Rope rope, indoor maple, Chinese lantern - abutilon. Indoor flower Abutilon: types, care, photo Formation of abutilon

For the amazing similarity of abutilon leaves with maple, the plant was called "home maple". But this is not the only name of the Brazilian handsome man. The stems of some species are used for the production of strong fibers from which ropes are made. Therefore, among the people unique plant often referred to as a "rope walker".

Culture features

Abutilon is a grower's dream plant. It combines ease of care, fast growth and beautiful long flowering. In its homeland, in Brazil, Hawaii, China or India, abutilon can reach 2-3 m. In the European climate, the cable car is grown as a pot crop, since harsh winters are detrimental to it. Such tall he does not reach.

Home maple is represented by many species and varieties that differ in the shape of the leaves and the color of the inflorescences. Abutilons can have double flowers or simple ones. And their color can vary from white to cream, from yellow to deep orange, from pink to purple, from lavender to purple.

As the reviews show, abutilon, even with a minimum of care, is growing very quickly. It is able to turn from a cutting into a compact tree or bush in six months.

decorative types

Approximately 200 species of plants belong to the genus Kanatnikov. But most of them cannot boast of decorative effect. Therefore, in indoor floriculture there are only a few representatives of the abutilons listed in the table.

Table - Types of abutilons and their characteristics

NamePlant height, mLeavesflowersflowering time
vine-leaved1,5 – 2,5 - Large, velvety;
- consist of 3-5 blades;
- sheet length - 15 cm;
- leaf edge with sharp teeth
- Inflorescence of 3-4 flowers-bells;
- located on elongated pedicels;
- petals lilac, blue with dark veins
Darwin1 - Upper leaves are three-lobed;
- the lower ones consist of 5-7 blades;
- leaf length can reach 20 cm
- In deciduous axils, 2-3 flowers are formed;
- bright orange color of inflorescences complemented by red streaks
Spotted (painted, striped)1,5 – 2 - Branches slightly woody;
- heart-shaped leaf;
- has 3-6 blades;
- the edges are pointed;
- white blotches along the edges give decorativeness
- Bells on long petioles;
- golden inflorescences with red streaks;
- can be terry or simple
Hybrid (obtained by crossing abutilone Darwin and motley)1,5 - Maple-shaped leaves, soft-pubescent;
- petioles about 12 cm
- Inflorescences resemble a bell (5 cm long);
- color burgundy, red, white, golden, yellow
All year round
Bella0,4 – 0,6 - Leaf elongated, ovoid- The flower is formed by 5 petals;
- the bell is wide open;
- color apricot, pink, red, orange

Abutilon: care and needs

Even a novice florist can grow home maple. A native of Brazil has an accommodating disposition and does not require special conditions. At the same time, he is able to bloom year-round, if you know about some points. What nuances need to be taken into account and how to care for abutilon in order to enjoy beautiful flowering all year round?


The cable carter is a great lover of light. He needs lighting all year round. Only under such conditions can it develop. If the Brazilian feels a lack of light, then he most often does not bloom. To ensure the necessary illumination of abutilon, use these recommendations.

  • Location choice. Position the plant near light sources. It can be placed even on the southern windows. Abutilon is able to withstand direct Sun rays, but only in small quantities. Therefore, in summer, in extreme heat, indoor maple is desirable to shade.
  • winter lighting. In winter, the handsome abutilon in European conditions lacks daylight. If you want to achieve constant flowering, provide it with a backlight.
  • Fresh air . In summer, homemade maple can be taken out to the terrace or balcony. Abutilon will gladly accept fresh warm air. But it should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Home maple does not tolerate drafts at all, so choose a “quiet” place for your green pet. Rain, slight wind and sudden changes in lighting can destroy the plant.


The cable car develops better in cool conditions. Therefore, the plant is most often grown on a glazed balcony or in a winter garden. Some botanists claim that abutilon is able to withstand a short-term drop in temperature to 0 ° C. But it is better not to create such shock conditions. The following conditions are suitable for indoor maple:

  • in summer - abutilon can easily withstand temperatures of +20 ° С ... +25 ° С;
  • in winter - a significant decrease to +12 °С ... +15 °С is required.

The cable car does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, to winter regime it needs to be taught gradually.


Abutilon is a big fan of water. Provide him with sufficient watering, and the handsome ropeman will delight with his flowering all year round. But excess moisture, as well as deficiency, can destroy the plant. Abutilon will "like" such conditions.

  • Watering. In summer, the plant is watered abundantly, but not flooded. The soil should always be slightly damp. In winter, if the plant does not bloom, a slight drying of the soil is acceptable.
  • spraying . Bathing is not considered mandatory. Indoor maple is able to completely do without spraying. But a plant that receives regular irrigation grows healthier and stronger. Abutilon especially needs to be sprayed in winter, when the air is overdried by heating appliances.

If the rays of the sun fall on the plant, then spraying is best done in the evening. Otherwise, water droplets heated by the sun can cause severe burns.

top dressing

Abutilon grows very quickly and spends a lot of energy on its active development. Therefore, he needs to be fed. Although it can do without additional power. Flower growers give two pieces of advice.

  1. Feeding frequency. Fertilizers begin to be applied in the spring and continue until late autumn. This procedure is repeated every 14-15 days.
  2. The right fertilizer. Abutilon is suitable for mineral fertilizers intended for flowering crops. For example, "Pocon", "Agricola", "Emerald", "Rainbow", "Master". Before flowering, it is recommended to pamper your green pet with organic top dressing - diluted bird droppings.

In winter, top dressing is stopped if the indoor maple has a dormant period. An actively flowering plant should not stop fertilizing.


Abutilon needs regular transplants. This procedure starts in early spring, in the first days of March. Experts advise transplanting indoor maple before new leaves appear. Proper transplantation consists of the following six steps.

  1. Pot preparation. In order for the culture to develop and grow, it is necessary to take a more capacious flowerpot. It is enough that the diameter of the pot is 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.
  2. Soil preparation. The Brazilian guest needs nutritious soil enriched with humus. To prepare the soil, you need to mix leaf ground, turf, peat, sand and humus. All components are combined in equal proportions. If you don’t want to prepare the soil yourself, then stock up on universal soil for your pet.
  3. Plant preparation. Carefully remove the abutilone from the old pot. If possible, shake off the soil, but do not damage the root system.
  4. drainage system. AT new pot put small pieces of foam, pebbles or expanded clay on the bottom.
  5. Planting a plant. Plant the plant very carefully and carefully straighten the roots. This will allow abutilon to take root much faster and easier in a new pot. Water the plant generously.
  6. Aftercare. The question always arises: how to care for abutilone ( indoor maple) after transplantation? Florists claim that there are no peculiarities in caring for a transplanted plant. Provide him with lighting, watering and periodic feeding.

Remember one feature of indoor maple. If you take too big pot, then flowering will not occur, since abutilon will throw all his strength into root growth. amazing plant will delight you with inflorescences only if the whole clod of earth is braided with roots.


Indoor maple grows very quickly and can turn into a tree in a year. To provide him with a beautiful appearance and form a crown, flower growers advise pruning. This procedure is carried out twice a year, in spring, before the start of the growing season, and in autumn, before "hibernation". Trimming abutilon (indoor maple) is recommended as follows.

  • Autumn pruning. When the plant is preparing for a dormant period, around November, it is necessary to prune all the branches, forming a beautiful crown. If this is not done, then your pet will fill most of the room very quickly.
  • spring pruning. During the winter, some branches can stretch out strongly and stand out from the general crown. To return the Brazilian to compactness, it is recommended to cut such shoots.
  • crown formation. In the spring, it is necessary not only to cut long shoots, but also to pinch abutilon correctly. This is the only way to form a beautiful crown. Mark the size of the plant you would like to get, and carefully cut off everything that turned out to be higher. Undercut side branches, forming a stem tree. And if you want to enjoy the bush, then the side shoots should not be removed.

Reproduction methods

The process of propagation of abutilon is simple. To grow a new plant, flower growers root cuttings or plant seeds. The choice of method depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the characteristics of the Brazilian. Experts say that indoor maple, which has green foliage, can be propagated in any way. And variegated varieties are able to take root only by cuttings.


If you decide to practice growing abutilone from seeds at home, then planting material can be purchased at a flower shop. If you already have an indoor maple, then it is better to wait until the flowering ends and fruits that look like boxes appear. The seeds are carefully removed from them. Mature planting material turns black. Seeds must be "aged" in dark place one month. After that, they can be planted. The seed propagation procedure includes the following points.

  • Seed preparation. The seeds are wrapped in paper napkin and wetted with water. To improve germination, you can add a growth stimulator. Suitable "Fitosporin".
  • Germination features. Soaking continues for at least 12 hours. You can leave the seeds until long roots and green cotyledons appear. The better the seeds germinate, the more effectively they will take root.
  • Planting seeds. Future trees are planted in well-moistened soil in the same mixture as for an adult crop, to a depth of 5-6 mm.
  • pet care. The container is covered with glass or film. The soil is regularly ventilated and moistened, preventing drying. Pets need to provide + 20 ° C and sufficient lighting. To improve the germination of abutilons, it is recommended to water them with Energen's solution. On the 14-25th day, you can admire the first shoots.
  • Shooting dive. When three leaves appear on the plants, they can be dived, transplanted into separate pots. When transplanting, pay attention to the root. If it has a small number of lateral branches, then it is necessary to pinch off half of the main rod to ensure proper development.
  • Preparing for "adulthood". Young plants are again covered with a film. But from time to time it is removed, gradually accustoming abutilons to fresh air.


It is much easier to propagate this Brazilian by cuttings. planting material remains after pruning and crown formation. From such shoots, it is necessary to choose strong branches, which will later give healthy plants. The procedure for propagating abutilon by cuttings is quite simple.

  • Preparation of cuttings. To prevent rotting of future plants, all the lower leaves of the selected branches are removed. It is recommended to cut off the tops with flowers or buds, so as not to subject the cuttings to additional exhaustion. It is enough to leave three or four internodes.
  • Root formation. Prepared cuttings are lowered into a jar of water. After some time, roots will appear on the shoots. To speed up this process, you can pour a growth accelerator into the water and cover the cuttings with a film, providing them with a greenhouse effect.
  • planting. When will it form root system, cuttings are planted in the ground. The planting process is exactly the same as transplanting an adult plant.

Pests and possible diseases

Table - Problems of abutilone and its treatment

What's happeningWhat is the reasonRecommended treatment
The leaves of the plant turn yellow, dry, spots appear on the leaves- The plant lacks trace elements- Feed complex mineral fertilizers
Brazilian loses leaves, buds, flowers- The flower is exposed to sharp temperature changes;
- improper watering is carried out (both waterlogging and lack of moisture are possible)
- Normalize the temperature;
- accustom to new conditions gradually;
- ensure sufficient watering (the soil should be moistened, but not flooded)
Abutilon leaves turn yellow and gradually turn brown- The flower is in a too hot and dry room- Find another, less hot place for the plant;
- intensify crown spraying;
- ensure adequate irrigation;
- put water containers near the indoor maple
Abutilon does not bloom and leaves dry- The plant does not have enough light;
- affected by improper watering (deficit or excess of water);
- the rules of transplantation are violated and the roots are injured
- Move the green pet closer to the light;
- accustom the plant to a new place gradually
- review the irrigation system;
- if the roots are rotten, then carefully transplant the plant, cutting off all the rotten areas and sprinkling them with wood ash;
- give time for the plant to recover;
- Provide regular feeding and quality care
Home maple leaves gradually turn pale and curl- The plant is facing drafts;
- the flower is cold;
- excess watering led to rotting of the rhizome
- Correct the conditions of "residence" of the Brazilian
A silver sheen appears on the leaves, whitish dots appear on the underside- Thrips attack- Increase the humidity in the room;
- place an insect trap nearby;
- treat with drugs: "Agravertin", "Aktellik", "Karate", "Confidor", "Karbofos", "Fitoverm"
The leaves of the plant turn yellow, a web appears on them- A spider mite has wound up- Harvest pests manually;
- ensure high humidity in the room;
- regularly carry out spraying;
- carefully trim the damaged sheets;
- treat with preparations: "Fufanon", "Agravertin", "Neoron", "Aktellik", "Fitoverm"

When planning summer care for abutilon (cable) in a pot, use this advice. Wrap the pot in foil. This will protect the root system from overheating and excessive drying of the earthy coma if the plant is on the southern windowsill.

During the entire growing season of Abutilon, we resort to pruning for:

- thinning out an excessively dense crown of compact hybrids for better lighting all branches;

- shortening of elongated branches, usually drooping under the weight of leaves and flowers;

- removal of dry and weak branches - sanitary pruning of the crown;

- cardinal pruning of Abutilon in order to rejuvenate the crown or for the convenience of placing plants;

- the formation of a crown in order to achieve a certain decorative effect.

Since Abutilon lays buds on young shoots, the main task is to form a compact, moderately sparse crown using pruning. This operation should be carried out no earlier than the end of February-beginning of March. At this time, solar activity increases and the plant is actively starting to grow.

When pruning and shaping the crown, one should take into account Abutilon's own growth pattern. Each hybrid has its own.

The crown of some plants, indeed, has to be thinned out. For example, Abutilon Bella Deep Coral independently forms compact bush ik with numerous shoots, densely overgrown with lateral branches. In order to allow the flowers to open freely and not crowd each other, you have to thin out the bush. It is important that each branch is not deprived of the attention of the sun, otherwise it becomes weak and full flowering cannot be expected from it.

Pruning in order to shorten the upper and (or) side shoots is carried out throughout the growing season, as a rule, in medium-sized and tall plants that have an undulating flowering period. Thus, we form a crown, set the branches in the desired direction and size, stimulate lateral branching, and therefore contribute to further abundant flowering.

Sanitary pruning is carried out as necessary when it is necessary to get rid of a broken shoot, cut off the bare part of a branch, etc.

If you do not plan to plant an overgrown plant in a larger volume, then trimming 1/3 of the root system and crown will solve this problem.

autumn cardinal(removal of more than 50% of the crown volume) pruning is carried out in order to rejuvenate the crown and make it easier to place plants in a limited area in winter. Only strong plants with a healthy root system can withstand such an execution. And, of course, you need to understand that with the removal of the main branches, the entire usual Abutilon schedule changes. Watering should be reduced, and lighting should be increased if possible (which is difficult to achieve without artificial lighting during the autumn season).

During normal wintering without additional illumination with lamps, Abutilon is either not cut off at all, or all formative pruning should be done no later than mid-August, so that the plant leaves to winter with leaves. (Photo 1. Abutilon overgrown after cardinal pruning)

Photo 1

Simply put, the rules for pruning or shaping at the end of the season will depend on the conditions under which the plant will overwinter.

Miniature hybrids and newly rooted young cuttings before winter are better not to cut!

For beginners and all doubters, I would advise not to conduct a cardinal autumn pruning Abutilon, and wait until the end of February - the beginning of March, when the plant, with increasing solar activity starts to grow, and prune the elongated shoots at this time of the year.

If the plant did not survive the winter well, there is a stunted appearance, pruning can aggravate the situation. It would be better to cut the stem best quality and try to grow the plant again. And, of course, try to restore the mother liquor.

As for the decorative formation, Abutilon is a very flexible plant that allows you to create anything with your crown. Sometimes you can see the amazing results of creation: Abutilon in the form of a standard tree or weaving trunks in the form of braids different varieties; formation of a crown in the form of pyramids or columns.

In general, if you came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a radically trendy plant haircut - get Abutilon!

For many gardeners, abutilon becomes the dream of an ideal indoor plant, combining unpretentiousness, long colorful flowering, high growth rate and easy offspring.

With a lot of advantages, the main thing that draws attention in a plant is single or paired flowers that appear in the axils and form a magnificent hat on the bush for many months. At home, abutilon is a large perennial shrub up to two or three meters high. Being the closest relative of the well-known Russians or Marshmallow officinalis, abutilone is in a difficult climatic conditions our country can only be grown as a potted crop. But even in this form, the plant, named for the characteristic shape of the leaves "home maple", shows all its best qualities.

At home, abutilon grows rapidly and in a few years can turn into a large tree or bush. So that the green pet does not take what people need living space, in an apartment it is better to grow abutilons of hybrid origin with a more compact crown and large cupped flowers of different colors.

What conditions of detention are needed for such an unusual houseplant? And what is the care for abutilone, so that from spring to late autumn bright bell flowers flaunt on it?

The temperature of the content of abutilone

Despite the southern origin of the culture, being in the constantly warm air of an apartment is not at all useful for abutilone. In nature, it grows in areas where the difference between winter and summer temperatures is about 10 degrees. That is why the rope or "home maple" can be more often found in winter gardens or greenhouses, and at home abutilon is at a temperature of:

  • 20 to 26 °C in summer;
  • 12 to 15 °C in winter.

If the plant is taken out onto a veranda or loggia, it must be remembered that when the temperature of the abutilone content drops below 5-10 ° C, it begins to experience serious discomfort. And with a long stay in cold air, the culture sheds foliage. Extremely dangerous for the plant are sub-zero temperatures and exposure to drafts. However, cold is not the only enemy of abutilon.

If the air warms up to 30 ° C, you can expect the plant to stop forming buds and even drop existing ones. It is possible to help abutilone suffering from high temperatures by regularly spraying the aerial part of the plant. To do this, use only warm soft water.

AT winter time when room air quality is affected heating appliances, a screen made of nonwoven fabric or a film protecting the window sill from the living quarters.

Lighting when growing abutilone

Abutilon is photophilous, and at home he needs bright, but diffused lighting that does not harm the foliage. If there is not enough light, you should not wait for abundant flowering. When growing abutilone with variegated or almost white foliage, it is better to shade the plant a little to preserve the unique pattern on the leaves.

At home, abutilons feel great on windowsills facing east, southeast, west or southwest. On the south windows you can not do without protection from the midday sun, and the north side will not provide the required amount of light. The quality of lighting directly affects how compact the crown will be for the plant, because in the shade the shoots noticeably lengthen, the foliage thins, and the formation and pruning of abutilon becomes more difficult.

On summer days, abutilon responds well to being on a sunny veranda or balcony, and sometimes plants are successfully transferred to the garden or even transplanted into open ground.

In this case, choose a quiet area in partial shade, and also make sure that abutilon is kept at a temperature within the limits described above. In the fresh air, the pet grows and blooms well, and when it gets colder, it can be protected with a cap made of covering material.

Features of watering when caring for abutilon

Abutilons at home willingly "drink", which is especially noticeable on hot summer days, as well as in the warm, dry air of the room where the heating works. A delay in the period of active vegetation necessarily leads to wilting of foliage, and in individual cases even to the loss of buds and the death of the peripheral root system. The plant should not dry out. And the optimal interval is considered to be between waterings, when the surface of the soil dries out a little.

However, in caring for abutil, it is better to focus on the condition of the plant, the size of the pot in which it is located and the temperature of the content. A small amount of soil loses moisture faster than soil in a large pot. And in the dry air of a heated room, the humidity of the substrate drops much more sharply than when the pet is in the front garden. Much depends on the composition of the soil.

Abutilon should be watered at home only with warm, settled or melted water.

If the plant is satisfied with a cool wintering, it should be watered much less frequently, otherwise the moisture not demanded by abutilone will cause rot on the roots.

Selection of soil and transplantation of abutilon

The main requirement for the soil for growing abutilon is good permeability to moisture and air. Therefore, as a substrate, you can use universal primer for indoor crops, flavored with substances that loosen the soil. It can be sand, perlite or vermiculite.

If components of natural origin are added to the mixture, for example, humus or soddy soil, they must be disinfected to exclude the possibility of pests and pathogenic fungi entering the pot.

The soil for growing abutilon should be neutral, loose and light. But even with a quality substrate, flower growers sometimes complain about the poor flowering of the culture. This is due to the wrong choice of pot.

A fast-growing plant with good potential, avidly masters the soil clod, but during the development of the root system, abutilon practically does not bloom. Therefore, it is better to plant a young specimen in a container with a diameter of no more than 9–10 cm, and then, as part of the care of abutilon, it is transferred to a slightly larger pot in the spring.

The need for transplantation is indicated by an earthen ball completely hidden under the cobweb of roots, as well as extremely rapid absorption of moisture during watering.

When and how to fertilize abutilon?

The rapid development of the green part of the plant and active flowering are the reasons that abutilon must be fed at home. In spring and until autumn, top dressing is carried out every two weeks, alternating mineral and. The more precisely the feeding schedule is observed, the longer and more abundantly abutilon blooms.

The concentration of fertilizers for abutilone may be less than in the instructions for the selected composition, but at the same time you need to feed the flower a little more often. At the time of mass flowering, fertilize abutilon better means with a high content of phosphorus and potassium, which positively affect the formation of buds. When, after pruning, abutilon should quickly grow new foliage, it is more correct to use preparations with nitrogen.

Sometimes flower growers notice that the number of flowers is decreasing, and the foliage of abutilon receiving good care discolors, turns yellow and loses its attractiveness. These symptoms indicate a lack of trace elements. To prevent the development of chlorosis, the pet is fed, for example, with "Emerald", which helps to quickly restore decorativeness and brightness to the leaves.

Abutilone pruning

Depending on the variety chosen for cultivation, abutilon in an apartment can form a crown up to one and a half meters high. If pruning is not used, abutilon loses its shape in a couple of years, the bush falls apart, and flowers form only at the ends of the shoots.

To form a compact bush or stem tree, pruning is indispensable. Shoots are cut and pinched in autumn and spring to half or a third of the original length.

Abutilon tolerates even heavy pruning well, and in a few weeks the greenery is completely restored. In addition to the fact that with the help of this procedure it is possible to control the volume of the crown, the plant is updated after pruning.

If abutilone is summer time grew in the garden, in the fall they are pruned and its overgrown root system, which allows you to return the bush to its original pot.

After flowering, already faded shoots, all damaged or dried branches must be cut off. During such care for abutilon, you should not leave parts of the crown that shade it, making it thick and tangled. In the spring, before the appearance of buds, the shape of the crown is adjusted again.

If you have to prune a young plant, pinch the main shoot at a height of 15–30 cm from the ground level. And the next time, second-order shoots are shortened in the same way. When home-grown abutilon is to become a miniature tree, it is useful to use supports in the early years for the stability of the stem, especially during bud set.

Pruning causes the awakening of dormant buds and the formation of side branches, on which buds are formed. The more carefully the crown is shaped, the more abundant the flowering will be in the coming season. And after pruning, abutilon is fed. A video about caring for abutilone at home will help you visually get acquainted with the peculiarities of culture and handling it.

Possible problems when growing abutilone

If proper attention is not paid to the care of abutilon, the grower may face the appearance of such dangerous diseases and pests as root rot, mealybugs, aphids, spider mites and scale insects. For prevention, be sure to maintain competent watering, moisten the air and remove fallen flowers and leaves.

Shedding of buds, yellowness and wilting of the foliage of abutilon signals:

  • about sharp drops temperature content of abutilone;
  • about the presence of a draft in the room;
  • violation of the irrigation schedule.

Not in the best way, the appearance of the plant and its flowering is affected by the lack of light and the lack of fertilizers when they are most needed - during the spring and summer growing season.

Video about abutilone indoor maple

Abutilon is unpretentious indoor plant that fits perfectly into your home or office interior will become a decoration winter gardens. It does not require the creation of special conditions and careful care, therefore it is quite popular among flora lovers. About what kinds indoor abutilon, and how to grow it correctly, you will learn from this article.

Botanical characteristics of abutilone

This plant of the Malvaceae family is an evergreen tree or shrub whose leaves resemble maple leaves in size and shape. This gave abutilon another popular name among the people - indoor maple. AT natural environment habitats these plants live in the tropical zone of Africa, South Asia and South America so the flower loves a large number of light and heat.

With the right content, it reaches a height of 1.5-2 meters and branches abundantly. The leaflets are located on the petioles and have a length of 10-20 cm, the leaf blade is oval or heart-shaped, with soft and sparse hairs. Usually the leaves are green in color, but there are varieties with golden motley or scarlet colors.

Flowers, similar in shape to a bell, are distinguished by their brightness and a variety of shades from white to red. Flowering is long lasting. It occurs from early spring to late autumn. In India, the coarse fiber of abutilone is used to create burlap, ropes and ropes, so the plant has another name - rope.

Types of abutilone

This shrub has more than 100 varieties and hybrids. Consider the most suitable home growing photo views.

  • Abutilon Bella is a recently bred variety, which is distinguished by the presence of voluminous bright flowers of pink or golden color (about 8 cm in diameter) and large branching. It grows up to about 40 cm and blooms beautifully throughout the year. It does not need pruning and pinching;

  • Organza is a branchy shrub up to a meter in height with green smooth foliage and large bright flowers located alone. Requires frequent pruning to maintain shape;

  • Bellevue is a hybrid mixture that has flowers with colors that match all the colors of the rainbow. It is a lush beautiful bush that has a height of up to two meters with right conditions care and constant pruning;

  • Bella mix is ​​another hybrid with large flowers(diameter up to 8 cm) gentle tones: yellow, apricot, pink;

  • Sello - this variety is distinguished by light branching and inflorescences of peach tones with pinkish veins. Flowering occurs from July to December;

  • Tiger's eye is a large shrub with orange-hued flowers and red veins. It looks very nice and resembles a lantern.

Caring for abutilone at home does not require much attention or any special skills. You just need to follow some simple guidelines.

Rope landing

Abutilon from seeds is grown in a mixture of peat, light earth and sand (in a ratio of 2: 2: 1, respectively).

  • It is recommended to sift the soil before sowing so that it acquires friability and better retains moisture. It also needs to be disinfected with potassium permanganate from fungi and bacteria;
  • The seed material is soaked in warm water for 12 hours;
  • Seeds are planted in a pot to a shallow depth of about 5 mm, covered with a film to create a "greenhouse" and placed in a warm sunny place. Shoots begin to appear after about 20 days;
  • When the first leaves appear, you need to plant the seedlings in small cups with a diameter of about 7 cm. Now you just need to properly care for abutilone, creating the right level of humidity, lighting and temperature (more on that below), and after six months the plant will begin to bloom.

Of course you can buy flower shop already an adult flowering specimen, but the price of seeds is much cheaper, and growing a “green friend” on your own is much more pleasant and interesting. The cost of packing seeds on average is 20 rubles, and young plant will cost about 500 rubles.

Required temperature and lighting for indoor maple

Abutilon home maple is a flower that needs light too much. A room with an abundance of daylight is well suited for it, but the plant does not like very bright lighting. In the summer, it must be taken out to Fresh air, veranda or balcony, placing in a shaded area. But the "green pet" may not bloom in insufficient light.

In summer, in the room where abutilone is contained, the optimum temperature level should be + 20-25 degrees, not lower. Decrease allowed in winter temperature regime up to + 10-15 degrees, but it must be borne in mind that if the shrub is in a room with a temperature of +10 degrees for a long time, it will begin to dry out.

Watering the cable car

When does a plant start active growth(during the warm period), it must be regularly and abundantly watered. This process cannot be reduced during the flowering of home maple. Excess water, which is collected in the pan about two hours after watering, is poured out. Somewhere from November, it is necessary to water the shrub less and this rule must be followed until February.

If the soil is subject to drying out or waterlogging, the maple may lose flowers and a dense crown.

Air humidity

The “green resident” loves moisture very much, so if he is in a stuffy room, he should be sprayed with water as often as possible. When the bush is flowering, spraying is done very carefully - water should not fall on the flowers.

House Maple Fertilizer

Abutilon needs to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers regularly once a week. With the active growth of the shrub, when it is gaining green mass, which happens in the spring, it is advisable to apply nitrogen. Home maple is fertilized with potassium and phosphorus before flowering, but in winter the feeding process is not needed at all.


Abutilon must be cut in a timely manner so that the bush has right size and the right height, because it has the ability to grow rapidly.

Until the "green friend" has begun active growth, its shoots are cut to 1/3 (or 2/3) of the length. Such shortening stimulates lush flowering, forms a beautiful crown. On young shrubs pinch the tops, and then the plant is transferred to warm room well fed and watered.

Transplanting home maple

Reproduction of the shrub occurs by cuttings or seeds. The most favorable time for propagation of maple cuttings is August. Although this can be done at all times of the year.

  1. We take a cutting up to 12 cm in length with a flexible trunk. Remove from it lower leaves and buds. To plant cuttings, use a mixture of sand and peat, or ready substrate from the store.
  2. We plant the cuttings in small cups, cover with jars. By this we create, as it were, greenhouse conditions, and a month later, the seedlings have a root system. During this period, they must be watered, sprayed, ventilated.
  3. Then the sprouted cuttings are transplanted into pots having a diameter of 7 cm, no more.

Abutilon, popularly called the Chinese lantern for the original shape and color of the flower, has long taken root on the home windowsill. It is hard not to fall in love with him: it blooms beautifully and profusely, grows quickly, and does not cause any trouble. In addition, it is considered an energy filter, improves mood, gives self-confidence.

It fits perfectly into the interiors of apartments and offices. Now many hybrids have been bred, there are abutilones with unusual color leaves, there is terry abutilon, there are also semi-double forms. Thus this home flower became even more attractive.

Abutilon-description of a flower

It is a shrub, well branched, with large three or five lobed leaves. They reach 10 cm in length, have numerous deep and shallow cuts that make them look like maple leaves. Mostly in a plant green leaves, but there are also variegated species.

The flowers are solitary, bell-shaped, with many long stamens. The color of flowers can be the most diverse.

Its appearance, a large spreading bush, is reflected in the name, which translates as "giving shade." This plant is also called the rope plant, since its leaves, when properly processed, give a lot of fibrous mass, from which ropes were previously made.

Growing features

Abutilon is one of the most unpretentious plants. A novice amateur grower will cope with its breeding.

Planting Abutilon

Having brought indoor maple from the store, it must be put in a bright place for several days, then planted in a flower pot. Capacity for planting take a little more technological pot.

Landing methods

Grown up plants grown from seeds and young maples from rooted cuttings are planted in pots either singly or in groups of three or four plants, depending on the pot and the purpose of the group planting.

Optimal landing time

Abutilons grown from seeds are planted at the end of spring, from cuttings a little earlier, at the beginning.

Soil for planting

Suitable for any fertile soil, for example:

  • sod and leaf in equal proportions;
  • coniferous and leafy in equal shares;
  • ordinary garden with the addition of humus.

It’s good to add coconut substrate, a little coarse sand and peat to any soil. At the very bottom of the pot, put a little sphagnum moss along with drainage.

It is useful to sterilize the soil for abutilon.

For comfortable growth and lush flowering this flower needs abundant watering in the heat and cardinal pruning in the spring.

Location and lighting for the plant

Abutilon is best kept in light partial shade, but it can withstand several hours under the scorching sun. In the summer it should be taken out into the street, but you need to find a place where abutilon will not be damaged by rain or wind. In winter, abutilon must be provided with backlight; for this purpose, it is best to use a fluorescent lamp.

Air humidity

Abutilon grows at any humidity, but in winter, when there is dry air from the batteries, it can begin to twist and shed leaves, so if it remains to winter in rooms, it must be sprayed daily. Additional measures can be taken to increase the humidity around the plant. For example, put a wet rag on the battery and constantly moisten it, or put the sphagnum in a pan and keep it wet.

Temperature regime

Indoor maple feels comfortable in summer at temperatures up to 25 degrees. If it gets hotter, then the plant should be watered abundantly. In winter, abutilon loves coolness, 12-15 degrees, with more high temperature starts dropping leaves.

How to water properly

From March to the end of September, indoor maple is watered abundantly, if the soil in the pot dries out, the plant will immediately begin to drop leaves and buds, the same problem will arise in case of overflow. It is better to water in the summer not at once, but in two doses: in the morning and in the evening. You can add a little to the water citric acid because abutilons love slightly acidic soil.

AT winter season you just need to slightly moisten the soil in the pots.

From March to October, abutilon is fed weekly in turn with mineral and organic fertilizers. For abutilon, foliar top dressing is also important. He gets sprayed weak solution mineral fertilizers.

If, when planting or transplanting abutilon, put rotted compost into a pot, then you can not make organic fertilizers about six months.

Abutilone pruning

Abutilon tolerates pruning well and begins to grow actively after it. From abutilon, you can grow a stem bush by cutting the plant up to 30 cm tall and thus constantly forming a stem.

Trimming methods

Indoor maple is pruned at any time of the year if individual branches have dried up and lost their leaves. It is pruned in the spring, shortening all shoots by about a third to stimulate flowering, it is important to carry out crown formation at this time. If abutilon is not cut drastically, then it can grow up to one and a half meters per season.

Young, recently rooted plants are also pruned to immediately form a beautiful bush. Be sure to cut the branches on which there were flowers in the fall. This is done immediately after flowering. Branches that interfere with each other must be removed throughout the year.

Abutilon transplant

Young plants should be transplanted regularly every spring before flowering before pruning. Old specimens are transplanted less often, but change annually upper layer soil.

Transplant methods

A new flower pot is taken only 2 cm wider than the old one; abutilon will not bloom in a too spacious pot.

Indoor maple breeds very easily.

Reproduction methods

Breeding indoor maple is possible in two ways: vegetative and seeds.


cut into apical cuttings about 10-15 cm each, if caught with buds, they are cut off, most often they are rooted in water, but sometimes they are immediately placed in soil composed in equal proportions of sand and peat with the addition activated carbon after moisturizing it well. You can add a stimulant to the water. The cuttings take root in high humidity, so a greenhouse is arranged above them. After the roots appear, young plants are planted in pots. In this way, abutilon is bred in the spring.


In January, the flower can be grown from seeds. It is this early sowing that allows you to get by the summer flowering plant. Seeds germinate very slowly, from 20 days to 3 months. They can be soaked before planting for several hours in warm water before swelling. Seeds are sown on moist soil and sprinkled with a layer of earth.

Further care for plantings consists in watering, and if the bowl is covered with glass or film, then in airing. At the first appearance of seedlings, the shelter is removed, the bowl is put in a bright place and they wait for all the shoots to sprout. Then dive when two true leaves appear.

Plants that have grown up to about 5 cm are seated in pots. This should not be delayed. Young roots grow very quickly and begin to intertwine with each other. If you do not hurry with the transplant, then they will literally have to be torn apart, and this is bad for the plant. Variegated forms do not propagate by seed, they can grow with green leaves.

Indoor maple blooms profusely and for a long time mainly in the summer. But you can choose different types, including hybrid ones, to get year-round flowering.

Plant pest disease problems

Abutilon has soft leaves that become easy prey for pests: aphids, scale insects and spider mites. When infected, abutilon is sprayed with a tobacco solution and washed with soapy foam, which is then washed off under warm shower. There is another way to fight, known for a very long time. The plant is sprayed several times with infusion of horse sorrel. This can also be done for prevention by spraying a healthy plant with an infusion once every two weeks. In severe lesions, the maple is sprayed with insecticide.

Causes of abutilon diseases:

  • stem stretching- little light;
  • leaves curl up- the plant is standing in a draft, the temperature is too low;
  • leaves are falling- little moisture and nutrients;
  • crispy brown border on the leaves- drying of the soil;
  • leaves curl around the edges- Too much light and sunlight
  • leaves turn pale- the light is not enough.

Popular species (varieties)

  • Abutilon hybrid: otherwise abutilone is striped; bush up to one and a half meters high with a brown stem and 3-5 lobed green leaves, bell-shaped flowers, they are white, red, golden;
  • Abutilon Juliet: it is an attractive hybrid that flowers all year round, is easy to grow from seed, grows very fast;
  • Abutilon vine: this species is a tall bush, up to 3 meters; with large velvety green leaves, similar in shape to grape leaves; in May it blooms with lilac flowers with dark veins, collected 3-4 in small brushes;
  • Abutilon Suntense: this is a very tall, up to 4 meters bush, blooming in spring with large purple flowers up to 10 cm in diameter; often grown in winter gardens due to their large size;
  • Abutilon Darwin: enough rare view, shoots are fluffy-silky, grow up to a meter, maple-shaped leaves, hold on long petioles; from April to October it blooms with orange bell flowers with red veins;
  • Abutilon bella: a very compact plant, characterized by abundant flowering, among the varieties of this plant there are abutilon yellow and abutilon pink;
  • Abutilon village: the most common species with flowers that have already become familiar orange with dark veins;
  • Abutilon striped: known for its large, spotted leaves and orange-red flowers.
  • Most of all, abutilon is afraid of drafts.
  • Before flowering, abutilons provide a twelve-hour daylight hours.
  • Faded flowers must be removed.
  • Some flower growers recommend dealing with spider mite with zoo shampoo.
  • If the abutilons are on a sunny windowsill, then the pots should be covered with foil to protect the roots from overheating.
  • The size of the root ball and the crown size of abutilon are the same. This information will help you decide if you need a transplant.

Answers to questions from readers

Indoor maple grows up to 10 years at good care, during this time it turns into a lush, profusely flowering bush.

Is this flower poisonous?

Abutilon is not poisonous.

Why doesn't abutilon bloom?

Most likely, the plant was not pruned, and during the budding period it had little light.

Why do the leaves turn yellow (dry)?

Probably the reason is the great dryness of the air or extreme heat.

Why are the buds falling off?

This happens when the earthen coma dries out.

How does the plant overwinter?

This indoor plant hibernates at a temperature of 12-15 degrees, during this period watering is significantly reduced. Experienced flower growers deduced the ideal formula for wintering in a room on the windowsill:

  • warm "legs;
  • thoughtful watering;
  • refreshing shower;
  • bright lighting;
  • rare feed.

And here is the formula for cold wintering, for example, on a glazed loggia:

  • temperature from 8 to 12 degrees;
  • limited watering;
  • fertile soil;
  • time without food.