How to get rid of dust. Clearing dust from your home quickly and easily How to rid your home of dust

Do you get the impression that you can’t get rid of the dust and it won’t go anywhere? Alas, there is no universal super remedy that can solve this problem once and for all. But it is still possible to minimize the amount. So, today you will learn how to get rid of dust, how harmful it is and where it comes from.

Note! It is impossible to get rid of all the dust in the house: it will accumulate over time even in an empty room without people. Why? To give a detailed answer, let’s get acquainted with the composition of dust and the sources of its appearance.

Dust is very small particles(can be mineral or organic), the diameter of which ranges from 0.005-0.1 mm. Larger particles are already sand. Where might dust be present? Yes, almost everywhere, even where, at first glance, reigns perfect cleanliness. And if there is a lot of dust, then it, being exposed to humidity, settles on the surface.

Man (more precisely, his activity) and dust go hand in hand, such is nature. We, as a rule, do not pay much attention to dust, but scientists have long proven that it is harmful to health, because it is full of dangerous microorganisms. Typically, the most dangerous is fine dust, which we don’t even see.

In nature. Main source dust in in this case- these are small particles of soil that, when dry, rise with the wind (sometimes very high) and move tens or even hundreds of kilometers. During flight, these particles mix with tiny cosmic dust that penetrates the atmosphere with the remains of meteorites.

In residential premises. It has been proven that we inhale about 50 ml of dust every day, most of it at home. It is in residential premises (especially closed ones) that it accumulates in large quantities. Over the course of a year, up to 30 kg of dust can accumulate in a simple city apartment.

As for the composition of dust, it is quite difficult to determine it, since it always changes depending on specific premises. However, there are still average indicators, let’s consider them.

Table No1. Dust composition (average values).

How harmful is dust?

We are perfectly adapted to various kinds of external influences - for example, we are protected from the penetration of bacteria into the body by the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs. What is characteristic is that these shells self-clean from foreign particles that have fallen on them. But when immunity decreases, i.e. when a person is sick, this system fails. And it is in such situations that dust in the house becomes a serious threat.

Dust consisting of particles is especially dangerous synthetic materials- for example, old insulation or foam rubber, wallpaper, furniture, carpets, etc. These particles may contain harmful chemical compounds(including pesticides). There are also a lot of dust mites in this dust, and they main reason allergic reactions that provoke the development of asthma. By the way, this is precisely why allergy sufferers suffer from dust.

Important! The spores of harmful fungi that we inhale with dust are no less dangerous. Fungi can cause meningitis and diseases bladder, kidneys, lungs and bronchi.

Finally, settling dust contaminates food and water, causing certain pulmonary/infectious diseases to develop. To avoid all these troubles, you need to mandatory keep the apartment clean!

Where does dust collect in the apartment?

The main dust collector in the house is, as noted earlier, carpets(especially wall-mounted ones, because they receive the least attention). Therefore, all carpets in the apartment need to be thoroughly vacuumed at least once every few days. During general cleaning, you can use a steam mop or steam cleaner (more on this a little later), thanks to which the carpet is not only refreshed and regains its former attractiveness, but also cleansed of bacteria.

Another dust collector - cloth. It is better not to leave things on the back of the chair, but to immediately put them in the closet. This will not only keep the apartment tidy, but also speed up cleaning. Small decorative elements - vases, figurines and the like - should be wiped regularly, because dust also accumulates on them.

Note! Heavy and dark curtains It’s better not to use them - hang light ones instead light curtains(the latter attract dust much less). Also refuse wool coverings for furniture, and be sure to store all wool clothes in the closet.

Old pillows with feather/down filling are a real breeding ground for dust mites. For this reason, instead of natural filler, it is worth using synthetic filler - for example, holofiber (small balls of improved padding polyester). In addition to lightness and elasticity, holofiber has the following properties:

  • softness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • moisture/wear resistance.

Holofiber is an excellent filler

In addition, holofiber is a “breathable material” that repels dirt. It also does not attract dust.

First, let's note: a damp cloth is quite enough to remove dust from hard surfaces. This way the particles will not scatter around the room, but will stick to the fabric. You just need to make sure that the rag is not too wet: if there is too much water, the dust will turn into dirt, which can greatly damage the furniture finish.

Give preference to microfiber or cotton rags - these materials cope better with dirt and absorb moisture.

Here are some more tips from the experts on our site.

  1. The apartment needs to be ventilated as often as possible.
  2. Wet cleaning should be carried out at least two to three times a week, and all accessible surfaces should be cleaned.
  3. You should also try to brush your pets more often and wipe the dust on the leaves of plants.
  4. Every week, all decorative elements - paintings, toys, figurines - must be wiped.

  5. Skirting boards (as well as the space behind the baseboards) are a real breeding ground for mites and dust; these places need to be vacuumed regularly.
  6. All upholstered furniture, curtains and walls should be thoroughly vacuumed every month.

  7. Correctly knock dust out of upholstered furniture: cover, for example, a chair with a wet cloth, and then start beating with a beater. In this case, the dust will remain on the fabric and not spread throughout the room.
  8. Finally, general cleaning should be carried out in the apartment at least once a month.

Pay attention! Dust that accumulates in fans, air conditioners and hoods is extremely dangerous! You cannot clean them yourself - you will have to contact a service center.

What means should I use?

First of all - a little physics. Microparticles, as we remember, have a slight electrical charge, so they stick to objects with the opposite charge. To avoid this, antistatic agents are used: thanks to them, the accumulation of static electricity is minimized, which means that dust simply does not settle on equipment and furniture.

Today there are many different means that have one or another effectiveness. To select suitable option, you need to know about its purpose. Before use, read the instructions, otherwise, instead of the desired cleanliness, a dense, unflattering coating may appear on the surfaces.

  • polish– it is used to prevent dust from settling on furniture for a long time (for example, “Chirton Anti-Dust”, “Pronto Anti-Dust”). The polish contains antistatic agents and adds shine. As a result, the dust does not settle on the furniture, but rather “slides off” it. At the same time, anti-dust is not a panacea - you will still have to carry out wet cleaning, albeit less often;

  • separate sprays not only neutralize static electricity, but also eliminate dust mites (“Uplon Expert”). Such products should be used infrequently - approximately once every 6 months;
  • antistatic agents for PC/TVs– remove dust and dirt (“BIG D Antistatic Spray”. It is better to give preference to products that are approved for use when the equipment is turned on and do not require subsequent cleaning with a napkin;

  • impregnation– we are talking about products for upholstered furniture, which, after application, spread to the surface and create a kind of protective film that prevents dust from penetrating inside. However, the furniture still needs to be cleaned, otherwise the impregnation will transform into a thick coating;
  • vinegar– suitable for amateurs folk remedies. You need to add 50-70 ml of vinegar, a few drops essential oil(you can take any) and 2 tsp. olive oil in 200 ml of cool water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and treat the furniture. This method good because it also eliminates unpleasant odors.

When choosing household chemicals, pay special attention composition. Stay away from toxic substances (such as phosphates, ammonium, chlorine, etc.) and remember: some products provoke irritation of mucous membranes and skin, therefore it is better to work with gloves and a protective mask.

What brushes are suitable for cleaning?

Let’s immediately make a reservation that ordinary brooms will not help in our case. They will not remove the dust, but will only raise it into the air. Of course, you can clean it with a damp cloth, as described above, but it may leave stains. Therefore, to clean hard surfaces, you can use one of the options below.

These brushes are convenient to use; they allow you to clean even the most hard to reach places(this could be a keyboard, blinds, bookshelf, etc.).

GOST R 51870-2014. Professional cleaning services. Specifications . Downloadable file (click the link to open the PDF in a new window).

Dust removal devices

The most popular device is considered to be a vacuum cleaner. Give preference to models with water filters or HEPA (English: High Efficiency Particulate Air - highly effective particle retention). However, when using washing equipment Humidity increases, which can contribute to the development of mold, so it is better to clean tiles, linoleum or stone with such devices.

In addition to the vacuum cleaner, dust concentration in the apartment is reduced using the following devices.

If the humidity in the room is low, a humidifier - ultrasonic, steam or traditional - will help you. Thanks to the device, dust will not swirl in the air.

Steam cleaner Karcher SC 2 EasyFix. Operating instructions. Downloadable file (click the link to open the PDF in a new window).

Master class. Cleaning carpet with a steam cleaner

Step 1. To begin with, a few words about the device itself. A cleaner that will allow it to dry in no more than 12 hours is suitable for carpet. Excess moisture can damage the carpet and cause mold to grow.

Step 2. You need a steam cleaner with sufficient power. If you use a low-power device, there is a risk that it will not remove the product from the carpet. Because of this, the carpet will quickly become dirty again.

Step 3. Select the right time for cleaning - it is necessary that the carpet dries as quickly as possible.

Step 4. Take some detergent with acidity (pH) not exceeding 10 units, otherwise the carpet surface may be damaged.

Step 5. Remove furniture and other objects that may interfere in advance. Clear the area for yourself so you can see all the dirt.

Step 6. Now, having finished with the preparation, you can proceed directly to cleaning. First, fill the purifier with hot water.

Step 7 Add a little cleaning agent and follow the instructions.

Step 8 Start cleaning the carpet from the corner farthest from the door and gradually move towards the exit so as not to walk on the clean surface.

Step 9 Use the detergent as much as possible, go over the carpet a couple of times.

Step 10 Now all that remains is to rinse off the used product with water. You should not leave it (the product) on the carpet, as dirt will stick to it.

Step 11 Turn on fans/air conditioners to help the carpet dry faster. You can use a dehumidifier (if available).

Removing dust from the ceiling

To do this, use a mop with long handle and a nozzle made of dust-collecting material. You can also use a brush for cleaning. If the ceiling is suspended, use a soap solution. Soak a soft nozzle in it, then carefully wipe the entire stretch ceiling

Removing dust from books

On bookshelves, as we noted earlier, a lot of dust accumulates, but the books themselves cannot be cleaned even with a vacuum cleaner. After that, we still wipe them with a damp cloth. But we recommend using a special dust-repellent mixture for this. Preparing such a mixture is quite simple: mix glycerin with water (1:10).

Getting rid of construction dust

Construction dust- this is the kind of thing that you have to deal with both during repairs and after it. But upon completion repair work There will be less hassle if you take care in advance to protect doors, glass and furniture by sealing them with a special film.

Note! If construction dust does not want to settle, spray the floor and air with water and a small amount of vinegar or citric acid. Then it will be much easier to collect slightly damp dust - both on the floor and in the air.

For cleaning, it is convenient to use a mop with a sponge; the water should be changed as often as possible. Then the floor and all surfaces at height should be wiped repeatedly with damp sponges/rags. The final touch– removing traces of dust using rags (exceptionally clean!), soaked in water and vinegar.

Video - Cleaning construction dust with a household vacuum cleaner

Houseplants from dust

The opinion that the air can be purified (including dust) with the help of indoor plants is widespread. But we believe that the effectiveness of green assistants is somewhat exaggerated. Yes, in general, plants have a positive effect on the microclimate in the apartment, but wet cleaning in tandem with modern devices much more effective than any ficus. However, as aid from dust, indoor plants can still be used.

Table No. 2. Indoor plants that purify the air.

Name, photoBrief description

It cleans the air well of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. It is recommended to place it in the children's room and in the kitchen.

Also absorbs formaldehyde that is released new furniture. It is also a more popular medicinal plant.

Helps purify the air of toxic compounds that are released plastic windows and furniture.

An effective air purifier. Absorbs all volatile substances harmful to the body.

Cleanses from toxic compounds and mold, accumulates dust on the leaves.

Eliminates not only toxic substances, which are distinguished by laminate, plastic windows and furniture, but also staphylococci.

Copes well with harmful microorganisms, bacteria. It is recommended to place it in the bedroom to breathe fresh air while sleeping.

Also has cleansing properties. The leaves of the plant secrete special substances that kill harmful microorganisms.

Absorbs formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides - substances emitted by furniture.

The action is the same as a vacuum cleaner - the plant collects dust.

Purifies the air from formaldehyde and also humidifies it.

Effectively purify the air of germs.

The plant is known for absorbing benzene from the air.

Absorbs negative ions (come from electrical appliances), instead highlighting the positive ones. Also picks up dust.

So now you know about effective methods removing dust from the apartment. Frankly speaking, it is not an easy task, but it is a noble one. With a little effort, you can not only enjoy cleanliness, but also protect yourself and your loved ones from serious illnesses!

Every housewife asks herself the question of how to get rid of dust, because it not only spoils general view interior, but also negatively affects the health of all family members. While making incredible efforts to keep your home in order, you need to follow some tips to reduce unnecessary dust particles.

How to get rid of house dust?

The process of dust formation occurs constantly - carpets are wiped and fabric furniture, paint is crumbling, tiny particles of dirt fly in from the street through the windows. Dust can carry carcinogens and toxins, even dust mites. It causes allergies, gets into the lungs, and can lead to an asthma attack. It is important to know how to get rid of dust in a room in order to remove it for a long time. First of all, you need to:

  1. Remove dust collectors - carpets (both floor and wall), curtains of complex design, canopies.
  2. Throw away all old things that no one has used for a long time, or place them in closed drawers.
  3. Reduce quantity decorative elements– figurines, napkins, artificial flowers; it is better to use glass display cases for decoration.
  4. It is advisable to remove natural coatings made of wool, use pillows with synthetic fillers so that less lint gets into the air.

How to get rid of dust in the air?

The most difficult thing to remove is dust floating in the air. It is invisible to the eye, but gradually settles and has to be removed again and again. How to quickly get rid of dust in the air:

  1. Ventilate the room frequently; the air in it should be renewed daily in the morning and evening for 20 minutes (in winter, less may be required).
  2. Take care of high-quality ventilation rooms, fumes from the bathroom and kitchen should not spread throughout the house.
  3. The house should not be too dry, otherwise microscopic fragments will hang in the air for a very long time. Optimal temperature rooms – 18-20°C.
  4. Use humidifiers. These should be devices of excellent quality, preferably with filters. Good humidifier can eliminate 75% of dust in the air. The dust gets wet and settles on the floor, where it can be easily removed.
  5. Use air purifiers and ionizers - they disinfect the surrounding space, ridding it of harmful impurities. Breathing in such a room immediately becomes easier.
  6. Get a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter and a filter system to clean the air from allergens - they trap more than 99% of dust and humidify the air.

How to get rid of book dust?

Precious family libraries make the right impression when the bestsellers are not covered with a layer of dust that is difficult to remove from them. To make reading your favorite volumes enjoyable, you need to know how to get rid of book dust:

  1. The best solution for dust on books is a thoughtful one bookshelf, it must be equipped with closed glass shelves.
  2. A couple of times a year the library needs to be vacuumed - books, their spines and shelves too.
  3. After removing the bulk of the dust, the books need to be shaken out manually on the street or on the balcony.
  4. Then wipe the shelves and books with a damp cloth, leave the volumes on outdoors for drying. As an antiseptic, you can use a 2-3% solution of pharmaceutical formalin.

How to get rid of dust on furniture?

When cleaning, cabinets, countertops, sideboards, cabinets, and other furniture surfaces on which dust settles should be wiped with a damp cloth. For cleaning it is better to use special products:

  1. Furniture polishes. They contain degreasing elements and antistatic agents. The surface does not stick after treatment and the dust slides off it.
  2. Antistatic for computer and TV. Contains components that repel dirt even from electrified surfaces.
  3. As a last resort, you can use folk remedies for dust on furniture. You need to add potassium permanganate to the water and spray the liquid over the surfaces.

How to get rid of dust in upholstered furniture?

It is important to know how to get rid of dust in upholstered furniture so that it does not accumulate there for years. There are several proven ways to do this:

  1. Do wet cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. In the absence of such household appliances, it is advisable to use a beater in tandem with a damp sheet. Soak a light cloth in water (you can add vinegar or fabric softener to it), wring it out and lay it on top of the furniture. Then knock out the surface with a beater.
  3. An innovative cleaning method is a steam generator. Steam cleaning will remove dust from the sofa, disinfect it and kill harmful microorganisms.
  4. An effective dust remover is a special impregnation for upholstered furniture. It is sprayed over the surface of the object and covers it with a protective film.

How to get rid of dust on the floor?

To prevent dust from accumulating in your home, you need to wash the floors at least once every 2-3 days, if they are not covered with carpets and rugs. This should be done daily in the hallway to prevent dirt from the street from getting into other rooms. It is not recommended to sweep surfaces with a broom - it will raise all the dust into the air. It is best to use a vacuum cleaner or before wet cleaning. When cleaning, do not forget about nooks and baseboards. An effective way to combat dust on the floor is a special shampoo. It will not only help quickly remove dirt and stains, but will also act as an antistatic agent.

How to get rid of dust in pillows?

IN bedding Over time, many microscopic mud fragments also accumulate, which can even lead to the appearance of dirt. How to quickly get rid of dust in pillows:

  1. Clean with a vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner. But they will help get rid of dust only on the surface of the product.
  2. Most known method- dry cleaning. The cleaning process uses an organic solvent to remove dirt, dust, germs, dust mites and unpleasant odors.
  3. Another method is dry cleaning or air cleaning, suitable for feather products. The contents of the pillow are placed in a special device and blown with a powerful air stream.
  4. Once every six months, pillows need to be taken out fresh air- for cold or hot weather sun rays. Such measures will prevent dust mites from appearing in your laundry and rid it of many germs.

How to get rid of dust on an artificial Christmas tree?

For owners of artificial Christmas trees, you need to know how to get rid of dust on them, because it collects on the branches during long-term storage of the product. If your green beauty gets too dirty, it's time to clean it. How to get rid of house dust on the Christmas tree:

  1. Vacuum the branches using the attachment soft upholstery.
  2. Wipe the branches and trunk with a soft cloth warm water with the addition of liquid soap.
  3. Allow the item to dry before decorating it or turning on the garlands.

How to get rid of dust after renovation?

Cleaning a room after renovation is not an easy task, because after construction work a lot of dust remains. To prevent it from spreading throughout your home, you must carefully curtain the entrance to the premises with polyethylene. How to get rid of concrete dust:

  1. Construction dust is easily removed with the solution vegetable oil. A few spoons of it should be added to a bucket of water. You need to wash the room, pour out the mixture and rinse everything with a solution containing vinegar. Afterwards, wipe the area with clean water.
  2. Table salt will help to clean the room after renovation. First you need to wash the area with water and any detergent. Then change the water and add half a glass of salt to the bucket. After washing with a salt solution, the floor is washed with clean water.
  3. To remove construction dust, use kerosene - 100 g per bucket of water. The floor can be washed with this solution several times.

Dust cleaner

To combat dust, special household chemicals are produced; they prevent the adhesion of layers of dust particles. The most famous of them:

  1. Polish "Pronto". The product for removing dust from furniture has an antistatic effect; after treatment, dirt microparticles do not stick to the surface. The product gives shine to furniture, does not leave streaks, and smells pleasant.
  2. Dust brush “Roto Duster”. It runs on batteries and has different removable attachments. Removes dust from different surfaces(even from fabric), hard-to-reach places.
  3. Spray "Duster". Designed to remove dust from computers, TVs, photographic equipment, and keyboards.
  4. Spray "Allergoff". Professional product for cleaning dust, destroying allergens, mites, a one-time treatment protects surfaces from them for six months. The spray is suitable for cleaning carpets, mattresses, blankets, soft toys, curtains.

Folk remedies for dust

Folk remedies for dust can compete with household chemicals. Suitable for this:

  1. Glycerol. They wipe hard surfaces, mirrors, glass at the rate of 30 g of water, 70 g of glycerin. To wash floors, add a little product to the water.
  2. Plants. Chlorophytum is easy to care for and fights dust well. To increase its effectiveness, the plant must be sprinkled with water.
  3. You can cook it yourself home remedy from dust on furniture. To do this, mix a quarter cup of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of olive oil and a couple of drops of any ether with a glass of water. The solution from a spray bottle should be sprayed over furniture and other hard objects.

House cleaning is one of those tasks that needs to be done regularly. Just a few hours after putting things in order, the perfectly washed surface becomes covered with a layer of dust, and everything has to start again. To clean less often, you need to do it in correct sequence and take measures to reduce the amount of dust in the house - seal windows and doors, wash shoes and clothes on time, use modern technologies air purification.

How to get rid of dust

All methods of getting rid of dust at home can be divided into 2 categories. Some are aimed at cleaning the room, while others are aimed at preventing its reappearance.

The best result will be achieved by a competent combination of methods from both categories.

Removing existing contaminants

To prevent the further appearance of dust, you first need to get rid of the existing one. It makes sense to carry out general cleaning regularly.

When putting things in order every day, as a rule, housewives wipe only visible surfaces, while dirt accumulates in hard-to-reach places for months. On high cabinets, behind the TV, under the sofa, whole balls of dust are formed, which are gradually distributed throughout the house and fly in the air.

When dust is absent from hard-to-reach places, it accumulates on visible surfaces much more slowly.

Row important rules for general cleaning:

  1. 1. You need to start cleaning from the upper parts of the interior ( ceiling lamps, baguettes), then move on to countertops, window sills, interior parts of cabinets and finish with mopping the floors and vacuuming carpets or rugs.
  2. 2. Be sure to perform wet cleaning, wiping contaminated areas with a wet cloth. Using a dry one will not work, because the dust will rise up and disperse in the air, and then spread throughout the apartment. In addition, a dry cloth can leave damage and scratches on the surface of the furniture.
  3. 3. You should not lose sight of the ceilings; dust also accumulates on them. If installed tensile structures, then they can be gently wiped with a damp cloth. Similarly, you can remove dust from ceilings that are tiled or painted. paint and varnish materials, washable.
  4. 4. It is advisable to wash all shoes that are displayed openly (stored without boxes or any other packaging). The soles of outdoor shoes or boots carry especially a lot of dirt and sand into the apartment. But even on fluffy house slippers, dirt accumulates over time, so they need to be washed periodically.

Preventing Dust

Scientists have proven that most of the dust particles in the house are particles of skin and clothing of people living in the room, as well as fragments of pet fur.

Therefore, it is impossible to completely get rid of the appearance of dust, but it is still possible to reduce its amount. There are several ways to do this:

  1. 1. Remove everything from your home environment extra items(so-called “dust collectors”): vases, figurines, souvenirs. Pack the services displayed in the sideboards into boxes and put them in the closet. Instead of carpets, you can add high-quality heat and sound insulation to your home. If this is not possible, then rugs and carpets should be regularly knocked out (outside the apartment), cleaned using suitable detergents, or sent to dry cleaning.
  2. 2. Apply the right materials when finishing new apartment. Instead of carpet, it is better to choose linoleum - there are no lint on it, and dirt is much easier to remove. When covering walls with wallpaper, it is better to give preference to vinyl, which generates less dust than paper. If funds allow, it is worth ordering in all premises suspended ceilings. They do not form dust and do not accumulate it in large quantities.
  3. 3. Store books at home in a closet with tightly closing doors so that dust from paper volumes does not enter the atmosphere of the rest of the apartment.
  4. 4. Store clothes only in covers. Regular washing of clothes is required - large number Dirty and unwashed clothes also contribute to the dustiness of the entire room.
  5. 5. Prevent dust particles from entering through windows. In summer, on open windows and balcony doors You can hang gauze soaked in water, which will retain some of the dirt. But this folk remedy is not very effective. On a hot afternoon, the gauze will need to be moistened with water every few minutes. Simpler and effective way(but also more expensive) - equip the house with air conditioning or a split system and do not open the doors at all if there is smog outside. To prevent dust from entering through closed windows, you need to regularly treat the seals with silicone emulsion, and also pay attention to the areas where the frame and window sill are connected - in these places through gaps often form that need to be eliminated.
  6. 6. Check the entrance doors for leaks. There is usually much more dirt in the entrance than inside the apartment. To check the door for leaks, just hold a sheet of paper to it at different levels (top, bottom and side, or slowly move it along the entire perimeter). The slightest draft will cause the leaf to move. This area can be treated with sealant or a piece of tape can be glued to close the through gap. But it would be more effective to install high-quality seals around the entire perimeter of the door - this method will not only protect the house from dust and drafts, but will also increase the sound insulation of the home.
  7. 7. Keep your shoes clean. It brings a large amount of dirt from the street, especially in autumn and winter. It is necessary to wash every pair of shoes in a timely manner. To combat dirt, you need to put a mat on front door- both inside and outside the apartment, - and teach all guests and household members to wipe their soles. In a private home, it is usually customary to leave outdoor shoes outside the threshold of the heated part of the room. If it is possible to change shoes without entering the house, then it is worth introducing this tradition.
  8. 8. Don't have pets. Of course, few people will give up their beloved cat just because its fur flies all over the house or litter spreads throughout all the rooms. But before you get yourself a pet, you need to consider that it can become a source of not only positive emotions, but also another type of pollution, as well as allergens.
  9. 9. Use modern technologies. In addition to air conditioners and split systems, household appliance stores offer a variety of air purifiers and humidifiers. These devices reduce the amount of dust flying around the apartment in suspension. Modern washing vacuum cleaners with an aqua filter are also capable of purifying the air in the room, and they do this during the cleaning process, combining two useful properties. Such models are especially recommended for people prone to allergies.
  10. 10. Regularly replace disposable filters in the air conditioner, and promptly clean and rinse reusable filters in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  11. 11. Treat the furniture with a polish with an antistatic effect, for example, Pronto or Cinderella. This will give the surfaces shine, eliminate microdamage and reduce the amount of dust settling on them. .

Cleaning during and after renovation

Repairs often become a source of constant dirt and dust, which not only collects in the house, but is also carried along the entrance. After the completion of global alterations, cleaning sometimes lasts up to several weeks.

To reduce the amount of dust that accumulates during repairs, you need to:

  1. 1. Before starting work, remove or hermetically seal all household appliances. If a large amount of construction dust gets inside a TV, computer or music center, such complex and expensive devices may fail forever.
  2. 2. If possible, seal or remove all furniture. The same rule applies to temporarily unused interior doors.
  3. 3. It is advisable to carry out all work on sawing wood, ceramics, and metal outside the apartment, for example, in the garage. If suitable premises no, then a balcony or loggia should be used for these purposes. At the same time, they must be closed both from the side of the apartment (so that dust does not get inside the house) and from the street (otherwise the neighbors will begin to complain about dirt flying into their windows).

The following techniques will help ease the task of putting things in order after repairs:

  1. 1. First of all, you need to clear the room of large pieces of garbage. All waste large sizes, remaining after repair, cannot be thrown into the garbage chute - there are special containers for this.
  2. 2. Then you should sweep the floors in all rooms where repairs were made. To avoid raising large amounts of dust into the air, it is necessary to periodically moisten the broom.
  3. 3. After removing most of the garbage, it is advisable to change clothes. These items, as well as those that have been repaired, must be washed and hermetically packaged before next works of this kind.
  4. 4. Wipe with a damp cloth all surfaces that can be washed (washable wallpaper, suspended ceilings, cabinet doors). Construction dust is harder to wash off than regular dust and leaves white streaks. Therefore, for high-quality cleaning you need 2 rags - wet and dry. The second is designed to combat divorce. It is important to ensure that grains of sand and grains of debris do not get under it - they can leave deep scratches and damage on the surface being washed.
  5. 5. Clean stubborn stains special compounds, taking into account the type of soiled surface. For example, spots alkyd paint easily removed with solvent. But its use is undesirable on painted and varnished surfaces. Aggressive agents can damage them, so you need to follow the instructions given on the packaging with the composition.

Cleaning after renovation of an apartment must be done with gloves, because during the work a large number of sharp objects remain (pieces ceramic tiles, glass shards, metal shavings) and there is a danger of injury.

Folk remedies

To guarantee long-term dust removal, manufacturers have invented many special compounds.

But there are also several folk remedies that are used by modern housewives:

  1. 1. Vinegar. To give the furniture a shine, wipe it with a cloth soaked in water and vinegar. The solution should not be concentrated - just add a few drops of the product to 0.5 liters of water so as not to damage painted or varnished surfaces.
  2. 2. Soap shavings. To remove stubborn stains To add shine to linoleum or laminate, add 30-50 g of crushed soap or a few drops of dishwashing detergent to a bucket of water for washing floors.
  3. 3. Soda. The product solution washes away many stubborn stains, but it is also used for daily cleaning of rooms. If you add 3-4 teaspoons of soda to a bucket of water, then with this composition you can not only wash floors, but also wipe shelves - dust will not settle on the treated surfaces for much longer.
  4. 4. Wet cloth. This folk way used to remove dust from the upholstery of sofas and armchairs. Clean cloth suitable size wetted in clean water, wring out well, spread on dirty furniture and knock on it with a stick or carpet beater. After removing the cloth, you will find that a large amount of wet dust has stuck to it. If necessary, the fabric can be washed and used again.

The question "how to get rid of dust in the apartment?" every housewife asks herself. In the routine of household chores, it sometimes seems that it is impossible to cope with dust: within an hour after cleaning, its unfortunate particles are already floating in the air again and settling on the furniture. So how to deal with dust? And where does it actually come from?

Reducing the number of dust collectors: where does the dust come from?

Dust in an apartment or house not only spoils the overall appearance of the interior, but can also negatively affect the health of all family members. This is especially true for children, since the highest concentration of dust particles is in a layer of 0.7-1.5 m from the floor level. To reduce its amount in a living space, it is recommended to listen to the following tips:

  • give up carpets if you are not prepared to vacuum them daily (this is especially true for wall hangings);
  • You need to put away in closets or throw away everything that you don’t use on a daily basis: old bag that hangs in the corridor or a scarf that you have never worn are obvious dust accumulators;
  • It is also worth reducing the number of decorative elements in the interior: napkins, figurines, artificial flowers can quickly accumulate dust (if you want to leave such designer jewelry, store them under glass);
  • It is appropriate in terms of maintaining cleanliness in a house or apartment to abandon curtains with complex design in favor of more concise options or blinds; remove textile screens and canopies;
  • It is recommended to replace natural coverings and pillow fillings with modern synthetic analogues, and remove products made from natural wool, from which lint can be added to the dust.

Putting things in perfect order

To effectively and efficiently combat dust, it is necessary to systematically carry out comprehensive cleaning of the premises. It is advisable to choose the following algorithm of actions:

  • remove all unnecessary things, put them in closed boxes or place them in glass display cases;
  • do upholstered furniture: it can be thoroughly vacuumed or covered with a damp cloth and in this form knock the dust out of it;
  • pay attention to curtains: it is convenient to treat them with a steamer: firstly, this way they are smoothed, secondly, under the influence of steam, pathogenic forms die and dust disappears; if there are a lot of windows and, accordingly, curtains, it is worth using a floor-mounted steamer for these purposes with a large liquid reservoir, from where steam is generated;
  • do indoor plants and pets: spray the leaves with a spray bottle, clean if possible with a soft cloth; animals, especially those with long hair, should be combed out - according to doctors, they are one of the main sources where dust comes from; Don’t forget to wash your pets’ paws after walking outside;
  • wash floors and beat or vacuum carpets: best choice, which will effectively combat dust, is a washing vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. It not only cleans any type of surface efficiently, but also destroys dust in the air. After using such a vacuum cleaner, the air in the apartment (house) will instantly become fresher and, of course, cleaner;
  • wipe dust from all surfaces: do not forget to do this on cabinets, cornices, baseboards, TV and monitor screens.

During cleaning, it is worth opening the vents or windows for ventilation. To protect the room from street dust, you can use mosquito nets or additionally cover them with damp gauze.

Dust control products

To ensure that the fight against household dust is effective and the cleanliness of the house is maintained for as long as possible, special products and devices can be used. The most relevant and popular of them include:

  • air humidifier: with its help it is easier to fight dust, because in an apartment (house) where there is high humidity, it settles faster and becomes noticeable, so it will not be difficult to remove it: to do this, take a damp soft cloth and simply rub the surface with it.
  • a hygrometer is a device that allows you to control the level of humidity: if it is exceeded, mold may appear in the house, and ordinary household dust- will become a dangerous reagent;
  • vacuum cleaner - the fight against any type of pollution with its help will be much more effective and faster; It is advisable to use vacuum cleaners with an aqua filter, which can reduce the number of dust particles not only on the surfaces being processed, but also in the air, where there are especially many of them;
  • membranes for windows - prevent the penetration of dust from the street, from where it can enter the room with the air flow; these modern devices also help get rid of allergens;
  • chlorophytum plant - significantly reduces the amount of dust in its environment;
  • “air washer” is a device that passes the entire volume of air through built-in filters, so that you can completely get rid of dust; It is especially convenient to use such a unit in rooms where there is a priori a lot of dust, for example, in new buildings or newly renovated premises;
  • polishes with an antistatic effect: their use will not reduce the amount of dust, but it will not appear on the furniture so quickly; Doing wet cleaning with this product is not recommended in families where allergy sufferers live.

Take note.

Have you ever seen scary pictures of what dust looks like under a microscope?

House dust contains particles of dead skin, hair, pollen, and pet hair if the latter live in the house.

Residents of lower floors may even have particles of rubber tires in their dust. Well, the most unpleasant thing is saprophyte mites. By the way, this is almost forty percent dust.

I would, of course, like to get rid of the dust once and for all, but this, unfortunately, is fantastic. To reduce layers of dust, you need to wage a regular, preferably daily, war with an invisible enemy.

Wet and dry cleaning is the simplest and most effective remedy. Unfortunately, the miracle of cleaning products has not yet been invented, so you need to pick up a rag every day and destroy the dust.

After cleaning, dust quickly settles on objects, so use the “top to bottom” principle, i.e. start cleaning from the ceiling to the floor. First, the corners in the room so that cobwebs do not form, then move on to the cabinets, then the tables and chairs, and finally the floor.

A lot of dust settles on the curtains, so they need to be washed often. Put the books in a closet or place them on closed shelves. Don't bet on open spaces soft toys, pillows, napkins, etc.

Check the window seals; they may be letting dirt in from the street. There is a lot of dust in the carpets. Either clean them constantly or put them away.

Yours jewelry made of silver blackened? Find out at home.

Classic felt boots have many advantages: ease of wear, warmth, low price... But they get dirty quite easily in wet weather. Read how to clean light felt boots from different types pollution.

Apartment cleaning products

You can buy rags at the store, or you can use old unwanted clothes or sheets. It’s good if the rag is cotton. Cotton absorbs water well and does not leave scratches on surfaces.

For embossed surfaces, prepare a brush. There is nothing better for the floor than a mop. Fortunately, you can now buy from various materials, self-unscrewing and with a movable head to clean in hard-to-reach places.

You can buy dust removal wipes. Good because they are soaked special means, which not only removes dust, but also disinfects.

Use sticky roller brushes to remove dirt and dust from textiles. An electric broom uses static electricity to remove dust from electrical appliances, such as TVs and computers.

Effective means:

  • Anti-dust polish acts as an antistatic agent. Doesn't get rid of dust long term, but will slightly prolong the cleanliness of the house.
  • Ventilation. It must be done daily, at least twice. Carry out wet cleaning just at the time when the windows are open. IN warm time year, the minimum ventilation time is twenty minutes. In cold weather - two minutes, but it is better to create a draft during these minutes.
  • Vacuum cleaner It doesn’t matter whether it’s a detergent or not, the main thing is to vacuum the apartment every two days. Some models of washing vacuum cleaners have an “air purification” function. If a large amount of dust has already accumulated in the house, a universal vacuum cleaner will also help.

These devices purify the air, also kill bacteria, sometimes ionize the air and aromatize it. It all depends on the model you choose.

The principle of operation of the purifier: dust and dirt settle on the filters. It’s good if the purifier model includes a HEPA filter – a dust filter.

Initially, such filters were developed for use in medical institutions, so the HEPA filter is able to retain even very fine dust.


The comfortable level of air humidity for humans is forty percent, but it is unlikely that in our apartments this mark will rise above twenty percent.

If previously you could only hang wet rags on the radiators, now everything is much simpler: you can buy an air humidifier.

In dry air, dust settles very slowly on surfaces. You will do the cleaning, and in fifteen minutes new portion dust will settle from the air. When the air is humid, the dust becomes wet and quickly sinks, so that it can be easily removed from the floor.

Traditional methods of cleaning an apartment

Get a plant called chlorophytum - quite common and easy to care for. Spray it with water daily. There will be much less dust. Other plants also help cope with dust, but especially chlorophytum.

Dampen the dust cloth aqueous solution, to which add a little detergent. Do not overdo it with the product, otherwise there will be stains on the furniture.

Do not overuse brooms. After all, a broom only scatters dust and does not remove it.

Do you wear sheepskin coats made of genuine leather in winter? When dirty, these products are quite difficult to clean. Find out how to do it correctly at home.

Modern thermal underwear is made from special synthetic fabrics. In, you can learn how to properly wash thermal underwear.

And if it appears on any clothing grease stain, first it is advisable to sprinkle it with salt. Read how to remove old grease stains from different types of fabrics.

Get rid of dust mite by washing things on high temperatures, if the material of the product allows it.

Dust cannot be completely eliminated, but its amount can be reduced. You have to fight with her constantly. It's not easy, but modern technologies make the work of housewives much easier.