Domestic moth means of struggle. How to get rid of moths in the apartment: effective ways of control and prevention. Methods and means of removing clothes moth

Many methods have been developed to get rid of moths. Housewives prefer to use directional aerosols and fumigators at home, which quickly cope with the task. Also, in addition, it makes sense to consider folk remedies. But, first things first.

How to get rid of moths - folk remedies

The remedy for moths in the apartment can be prepared with your own hands. Popular use says that such compositions are in no way inferior to purchased funds.

No. 1. lavender oil

Midges, moths and other pests do not tolerate strongly smelling ethers. This is what lavender oil is. It is enough to soak cosmetic sponges with it, and then arrange the discs on the shelves and cabinets. At least once every 15 days, these repellers are replaced with new ones.

No. 2. dried lavender

If there is no oil, then use dry herbs. Make linen bags, pack the plants in them. Then send these devices to all the pockets of the clothes that are in the closet. You can additionally hang lavender on handrails with hangers, place on shelves, etc. The moth will run away immediately.

No. 3. Dried/fresh citrus peel

A method known since ancient times. Build gauze bags, send them a lot of dried or fresh citrus fruit peels. The zest of an orange, grapefruit, lemon, pomelo, etc. is suitable. Scatter the bags on the shelves and cabinets, and also put them in the pockets of clothes.

No. 4. Sagebrush

In the question of how to get rid of moths, it is impossible not to touch on the use of wormwood at home. This smelly plant will quickly chase pests out of your clothes and closets in particular. Dried wormwood is spread over fabric bags, then they are placed on shelves and cabinets.

No. 5. Clove buds (spice)

Unopened dried buds are famous for their tart aroma. He likes a person, but do not moth. Therefore, feel free to make linen bags, pour dry clove buds into them and hang them in the closet. As an add-on, insert repellers into clothing pockets.

No. 6. Geranium

We continue to tell you how to get rid of moths in the house. You can use both pots of geraniums and dried plant blanks. If the moth wound up in the closet, then pack the dry twigs on the shelves. In cases where it is necessary to eliminate kitchen moths, geraniums are placed next to kitchen cabinets.

No. 7. frost/sun

These insects do not withstand too high or, conversely, low temperatures. Therefore, in the summer, take out all the clothes from the closets, hang them in the sun and wait 3 hours. In winter, the same manipulations are carried out in the cold.

Shop remedies for moths

Specialists have developed many effective means of how to get rid of moths. Therefore, we recommend using aerosols, fumigators or traps at home. They will quickly cope with the task, we will conduct a review.

No. 1. Aerosols

As a rule, all aerosols have a single method of spraying - onto clothes or into the cavity of the closet. Don't worry, there won't be any stains. Many products are designed for all types of fabrics and fur products. Before use, be sure (!) Read the instructions.

« Mosquitall» Moth protection

"Armol" from the moth

The aerosol does not leave a smell, quickly eliminates not only moths, but also skin beetles. Leaves no traces, applied directly to clothing or leather products. Has a scent of lavender, after opening, use within 6 months. If you take into account the reviews, you can buy "Armol Expert" for 70 rubles.


This tool is on the list of leaders in the rapid destruction of moths. After processing the clothes and the entire cavity of the closet, the effect persists for up to 6 months.

"Raptor" from a moth

After processing, a pleasant citrus aroma remains. It is necessary to spray only on walls, shelves and other parts of cabinets. Should not be applied to clothing. The moth dies quickly, and the next treatment is carried out after a year.

Antimol "STOPmole"

It makes sense to study the effect of the STOP mol aerosol. Used in homes and businesses to kill grubs and butterflies. Helps to protect not only clothes, but also furniture.

No. 2. Fumigators

If you do not know how to get rid of moths, it is recommended to use fumigators at home. This method allows you to quickly deal with pests. It is enough to connect the device to the network and wait for a while.

« Raid»

The presented fumigator can work without problems with plates or a container for liquid. The result exceeds all expectations. The cost is 150 rubles.

« Mosquitall"

It is enough to connect the device to the network so that the liquid begins to evaporate. The tool has proven itself only from the best side. Price - 150-200 rubles.


The fumigator works in exactly the same way as the previous ones. There is no noticeable odor. In addition, the device can work with both liquid and plates. Price - 220 rubles.


Fumigators are allowed to be left on all day or night. Nothing bad will happen during this time. The product is completely safe for people and pets.

No. 3. Traps

Since you can get rid of moths in various ways, at home it is recommended to resort to the help of special traps. You will achieve the desired result quickly.

1. The principle of operation of the devices is quite simple. The trap is a small flat box. It has holes on all sides. Pests crawl into them.

2. Inside the trap contains non-drying glue. The composition does not allow pests to escape, they die there. Traps do not pose any danger to humans and animals.

  • « Aeroxon» . The trap comes with 2 special cases. Price - 450 rubles.
  • « Swissinno». There are 2 interchangeable pencil cases included. Price - 800 rubles.
  • « Argus». The trap has 6 replaceable cases. Price -180 rubles.

Fighting food moth

If you do not know how to get rid of moths, it is worth preparing. At home, such pests are unlikely to be removed quickly.

We sort out the cereal. Start the procedure by inspecting the entire cereal. In addition, it must be carefully sorted out. Be sure to get rid of cereals with larvae. Do not try to consume such a product for food, you can earn severe poisoning.

My kitchen cabinets. If you want to know how to get rid of food moths, thoroughly wash all kitchen cabinets in the apartment. Wipe the shelves thoroughly with a solution of water and vinegar. After that, wash everything with water. Ventilate cabinets regularly.

We store food in containers. To prevent this from happening again, store cereals and bulk products in special containers. In such a container there is a valve that needs to be opened only as needed.

The fight against food moth folk remedies

Food moth is a pest that is quite difficult to deal with. If you do not know how to get rid of it, you should consider using folk remedies at home.

Garlic. Place the garlic cloves along with the grits to prevent larvae from forming.

Laurel leaf. The smell of a spicy plant has a negative effect on moths. Therefore, bay leaves are recommended to be laid out on shelves next to cereals.

Table vinegar. A fairly common tool used by experienced housewives. Wipe cabinet shelves regularly with a mild vinegar solution.

Tobacco. The presented plant has proven itself in the fight against pests. It is enough to spread the tobacco leaves on the shelves so that the moth does not start in the cabinets.

The article presents simple and effective ways to control pests. Now you know how to get rid of moths. Use any of the above remedies at home to deal with moths quickly and without unnecessary troubles.

Irina Z.
How to get rid of moths in a house where there are a lot of moths from nowhere?

The appearance of moths in the house is not uncommon, so it is important for housewives to be able to deal with it. These harmful insects infest food, clothing, carpets, etc. As a result, the inhabitants of the house may lose a sweater or a fur coat, an interior item or flour supplies. To avoid losses, you need to know how to get rid of moths as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How does the moth appear in the house

There are more than 30 types of moths, among which furniture, fur coat, clothes, carpet, fruit, cereal, etc. are most often found. These insects up to 1.5 cm in size have a gray inconspicuous color. The greatest harm is caused not by adults, but by caterpillars and larvae that eat a huge amount of food.

Often, moths enter the house in several ways:

  • flies in through a door or window;
  • gets into the apartment along with purchased things or products;
  • penetrates into the house from neighbors through cracks, ventilation ducts or an entrance.

Finding the eggs of these insects is quite difficult, but adults that begin to fly are easy to spot. If the residents saw a small gray butterfly, then a pest has appeared in the house, which must be removed without delay.

Moth habitats

If a lot of moths fly in the house, but it is not known where it came from, then you need to urgently start searching:

  1. Inspect the cabinets where woolen, fur and other wardrobe items are stored. The presence of pests will be indicated by oblong cocoons, holes and fur bald spots in products.
  2. Consider furniture upholstered with natural fabrics. If insects are wound up there, then their tunnels-ways will be visible.
  3. Examine all carpet products made from natural materials, where bald spots, passages and cocoons can also be found.
  4. Make an audit of the products stored in kitchen cabinets. You need to inspect flour, cereals, dried fruits and look for lumps, glued grains, small worms and cobwebs. After determining the habitat of insects, all infected products should be thrown away. Then you need to thoroughly wash and dry the kitchen set.

Pest Control Methods

Heat treatment. The moth feels comfortable at ambient temperatures from -5°C to +45°C. Therefore, with a small degree of infection, the following methods will help to remove insects:

  • Steaming clothes or washing at maximum temperatures. To get rid of pests on carpets and furniture, you can use a steam generator or a special household hair dryer.
  • Freezing the room for several hours.

Attention! Take the necessary precautions so as not to damage the heating system.

  • Placement of fur products in the refrigerator.

Chemicals. Insecticide preparations successfully fight against clothes moth:

  • Fumigators are not harmful to humans, but harmful to insects. Among the most popular means are "Raid", "DiK-3", "Mosquitall".
  • Aerosols - have a strong toxic effect and can completely destroy pests. Usually, such means as “Protection against moths” (“Mosquitall”), “Armol”, “Raptor”, “Ekstramit”, etc. are used.
  • Moth sections - often used only to prevent infection. The most popular are Mosquitall and Raptor.

Attention! If small children or people with allergic diseases live in the house, then it is better to fight pests with the help of natural remedies.

Folk remedies for pest control

Natural remedies that have a strong smell will help get rid of moths:

  • geranium,
  • dried with flowers
  • laundry soap,
  • sagebrush,
  • citrus peels,
  • tobacco,
  • walnut leaves.

The listed funds need to be laid out on the shelves, which will repel insects and serve as a good prevention for the future.

Thus, various methods will help get rid of moths, the effectiveness of which has already been proven by practice. But it is best not to deal with the problem that has arisen, but to try to avoid it: regularly clean the apartment, ventilate cabinets, clean furniture and carpets, store cereals in carefully closed jars.

How to destroy a mole: video

It is difficult to find a person who would not encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as a room moth. A small nondescript butterfly can appear from wardrobes or kitchen cabinets, leaving behind a lot of spoiled things and products. Therefore, the question of how to deal with moths at home arises for every housewife who has found a pest in the house.

Features of moth species

Before you start fighting a pest, you need to know what kind of moth is. In everyday life, there are about 30 types of moths, and all of them are harmful to humans. At home, the following types of moths are more common:

  • Fur coat;
  • Furniture;
  • food;
  • Carpet.

Habitat and food preferences are the main criteria for their difference. So, which are stored in cabinets. In the kitchen, a cereal or one that feeds exclusively on food can start: flour, cereals, dried fruits, mushrooms and even tea brewing. Usually the pest starts with improper storage of products.

Furniture moth can ruin the upholstery of a furniture set. Often pupating caterpillars can be seen on the underside of a sofa or chair. Representatives of the carpet moth are slightly larger than their relatives. An insect can lay eggs in blankets, rugs and carpets made of natural fibers.

The owners usually find out about the presence of moths in the house late when they notice a fluttering butterfly or a damaged thing (product). Many people chase after them, trying to swat the pest. However, the problem cannot be solved in this way. After all, flying butterflies are nothing more than males that do not pose a particular danger. Female moths are more careful: they prefer to move in dashes, trying to hide. At one time, a female is able to lay up to 150 eggs, from which tiny worms will hatch after a while. It spoils food or clothes.

Chemical control agents

How to deal with moths in an apartment, many housewives are puzzled by this question, who found winged pests in the apartment. Control methods depend on the type of insect. There are those that allow you to get rid of all types of insects. But it is more correct to deal with the type of pest that has actually been identified.

Means of combating moths can be destructive and repellent. The first type of drugs kills insects with close contact. With the help of repellents, the appearance of a pest can be prevented, since they have a pronounced specific smell. A combination of both means gives a good effect in order to.

Spray can

Aerosols are a widely used insecticide in moth control. The main advantages of modern products are fast action and the absence of a pungent odor. The drug is easily sprayed, enveloping all surfaces with a thick layer. Upon contact with an insecticidal substance, not only adults die, but also moth larvae. Despite the fact that many sprays are safe for human health, when using them, you should use a protective suit (goggles, respirator, gloves, maximally closed clothing). The following brands are in great demand:

  • Raptor;
  • Armol;
  • Dichlorvos;
  • Clean house.


You can also fight harmful insects with the help of a fumigator. Simply plugging it into an outlet is enough. The most popular fumigators are: Reid, Dik-3 or Mosquitall.

Sections and tablets

This is another invention of mankind against domestic insects. This repellent has repellent properties due to its pronounced smell; it is not capable of destroying pests. The unpacked plates with a pleasant smell are placed in a closet with clothes. The validity period can vary from 4 to 6 months. Mosquitall and Raptor brands are especially popular with consumers.

Moth pills have similar actions. It is enough to put a couple of tablets on a shelf or in a box and the moth will not start in them.

On a note!

Often, in the instructions for use for moth sections, manufacturers indicate that before using the device, pre-treatment of the internal surfaces of the cabinets with an aerosol is necessary. The spray will help get rid of pests, and the sections will prevent their appearance.


Devices do not contain pesticides, therefore they are safe for human health and pets. The design looks like a house with several holes "entrances" and sticky tape inside. The butterfly is attracted by a pleasant aroma emanating from. Having flown into it, the insect simply sticks to the tape.

Folk remedies

To combat food moths, it is not advisable to use insecticidal agents, since it is dangerous to use processed products for food. Therefore, the fight against moths at home involves the use of folk remedies. Their advantages include availability and low cost.

Garlic. One of the effective ways to combat food moths is garlic. It is enough to put a couple of cloves on the surface of cereals or flour, and insects will not start in it.

Lavender. Lavender has similar properties. . Therefore, bags with lavender sprigs are laid out on the shelves of wardrobes and kitchen cabinets. For the same purpose, you can use tampons soaked in lavender oil.

Citrus. Oranges and lemons have a very strong smell that repels moths. Their peel is laid out, both in kitchen and wardrobes. Dried peels should be periodically replaced with fresh ones. This tool does not kill insects, but only repels them. Therefore, it will not give a positive effect when products or things are already infected with insects.

Plants. Cannot tolerate the smell of fluttering butterflies tansy, wormwood, carnations, eucalyptus, mint. Save the apartment from the invasion of household moths will help geranium.

On a note!

It should be remembered that plant repellents only repel adult insects, they do not affect their larvae and eggs. Therefore, in order to achieve the maximum effect, it is impossible to do without the use of modern chemical preparations of anti-moth action.

Tobacco. Tobacco is another effective remedy for moths. This method of insect control was used by our grandmothers, shifting things with tobacco, which used to be sold in packs.

Vinegar. This tool is used to repel various household pests. Mole is no exception. To prevent the winged pest from settling in a kitchen or wardrobe, its surface must be washed with soapy water and then treated with vinegar.

walnut leaves. Moths will not start in the kitchen cabinet if fresh walnut leaves are laid out in the corners. As they dry out, they should be replaced with fresh ones.

Soap. Toilet soap can be an excellent way to deal with winged pests. It must be laid out between the clothes in the closet.


To prevent the appearance of moths in the apartment, you must:

  • Periodically clean and ventilate the room;
  • The interior surfaces of cabinets should be treated with vinegar;
  • Regular revision of products and wardrobe will help prevent the spread of winged pests;
  • Grocery products must be stored in glass containers with a hermetically sealed lid;
  • Winter things before being sent to storage must be washed and dried thoroughly, as the moth prefers to wind up in sweaty and dirty clothes. It is recommended to hand over fur products for cleaning, after which they are placed in cases impregnated with a special anti-moth agent.

By following these simple rules, you will not encounter such a problem as a moth in an apartment.

mole gives a lot of trouble to the owners, it can damage everything in the apartment: clothes, food, carpets. When such a nuisance arises in an apartment, only one question is spinning in my head: how to quickly get rid of this pest?

At first glance, this is a harmless insect, because it will not bite a person, and it does not tolerate infection. But what damage a mole can cause to things, products, objects in an apartment requires special attention.

In order to clean the apartment from the pest, you need to understand what kind of moth has settled in your house.

Earlier we talked about in the apartment.

moth species

At first glance, all varieties of moths resemble small butterflies with an inconspicuous color. In total, a little less than forty families of this insect are distinguished. Many species do not appear in houses, and we very rarely see them.

Of the most harmful species of moths for humans, there are:

  1. . Housewives dream of this type of moth in the worst dreams. The insect spoils cereals, groceries and other food products. Some believe that food moths can also spoil clothes, but this is only a myth, they are not interested in wardrobe. Clothing items almost do not catch the eye, unlike food ones, which freely live in the kitchen. The breeding cycle is short, the time of emergence from one clutch of eggs to the next is about 2 months. An adult moth lives for about a week and may not eat anything, but this does not prevent it from laying more than a hundred eggs at once.
  2. Wax moth. Every beekeeper knows her well. An adult insect may also not eat, which cannot be said about its larvae. They love to feast on wax, honey, bee bread, and even more so bee larvae in a bee hive. By entangling the honeycomb with silk, creating a barrier for the bees and preventing them from properly caring for the larvae. So the brood dies. Moth larvae are widely used in folk medicine for the preparation of tinctures. They feed on honeycombs, which are rich in all vitamins and trace elements.
  3. Clothes moth. This variety is known as a fan of ruining clothes. Cotton products suffer the most. The clothes moth is very similar to the furniture moth, which loves carpets, fur and woolen products. Many still generalize these two types and call them clothes. This species has a straw-yellow color, their size is about a centimeter. It is interesting to note that only males can fly.

How to permanently get rid of moths?

You can get rid of food moths in quite simple and simple ways:

  • Close cereals in metal or glass jars.
  • Spread garlic, orange zest on a shelf. Garlic can also be placed in jars of cereals.
  • You can set traps, they are sold today in many stores. These funds are a triangular box with a sticky composition. At the heart of the work are pheromones, which serve as bait. Caught in a trap, the moth will never free itself from there. It is better to place them in the closet where the products are located. Also, do not forget to periodically replace them with new ones, namely every two months.

If food moths tend to start up in the kitchen during the warm season, then indoor individuals can live in the house all year round, their nests are carefully hidden from humans. Adults can go without food for a month. Minus indoor temperature is an effective way to get rid of, and in greenhouse conditions, insects can live for 2 years.

Leather, woolen and fur products are more difficult to remove moths. In this case, only dichlorvos will help.

In general, it is quite difficult to get rid of the pest without using chemicals. To date, store shelves are overflowing with various anti-molding agents. Before using them, you should carefully study the instructions so as not to harm the body.


With the help of sprays, you can get rid of the pest in the most difficult places. Often, aerosols are used to process books, furniture, clothes, dark places. The substances contained in the aerosols help to get rid of both butterflies and their larvae. But with this tool it is impossible to process the whole house, for example, food and dishes.


The action of fumigators is slower than aerosols. The complete destruction of the moth will take several weeks.

But this is a fairly easy way to fight, you just need to turn on the fumigator with a pre-inserted plate or liquid. Heating the device leads to the evaporation of the substance contained in it.


Anti-grinding sections are considered the most convenient method of killing moths. The manufacturer offers a choice of aromas of chamomile, lavender, mandarin. There are sections for children's products.

One section is designed for 15 square meters. Do not place it near food and in places accessible to the child. You should remove the adhesive tape and attach the anti-moth section in the upper corner of the cabinet, from where poisonous vapors for the insect will come. The service life of one such 6 months.

Folk remedies

There are several effective folk ways to get rid of a pest:

  1. Use of essential oil(lavender, fir, geranium, orange, clove). It should be sparingly applied to a cotton swab, and put in a closet. You can kill two birds with one stone: the moth will definitely not appear next to this smell, and things will acquire a pleasant aroma.
  2. You can make pillows with dried lavender bouquets, geraniums and put them next to the clothes.
  3. Even before the advent of chemicals, naphthalene was widely used to fight moths. Too bad it only works on adults. In addition, its vapor can cause the development of cancer.
  4. Moth also does not like the smell of garlic, tobacco, kerosene. Prepare small fabric bags, place these components in them and leave them on the cabinet shelves. By the way, garlic can also be used in the kitchen, just put it in cereals.
  5. Some indoor plants can help in the fight, for example, fragrant geranium or coleus. No need to store the flowerpot in the closet, just put the leaves of the plants there.

How to quickly remove moth larvae?

As mentioned above, the mole does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures. Things can be wrapped in a bag and kept in the freezer for about half an hour. Then it is necessary to heat it to room temperature and freeze again. Repeat steps at least 5 times. If larvae are found, shake them out the window, hang clothes on the balcony so that it is ventilated and basked in the sun.

Prevention of the appearance

In order for the moth not to please you with its visit, elementary precautions should be observed:

  • Keep only clean woolen clothes in the closet.
  • Keep fur products in cases, you can also wrap them with paper treated with an anti-molding agent.
  • Treat fur coats and coats with pest control.
  • Do not forget about the general cleaning of the cabinets, the shelves can be wiped with an vinegar solution (3 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 liter of water). Be sure to ventilate the closet afterwards.
  • Thoroughly rinse skirting boards (especially in dark places), chandeliers, window corners.
  • Ventilate the apartment and carry out wet cleaning of the room more often.
  • Remember to vacuum your upholstered furniture more than twice a month. If the furniture is laid out, but with a damp cloth, wipe it from the inside.
  • Throw away old and unnecessary things.
  • Store cereals in separate tightly sealed containers.
  • Cheap cereals are not of high quality and they have a lot of dust, which is favorable soil for moths. Buy cereals only from a trusted manufacturer.
  • Woolen and fur products can be wrapped in newspapers, insects simply cannot stand their smell.
  • Before you hide things in a sofa or pantry for a long time, pack them well.
  • If there are twisted carpets in the house, vacuum them periodically, as moths often accumulate there.
  • Air your winter things every month in the sun.


Following these tips, you can not only get rid of harmful insects, but also prevent their appearance in the house.

Briefly summarize all of the above:

  • These harmful insects do not like cleanliness and order.
  • The sun's rays and fresh air are their worst enemies.
  • Emphasis should be placed on the destruction of larvae and caterpillars, and not on adults. Caterpillars are distinguished by a black head and do not exceed 1 centimeter in size.
  • Dark places in the apartment should be treated most carefully.
  • Chemical means are much stronger and more effective than folk methods.
  • From time to time, monitor old things and accumulated rubbish, if possible, get rid of unnecessary things.

Now you know about the types of moths, what each species eats and how to deal with them. A clean house and general cleaning of the premises are the main weapons in the fight against pests.

At least once in a lifetime, every person faced the problem of how to get rid of moths in an apartment. These annoying and harmful insects can cause great harm not only to your favorite things, but also to products. The appearance of a nondescript butterfly in an apartment can spoil the mood of all the inhabitants for a long time, because not only material values ​​​​are under threat, but also the family budget. Therefore, pest control is a priority at the first sign of its appearance in the room.

Moth - general information

  • wardrobe;
  • fur coat;
  • felt;
  • furniture;
  • carpet;
  • cereal;
  • and other varieties.

To simplify and generalize the classification, two most common subspecies can be distinguished - clothing and food moths. Adult representatives of these domestic insects are small in size, not exceeding 15 mm. They have an unsightly grayish color. Only males can fly, but they do not do it very skillfully. Females do not use wings. They are smaller in size than the males.

The main harm is caused not by the flying moth in the house, but by its larvae and caterpillars, which, thanks to their powerful mouth apparatus, can continuously eat everything and in large quantities. They live near a food source or directly in it. Everyone leads a sedentary lifestyle and spends all the time in one place before turning into a butterfly. Having turned into an adult, they stop eating, so their lifespan is too short. The rest of the time the moth spends only on reproduction.

An adult individual has the ability to mate already on the second day after its appearance. The female places the clutch in secluded safe places located in close proximity to the source of food, which is necessary for future larvae. Butterfly moths can lay up to 150 eggs at a time. For the appearance of an insect nest, one fertilized individual and comfortable conditions for reproduction are enough.

Causes and main signs of the appearance of moths

You will get rid of moths if you know the causes and signs that indicate the presence of a pest in the house. The main options are:

Finding insect eggs is difficult, but finding and getting rid of caterpillars, a lot of cobwebs and pupae in a closet with clothes or a jar of bulk products is not difficult. It is hard not to notice the flying moth. This is a sure sign that it is necessary to conduct a thorough audit in all cabinets with things, a kitchen set and start getting rid of pests by all known means.

Before deciding how to get rid of moths at home, you need to find out where it started. natural materials or some varieties of food.

An audit in kitchen cabinets will make it possible to detect the source of the pest's spread through rather characteristic cobwebs and small worms in cereals, flour or dried fruits. The best solution is to get rid of contaminated products. After that, you need to thoroughly rinse the kitchen set, ventilate and dry its interior. If the degree of food contamination is not very high, then it is recommended to heat it at a high temperature in an oven or other ovens. The thoroughness and accuracy of the measures taken will allow you to get rid of the food moth the first time.

It is also not difficult to identify the habitats of clothes or furniture moths. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

All these activities will be a reliable help in solving the extremely important problem of how to get rid of moths in an apartment.

The main methods of dealing with moths at home

The long-term struggle with a domestic pest has made it possible to develop a set of tools and methods to get rid of moths. The most commonly used are:

  • the use of insecticidal preparations and;
  • call for special services.

Heat treatment of the apartment

Harmful insects feel most comfortable in the temperature range, which is between -5°C and +45°C. If these parameters change drastically, then this will kill the entire brood. Thermal agents include:

  • Freezing the room for several hours. This tool will help get rid of adults and larvae.

    Important! Precautions must be taken to prevent damage to the heating system.

  • Processing with steam or washing things at the maximum allowable temperatures. Furniture and carpets must be treated with special household hair dryers or steam generators.
  • Place fur clothes in cold stores to get rid of moths.

These funds are quite effective and, with a small degree of infection, will allow you to get rid of moths in the apartment.


The best result in the fight against clothes moths can be obtained if you use effective insecticidal preparations at home on your own with the strictest observance of safety measures. There is a rich arsenal of products on sale, such as aerosols, fumigators and repellent sections. Consider in more detail the line of these devices:

Highly effective means allow you to permanently get rid of a household pest.

Folk recipes

You need to poison moths quickly using effective methods. But if there are small children, pets or people suffering from allergic diseases in the house, then in this case it is best to get rid of insects by using a folk remedy for moths. People widely use as natural repellents:

  • dried lavender grass with flowers, due to its specific smell, expels insects forever;
  • citrus peels, tobacco, wormwood, walnut leaves and chestnuts;
  • geranium will provide peace in the house;
  • lavender oil applied to tampons can kill adults.

Professional exterminators

If all of the above methods and means did not help get rid of moths and the question of how to remove the pest remains open, then you will have to seek help from specialists. Professional exterminators know how to kill pests quickly and with a high degree of efficiency. To treat the premises, they use preparations based on natural oils that have an unpleasant specific odor. Specialists will competently select the remedy and carefully process the infected room, which will allow you to get rid of moths forever.