickly to the tree"

You will be looking for which tree the leaf flew away from.

Dance-game dance creativity children.

Game "Find the tree".

Music Director How, okay, today we took a walk in the forest. But we need to get back before it rains again. Thank you, autumn, to you for our walk. Did you guys like it? I suggest giving Autumn our autumn song.

Well, now it's time to get back before it starts raining again.

Walking like a snake under music, in a circle behind the teacher.

Along the path, along the path

We jump on the right leg. (jumps on the right leg)

And along the same path

We jump on our left leg. (Leaps on the left leg)

Don't slouch your chest forward!

Let's run along the path (light jogging on toes)

And we’ll run to the kindergarten

We ran to the kindergarten and jumped over the bumps (jumping)

Sweet, sweet reached out

Hands up - everyone smiled!

Teacher And now we’ll go to group and draw our autumn journey. And we’ll give you our drawings Autumn.