Extraction of oil is. Oil production in Russia is the main source of budget replenishment Oil regions

Brief historical introduction

Since ancient times, people have collected oil from the surface of the earth (and water). At the same time, oil found rather limited use. After the safe kerosene lamp was invented in the second half of the 19th century, the demand for oil increased dramatically. The development of industrial oil production begins by drilling wells to oil-saturated reservoirs. With the discovery of electricity and the spread of electric lighting, the need for kerosene as a source of lighting began to decline. At this time, the internal combustion engine was invented and the rapid development of the automotive industry began. In the USA, the ancestor of the mass production of cars, thanks to Henry Ford, in 1908, the production of an inexpensive Model T at affordable prices began. Automobiles, which at first were only available to the very rich, were being produced in increasing numbers. If in 1900 there were about 8 thousand cars in the USA, then by 1920 there were already 8.1 million of them. With the development of the automotive industry, the demand for gasoline and, as a result, the demand for oil increased rapidly. Until now, most of the oil is used to enable a person to move quickly (by land, by water, by air).

World oil production

V. N. Shchelkachev, analyzing in his book “Domestic and World Oil Production” historical data on oil production, proposed to divide the development of world oil production into two stages:
The first stage - from the very beginning until 1979, when the first relative maximum of oil production was reached (3235 million tons).
The second stage - from 1979 to the present.

It was noted that from 1920 to 1970, world oil production increased not only almost every new year, but also for decades, production grew almost exponentially (almost doubled every 10 years). Since 1979, there has been a slowdown in the growth of world oil production. In the early 1980s, there was even a short-term decline in oil production. In the future, the growth of oil production resumes, but not at such a rapid pace as in the first stage.

Dynamics of oil production in the world, million tons

Despite the decline in oil production in the early 80s and periodically occurring crises, in general, world oil production is growing steadily. Average annual growth rate for the period from 1970 to 2012 amounted to about 1.7%, and this figure is significantly less than the average annual growth rate of world GDP.

And do you know that…

In world practice, oil production is measured in barrels. In Russia, as it has historically developed, mass units are used to measure production. Until 1917, it was poods, and now tons.

In the UK, as well as in Russia, tons are used to account for oil production. But in Canada and Norway, unlike all other countries, oil is measured in m3.

Oil production in Russia

Oil production in Russia has been growing steadily since the early 2000s. Since 2010, oil production in Russia has overcome the bar of 500 million tons per year and is confidently staying above this level, steadily increasing.

Oil production in Russia, million tons

According to BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019

In 2018, despite the OPEC+ agreements, a new record was set. 563 million tons of oil and gas condensate were produced, which is 1.6% higher than in 2017.

Russian oil industry

Russia is one of the largest participants in the global energy market.

During 2000-2019 Russia's share in world oil production increased from 8.9% to 12.6%. To date, it is one of the three countries that determine the dynamics of prices in the oil market (along with Saudi Arabia and the United States).

Russia is a key supplier of oil and oil products for European countries; increases oil supplies to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

Russia's significant share in the global oil market makes the country one of the leading participants in the global energy security system

The largest oil companies in Russia

In Russia, oil production is carried out by 8 large vertically integrated oil companies (VIOCs). As well as about 150 small and medium-sized mining companies. VIOCs account for about 90% of all oil production. Approximately 2.5% of oil is produced by the largest Russian gas company Gazprom. And the rest is produced by independent mining companies.

Vertical integration in the oil business is the unification of various links in the technological chain of production and processing of hydrocarbons ("from a well to a gas station"):

  • exploration of oil reserves, drilling and field development;
  • oil production and transportation;
  • oil refining and transportation of oil products;
  • sales (marketing) of petroleum products

Vertical integration allows you to achieve the following competitive advantages:

  • ensuring guaranteed conditions for the supply of raw materials and sales of products
  • reduction of risks associated with changes in market conditions
  • lower unit costs

The leaders of the oil industry in Russia in terms of oil production are Rosneft and Lukoil.

Based on Rosstat data, we prepared a rating of the largest oil-producing regions of Russia. The rating includes regions with a production volume of over 3 million tons. Quite expectedly, the leaders of the rating were the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Tatarstan. These three regions account for about 65% of oil produced in Russia in 2011. At the same time, KhMAO alone provided more than 50% of black gold production.

At the same time, in 2011 the dynamics of production in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug was negative, and in Tatarstan, the growth in production over the past few years has been tens of percentage points.

To the greatest extent, the overall dynamics in 2011 was affected by a significant increase in production in Eastern Siberia (in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region and the Republic of Yakutia). In total, production at the three largest new fields in Eastern Siberia (Vankorskoye, Verkhnechonskoye and Talakanskoye) grew by 36.4% or 6.8 million tons over the year. The rapid growth in production in the east of Russia is associated with the development of a new oil export direction: Siberia - the Pacific Ocean, which, in particular, is associated with the commissioning of the ESPO oil pipeline.

As can be seen from the rating, the Irkutsk region (15th in the rating) has become the leader in terms of oil production growth. In addition, this region provided the maximum increase in production in physical terms - 3.3 million tons. According to experts from RIA-Analysts, the increase in production in the Irkutsk region in 2012 may be about 3 million tons more.

The second region in terms of production growth in 2011 was the Republic of Yakutia. The increase in production by almost 60% compared to 2010 was provided by the Talakanskoye and Alinsky fields, developed by Surgutneftegaz. In total, these fields produced 5.4 million tons, which is 62% more than a year earlier. Surgutneftegaz plans to increase production in Yakutia to 7 million tons in 2012.
The south of the Tyumen region continues to demonstrate high production growth rates. This growth is associated with the development of the fields of the Uvat project, which is being implemented by TNK-BP. It is expected that by 2015 the increase in production in this region will be about 1 million tons per year.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which in 2009-2010 was the leader among the regions in terms of production growth, growth slowed down in 2011. Nevertheless, in physical terms, the increase in production amounted to 2.5 million tons - this is the second result in the country after the Irkutsk region. The Krasnoyarsk Territory rose to sixth place in the ranking of oil-producing regions and came close to the Sakhalin Region, although three years ago there was almost no oil produced here. The rapid growth of production in the region is ensured by the development of the Vankor field by Rosneft. The increase in production in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2012 may amount to about 3 million tons.

The Nenets Autonomous Okrug showed the worst result of all major oil-producing regions in 2011, where production decreased by 23% or 4.1 mmt. twice. It is likely that production in this region will stabilize in 2012, as the development of several new fields began here in 2010-2011.

Also expect that in 2012 should improve the dynamics of production in the regions leading in the ranking - in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

It should be noted that the government forecast assumes that oil production in Russia in 2012 will increase by 0.9 million tons at best. per barrel, the volume of oil production in Russia as a whole in 2012 will increase compared to 2011 by 4-6 million tons, or by 0.8-1.2% (if we take the Rosstat data on production in 2011 as a database).

It is quite active. This product is a strategic resource that many industries need. The leading oil producing countries occupy an advantageous position in the world, as they directly influence the pricing of petroleum products. Importers of energy resources are forced to adapt to market conditions, which is not always profitable. Top 10 oil production is as follows.

Venezuela - 10th position in the ranking

Venezuela is one of the top 10 oil producing countries. In 2016, it exported 2.5 million barrels of "black gold" per day (124.1 million tons / year). In the Venezuelan economy, the extraction of natural raw materials ranks first in terms of the amount of income received from exports (96%). The country provides 2.8% of the world's energy resources market.

Venezuela is the leader in terms of the number of concentrated reserves of "black gold". There are 46 billion tons of energy reserves on its territory.

Kuwait - takes the 9th step

Kuwait is included in the ranking of countries leading in world oil production. It is an important exporter and a member of OPEC. The process of extracting energy resources from the bowels of the earth began in 1930. After the declaration of independence of Kuwait, a new stage began in the production and sale of petroleum products. Every year they bring 90% of all income to the state treasury. Due to the large volume of extracted "black gold", Kuwait is well-to-do with a high standard of living of the population.

The state is distinguished by the following indicators:

  • 6% of the world's oil reserves (104 billion barrels);
  • the volume of extraction of energy resources per year is 152.7 million tons (3.5%);
  • 50% of Kuwait's GDP is based on oil production.

United Arab Emirates - 8th grade

The UAE is included in the list of oil-producing countries where energy production takes place on a huge scale. The United Arab Emirates is characterized by the following indicators:

  • the volume of oil production per year is 0.182 billion tons (4.2%);
  • deposits contained in the oil-bearing depths reach 97.8 billion barrels.

Thanks to decisive steps taken by the government, the UAE has achieved economic prosperity and stability. Mining companies are mainly located in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah. In recent years, the United Arab Emirates has been losing its leading position in the production of energy resources. The government is introducing measures to diversify the economy. Agriculture, tourism, and the financial sector are developing.

People's Republic of China - 7 position

China is included in the ranking of countries producing oil on a huge scale. This energy resource was found throughout its territory, mainly in the northeastern region, the coastal zone. Since the 70s of the last century, China began its own production of petroleum products for its own needs and for export. But the republic was in the lead in the export of "black gold" for a short time. For a long time, it needed additional supplies of energy resources, which is associated with the rapid development of production.

In 2013, China discovered large hydrocarbon deposits on its territory. The Republic annually exports almost 0.2 billion tons of natural raw materials (4.6%).

Oil in China

Canada - 6th level

Canada is a permanent member of OPEC. The state provides volume deliveries of oil products in the amount of 218.2 million tons per year. As a percentage, Canada produces 5% of the energy resources for the global market.

Alberta is a province that is the main supplier of "black gold". Inexhaustible reserves of natural raw materials are concentrated on the territory of Canada. Leading researchers estimate them at 28 billion tons.

Iran - 5 position

Iran is a major supplier of "black gold" (4.9%). The state annually supplies 216.4 million tons of natural raw materials. Most of it is mined in the Persian Gulf basin. The country's strategic deposits are estimated at 157.3 billion barrels. This is enough to provide Iran's industry for 90 years.

Iraq - 4th grade

The bowels of Iraq contain 140300 million barrels. strategic reserves. The state ranks third in terms of hydrocarbon content. Every day the country produces 4.4 million barrels. Iraq provides the global energy market with 5% of production.

USA - 3 position

The United States provides the global market with natural raw materials by 12.4%, which corresponds to 543,000 thousand tons per year. The states of Alaska, Texas, California are considered to be oil producers. America keeps a small supply of hydrocarbons to use in unforeseen situations. The state is actively developing drilling technologies to reduce the cost of the production process, which is relevant in the modern world.

Russia - the second place in the ranking

Russia occupies a leading position in the world in terms of production and strategic reserves of hydrocarbons. The federation is characterized by the following indicators:

  • the volume of deposits in the subsoil is 80,000,000 thousand barrels;
  • Russia supplies the global hydrocarbon market by 12.6%;
  • annually the federation produces 554300 thousand tons of oil products.

The largest deposits of hydrocarbons in Russia are located in Sakhalin, the shelves of the Caspian and Kara Seas.

Saudi Arabia - honorary 1st place

Saudi Arabia provides the world hydrocarbon market with 13.4% of its products, which corresponds to 585,700 thousand tons of natural raw materials. The bulk of the income (90%) comes from the sale of "black gold" to East Asia and the USA. Saudi Arabia contains huge deposits of oil raw materials in the amount of 36.7 million tons. The largest deposits of the country include Gawar, Shaybakh, Zulukh.

In Europe, the extraction of petroleum products is not so active. The production of this energy resource takes place in Norway, Great Britain, Denmark, Romania. They provide a small amount of oil products for the needs of the world market.

Video: OPEC countries agree to cut oil production

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 5 minutes


The volume of oil production of the leading countries

The countries of the world, rich in oil and having serious reserves of this mineral, have a strong influence on the world economy, since oil producers around the world depend on regular supplies of hydrocarbon raw materials, without which the modern economy cannot exist. World oil refining and chemical production absorb truly colossal volumes of raw materials, and therefore the world's gas is colossal.

The extraction of oil and natural gas for their subsequent export in many countries of the world brings the lion's share of budget revenues, in connection with which the oil and gas industry are the leading sectors of their economies.

In one day, about a hundred million barrels of "black gold" are produced in the world. The top three largest oil powers are the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. It is these three countries that supply 30 percent of all traded oil.

Volume of oil production by countries of the world

And in what other countries of the world are they engaged in such production, and how much oil do they supply to the market? Below we will consider the leading countries in oil production, starting from tenth place and up to the top three.

10th place. Venezuela

The daily volume of oil production in this country is 2.5 million barrels, which allows it to open the world TOP-10 in this area.

The Venezuelan economy is heavily dependent on hydrocarbon sales. Suffice it to say that 96% of exports are accounted for by this mineral. Venezuelan raw materials in the total volume of oil supplied to the market occupy 3.65% of it. But if we talk about the reserves of this energy resource, then here Venezuela is in first place in the world. According to experts, their level is about 46 billion tons.

9th place. United Arab Emirates

The UAE, which produces 2.7 million barrels per day, rightfully occupy this place of honor. The share of deliveries of hydrocarbon raw materials to the world markets is 3.81%.

The main deposits are located on the territory of the emirate of Abu Dhabi (about 95%), the remaining 5% are located in the emirates of Sharjah and Dubai. The total number of natural reserves of the UAE is estimated at 13 billion tons. The main importers of this mineral from the UAE are India, Thailand, Japan, Korea, China and Singapore.

8th. Kuwait

The level of daily production of 2.8 million barrels.

bring Kuwait to eighth place in the TOP-10 largest miners. Unused liquid natural hydrocarbons in Kuwait account for 9% of the world's and are estimated by experts at 14 billion tons of "black gold".

In the oil market, Kuwait occupies 3.90%.

Kuwait's largest field is the Big Burgan, which accounts for half of all extracted raw materials. Another 50% is taken from such Kuwaiti deposits as Umm Gudair and Minagish, located in the south of Kuwait, and Sabriyah and Raudhaiten, belonging to the northern part of Kuwait. Kuwait's main exports are to Morocco, Jordan, Syria, China and the United Arab Emirates.

7th. Iraq

The daily volume of oil produced in Iraq is 3 million barrels, which allows it to occupy a prominent place among the main producers of this raw material in the world.

Despite the difficult political situation, Iraq is gradually increasing the production of this raw material, since its economy is highly dependent on its exports. The revenue side of the Iraqi budget for 90% consists of proceeds from oil exports.

In the world of Iraqi hydrocarbons - approximately 4.24%.

The total reserve of untapped resources is 20 billion tons.

6th place. Iran

It delivers over three million barrels daily.

This is a Middle Eastern country - a major oil power, which has huge reserves of this useful energy resource. The main part of hydrocarbons is extracted here from fields located in the Persian Gulf basin. According to experts, already discovered Iranian deposits will last for almost ninety years, since their level is estimated at 21 billion tons. This is the third indicator in the world.

Percentage of Iran in the market of this energy resource is 4.25%.

The main importers are Japan, China, India, South Korea and Turkey. Iran's export earnings are half of the proceeds from the sale of "black gold".

5th place. Canada

It also supplies more than three million barrels per day.

Canada opens the top five exporters of this product. The largest deposit of this mineral in Canada is located in the province of Alberta. Recently, Canada has become the largest supplier of hydrocarbon raw materials for its neighbors - the United States. More than 90% of Canadian crude hydrocarbons are exported here.

Canada holds 4.54% of the oil market.

It has huge reserves of this mineral, which are estimated at about 28 billion tons. According to this indicator, Canada is in the top three among the whole world.

4th. China

The daily volume of oil, equal to 4 million barrels, rightfully brings the People's Republic of China to the fourth place in the ranking of oil production.

Chinese "black gold" in the world - 5.71%.

The population of China is huge, so China is not only one of the leading exporters, but also one of the leaders in the consumption of this energy resource. The amount of explored Chinese hydrocarbons is relatively small - 2.5 billion tons. One of the main exporters of "black gold" for China is Russia.

Third place - United States of America

Opens the "big three" of the main producers of this product in the United States - 9 million barrels. daily, 11.80% of global production.

The US is not only the leading exporter, but also the world's largest importer of hydrocarbons and petroleum products. The main deposits are concentrated in three US states - Texas, Alaska and California. In case of all sorts of unforeseen circumstances, the United States holds the world's largest strategic reserve of already produced hydrocarbons.

Second place. Saudi Arabia

10 million barrels is the daily volume of oil received in this country.

Saudi Arabia has long and rightfully been among the leaders in the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials, on which its entire economy rests. The main export regions are the USA and East Asia. The share of export revenues received from the sale of hydrocarbons in the total amount of such revenues in this state is approximately 90 percent. All fields in Saudi Arabia are developed by the national company Saudi Aramco.

Supplied liquid hydrocarbons from Saudi Arabia in the global market - 13.23%.

Explored resources are estimated at 36.7 billion tons.

And finally, the leader of the rating is Russia

Daily production - more than 10 million barrels.

Sure first place. Russia has long been considered one of the richest in the world, not only in terms of the amount of "black gold", but also a real pantry of other types of minerals - coal, non-ferrous metals, natural gas, and so on. The total volume of explored Russian hydrocarbons is more than 14 billion tons.

The percentage of the Russian Federation in the total amount of "black gold" produced is 13.92 percent.

2017 Trends

The sharp drop in oil prices, which was provoked by a sharp increase in production in the United States of America and a number of other factors, forced the major oil powers to take retaliatory measures. For example, OPEC member countries decided to reduce daily hydrocarbon production in order to stabilize prices for "black gold".

Russia also joined these agreements. Such measures made it possible to stop the collapse in prices, which began to rise gradually. 2017 was no exception, and such agreements continue to be implemented. World oil production has declined, which allowed to equalize the level of supply and demand.

As of the beginning of 1973, the world's proven oil reserves amounted to 570 billion barrels (about 100 billion tons). The growth of explored reserves continued in the future, up to 1984. After that, the annual volume of oil production in the world became more than the volume of its explored reserves. If today's rates of oil consumption are maintained, its explored reserves will remain for 40-50 years, and unexplored - no more than 50 years. The latest OPEC report says that the projected average daily oil production in the world this year will be 1.28 billion barrels, which exceeds the previous forecast by almost 100 thousand barrels. The total global daily demand for oil in 2015 is projected at 92.6 million barrels. Next year, daily demand for oil could reach 1.34 million barrels.

Oil production in the world table 2014

Oil production in the world table 2015

It is quite difficult to determine the exclusive leadership in the oil production of a particular country due to several factors:
- the same production volumes;
- the impossibility of obtaining reliable data on the volume of oil produced;
- different methods in determining the volume of oil production, which are used by international analytical agencies.
In addition, many analysts already in the near future predict the impossibility of accurately determining the exclusive world leader in oil production. At the same time, a number of analytical services express a unanimous opinion that the leading countries in oil production are Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

According to the results of the annual report of the British oil and gas corporation British Petroleum, which conducted oil production research, in 2014 the United States became the leader in oil production, whose oil production exceeded that of Saudi Arabia and Russia. US oil production in 2015 is approaching Saudi Arabia's production for all of last year. At the same time, in May 2015, Russia was recognized as the world leader in oil production. It is worth noting that the United States continues to be considered the world's main oil consumer. In 2014, the US daily oil consumption was 19 million barrels, which was higher than in 2013. The second and third places in terms of oil consumption belong to China and Japan. At the end of last year, after the collapse of world oil prices (from $110 to $40), there was a sharp reduction in the number of North American oil drilling. And although US oil production in 2015 continues to be at a fairly high level, a number of experts suggest a noticeable decline in US oil production this year.

Russia is one of the largest oil producers in the world. As of August of this year, the world leadership in terms of oil production belongs to Russia, which is also confirmed by the Information Office under the US Department of Energy. Thus, answering the question of what place Russia occupies in oil production, we can say with confidence - the first.

And although today Russia is considered the world leader in oil production, traditionally Saudi Arabia, which is a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and has enormous oil reserves, traditionally takes the first place in terms of oil production.