Air heating: options. Do-it-yourself air heating of a private house. Air heating of a private house: installation instructions

Being engaged in the construction of your own house, you need to take care of the choice of heating for it. In modern conditions, manufacturers offer many solutions that can increase the efficiency of this process. Some technologies involve the modernization of gas heating systems, and there are options that are less popular in our country, but successfully implemented abroad.

Air heating systems are one of these methods of heating houses. The leaders in the introduction of such equipment are the countries of the North American continent. There, private households in most cases are equipped with this type of heating installations.

Relevance of implementation

The air heating system is characterized by thermoregulation modes, in which the air brought to the required temperature (heated or cooled) is supplied through channels branched in the room directly to each room.

This layout option has certain advantages over classic radiator heating systems:

  • the design does not use an intermediate coolant (water or antifreeze), which greatly facilitates maintenance, the need to control the required volume of water or the presence of airing the system;
  • there is the possibility of zoned space heating with individual temperature conditions for each room, depending on the current situation;
  • there are no radiators in the scheme of the air heating system, which allows rational use of space and increases the safety of rooms for small children;
  • the overall heat transfer coefficient is relatively high, while the costs of heat generation are minimized;
  • an additional electronic air filtration is built into the system, providing protection against the spread of dust and harmful microorganisms.

VIDEO: Features of the convection type of heating

Comparison of air with water systems

The main competitors for air heating systems of a private house are systems with a liquid heat carrier. Therefore, it is appropriate to compare them according to the main parameters:

  • Due to the absence of an intermediary heat carrier, it is possible to increase the overall efficiency of the system, which reaches 80-95% in different models of air systems. The presence of a programmable thermostat in the circuit can increase additional savings of 5-15%. In this case, standby modes are used, which lower the temperature in the absence of hosts by 5-7 0 С.
  • The minimum inertia allows the equipment to enter the operating mode in a matter of minutes. Since there is a rapid circulation of air, it is also possible to heat the room in 10-20 minutes, depending on its volume.
  • Since the system does not have liquid in branched lines, even with a significant decrease in temperature, there is no freezing of the system.
  • The maximum degree of automation makes it possible to generate exactly as much thermal energy as needed to reach the specified mode, reducing losses and responding flexibly to the current demand.

The effective service life of air heating at home according to the Canadian method is up to 40 years. In this case, it is possible to mount, as an addition, an air humidification unit.

Principle of operation

The main element in the circuit is the air heater. It is equipped with a fan that blows air to transport it to the place of use. The jet passes through the installed filter. The following elements can act as a heat generator:

  • gas-burner;
  • electric heater;
  • solid fuel boiler furnace.

It is appropriate to use heat generators for air heating on solid fuel in regions where this type of fuel is widespread.

The intake of internal air is carried out through the built-in channels, through which it is sent through the filter to the heat exchanger, where the thermal energy is transferred to the incoming flows. Indoor heated air receives a small portion of fresh air from outside, thus ensuring the flow of pure oxygen into the room.

The external air intake is installed along the perimeter of the building in the area of ​​windows or doors, where the greatest heat loss occurs. The procedure is cyclical, allowing you to achieve the desired temperature on the thermostat. All system control is carried out through a thermostat, which can be programmed for various modes, for example, summer / winter, variability in time of day and days of the week.

In the warm season, the entire system is quickly reconfigured to the cooling mode. The air circulation is carried out not through the heating elements, but through the refrigerants.

Varieties of heating air systems

There are several popular systems that use a variety of operating principles. The most popular of them are direct-flow and recirculation heating systems. Let's take a look at their device.


A direct-flow system requires a separate room in the basement or basement. Air heating is carried out by burning coal or firewood. Further, it moves by a natural process to the upper cavities located behind the opening in the floor or in the walls. Next, it goes outside. At the same time, he manages to give thermal energy to the elements of the building - the floor and walls. This type has a lower efficiency, so it is used much less often, although it is cheaper than the others.


Recirculating air heating systems in most cases use gas burners complete with a large number of filters to heat the air. The heated air passes through all channels and enters the upper area of ​​the building, where, cooling down, it descends and, together with the volumes of new air replacing it, circulates in the system. In the process, you can rely on natural circulation due to thermal expansion. However, it is more efficient to apply forced air movement by installing fans.

Combined variant

These are various combinations of air-water or oil-based space heating schemes, which are offered in most cases for several interconnected by a single air line. The principle of operation is that the coolant is supplied from the boiler room to all rooms, and a very powerful radiator is used as a heat-releasing element.

Example of an organization with partial fresh air supply

These principles of operation have been tested in large industrial premises in our country, but they are also promising for implementation in the domestic conditions of private housing construction.

What is needed for the installation of air heating

And although today only in Russia there are several thousand companies for the installation and installation of air heating, it is easy to assemble it yourself.

The first and main thing is to choose a heat generator that will produce heat into the house. The brand of the heat generator and its power depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house or apartment where such a system will be installed.

What else is needed to install the system:

  • flexible air duct - a special galvanized pipe through which hot air will circulate;
  • tees for connecting pipes and creating a full-fledged air line;
  • gratings for hot air supply and cooled air intake;
  • aluminum tape to ensure the tightness of the air line connection;
  • blade and mounting hardware.

Varieties of air ducts

  1. The ideal option is when ventilation ducts are designed at the stage of building a house, for which special niches are mounted in the walls or ceilings, the size of which is sufficient for the location of the air duct.
  2. When installing heating in an already built house, you will need to build false walls or suspended ceilings that can mask massive pipes.

In general, this is a convenient and promising heating system, in which a minimum of funds is spent on heating. There are some nuances in the arrangement and installation, but these are really subtleties that, compared with the boiler piping and the installation of radiators, seem insignificant.

VIDEO: Economical air heating of a private house

Even before the start of frost, you should start thinking about heating your home. In the case of apartment heating, there are several options for autonomous heating, which are often used - gas and electric. Both of these types of heating are mainly aimed at the same thing - heating the batteries, and therefore, in fact, the type of heating does not change.

However, the owners of private houses have a little more options. One of them is the air heating of the house, which we will talk about today.

What it is

We are all used to the standard methods of heating a home, but for many this option may turn out to be something incomprehensible, new. The air heating system of the house is a modern way of thermoregulation of the room.

For this, either an existing ventilation system is used, or created specifically for this task. Through it, air is supplied into the room, which is preheated to a certain temperature.

This method of heating a house has a number of undeniable advantages, which are accompanied by some disadvantages. We will analyze them further.

Advantages of air heating

All modern heating systems have positive and negative sides. Air heating of a private house is no exception in this regard, but it is worth noting that it has much more advantages than disadvantages.

If you already have a high-quality ventilation system in the house, then you will not need to spend money on additional batteries and pipes, we are not talking about installing them yet. At the same time, the heating itself very successfully copes with its task, and this happens without unnecessary energy costs.

Traditional heating is carried out at the expense of hot water, which, while moving through the system, quickly loses its temperature, and therefore it has to be heated more than we would like.

In the case of air heating, the efficiency is above 90%. If the air pump for heating the house is working properly, then the heated air will enter the room as quickly as possible, while the temperature will be evenly distributed throughout the volume.

Another positive side of this option is the ability to combine several important tasks together - heating and air conditioning.

If the project is drawn up correctly, and also implemented, in your house, first of all, air conditioning will be established, which does not lose its relevance throughout the year. Heating is added to it, which turns on only when necessary, with the onset of cold weather.

Do not forget about the financial side of the issue. With all its advantages, the price of air heating is approximately at the same level as that of its counterparts, but the energy costs are much lower, which directly affects the payback period.

At the same time, operation is as simple and convenient as possible - the equipment does almost everything for you. The most important thing is that the person himself practically cannot harm the operation of the system after it has been launched, because apart from choosing the desired temperature, the person does not really need to do anything. All together and became the reason that such heating has become very popular in Western countries.

Disadvantages of air heating

We named quite a lot of advantages of air heating, despite the fact that we did not talk about its durability, which is also at a high level, along with reliability. But everything can not be so perfect, because everything has its weaknesses.

The main disadvantage of air heating is the regular need for maintenance, on which the stability and durability of the entire system depends.

Of course - we are an inventive people and without problems we design air heating at home with our own hands, after which we ourselves can deal with its maintenance. But not all people are able to do this.

We must not forget about the dependence on electricity - as soon as the lights are turned off, the entire heating system will stop. There are several ways to solve such a problem. To begin with, you can install an autonomous power source in the house, or a regular uninterruptible power supply that can work for several hours.

The second option is more interesting and complex, and much more financial investments will be needed - this is solar air heating of the house with the help of solar panels. Although the option is expensive, it is environmentally friendly, and it will add autonomy to you significantly.

During a sunny day, electricity will be collected in the batteries, and then there are several ways to use it: it can immediately go to heat the house, and the excess is stored in batteries, or the electricity will be used for heating only if the batteries are already full.

As you can see, living in a private house has its own characteristics, which can definitely make life much more diverse and interesting, even if it adds worries.

Photo of air heating at home

Choosing a heating system for a private house is an important issue, the correct solution of which ensures a comfortable stay for the owner of the house and his family members. In addition, the optimally selected option allows you to save a certain amount of money and provides the reliability of operation required in frosty winters. Consider one of the little-used, but quite effective types of home heating - air heating.

Expert opinion

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Air heating of a private house is carried out by supplying warm air to the premises. All interior items, furniture, walls and ceilings of the house are heated from it.

Creates a comfortable and cozy environment for residents. Unlike common water and electric types of heating, air heating has a faster action, less inertia and can be controlled much more precisely and quickly. In addition, such systems are often combined with ventilation systems, allowing you to filter the circulating air and remove dust particles and other unnecessary suspensions from it.

Air heating is easier and less expensive than heating the coolant in a boiler, consuming fuel or electricity, so the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of air heating can compete with any other method. Such systems are greatly underestimated and have great prospects.


An air heating system needs the following components:

  • heat exchanger that directly heats the air

  • control device that allows you to adjust the operating modes and temperature in the house

The scheme of operation of the heating system is quite simple: cold air is passed through the heating device and receives thermal energy from it. Through a system of channels, it is delivered to the living quarters and, mixing with the internal air, creates the most comfortable temperature there. Excess air is removed from the premises through openings, leaks and other openings.

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

It is noteworthy that the air heating of a private house does not create excessive back pressure, causing slamming doors or difficulty opening windows. The pressure drops are quite small and imperceptible, they do not cause any discomfort or difficulties.

Advantages and disadvantages

The air heating system of a private house has several advantages:

  • high efficiency and speed of heating

  • economy. Air heating costs are much lower than with alternative methods

  • The efficiency of this method is the highest - up to 93%

  • heat energy is transferred directly, and not through intermediate devices (pipes, radiators, etc.)

  • system management is quite easy and allows you to organize your own temperature regime in each room

  • from a constructive point of view, the installation of the equipment is a simple task, since there is no high pressure and there is no need for exceptional tightness of the air channels. If a hole appears in one air duct, no accidents occur, no one suffers from this

  • the equipment has a rather long service life - according to experts, a 20-year period of operation for the system is quite affordable

  • system cost is low

  • possibility of self-assembly the highest of all available options

Along with the advantages, there are some disadvantages:
  • the need for a qualitative calculation of the system. All errors will cause insufficient heating, which will manifest itself at the most unfortunate time - in winter frosts, so the accuracy of the calculation must be appropriate

  • There is a need for maintenance and cleaning of air channels from soot, dust and condensate. Accumulations of extraneous layers reduce traction and disrupt the heating of rooms

Knowing all the pros and cons allows you to eliminate the possibility of errors in the design, installation and operation of equipment.


There are two main air heating systems:

  • with natural circulation

  • with forced circulation

natural circulation

Natural circulation systems work on the principle of lifting hot air up. Rising, it displaces colder layers, gradually warming up the entire room. To ensure the functioning of this method, it is necessary to have a heater at the lowest point of the house (in the basement), which forms a kind of cushion of heated air rising up and entering the premises. Cold masses come to replace the rising hot masses and everything repeats again.

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

This technique is good because it does not create multiple recirculation of air that accumulates dust, becomes saturated with carbon dioxide and loses its quality.

forced circulation

Forced circulation enables more precise, targeted adjustment of the flow entering the premises. The movement of air masses is provided by a fan, which stabilizes the movement of the hot jet, creates a constant pressure and air flow. At the same time, the saturation of such a system with equipment is much higher, in addition, the operation of the fan depends on the availability of electricity, and in the event of interruptions that are possible in private homes, space heating stops. In addition, fans, although they have a long service life, sometimes fail, which forces the home owner to provide an alternative type of heating in case the main system malfunctions.

There are different types of heat generators, by the name of which heating systems are sometimes classified, highlighting gas, solar or electric air heating. Such a classification seems to be erroneous, since the system itself or the principle of heating does not change with a change in the type of heat source.

How is the calculation made?

The calculation of air heating includes several steps:

  • determination of room heat loss

  • according to the value of losses is the power of the heat generator

  • the amount of air needed to supply the premises

  • cross-section of air ducts


Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Designing air heating is not an easy task. To solve it, it is necessary to find out a number of factors, the independent determination of which can be difficult. RSV specialists can make a preliminary for you free of charge premises based on GREEERS equipment.

Without being a specialist, it is simply impossible to correctly calculate the air heating of a house. You need to know the calculation methodology, which has many options, and most importantly, you need to have the appropriate experience in order to correctly calculate all losses and the required power. For this the best option would be. Only he, after a thorough examination of the house, the material of the walls, floors, comparison of volumes, other parameters of the premises, will be able to accurately enough make the necessary calculations.

On one's own

Alternatively, you can use an online calculator. There are many of them on the network on specialized resources, where it is enough to substitute your data for all the necessary parameters to get the desired result. This method of calculation is frankly weak., cannot be compared with the calculations of a specialist, since not everyone knows some important parameters of the house. Nevertheless, the method exists, is actively used. For greater accuracy, confidence in the quality of the calculations, you should duplicate them several times on other resources in order to select some average value from several options.

Equipment selection criteria

Selecting a heat generator

First of all, you should decide on the choice of a heat generator. Its power is known from the calculation, but what its type is is determined by the capabilities of the owner of the house, the availability of fuel or resources. In the absence of any resource receipts, either a solid fuel boiler or a gas boiler operating on imported gas (in cylinders) is selected.

The availability of electricity, connection to a DHW system or from a gas main can change the choice to some other. Usually, the main selection criterion in the presence of several options is the greatest efficiency of one or another type of heat generator, its reliability, and simplicity of design. There are designs of boilers that can operate on different types of fuel. To switch from one type to another, you only need to change the burner, which is very practical in a private home.


The choice of a heat generator determines the selection of other equipment corresponding to it in terms of power, performance or throughput. The type of boiler determines the presence, composition of additional equipment for supplying or storing fuel, adjusting the combustion mode. Here, the most successful design of the heat exchanger is selected, corresponding in terms of parameters to the heater. Most designs of heat exchangers are based on the principle of operation - washing or passing a jet of cold air through closely spaced heated elements.

air ducts

The choice of air ducts is based on their capacity. For a private house, flexible channels are good, capable of being installed in any conditions, providing the possibility of replacement if necessary. The canal system usually ends with .

Control or selection of a certain mode can be done manually or using an automatic control device.

Do-it-yourself installation procedure

Installation of an air heating system for a private house consists in installing and connecting a heater, a heat exchanger, a system of channels that transport hot air to the premises. To perform the work, the most optimal time will be the stage of building a house, when all the necessary technological holes can be made without destroying the finish or decoration of walls and ceilings.

  • Installation of a boiler with a heat exchanger is carried out in a special room equipped according to the operating conditions of the equipment.

  • Expert opinion

    Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

    Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

    Important! A trial run of the system is carried out at the minimum heating mode, which gradually increases to the desired value.

    Useful video

Ecology of consumption. Science and technology: How to organize air heating of a cottage or warehouse? What equipment is needed for this? What can serve as a source of thermal energy and how to dilute heat from it?

How to organize air heating of a cottage or warehouse? What equipment is needed for this? What can serve as a source of thermal energy and how to dilute heat from it? Let's try to figure it out.

Quite an unusual view of the boiler room, right?


Strictly speaking, this category includes all methods of heating without the mediation of a coolant. This includes heat guns, and air conditioners in heating mode, and conventional fan heaters. In the established terminology, however, air heating equipment is a rather limited list of devices designed to heat air and supply it to air ducts.

Both electricity and the combustion of gas, diesel fuel or waste oil can serve as a heat source. We will not limit ourselves in the choice of any framework and will try to consider the most practical schemes for the implementation of air heating, regardless of how the respective devices are positioned on the market.


It is worth making a small lyrical digression. The disadvantages and advantages will still have to be discussed in relation to the classical scheme: the heat source is in the same room; for all others, warm air is diluted by air ducts. However: in practice, for large rooms without partitions (for a garage, greenhouses or workshops), either several heat sources are used, or one with air flows directed by means of dampers. The distribution of warm air by sleeves is simply not required.


  • Little inertia. After starting the air heaters, the room will warm up in a matter of minutes. For comparison: with convection heating of a house with the mediation of a coolant, it can take up to two hours for the water in the batteries to reach an acceptable temperature.
  • Relative cheapness. Air heating boilers do not differ in cost from those intended for water heating systems; but wiring is much cheaper. An aluminum sleeve and a ventilation grill are not comparable in cost to a radiator, a pipe and fittings to it.
  • Resistance to low temperatures. Air heating of industrial premises can be safely stopped at night and not be afraid of defrosting pipes and radiators.
  • Easy concealed installation. Water heating implies that at least the radiators or convectors themselves remain visible. Yes, there are also underfloor heating convectors; but try drowning them in a concrete floor in a city apartment. And to raise the floor by the required few centimeters, the height of the ceilings does not always allow, and the amount of work will be rather rather big.
  • Compatibility with ventilation. What's more, air source heat pumps for heating can also provide air conditioning if necessary.

The diagram shows the direction of air flows during the operation of the climate complex for heating.

  • Ease of launch. Heating with air does not require long balancing of radiators, bleeding air from the expansion tank and radiators, setting the operating pressure in the heating system and other tedious procedures. In fairness: balancing is only performed at the first start, and the problem of bleeding air will be solved by an automatic heating air valve. He will independently let the air out and block the way for the coolant.


In fact, there is only one serious problem. If the exhaust ventilation in the room is easy to place under the ceiling, where it will not bother anyone, then the installation of air heating is carried out so that the flow of warm air is as close to the floor as possible. In this case, it is possible to ensure efficient heat distribution by convection at a low air flow rate.

Yes, you can blow air from under the ceiling with a powerful stream, and it will also effectively heat the room; but would you like a constant draft in your bedroom or living room? And since the air flow is located below, it means that the air ducts will either have to be hidden behind the decorative wall covering, reducing the usable volume of the room, or laid under the finishing floor, between the lag. Useful: a relatively small decorative drywall box can also be a way out. With ceiling distribution of warm air, it will be necessary to provide a sufficiently high flow rate.


Heating with an air conditioner or heat pump avoids all the problems associated with distributing warm air. An air heating project may include several independent devices, or the so-called multi-split system - one external unit and several internal ones. Lines are much thinner than air ducts, and they are easy to place under the ceiling.


What heat sources can heat generators use for air heating?


Perhaps the most popular stove for air heating is buleryan. The name of the manufacturer has long become a household name for all pyrolysis furnaces with heat exchanger pipes that provide natural circulation of heated air. The stove is located anywhere in the house. For her, a boiler room is completely optional: in the living room, she will not spoil the design of the room with her appearance and will not pollute the air with combustion products. In principle, buleryan is able to warm up a house with a rather complex configuration of premises and due to natural circulation; however, if necessary, hot air from it is diluted by aluminum ducts with natural or forced circulation through several rooms or floors. It is not at all difficult to mount an air heating system with buleryan with your own hands.

The instruction is simple:

  • We install the stove in any place where it will not interfere and there is an opportunity to store a daily supply of firewood nearby.
  • We fasten the aluminum air ducts from above to the pipes encircling the firebox with heat-resistant aluminum tape.
  • We fasten short sections of the same air ducts with duct fans fixed in them from below.
  • We part the sleeves from the furnace in the rooms that are planned to be heated.

Here, the wiring is made more expensive, but also with better thermal insulation properties of a sandwich pipe. A very curious alternative is air-heated fireplaces. An ordinary fireplace uselessly gives off most of the heat with the products of combustion, but here the thermal energy produced during the combustion of fuel is used to heat the air in a cast-iron or steel casing. Further, everything is familiar to us: the air is bred through the duct system through the rooms.


They are used both as a separate device that provides the house with heat, and as part of the climate complex. In the first case, the operation scheme is quite simple: the boiler, burning gas, heats the heat exchanger, through which air is forcibly driven. Then he gets divorced on the premises. Solutions of the second type include, along with the boiler, additional equipment:

  • Heat recovery system;
  • Air conditioning system (as a rule, duct air conditioning acts as this);
  • Humidifier;
  • An ultraviolet purifier that disinfects the air circulating around the house;
  • Dust filter.

The project will cost, of course, not cheap. The domestic climate system Antares Comfort, for example, boasts a cost of about 3,000 rubles per square meter of serviced area, which for a cottage of 150 square meters will result in a very impressive 10-odd thousand euros. For comparison: heating equipment from the famous American manufacturer Goodman costs 1300 - 1500 rubles per square meter. This is also the cost of a turnkey complex, but it only provides heating. Of course, the manufacturer is ready to offer complex solutions at a higher price. Curious: Gas boilers for air heating Goodman GMS, GDS and GMP have a very low temperature of the combustion products at the outlet - only about 40C, which allows you to use ... plastic ventilation pipes as a chimney.


The simplest and unsurpassed in terms of cheapness, the system of electric air heating is a conventional fan heater. Consuming a power of about 2 kilowatts, it quickly heats the air, driving it through a red-hot spiral. Alas, in addition to low energy efficiency, such a scheme worsens the composition of the air in the room, burning oxygen. A variety of heat guns and electric convectors with low-temperature heat exchanger airflow are already more interesting. They, being combined with heat recovery systems, can already create a completely comfortable climate in the house. Energy costs will be somewhat less than in the case of using an electric boiler. However, direct heating systems are still too expensive. Fortunately, air source heat pumps for heating have been around for many years, the simplest of which is a conventional window air conditioner. They spend heat not on heating the air, but on pumping heat from a colder street. Alternatively, pumps can take heat from water or soil. The source of low-potential heat can be any. The principle of operation of the pump is common to all implementations.

Let's look at the basic diagrams of how air source heat pumps work. More precisely, heat sources in them.


At the soil below the freezing level, the temperature is constant all year round and increases with increasing depth. It is enough to immerse several deep probes or a horizontal collector into the ground - and you can extract heat all year round to heat the air in the house. Geothermal pumps are the most versatile. Their main problem is the high cost of both the device itself and its installation.


If you have a high level of flowing groundwater, the task is greatly simplified. It is enough, to put it simply, to dig a shallow well and immerse a heat exchanger probe into it. The same scheme can be used if there is a non-freezing natural body of water nearby. The limitation is clear and obvious: water is not available everywhere.


Here we see two main categories of devices. Multi-split systems are used to maintain the climate in small houses. The limitation is due to the fact that the length of the line cannot be infinitely large: after all, the compressor must pump freon through the tubes, and the walls of the pipe show noticeable resistance to it. Duct air conditioners are a typical, canonical air heating system. From one indoor unit of the heat pump, air is distributed through channels-air ducts throughout all rooms. In this sector of the market in Russia, first of all, Japanese manufacturers - Daikin and Mitsubishi - offer their products. Somewhat less often you can meet American Lennox and Carrier.

The function of the outdoor unit is to cool the surrounding air and transport heat energy inside the house. A common problem of devices is the dependence of their degree of efficiency on the temperature outside.

It is worth mentioning: the exact calculation of air heating - combined with ventilation or performed by a separate wiring - is carried out by specialists, taking into account a long range of factors: Material and wall thickness; Number and area of ​​windows; The number of people who will be in the room; Quantity and capacity of additional heat sources, etc. The simplified scheme is the same as for other heating systems: 40 watts of thermal power per cubic meter of heated space. For regions of the Far North, taking into account extremely low winter temperatures, a coefficient of 1.5-2.0 is taken. For houses with a ceiling height of 2.5-2.7 meters, you can start from the area: 1 kW per 10 m2. published

Heat generators, and other miscellaneous units, both purchased and made by hand. In this article, we will consider in detail the air heating of the house and interior.

The air of the rooms received heat from those heated by the passing air and, one might say, indirectly. Such a system was called direct-flow, and had a rather modest efficiency. The reason for this is that a large amount of heat was spent on heating the entire depth of the floor and walls, as well as on “heating” the street. After all, there was still warm air flowing out into the street. But it was precisely because of this difference in temperatures outside and inside the system that a draft was formed that improved the heating process.

Air heating recirculation

The beginning of the use of natural gas as a new type of fuel has made a real revolution in heating with air methods. Heating the air with a sufficiently pure type of fuel, the emergence of special air filters - all this made it possible to force hot air mass into the room, creating a closed air circulation cycle in the building.

The air flow, heated by electric or, is supplied through specially equipped air ducts to the upper part of the building.

The air gives off heat and gradually begins to sink down, returning back to the heater, and it is occupied by other, hotter rising flows.

Such a device of the recirculation system is called gravitational, since the movement of air occurs only due to natural gravity, without the use of any devices. In the event that the structure of the building does not allow air to turn around freely, a forced ventilation system is arranged.

To force the heated air into the premises, and take it back to the heater, take place by means of special fans. Such heating with recirculation is a fairly inexpensive and simple heating option, perfect for warehouses, workshops and other non-residential premises. Why non-residential? The fact is that, passing many times through the heating element, the air loses its quality.

Therefore, when heating an apartment or house according to this type, the air will have to be ionized and moistened. The exhaust air is gradually expelled to the outside, and its place is taken by fresh, from the street. There are also all kinds of combined air/oil or air/water heating systems used for district heating of a small complex of buildings.

Private house: how to make air heating?

First of all, you need to think about everything, and choose the most important thing - the heating element for the system. Very often, special gas generators are used to heat residential buildings and apartments. Which heater model do you prefer?

The correct choice is made taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, as well as the standard fuel consumption of the unit. There are a lot of good reviews about devices made in the Scandinavian countries. They, of course, are not budgetary, but they are perfectly adapted to long harsh winters. What else is required, besides the heat generator itself?

  • Lattices. Through them there is an intake and supply of air.
  • Air ducts - rigid or flexible. These are special pipes designed to circulate heated air through them. Rigid ones will also require special “curved” elements called bends. It will be necessary to take care of the required number of tees. Their number depends on the scheme and complexity of the circulation system. Air ducts are made of various materials, but galvanized steel fixtures are more commonly used.
  • Mounting hardware and tools for galvanized steel.
  • aluminum tape(preferably reinforced) for reliable sealing of connections of air duct parts.

It is most convenient to plan a suitable heating system for a house in advance, even at the initial stages of construction. Then you can take into account the location of future elements, and make special inconspicuous niches in the walls for conducting air ducts.

In the same case, when the system is developed and installed in an already finished house, such air ducts are masked by false walls and suspended ceilings. Air-thermal heating of a building is a profitable and very promising model for arranging a comfortable home, which is worth paying close attention to. Whatever it was, you have to choose!