How an arch is made. Do-it-yourself drywall arch: the best ideas and projects from world-famous designers (130 photos). Materials for interior arches

The transformation of the interior of the premises is being done different ways. One of them is replacing the door with an arch. There are several technologies for its arrangement, but if you look in detail, then almost all of them are similar and quite feasible. on your own. Moreover, it is possible to mount both purchased elements of the “arch” and those made independently.

Preparatory activities

Choosing an arch type

Experts recommend focusing on the height of the ceiling and the general style of finishing the room. There are several options for the execution of arched structures, but most of them reduce the opening due to the installation of a supporting frame by about 150 - 200 mm.

  • At low ceilings hardly worth getting rid of interior doors. At the very least, it should be well thought out. The only possible option for finishing the opening after their dismantling is plastering followed by pasting (wallpaper, fabric) to match the walls. Building an arch in this way is quite simple; it is only necessary to correctly process the end parts of the passage. But this version of the design of the room has a significant disadvantage, and therefore does not suit everyone - the lack of crates makes it impossible to install hidden spotlights in the opening.
  • In some articles on the subject of making an arch, there are recommendations for giving the desired geometry to the passage between rooms using cellular blocks, bricks, or the method of concreting. Not to mention the complexity of such work, it is worth considering the additional load on the floor. And since you still have to deal with the solution, then for an apartment - not the best option.

But if the decision is made, then you should take into account the features of the interior of the home. This will help you correctly identify optimal type arches.

  • Classical. The upper part is an arc with a constant radius (semicircle). It is relatively easy to make, as it has the correct geometry. But it is advisable to mount it only in the openings between rooms with high ceilings.
  • "Modern", "Romatica" are well suited for multi-storey buildings. The last type of arches has a large width, and therefore are recommended for installation in the opening leading from the hall to the hallway.
  • "Portal". The main difference from others is that it rectangular arch. It is advisable to install it in private buildings. In relation to the apartment, it looks great, but only if the style of the room is dominated by straight lines. A significant advantage of this design is that it is mounted without much difficulty, even in the absence of skills.
  • "Ellipse" and "Trapeze" have a more original shape. Deciding how to make an arch in doorway according to one of these schemes, it is worth considering that the correctness of the geometry largely depends on the accuracy of calculating the parameters of all elements and radii (angles).

There are other design options for openings: Venetian, Florentine, with "shoulders" and a number of others. But to build an interior arch of any of these varieties is so difficult that for self-assembly they should not be chosen.

Material selection

  • Frame. There are only two options here - wooden slats and metal profile. It is more difficult to work with the first ones, especially if the vault has a geometry with changing parameters. Bending wood is not only a complex process, but also a long one. In addition, the tree absorbs moisture well, is prone to drying out, and therefore deformation cannot be avoided. In this regard, a door arch assembled on a metal frame is more durable and reliable.

  • Facing. Panels made of plastic or chipboard with lamination look great, besides, they do not require further finishing. The downside is that it is difficult to choose their shade for a specific interior; besides, such an arch will be more expensive. It is better to use elements from fiberboard, plywood (small thickness) or gypsum board. Work with data sheet materials(cutting, bending) is much easier. Plus, the finish can be made any, at your discretion.
  • Must have experience working with wood. It is difficult to bend and, in some cases, process. For example, a selection of grooves, quarters without special tool and no adaptations are made.
  • Lumber still needs to be properly selected. First of all, by breed. Each is different characteristic features, and the use largely depends on the specifics of the room in terms of microclimate.

Operating procedure

  1. Removing the door frame. The opening must be completely cleared; not only from the frame with the sash, but also from sealing / insulating materials.

  1. Markup. There is one caveat to note at this point; the ends of the wall must be strong. Therefore, if she separate area does not meet this requirement, you will have to think about either strengthening it (for example, with a corner), or additional sampling of a part of the material with subsequent alignment. But in the latter case, the size of the opening will increase. This is typical for houses made of wood, if it is found that rot has developed on a beam (log).

  • Dimensions should be taken at several levels. Even if the skew is visually and imperceptible, then when the door arch is mounted with your own hands, difficulties may arise.
  • Many discrepancies raise the question of what to do first - draw up a drawing of the arch or determine the dimensions of the opening. Here it is worth focusing on local specifics. If the material of the walls is easy to process, then it is not difficult to expand the opening. Otherwise, the design parameters will have to be “customized” to fit it.
  1. Support frame attachment. It is assembled in several stages.
  • Arrangement of the main circuit. In accordance with the drawing, all external rails of the vertical installation are “fastened” to the wall.
  • Fastening "vault". Additionally, the upper part of the arch is fixed with hangers, which are located symmetrically across the entire width of the opening.

  • Strengthening the frame. For this, transverse elements are used that are installed along the arch along its entire profile. Approximately - 50 ± 10 cm apart. For GKL, a maximum is also sufficient (about 55 - 60), but if the lining is done with a board, then the interval should be reduced to 45 - 50.
  • Closing gaps. In fact, this is one of the ways to insulate the opening. Depending on the material of the wall and frame, the appropriate agent is selected - mortar, mounting foam, putty or otherwise.

  1. Wiring. As a rule, all arched openings are highlighted. That is why the lines are mounted even before the frame is finished.
  1. Structural cladding. The specifics of fixing the skin elements depends on their material. But they are attached to the rails of the metal profile with self-tapping screws; the simplest and convenient way. It is only necessary to outline the location of the holes and drill channels for the hardware.

  1. Finishing the arch
  • Putty application. This is necessary to smooth out the roughness.
  • Soil treatment. Such products simultaneously increase the water-repellent properties of the base and the adhesion of the material.
  • Strengthening the finish (if necessary). The edges of the GKL are reinforced with a small corner (made of plastic, with perforation), the surface itself is reinforced with a reinforcing mesh that is glued.
  • Reapplication of putty and primer.
  • Grinding.
  • Finish coating. Possible options- paints and varnishes, decorative films, veneer, wallpaper, stucco, mirrors. There are no stereotypes - your own imagination will tell you what kind to give the opening.

In principle, the process of mounting and finishing the arch for an economic man is not difficult. And if we take into account in advance such a moment as the maintainability of the structure, then they will not arise in the future.

How to make an arch in a doorway? This question interests many owners of apartments and private houses.

It should be noted right away that the arched opening can ideally look only in rooms with high ceilings.

With low ceilings, such a structure visually significantly reduces the opening. Therefore, you should think carefully before deciding to build an arch. If you accepted it, then you can find a lot of materials to implement the idea.

Methods for constructing arches

How to make an arch instead of doors? Today there are such ways to create arches:

  1. For an arched opening, a wall is hollowed out according to a pre-made markup. This method is more suitable for rooms with not very high ceilings.
  2. With a sufficient height of ceilings and doorways, their upper part is sealed with pieces of drywall or plywood to give them an arched shape.

When chiselling a wall, proceed as follows:

  1. You need to remove all decorative trim including door frame.
  2. From the floor itself, a vertical line is marked on both sides of the opening to the height of the future arch. For precise marking use a level or plumb line.
  3. The width of the marked opening is measured and divided in half. It turns out the value of the radius of the arch.
  4. The center of the arch is marked on the upper horizontal line. A screw, self-tapping screw or nail is fixed at this point.
  5. A strong thread is tied to a self-tapping screw, the other end is attached to a pencil. The excess thread is wound around a pencil, leaving a length equal to the radius of the arch.
  6. A mark is made on the vertical from the center point of the line down at a radius distance.
  7. A semicircle of the upper part of the arch is outlined.
  8. On the other side of the wall, the marking operations are repeated.

Now you can start swotting with a puncher or other tool. The choice of tool depends on the material of the wall. It is recommended to drill as far as possible along the intended contour. more holes. They will help in the chiseling process. AT wooden wall the opening is cut with a jigsaw or a hacksaw with a narrow blade. The final stage of the preparatory work is the processing of the edges of the resulting opening and the design of it with prepared materials.

With high ceilings, you can make a door arch if you follow this sequence of actions:

  1. In the opening, the frame of the future arch is assembled from wooden or metal profiles.
  2. Plasterboard or other material is marked out from which rectangles need to be cut. Their width is equal to the radius of the arch, the length is equal to the width of the opening. Using a large compass or thread with a pencil, the upper arcs of the arch are marked and cut out with a jigsaw.
  3. The resulting blanks are attached to the frame with hardened self-tapping screws. Their hats are recessed 0.5-1 mm into drywall.
  4. The end of the opening is closed. You can do this with DVP. This material bends quite well. You can use a strip of drywall with a thickness of 8 mm. It is rolled several times with a spiked roller and sprinkled with water. Punctures are made to a depth of up to half the thickness of the drywall sheet.
  5. If there is no needle roller, punctures can be made with an ordinary awl. The distance between them is about 1 cm. They are made only on the side where the part will be bent. After some time (approximately after 1-1.5 hours), the gypsum soaks and the strip bends quite easily. It is better to bend it on a wooden or plasterboard template. After drying, it becomes hard again.
  6. Plasterboard putty and make out the arch at its discretion.

arch configurations

The arch in the house gives the premises a certain personality. Configurations and forms arched openings there are many. Let's consider some of them:

  1. The classic version is suitable for rooms with a height of 3 m or more. The arch of the correct form has a bending radius of 45 cm or more. If you add it to the height of the doorway, then overall height There simply isn't enough space.
  2. Arch Art Nouveau is often built in standard apartments. Its radius exceeds the width of the doorway, so between vertical elements and the arc remains the corners. They can be made sharp or rounded.
  3. Romantic style - a variant of the arch for openings of large width. Between the corners with roundings, a horizontal insert can be placed, you can install it at an angle.

The configuration of the arch depends on the desire and aesthetic taste of the owner of the home. The arched opening can be wavy, polygonal, illuminated, with various niches and shelves, with stained-glass windows, and so on.

Materials for equipment arches

Arched opening can be made from monolithic concrete, plastic, brick, metal, wood, chipboard, fiberboard, plywood, plasterboard and other materials. When using brick, concrete or stone, their weight must be taken into account. For such structures, a special foundation and reinforcing elements for bonding with walls may be required.

Metal is a material that fits into any style. But not every metal is suitable for these purposes. The stainless steel option is very expensive. galvanized iron in indoor areas doesn't look. It is quite difficult to make complex figures out of metal.

beautiful material natural origin is a tree. It practically does not require additional finishing.

The best processed and allow you to perform arches of any shape drywall, fiberboard and particle board. These building materials can be finished with plaster, painted, covered with a layer of decorative or conventional plaster, paste over with wallpaper, veneer with decorative stone.

Plastic is a material that is easy to process. Plastic structures do not require additional processing and finishing.

For the design of arches, ready-made structures from different materials are also sold.

  1. The appearance of the arch must match overall design premises. Each side of the opening can be decorated in different ways.
  2. Any work on the construction of arched openings begins with the dismantling of the door frame.
  3. For convenience and speed up the marking process, it is recommended to use a full-size template. It can be made from cardboard.
  4. When constructing curved frame elements from metal profiles, slots are made on them, which allow the workpiece to be bent. The cuts are made in increments of about 5 cm.
  5. For work, a drill or a puncher, a hammer, scissors for iron and a hacksaw are usually used. Sometimes other tools may be needed.
  6. The frame is attached 10-12 mm deep into the doorway so that the drywall attached to it is flush with the wall after puttying.
  7. The assembled structure is treated with sandpaper and putty. Surfaces and corners can be covered with fiberglass mesh.

Drywall arch is architectural element, which allows you to create an arc-shaped ceiling in a wall, doorway or partition. Most often, arches are door, because they are the easiest to make. However, if partitions are created, then they often use curved ceilings for a decorative effect.

Such designs are created to bring some kind of novelty to a bored interior. Therefore, you can see them in the most different rooms apartments. In some cases, they are applied. For example, drywall arches to the kitchen allow you to throw out unnecessary doors and not steal space from yourself.

The most popular types of drywall arches

It would seem that we are talking about a simple arc-shaped structure, so talking about types and design does not make sense. However, the opposite is true, and there are different kinds drywall arches. GKL is very easy to work with, and metallic profile bends well. Therefore, there are a lot of variations on the theme of the doorway. Before you make a drywall arch with your own hands, you need to decide what shape it will be. Consider the most popular types of this design.

  1. The classic version assumes the presence of a regular circle in the upper part of the structure. To be more precise, it should be exactly a semicircle. For the option to be considered classic, the diameter of this circle must be the width of the doorway. This option looks great in apartments with high ceilings or in large rooms. Such decorative arches from drywall in the hallway is not uncommon.
Classic is not so often used in apartments due to their small area.
  1. Semi-arches are very often used in interior partitions. There is only one rounded corner in such structures. Increasingly, semi-arches begin to appear in modern interiors, but they are extremely rarely created during repairs in old doorways.

Often semi-arches are used as a decorative element.
  1. Drywall interior arches in an apartment can have the shape of an "ellipse". This form is resorted to in cases where the opening has no big sizes. This option looks beautiful when the doorway is either 60 cm wide (instead of the usual 80 cm), or, conversely, is very wide, as in the hall. In both cases, the elliptical shape does not look bulky.

Arches in the form of an ellipse belong to the style of "Romance"
  1. Figured arches have custom shape. The most bizarre arched structures can be created from profiles. Most often, figured drywall arches are mounted in the hall, because they must be large in order to realize all your fantasies. Such designs are the most difficult in terms of creation. Often, an arch in a drywall niche is just curly.

It is almost impossible to create curly arches without the help of a professional.
  1. Portal. Typically, this design is used in old doorways, when they want to get by with a minimum of effort, without hiding free space. In fact, for such a design, you only need to slightly round the corners of the doorway. Sometimes not the corners themselves are rounded, but only the upper part of the portal. This design is as close as possible in shape to a conventional doorway. Quite often, such a door arch is made of drywall with your own hands in the kitchen.

The portal is an opening with slight rounding of its corners or upper part.
  1. The design of the drywall arch can be made in the Modern style. An opening of this type is characterized by a sharp transition at the junction of the vertical and horizontal parts. Also, the radius of curvature should not be very large. The resulting design is considered quite ordinary and looks good if there are no more artsy interior elements. Such openings in the hall look very good.

Style "Modern" is good for a wide and low arched opening
  1. Trapeze is an arch for the lazy. There are no arcs in this design, only broken lines. So, it will be much easier to create it. Such option is suitable for those who do not dare to create round openings. Do-it-yourself installation of drywall arches is a complicated matter, but in the case of the Trapeze, everything is greatly simplified. This type is used extremely rarely, because few people see the point in making a trapezoidal opening from a rectangular opening.

If you can’t make the corners rounded, then you can fix everything to a “trapezoid”

We prepare materials and tools

Making drywall arches with your own hands is impossible without certain tools and materials. During work, you simply cannot do without the following tools:

  • using scissors for metal, the profile will be cut. After that, it can be given any desired shape;
  • A screwdriver with a bit speeds up and simplifies installation using self-tapping screws. You can do everything with a curly screwdriver, but with a screwdriver it is much faster and easier. It also does not hurt to get a special bat, which will allow you to drive the screws to the desired depth in order to “drown” the hats. The device will especially appeal to beginners who find it difficult to apply the right force when working with self-tapping screws;
  • a puncher or drill will be needed to attach the frame to the walls;
  • a level, a tape measure and a pencil are used to correctly mark the future arch and apply guidelines for work on the wall;
  • a wallpaper knife is needed to cut the plasterboard. It’s not bad to make an arch from GKL with your own hands using a jigsaw. But the tool may not be available to most, so you will have to cut the sheets with a regular knife.

For fixing profiles and drywall, you will need dowels with self-tapping screws. As for the profiles themselves, a 60 * 27mm rack profile and a 28 * 27mm guide are usually used (other profiles can also be used). Also, you can not do without a perforated reinforcing corner. Fiberglass mesh can be used instead. More will be needed Decoration Materials and the plasterboard itself. I would like to talk about him and his flexibility in more detail.

Which drywall to choose and how to bend it

There is a special arched drywall 6 mm thick. It is quite possible and even necessary to use it to create arches. However, there are several points that may prompt the use of a conventional 12.5 mm thick wall plasterboard. Although the arched material is twice as thin as the wall material, it is twice as expensive. If only one or two arches are made, then very little wall GKL will be required, and you will have to buy a whole sheet.

Arched drywall easy to bend by hand

At the same time, wall plasterboard is probably already used in the repair of an apartment, since the question arose of making an arch. Therefore, this material is at hand. But it is too thick to be bent properly. There is a way for how to bend drywall for an arch.

If during the bending of the sheet of arched gypsum craton it starts to crackle slightly, then this is a signal that it is time to stop. A little more effort and it will simply crack.

The dry method involves bending the GKL with my own hands to the desired radius. If it is an arched gypsum craton, then it easily gives in and bends. The wall sheet does not lend itself to such a procedure at all, so it is bent in a wet way.

Table of drywall bending radii
Sheet thicknessMinimum dry bend radiusMinimum wet bend radius
6.5mm100 cm30 cm
8 mm155 cm38 cm
9.5mm200 cm50 cm
12.5mm275 cm100 cm

To create beautiful arches from drywall it must be properly bent. To do this, a frame is created for the entire sheet. It should be a curved frame with the same radius as the arch. A sheet of wall drywall is placed on the floor and many holes are made on its back side with a spiked roller. Then it is moistened with a wet roller for about ten minutes. Then the sheet is transferred to the frame and gently bent on both sides. You need to moisten carefully so that the sheet does not soak completely.

A wet sheet lends itself easily, but there is no need to rush. When the GKL completely lies on the frame, then it will be necessary to fix it in this position for the night. During this time, it will dry and take new form. More about this process and other intricacies of bending the GKL can be viewed on the video.

It is not necessary to fool around with a whole sheet. If there is one or two arches, then you just need to cut off the GKL strips to a given size and bend only them. This is much easier, and the frame for bending will then go into work for the same sheet.

Simple and affordable step by step instructions

Before you make the drywall arch yourself, you need to prepare. All that may be required for this has been described above. The design was chosen, the tools and materials were sorted out. Therefore, you can proceed directly to the process itself. There are several ways to create an arched opening from drywall. Now the simplest and most accessible of them will be considered.

Do-it-yourself drywall arch: step-by-step instruction.

  1. We attach a U-shaped profile to the doorway. You should get two letters P. The profile is attached inside the opening to the walls (to the height of the arch) and to its upper part. A drill and dowels will help in this process.
  2. We cut a sheet of drywall into rectangles according to the size of the opening and profile. We fasten it to the profile with screws, closing upper part passage. You just need to attach for a while.

With a GKL thickness of 12.5 mm, we deepen the profile inside the opening by this thickness during fastening. Then the drywall attached to it will be flush with the wall.

  1. Draw an arc on the attached rectangle. She will then be a guide for the arch. How to draw an arch on drywall? Very simple. You need to measure the center of the sheet horizontally and attach a small piece of profile to it so that it dangles freely. So we get a kind of compass, which can be used to draw a semicircle.
  2. When the outline is drawn, it's time to cut the arc. For this purpose, a jigsaw is ideal. But you can also use various saws and a hacksaw. Such an interior arch is made with your own hands from drywall also with a knife. But the procedure is difficult and there will be many defects. In any case, the sheet will have to be removed to cut the arc. Then, with sandpaper, you can trim the edges.

The profile must be completely hidden behind drywall
  1. We do the same for the second side of the doorway. In this case, the second sheet can already be made according to the first, which will greatly simplify the drawing of the arc. When two sheets are attached to the frame, you will need to check them for evenness so that there are no height differences. It may be necessary to raise and lower these sheets a little to even out the height. We make a drywall arch with our own hands further.
  2. Now you need to take the guide profile and cut its sides perpendicular to the back in increments of 5 cm. Only the base of the profile (its back) remains untouched, along which it will bend. The profile is bent in an arc and attached to both sheets of drywall with inside. Work will have to be in gloves, so as not to cut your hands. You also need to be careful not to get into your finger with a self-tapping screw when making a drywall arch. The cut profile will bend strongly during installation. It is desirable to deepen the back of the profile by a centimeter so that the further fastening of the GKL to it is flush.
  3. To make the structure more rigid, you need to insert jumpers into it. After this step, the frame for the drywall arch will be ready. For jumpers, a rack profile is used, from which stiffeners are made. They are attached to general design self-tapping screws for metal.

Stiffeners can be installed every 20-30 cm
  1. Now it remains to fix the drywall along the arch in order to completely sew up the structure. Previously, it was considered how to bend the GKL. Drywall door arches using this method are made quickly enough.

Other Methods

The above method may not be to everyone's liking. There are other options for how to make a drywall arch. Many will not want to work locally, because they prefer to spend preparatory work. There are advantages to cutting out the drywall arch and making the frame ahead of time.

With this method, arches are marked and cut out on drywall sheets even before they are attached to the frame. You need to calculate the width of the arch, and then the center on the drywall sheet prepared for it. You can draw a semicircle using an ordinary lace, one end of which is held in the center of the sheet, and a loop is made on the second. A pencil is inserted into this loop, the cord is pulled and an arc is drawn.

Another way to properly make a drywall arch is to use a plastic plank. It bends and creates an arc. Along this arc, they draw an arch on the GKL. But with this method, you need to work together. If you turn on your imagination, you can easily understand how to cut an arch from drywall. Some even take a sheet of drywall, make a lot of cuts on it and break it in all these places. As a result, the arc is not straight, but broken.

When there are two pieces of drywall for the outer parts of the arch, and they have already been cut along the contour, then you can proceed to create the frame. All required dimensions has already. It is created according to the same principle as described in the step-by-step instructions, but now we can use an arched drywall profile. It does not need to be cut, because it bends as you like.

Usage arched profile greatly simplifies and speeds up the work

About the creation of the frame has already been written earlier. It is attached to the U-shaped base, and jumpers are inserted into it. Then the whole structure is sheathed with prepared GKL. If the profile is arched, then it is very easy to insert into the jumpers into it.

Stacked arch without profile

How is a drywall arch made in a doorway without a profile? Is this even possible? Yes, it's real. And we are not talking about some kind of wooden blocks, to which the GKL is hemmed. The essence of the typesetting method lies in the fact that with the help of pieces of GCR, the necessary curvature is created in the doorway.

In the selected corner, the longest piece of plasterboard is attached to the putty. Then a shorter piece is attached to it. Then even shorter and even shorter and so on. For greater reliability, PVA is added to the putty and diluted with water as needed. To know how long the pieces should be, lay them out mono on the table and see if the desired curvature is achieved. Here's how to assemble a drywall arch without the help of a profile. If you just need to round the corners a little, then the method is ideal. For more complex structures he won't fit.

Excess putty is removed immediately, otherwise when it dries, it will be problematic to remove. Also, for better adhesion, it is advisable to prime all pieces of drywall.

Washers will need to be placed under the screw heads so that the drywall does not break through

To prevent the plates from falling off, they are periodically attached with self-tapping screws. There can be more than ten such pieces for each corner. When the whole structure is dry, it is puttied in such a way as to smooth out all the corners from the plates. Now you know how to make an arch from hl without a profile.

Finishing the archway

Regardless of the chosen method for creating an arched opening, the arch on the plasterboard wall must be brought into a divine form. To do this, putty the caps of the screws and the existing joints between the sheets. A special corner must be attached to the joints of the corner sheets. It will make the structure more reliable, and the corner edge itself more durable. Usually such reinforcing corners are attached to putty, but not in this case.

The corner can be plastic or metal

For greater reliability, the corner is attached to the opening with a stapler or small screws. Then this corner will be puttied. Here's how to make a drywall archway more durable so that the corners never get chipped. Instead of a corner, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh can be used. It can cover not only the joints, but also the transition points from the plasterboard to the wall.

The entire arch is putty together with the corners. For this purpose, ordinary gypsum putty is used. You can choose acrylic putty. It's already on sale ready-made, and gypsum will have to be diluted with water. The procedure will need to be repeated 2-3 times to get the smoothest and most flat surface. The first layer roughly trims everything, and the second is leveled completely. A beginner may not succeed in creating a smooth surface and they will need to putty everything a third time. Nothing wrong with that.

No one should have problems with how to putty a drywall arch. If the surface comes out rough and with tubercles, then you can take sandpaper and sand it down. Then it will certainly be possible to achieve a smooth base for further finishing.

For finishing, you will need several spatulas

How to finish a drywall arch? Usually for finishing traditional wallpaper and paint are used. If you choose wallpaper, you will need to cut a strip for the inside of the arch and stick it, protruding slightly beyond the edges. Then this protrusion is carefully cut off with a knife. The front parts of the opening are also pasted over with wallpaper that protrudes beyond the plane. Then they are also carefully cut with a knife. With this option, it will seem that the wallpaper was glued with an overlap.

With how to paint a drywall arch, there should not be any difficulties. Brush, roller, paint and go. It is extremely rare to finish with tiles. Sometimes, for greater decorativeness, the arches are trimmed with wood.

Arches for the doorway have been used since ancient times. The arch is very aesthetic, today it is not only beautiful, but also allows you to save space, complement the interior and do the work yourself, with your own hands.

As a rule, drywall is used, it is not expensive, it is easy to work with it and you can make any arched opening. The framing of the arches can be anything, you can put a platband and a variety of finishing materials.

Shape selection

The type of arch can be any, even from several levels, with different side by side and functionality, initially done correct measurement door opening. The main types of arches are presented in the table:

arch type: Description:
Parabolic arch: Beautiful and easy to make arch. It is made of flexible plastic, for example, a threshold. A mark is made in the middle, which will be the top point of the arch. Further, the material bends in the form of an arc. The arc is applied to a plaster or other sheet and a template is made, on which the arch blank will be ready.
Circular arch: AT wooden material(bar) it is necessary to fasten the self-tapping screw and tie the twine to make a compass. They can make an arch template. Next, with a compass, you need to draw a circle of the arch on the sheet.

When the outlines of the arch are drawn, cut out the shape using a jigsaw or ordinary knife. All cuts are made exactly along the lines, the quality of the arched opening depends on this. The classic version of the arches is made according to the following principle:

  1. It is necessary to measure the doorway and calculate the material.
  2. The instrument is being prepared.
  3. A template of arches is cut out, a semicircular view, round, oval and others.
  4. The frame is mounted in the opening using a metal profile or wood.
  5. Polyurethane, drywall, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, foam plastic or other selected material is installed.
  6. The bottom of the arch is cut out and screwed to the side parts.
  7. Puttying and finishing, decoration of the arch is carried out.

Important! When deciding on the type of arches, it is necessary to pay attention to the height of the ceiling and the width of the doorway. Some types are suitable for a wide but low opening, the other vice versa.

The main forms are as follows:

  1. Portal - U-shaped arch, according to the device it can be in the form of waves or with many angles, one of the most popular species opening.
  2. Classic arch - recommended for ceilings from 3 m, with a passage width of 90 cm.
  3. Romance - it is recommended to set if the width of the opening is large, but the height to the ceiling is small.
  4. Modern - an alternative to any type of arches, can be used in Khrushchev, where every centimeter of space is important. The corners of the arch are made sharp or rounded.
  5. Semiarka - perfect arch for zoning rooms.
  6. Straight arch - suitable for loft, hi-tech, modern style.

The photo shows ready-made false arches from the company Leroy Merlin that do not need to be framed:

Knowing what types finished arches for doorways exist, you need to decide on the materials and start working with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself drywall arch (video)

Work materials

You can’t just build an arch, you need to choose the material and prepare all the inventory. A drywall sheet is more often used, it is easy to work with, if desired, you can redo the arch, its cost is low. Therefore, an example of working with GCR will be described step by step below. Arched interior opening requires:

  1. GKL 9.5 mm.
  2. Profiles 27x28 mm and 60x27 mm.
  3. Self-tapping screws to fix drywall 3.5x25 mm.
  4. Dowels to fix the frame in the opening 6x60 mm. Used for brick or concrete.
  5. Self-tapping screws with a press washer 4.2x12 mm.
  6. If the doorway is made of timber, then wood screws are needed.
  7. Putties for GKL.
  8. Needle roller.
  9. Perforated corners.
  10. spatula.
  11. Pencil and tape measure to measure and make a drawing.
  12. Screwdriver.

Having prepared the material, you need to mark and measure everything.


Before , how to make a drywall arch in doorways measurements are taken. The size of the opening itself is taken in height and width. When there is a width, it is divided in two to create a perfect semi-circle arch. The shape of the arch is determined, for classic version you will need to additionally level the walls using putty and beacons. Naturally, the opening must be completely disassembled, prepared, removing dirt and dust from it, and, if necessary, seal cracks and voids with mortar. When the opening is ready, you can proceed to the next steps.

Installation of an interior arch

On the GKL, an arch design is made for a private house or apartment, the necessary picture is drawn, and then cut out with a knife, strictly along the lines. When one piece is cut correctly, a new side is drawn along its contours and another piece is cut out. Having prepared both pieces, you can mount them on the frame, but before that, construction is carried out correct framework. Step by step, the work will look like this:

  • At the top of the opening, profiles are fastened using dowels if the opening is brick. After that, the profile must be installed on the walls of the opening. The frame is mounted at two points in the doorway.
  • Next, a profile is made in the form of an arc. Scissors need to cut through the metal every 5-10 cm, after which the metal is bent in the desired shape. For the template, previously cut pieces of drywall are used. Installation is carried out with dowels, and the frame is sheathed with drywall using self-tapping screws. For arches you need 2 arcs.

  • In order for the frame to turn out to be strong, bars or profile pieces are installed between the arcs.
  • The frame is ready, but the arch itself has not yet been made. You will need to bend drywall for installation at the bottom of the arch or make a typesetting element, the prefabricated bottom is made from pieces of drywall, and when bending, you need to cut off a piece, adding 10 cm in size from the sides. So that the material does not crack, it is moistened with a little water, passed with a needle roller and left for a couple of hours so that it is flexible. After that, you can bend the material and attach it to the frame, using initially adhesive tape, and then self-tapping screws.
  • After 12 hours, a beautiful arched opening will be ready and it remains to decorate and decorate the arch.

Here's how easy it is to install an arch in a doorway with your own hands. Using these tips, the production of arches will be fast. All voids in the arch can be left unchanged, or you can use mounting foam, pouring it inside, according to the instructions. Next, you need to veneer your creation.

Decoration of the doorway

It is known from what to make arches in the doorway, but how to finish the arch in the doorways? You can decorate the finished structure different materials. Often the design is done with using MDF, can be removed modern material, for example, artificial stone, wood, wallpaper, paint and apply the array. When the arch enters the kitchen, it is recommended to fix the curtain by installing fasteners in the arch immediately. Before sheathing and decorating the arch, you need to do a number of works, step by step instruction below:

  • The surface of the arch is sanded with sandpaper, removing irregularities, creating a rounded edging.
  • Seams, joints and places of self-tapping screws must be sealed with putties, but before that it is placed on a perforated corner plastic corner, you need to fix it directly into the putty.

  • When the putty dries, everything is sanded again with sandpaper to remove irregularities.
  • The arch is smeared with a primer and when it dries, it is applied finishing putty and polished for the last time.

The arrangement of the arch is completed, you need to pick up the finish and put it on the finished opening. As you can see, it’s easy to make a home-made arched opening, anyone can assemble the frame and fix drywall, not necessarily a master, even if the work experience is small. It is recommended to make an arch, the same as the window in shape, so that the interior is uniform, although the opening itself can be modernized so that the house or cottage is transformed and functional. Finally, a video showing the process of work, how much material is needed and how a rectangular arched opening with a rounded top is made:

Photo gallery of finished works

Related materials on the topic:

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for installing a drywall arch with your own hands
Arches in the apartment: what is it, varieties, advantages
Interior arches to the kitchen: varieties and design

Any homeowner with archway, one way or another, I thought: how to design the design of the arch so that it takes on a stylish beautiful view. In addition, it is necessary to maintain complete harmony general style premises.

As a rule, the arch is used to delimit the space in the kitchen, living room, balcony, corridor and hallway. The design can take any shape, configuration and size, take different variants decor.

How to paint an archway?

The photo of the arch in the interior shows the most popular way of designing the structure - this is the initial plastering, then painting. This method equally suitable for both classic luxury and trendy modern style.

Please note that for starters, it is important to correctly select the base for the paint (the plaster itself), which is divided into several types:

  • to create a relief effect;
  • traditional putty;
  • texture version of the composition;
  • apply a special pigmented solution.

Previously, before starting work, it is necessary to align the contours of the arch in the apartment as much as possible. For these purposes, apply drywall sheets, corners and putty. Joints and possible cracks should be filled with sickle. For the most even and clear contours construction, it is necessary to fix the corners with a profile.

Then you should ideally evenly clean the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork by applying paint with a roller. If it is intended to further decorate the element with embossed accessories, it is reasonable to immediately apply a pigmented solution. After finishing the main work, linings or decorative curtains can be introduced into the opening.

Decorating with stone and tiles

Not less than actual way beautiful design arches is decorating facing materials, which include: tiles, natural or fake diamond, brick imitation. Less often, the opening is decorated tiles or mosaic.

An important advantage of this method is the introduction of arch decor into absolutely any style. The combination of stone can be completely different: with paper, textile canvases (wallpaper), plaster, paint.

Finishing the opening with this method, gypsum materials are usually used, but clinker and porcelain stoneware raw materials are not excluded. Due to their high strength and durability, they are usually located at the entrance to the house, or on the balcony area.

In order for the design of the arch with a stone, that is, its initial cladding to be of high quality and reliably serve its household members, you need to make the surface perfectly flat, and then pick up a good one. desired composition glue.

The cladding can be made with an individual non-standard pattern, so it is recommended to mark it first for further precise orientation of the masonry.

You can also veneer the opening with natural durable stone, but this will be a very expensive repair. Moreover, it is worth considering that the arch needs to be in the opening only bearing wall, or a solid partition.

The use of panels and stucco in the interior

popular decoration method door arch is framing special decorative panels and overlays. The most relevant and relatively inexpensive material serves as MDF, which is in perfect harmony with classic style premises.

The surface is treated with artificial veneer or film. Please note that imitation of natural wood always remains at the height of fashion.

For proper fixation of the panels in the aisle, it is worth using special carnations without caps and an adhesive solution. There are situations when you have to bring the level, you should use a spacer and mounting foam. This process is practically no different from installing a door frame.

As in other methods, you first need to level the surface and eliminate all possible gaps and joints. Markets and Specialty Stores building materials offer ready-made options pads that are fixed with a simple click.

An interesting way to decorate an arch in an apartment is stucco molding, which is not at all difficult to do on your own using glue or liquid nails. Most often, polyurethane is used, which gives the interior a special grace, chic and luxurious rich look.

can be done relatively simple shapes, or to perform the most complex bulky cast parts. The main disadvantage of stucco is the rapid mechanical damage and failure.

Curtains and curtain

The arched opening has been decorated for a long time ordinary curtains, but even now this design option, although less often, is acceptable. The entrance is masked with a light tulle, curtain or thick curtain, which will serve as if as the door itself.

Usually, doorway masked with bamboo curtains, beautiful threads, decorative beads. This method is very simple to do with your own hands, using a cornice over the opening to fasten the curtains. There are curved cornices that match the very shape of the opening.

It is no secret that the arch serves as a continuation of the wall, which is why, when decorating it, it is necessary to take into account the decoration of the walls.

As you know, wood is the most noble and wear-resistant raw material, which is successfully used to decorate classical everyday life. It is better if the design is simpler, but very refined in form. wooden arch it is also possible to hang it with an elegant curtain with gilding, which will successfully set off the classics.

lighting solution

The beautiful design of the arch is complemented by built-in lighting devices, which can be point, side or contour types. The easiest way is to embed the fixtures in a drywall element in the end part.

The decorative opening is equipped with recesses, where light bulbs are later installed. To hide the backlight a little, you need to mask the recesses with glass. Topically apply colored or translucent glass, which in itself will serve additional detail interior and structure.

The arch that divides the space of the kitchen and living rooms looks very beautiful, and its lower part smoothly turns into a bar counter.

Photo of arch design options