What curtains are suitable for green wallpaper? (32 photos) Bright extravagant bedrooms with light green curtains

The choice of color, favorite style and lighting create a unique flavor of the individuality of the house.

Different shades of the same color can activate our inner potential, or create peace and tenderness. Let's analyze the nuances of the green palette.

In residential areas, saturated shades of green should be avoided. Many shades of green are credited with the ability to soothe, dispel despondency and boredom, and remove stress.

Choosing a green color

If the bedroom windows face south, then you can choose a dark green bedroom. Doctors say that dark shades of green relieve eye strain.

This is important for people working at a computer with different documents.

The color of textiles (drapes, bedspreads or rug) is important in the bedroom. The main ones can be light lilac, sky blue, sand or milky shades. They have a beneficial effect on the mental state of a person.

Contrasting colors are very effective: chocolate in combination with pistachio (turquoise). Such green accents will be expressed brighter on silver, mother-of-pearl, delicate gray-blue backgrounds.

Bedroom makeover

White walls, heavenly with a discreet floral pattern, light colors of the cold spectrum will give a feeling of spaciousness to small rooms.

You can move (push back) the wall with a large picture with a stunning waterfall or seascape.

For a bedroom in green, you can choose many shades from the green range: it is pistachio, the color of young greens, turquoise, lettuce, olive, green apple or neon.

Dark options are used more often: sea wave, malachite or jade, etc.

Greens in different styles

Classics rarely uses bedrooms in green colors, and only light shades. Small accents of salad tone are possible. Sometimes they use a delicate salad shade with a milky color, where they add mustard and golden tones in the interior. In the decoration, a minimum of green, better in textiles.

Minimalism (like the Japanese style), where all shades of green and bamboo itself look harmonious. Rugs will replace rice mats, natural fabrics on curtains, bamboo screens (partitions).

A spectacular addition would be a Japanese garden or fountain. Accents of the oriental theme: hieroglyphs, square dishes, paintings of the East, etc. The dominance of the cold spectrum, often white, and red, green and black details will create a dynamic interior of a light green bedroom.

Eco style comes into fashion, luxurious chocolate-colored wenge, natural oak furniture, tiles (stone) with stone imitation. The eco-style bedroom is filled with spring and great mood. A competent balance of greens with other tones is important here.

An unusual decoration of the room will be a large Dutch-style aquarium, where the main thing is green vegetation.

Country and ethno - styles suggest: needlework, national ornaments, folk crafts. Here, next to the greenery, yellow, juicy blue, white or brown colors will look spectacular ... But in the design of the green bedroom, the predominance of greenery with a peach tint for the country.

In baroque or renaissance, only delicate shades of the green palette can be used. In this style, the main emphasis is on luxurious gilding, bronze, stunning stucco, and not on bright colors.

In the English style, only dark shades of green can be applied. They should complement the natural wood and antique decoration of the room. But color schemes in a greenish variant in textiles are possible.

Expressionism in the bedroom in green tones will help reflect the sea of ​​​​emotions. Suitable shades of olive or rich emerald, but in moderation. The main colors should be natural. You can add bright "acidic" notes: these are lemon, as well as bright salad shades. The expansion of greenery can be expressed in neon lighting.

The avant-garde is characterized by saturated colors that excite the nervous system. But peace is needed in the recreation area, so it is better to express style in the originality of objects, the lighting design of the room, and not in the decoration of the room. Green curtains in the bedroom and in upholstered furniture are perfect.

For the modern interior of a green bedroom, light wall decoration, snow-white furniture and unusual spotlights are appropriate. You can effectively combine orange (pink) accents with a chrome surface, as well as violet (blue) cushions with a bedspread.

Original designs in the photo of the green bedroom, made in various versions.

Photo of a green bedroom

A person gets very tired during the whole day at work or doing household chores. In the apartment you need to properly equip the recreation area. Here he will gain strength before the next day. The bedroom is best suited for these purposes. The quality of a night's sleep depends entirely on the color of the room, furniture and textiles. Making a room in green shades relieves stress, replenishes the energy spent during the day, fills the body with peace. Color has a positive effect on the psyche and human health. The main thing is to correctly combine all the elements of the room. About everything in more detail later in the article.

Design concepts

For many people, the color seems boring and monotonous, so they are afraid to use greenery to decorate the bedroom. To prevent monochrome, you need to adhere to the general style of the room. Green is a universal color. It can be used in almost all designs. The main thing is to take into account the features of the room.

There are several basic bedroom concepts that will help you create a green interior as organically as possible.


It is a popular trend for decorating the bedroom. Green represents fresh grass, tree leaves. If you add wooden or brown elements to the interior, you get the impression of outdoor recreation. To enhance the effect, you can pick up wallpaper, which depicts ornaments with a floral bias. When decorating a room, only natural materials can be used. Among them:

tropical style

This direction is suitable for people who like to visit exotic countries. Therefore, in their apartment they are trying to recreate the image of the tropics or the wild jungle, where the main color is green. To dilute the room, here you can place elements such as:

  • wood;
  • bright flowers;
  • straw panel;
  • bamboo products;
  • wicker baskets.

The interior is similar to eco-style. The difference lies in ethnicity. These can be African masks, figurines of animals, a light canopy over the bed, or symbolism in the form of a palm tree. It can be depicted as a drawing, photograph or other decorative element. The main task of the subject is to enhance and emphasize the image of the jungle or tropics in the bedroom.


In a room with this direction, a person can quickly move away from real problems and plunge into a state of serenity. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to use green shades in combination with white tones in the interior. Brown colors are used for contrast and highlighting the main accents. They make out the floor or furniture in the room. To create a peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom is a large number of indoor plants. You can also put small fountains here. Bubbling water is always soothing and relaxing, especially after a long and hard day at work.

Flower garden

The style usually appeals to the female half. The room is filled with soft green tones with hints of lavender, lilac, rose. Shades make the bedroom feel natural, which helps to relax. It seems that a person is not in a stuffy city, but in a flowering meadow.

Enduring classic

This bedroom interior looks luxurious, stylish, modern. Here you can add a dark blue color, which will muffle the atmosphere a little. This will make it softer and more comfortable to sleep on. Particular attention is paid to the selection of textiles and decor. It is better to stay on lighter colors for curtains and bedspreads. In a classic interior, you must definitely use wooden furniture. It is usually dark in color.

mysterious east

spirit of youth

The ultra-modern interior combines sophisticated solutions. Greenery here combines with red, white or dark blue shades. Such a room is suitable for a creative person. It will be bright and memorable for anyone who visits it.

Green colors will organically fit into the classic interior of the bedroom. Here you can use different shades and combine the main tone with other colors: gray, beige, granite, silver, marble. It is important to choose furniture in the same style. It should be combined with the decoration of the room.

Shades of green

If you go too far with green tones, then the room will not be comfortable for sleeping. It will have a gloomy look and as a result of the wrong combination of colors. To prevent this in the bedroom, you need to take one basic tone.

Making the bedroom a cozy place to relax is not difficult. It is necessary to initially think over all the details of the future design. You can not choose a few basic shades or overload the space with a large number of different tones. Bright accents are best used to divide the space into certain functional areas.

Many people believe that dark green is not suitable for the bedroom. If you do not use it in large quantities, then the interior will be filled with noble notes. The room will be comfortable for sleeping and relaxing.

Green is obtained by mixing blue and yellow paints. Depending on the concentration and proportions of the ingredients, different shades can be obtained.


For a room that most of the time does not get the sun's rays, when mixing, you can take more yellow paint. The result is warm green hues. If the room, on the contrary, is located on the south side of the house, then you can take more blue shades. This will give the bedroom a little coolness and freshness.

To fill the space with calmness, which must be present in the bedroom, it is better to choose pastel shades.

These include:
  • pistachio;
  • olive;
  • mint.

If it seems that they will make the room too boring and monotonous, then you can add a few bright and rich shades. This will help create a festive mood. The color of the bedroom should depend on the chosen style.

To do this, you need to know the rules for combining different tones with a green tint:
  • The classic option is the addition of green with details of white, peach or yellow.
  • If the room has a sea wave effect or a blue-green tone prevails, then it would be appropriate to add a little yellow, white or sea hue.
  • Colors such as kiwi and menthol will help make rooms brighter and more cheerful.
  • The bedroom can not only cheer up before a difficult day and fill with new forces, but also give confidence. To do this, light green and pastel shades should prevail here.
  • To add wealth and chic to the space, you need to use emerald, malachite, lime color.
  • For relaxation and complete relaxation, shades such as mustard, olive, green tea are suitable.

The tone of the room will also depend on the chosen lighting. If there is not enough light here, then it is better to use the color of apple green, as well as olive or pistachio as the main shade.

General rules when choosing materials for decoration

To create a comfortable atmosphere, it is necessary to correctly arrange all surfaces. This will help the choice of natural materials for the floor, walls and ceiling. Green color emphasizes the naturalness of the room.

It is very important to consider the following nuances:
  • all shades of green are not tolerated in the decoration of cheap low-quality plastic, as well as a large number of metal elements. Such materials will simply kill all the freshness and lightness of the interior;
  • good quality wallpapers are suitable for a green bedroom. Some styles allow the use of acrylic paint. It is desirable that not all walls be covered with it;
  • various stretch or suspended ceiling structures are suitable for the bedroom. If you need to convey the naturalness of the room, then it is better to just whitewash or paint the ceiling;
  • decorative beams will help bring the bedroom closer to nature. They are installed on the ceiling. The construction is made of natural wood species;
  • green color goes well with rattan and wood. Therefore, any of these materials can be safely used to decorate the bedroom;
  • only a good parquet board or high-quality laminate should be laid on the floor. With them, the room will be filled with comfort.

For textiles, natural fabrics are suitable. These include cotton and linen. Covers, curtains, pillows are sewn from them.

Wallpaper selection

For the bedroom, it is better to choose wallpaper. Painting the walls will not give a feeling of comfort. The drawing on the canvases must be selected so that it does not overload the space. It is best to paste over either 1 or 2 walls. This is especially true for coatings with geometric shapes.

For small rooms, wallpapers are selected with small patterns. They should be inconspicuous so as not to draw attention to themselves. 3 walls are pasted over with such canvases. The rest needs to be highlighted with a bright large-sized pattern or contrasting photo wallpapers. Visually, the room will become wider after applying this technique.

What to look for when decorating a ceiling?

Today you can choose a tension or suspension structure with several levels. It all depends on the style of the room.

There are several popular ceiling shades that will look great in a green bedroom.

These include:
  • light green. It helps to calm the nerves that are in a tense state all day long, relieve stress and remove the burden of responsibility. This helps a person to relax and fully relax. This contributes to a surge of new strength for the next working day, as well as the emergence of creative ideas.
  • pistachio. This shade attracts with its calmness and expressiveness. There is no aggression or negative energy in it. Therefore, the color can be safely used in the bedroom.
  • Grayish bluish green. This shade appeared for decorating the bedroom relatively recently. Thanks to him, the room gives the impression of a winter garden.
  • Emerald. A saturated shade in people is firmly associated with a lawn or lawn. Therefore, it will always act peacefully on a resting person.

If the sun's rays hit the room most of the time, then the curtains should be darker than the color of the wallpaper. This will give your eyes a rest. In a bedroom facing north, it is better to hang curtains in softer and warmer shades.

White tulle will always look appropriate with the green tones of the room. You can pick up black, blue, light or brown curtains for it.


Curtains in the green bedroom are better to choose monochrome, but so that they are visually combined with all interior items. The textiles on the windows and the cape on the bed should be different.

How to choose the right decor?

The main mood of the room is created by various accessories. They are selected based on the main color of the room. Their main task is to breathe a special spirit into the room, which will help you feel comfortable and relaxed. Decor elements are selected without sloppiness and very well thought out.

The main elements of decor include:

All these elements affect the overall perception of space. They help convey the mood and character of the bedroom. If you need to increase the space, then it is better to choose accessories in light shades. The main thing here is not to overload the room. Its main purpose is sleep and rest of a person.

To add lively accents, several types of plants are placed in the room. If the bedroom is small, then it is better to put indoor flowers in front of mirrors. This will help eliminate the void and create the impression of fullness in the room.

  • Choose calm shades for the main background.

Among them:

  • khaki;
  • asparagus;
  • olive;
  • nephritis;
  • mint.

If bright colors prevail in the room, then a person will not be able to fully relax and sleep. So that the room does not become too boring and monotonous, it is recommended to place accents and decorative elements in the room in the form of vases, paintings, pillows. Spring green, lime or light green shades are suitable for them.

  • You can not decorate the room with glossy or shiny surfaces. Only natural and natural materials are used here.
  • Compliance with the rules for combining different shades with each other. It is important to find a balance of dark and light tones. This will help emphasize the dignity of the room.

Features of green

The interior evokes a variety of feelings in a person. In the rest room, they should only be positive. Therefore, you can not use bright and aggressive colors in decoration and furniture.. You can opt for a romantic style. It fills the space with cleanliness and freshness. It is important for sleep and relaxation. It helps to relax after a hard day and quickly recuperate. Green color improves mood, relieves irritability and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The bedroom, made in soothing green shades, promotes quality sleep. A person in such a room quickly falls asleep and in a short time replenishes the forces spent during the day. Psychologists agree that this color is the most successful for the bedroom.


Furniture selection

The room needs to be properly furnished. All items should be combined with each other and overlap with the main color. Thanks to this, a harmonious interior is created. It will promote relaxation and quality rest.

The walls define the mood of the room and cannot be ignored. Choosing for a green room is not the most difficult task. Having a basic knowledge of combining different shades, a harmonious image of any room in the house is created. Additionally, curtains should be combined with pieces of furniture, decor and fit into the overall style design.

Varieties of green

A person distinguishes at least 376 shades of green, so to choose curtains, you need to find out the true color of the wallpaper. Allocate the main color and additional tones. The main one is light or dark, and the additional ones are mint, olive, dark and light olive, bottle, emerald, malachite, turquoise, marsh, light green, a mixture of blue and many others.

When choosing curtains for green wallpaper, you need to know exactly the shade of the decorative coating. The range of future curtains depends on this.

Choice of concept

To determine the desired tone of the curtains, a color wheel is used. There are 4 solutions:

  1. Monochrome design - the color of the curtains for green wallpaper is selected in the same range, but lighter or darker by several steps
  2. Neutral combination - tones are used to the right and left of the main color: blue, beige, sand tones
  3. Contrasting combination - lying opposite: red, purple, brown
  4. Double solution - curtains for a green room are sewn or bought in two colors, and the chosen tone is combined with white, beige, gray or black.

The atmosphere in the room becomes calm if the curtains have a color close to green. Bright and in the case of using opposite tones.

Important: green curtains should not merge with the walls, otherwise positive greenery will start to drive you into depression.

Harmonious solutions with basic green

When curtains are purchased for green wallpaper, there are no categorical prohibitions on choosing a color. Some tones can be used boldly, others need to be treated a little more carefully.

Choosing white curtains, it is impossible to make a mistake. This solution is appropriate for any grass-colored walls. White has many variations, so you can choose a solution that softens the contrast, makes the room warmer and more comfortable, and expands the room:

  • Boiling white, frosty snow - create a sharp contrast, make the room more spacious, cool the room, suitable for south windows
  • Ivory, milky, light beige - soften the atmosphere, make the room warmer, do not tire the eyes, suitable for north-facing windows

The combination with white is recognized as classic. It is distinguished by sophistication, elegance, freshness, does not become obsolete.


Another win-win option, because green is obtained by mixing yellow and blue. Yellow curtains will suit green wallpaper if, with a rich color of the coating, they will have delicate tones. The paler the walls, the brighter the curtains should be.


Refers to natural colors and is found everywhere in combination with the color of the leaves. Brown curtains of any tone will be an excellent design solution: dark ones will muffle the sound of the walls, and pale woody ones will brighten the wallpaper.


Water and leaves are the basis of life. Nature provides another clue to create a harmonious design. Blue in any room, filling it with positive. Any solutions are used from transparent tones to saturated ones.


The solution does not contradict the concept of a green room, but it requires a certain courage when choosing. The combination turns out bright, can tire the psyche, but is popular among self-confident people.


Despite the apparent gloom, the black curtain refreshes the room. The room looks stylish, elegant, creative. The color has many tones, which means that you can choose graphite, asphalt, muted black or dark gray. Curtains with a black pattern will be the best solution for those who want to introduce this shade into their interior.


The hardest combination. The red color of the curtains will suit the green wallpaper if it is the only bright element in the room. All other textiles and accessories should be in harmony with the wall covering. The presence of small decorative elements in red tones is allowed so that the curtains do not look too lonely.


Can be used with any tone from light olive to emerald. The combination of green and pink is a good alternative to the combination with red. The room looks fresh and clean.

Bronze, silver and gold

Curtains with metallic splashes are suitable for any wallpaper in the color of grass and leaves. This gives the room solemnity, makes the interior rich and expensive.

Green shades

Curtains can be similar in color, but should differ from the walls by several tones. Two-color curtains are well suited for such a solution - an additional beige color is combined with green curtains as harmoniously as possible.

Tip: under pink, orange and even lilac, that is, contrasting curtains. Dark wallpapers are often complemented by light, as well as bright, but harmonizing colors.

Curtains for additional shades

Although green has many options, a limited number of them are used when choosing a coating. If walls:

  • white, yellow, blue, blue curtains are suitable for light green wallpaper, it is better not to use black;
  • Olive - brown, white, gray are used for a harmonious combination, pink for contrast, and pastel or purple solutions are used with light olive
  • Mint - yellow shades are suitable, black is introduced for contrast
  • Bottle - the contrast is created by dirty red shades, for a more relaxed atmosphere, gray, black, white, yellow are selected
  • Gray-green - combined with dark red, beige, turquoise
  • Turquoise - black, olive, metallic colors, gray are suitable

The interior of the room depends on many components. All elements must be in harmony with each other and match the color combinations. Only in this case will an aesthetic composition be obtained. Wall decoration is decisive in the design of the room, since the walls occupy the largest visual area. Consider which curtains to choose for a room covered with green wallpaper, what color furniture would look best in such an ensemble.

So different green

Green color has a very rich palette. It can be a dark green, almost marsh tone, a rich grass color or a light green, sunny spring color. Wallpaper can have a pale olive color scheme or a mint and turquoise hue. In each case, the companion colors will be completely different. What fabrics are better to use for curtains - the same shade or contrast, it is worth deciding depending on the lighting conditions. In the northern room, decorated with wallpapers of the noble color of mature grass, you can hang curtains of the same color and get a gloomy, even dull interior. The same ensemble in a bright sunny room will look elegant and sophisticated.

Bright and active spring green with the same curtains will become annoying over time. Diluted with a white or lilac pattern, it will give the interior a pleasant dynamism.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing textiles, you should get acquainted with the rules for combining colors.

Tone combination rules

At the first stage, you need to decide on the color of the wallpaper, for this you should purchase special circular spectrum of colors. We select our own from the spectral circle, you can do this by applying sectors of the spectrum to the wallpaper. Having chosen the exact shade, we look at the opposite color - this will be a contrasting tone that matches your wallpaper. Opposite the gamut of green shades, red, purple, brown are usually located. Feel free to purchase curtains of these colors to create an energetic interior.

If you like a more relaxed atmosphere, then it is better to opt for neighboring sectors of the color wheel. To the right and left of the green are blue, beige, sand tones.

For rooms decorated in a classic style, there is a monochrome finish. Curtains are matched to match or slightly different from the wall decoration - a few gradations lighter or darker.

Monochrome design may seem boring, then the window is decorated with double curtains. Cloths of fabric are selected in two colors, nuanced and contrasting. For example, curtains and walls of one color are separated with a white, beige or gray additional canvas.

Modern stylistic solutions for interior design very boldly operate with various combinations. If your fantasy goes beyond traditional preferences, then, taking a wallpaper sample, it is worth attaching it to the fabrics you like and imagine how it will look in the room. Perhaps it is this composition that will delight you at home, but in order to avoid disappointment, it is better to heed the advice of designers on how to create a harmonious interior.

How to choose harmonious solutions?

The king of all colors is white. White curtains are the perfect solution for green wallpapers of all shades. The main rule here is to combine a snowy cold tone of textiles with a cold tone of wall decoration, and a warm, milky range with natural warm green wallpaper. In the first case, a bright contrast, clarity of forms, coolness and spaciousness of the room will be created. In the second option, you get an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, tranquility.

The combination with white is classic, used in all stylistic decisions, it always looks relevant and fashionable.

Yellow curtains in a green room are a win-win. The mustard shade will add sophistication and modern mood to the room. Pale yellow textiles are beautifully combined with rich green, light green gamma looks better with bright canary yellow.

Recent design developments often use a gray-brown textile palette to decorate interiors in green tones. Here it is better to use fabric and wallpaper of the same color saturation. Light brown with light green and taupe with active green. Tulle better choose one of these colors, white can "jump" out of the inflorescence line.

Black draperies can have the same strong influence on perception, but if you skillfully separate active green and heavy black with snow-white double canvases, create separating barriers between these colors, then such a solution also takes place. The use of black and green colors in interior decoration helps to create spectacular and creative compositions.

The red color is so self-sufficient that it must be applied very delicately. Red curtains, sometimes only one canvas, is already a very strong accent. The rest of the interior should be monochrome green. A maximum of a couple of accessories of a different or better red color can be afforded.

Pink is the best companion to the entire green-olive wallpaper palette for creating a romantic mood. The faded green color of the walls with pink floral curtains is a classic combination for interiors in the Provence style.

Bronze and gold textiles in the decor will add luxury to the Empire style setting.

Metallic silvery fabrics are good for front rooms with gray-green walls.

An important role is played by the presence of a pattern on the walls or textiles. If the surface of the walls is decorated with an ornament, then curtains should be plain or with exactly the same print, only the size of the pattern can vary. It is unacceptable to combine curtains with daisies with roses on the walls.

Curtains and wallpaper are not the only elements for creating a harmonious interior, you need to choose the right furniture.

We take into account the color of the furniture

Furniture is a piece of decor that rarely needs to be replaced, it has been used for many years. Curtains are changed much more often. This is due to both the price and the simplicity of changing the boring image. Therefore, when choosing curtains, you need to consider the color and texture of the furniture. heavy classic furniture does not tolerate frivolous floral canvases of ultraviolet shades. Conversely, modern utilitarian furniture of a simple form will look strange against the backdrop of scallops and frills. Satin and silk are suitable for interiors art deco style, metallized fabrics - satellites high tech.

The color of furniture plays an important role in shaping the visual perception of space. The color of natural wood is the best companion for green wall decoration. Light colors of furniture look good with a similar palette of curtains, dark wood looks noble against a neutral background, contrasting bright purple, blue, lilac curtains will harmoniously set off yellow furniture.

Room design options

The functional purpose of the rooms obliges to decorate the interior in a certain way. Winning combinations for the living room will look ridiculous in the bedroom or kitchen.

The hall and the living room are the main rooms of the house, their design allows for maximum solemnity. Contrasting textiles with floral or geometric patterns, metallic fabrics, gold and bronze threads. Refinement and magnificence adds white color. It can be an additional curtain made of expensive fabric, upholstery of upholstered furniture or decor items. Turquoise and sapphire shades of window decor will emphasize the magnificence of dark furniture.

The office does not require frilly fabrics, but it obliges to maintain order and strict design. Laconic simple curtains, plain or geometric colors, are selected in a restrained range of beige-brown or blue palette. Monochrome trim in green tones will add an atmosphere of concentration.

White, beige, pink, cornflower blue, light yellow curtains will bring a little romance and relaxation to the bedroom. A very pleasant combination of calm light green wall decoration with brown wallpaper.

The nursery is the most energetic and lively place in the house. It can be decorated with bright combinations of blue, pink, yellow curtains. The presence of a large or small pattern in textiles will not be superfluous. Wallpaper here is also better to choose more cheerful fresh tones.

The kitchen can also be decorated in avant-garde colors: black, brown, purple, yellow.

For a family with children, it is better to stay in warm shades of pink, beige, coffee, orange.

Green color for interior design is chosen by many people. Its various shades, ranging from light lemon to deep emerald tone, are always popular at all times. This color evokes associations with young spring grass and nature, and its positive energy can create a pleasant and calm atmosphere in the house. This rich color for curtains looks especially harmonious, enlivening the room and bringing fresh notes to the design.

Green color creates a calm harmonious atmosphere in the room.

Green curtains on the windows are an excellent solution for creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in a living room.

When using green curtains in the interior, it must be borne in mind that this color has a lot of shades, and an incorrectly chosen tone can ruin the design idea.

The palette of green shades has both cold and warm tones.

When choosing curtains for a room, pay attention to such nuances:

Which room is best suited for green curtains?

Draperies, tulle or curtains of this color are a versatile option and are perfect for any room, whether it be a kitchen, nursery, bedroom or living room.

  • Kitchen. Juicy green color perfectly promotes appetite, so it is often used in the design of the kitchen. It is better to choose curtains for the kitchen from a practical material that is easy to wash and does not require special care. Suitable shades: light green, lemon, rich olive, light colors. Various patterns, both floral and geometric, look great in the kitchen.

    For the kitchen, practical Roman blinds in pastel shades are a good option.

  • Children's. For a child's bedroom, green is great. Its ability to create a calm but energetic atmosphere promotes the development of thought processes and better learning. For the children's room, you can use green curtains with fun patterns that the baby will like.

    Children's room with green curtains, bedspread and carpet

  • Bedroom. For an adult bedroom, aquamarine, dark green, olive, emerald fabrics are suitable. These noble shades will create the necessary atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the room. Too bright green curtains should not be used for the bedroom, but it is better to make sure that they are dense enough and do not let in excess light in the morning. If necessary, you can use a special light-transmitting lining for curtains.

    In the bedroom, green curtains go well with white light tulle.

  • Living room. In the interior of the living room, curtains of this color can be used in a variety of ways. Depending on the design of the room, it can be both bright, contrasting shades of color, and calm, neutral tones. Since the living room is usually the largest room in the house, dark and heavy curtains can be used here, but translucent tulle in combination with large panoramic windows will look very impressive.

    Saturated emerald curtains will add brightness to the interior of the living room

Green curtains in the interior of the living room can be supplemented with various decorative elements - lambrequins, laces, frills and bows. Designers use the so-called muslin, which is thin silk threads falling down like streams of water.

Choosing fabric for curtains in the living room

In order for green curtains to look harmonious, it is important not only to choose the right tone, but also to choose the right fabric from which they will be sewn. According to their texture, fabrics are very different: thin and dense, smooth and structured, with or without a pattern. The stores offer a huge selection of a wide variety of materials and it is sometimes difficult for the buyer to decide which option is ideal for the design of the room.

When choosing, the composition and density of the fabric are taken into account

The denser the fabric, the richer the green shades look on it.

Translucent curtains and tulle will make the interior of the living room light and airy.

The living room, unlike the bedroom, where everything should be comfortable and practical, is conducive to experimentation, here you can give free rein to your imagination. Luxurious green satin or jacquard curtains will emphasize your impeccable taste. These materials are quite dense and heavy, but at the same time soft, which allows them to be laid in beautiful folds. Curtains of this color look chic in the interior in a classic or baroque style. If the owners of the house prefer a modern style with bright details and unusual combinations of textures, then the green color with an interesting print or bright color pattern will make the living room original and spectacular.

The windows of this living room are decorated with green curtains of a natural shade, complemented by inserts of brown material, which gives great contrast to the overall textile composition.

When choosing a fabric, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Fabric structure. Curtains can be made of natural material or synthetics. The most practical material will be a combination of both types of fibers, since purely natural green materials quickly burn out and lose their shape, synthetics are unpleasant to the touch and inferior to natural materials in an aesthetic form.
  • Damage resistance. Some fabrics have a pleasant texture and rich colors, but they quickly show clues from various kinds of contacts. Such options are especially not recommended for families with small children and pets, which can easily touch and damage the fabric.
  • Ease of maintenance. Before buying curtains, you must always consult with the seller about the care. It is best if the fabric is easy to wash, iron without problems and does not lose its shape and color after drying.

Thick fabrics such as velvet, brocade, satin and jacquard are used to decorate windows in dark shades.

Tulle, organza, satin and voile are suitable for making light translucent curtains

What goes with green curtains?

There can be a great variety of combinations in which green colors are appropriate in the interior. Green in the color palette is between yellow and blue, it can be both warm and cold. Thanks to this feature, green curtains are easy to combine with white, brown, blue and blue, yellow and orange. Green contrasts sharply with red, which, if used correctly, can become a highlight of the design. As for the pattern, the most natural and beautiful on the fabric will be a floral ornament. Floral patterns are perfect for the eco-style kitchen and living room, which has been at the peak of popularity for a long time.

Green tones go well with brown, white and gray shades.

The combination of green and blue is used to create a bright living interior.

There are also a lot of materials that go well with green curtains. All shades of this color are in perfect harmony with wood and textiles, creating a natural palette. Such curtains have proven themselves well in combination with aluminum and other metals, as well as with glass and stone. Proximity to nature allows you to successfully use various options with all natural materials without exception.

White tulle and dark green curtains - an example of a classic window opening

Curtains in dark green are best combined with decorating elements of the same shade.

Many designers choose bright green to create color contrast. The room can be decorated in soothing cream tones, curtains, cushions, carpet or chandelier can be rich green, which gives a feeling of freshness and vitality. This technique is a win-win and is most suitable for a living room that has more space to play with an unusual color combination.

Bright contrasting combination of green with a red tint

Comfort and harmony in the house

Soft green color promotes relaxation and creates a calm environment. People who are in a room where the primary colors are green are more balanced and peaceful, and in offices decorated with turquoise hues, brain activity and memory improve.

Bright green curtains will effectively dilute the neutral atmosphere in a minimalist style.

Important. You should also be careful with green. The cold shades of this color, although they stimulate thinking, can cause melancholy and despondency if there are too many of them in the room.

Light patterns on the mint-colored curtains emphasize the elegance of the classic style.

When choosing curtains, you need to focus on the style of the living room.

Green curtains are good because they allow bright sunlight to pass through them, they fill the entire room with a soft natural glow. In this case, the green color creates a natural atmosphere and has a positive effect on the psychological situation in the house or apartment.

Video: green curtains in the home interior

Photo of living rooms with green curtains