Winter garden in a private house: varieties, features and design. How to build a winter garden at home - the choice of design, heating and important supply systems An extension to the house in the form of a winter garden

Winter Garden- this is a great opportunity to “preserve” at home a little summer, sun and greenery, which is so lacking in our latitudes, with their cold and dullness almost half a year long. This is not only a great place for relaxation and recreation ( green, as you know, has positive psychophysical properties for a person), but also an indicator of a certain status of its owner.

Despite the fact that the winter garden is one of the most complex type premises, which will require special knowledge in architecture, engineering and ornamental gardening, the use modern materials and construction technicians, it will not be difficult to implement a house project with a winter garden.

Projects of one-story and two-storey houses and cottages with a winter garden may provide for different approaches to their creation and use:

  • buffer garden - acts as a transition zone between the street and residential premises, in fact, as a winter garden, it is used only during the warm period, so a heating system is not installed in it. In early spring portable IR emitters or electric heaters can be used for heating. For glazing the winter garden-buffer, structures made of aluminum profile and stained glass, as an option for northern regions- lightweight double-glazed windows. An example of such a garden is a glazed veranda.
  • a residential garden is an integrated space in which both people and plants should feel comfortable. Most often, this is a recreation area, but there may be options with a living room and a canteen. In most cases, the garden heating system is common system heating, design and construction Special attention pay heat saving and waterproofing of buildings. Plus - the ventilation system must ensure the maintenance of acceptable humidity, preventing the occurrence of mold and fungi, as well as metal corrosion
  • greenhouse garden - the main indicators and conditions are adjusted taking into account the cultivation of flowers and plants, this is what becomes a priority and the choice and installation of all life-support systems depends on this. Most often, plants of tropical origin are grown in such gardens, therefore reliable metal-plastic bags are used as glazing and an integrated climate formation system is created. As a dwelling, such a garden is not used, rather - as a place to relax.

Project of a house with a winter garden: important features

Initially, it is important to decide on the direction where the winter garden will be located, because this will affect the design solutions:

  • the eastern direction is one of the most promising, primarily due to the long duration daylight hours. In summer, it does not overheat much, but in the calculations it is necessary to take into account the possibility of additional shading (in summer) and forced ventilation.
  • western direction - will save on heating, the heat accumulated during the day is retained for a long time. However, in summer additional air cooling (conditioning) may be required, but in general, such placement of a winter garden is ideal if a recreation area is planned in it.
  • the southern direction is one of the most problematic, primarily due to the absorption of a large amount of heat, which will require additional costs for ventilation and watering plants, air humidification. On the other hand, such placement is justified if it is planned to create a greenhouse garden with heat-loving (tropical) flora.
  • north direction - such a garden accumulates heat minimally, so additional heating will be required, but it will be possible to save some on ventilation. On the other hand, the winter garden will create a kind of buffer zone that prevents cold air from entering the living space in winter.

Have you ever thought that summer can be extended indefinitely? Or rather, not to extend, but to "mothball" - in a certain individual space? Yes, yes, but your house can become this very space. A house where you can create a unique " green oasis”, filled with the fragrance of beautiful flowers.

A complex specialized engineering structure, the main purpose of which is to create and maintain optimal conditions for life various plants. And the winter garden can also become a wonderful comfort zone for plants and humans at the same time - a "green living room" where you can relax and unwind.

Types of winter gardens

Before building a winter garden, you need to decide what you want to get in the end. The thing is, there are several options. winter gardens, which differ significantly both externally and in purpose. The most popular of them:
  • residential winter garden;
  • winter Garden - ;
  • buffer winter garden.

A heated winter garden arranged in a residential area, which contains a sufficient number of plants, has received the definition of residential. Successfully combined microclimate allows both people and plants to feel equally comfortable.

You can cultivate plants in a residential winter garden all year round.

A buffer winter garden is a seasonally residential (or non-residential) unheated room.

As a rule, the buffer conservatory is more equipped for aesthetic purposes, and the number of plants grown in it is small. This is due to the fact that because of the doors that often open to the street, it is impossible to maintain a constant microclimate in such a garden. That is, the room serves as a kind of buffer between the street and the house, which saves the cost of heating the house.

Rules for arranging a winter garden

Having decided on what kind of winter garden you should end up with, you need to choose the right place for its placement.

Choosing a place for a winter garden

You can place a winter garden on any side of the house: north, south, west, east.
  • North. The winter garden, located on the north side of the building, will quickly accumulate heat and give it away just as quickly. It is precisely because of the rapid loss of heat that the heating system in the winter garden, located from the north, must be of high quality and thought out to the smallest detail.
  • South. In the winter garden located on the south side of the building, heat is quickly accumulated and perfectly retained - this is a plus in the cold season. But in summer, the plants will constantly overheat, which means that at least a good ventilation system will be required - and this is already a minus. In addition, due to constant overheating, winter garden crops will need frequent watering, which will not be to the taste of every plant.

  • West. In the winter garden, located west side buildings, the heat will remain for a long time, but in summer time years, this advantage will turn into a disadvantage, since there is a high risk of simply overheating the plants.
  • East. Inside the winter garden, located on the east side, you can create an ideal microclimate for growing plants, which will have enough light, and at the same time they will not overheat.
Important! When choosing a place to place a winter garden, it is necessary to take into account not only all the above characteristics, but also the design of the house.

We decide on the shape of the winter garden

The winter garden can be a separate building, the shape of which can be different.

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Despite the diversity and attractiveness of forms separately standing buildings, most often the winter garden is adjacent to residential building. It performs not only a practical, but also an aesthetic function, effectively decorating the exterior and interior of the home. In addition, it is precisely this design, adjacent to one of the sides of the dwelling, that is considered the most successful in terms of technical safety.

Decide on the type of roof

As for the shape of the roof, there are also options here. The design of the roof of the winter garden adjacent to the building can be:

To provide optimal conditions for the cultivation of plants in the winter garden, you need to take into account a number of requirements for structures of this kind. This is the only way to create an ideal winter garden - functional and beautiful. And also - durable and reliable, so that the structure is resistant to cooling, overheating and mechanical stress.

The winter garden should be made of materials:

  • high-quality, with high bearing capacity, long service life and anti-corrosion resistance;
  • capable of effectively retaining heat;
  • resistant to low and high temperatures, precipitation, mechanical loads;
  • durable;
  • passing at least 80% sunlight.

Choosing material for the construction of a winter garden

We have already listed the necessary qualities of building materials, now let's talk in more detail about the materials themselves.

The supporting structure of the winter garden can be made of various materials Today, the most popular of them are:

  • Aluminum: lightweight, resistant to temperature extremes, durable. In addition, the structure made of this material is not deformed and is not subject to corrosion. With the necessary skills, it is easily and quickly mounted or dismantled. Due to the special strength of aluminum, it is possible to reduce the width of the profile as much as possible (less than 50 mm), which will make it possible to increase the naturally lit space.
  • PVC profile: when constructing a winter garden, it makes it possible to implement the most daring design decisions. In the same time Basic structure, made of PVC profile, requires additional reinforcement.
  • Wood: considered a traditional material. Choosing a tree for the construction of a winter garden, consider its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is the relative cheapness and ease of construction. The disadvantage is that wood needs additional protection against moisture, fire, insect pests and so on. That is, all parts of the winter garden structure made of wood will have to be covered periodically. protective agent( , ) both inside and outside. For the construction of a winter garden, you can use oak, pine, spruce, beech wood.
    Regarding the structure itself: the racks and beams of the structure are connected into a spike, consisting of several narrow planks, the arched elements are also additionally connected with the help of spikes. This form of construction gives it special strength, but at the same time, the width of the profile increases, which means that the amount of daylight penetrating into the winter garden decreases.

Of the transparent materials on the market used for the construction of the winter garden, the most popular include:

  • Electric heaters: advantages - mobility, ease of installation and the ability to quickly adjust the temperature in the room. This method of heating also has a number of disadvantages, the most significant of which are the high cost of operation (the cost of electricity) and the overdrying of the air in the winter garden;
  • UFO or air conditioners: do not overdry the air and make it possible to regulate the temperature. The disadvantage is again the cost of electricity;
  • "Warm floor": an indisputable advantage lies in the excellent distribution of heat in the winter garden. Disadvantage - large financial expenses on the device of the system and the complexity of the repair work.

Steam heating

Of the advantages - it does not require significant cash costs, it makes it possible to constantly maintain the desired temperature.

The disadvantages are the complexity of installation: to equip a winter garden steam heating, would need special tool and certain skills.

Stove heating

Advantages - the cheapness of the material used for heating - and.

The disadvantages of heating are high, uneven distribution of heat (as a result of which some plants in the winter garden may overheat) and time costs, since stoves need constant attention.

air heating

As a rule, they are used in winter gardens, which are adjacent to a heated residential area.

For air heating on the window vent (common between the garden and the house), they install a fan that distills warm air from the heated room to the garden. Advantages - relatively low cost of arrangement. There are also a number of significant shortcomings. First of all, it must be taken into account that the air temperature inside the winter garden will always be much lower than in the adjacent heated room. In addition, it will not be possible to heat a large winter garden with air heating.

Ventilation in the winter garden

Constant air circulation is no less important for the normal life of plants than temperature and humidity.

The winter garden must be equipped with a good one. Only with influx fresh air there will be no condensation in the room.

There are several types of ventilation:

  • natural: in the construction of the walls they simply arrange vents that open manually or with the help of automation;
  • mechanical: air enters the room in a natural way - through the vents, and fans blow it out.

Winter garden lighting

Whatever translucent materials are used for the construction of the winter garden, the plants will need lighting.

To compensate for the lack of illumination, it is necessary to choose the right lamps:

  • Phytolamps: one of the most popular. Phytolamps are created specifically for lighting the winter garden and they emit the radiation spectrum as close as possible to the natural one. There are two types of phytolamps: fluorescent and energy-saving LED.
  • Metal halide lamps: practically not inferior to phytolamps. They also create as close to natural light as possible. Their only drawback is a short, in comparison with phytolamps, service life.
  • Incandescent lamps: in their emission spectrum is absent Blue colour, necessary for photosynthesis, so they are not suitable for lighting a winter garden. In addition, the use of incandescent lamps can cause heat-sensitive plants to burn (due to high level the heat energy they radiate).
  • Fluorescent lamps: the disadvantage is a short service life and hypersensitivity to voltage drops. Therefore, they are not the best option for lighting a winter garden.
When thinking over the lighting of the winter garden, you need to remember that in the summer the plants can suffer from strong solar radiation, so they will need shading. Sun protection can be internal (blinds, curtains, and so on) or external (awnings, awnings, canopies). External protection will cost more, but it is preferable because it blocks about 70-90% of light against 30-40% of internal protection. This means that the temperature inside the winter garden equipped with external protection from sun rays, in the summer it will hardly rise, and the plants will not suffer from overheating.

The main task of the winter garden is to maintain a positive temperature even in the coldest winters, so that your house has a corner of greenery that will delight or even feed you. Many gardeners grow not only flowers, but also tropical fruit trees at home, therefore, it is necessary that the future building be extremely efficient in terms of saving heat.

The second is very important indicator quality - absolute transparency. You must be in the bosom of nature, under sunlight, which is necessary not only for the owner for Have a good mood, but also to the plants located there. It is necessary to use transparent and not easily soiled materials, which will transmit from 80% of the sun's rays. Only in this case, you can not only grow greens, but even enjoy tropical fruits or vegetables.

The third indicator of the quality of the structure is the excellent bearing capacity of materials, durability, and corrosion resistance. You are building not for 1-2 years, but erecting a capital structure, and quite expensive at that. It should stand for many years, not be destroyed by winds, snow, hail. That's why wrap it in foil metal carcass will not work - you need to find the most suitable option, where not only the frame will play a role load-bearing element, but the wall material itself is not physically affected.

Most often, a winter garden is made of glass, polycarbonate, plexiglass, PVC bags. Other materials are practically not suitable for light transmission or thermal efficiency. Consider the most popular buildings, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Choosing a material

Glass winter garden - pros and cons

This is the most common type building material when it comes to durable greenhouses, extensions. Its main advantage is a large bearing capacity (it is easy to withstand snow, hail and other impacts), as well as high throughput. Up to 98% of the light passes through this material, so your plants get the sun they need to thrive.

For a 3x4x4 meter building, it will be enough to use glass 12-13 mm thick as a supporting element of the walls and 3-4 mm thick, if you make high-quality metal embroidery, create a kind of “crate” with squares of 100x100 centimeters. The glass is easy to clean, just pour water from the hose on top, pour cleaning products and rinse again - the roof will again let in light, delight you with its excellent appearance. The only drawback is the relatively high cost, but you can save a lot if you buy glass of a smaller thickness and compensate for its relative strength with the density of the metal jointing of the room. This will reduce costs by 2-3 times. one square meter walls will cost no more than 450 rubles.

Another relative minus is fast heat transfer. If you heat the room to +25 degrees, but after a few hours the temperature may drop to 0, since glass practically does not retain heat and it quickly “runs away” through it. The foundation is not mandatory, but it does not hurt to eliminate all possible distortions. Fill with a depth of up to 30 centimeters and a thickness of 10-12 cm - enough. Do the jointing with metal: it is better to use 2 channels of 30 mm each, which are welded together back wall- it will be much easier to fix the glass.

The easiest way is to make the room square, and the roof at an angle of at least 55%, so that the snow does not linger and immediately falls (unless, of course, it melts from warm roof). It will not be difficult to build a winter garden of such a plan; you will have to fool your head only with fastening the glass to the channel. To do this, you will need to buy a sealant, preferably under car windows - it is durable, not exposed to sunlight, does not freeze, does not crack, does not melt.

Polycarbonate structures - why they are chosen and how they are installed

Building a winter garden is not always a long, expensive process. To significantly reduce the cost of such a building, many use innovative material- polycarbonate. It has many advantages: the weight is 15-20 times lighter than that of glass and 30 times lighter than metal. Transparency 88%, which will satisfy the requirements of even the most modern greenhouses. Easy to bend, you can make any necessary form. Does not crack, absolutely resistant to corrosion of any kind. Has a good bearing capacity, attached to metal supports, there is no particular need for a foundation.

The only drawback of polycarbonate is low thermal efficiency. You will spend a lot of money on heating in the winter, as it lets heat through like a sieve. If you do not need to constantly heat the room or you can maintain +5 degrees in winter when growing, then there is a point in building, but if there are tropical plants, heating will bankrupt you.

It is very simple to fix polycarbonate - you screw it directly to the metal, and you can use an ordinary corner as a support and a "crate". A corner with shelves of 20x25 mm will suffice.

Plexiglas winter garden

If you have chosen this material, then building a winter garden with your own hands will be very quick and simple. Enough to cut plexiglass the right sizes, drill holes and take on the bolts. The room is ready. A minimum foundation is required, if the room is more than 2.5 meters in height - the material is heavy, the soil may sag. Thermal efficiency is high, light transmission is 85%.

The only, but very big disadvantage of this design is soiledness. With any touch, friction, plexiglass loses its transparency, so many have abandoned its use as roofing material for winter gardens. Despite the relatively low cost, it is recommended to use it only indoors or only as side walls.

Why double-glazed windows are the best material for a winter garden

At first glance, it may seem that installing PVC windows as load-bearing walls and even a roof in a winter garden is money down the drain. In fact, this is an extremely large savings, since the construction of the winter garden is designed for subsequent savings on heating. The hermetic design will keep all the heat even 1-2 days after turning off the heating of the room, if everything is done correctly. Heating will be provided with a heater of only 300-400 watts, which will be enough to maintain an acceptable temperature for most plants.

Thus, in 3-4 years you will be able to fully return all the money spent on the construction of this building, especially if you are going to grow exotic species that require a temperature of 25-28 degrees.

Another problem in the construction of a building from double-glazed windows is their big weight. It will be necessary to fill in a solid foundation, up to 45-50 centimeters deep and 12 cm wide, it is desirable to reinforce the base. As a result, you get a strong, heat-efficient building with throughput light up to 90%.

What can be planted in the garden?

You can plant absolutely everything, but the profitability of such cultivation depends on the type of premises constructed. If you want to grow exotic plants, fruits and vegetables from the tropics, then it will be beneficial for you to build only a room from double-glazed windows, since you will have to heat up to +28 degrees. If you just want some greenery, and it’s also nice to sit over a cup of hot tea in an “oasis” when there are meter-long snows around, then polycarbonate or glass will be enough.

Some gardeners make a mini-greenhouse in the building, planting plants for the winter garden, which not only please the eye, but also bear fruit. It can be radishes, indoor self-pollinated peppers, cucumbers, tomato trees, and even strawberries planted along. Very often you can see there banana dwarf trees having excellent appearance. They will not only decorate your oasis, but also delight you with delicious small fruits.

Many prefer tropical types of cucumbers and actinidias - they perfectly braid walls and upright strong plants, ripen quickly, they can be enjoyed at any time of the year. However, you can grow absolutely everything, the choice depends only on you, what you want to do with your garden, what goal you are pursuing when constructing this structure.

If you want to arrange a winter garden in a private house, then this will require solving a whole range of engineering and architectural tasks - from competent integration with the rest of the building to organizing heating and ventilation. The winter garden attached to the house needs watering, compliance with a certain temperature regime, ventilation and high-quality glazing, however, you can solve this problem with your own hands with the participation of one or two assistants.

Winter gardens as building structure- this is a space that acts as an intermediate step between the premises of the house and external environment. In such a pavilion, conditions are created for subtropical plants and others that do not survive in the cold, and as an addition, the garden can be used as a veranda, a dining room, a place of relaxation. Another way to use the winter complex is as a year-round source of greenery and some fruits for the home table.

The winter garden, attached to the main building, requires the following tasks:

Structural characteristics

The structure itself should be light, but strong and able to withstand extensive glazing (for frosty areas, even with double-triple double-glazed windows). It is created mainly from wood, but metal and plastic can be used.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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Location - the choice between cardinal directions affects the need for additional ventilation, thermal insulation, the amount of water for irrigation and the complexity of the sun protection system.

Inundation of the winter garden

Heating - a winter garden attached to a residential building can be combined with the main heating system or provided with its own. The green "inhabitants" of such a pavilion need to maintain the temperature within 10-20 degrees, which can be provided with heaters, underfloor heating, an air heating device, a stove, and other methods.


Electricity - most green pavilion projects involve electrification, while sockets and wires must be protected from moisture and climatic conditions benefiting plants, but not wiring.


Lighting - depending on the type of plants, the garden can be supplied with a certain amount of lamps artificial lighting or, conversely, blinds and awnings to reduce the intensity of sunlight entering it.


Watering - plants in small room can be watered manually, but a spacious pavilion of 10-20 sq. m will require the organization of an irrigation system, possibly automatic.

The simplest winter garden, attached to a cottage or house, will require a minimum of effort - it can receive a small amount of heat from the main building, be ventilated through transoms and watered manually, but only frost-resistant plants that can be planted simply on plot. A pavilion capable of accommodating exotic or delicate greenery will require serious efforts - in addition to electrification, irrigation and ventilation systems, it will also be necessary to solve the issue of thermal insulation and protection of materials from climatic influences from the outside and from the inside.

Construction of a winter garden

The construction of a green extension to the house includes the following steps:

Construction plan

Creating a plan - here it is necessary to outline the future building, choose its location in relation to the house and the cardinal points, determine how the extension will dock with the main building, choose the foundation, decide on the frame materials, glazing, communications and organization of green space (in tubs, on the ground, etc.).


Organization of the foundation - extensions with such a volume of communications and glazing can be quite heavy. Mostly, gardens are built on column foundation, but the tape or slab method can be used. For the base, pits or trenches with a shallow occurrence are dug, a pillow of sand and gravel is laid there, reinforcement is imposed, concrete is poured, and boards are tied from above. The foundation must be erected at the same height as the main building.

floor construction

The floor is made of concrete, on top of which a coating can be laid - mainly stone, tile or porcelain stoneware. A tree can also be used if the plants are planned to be planted in tubs, between the foundation and the floor. Also, before finishing, hydro- and thermal insulation is carried out with a film and roofing felt or specialized materials (mineral wool, polystyrene, foam, etc.).

Frame erection

The frame of the winter garden attached to the main building can be made of brick, profiled aluminum, steel, and other materials - the main thing is that they withstand the load of glazing and auxiliary structures. Fastening to the foundation of the frame is carried out with anchors, the connection between the elements can be carried out with nails, screws, dowels, self-tapping screws or welding (for metal) can be used. The distance along the guides depends on the width of the skin material. The joints between the garden and the wall of the main building are insulated with foam or caulked.

Winter garden glazing

Glazing - niches for glazing or places for fastening double-glazed windows should be provided in the frame. Extensions of winter gardens are most often designed in middle lane double glazing, can also be used ordinary glasses, single or double, or lightweight and damage-resistant polycarbonate. For natural ventilation the structure is equipped with transoms (at least 40% of the glazing area) or ventilation holes are created in the walls.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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Glass joints, transoms, frame sections are hydro- and thermally insulated, then finishing and the arrangement of plants, furniture, etc.

Additional elements

attached to the house glazed premises they don’t immediately become a winter garden; for this, the extension must be provided with additional communications:

  • ventilation - arranged with the help of transoms and ventilation holes, air conditioners or split systems, fans or combinations of these devices can also be used;
  • heating - good decision a warm floor is considered, but it is difficult to repair it. A winter garden attached to the main building without complete integration, if it contains frost-resistant plants, can be equipped with one or more heaters, stoves or even central heating radiators are also used;
  • watering - it is considered the most convenient automatic system drip irrigation, automatic sprinklers, air humidification systems or just a manually operated hose can be installed;
  • lighting - phytolamps are considered the best option, and to reduce the amount of incoming sun, external awnings or awnings are installed. Ordinary incandescent lamps are not suitable for use, and glasses cannot be tinted (both cut off the necessary segments of the spectrum needed for plant photosynthesis).
  • Video about the extension of the winter garden to the house

Live in your own country house and because of the harsh climate you are experiencing a lack of warmth and "greenery"? Would you like to have the opportunity, even in the most severe January frosts, to relax or communicate with family and guests in a warm place, in the middle exotic flowers and plants? Would you like to grow your own vegetables? all year round? Then you need a room or building inside which you can create your own little ecosystem. Making a winter garden with your own hands is not easy, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to know how, with what and from what it is built.

The winter garden is a room in which conditions are created that are favorable for growing various plants, regardless of the time of year and the temperature "overboard". In its function, such a structure is very similar to a greenhouse or greenhouse, but there are differences between them. Firstly, the winter garden is aimed not so much at vegetable crops how much for flowers, ornamental plants and fruit trees. Secondly, such a room should be beautiful - it was created for a person to receive aesthetic pleasure, to relax and receive guests. This difference gives rise to another, third - the temperature, humidity and other parameters inside the winter garden should be comfortable not only for plants, but also for humans. Fourthly, such a room is usually created not separately, but as an extension to a residential building. Often, a winter garden is combined with a kitchen or turned into a living room.

Important! It is also worth noting that the winter garden is still used to preserve those things in autumn and winter. ornamental plants, which are outside in the summer, in an open place.

Due to its features and main function, such a room must meet certain requirements.

  1. Sealing tightness. With the exception of window vents and other ventilation systems, there should be no places in the winter garden from where air from the street gets inside and where heat exchange with the external environment takes place. The room must maintain favorable conditions for heat-loving plants even in the coldest weather and at the same time with as little energy as possible for heating. Therefore, it must be airtight - no extra slots and gaps.
  2. Availability of effective ventilation. If tightness in such a garden is necessary in winter, then at the height of summer this can become a problem - a room with transparent walls and a roof can heat up to very high temperatures, which is not acceptable for some plants. 'cause you need enough effective ventilation, which will allow you to control heat exchange with the external environment and direct fresh air flows into the winter garden. It is desirable that such a system works in automatic mode.

  • Powerful heating system. A significant part of the heat in the winter garden goes outside through the frame and cladding materials, and the sun's energy cannot fully compensate for these losses in cold season. Therefore, there is a need for powerful heating capable of maintaining the temperature inside at the desired level.
  • Illumination system- in winter, the sun does not shine for long and weakly, and its lack for plants must somehow be compensated. To do this, lamps are placed under the ceiling of the winter garden.
  • Transparent lining. Even the weak sunlight that is available in winter should be used as efficiently as possible. This directly depends on the transparency and translucency of the cladding in the garden. The indicator should not be lower than 80%.
  • Sturdy frame– the winter garden should be durable and solid construction. It is also desirable to have it - part of the heat loss can be avoided by fencing off the ground inside the room from the frozen ground outside.
  • Significant area- the winter garden is designed to accommodate fairly large ornamental plants, among which there may be shrubs and trees. Therefore, the area and height of the room must match.
  • Attractive appearance. The winter garden is not a greenhouse for growing food, it is a place for relaxation and receiving guests. Therefore, the interior environment should be pleasing to the eye. Therefore, the construction of a winter garden is not only engineering task but also design.
  • winter garden shape

    Let's move on to the consideration of individual parameters of the winter garden, such as the materials used in the construction, the heating and lighting systems used, etc. Let's start with the shape, which for such a room can be very unusual. Exists a large number of designs of the winter garden, we have summarized the most common in the table.

    Table. Winter gardens are the main forms.

    Form typeDescription

    The simplest form. Therefore, it is well suited for self-construction. Make the angle of the roof slope large enough so that snow does not accumulate on the winter garden lining in winter.

    The number of roof slopes has been increased to two. Good for building on the south side of the house. A winter garden of this form can be made very long in length.

    A complicated version of the previous one, it has a more attractive appearance.

    The number of corners in such a design can be changed. Well suited for a winter garden with a "round" plant layout. During construction, strict control over the position is required individual elements frame.

    The same as the usual shed form, but attached to the corner of the building. At the same time, you need to choose right place which will be well lit during the day.

    More complex structure, but at the same time attractive externally and unusual in terms of internal layout.

    A rare and very complex form of the winter garden. Most often, in such cases, one of the rooms of the house, for example, the kitchen or dining room, is combined with a room with decorative flowers and trees.

    Simple building, installed separately. It can be supplemented with extensions from the middle or from one of the edges. Requires quality insulation from all sides, especially from the north.

    A subspecies of the previous version, but with a roof of a more complex shape.

    A garden of this design is suitable for areas with relatively little rainfall in winter. Otherwise, the risk of roof collapse increases significantly.

    Sheathing and frame materials of the winter garden

    Let's move on from the shape of the winter garden to what it is made of. Materials for such a room can be divided into two groups - sheathing and frame. The first ones include:

    • glass;
    • double-glazed windows;
    • plexiglass;
    • monolithic and

    Important! Among the skin materials presented above, polyethylene was not mentioned. It is undesirable to use it for a winter garden - the film is very fragile and short-lived. In addition, it does not "keep warm" in severe frosts.

    Glass- one of the most common materials used as a winter garden cladding. In itself, it is distinguished by durability and an excellent light transmission rate of 98%. Also, glass stands out for its ease of cleaning - to wash it, just soapy water and a rag (or sponge).

    Glass is one of the popular choices.

    But at the same time, single glass is fragile and rather heavy. In addition, it has a sufficiently high thermal conductivity for the sheathing material - you will have to spend more fuel to heat the winter garden in cold weather. The glass is installed on the frame by fixing it to the sealant and clamping it with glazing beads or a rubber seal.

    Most of the shortcomings of this material are eliminated in double-glazed windows– products that are laminated glasses with air gaps between them. Due to the latter, thermal conductivity is significantly reduced - to maintain comfortable temperature in a winter garden with a similar sheathing, an order of magnitude less energy will be required. But such savings are achieved by high initial investments for the purchase of material and its installation on the frame of the building. In addition, double-glazed windows have a large mass and will require the arrangement of a strip foundation made of concrete.

    For certain reasons, plexiglass has not received wide distribution as a material for cladding winter gardens, in contrast to monolithic and cellular polycarbonate. Both of its varieties are distinguished by low weight, acceptable cost, good performance light transmission, as well as ease of processing and installation. Due to cells filled with air, cellular polycarbonate can be considered the most best material in terms of heat loss. But at the same time he has monolithic sheets This polymer has one drawback - over time, under the influence of sunlight, they become cloudy and become brittle. Therefore, the service life of polycarbonate sheathing is limited to 8-10 years.

    Important! Also, when using this material, take into account its high coefficient of linear expansion when heated - there must be thermal gaps at the points of fasteners and joints with other sheathing sheets.

    Cellular polycarbonate- characteristics

    As for the frame, it can be made from the following materials.

    1. Wood- cheap and easy to process. Requires mandatory painting or protection from decay with an antiseptic. Suitable for small winter gardens attached to a simple country house.

  • Metal profile and corners- more difficult to process and cut, but at the same time much stronger and more durable. The joints of individual frame elements require anti-corrosion treatment. Best Option in terms of protection and appearance there will be a complete painting of the entire structure.
  • Aluminum profile- strong as steel, but at the same time much lighter and more durable. The material is practically not subject to corrosion. Most often used in combination with.
  • Prices for cellular polycarbonate

    cellular polycarbonate

    Winter garden heating

    After the form and materials, the third most important characteristic of a winter garden is the heating system used in it. Acquainted with available options you can in the list below.

    1. oven. Relatively cheap coal and firewood are used as fuel. With some skills, the stove used to heat the winter garden can be "fit" into the interior. But such a heating system is suitable only for small rooms and is characterized by uneven heating. In addition, the owner of the winter garden will need to strictly monitor the condition of the furnace and fire safety.

  • Electric heaters. From furnace heating are more secure and use electricity as a source of energy. But at the same time, the cost of such heating will be much higher. In addition, there is a need to equip the winter garden with such wiring, which is designed for the power of the heaters.
  • Water heating- inside the winter garden, along the perimeter of the walls, radiators are equipped, as in residential premises. to them by polypropylene pipes from the heating boiler comes the coolant, which is water. The system compensates for the high initial investment of money, effort and time with relative economy and uniform heating of the winter garden without drying the air.
  • Warm floor– under the soil in the winter garden are mounted heating elements or hoses through which it is driven warm water from the public heating system. Extremely efficient system, requiring significant labor costs at the stage of arrangement.
  • air heating- are installed supply fans of a special design, which heat the air coming from the outside to the temperature that should be inside the winter garden. The system is relatively cheap, but at the same time takes up a lot of space and dries out the air.
  • is a set of air conditioners with which you can very accurately regulate the temperature and humidity inside the winter garden, achieving the best conditions in terms of comfort for humans and plants. But at the same time, both the arrangement itself and the subsequent maintenance of such a system will require significant financial investments.
  • Choose one of the options presented above based on your own preferences, the weather in the area where you live, the size of the winter garden and the budget for construction.

    Furnace prices

    Ventilation, lighting and watering in the winter garden

    In addition to heating, the winter garden includes other life support systems - ventilation, lighting and watering. Constant air circulation in the room can be ensured in several ways.

    1. With the help of ordinary vents. It is desirable that they take up to a quarter of total area winter garden lining. To free yourself from the need to waste time and effort on opening and closing each individual sash, install which will automatically control the vents depending on the temperature inside the winter garden.
    2. With natural ventilation. In this case, one half of the transoms is mounted in the lower part, the second - under the roof of the winter garden. Air exchange between them is provided by the temperature difference.
    3. With the help of fans installed in the winter garden sheathing. At the same time, it is desirable to mask them so as not to spoil the interior of the room.

    Incandescent lamps are not used to illuminate the winter garden - they are too inefficient. This task is best performed by fluorescent, LED or halogen lamps. It is desirable that the wavelength in visible spectrum, emitted by lamps, the best way affected the life processes of plants.

    As for watering, in the conditions of a winter garden, when there are a large number of plants and sprinklers are unacceptable, only a drip system is suitable - water from a container or from a house is supplied through a system of hoses and droppers, through which moisture enters directly to the roots of each individual crop. If you have a special controller, watering can be done automatically - you just need to set the duration of work and the time intervals between switching on the system.

    Video - Do-it-yourself winter garden

    Building a winter garden - step by step instructions

    Having familiarized ourselves with the structure of the winter garden and its main systems, we will begin the construction process.

    Step 1. Determine the side of the building where the building will be located. It is desirable that the wall be east or west. It is also acceptable to build a winter garden on the south side, but then you will need a very serious ventilation system to keep the temperature inside at an acceptable level in summer.

    Step 2 Prepare construction site- clear it of debris, vegetation and stones. Pour shallow strip foundation from concrete - a support for the structure.

    Step 3 Start installing the lower frame trim on the foundation. Between them there must be waterproofing. Check the position of the lower trim with a level, stretched ropes and roulettes.

    Step 4 Then install the vertical and horizontal frame elements related to the walls of the winter garden. Keep connections secure.