Abutilon: we grow unpretentious "indoor maple. Pruning and shaping Abutilon How to trim abutilon in autumn

Abutilon or, as it is popularly called, " indoor maple» - unpretentious plant with graceful carved leaves. But, in addition to beautiful leaves, it is famous magnificent flowers various colors and shapes. They can be in the form of lanterns or bells, simple and terry. Undoubtedly, the plant will become an interior decoration, especially since the unpretentious abutilone is quite easy to care for, so even an inexperienced florist can grow it - home care and growing it from seeds are carried out according to the simplest algorithms.

Description of the origin and appearance of abutilone

Abutilon is a perennial plant of the Malvaceae family. The flower's habitat is tropical and subtropical regions of North and South America, and it is also found in the Hawaiian Islands, China, India, Australia and Africa.

Under natural conditions, abutilon is a small shrub or semi-shrub, reaching from one and a half to three meters in height. The plant has expressive carved leaf blades with pronounced veins. The leaves are bright green or emerald green. Variegated forms of the plant are also found, the leaves of which are decorated with bizarre white spots and strokes.

Abutilon flowers are quite large, bell-shaped. They can be both simple and terry. The main color of the buds in wild species is orange. But breeders have bred a huge number of hybrids and varieties with drooping lantern flowers of yellow, pink, red and snow-white. Flowers can be either solitary or arranged in pairs. Flowering indoor maple lasts from early spring to late autumn.

In the people, abutilon is usually called "indoor" maple, since its leaf blades are very similar to carved maple leaves. Wild abutilon is used to make hemp, ropes and burlap, hence the plant got its second name "rope". Another nickname for abutilon is "Chinese lantern".

Abutilon perfectly adapted to life "in captivity". It grows well in greenhouse conditions, and in ordinary apartment. In addition, several dwarf varieties of decorative abutilon have been bred, the size of which is only 40 cm, so they can be grown on the windowsill.

Translated into Russian, "autilon" means "giving shade."

Types and varieties of indoor maple

In total, there are about 200 species belonging to the genus Abutilon. Of these, only a few are grown as a pot crop. On their basis, several excellent hybrids and many varieties have been bred that are perfectly adapted to indoor conditions:

  • Abutilon C hello. This species is most common in Russia. It is often referred to as "grandmother's". The plant has excellent growth. From a small cutting in just a few months, it can grow into a chic bush, 1 m high. Abutilon Sello blooms throughout the year with almost no interruptions.
  • The plant was obtained by breeders as a result of crossing several natural species. The bush is low and well branched. Depending on the variety, the plant can be both compact and quite tall. The color of leaf blades and flowers also depends on the plant variety. The leaves can be not only five-lobed, like a maple, but also have a heart-shaped or ovoid shape. Among the varieties of abutilon hybrid can be identified:
    • Variety Juliet, the seeds of which can most often be found on the shelves flower shops and garden centers. In just a few months, a large bush can be grown from a seed, the hallmark of which is constant flowering;
    • Bella mixed series with pastel colored buds;
    • Large Flowered mixed with bright red, burgundy and crimson flowers;
    • Apfelsin, whose flowers are bright orange;
    • miniature variety Elfenreigen, whose height is only 15–30 cm, and the flowers are painted in pink tone.
  • The plant grows in the Hawaiian Islands, in arid forests at an altitude of about 500 m above sea level. The plant belongs to endangered species, therefore, at present, the unique shrub is under state protection. hallmark abutilon Menzies is that its branches are covered with hairs, and the leaves are heart-shaped. The flowers are colored in different tones from reddish-brown to green.
  • The homeland of the species is Brazil. The leaves are large, dark green in color, velvety to the touch. The flowers have veins of a contrasting color (lighter than the main tone of the bud, or a darker shade).
  • The leaves have an unusual emerald color with yellow strokes. The flowers also have a bright mesh.
  • This species is grown as an horticultural ornamental plant in tropical countries. In our latitude, it can be cultivated only in greenhouse conditions. Abutilon Suntens is not suitable for growing at home, although it looks very impressive. This is a sprawling shrub that grows up to four meters with lilac flowers, the diameter of which is 10 centimeters.
  • The habitat of the species is the humid forests of Brazil. It has an ampelous form, grows well in containers, including hanging baskets and planters. In the summer season, it is preferable to take the flower out into the garden, and with the onset of low temperatures in the fall, bring it into the room. Abutilon megapotamsky blooms profusely, the flowering time lasts from early April to late September.
  • A very showy plant with lavender buds. However, in room conditions it practically does not bloom, therefore, in order to achieve flowering, it must be taken out for the summer period in the garden.

Variety of species abutilons: photo gallery

Abutilon Sello is the most common in Russia Abutilon Suntens is not suitable for growing at home, although it looks very impressive The birthplace of Abutilon Darwin is Brazil The plant was obtained by breeders as a result of crossing several natural species The plant has an ampelous shape, grows well in containers, including tubs and hanging In baskets The plant is an endangered species, so the unique shrub is currently under protection. A very showy plant with lavender buds. The leaves have an unusual emerald color with yellow strokes. The flowers also have a bright mesh

Abutilon hybrid of different varieties in the photo

The Elfenreigen variety is compact, its height is only 15-30 cm, and the flowers are painted in pink tone Abutilon Apfelsin flowers are bright orange in color Large Flowered mixed varieties have bright red, burgundy and crimson flowers Abutilon Bella flowers are painted in pastel colors Abutilon hybrid Juliet is easy to grow from seed.

Temperature conditions, lighting and other conditions necessary for abutilon depending on the season - table

Season Lighting Humidity Content temperature
Spring Summer Abutilon is photophilous, but from bright sunlight it must be shaded. With the onset of warm days, it is best to take the tub with the plant to the balcony or place it in the garden in a semi-shady place. In a room, the ideal option would be a location near an east or west window.Humidity is not critical. In the heat, you can carry out daily spraying with warm water.+22–25°C.
Autumn winter A very bright place is required, as in winter the plant suffers from a lack of sunlight. A south-facing window is perfect. It is also necessary to illuminate abutilon with fluorescent lamps.Spraying is required when the air in the room is too dry. If the temperature is less than +18°C, then the procedure should be completely stopped.+14–16°C.

Agrotechnics for growing abutilon: planting and transplanting

Composing the soil mixture for indoor maple

The substrate for planting abutilon is composed of the following ingredients:

  • turf or garden land (2 parts);
  • coniferous land from the forest or leaf humus (1 part);
  • fine charcoal (0.5 parts);
  • vermiculite (0.5 parts);
  • coconut substrate (1 part).

Soak the coco-soil briquette in advance in settled water. Combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous crumbly mass is obtained. The result should be a light substrate.

Also, for planting abutilon, you can use a ready-made soil mixture for pelargoniums or begonias, or plant an “indoor maple” in a universal substrate for flowering plants. indoor plants.

Which flower pot to choose

Abutilon very quickly increases the vegetative mass. Seedlings need to be transplanted several times a season. They are transferred to plastic pots 1-2 cm more than the previous one. From the second year of life, the plant needs two transplants per year (in spring and autumn), which will require a deep and fairly wide pot 2–4 cm larger than the previous one. But keep in mind that its volume should not be much larger than the root system of abutilon. The flower blooms well only when the roots tightly braid the soil. The container must be tight.

For adult plants, a large tub or garden pot. Replanting them is quite problematic, so old specimens are not subjected to this procedure, but only changed upper layer substrate in a container.

Plant transplant stages

Autumn transplantation of abutilon is recommended by the transshipment method. To do this, you need to remove the plant from the old container and transplant it into a new flowerpot, without shaking off the soil from the roots and straightening them. The rest of the transshipment proceed as follows. A layer of drainage should be poured at the bottom, then put a plant with an earthen clod and fill the voids with fresh nutrient substrate.

The nuances of caring for abutilone at home

Watering and fertilizing - how and with what to fertilize a flower depending on the season?

During the period of active vegetation and flowering, indoor maple requires fairly abundant watering. With insufficient moisture, the plant will begin to drop flowers. With a cool winter, watering should be reduced to 1-2 times a month, but if the plant spends the winter in warm room, then you need to water the flower as the top layer dries in the container.

Abutilon blooms continuously for a long time, so it needs a large amount nutrients which he receives from the soil. With a lack of nutrients, indoor maple leaves and flowers become smaller and chlorosis begins. To prevent this from happening, and the plant grows healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to regularly fertilize abutilon with a complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. Excellent results give drugs Kemira lux and Pokon. They must be bred according to the recommendations given by the manufacturer, and water the plant every two weeks.

Abutilon flowering period

Abutilon begins to bloom in April and this period ends only in September, while there are hybrids that bloom almost non-stop all year round. However, both of them need to be given a little rest so that the plants gain strength and lay a large number of flower buds.

To do this, in late September-early October, the plant needs to be cut, cutting off all the branches. Then it must be placed in a cool, but bright place, and reduce the amount of watering. After such stress, the flower will bloom profusely and for a long time.

It is quite possible to achieve flowering of abutilon by a certain date. To do this, two months before the scheduled date, select actively growing specimens and prune, removing 2–3 internodes.

After pruning, wait about two weeks for the abutilon to start growing, and start feeding, first reducing the recommended dose by three times and gradually bringing it up to the indicators indicated in the instructions. It is very important during this period to ensure good lighting for a plant. To do this, it can be illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

After six weeks, buds should appear on the tops of young shoots. As soon as they appear, enter potash fertilizer. During this period, the flower needs regular watering; if the substrate is too dry, abutilon will drop all the buds. To prolong flowering, cut off faded flowers.

Abutilon does not have a clearly defined dormant period. It suits both cold and warm wintering. But with a cool content of abutilon in winter, care for it is minimized, moreover, a rested plant will bloom much more abundantly.

For a cool wintering, you can take abutilon to a glazed loggia or veranda, where the temperature does not drop below +14°C. During this period, completely stop feeding and reduce the number and volume of watering.

Often in apartments it is impossible to create conditions for a cool wintering of abutilon. However, the plant can have a great winter without a dormant period with a warm wintering of abutilon. In room optimal temperature for winter maintenance will be +18–22°C with additional lighting. Illumination can be arranged using fluorescent lamps. If the plant is standing on the windowsill, then so that the roots do not get supercooled and do not rot as a result of this, it is necessary to place the container with abutilon on any heat-insulating stand. It can be a piece of foam or a knitted napkin.

Top dressing during this period should be stopped, but if signs of a lack of nutrients appear, foliar top dressing can be carried out by spraying the leaves and shoots with a fertilizer solution.

Pruning and crown shaping

Abutilon can be given absolutely any look. It is grown as a wide or tall bush, as well as in the form of a standard tree.

To form a wide bush, start growing the plant in one trunk. When it reaches a height of 20-30 cm, cut it in half. After such a cardinal pruning, indoor maple will give 4–5 side shoots at a distance of 2–3 cm from the soil surface. Cut each of them when they grow to 20 cm. It will take about 6-8 months to form a wide bush.

You can create a tall bush much faster. Start also growing a flower in one trunk, then cut it into a third. Thus, side shoots will begin to grow at the top of the trunk. Then pinch off the ends of the branches. The plant can be periodically cut, giving it a neat shape.

To grow stem tree, in the first year, grow the plant in one trunk, allowing it to get stronger and become thicker. Then remove all side branches and pinch off the crown. As it grows, completely cut out the side branches and shorten the top ones a little, giving them the shape of a “cap”.

Abutilon pruning - video

Consequences of improper care for abutilone: ​​problems and solutions - table

Problem Probable Cause How to fix the situation
Falling leaves and budsDraft, a sharp temperature drop, waterlogging or overdrying of the substrate
  • Plant the plant in a fresh potting mix.
  • Adjust the volume and number of waterings, being careful not to overmoisten the soil and prevent it from drying out.
  • Move the abutilon to a bright place or start lighting with fluorescent lamps.
  • Do not allow the plant to stand in a draft.
The tips of the leaf blades become dry, turn brownToo dry indoor air or lack of watering
  • Water the flower regularly after the top layer of the substrate has dried.
  • In a room with dry air, periodically spray the plant.
Leaves witherLack of watering
  • Pour the flower with soft water.
  • Carry out the procedure regularly after the top layer of earth in the pot has dried.
Leaf blades turn yellow and fall offThe plant is too hotMove to a cooler place.
Leaves turn yellow and covered with yellowish spotsChlorosis due to insufficient amounts of nutrients in the soilFeed the plant with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers, following the instructions.
The edges of the leaf blades are twisted, the tops of the shoots dry outToo bright lightShade the plant with a curtain or move it to another place, in an apartment it is preferable to put it on a windowsill or near windows of western or eastern orientation, and in summer it should be placed in a semi-shady place in the garden or on the balcony.

Methods for the treatment and prevention of plants from diseases and pests

Diseases and pests signs Reason for the appearance Treatment and prevention measures
Chlorosis Yellow stains on the leaves.Abutilon lacks ironTransplant the "indoor maple" into a fresh substrate. When watering, use only soft settled water, because the soil is saline due to hard water, and an excess of calcium salts, in turn, prevents iron from being absorbed. Feed the plant regularly.
root rot Leaves and shoots begin to turn black. Mold appears on the root collar.Waterlogging of the substrateA diseased flower should be removed. As a preventative measure, water Abutilon correctly. Watering should be moderate. Between procedures, the top layer of soil should dry out.
Mealybug White lumps appear on the leaves, similar to cotton wool.Excessive dampnessWipe the leaves and branches with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution. Treat the plant with Aktara (according to instructions).
Red spider mite Leaf blades turn yellow and fall off.Too dry airIncrease the humidity by spraying or place a plate of wet pebbles or sphagnum moss next to the plant. In case of severe infection, treat abutilon with insecticidal soap or Decis preparation (according to instructions).
Shchitovka Brown tubercles and sticky discharge appear on the leaf blades. Leaves become paler in color.Insufficient humidity in the roomYou can get rid of the scab with machining leaves and shoots of the plant. Scrape the bumps with a cotton swab and wash all parts of the plant with a swab dipped in a soapy or alcohol solution. Processing can be repeated if necessary. As a preventative measure, support optimal humidity in room.
whitefly Greenish larvae cover the underside of the leaves. Severely affected leaf blades turn yellow and fall off. When touched, the plant rises a swarm of insects.over wateringTreat abutilon with Actellik or Decis (according to instructions). Reduce watering and apply fertilizer.

Abutilon breeding methods

Indoor maple is easy to propagate. For this, 2 methods are used: cuttings and seeds.

Reproduction by cuttings

  1. In spring and autumn, when pruning indoor maple, a large amount of planting material is obtained, from which new plants can be quickly grown.
  2. For cuttings, use the top parts of the plant about 12 cm long. Cut them sharp knife and cut off excess leaves, leaving four on each cutting. All leaf blades should be shortened by half.
  3. Hold the stalk in a solution of root formation stimulants Heteroauxin, Zircon or Kornevin.
  4. Prepare the substrate for rooting the cuttings. Put it in plastic cups and moisten.
  5. Poke holes with a stick. Place the cutting in the resulting hole, fill it with earth and press it on all sides so that it is fixed in the ground.
  6. Create cuttings greenhouse conditions. Cover the cups with cuttings with a plastic bag or glass container, for example, a bank. This technique will help maintain moisture in both the substrate and the air.
  7. Ventilate the greenhouse daily, making sure that drops of condensate do not drip onto the cuttings.
  8. After two weeks, roots will appear in the cuttings of abutilon. After that, they can be transplanted to permanent place in small pots with a diameter of 7-8 cm.

The plant develops very quickly, so several transplants will be needed per season.

From seeds to flowering: the seed method of propagation of abutilon

The seed method of propagating abutilon is quite simple, so it is often used by both lovers of indoor floriculture and professionals to obtain a sufficient number of plants.

It is best to start planting abutilon seeds in late winter or early spring. The steps of the procedure are:

  1. Soak the seeds for sowing in a solution of Epin with a small addition of Fitosporin. You can also file the shell (scarify the seed material).
  2. Prepare a shallow container with holes. Pour light and loose soil into it. Moisturize it.
  3. Lay the seeds on the surface of the substrate at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Cover them lightly with soil.
  4. Cover the plantings with a plastic bag or glass lid and place in a warm place.
  5. Periodically moisten the plantings by spraying them with a spray bottle. Ventilate the greenhouse daily and wipe off the accumulated condensate.
  6. After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots should appear. After 6 weeks, dive the plantings, seating the seedlings in separate pots.
  7. After another month and a half, young specimens can be transplanted to a permanent place.
  8. Three months after planting the seeds, young plants are ready to bloom.

During the entire growing season of Abutilon, we resort to pruning for:

- thinning of an excessively dense crown of compact hybrids for better illumination of all branches;

- shortening of elongated branches, usually drooping under the weight of leaves and flowers;

- removal of dry and weak branches - sanitary pruning of the crown;

- cardinal pruning of Abutilon in order to rejuvenate the crown or for the convenience of placing plants;

- the formation of a crown in order to achieve a certain decorative effect.

Since Abutilon lays buds on young shoots, main task becomes the formation of a compact moderately sparse crown with pruning. This operation should be carried out no earlier than the end of February-beginning of March. At this time, solar activity increases and the plant is actively starting to grow.

When pruning and shaping the crown, one should take into account Abutilon's own growth pattern. Each hybrid has its own.

The crown of some plants, indeed, has to be thinned out. For example, Abutilon Bella Deep Coral independently forms a compact bush with numerous shoots, densely overgrown with side branches. In order to allow the flowers to open freely and not crowd each other, you have to thin out the bush. It is important that each branch is not deprived of the attention of the sun, otherwise it becomes weak and full flowering cannot be expected from it.

Pruning in order to shorten the upper and (or) side shoots is carried out throughout the growing season, as a rule, in medium-sized and tall plants that have an undulating flowering period. Thus, we form a crown, set the branches in the desired direction and size, stimulate lateral branching, which means we contribute to further abundant flowering.

Sanitary pruning is carried out as necessary when it is necessary to get rid of a broken shoot, cut off the bare part of a branch, etc.

If you do not plan to plant an overgrown plant in a larger volume, then trimming 1/3 of the root system and crown will solve this problem.

autumn cardinal(removal of more than 50% of the crown volume) pruning is carried out in order to rejuvenate the crown and make it easier to place plants in a limited area in winter period. Only strong plants with a healthy root system can withstand such an execution. And, of course, you need to understand that with the removal of the main branches, the entire usual Abutilon schedule changes. Watering should be reduced, and lighting should be increased if possible (which is difficult to achieve without artificial lighting during the autumn season).

During normal wintering without additional illumination with lamps, Abutilon is either not cut off at all, or all formative pruning should be done no later than mid-August, so that the plant leaves to winter with leaves. (Photo 1. Abutilon overgrown after cardinal pruning)

Photo 1

Simply put, the rules for pruning or shaping at the end of the season will depend on the conditions under which the plant will overwinter.

Miniature hybrids and newly rooted young cuttings before winter are better not to cut!

For beginners and all doubters, I would advise not to carry out a cardinal autumn pruning of Abutilon, but to wait until the end of February - the beginning of March, when the plant, with increasing solar activity starts to grow, and prune the elongated shoots at this time of the year.

If the plant did not survive the winter well, there is a stunted appearance, pruning can aggravate the situation. It will be more expedient to cut off the cutting of the best quality and try to grow the plant again. And, of course, try to restore the mother liquor.

As for the decorative formation, Abutilon is a very flexible plant that allows you to create anything with your crown. Sometimes you can see the amazing results of creation: Abutilon in the form of a standard tree or weaving trunks in the form of braids different varieties; formation of a crown in the form of pyramids or columns.

In general, if you came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a radically trendy plant haircut - get Abutilon!

Flower growers all over the world have long loved the abutilon plant, caring for it is simple, the flower feels great at home. Let's learn more about what kind of plant it is.

Abutilon flower is a perennial from the Malvaceae family. It is better known as indoor maple, a less familiar name is rope. The plant is valued for its beautiful diverse inflorescences and unusual foliage - its leaf resembles a maple. AT natural conditions this flower grows in tropical and subtropical countries, it can be either a small tree, shrub or herbaceous culture. About 200 varieties of the plant have been identified; on the basis of such a rich species difference, various indoor varieties have been created.

At home, the rope walker shows his best qualities: unpretentiousness, bright long flowering, fast growth, light and landing. Hybrids are most often grown in apartments, they are compact, have a more varied color.

AT indoor floriculture modern hybrid forms are common. The most famous include the following:

    • Sello (Abutilon sellowianum), in apartments it grows up to 2 meters, it is distinguished by pubescent branches and long flowering, the color of the flowers is lilac-pink;
    • abutilon hybrid (Abutilon hybridum) or striped - a bush plant that has many varieties, height from 30 cm to 1.5 meters. Flowers can have different colors - from snow-white to maroon, the most famous is abutilon bella, the fastest growing is abutilon juliet;
    • Darwin's abutilon (Abutilon darwinii), uncommon, but very ornamental variety. Shoots reach 1 meter, has beautiful large rich orange flowers, on which reddish veins are clearly visible. Unusual are the leaves of this plant with different amount lobes (closer to the base - 7, and at the ends of the branches the leaves have only 3 lobes), it is distinguished by an early onset of flowering;

    • megapotamsky (Abutilon megapotamicum), notable for strongly drooping branches, yellowish flowers, when favorable conditions are created, it blooms almost continuously. The second name of this variety is Amazonian abutilon;

    • vine-leaved (Abutilon vitifolium), a shrub up to 2.5 meters tall with beautiful velvet leaves, lilac-blue flowers, the peak of decoration and flowering is May;

    • striped (Abutilon striatum), variegated form with very soft shoots, has single golden flowers with a red whisk;

  • Abutilon Suntense (Abutilon suntense), reaches 4 meters in height, flowers are very large (up to 10 cm), ideal for winter gardens and greenhouses.

Little-known plant varieties include abutilon Variegata (this is an ampelous form) and Marmoratum - a variegated species, used both as an ampelous and as a ground cover plant.

The most common type is hybrid abutilon, it has many varieties. The most compact form is abutilon bella, it does not grow above half a meter. This variety requires little to no pruning and can vary in color depending on the variety, from light cream to bright red. The shape of the glossy flowers is also not quite common, it looks more like a crinoline skirt than a bell. Abutilon bella has become very widespread as it is a miniature "home maple" and is ideal for indoor pots and flowerpots.

Features of abutilon care at home

Growing and caring for these flowers at home is not difficult, but certain rules must be followed. Attention should be paid to such conditions.


Home maple abutilon - photophilous plant However, it requires protection from direct sunlight. It is best to "settle" it on the western or eastern windows and away from drafts. A sufficient level of illumination directly affects the compactness and splendor of the crown of the plant. Indeed, in the shade, the branches stretch and the foliage thins, which creates additional difficulties in the formation of a flower.

The plant can be moved to the garden or balcony, or even planted in open ground. In this case, the flower will need a shaded area, and then it will quickly grow in the fresh air.

Watering regime and humidity

In the warm spring-summer period, abutilon needs frequent watering, but he does not like waterlogging, so excess moisture from the pan must be drained. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, but the earthen coma is not allowed to dry out. You need to water with warm and settled water.

Attention! Waterlogging indoor maple leads to the loss of flowers and unblown buds.

Air humidity does not have a significant effect on plants, but you should periodically arrange a “bath” day for it. This refreshes the flower and washes away dust from it.

Content temperature

The plant is quite satisfied with the usual temperature regime (+ 18–23 degrees). Do not forget that the rope walker does not like drafts.

Important! In winter, the temperature should not be below 12 degrees, otherwise the home maple will lose its foliage and may die.

Reduced and sub-zero temperatures not the only danger of abutilone. When the air temperature reaches 30 ° C, the plant may not open its buds, or even drop them. High temperatures can be combated by spraying the aerial part of the flower.

Soil substrate and top dressing

Home maple abutilon is planted in a universal soil mixture, with a neutral reaction. If the soil is prepared independently, then it usually consists of peat chips, sand and leafy soil in equal proportions. The mixture should be light and breathable.

In the care of abutilon, top dressing is very important (especially in spring and summer), since home maple grows very quickly and blooms actively. Top dressing in the warm season is carried out weekly - at least 1 time in 10 days. You can use both natural and.

During the period of growth of green mass, complex fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used. And during the appearance of buds and mass flowering, drugs with an increased percentage of potassium and phosphorus are used. Subject to the rules of feeding, abutilon blooms much more abundantly and more magnificently. Abutilon is unpretentious, home care is minimal compared to other colors.

plant pruning

Like a fast growing flower, home maple requires regular pruning. Otherwise, it loses its shape and practically stops blooming. After pruning, the abutilon flower is fed with fertilizers.

In the spring, when active growth has not yet begun, the shoots must be cut off by one third. The flower tolerates pruning well, quickly restores decorativeness. Pruning abutilon significantly increases the number of buds, lengthens the flowering time. In summer, weak, broken, extra branches can be removed from abutilon, thus avoiding thickening. In autumn, faded shoots are necessarily cut off and a crown is formed. In March, before the appearance of buds, it is adjusted again.

On a note! If the plant was grown in the garden in summer, then the overgrown root system must also be cut off so that in winter the bush can be planted again in a pot.

Pruning the plant awakens additional buds, promotes the formation of side branches. It is on them that the buds are formed. Careful formation of the crown is the key to abundant flowering.

Transplant and reproduction

Abutilon needs a transplant, it is best done in the spring. For young plants, pots are changed annually, and for adults, once every 2-3 years.

The need for a transplant is determined by an earthen coma. If it is all densely entangled with roots, then the time has come. The very rapid absorption of moisture during watering and the covering of the earth with the roots of the plant is an additional signal that a transplant is necessary.

No need to transplant a flower into a pot much larger than the previous one. This is due to the peculiarity of the hybrid abutilon - during the active growth of the root mass, flowering is either absent or very scarce. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine the volume of the new pot, it should be 8-10 cm larger than the previous one.

Reproduction by cuttings

A beautiful flower on its own easily and vegetatively.

Cuttings are the most versatile and fastest way to obtain new plants. For propagation, you can use both spring green cuttings and autumn half-lignified.

The breeding process is divided into the following main stages:

  • from healthy shoots, cut cuttings with a length of 10-14 cm;
  • remove leaves and buds from the bottom of the plant;
  • place the cuttings in the soil prepared in advance (the composition of the soil includes peat and sand in proportions of 1: 1);
  • create greenhouse conditions, cover the seedlings with a film, a jar, etc.

New seedlings should be periodically aired and sprayed. The rooting process usually takes no more than a month.

Propagation by seed

Abutilon hybrid reproduces very well by seeds; for this, planting material collected by oneself is best suited. It is necessary to select the largest ones, and use them for sowing. Kannik seeds quickly lose their germination, no need to store them for years.

The best time for sowing is early spring. Place the selected seeds in a damp cloth soaked in a growth stimulator for at least 12 hours or until the sprouts hatch. Seedlings are placed in light soil, deepening them by 0.5 cm. The minimum distance between future plants is 2-3 cm. To preserve moisture, the container is covered with polyethylene.

Landings are periodically ventilated and moistened. It is important to monitor the temperature, it should not fall below 19-20 degrees.

Attention! Seed propagation is impossible for variegated forms; young plants with this method do not retain signs of the mother flower.

Sprouts appear within a few weeks, with the advent of 2-4 true leaves, the plants dive to a permanent place of residence. Pots are placed in a well-lit place. To accelerate development in a month, seedlings begin to feed. Flowering of plants grown from seeds begins in 4-6 months.

Problems in cultivation and care

Abutilon home care requires minimal but gross mistakes grower can lead to abutilon diseases. When growing, the following problems may arise:

  1. Dropping foliage and even buds. The cause of this phenomenon may be a violation of either temperature regime(significant difference), or irrigation rules (lack of moisture or, conversely, fluid stagnation), or this indicates the presence of drafts.
  2. The blanching of the foliage and the stretching of the shoots indicates insufficient illumination. The plant must either be rearranged to another place, or the level of lighting must be increased.
  3. Drying tips of the leaves signal a lack of moisture in the air. AT warm time years, abutilon can be sprayed with water (in this case, it is advisable not to fall on the inflorescences), and in the cool period, a container with water is placed next to the plant.
  4. With a lack of nutrition in plants, leaves fall from below. In this case, it is urgent to carry out top dressing, it allows you to quickly return the decorative effect to the flowers.
  5. Yellowing of foliage is most often associated with the presence of pests (aphids, thrips, whiteflies, etc.). When affected by pests, the plant is washed with warm water and treated with insecticides.

Due to its rich flowering, decorative foliage and unpretentiousness, the abutilon plant is popular in many countries of the world. Subject to simple rules, the flower pleases its owners for a long time and creates a cozy homely atmosphere.

How is the crown of abutilon formed? Is it possible to prune abutilon to create a stem tree? Pruning the dominant shoot of any plant stimulates branching of the latter. Abutilon is no exception. However, after pruning, whether a standard tree or a picturesque bush will turn out depends more on the variety or type of abutilon. To a lesser extent from the skill of the grower. Although this also plays an important role. So, pruning and shaping the crown of abutilon. How to do? Examples. Recommendations.

When is pruning, pinching and shaping the crown of abutilone? How younger plant the more easily it tolerates stress. And pruning side shoots or pinching the top is always stressful. That is why experts recommend pruning or pinching young plants. The first pruning is carried out even in abutilons, whose age has not reached a year. However, this rule does not prohibit the formation of a crown in mature plants. It all depends on the ultimate goal pursued by the grower. So, if abutilon will be further located on the windowsill, then pruning and crown formation cannot be postponed for a long time. In this case, the crown begins to form already half a year after seed germination.

If abutilon decorates the room, located on the floor, then small tree will be lost against the general background, and therefore the formation of the crown should take place in an already grown plant. Optimal time- the second year of life. However, here you still need to pay attention to the specific features of the flower. So, varieties Bella, Abutilon darwini are undersized plants, while Abutilon x hybridus reach a height of up to 2 meters. The latter are more suitable in this situation.

At what time of the year do abutilon crown formation begin? It is preferable to do this in the spring. Everyone understands that in the spring the duration of daylight hours and intensity solar radiation which stimulates plant growth. However, if there is artificial lighting, then pruning no longer depends on the time of year. It is carried out as needed. But still in the spring - it is preferable.

What varieties are better to use for the formation of a stem tree? For the formation of a stem tree are best suited undersized varieties abutilone such as Bella, Abutilon darwini. They are more willing to branch and their growth is easier to control. Abutilon hybrid grows very quickly, its internodes are far from each other. It is bad for branching and bushing. Therefore, it is difficult to get a standard tree from it. Here, rather, everything will turn out to be a picturesque bush.

Is it possible to transplant abutilon and trim its crown at the same time? Of course, this cannot be done. There is every chance of losing the plant. During transplantation, the root system of the plant is under stress. After transplantation, it does not immediately return to normal. If, during the transplantation, the side branches are also cut off, the plant may not survive after this. By removing leaves and branches, we reduce the area of ​​green mass through which the plant evaporates moisture and breathes, not to mention photosynthesis.

Even after a careful transshipment, you should not immediately begin to form the crown of abutilone. It is necessary to give the flower time to develop the earthen clod given to it by the roots. There are no specific deadlines. A sign that the root system has restored its performance is that the plant begins to grow leaves. After that, you can safely proceed to pruning.

Pruning and shaping the crown of abutilon hybrid

What difficulties will you encounter when pruning and shaping the crown of abutilon hybrid? Firstly, this is the reluctance to bush this type of abutilons. After pruning, in most cases, only one dormant bud will wake up from which one replacement shoot develops. Secondly, the intensive growth of the plant itself. Hybrid abutilone grows very fast. Pruning should be done frequently. Plus, a large distance in the internodes.

So on own experience made sure that hybrid abutilones grow very quickly. Even minimal top dressing (1 time per month during intensive growth) and the absence of a transplant did not affect the growth rate of this flower in any way. So, approximately in a pot, with a volume of 0.5 liters, my abutilons grew to a height of 1 meter. At the same time, they bloomed intensively all summer and no hint of branching.

Flowering is, of course, good, but meter-long "sticks" with leaves, which at that time were my abutilons, will not decorate the interior of the room in any way. I have always dreamed of beautiful trees, or at least fluffy bushes. That's why the pruning was necessary. Pruning was carried out at the end of June.

Given the characteristics of the variety of this plant, pruning was radical. Namely: the plant was cut off completely. Only a cutting, 10-15 cm high, remained in the soil. The tops of abutilons were also cut into cuttings of 10-15 cm for subsequent rooting.

How to care for abutilone hybrid after pruning?

What kind of care does abutilon hybrid need after pruning? First, shading until dormant buds wake up and leaves appear on the handle. Secondly, before the appearance of young foliage, the main thing is not to overmoisten the flower. Water only after the soil is completely dry. Next up are the feeds. I fed my abutilons with every watering. At the same time, half the concentration of fertilizers recommended on the package was taken.

Transplantation was carried out only after the leaf mass had grown on the handle. If the previous pot in which the flower was located was 0.5 liters, then the next pot already had a volume of 1 liter. I was not afraid to increase the size of the pot so radically, since the transplant was already carried out in July - a period of intensive growth of all plants.

Important!!! After pruning abutilon, existing leaves, especially at the bottom of the handle, turn yellow and fall off over time. This is a natural process and there is no need to be afraid for the plant.

Abutilone hybrid pruning results

The photo below shows an example of trimming abutilone hybrid and the subsequent result. The photo was taken at intervals of a month.

As you can see in the photo, abutilon hybrid after pruning begins to intensively build up twigs and leaf mass. During this period, the plant needs light, regular watering and feeds. For top dressing, it is better to use a fertilizer with a high percentage of potassium and phosphorus and a lower percentage of nitrogen. You can use fertilizer for flowering houseplants, but I prefer fertilizer for violets. The content of trace elements in the fertilizer is mandatory.

The optimal level of illumination will be on windows with east or west side at home. I have all the flowers in the summer are located on the balcony on the west side of the house. In low light, abutilon does not bloom.

So, after pruning and the beginning of the formation of the crown of abutilon, two months have passed. As expected, the miracle did not happen. Despite intensive branching immediately after pruning, over time, two dominant branches appeared on the stem, and all the rest stopped growing. The photo below shows an example.

A lush bush from abutilon hybrid did not work out. Although I once again subjected it to pruning. It arrived at the end of August. I pinched off the tops of the two dominant branches. By that time they were already about half a meter in height. As a result, only one upper bud on both branches woke up.

Conclusion!!! The formation of the crown of abutilon, of course, is also influenced by timely pinching and pruning. But the decisive role here is still given to specific features. Abutilon hybrid will never make a fluffy bush, only a tall tree. If you want to get a standard tree, then you should pay attention to the varieties Bella, Abutilon darwini.

For the amazing similarity of abutilon leaves with maple, the plant was called "home maple". But this is not the only name of the Brazilian handsome man. The stems of some species are used for the production of strong fibers from which ropes are made. Therefore, among the people, a unique plant is often called "rope".

Culture features

Abutilon is a grower's dream plant. It combines ease of care, fast growth and beautiful long flowering. In its homeland, in Brazil, Hawaii, China or India, abutilon can reach 2-3 m. In the European climate, the rope rope is grown as a pot crop, since harsh winters are detrimental to it. He does not reach such a high growth.

Home maple is represented by many species and varieties that differ in the shape of the leaves and the color of the inflorescences. Abutilons can have double flowers or simple ones. And their color can vary from white to cream, from yellow to deep orange, from pink to purple, from lavender to purple.

As the reviews show, abutilon, even with a minimum of care, is growing very quickly. It is able to turn from a cutting into a compact tree or bush in six months.

decorative types

Approximately 200 species of plants belong to the genus of ropes. But most of them cannot boast of decorative effect. Therefore, only a few representatives of the abutilons listed in the table are found in indoor floriculture.

Table - Types of abutilons and their characteristics

NamePlant height, mLeavesflowersflowering time
vine-leaved1,5 – 2,5 - Large, velvety;
- consist of 3-5 blades;
- sheet length - 15 cm;
- leaf edge with sharp teeth
- Inflorescence of 3-4 flowers-bells;
- located on elongated pedicels;
- petals lilac, blue with dark veins
Darwin1 - Upper leaves are three-lobed;
- the lower ones consist of 5-7 blades;
- leaf length can reach 20 cm
- In deciduous axils, 2-3 flowers are formed;
- bright orange color of inflorescences complemented by red streaks
Spotted (painted, striped)1,5 – 2 - Branches slightly woody;
- heart-shaped leaf;
- has 3-6 blades;
- the edges are pointed;
- white blotches along the edges give decorativeness
- Bells on long petioles;
- golden inflorescences with red streaks;
- can be terry or simple
Hybrid (obtained by crossing abutilon Darwin and motley)1,5 - Maple-shaped leaves, soft-pubescent;
- petioles about 12 cm
- Inflorescences resemble a bell (5 cm long);
- color burgundy, red, white, golden, yellow
All year round
Bella0,4 – 0,6 - Leaf elongated, ovoid- The flower is formed by 5 petals;
- the bell is wide open;
- color apricot, pink, red, orange

Abutilon: care and needs

Even a novice florist can grow home maple. A native of Brazil has an accommodating disposition and does not require special conditions. At the same time, he is able to bloom year-round, if you know about some points. What nuances need to be taken into account and how to care for abutilon in order to enjoy beautiful flowering all year round?


The cable carter is a great lover of light. He needs lighting all year round. Only under such conditions can it develop. If the Brazilian feels a lack of light, then he most often does not bloom. To ensure the necessary illumination of abutilon, use these recommendations.

  • Location choice. Position the plant near light sources. It can be placed even on the southern windows. Abutilon is able to withstand direct sunlight, but only in small quantities. Therefore, in summer, in extreme heat, indoor maple is desirable to shade.
  • winter lighting. In winter, the handsome abutilon in European conditions not enough daylight. If you want to achieve constant flowering, provide it with a backlight.
  • Fresh air . In summer, homemade maple can be taken out to the terrace or balcony. Abutilon will gladly accept fresh warm air. But it should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Home maple does not tolerate drafts at all, so choose a “quiet” place for your green pet. Rain, slight wind and sudden changes in lighting can destroy the plant.


The cable car develops better in cool conditions. Therefore, the plant is most often grown on a glazed balcony or in a winter garden. Some botanists claim that abutilon is able to withstand a short-term drop in temperature to 0 ° C. But it is better not to create such shock conditions. The following conditions are suitable for indoor maple:

  • in summer - abutilon can easily withstand temperatures of +20 ° С ... +25 ° С;
  • in winter - a significant decrease to +12 °С ... +15 °С is required.

The cable carter does not tolerate sudden changes temperature. Therefore, to winter regime it needs to be taught gradually.


Abutilon is a big fan of water. Provide him with sufficient watering, and the handsome ropeman will delight with his flowering all year round. But excess moisture, as well as deficiency, can destroy the plant. Abutilon will "like" such conditions.

  • Watering. In summer, the plant is watered abundantly, but not flooded. The soil should always be slightly damp. In winter, if the plant does not bloom, a slight drying of the soil is acceptable.
  • spraying . Bathing is not considered mandatory. Indoor maple is able to completely do without spraying. But a plant that receives regular irrigation grows healthier and stronger. Abutilon especially needs to be sprayed in winter, when the air is overdried by heating appliances.

If the rays of the sun fall on the plant, then spraying is best done in the evening. Otherwise, water droplets heated by the sun can cause severe burns.

top dressing

Abutilon grows very quickly and spends a lot of energy on its active development. Therefore, he needs to be fed. Although it can do without additional power. Flower growers give two pieces of advice.

  1. Feeding frequency. Fertilizers begin to be applied in the spring and continue until late autumn. This procedure is repeated every 14-15 days.
  2. The right fertilizer. Abutilon is suitable for mineral fertilizers intended for flowering crops. For example, "Pocon", "Agricola", "Emerald", "Rainbow", "Master". Before flowering, it is recommended to pamper your green pet with organic top dressing - diluted bird droppings.

In winter, top dressing is stopped if the indoor maple has a dormant period. Actively flowering plant do not stop fertilizing.


Abutilon needs regular transplants. This procedure starts in early spring, in the first days of March. Experts advise transplanting indoor maple before new leaves appear. Proper transplantation consists of the following six steps.

  1. Pot preparation. In order for the culture to develop and grow, it is necessary to take a more capacious flowerpot. It is enough that the diameter of the pot is 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.
  2. Soil preparation. The Brazilian guest needs nutritious soil enriched with humus. To prepare the soil, you need to mix leaf ground, turf, peat, sand and humus. All components are combined in equal proportions. If you don’t want to prepare the soil yourself, then stock up on universal soil for your pet.
  3. Plant preparation. Carefully remove the abutilone from the old pot. If possible, shake off the soil, but do not damage the root system.
  4. drainage system. AT new pot put small pieces of foam, pebbles or expanded clay on the bottom.
  5. Planting a plant. Plant the plant very carefully and carefully straighten the roots. This will allow abutilon to take root much faster and easier in a new pot. Water the plant generously.
  6. Aftercare. The question always arises: how to care for abutilon (indoor maple) after transplantation? Florists claim that there are no peculiarities in caring for a transplanted plant. Provide him with lighting, watering and periodic feeding.

Remember one feature of indoor maple. If you take too big pot, then flowering will not occur, since abutilon will throw all his strength into root growth. An amazing plant will please you with inflorescences only if the whole clod of earth is braided with roots.


Indoor maple grows very quickly and can turn into a tree in a year. To provide him with a beautiful appearance and form a crown, flower growers advise pruning. This procedure is carried out twice a year, in spring, before the start of the growing season, and in autumn, before "hibernation". Trimming abutilon (indoor maple) is recommended as follows.

  • Autumn pruning. When the plant is preparing for a dormant period, around November, it is necessary to prune all the branches, forming a beautiful crown. If this is not done, then your pet will fill most of the room very quickly.
  • spring pruning. During the winter, some branches can stretch out strongly and stand out from the general crown. To return the Brazilian to compactness, it is recommended to cut such shoots.
  • crown formation. In the spring, it is necessary not only to cut long shoots, but also to pinch abutilon correctly. This is the only way to form a beautiful crown. Mark the size of the plant you would like to get, and carefully cut off everything that turned out to be higher. Undercut side branches, forming a stem tree. And if you want to enjoy the bush, then the side shoots should not be removed.

Reproduction methods

The process of propagation of abutilon is simple. To grow a new plant, flower growers root cuttings or plant seeds. The choice of method depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the characteristics of the Brazilian. Experts say that indoor maple, which has green foliage, can be propagated in any way. And variegated varieties are able to take root only by cuttings.


If you decide to practice growing abutilone from seeds at home, then planting material can be purchased at a flower shop. If you already have an indoor maple, then it is better to wait until the flowering ends and fruits that look like boxes appear. The seeds are carefully removed from them. Mature planting material turns black. Seeds must be "aged" in dark place one month. After that, they can be planted. The seed propagation procedure includes the following points.

  • Seed preparation. Seeds are wrapped in a paper towel and moistened with water. To improve germination, you can add a growth stimulator. Suitable "Fitosporin".
  • Germination features. Soaking continues for at least 12 hours. You can leave the seeds until long roots and green cotyledons appear. The better the seeds germinate, the more effectively they will take root.
  • Planting seeds. Future trees are planted in well-moistened soil in the same mixture as for an adult crop, to a depth of 5-6 mm.
  • pet care. The container is covered with glass or film. The soil is regularly ventilated and moistened, preventing drying. Pets need to provide + 20 ° C and sufficient lighting. To improve the germination of abutilons, it is recommended to water them with Energen's solution. On the 14-25th day, you can admire the first shoots.
  • Shooting dive. When three leaves appear on the plants, they can be dived, transplanted into separate pots. When transplanting, pay attention to the root. If it has a small number of lateral branches, then it is necessary to pinch off half of the main rod to ensure proper development.
  • Preparing for "adulthood". Young plants are again covered with a film. But from time to time it is removed, gradually accustoming abutilons to fresh air.


It is much easier to propagate this Brazilian by cuttings. planting material remains after pruning and crown formation. From such shoots, it is necessary to choose strong branches, which will later give healthy plants. The procedure for propagating abutilon by cuttings is quite simple.

  • Preparation of cuttings. To prevent rotting of future plants, all the lower leaves of the selected branches are removed. It is recommended to cut off the tops with flowers or buds, so as not to subject the cuttings to additional exhaustion. It is enough to leave three or four internodes.
  • Root formation. Prepared cuttings are lowered into a jar of water. After some time, roots will appear on the shoots. To speed up this process, you can pour a growth accelerator into the water and cover the cuttings with a film, providing them with a greenhouse effect.
  • planting. When the root system is formed, the cuttings are planted in the ground. The planting process is exactly the same as transplanting an adult plant.

Pests and possible diseases

Table - Problems of abutilone and its treatment

What's happeningWhat is the reasonRecommended treatment
The leaves of the plant turn yellow, dry, spots appear on the leaves- The plant lacks trace elements- Feed with complex mineral fertilizers
Brazilian loses leaves, buds, flowers- The flower is exposed to sharp temperature changes;
- improper watering is carried out (both waterlogging and lack of moisture are possible)
- Normalize the temperature;
- accustom to new conditions gradually;
- ensure sufficient watering (the soil should be moistened, but not flooded)
Abutilon leaves turn yellow and gradually turn brown- The flower is in a too hot and dry room- Find another, less hot place for the plant;
- intensify crown spraying;
- ensure adequate irrigation;
- put water containers near the indoor maple
Abutilon does not bloom and leaves dry- The plant does not have enough light;
- affected by improper watering (deficit or excess of water);
- the rules of transplantation are violated and the roots are injured
- Move the green pet closer to the light;
- accustom the plant to a new place gradually
- review the irrigation system;
- if the roots are rotten, then carefully transplant the plant, cutting off all the rotten areas and sprinkling them with wood ash;
- give time for the plant to recover;
- Provide regular feeding and quality care
Home maple leaves gradually turn pale and curl- The plant is facing drafts;
- the flower is cold;
- excess watering led to rotting of the rhizome
- Correct the conditions of "residence" of the Brazilian
Leaves have a silver sheen bottom side- white dots- Thrips attack- Increase the humidity in the room;
- place an insect trap nearby;
- treat with drugs: "Agravertin", "Aktellik", "Karate", "Confidor", "Karbofos", "Fitoverm"
The leaves of the plant turn yellow, a web appears on them- A spider mite has wound up- Harvest pests manually;
- ensure high humidity in the room;
- regularly carry out spraying;
- carefully trim the damaged sheets;
- treat with preparations: "Fufanon", "Agravertin", "Neoron", "Aktellik", "Fitoverm"

planning summer care for abutilone (cable rope) in a pot, use this advice. Wrap the pot in foil. This will protect the root system from overheating and excessive drying of the earthy coma if the plant is on the southern windowsill.