Anemone summer planting and care. Anemone flowers planting and care in the open field. plant care

Anemones is the name of the plant. It means "daughter of the winds". It is due to the fact that even with the smallest breeze, the petals begin to move. The flower belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and is a perennial. There are no annual species. It grows in temperate regions. However, it grows most often in mountainous and lowland areas. There are over 160 kinds of different colors. Each of them blooms at different times. Flowers are very similar to poppy and buttercup. The article describes how anemones look like, growing and caring for them in the open field.

Cultivation and care in the open field

Several varieties of anemones are known. All of them can be divided into two groups - rhizomatous and tuberous. To grow the first group, no special care is required, and the second will have to be tinkered with so that they do not die.

What do anemones look like?

There are some conditions that must be observed when growing and caring for anemones:

  • when it is very hot and dry, they must be watered abundantly;
  • in the autumn, complex mineral fertilizers are applied, and during the flowering period - organic;
  • for the winter, in order to prevent freezing, the flowers are covered with fallen leaves;
  • for the winter, the plant is propagated by seeds, and in the spring - by the vegetative method.

Anemone: planting in open ground

Before planting anemones, you need to choose a suitable place. It should be spacious, have some shade and be protected from drafts. The anemone rhizome grows strongly, but it is very tender. Even slight contact can harm them. It should also be borne in mind that they do not grow well in heat and drafts.

The soil should be loose, nutritious. It is better to prepare hardwood or loam with peat. For looseness, sand is poured into the ground. With increased acidity, dolomite flour or wood ash is added.

Note! It is important to determine the point of growth. The tubers need to be soaked. This will allow them to swell, from which tubercles form. This will make it easier to understand how to properly plant an anemone. The upper part of the tuber is flat, and it is necessary to land with a pointed end down. With a non-standard form, the tuber is placed sideways.

Step by step process how to plant anemones:

  1. Dig a hole 0.15 m wide, 0.3-0.4 m in diameter.
  2. Pour wood ash and humus into the pit.
  3. Place the bulb in the hole.
  4. Fill the hole with soil.
  5. Abundantly watered.

When to plant anemones: March, April, May, October, November.

The picture below shows what an anemone seedling looks like.

What does a seedling look like?


Anemones can be propagated by dividing the bush or by seeds. In the first case, the procedure is carried out in early spring. It is necessary to have 2-3 kidneys on each division.

How to grow anemones from seeds? First of all, you need to prepare the anemone seeds. It should be borne in mind that seedlings germinate poorly. From the seeds that were prepared last year, a maximum of 25% will sprout. However, there are some nuances that will help increase germination. To do this, the seeds are affected by cold for 1-2 months.

To carry out this procedure, you must:

  1. Add sand or peat to the seeds in a ratio of 1: 3.
  2. The mixture is sprayed with water and kept moist until the seeds swell.
  3. Next, the seeds are transferred to a container. Substrate is placed there, mixed and moistened.
  4. The container is moved to a room where the air temperature should not be higher than 5 ° C. Here the seeds should be until the first shoots appear.
  5. As soon as the sprouts hatch, the container is transferred to the street. There it is buried in snow or earth, and covered with sawdust or straw from above.
  6. With the onset of spring, the plants are planted.

Important! Seedlings should be protected from pets.

When propagating anemones from tubers, they must be properly prepared. To do this, they are placed in warm water to swell, and then planted in pots. After the emergence of shoots, the plants are planted in open ground.


Caring for an anemone is a fairly simple process.

The main thing in care is maintaining the necessary humidity during the growing season. Too much moisture can cause root rot. With a lack of water, the plant will develop poorly. To ensure optimal humidity, the flower is planted in an elevated place, and a good drainage system must be present. The soil where the anemone is planted must be covered with 50 mm thick mulch.

Below are the basic rules for caring for anemones.

How to propagate an anemone


In spring, the plant is watered once every seven days. If the summer is rainy, then watering is not done. This does not apply to the crown anemone during the flowering period. If the summer is hot and dry, it should be watered daily in the morning and evening.

top dressing

During flowering, the plant is fertilized with organic fertilizers. Exception: fresh manure. In autumn, they are fed with complex fertilizers.

Important! If the soil was well fertilized during planting, then the plant is not fertilized during the growth period.

Periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds. In this case, you can not use a chopper, as it can damage the roots.

Features of care during the flowering period

During flowering, these plants are fertilized with organic matter.

During the dormant period, there are no special care for the anemone.

Preparing for winter

If the anemone remains to winter in the open field, then it must be covered. To do this, you can use peat or garden compost. The layer must be at least 15 cm. Before shelter, the plant is pruned.

Those anemone tubers that are dug up must be properly stored. They are dried together with soil and rhizome in a warm room. Then transferred to a cool place (temperature not more than 15 ° C). Then the tubers are moved to boxes where peat, moss, sand and sawdust are poured. Thus, the tubers are stored during the winter period.

Anemone: planting and care in the open field in the Urals

In the Moscow region, Siberia and the Urals, where the summer is short, and in winter there are frosts up to 30 ° C, anemone tubers must be dug up for the winter. They are stored in boxes with sand in a room where the temperature is not more than 5 ° C. Once a month, the soil in the boxes is moistened.

The plant is planted in the spring, when warm weather is established without the risk of frost returning. After the top of the plant has withered, its roots are dug up to save for the winter. Another option is to collect seeds and plant seedlings. It is better to use the first method, since the grown seed flower will not bloom in the first year.

In the southern regions, a place for anemones is chosen in the shade. In the north, on the contrary, it is necessary to select a sunny place where there will be a lot of light, and the plant will delight with beautiful flowering.

Important! Once every three years, it is necessary to seat the young.

Varieties of anemones

Possible difficulties in growing

Possible reasons why the anemone does not bloom are:

  • inappropriate place;
  • improper care;
  • not enough feeding.

This plant is disease resistant. Snails or slugs may appear on the bushes. They are harvested by hand, and the flower is sprayed with metaldehyde. Infected bushes with nematodes or caterpillars are dug up and burned. The soil in this place is changed to a new one.

Note! To determine the presence of a nematode, you need to examine the leaves of the plant. They appear yellow spots with a touch of brown. Further, the leaves darken, dry out, and the plant dies.

Mosaic disease is also possible. With it, spots of various sizes and colors appear on the foliage. There are no effective ways to treat this ailment, so it is necessary to remove the bushes.

When aphids and spider mites appear, the plant is sprayed with insecticides or an infusion of garlic.

Anemone care is an easy process. Even a novice florist can handle this. The main thing is to maintain moderate humidity. It is possible to propagate the plant by dividing the bush or by seeds. The seed method will require more time and effort. When growing a flower in the Urals and northern regions, tubers are dug up for the winter and left to be stored in boxes covered with earth.

Anemone, like all proud beauties, requires special treatment. And therefore, no general recommendations, no universal advice! Almost each of the 160 (!) Anemone varieties has its own requirements for watering, soil, light ... But do not rush to give up capricious! Some formula for success in growing anemones (even if you don’t know the variety for sure!) still exists: we plant in partial shade, organize drainage, as we grow, feeding and loosening is half the battle, consider it done!

  • Why is anemone afraid of weeding?
  • How to organize continuous flowering of anemones in your area from April to November?
  • How to wake up the "lazy" flower seeds?
  • How to organize the plant the right wintering?

Read about all this in our article.

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Planting and caring for anemones

  • Landing: sowing fresh seeds for seedlings in June-July or before winter (in October-November) in boxes. Planting tubers in spring.
  • Bloom: spring, summer or autumn - depending on the species.
  • Lighting: for forest species - partial shade, for the Mediterranean - bright sunlight.
  • The soil: loose, fertile, (sandy or peaty) better neutral.
  • Watering: only during dry seasons and during the flowering period.
  • Top dressing: liquid organic and mineral fertilizers during flowering and autumn.
  • Reproduction: seed and vegetative (tubers, dividing the bush or parts of the rhizome).
  • Pests: leaf nematodes, aphids, South American leaf miners, thrips and whiteflies.
  • Diseases: gray rot, peronosporosis (downy mildew), anthracnose, sclerotinia, viral infections.

Read more about growing anemones below.

plant name anemone (lat. Anemone), or anemone from Greek it literally translates as “daughter of the winds”, since anemone flowers react with a flutter of petals even to the weakest gust of wind. The flower belongs to the buttercup family and is a perennial herb. It occurs in temperate regions on the plains and in the mountainous regions of both hemispheres. It has about 160 species that bloom at different times and in very different ways, which confuses even experienced flower growers. How to grow anemones will be discussed in this article.

Features of growing anemones

Among the variety of species and varieties of anemones, there are quite unpretentious, and there are those that require special care, and this difference is explained by the fact that some anemones have rhizomes, while others have tubers. Species with rhizomes are easy to grow, and mistakes in the care of tuberous anemones lead to serious consequences.

There are a few things to consider if you are interested in growing anemones.

  • First of all, these flowers require mandatory watering in dry, hot weather.
  • Secondly, autumn top dressing should be carried out with complex mineral fertilizers, and fertilizing the soil before planting or during growth and flowering - organic.
  • Thirdly, In winter, protect anemones from frost by covering them with dry leaves.
  • And the last: It is best to propagate anemones in spring by root offspring or seeds sown closer to winter. We will discuss all these features in more detail below.

Preparing to plant an anemone

Soil preparation for anemones

Before planting anemones, you need to choose a place for planting and prepare the soil. The site will need a spacious, shaded and protected from drafts. Anemone rhizomes grow strongly during the season, but are so fragile that they are harmed by contact, and this must be taken into account. Besides, anemones do not tolerate extreme heat and drafts.

The soil is well-drained, loose and fertile. Loam or deciduous soil with peat is best. To create an ideal structure, add simple sand to the soil, and you can reduce excessive acidity, which is harmful to the anemone, by adding dolomite flour or wood ash to the soil.

Preparing Anemone Seeds

Those who decide to grow flowers from seeds should know that anemone seeds have a low germination rate: no more than a quarter germinates, and only from freshly harvested seeds. But if you subject the seeds to stratification, that is, expose them to cold for 1-2 months, you can increase their germination. To do this, the seeds are mixed with coarse sand or peat at the rate of 1 part of seeds to three parts of sand, well moistened and sprayed daily with water to maintain the required moisture.

When and how to sow asters - tips from experienced flower growers

As soon as the seeds swell, add some substrate, mix, moisten and place in a ventilated room with a temperature not exceeding 5 ºC. After a few days, when the sprouts hatch, the seed container should be taken out into the yard, buried in snow or in the ground and sprinkled with sawdust or straw. In early spring, the seeds are transplanted into germination boxes.

But in order to save yourself from all these troubles, it is better to plant the seeds in autumn in boxes with loose soil and bury them in the yard, covering them with cut branches. During the winter, they will undergo natural freezing, and in the spring you will dig them up and plant them.

In the photo: planting anemone seeds for seedlings in trays

Preparation of anemone tubers

Before planting, anemone tubers are awakened from sleep by soaking in warm water for several hours to swell, and then planted to a depth of 5 cm in pots with a wet mixture of peat and sand for germination. Moisten the soil in pots should be moderate, but regular.

Some gardeners recommend "soaking" anemone bulbs, wrapping them in a cloth well moistened with a solution of epin, and keeping them for about six hours in a plastic bag. After that, anemones can be immediately planted in the ground.

In the photo: Preparing anemone tubers for planting

Planting anemones

Planting anemone tubers

Planting anemones does not involve any particular difficulties, the main thing is to determine the point of growth. Pre-treated, swollen tubers show bud tubercles, and it is clear how to plant them. But if in doubt, remember: the top of the anemone tuber is flat, so you need to plant it with the sharp end down. If you are confused by the shape of the tuber, plant on the side. The hole for the anemone should be 30-40 cm in diameter and 15 cm deep. At the bottom of the hole, you need to pour a handful of humus and ash, then place the tuber, sprinkle it with earth and lightly crush it. Place the planting of anemone flowers well to water.

In the photo: Anemone seedlings ready for transplanting into the ground

Planting Anemone Seeds

By the time of planting, anemone seedlings should have at least two leaves. Seedlings are planted in the ground in a slightly shaded place in the second year of growth. If planting is carried out in the fall, the sown area is covered with branches or leaves from frost. Anemones grown from seeds can bloom only after three years.

As for the timing of planting tubers or seeds, you can ensure that anemones will bloom on your site from April to November if you purchase different varieties and plant them at the optimal time for each of them.

Anemone Care

Caring for an anemone is simple and easy. The main problem in this matter is maintaining the required level humidity throughout the entire growing cycle. The danger is that when waterlogged, the root system may die from rot. And the lack of moisture, especially during the period of bud formation, does not contribute to the growth and flowering of anemones. To balance the level of humidity, plants should be planted on a hill, in an area with good drainage.

After planting, it is very desirable to mulch the area with a five-centimeter layer of foliage of fruit trees or peat. Concerning glaze, then in the spring it is enough to moisten the soil once a week; in moderate summer, the anemone does not need additional watering, the only exception is the crown anemone during the flowering period. In hot, dry summers, water daily in the morning or after sunset.

feed the anemones preferably during flowering with liquid organic matter (anemones do not like only fresh manure) and complex mineral fertilizers in autumn. If you fertilized the bed before planting the anemone, then top dressing can be completely excluded. Also recommended regularly loosen the soil and weed. Rather, do not weed, but break through with your hands, since you can damage the fragile anemone root system with a chopper.

Anemones are disease resistant; they are sometimes attacked by slugs and snails, but a metaldehyde solution will help you deal with these pests, which must first be collected by hand. Some anemones suffer from winter worm (cutworm caterpillar) or leaf nematode. When affected by a nematode, it is better to destroy diseased plants, and replace the soil in which they grew.

anemone breeding

The anemone propagates by seeds, tubers, division of the rhizome or bush. We have already talked about reproduction by tubers and the most unpromising method, seed. When dividing their rhizomes (rhizomes), they dig them out in the spring, cut them into pieces 5 cm long with an obligatory bud on each segment and plant them, placing them horizontally in loose soil to a depth of 5 cm. Such a plant reaches maturity in three years. Transplantation with dividing the bush can only be carried out with plants that are 4-5 years old.

anemone after flowering

In the climate of the middle zone, with the onset of autumn, anemones must be removed from the soil and prepared for winter storage: dry the tubers, cut off the tops (above-ground part of the bush) and store in the dark and cool, placing in peat or sand. A non-damp basement is best suited for this.

In the photo: Growing anemones in a flower bed

If you decide not to dig up anemones for a warm winter, cover the area with fallen leaves or spruce branches so that an unexpected frost does not destroy the flowers.

Anemone species

Since the anemone flower in culture and nature is presented in a wide variety, and different species require different care, let's get acquainted with at least the most common representatives of the anemone family.

Types and features of anemone care. According to the flowering time, anemones are divided into spring and summer (or autumn). spring anemones very graceful, a wide range of pastel shades: snow-white, cream, pink, blue, lilac ... There are even terry varieties. Spring anemones are ephemeroids, that is, their above-ground flowering cycle is short: waking up in April, they bloom together in May, and in July they already retire, although in many species the leaves remain until autumn. Anemones differ in the type of rhizome. In the anemone of the lute and oak forest, the rhizome is jointed, fragile, and in the anemone of the tender one, it is tuberous, slowly growing.

This plant is miniature, 5-10 cm in height, the most popular varieties are Blue Shades (blue), Charmer (pink), White Splendour (white).

In the photo: Anemone tender (Anemone blanda)

Oak Anemone (Anemone nemorosa)

Not so popular in our latitudes, the height of the bush is 20-30 cm, the diameter of the flower is 2-4 cm, the flowers are usually simple white, but there are varieties in the culture with blue, lilac and pink flowers. There are even terry specimens. The main advantage is unpretentiousness.

Ancient Greek legend says that the anemone grew out of the tears of Aphrodite, mourning the murdered lover. A beautiful legend, the garden anemone flower is also beautiful. The literal translation from ancient Greek is “daughter of the winds”. In Russia, the anemone (pictured) is better known as an anemone - obviously because at the slightest gust of wind, the flower stalks begin to sway, and the petals flutter, and sometimes fall off.

Anemone (lat. Anemone) is a perennial plant belonging to the large Buttercup family. This herbaceous plant, tuberous or rhizome, includes more than 150 species. The height of the stem, depending on the species, ranges from 10 cm to 1 meter (there are varieties whose peduncle height can reach 1.8 meters).

The leaves are either separate or palmately dissected. Some consider them rude, but this, as they say, is not for everybody. Their decorativeness is beyond doubt.

Anemone flowers can be either single or in semi-umbellate few or many-flowered inflorescences. Perianths with 5-20 leaves can have a different shape - in some varieties they resemble poppy flowers, in some - chamomile. Flowers are radially symmetrical, bisexual. The color of anemone flowers varies from white, blue, pink, yellow to blue, red, purple and even green.

Anemone grows almost everywhere in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. Several species grow even in the Arctic - in the north of Russia, Canada, Alaska and Norway. Habitat - deciduous forests, mountain slopes, alpine valleys, subalpine and steppe meadows, lower part and grassy slopes of mountains, mountain tundra.


The scientific classification of anemones for a non-specialist is complex, confusing and unlikely to be interesting. Here it will be given in a simplified and somewhat modified version, understandable to any amateur gardener.

Grouping by flowering time

Ephemeroids- flowering is the earliest, the growing season is very short - the plant blooms, fades, its leaves dry up and it hides underground until a new spring. For example:

    • tender anemone;
    • oak anemone;
    • anemone flexible;
    • Amur anemone;
    • buttercup anemone;
    • shadow anemone.

Anemone tender
oak anemone

summer blooming anemones:

    • Canadian anemone;
    • forest anemone;
    • anemone multicut;
    • Drummond anemone;
    • forked anemone.

forked anemone

Perhaps this group includes the most resistant and hardy plants. They adapt better than other anemones to changing lighting conditions.

Anemones blooming in autumn:

    • Japanese anemone;
    • Hubei anemone;
    • felt anemone;
    • hybrid anemone;
    • crown anemone.

Anemone hybrid
Crown anemone

Autumn anemones grow well, are relatively unpretentious.

Grouping by type of rhizome

Long jointed rhizomes are mostly ephemeroids.

Tuberous rhizomes. In plants with such rhizomes, the flowers are solitary, the growing season is short:

    • anemone apennine;
    • Caucasian anemone;
    • crown anemones;
    • tender anemone (anemone blanda);
    • garden anemone.

Caucasian anemone
Crown anemone

Short straight thickened rhizomes. Inflorescences are umbellate, vegetation - all season:

  • long-haired anemone;
  • bunch anemone.

Rhizomes that form root offspring. Rhizomes are powerful, vegetation - the whole season:

  • forked anemones;
  • Canadian anemones;
  • forest anemones.

All of the above anemones winter well in Central Russia. The exception is crown anemones, they require careful shelter or digging for the winter.

Planting anemones

It is important to find a suitable corner in the garden for growing anemones. Before planting anemones in open ground, you need to make sure that we have chosen the right place for planting - the requirements for growing conditions vary significantly from species to species. Among the anemones there are shade-loving, shade-tolerant and light-loving.

Shade-loving anemones are represented by ephemeroids. They all bloom in early spring. They should be planted on the north side of the site or under the crowns of trees.

shade-tolerant anemones: Canadian, forest, forked, flexible, Amur, forest. In our conditions, they grow in partial shade or under trees with an openwork crown.

Light-loving anemones: Caucasian, Apennine, tender, crowned. In Russia, they do not have enough light, so when planting this must be taken into account and planted on the southern slopes.

Without exception, all anemones do not like drafts - this should also be taken into account when choosing a landing site.

Let's talk about landing features. Anemone loves loose, light, moderately fertile soil. Absolutely does not take out acidic soils. Before planting, it is good to add organic fertilizers and ash or dolomite flour to the soil to deoxidize the soil.

All rhizomatous anemones, except for ephemeroids, should be transplanted and planted in the spring, when the first sprouts hatch. Ephemeroids are transplanted in early summer, when the aerial part of the plants has already dried well.

Another significant point. Delicate and fragile roots of anemone planting can injure. Therefore, anemones should be planted with extreme caution and at some distance from each other and other plants.

Anemones grown from a tuber are planted in open ground in early spring or late autumn. Before planting, anemone tubers must be soaked in warm water for several hours before swelling. It is good to add "Epin" or "Zircon" to the water. It is necessary to plant in a pot with a mixture of sand and peat or immediately into the ground to a depth of 5 cm. If the growth buds are clearly visible, when planting, we direct them up, if not, we direct the sharp tip of the nodule down. If you are in doubt about how to properly position the tuber, lay it on its side. And, of course, you need to buy only healthy bulbs.

The forest anemone can grow in poor sandy soils.

The planted plant is well watered. After watering, it is advisable to mulch the planting site with a layer of leaves, peat, or decorative mulch, which is sold in abundance in garden centers.



Seed propagation is difficult due to poor seed germination. In the best case, they get 25 percent of seedlings, and they still need to be grown before landing in a permanent place. Self-seeding breeds only ephemeroids, and even then not all. The forest anemone reproduces best by self-seeding.

anemone seeds

Only freshly harvested seeds are suitable for seed propagation. The easiest way is to sow the seeds in late autumn in boxes filled with loose soil, cover with moss and dig the boxes into the ground in the yard. For the winter, cover with spruce branches or leaves of fruit trees. Under such conditions, the seeds will undergo natural stratification and seedlings will appear next spring.

Planted seedlings of rhizomatous varieties must have at least two strong leaves. In tuberous varieties, they wait for the leaves of the seedling to dry out, dig up the nodules and store until autumn in a well-ventilated area.

Vegetative reproduction

It is carried out in the spring, when the first shoots appear on the surface of the soil. We carefully dig up the plant, cut off a piece of rhizome with renewal buds and plant it horizontally in a permanent place, water it. Vegetative propagation can be done simultaneously with transplantation.

At the beginning of the growing season, we carefully dig out a piece of rhizome with a renewal bud in an anemone that forms root offspring, cut it off with a sharp knife or pruner and transplant it to a permanent place.

By dividing the bush, varieties with a vertical rhizome propagate. There should be 2-3 renewal points for each division.

It should be borne in mind that the anemone does not like transplants very much, so it is better not to disturb it without special need. It is easiest to propagate varieties that bloom in autumn.

anemone care

Although planting an anemone in open ground (photo) presents some difficulties, caring for it is simple if you strictly adhere to some rules. Follow them, and caring for the anemone will be easy and pleasant.


Watering is the most important and crucial moment in caring for an anemone. Excess moisture can be detrimental to the plant, but moisture is still needed, especially at the time of bud formation. The way out is well-drained soil and mulching. In the spring, if there is no rain, it is enough to water once a week.

If the summer is not very hot and it rains occasionally, you can not water at all. If the weather is hot and dry, the anemone should be watered daily, if possible, very early in the morning, if not, after sunset. The exception is the crown anemone - it needs watering during the entire flowering period, regardless of the weather.

top dressing

It is important to know that during the planting of anemones, organic fertilizer is laid in the soil, while during flowering, top dressing is carried out with mineral fertilizers. If the soil was well seasoned with organic matter in autumn or spring, then top dressing can be omitted in summer. The exception is again the crown anemone, especially if it is grown for cutting - it must be fed during flowering. Anemone doesn't like fresh manure!

seasonal care

In early spring, transplants are made, planting new plants and tubers not planted in autumn. Also, if necessary, watering is carried out, but not more than once a week. Collect seeds from spring varieties if you intend to propagate from seed.

In summer, care consists in regular weeding, and this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system. We water if necessary. Gather the seeds of the summer-blooming anemones if you intend to propagate from the seed.

Early-flowering anemone varieties look great with muscari and primrose.

And, probably, it is difficult to imagine a place in a garden or a flower garden where the crown anemone would not be appropriate, represented by popular varieties with simple flowers: the De Kaen anemone, the Bicolor anemone, the Mister Fokker and Sylph anemone.

And, of course, the terry anemone is the plant by planting which you will add charm to your site. Some of the popular representatives of this flower: anemone "Lord Lieutenant", "St. Bridget" and "Don Juan".

Anemone "Lord Lieutenant"

Anemone photos of planting, growing, anemone care in the open field - everything that is useful to know, both for a novice gardener and an experienced one, read further in this article.

plant description

Windmill, anemone, daughter of the winds - the perennial anemone genus mainly belongs to the Buttercup family, but some of its species also belong to the Pulsatilla family.

The natural habitat is the lands in both hemispheres of the planet with a temperate climate, mainly in the mountains: Russia, Norway, Alaska, Canada and even the Arctic.

In addition to the mountains, they can be found:

  • in deciduous forests;
  • along the edges;
  • in parks;
  • in the tundra;
  • on grassy slopes and dry hills;
  • in damp mountain valleys;
  • in shady lawns;
  • in subalpine and steppe meadows.

The main difference between all species in the genus is in the root - some plants have a tuberous root, and some have an ordinary rhizome. Plants with rhizomes are well suited for beginner gardeners - they are easy to care for and not whimsical. Whereas with a tuberous root, on the contrary, they are capricious and require special care - which is well suited for developing gardening skills.

In total, today, there are about 170 species in the genus and, according to the flowering period, they are divided into autumn, spring and summer. During the flowering period, all stems become flower stalks, with the exception of young stepchildren. There is no greenery near the roots and up to the middle of the stem. Closer to the top, there are usually three medium-sized leafy cup-shaped plates. Flower petals come in green, white, purple, yellow, blue, pink and red. The flowers themselves are bisexual, with numerous stamens and pistils.

Some species have medicinal properties. And in ancient times, on the territory of the modern Magadan region, Chukotka and the Kamchatka Territory, the local population used the weak anemone to prepare poison.

Popular varieties and types

Since the varietal diversity is high, there are territorial recommendations:

  • In the Moscow region, you can safely grow any.
  • For cultivation in the Urals are recommended: forest, Japanese and crowned.
  • For the coldest part of our vast, frost-resistant ones are preferred: Anemone sylvestris, Anemone hupehensis and Anemone x hybrida.

The most popular among gardeners include: tender, crowned, buttercup, hybrid and oak.

Anemone tender

Tender anemone is a decorative dwarf variety, actually tender and a little capricious (only 2-3% of all seedlings germinate). An adult plant does not reach a height of more than 10 cm. Chamomile inflorescences of white, pink and lilac flowers. Flowering earlier - begins in April and lasts about a month. It is recommended to plant with perennials that also bloom early (in May or June).

The most popular varieties are White Splendour, Blue Shades, Charmer, Violet Star, Radar, Pink and Rosea.

Crown anemone

A very capricious guest from the Mediterranean. And she does not like the sun, and the shade does not suit her, and the dryness does not suit her, and the humidity is harmful. Suitable for experienced gardeners only. But it blooms twice a year: in spring and autumn. And the volume is not poor: the height of the bush is from 20 to 50 cm.

The most popular varieties are Sylphide, St. Brigid Mixed (Double), Admiral, Hollandia, Bicolor, Lord Lieutenant, Mount Everest, DeCaen Mixed and Mr. fokker.

Anemone hybrid

Many different hybrid varieties, each of which will decorate your garden in a unique way: Honorine Jobert, Profusion, Queen Charlotte, Pamina, Hadspen Abundance and Prinz Heinrich.

Lute anemone

Not at all a capricious variety of medium size - the height of the bush is about 25 cm. Inflorescences are terry, yellow, about 3 cm in diameter. The main feature - can grow in almost any soil.

oak anemone

Simple and unpretentious flowers. For a beginner gardener, that's it. An adult bush grows no higher than 30cm. Oak anemone flower no more than 2-4 cm in diameter of white, pink or blue color.


Anemone landing. You can grow seeds, tubers or dividing the bush. Seedlings are usually not harvested. The terms and necessary conditions are very different and it is best to clarify them by reading on the packaging with planting material or from the seller in a specialized store.

Seed preparation

Seeds for growing immediately in open ground are not often used. This is due to a very small percentage of their germination - only a quarter of the total sowing, and then if the seeds are young and were collected relatively recently.

Nevertheless, this is a working method of reproduction:

Sowing can be done in spring, summer and autumn. But it is best to choose autumn sowing for seeds.

If sowing is planned in spring or summer, then the seeds must first be stratified - this will slightly increase the percentage of germination. To do this, they are placed in a humid and cold place (for example, a refrigerator) for 2-3 months. During the autumn sowing, this is not necessary.

Shoots are tender and weak. They will not be able to get out from under a thick layer of earth. Therefore, they are only slightly deepened into the ground, or simply sprinkled with sand. And the soil needs loose and porous.

Young shoots are very tender, and they should be watered carefully, avoiding waterlogging and only from a water sprayer.

There is also an alternative method of stratification: mix one part of seeds and three parts of sand, moisten the mixture a little every day, with the first sprouts add a little soil and top dressing to the mixture. Seedlings in a container are sprinkled with sawdust and put outside in the snow for the same 2-3 months.

Tuber preparation

It is not right to take and immediately plant a tuber in a pot or the ground, and it may not work, because it is sleeping, and it still needs to be woken up. For awakening, it is placed in warm water until it swells.

While the tuber is in the water, prepare a container with soil mixture for it: peat mixed with sand. An already swollen tuber is placed in a container to a depth of about 5 cm. The soil is periodically moistened from the sprayer.

Before planting, the tubers are wrapped in a piece of cloth soaked in an epit solution and placed in a plastic bag for 6 hours.

Selecting a landing site

It is advisable to choose a plot that is spacious, but first of all, it is half darkened and protected from strong winds. Drafts and extreme heat adversely affect the plant.

The soil is recommended light, loamy, fertile and with good drainage properties. It does not hurt to add peat, compost and sand to it (preliminary sand is well calcined on fire). But excess acidity, if any, must be extinguished with charcoal or dolomite flour.

Such conditions are universal for the whole genus. And they will work well if you don’t know exactly what variety you have.

Landing dates

Sowing dates can vary significantly depending on the variety chosen - the manufacturer should indicate this in more detail on the packaging with planting material. In general, this is a long period from April to November.

If the sowing was winter, seedlings should be expected in early spring. In other cases, about a month after sowing the seeds.

Rules for planting anemones in open ground

Before you start sowing, you need to carry out several mandatory activities:

If everything is clear with the sowing of seeds, then there are some small subtleties with the tubers: it is necessary to find a growth point at the tuber, usually it is a flat part of it, and the planting is carried out with a pointed part in the ground. For a more accurate determination of the growth point, the tuber is placed in water. After some time, a tubercle will appear in its place, from which a sprout will subsequently hatch.


The most important thing in care is a well-suited place for all recommendations, soil composition and timely normalized watering. Do not forget about fertilizers, and pay a little more attention to the flowers during the flowering period. Help the plants prepare for winter and nothing else is needed.


Since watering, as is often the case, requires maintaining a certain balance of moisture, mulching can be done to simplify the task. Do not let the earth dry out - during prolonged heat without precipitation, it is recommended to water frequently, but moderately. Stagnation of moisture will affect as negatively as its lack.


With the recommended lighting, everything is more than simple: the open rays of the sun are bad, the scattered ones are good; full shade is bad, partial (depending on the time of day) is good. In the open sun, the plant will burn out, and in full shade it will not bloom well.

spring care

If your variety blooms already in the spring, then during this period you will need additional top dressing with organic matter. Watering in the spring is carried out no more than once a week.

summer care

Periodic weeding is added to autumn care. Watering is significantly increased to daily - it should be watered in the evening and so that there is enough moisture until the next watering. Every two weeks, the soil is gently loosened to deliver some oxygen to the roots.

No watering on rainy days!

top dressing

The plant is fed mainly no more than three times:

  1. The first time during soil preparation before sowing. This will require organic fertilizers. For example, compost.
  2. And the second time during the flowering period, also with organic fertilizers.
  3. In autumn, you can add universal mineral fertilizers. This will saturate the soil for next season.

Preparing for the winter

We can winter in two main ways. If you don’t feel like (or don’t have time) to dig up the bushes and transfer them to the basement for storage, then you can carefully cut off the top of the greenery and cover the area with a thick layer of foliage.

In more detail, which anemones can be left for wintering in the ground, and which not, depends on the particular variety.

Care during the flowering period

Care during the flowering period is the same as the rest of the time. Only the need to carefully cut off the bud when it has already faded is added - this will keep your plantings looking well-groomed.

Anemone breeding

Anemone can be propagated in three main ways: seeds, tubers and root division. The first two methods have already been described above.

Reproduction by division

The division of the bush is made in the spring and only with adults (about 4 years old) plants. To do this, the root is carefully dug up and about 5 cm is cut off from it (always with at least one kidney). The segment is transplanted to a new place, as in the anemone photo.

Pests and diseases

As mentioned earlier, different varieties behave quite differently - some are not whimsical and almost do not get sick, while others, on the contrary, require increased care and care. The main risks in growing:

Nematodes: Greens can be damaged by small nematode worms. They are treated by treating all plantings with an insecticide or onion infusion (2 kg of onion crushed into gruel is poured with one bucket of water and aged for a couple of days - the finished solution is filtered and sprayed)

Aphids: where there are aphids, there are ants. It is almost impossible to fight ants - at least fill them with boiling water, at least burn them, at least fill them with poison, they are very tenacious and may not leave, but only move somewhere a couple of meters and dig a new anthill. It is easier to deal with aphids - it is enough to treat the plants with a solution of Aktellik, Antitlin or Tobacco dust.

Viruses: powdery mildew can infect foliage. The main symptoms of the disease are spots on the leaves and their wilting. Sick bushes must be dug up and burned, and the rest should be treated with an antiviral drug.

Downy mildew. It usually occurs when there is a violation of heat transfer - a greenhouse disease that indicates poor ventilation, untimely watering or insufficient lighting. It is treated by correcting the problem, removing diseased plants and treating the rest with an antiviral drug.

Medicinal properties

And heals and heals. Anemone is widely used in pharmacology due to a number of its medicinal properties, but at the same time, the flower is toxic and may contain poisons. Therefore, self-treatment is not recommended for them and specialist advice is needed.

Main medicinal properties:

  • Stops the growth of malignant tumors;
  • Anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect;
  • Strengthens blood vessels;
  • Thins the blood;
  • Effective in the fight against fungi.


Thanks to a large selection of options, everyone can find a windmill for themselves, for their tasks, experience and free time. And in any case, the result will be good, which is undoubtedly a big plus.

We decided to grow delicate and beautiful flowers in the garden, then an anemone will suit you, planting and caring for which, of course, will require time and sufficient attention, since the plant is rather capricious. The fact is that anemones can be grown by dividing rhizomes or from a tuber, also through sowing seeds, and depending on the planted variety, further care is taken, which can be both casual and thorough ...

Depending on the species and variety being planted, anemone requirements for sunlight, moisture, and soil composition can vary significantly. But there are universal criteria that are suitable for all types of anemones, so planting and further care will not be difficult:

  • plant an anemone in partial shade;
  • organize good drainage before landing;
  • take care of fertile and loose soil.

These conditions are especially well reproduced when the variety of anemone available for planting is not known. To obtain good loose soil, river sand should be added, which promotes air circulation and dilutes heavy soil. In addition, the presence of sand improves water resistance, as does drainage. Acidic lands are diluted with dolomite flour, fluffy lime, and wood ash is also introduced.

Planting anemone seeds is one way to propagate these beautiful flowers. We decided to sow for the first time, keep in mind that the germination of anemones is rather tight, out of the total number under normal conditions only a quarter will grow, but with stratification within 45-60 days, germination increases.

anemone seedlings grown from seeds - pictured

Depending on whether you plant purchased seeds or your own collection, the anemone is also sown. Usually, planting material from the store is already stratified, so additional manipulations in the form of staying in the cold are not required. Own seeds must be stratified.

Take the seeds, spread them in a fertile loose soil mixture, sand or peat chips and spray well with a spray bottle. Next, maintain sufficient moisture until the anemone seeds swell. As soon as the seeds swell and begin to hatch, sprinkle a little loose fertile soil mixture on top and do not forget to moisten.

Cover with glass or film, leave in a warm place. When the first sprouts appear, the protective film is removed and the crops are exposed to the brightest and warmest place. It is desirable to maintain the temperature during the entire period after the start of planting within +20 ̊ ... + 25 ̊С. Sprouts after sowing will begin to appear no earlier than a month later.

Care for anemone seedlings before picking consists in timely watering, good lighting and maintaining the required temperature in the room. When 2-3 true leaves appear, the anemone is picked into separate pots (cups). After the plants are grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse and planted in the second year in a permanent place.

Tip: Use Epin for sowing, after soaking the seeds for 12 hours in a solution, then lay them out in a fertile substrate and follow the germination technology.

Planting anemone tubers and rhizomes

To plant anemones with tubers, planting material must be properly prepared. Soak the nodules in warm water for one or two days to swell. Any root-stimulating drug can be added to the water - Epin, Heteroauxin, Zircon and others (dilute according to the instructions). Swollen tubers are planted in a fertile soil mixture or a mixture of peat chips and sand, observing a embedment depth of 5 cm.

anemone tubers - pictured

To properly plant anemone tubers. Determine the point of growth. The peculiarity of the planting material is that the top of the corms of these flowers is flat, so planting is done with the elongated part down. If you can't decide, place it sideways in the ground. In addition, humus and wood ash can be poured into the hole.

Anemone tubers are planted in April or May, or September-October. The distance between plants is left quite spacious, at least 10-15 cm, because. over time, the roots grow strongly and can take up to 1 m2 of area. Watering the anemone after planting requires moderate watering, do not flood the plants, because. Excessive moisture can adversely affect the appearance of green sprouts.

Anemone vegetative propagation is carried out by root offspring, cuttings or division of the bush and tubers. Anemone root suckers are planted in early spring or late August. Root offspring (roots) must be cut into pieces (cuttings are prepared), 5-6 cm long. The roots can also be treated with any preparation that improves the root formation process.

The cuttings are planted in the prepared loose substrate in such a way that the top of the cutting is at the level of the surface of the substrate. The soil is compacted a little, sprinkled with sand on top, moistened, covered with a film and sent to a greenhouse or greenhouse. Watering should be rare so that the anemone cuttings do not rot. When green stems and the first leaves appear, the film shelter is removed. Planting anemones in a permanent place is recommended for the next year.

anemone care

Caring for anemones after planting is necessary, because. it is required to maintain the optimal level of humidity so that the plants take root and begin to grow. Excess water in the soil has a detrimental effect on the roots of flowers, just like a lack of it.

To keep the water balance within the required limits and facilitate the care of anemones, plant in elevated areas of the flower bed, or specially arrange a place in the garden higher, use mulch if the climate is dry and hot.

As a mulching material, you can take peat chips, fallen leaves of trees, or special decorative raw materials sold in garden stores. By mulching the space, the evaporation of moisture will be slowed down and it is quite difficult for weeds to break through the dense layer of the embankment.

When caring, you need to fertilize anemones (anemone), best during the budding and flowering period, using complex mineral top dressing or organic fertilizers, except for manure. Well suited ash solution, peat, humus.

Anemone is rarely susceptible to diseases and pests, but slugs and snails, leaf nematodes and winter worms can still look into a flower bed with a delicate beauty. Use the preparations and protective equipment that you usually use in the garden to destroy uninvited guests.

When caring for anemones, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to treat the flower bed once a year with insecticidal agents against aphids and rot. Anemones should be kept clean, without weeds, and garden tools such as Fokin's flat cutter, chopper, rake should be carefully used for weeding and loosening. a root system close to the soil surface may be damaged.

It is better to cover a young autumn anemone for the winter, as well as hybrid forms. For these purposes, they take compost, peat and lay on top of the anemone with a layer of 15-17 cm. Please note that leaves and basal stems must be cut before backfilling. Also, tubers and rhizomes can be dug up for the winter, when the aerial part dies off. Storing anemones in winter implies a temperature of +15 ̊...+19 ̊С in the room before the onset of the winter period, then until spring the degree must be lowered to +2̊...+5̊С.

Importantly, an anemone transplant is not always desirable, because. some species can germinate for a long time, especially hybrid varieties, so many summer residents and gardeners prefer to better cover flowers in a flower bed than wait for plants to recover after wintering at home.

Common Anemone Species

Perennial herbaceous plants of the Ranunculaceae family include more than 160 species, the following types of anemones are considered the most popular and of interest to flower growers:

  • crowned;
  • tender;
  • forest;
  • Japanese.

Anemone (anemone) crowned- the most popular species, which is most widely used for cultivation in the greenhouse and open ground. Plants are compact, up to 40-45 cm tall. Rhizomes of crown flowers are fleshy, tuberous (up to 5 cm in diameter). The stems are erect with a small number of leaves, at the ends of which a single large flower is formed, 8-9 cm in diameter.

crown anemone - pictured

Flowers can be simple, double, white, pink, blue, purple, lilac. If the crown anemone (tubers) are planted in April-May, flowering will begin in August or September and will continue for several weeks.

Anemone tender- low frost-resistant plants (up to 20-25 cm) with dark green leaves of a neat shape. The flowers, depending on the variety, can be blue, white, dark pink, violet-blue, dark red with a white color print. A feature of chamomile flowers is the early appearance simultaneously with the leaves, almost from under the snow already in the month of April.

tender anemone - pictured

Flowering lasts 2-3 weeks. At the end of May, the leaf plates begin to wither, in June they completely disappear. The disadvantage of the tender anemone is the tight germination of tubers. According to gardeners, it is better to plant a tender anemone in the fall. But do not despair, if out of ten pieces one nodule has sprouted, in a couple of years there will be a beautiful flower carpet from the plant.

forest anemone
- this species is a plant having a height of 25 to 50 cm with flowers of 3-5 cm. Flowers can be larger, up to 8-9 cm, double and white. Flowering begins in late May or early June and lasts up to 25 days. In partial shade, the flowers do not fade longer, they dry out faster in the sun.

forest anemone - pictured

Japanese anemone (autumn)- a species of herbaceous tall plants (up to 1.5 m), with slender stems, a dissected leaf plate. Additional support when growing in the garden is not required. Japanese anemone flowers are large, which appear at the end of August, September and continue to delight with beautiful flowering for a long period of time. Color in white or pink tones with a golden core. In this group, the Khubei and hybrid anemones stand out the most.

Japanese anemone (autumn) - pictured

If you want to create a smooth swaying of colors on the site from the slightest gust of wind, plant Anemone, a perennial herb with charming cups of flowers. In the wild, it can be found in open areas of a temperate climate.

Gardeners fell in love with the flower for unusual flowers and ease of movement when the wind blows. The people called her anemone. The brightness of colors, demanding care plants of the ranunculus family allow you to enliven the garden and give it dynamics.

How to plant an anemone for seedlings: soil and material preparation

Anemone crown planting for seedlings at home

Site analysis should identify a suitable location for the plant. It should be spacious, slightly shaded or shady, without drafts. Despite the fact that this is an "anemone", she does not like constant blowing.

The soil is loose, loamy with a neutral alkaline balance

  • To do this, add sand, wood ash, mulch from dry leaves and humus to the soil.
  • The root system does not tolerate dense compositions. Therefore, during the summer, you need to loosen the ground several times and add mulching sawdust, pebbles, sand. Branched roots require a large supply of oxygen.
  • Sometimes weeding is enough to provide fresh air to the roots. Use the loosening tool with care so as not to damage the fragile roots.

The anemone propagates with the help of tubers, rhizomes and seeds.. The most common method is tuberous in spring and rhizomes in summer. Seed is rarely used, as it requires special care, and seed germination is about 25%. Despite the difficulties of seed growing, gardeners sometimes use it to produce healthy, strong bushes.

Anemone flowers planting and care at home

seed way.

  • To increase the germination of seeds, a stratification method is used, in other words, they are left in the cold.
  • In conditions of snowy winters, this can be done naturally. From autumn, leave the seeds in boxes, covering them with dry foliage and snow, and let the seeds germinate in spring. Will increase the germination of the industrial growth activator for universal use. Soak according to the instructions, leave for a day before autumn planting.

Plant grown and strengthened sprouts in a permanent place, providing favorable conditions: warmth, dim light, a sufficient amount of moisture. "Adult" flower stalks become the third season, so you need to be patient. A riot of colors and awe of the petals are worth it.

Tuberous varieties need to be “awakened” from hibernation by taking them out of their winter storage

  • To accelerate growth and get lush flowering, you need to germinate the tubers.
  • To do this, you can put it in water for several days.
  • When sprouts appear, plant in pots with nutrient soil. So germinate until the retreat of the snow cover.
  • Then planted in flower beds.
  • In a month there will be a luxurious bouquet of delicate spring flowers.

Informative video how to germinate anemone tubers:

Advice. To speed up germination, you can wrap the tubers with a damp soft cloth moistened with an epin solution, place in a plastic bag for 6 hours. Airless warm space quickly brings the plant out of suspended animation, they can be immediately planted in a flower bed.

How to plant anemone flowers

anemone flowers photo planting

Difficulty can cause tubers, especially if there was no previous experience with tuberous plants. After swelling, the tubers will have tubercles-buds, it is they who must sprout from the ground. If in doubt, you can navigate by the shape of the tuber: the top is flat, the bottom is sharp. You need to land with the tip down, and the flat part up. If sprouts appear (white, green or reddish dots, loops or threads), then the process is simplified. They need to be placed up (these are not roots).

The hole for the tuber is about 30-40 cm and 15 cm deep

A large hole is needed so that the root system is comfortable, oxygen from the air can freely flow to the roots. So the flowers will be larger, and the foliage is brighter, more abundant and richer. Spill each well with warm water, sprinkle with humus, mulch, if required, ash. This will prepare the nutrient medium.

The readiness of seedlings for planting is determined by the number of true leaves.. There should be at least 4 of them. The stem is about 15 cm high, possibly less. It is better for sprouts to choose a shady, calm place. Still weakened seedlings need constant monitoring and care. They will give their first flowers only after 3 years.

Advice. If you are going to plant seedlings in autumn, then planting should be covered from frost with coniferous spruce branches or dry foliage.

Agrotechnics anemones Caring for plants in the open field

Anemone tender flowers anemone care

The process of growing anemones is standard and familiar to any flower garden lover. Do not leave seedlings without water, provide constantly moistened soil, especially during the formation of buds. Well-mulched soil does not allow water to stagnate, which is good for the root system. There is no rot, dangerous pests - slugs, moisture-loving weeds do not grow.

In spring, the soil is sufficiently moistened naturally.

  • therefore, watering once a week is enough for active growth and flowering.
  • In summer, water only in dry weather.
  • For the middle band, it is enough to water in the morning or in the evening before the period of strong sun activity.
  • The water can be cold, but warm is better so as not to damage the roots. Rain water is perfect.

Anemone de caen planting and care

Weeding provides an influx of oxygen to the roots, nutrients remain. It is better to fight weeds in damp, cool weather, when the soil easily gives up the roots of the weed. So the flower will not be harmed. If the flower bed was attacked by weeds with long roots, then you should dig up the entire area by transplanting the anemone flowers to a new temporary place.


Do not use chemical weed control agents. The root system is branched, small, fragile and weak, a chemical burn can result.

Anemone feeding is needed throughout the entire growing season: during planting, growth and flowering, for winter "hibernation". Particularly demanding on the nutrient medium during flowering. Liquid fertilizers are great. You can choose universal products from the assortment of the garden industry or cook it yourself.

Flowers do not withstand the action of fresh manure, so the use of unrotted organic matter should be avoided.

Pest control consists in spraying with special solutions and destruction. A solution of metaldehyde helps against slugs and snails, and a soapy solution will help against aphids. If a nematode is seen in the soil, then it will not work to get rid of it without consequences. Affected plants are destroyed, and the soil must be replaced.

Reproduction can be carried out not only by tubers and seeds, but also by dividing the rhizome. To do this, the bush must be divided so that there is at least one 5-7 cm bud. The shoots with a rhizome are planted in a new place, following the same procedures as when planting tubers.

Anemone care after flowering

Anemones photos of flowers

In a harsh cold winter, tubers can freeze, so it is advised to dig them out for storage in a cool basement or vegetable pit. Before digging, all the tops are cut off, the tubers are left to dry for a day in a ventilated room, for example, a veranda or attic. So that the tubers do not dry out and lose their shape, they are placed in a box with peat, sawdust or sand.

Summer species with rhizomes are not dug up, but covered with spruce branches or covering material. After falling asleep with snow. Tall bushes are cut to the ground to avoid freezing.

Decorate the garden, take care of it, and it will thank you with bright colors.

Features of anemone care

Anemone flower multidissected

The varietal variety includes about 160 items, and all have their own growing characteristics. Some love warmth, bloom only in summer, others need nutritious top dressing for abundant flowering. And some are unpretentious to the soil and can please the eye without any care.

There are 2 types of anemones.

with tubers and rhizomes. Depending on what type of plant, a set of care measures is used. Before choosing a type, you need to familiarize yourself with the preferences of each type. So the flower will bring the expected splendor of flowering.

For anemone bushes with rhizomes, the growing conditions can be any. They are unpretentious in care, do not require frequent watering, but in a drought, nutrient moisture is necessary for everyone. They endure winter frosts in the ground, if well covered with dry foliage and snow.

For tuberous anemone varieties, their own growing characteristics are required, the failure to comply with which can be detrimental to the plant. It will not bloom and may freeze. They do not tolerate winter cold, the tubers are stored in a cool, dry place, such as a basement or a vegetable pit.

Anemone flower planting and care

Anemone requires:

  • obligatory top dressing for lush peduncles: mineral fertilizers in autumn, organic fertilizers during planting and flowering;
  • watering in dry weather, otherwise the buds will not be able to form, the leaves will begin to fall off;
  • it is better to propagate in the middle of spring, when the sprouts begin to appear and reach 5-7 cm.

Don't forget pest control. If there are a lot of fruit bushes on the site, then ants and aphids may appear. They are detrimental to flowers, as they take away the nutrient medium, interfere with normal growth.

Species diversity of anemone flowers

Anemones planting and care in the open field

There are so many wild and domesticated anemones that gardeners have lost count. Some have chosen certain varieties for themselves, others are not taken. After all, a different variety and type requires its own care, which is not always convenient.
According to the flowering time, they distinguish:

  • spring with a short life cycle (bloom in May, and go into hibernation in June until the next flowering);
  • summer (also called autumn) blooms begin at the end of summer and until the first autumn frosts, when the temperature drops below -1-5 ° C

Spring types of anemone

tender anemone tender anemone photo

Anemone tender. Only 5-10 cm high, a herbaceous plant with a tuberous, slowly growing rhizome. In its varietal arsenal there are delicate pastel colors and terry varieties. In the spring flowerbed you can often find blue, beige, snow-white, cream, lilac, pink tender anemones.

Anemone oak anemone oak forest

oak anemone. It reaches a height of 20-30 cm. It goes well with other plants, forming a duet with annuals in one flower bed. The rhizome is fragile, jointed, grows well. Therefore, it is better to protect the growth zone with solid plates. Flowers are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. Despite their unprepossessing appearance, they bring a lot of joy to the spring garden.

Lute anemone photo

Lute anemone. Small in height - 20-25 cm with small flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. In the wild, more often white. Roots branched, with numerous processes. In cultivated varieties, you can find lilac, blue and pink specimens. The main feature is that it can grow in any soil anywhere. For this fell in love with landscape designers.

Summer, autumn types of anemone

Japanese autumn anemone

Japanese anemone. Graceful shrub with several flowering stems. Not more than half a meter high, if the necessary proportions of feeding and watering are observed. Otherwise, the anemone will not reach its varietal height. Popular among gardeners varieties: "Prince Heinrich" bright pink, burgundy "Pamina".

Anemone hybrid Pamina

Anemone hybrid. A tall plant with a strong root system. It tolerates frosty winters well, if it is good to cover the roots and cut off the green part. Popular varieties: Honorene Jobert with simple white or pinkish flowers, Profusion (Profusion) with a bright, rich maroon color, Queen Charlotte (Queen Charlotte) with matchless bright pink semi-double flowers.

Anemone crown photo

Crown anemone. It surprises with its ability to bloom twice during the warm period: at the beginning and end of summer until mid-autumn. Its stem is strong, it is resistant to strong gusts of wind. The height of the crown anemone variety reaches one and a half meters in favorable conditions. The flowers have a juicy color: red "Don Juan", blue "Lord Jim", "Mr. Fokin". Up to several dozen flowers with different shades are collected on a bush. It all depends on the location: on the north side, the colors are richer and brighter, and where the bright sun is, lighter shades.
To create a harmoniously flowering flower bed, it is better to use several varieties and types of anemones. Then you can create a composition that will bloom from early spring to late autumn.

Among the diversity of the family of herbaceous buttercups that inhabit the planet, the genus of perennial flowering Anemone (anemone) occupies a large place. Anemone crown (anemone coronaria) - one of the many species.

Anemone crown description, photo

A flowering plant belonging to the class of dicotyledonous free-petalled herbs belongs to the genus Anemone. It acts as a typical representative of the species of the same name. Differs in special decorative effect.

The area of ​​natural growth - from the flat meadows of the Mediterranean to the sunny foothills of Asia Minor. The root system is a bulb that accumulates moisture and nutrients that can tolerate drought. The bulbous rhizome has vegetative and generative (flower) buds. Over time, the volume of the tuber increases, the shape changes (roughnesses appear).

The growing season starts in early spring. The above ground part is:

  1. Basal petiolate pinnately dissected leaflets, consisting of narrow plots.
  2. Peduncle - up to 40 cm long, slightly pubescent, having small stipules, with a bud crowning the top.

Flowering occurs at the end of May. Blooming during this period, a poppy single flower with a weak aroma, 5-8 cm in diameter, resembles a single-row basket with delicate 5-6 petals (without a bract); numerous short stamens and pistils with hanging ovules form a large dark core. Petals come in different colors: scarlet, pink, white, purple, blue. The duration of flowering is 2 weeks.

When flowering, the ground part dies off completely, leaving a fruit - a multi-nutlet with numerous pubescent small seeds. The bulb is dormant until early August. September - re-blooming. Autumn flowering is not abundant and short-lived. Propagated by tubers, self-seeding.

Attention! Plants of the genus Anemone contain in their chemical composition the poisonous substance protoanemonin. Take precautions when handling plants.


Numerous legends, composed about the flower by the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean, express its presence and significance even in ancient times.

Despite the various variations of the legends, the meaning of the flower and its appearance remains unchanged. The ancient Greek Goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, stricken with grief for the loss of her beloved Adonis, mourned him at the place of death for a long time - her tears turned into placers of anemones.

Unusual tenderness and grace, the brightness of the color of the petals symbolize greatness and sorrow, chastity and trembling. Ancient girls decorated their heads with anemone wreaths, they served as a talisman against evil spirits and misfortunes.

The mystery of the flower, its "unearthly" origin was displayed by ancient painters in their paintings with divine characters.

Christian biblical traditions tell that numerous anemones grew on Golgotha ​​after the execution of Christ. The blood of Christ poured out in the crimson color of the petals. Newly Christian Palestinians used the shamrock anemone as a symbol of the Holy Trinity.

The lightness of the petals and the flexibility of a thin peduncle, thrilled by the slightest fluctuation of the air, served as the second name of the flower "anemone" and the name of the genus, the anemone in Greek means "daughter of the winds."

The use of the crown anemone in breeding dates back to 1600. Tubers brought to Europe from the countries of Asia Minor gained popularity in Italy, France, Germany, Holland. Actively cultivated in North America. Modern breeding work in Russia is carried out in the Sochi Center.

Reference! Crowned anemone belongs to the group of ephemeroids - perennial herbaceous plants that have the ability to go through all stages of growth in a short period of time: from the appearance of shoots to the ripening of seeds.

Types of crown anemone

The owner of the title of "queen of spring flowers", being the crown representative of the genus, justifies her regalia with bright, abundant, spectacular flowering.

Centuries-old selection selection has enriched the garden collection of anemones with numerous varieties of crown anemone with individual features and characteristics. Culture is classified:

  1. Inflorescence configuration: single-row, double-row arrangement of petals (semi-double), multi-row (double).
  2. Bud color: a huge number of colors and shades, rarely found in nature, which no other flowering plant has.
  3. Flowering time: twice per season (ephemeroids), long summer, later (autumn).
  4. Peduncle height: dwarf (10 cm) and tall (for cutting).

There are several types that are distinguished by the greatest decorative effect, used for horticultural cultivation.

"Sylph". A variety that blooms in summer (June - July) has large lilac - pink, raspberry, fuchsia bracts (5 - 8 cm) with purple stamens. The height of the bush is up to 30 cm. With decent care, about 10 peduncles grow on one bush. Shade-loving, flowers fade in the sun. Also used for forcing.

"Governor". Endowed with ruby-red petals with a cream ring at the base, bud diameter up to 10 cm. More than 12 peduncles per bush, 30 cm long. Very decorative. Differs in long blossoming (45 - 60 days).

"Don Juan". A large poppy-shaped terry bud, a saucer of a similar shape.

"Bicolor". A bushy anemone 20 cm high. A single crowned flower has white petals with a contrasting red ring at the base with a diameter of 7 cm. The number of peduncles reaches 8 pieces. Resistant to low temperatures.

"Holland". Red petals with a white circle at the base, two-row, peduncles 15 - 30 cm high, up to 8 pieces bloom on one bush. Does not fade in the sun.

"De Kaen". The flower is single, crowned, single row, of various colors: ultramarine, red, white, yellow, purple, pale white with a clearly defined central pink stripe and others, the dark core has many stamens. Peduncle resistant 40 - 80 cm Blooms twice a season.

Saint Bridget. Terry peony-shaped inflorescences of small size, preferably pink tones.

Fokker. Violet - blue color of semi-double petals is set off by a dark, almost black middle, undersized plant 30 cm tall, bud 6 cm in diameter, the plant produces up to 10 peduncles. Shade-tolerant. Flowering early, up to 1.5 months. It is used to decorate boutonnieres and bouquets.

Mount Everest. Not large snow-white petals with increased doubleness, greenish-yellow center, bloom in early spring in late April or early May.

"Bride". Dwarf bush (10 - 15 cm) with single saucer-shaped single-row bracts of white with mother-of-pearl color and a yellow-light green core. Shade-loving. Flowering time is 1 month. Can be grown as a potted ornament.

"Lord Lieutenant". Violet, blue color multi-row aster-shaped flower baskets, 6 cm in diameter, with a black core, slightly fading in the bright sun. The number of peduncles is 10. Flowering is long from June to August. Decorative.

"Admiral". hybrid variety. Hardy. Decorative. Peduncles low - 25 cm, persistent, one bud per peduncle. Flowers pink - lilac with mother-of-pearl, densely double, with thin sharp petals, solitary. Differs in a large number of peduncles on a bush. Flowering early, not long 15 - 20 days. It is used for cutting into bouquets and forcing, as a pot decoration.

The timing of flowering and the size of the bush depend on the climatic conditions of the area grown anemones.

Advice! Protect flowering plantings from gusts of wind, the anemone is afraid of drafts.

How to choose the right tubers when buying

The key to success in growing crown anemone is in high-quality planting material. You can buy tubers at the end of winter in a flower shop. Choose only trusted selling companies, the quality and integrity of the packaging. Modern manufacturers unpack the goods in branded packaging with storage recommendations, planting dates, usually already treated with fungicides from diseases and pests. Still, you need to know how the tubers look.

Tubers (bulbs) of crown anemone are small in size from 10 to 30 mm (1 year - 10 mm), have an irregular shape. They look like a flattened, dried-up (like a cracker) lump with an uneven surface (tubercles, notches, growths), one of the surfaces has a thin nose (a dried section of the peduncle - there is a vegetative bud here) - this is the top of the tuber. The color depends on the variety, it can be dark earthy or brown.

Healthy bulbs have a uniform color, without black spots and mold, without voids, firm to the touch, not crumbling from overdrying. When purchasing tubers in a distribution network, it is necessary to take into account germination, usually only one of 5 bulbs is suitable for growth.

Attention! All varieties of the species anemone coronaria prefer alkaline soils. The increased acidity of the soil must be neutralized in advance by adding dolomite flour or wood ash.

Preparing tubers for planting

Preliminary preparation of tubers will help to make sure of the quality of planting material, to be sure for healthy seedlings of anemone coronaria.

Dried tubers must be soaked, but a large amount of moisture is detrimental to the bulbs, they cannot be lowered into a container with water - they suffocate without oxygen, so it is enough to moisten the cotton cloth with water with the addition of a root growth stimulator, for example: "Kornevin", after squeezing, wrap the bulbs in it, put in a plastic bag (after making several holes) for 7 - 8 hours. In the meantime, prepare a planting box filled with:

  • wet sand;
  • wet sawdust;
  • moistened soil mixture of peat and sand.

Place moistened, swollen nodules on the surface of the soil with a vegetative bud up without pressing. If there is any doubt on which side of the growth bud, place the tuber sideways. Create a greenhouse effect by covering with glass or film, put in a cool dark place until white roots appear. Ventilate the greenhouse, moisturizing (if necessary) by spraying. After some time, depending on the variety, 7 - 14 days will become a noticeable point of growth. Sprouted bulbs are planted directly in the ground or pots.

Advice! Many flower growers recommend planting not germinated, but only swollen bulbs in individual disposable containers, so that later they can be transplanted by transshipment to their intended purpose, this method of germinating tubers is less traumatic for tender seedlings.

Planting in the spring with purchased tubers

There are optimal air temperatures for plant growth, taking into account the variety and type of plant, so planting time is different for each region. The most acceptable temperature for crown anemone is 9 - 12 degrees, below 9 - the rooting rate decreases, and at higher temperatures (more than 12) - the roots of the bulb develop poorly, and when waterlogged, they rot.

Since the crown anemone is a southerner, tender and thermophilic, in areas with a temperate climate, spring planting with soaked or already germinated tubers is preferable.

On a place prepared in advance, protected from drafts, taking into account the illumination (recommended for this variety), with loose fertile soil, tubers are planted according to the scheme:

  • bulb 10 mm at a distance of 20 cm from each other at the rate of 50 pieces 1 sq. meter;
  • 15 - 20 (30 pcs);
  • 20 - 20 (25).

Bulbs are planted to a depth of 4 - 5 cm with a size of 10 - 15 cm, larger by 8 - 10 cm. Holes are made, humus and ash are placed on the bottom of which, the tuber is carefully placed with the growth bud up and sprinkled with earth. The soil must be well moistened. Shoots appear in 20 - 25 days. Spring planting will delight with rapid flowering only in June - July, some varieties - August.

Planting in autumn

Autumn time is not the best time for planting crown anemones. Its main varieties are spring, it does not tolerate cold, but it is possible to transplant bulbs grown on its own plot.

Planting is not difficult, except for determining the vegetative bud, as the tubers are planted dry (will protect from freezing). Timing determines the optimum temperature. In areas with early frosts without snow cover, bulbs should be planted in August - September. The tuber needs to adapt to frost. They are planted in the same way as in the spring. Following actions:

  • monitor soil moisture;
  • do not allow the soil to dry out if the autumn is dry.

In rainy weather, there is a danger of rotting the bulbs. The feature is winter shelter. When frost approaches, the soil in the planting area is mulched with peat (15 cm), leaves, spruce branches. This increases the bulbs' chances of surviving the winter.

Advice! A waterproof film will help protect the winter shelter from excess precipitation.

Outdoor Anemone Care

This type of anemones is demanding and controversial. To achieve spectacular flowering of Mediterranean beauties in a temperate climate is possible only by bringing the growing conditions closer to their natural habitat.

Illumination. The plant prefers plenty of sunlight. From a disadvantage - the peduncles are drawn out, the flowers become smaller, but it belongs to short-day cultures, 12 hours of daylight hours are enough for them to bloom. Thanks to breeding work, there are shade-tolerant varieties that need 4-5 hours of exposure to direct sunlight.

Temperature. It is thermophilic, but the flowers withstand short-term frosts down to -5 degrees, and the leaves - 12. It does not tolerate snowless long frosts, but is able to survive the winter under careful shelter.

Humidity. Stagnation of water in the soil inhibits the growth of the ground part, and is detrimental to anemone tubers, especially at low temperatures. Withstands short-term drought. Abundant watering is required only during the period of growth and budding (if there is no precipitation), the rest of the growing season is sufficient to maintain moderate soil moisture.

The soil. Anemone is selective to the composition of the soil. Rapid flowering is possible only on loose, nutritious, breathable, well-drained, alkaline soils.

Top dressing. Throughout the very short vegetative period, the anemone is responsive to both organic and mineral supplements. At the stage of growth and budding, anemones are watered 2-3 times a month with a solution of fermented manure and mineral fertilizers. During flowering 1-2 times. After the autumn flowering, anemones do not need to be fertilized. This will help them survive the winter.

Diseases and pests. A very important part of care. The danger for anemones is made up of all diseases and pests of neighboring plants. Various rot from an excess of moisture, thickening of the planting. For healthy anemone growth, it is necessary: ​​timely removal of weeds without mechanical damage, which can provoke infections; prevent stagnant water, increase the air permeability of the soil (loosen); carry out the fight against sucking insects, slugs - carriers of viruses (treatment with fungicides).

Light, at the same time strict, care will allow you to enjoy the depth of the exquisite shades of the crown anemone, not only in the backyard, but also in bouquet compositions decorating the house.

Attention! When top dressing with liquid fertilizers, do not allow the leaves to be poured; in case of accidental contact, wash off the liquid with water.

Crown anemone in winter: dig up or leave tubers in the ground?

Crown anemones are a heat-loving species. Despite the endurance of short-term frosts, they are unlikely to withstand long-term frosts of the middle zone. You can take a chance and cover for the winter with peat or lutrasil, but it’s better to dig up the tubers and plant them again in the spring.

How to store tubers until spring

Bulbs are dug up after withering and some drying of the leaves, so as not to lose the planting site (the aerial part of some varieties disappears altogether). The tubers, along with the leaves, are put in boxes to dry in a ventilated shaded room. After 2 weeks bulbs:

  • cleaned from the earth, dry leaves, roots and husks;
  • cull sick, damaged;
  • treated with a fungicide solution;
  • dry;
  • put in canvas bags; cardboard boxes with dry sawdust or peat.

Store in a cool dry place. If the storage conditions are observed, the germination of the bulbs lasts up to 3 years.

Crown anemone in landscape design

A variety of breeding varieties of crown anemone is just a godsend for landscape designers. Various flowering periods, amazing shades of color allow you to make seasonal compositions even from one anemone. The combination with other primroses adds brightness to the gray spring landscape.

They are used to decorate alpine slides, rabatka, rockeries. Tall varieties act as a background in the microborder. Low - serve as a smooth transition from high to lawn, not bad for framing paths. Single bushes planted in the garden add richness and color to the landscape.


Knowing the intricacies of care and choosing the right variety, growing an anemone will not be difficult, but the aesthetic pleasure received from flowering will leave its mark for a long time.

  • anemones: characteristic
  • how to plant anemones, photo
  • how to store anemone tubers
  • what do anemone bulbs look like
  • anemones: do I need to dig for the winter
  • how to care for anemones

Anemones: characteristic

anemone, anemone (name Anemone) is a perennial herb that belongs to the family Lyutikovs . It grows in height from 10 to 100 cm. Anemone in Greek means "wind" ("anemos"). Hence the other name - anemone. This plant is very sensitive to wind. Even small gusts of it cause the flowers to sway on the stems, which contributes to pollination and seed dispersal.

Moreover, in most species petals flowers fall off easily in the wind. Most anemones bloom in early spring, the rest in summer and autumn.

How to plant anemones, photo

root system plants - rhizome and tuber (more precisely, a shapeless dense tuberous rhizome, which dries out and becomes hard during dormancy). In this article, we will talk about tuberous anemones.

Most popular - Crown anemone (A. coronaria) and Anemone tender, Anemonoides (A. blanda). They produce chamomile flowers , which appear in the spring, even before the trees and shrubs are covered with leaves. Anemones will decorate sunny and semi-shady areas in the garden. good companions for them will be small-bulbous plants, primroses and pansies.

Planting anemones in open ground:

  • Grow on moist, light, fertile soils with good drainage. Location e - sunny or partial shade.
  • Landing time - spring (after the soil warms up well) or autumn (in warm regions).
  • It is better to plant tubers already sprouted . For this anemones soaked in a small cup for 2-4 hours. Next, their put into a moist substrate (it can be replaced with wet sphagnum, cotton wool or cloth) and kept until sprouts appear. Temperature air at the same time should be in the range of 20-25 ° C.
  • Have small tubers , so they do not need to be deepened too much. Planting depth - 5-7 cm. You can try this landing method : The tubers need to be pressed into the soil, but not sprinkled with earth (just cover slightly). And after the appearance of sprouts - completely cover the tubers with earth.
  • Anemone tubers don't really have a "pointy" or "flat" side. So hard to figure out , where the top is at the tuber, and where is the bottom. But you don't have to worry about which side they are on. The sprout will find its way.
  • Distance when landing - 5-7 cm apart.
  • After planting, the plant is abundant water . Adult anemones need to be watered as needed, and during the dormant period, watering is stopped.
  • During flowering , flowers can be cut and used to create flower bouquets. It is not dangerous for the plant!
  • After flowering, the foliage begins turn yellow and die . The anemone is preparing for a dormant period.
  • For the winter, seedlings are better in their soil don't leave . Them dig out at the end of August and dry well. store in a dry substrate until spring: first at a temperature of 15-20 ° C (from autumn to winter), and then at 3-5 ° C (winter-spring).

Anemone tubers:

Planting anemones in containers:

  • Containers for planting an anemone must have drainage holes.
  • Fill in capacity ground with a mixture of good quality. It should be loose, air and water tight.
  • Post containers in the places where the plants will be in the sun most of the day (for example, a sunny patio or terrace).
  • Anemone tubers can be planted tightly , but at the same time they must not touch each other and the walls of the container.
  • Plants are very sensitive to frost . Therefore, in winter they are kept in a cool, but frost-free room.
  • After sprouts will appear , and warm weather has settled on the street, containers with plants endure to the open air.
  • soil in containers must be kept moist until the end of the season.

sprouted anemones :

Sprouted crown anemone:

Anemones in a pot:

How to store anemone tubers

anemones - this is very frost sensitive plants. If you live in the southern region, then it is permissible not to dig up the tubers. But good cover the ground leaves for the winter. In other regions, you must have to dig and save the tubers until the next season.

Carefully extract tubers from the soil and dry them . Dig up when the stems and leaves have become dry. for storage suitable paper bag, as well as cotton bags. Usually store in dry peat or sand, sawdust is suitable. Optimum temperature for storage in autumn - 20 degrees above zero, and for winter - 5-6 degrees of heat. Suitable cellars, cellars. In the spring you can again plant their beautiful flowers.

What do anemone bulbs look like?

bulbs anemones or tubers have very small sizes , the average diameter is 12-15 mm, but it all depends on the variety. The form tubers may be oval, sometimes round or slightly flattened. It is difficult to understand where the bulb has the top and where the bottom. It's good that you can plant whatever you want. Some varieties have a shape that resembles a triangle. Colour - black, earthy, very dark. sometimes brown.

Tubers in the photo:

Do anemones need to be dug up for the winter

Many gardeners believe that digging up anemones is a prerequisite. tubers can be used multiple times. Also, they can keep three years if the bulb is healthy. What happens if you don't dig up the anemones? In many regions of Ukraine, anemones can die in winter. These plants are easy to care for, but absolutely not winter hardy . Most varieties will not be able to survive the winter in the ground. If you do not have time to dig and store bulbs, then plant a winter-hardy variety in your garden - forest anemone . This species grows well in the north and is able to withstand temperatures up to thirty degrees below zero ! The remaining varieties need shelter for the winter, as well as digging. The southern regions, as well as the Crimea, are suitable for wintering under a layer of dry leaves, in other regions it is necessary to protect the plant from the cold. Average temperatures for winter - five degrees of heat, it all depends on the variety. If tubers leave in the ground (in the southern region), then most likely your flower will bloom in the summer.

forest anemone:

Anemones how to care

Care behind the anemone is very simple. autumn dig up the tubers and store them correctly, in the spring again imprisoned into open ground. Fits place in the sun , but then follow the watering, the earth should not dry out. Anemone can grow in partial shade. The soil should be fertile, not dry, but well-drained. It is recommended to add ordinary sand to the ground. acidic soils not suitable for most varieties, it is better to choose a neutral soil. Next to the anemones no need to plant plants with large roots. The plant needs to be watered properly. Always keep an eye on soil moisture, check it. Very wet soil, also very dry bad influence on plant growth. During flowering, you can fertilize the earth . Suitable for feeding complex fertilizers. More one piece of advice - get rid of weeds, but do it very carefully so as not to damage the sensitive roots of the plant.