We glue the wallpaper under the skirting boards on the floor. What is the first wallpaper or ceiling plinth. Wallpapering archways

Wallpaper must be glued after the ceiling plinth. In order to make a choice how to be in this situation, you need to find out all the advantages and disadvantages of work processes. If you glue the skirting boards, then the joints will be easier to process with putty or paint, and gluing the wallpaper will not be so scary. But in this case, there is a problem with the selection of the edge of the wallpaper to the ceiling fillets. Looking from the other side, you can understand that if you stick the wallpaper first, there will be problems with installing the baseboard, because after gluing you will have to wait a certain period until the glue dries. So how to be?

Ceiling plinth for wallpaper, how to glue: selection of material

Top plinths are used to hide all visible borders of wallpaper and whitewashed ceiling finishes. In addition to this necessary function, they bring decorativeness to the ceiling, because fillets decorate the interior and give completeness to the general appearance.

There are several types of fillets for organizing work with the upper part of the room. Their main difference lies in the materials and method of manufacture. It is with these points that their physical properties are associated.

Ceiling plinth gives the overall look completeness

In order to make baguettes, the following 4 materials are used:

  1. wood. Wooden skirting boards can look great in any interior. It does not matter at all what style, folklore or classical. In order to make wood fillets, mahogany, oak, walnut or larch are mainly used.
  2. A rock. Sometimes in special outlets you can find ceiling plinths made of artificial stone. They are able to perfectly fit into a classic interior, and combine well with modern types of finishes. The cost of such material is high, due to the fact that it is very difficult to extract the material.
  3. Gypsum fillets. Thanks to gypsum, you can create different types and shapes of skirting boards. They are much lighter than the previous material, and besides, much cheaper. However, before purchasing this material, you need to be sure of the perfect evenness of the surface of your walls, polystyrene foam, expanded polyvinyl chloride and other types of plastic.
  4. Plastic panels. At the moment, modern manufacturers increasingly prefer the manufacture of plastic products. Ceiling skirting boards are no exception. In special hardware stores you can buy panels made of polyethylene.

If we talk about soft and flexible materials, then they include plastic and some wooden baguettes. Already, based on this, we can answer what is glued first. If the product is flexible and belongs to the budget, then you can try to install ceiling plinths on wallpaper, but keep in mind that there are no perfectly even walls, this does not apply to baguettes, therefore, you cannot avoid work with putty. If the fillets are soft and can adapt to the curvature of the walls, then putty may not be needed.

Is it possible to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper

If we talk about this method, then at first glance it may seem quite simple. However, only experienced specialists use it, because they immediately process all the cracks and irregularities with putty, and the wallpaper undergoes a leveling process. It is enough to spend a little practice, and you will be able to do the work no worse.

Skirting boards for the ceiling can create the impression of a complete lack of unevenness on the walls, but in order to do this, you need to carry out a competent installation.

Based on this, you can understand what exactly is done in the first place, installing a baseboard or sticking wallpaper.

Ceiling plinth can be glued with your own hands, without the help of specialists

In any case, prepare the following materials and tools for work:

  • Polymer glue;
  • Mounting adhesive;
  • putty;
  • PVA glue;
  • Construction knife;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Miter box;
  • Putty knife;
  • ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Colorless sealant;
  • Paint (if necessary).

Despite the fact that at the moment you can purchase any material for mounting, it is better to use the adhesive that the manufacturer recommends.

How to glue a ceiling plinth on wallpaper

After you decide on exactly how you will mount the baguettes on the ceiling, the question remains, what kind of material can be used to glue the baguette to the wallpaper.

For this purpose, most often used:

  • Mounting adhesive;
  • Polymer glue;
  • Putty, which includes PVA.

There is no significant difference in the use of the adhesive solution, the main thing is that its drying speed is maximum.

You can glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper with glue or putty

You can proceed to the process of gluing skirting boards only when all the preparatory work has been completed. Namely, the elimination of dirt and dust, as well as trimming.

In order to glue the prepared skirting boards, you need to turn them over to the back side and apply a small amount of glue, it is desirable that the strip is even and does not go beyond the contours. After the solution has been applied, the fillet is set aside to allow the adhesive to settle.

If you see that the glue has come out of the edge, remove it with a dry soft cloth. After that, the first baguette leans against the right place on the ceiling and is pressed against it without strong pressure. Hands should not be removed for about a minute so that the baguette sticks well to the base.

Basic rules: how to cut wallpaper under the ceiling plinth

In order to get a good and high-quality result, all procedures must be performed competently and with the right approach. There are no trifles in this installation, and the owner who disdains cutting wallpaper at the edges of the walls will become irresponsible.

In fact, not even every master knows how to properly cut or paste wallpaper on skirting boards.

In order for the result to please, it is necessary to carry out all procedures very competently.

Virtually every homeowner has skirting boards under their ceilings. You need to know that each layer of coating on the wall must be glued in such a way that the edges protrude onto the fillet. After that, a small spatula is taken and carried out along the lower edges of the contact between the panels and wallpaper. The result should be a fold.

After carrying out these actions, press the fold with a spatula and carefully remove the outgoing edges of the paper with a sharp construction knife. The trimming process is complete. If you notice that the adhesive has come out, it can be removed with a damp cloth or sponge. As a result, you will get a neatly decorated room with smooth edges.

How to glue the ceiling plinth (video)

Based on our article described above, we can conclude that it is possible to glue ceiling plinths both before and after wallpapering, the main thing is to approach this issue responsibly and correctly. All the main steps have been described above, after reading them, you will not only easily make a choice, but also carry out the installation quickly, accurately and in the right way.

All photos from the article

Operations such as wallpapering and installing a ceiling plinth are quite simple. However, even they have certain nuances that raise questions among home craftsmen. In particular, many people are interested in - first glue the wallpaper or glue the ceiling plinth?

What to glue first

Before saying what to glue wallpaper or ceiling plinth first, let's get acquainted with the existing types of ceiling fillets:

The method of installation of fillets depends largely on their weight. For example, foam and polystyrene products are very light, so they can even be glued to wallpaper. The only thing is that for this you need to follow a certain technology, which we will get acquainted with below.

Plastic products weigh much more, especially for massive models. Therefore, they must be mounted directly to the wall. In view of the foregoing, it is possible to answer the question of whether it is possible to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper: if foam plastic, then yes, and if all other types, then no.

Installation nuances

Over pasted walls

First of all, let's consider how to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper, since this question is most often of interest to home craftsmen.

In this case, the following adhesives will be needed:

  • "Moment-montage";
  • Any other polymer adhesive;
  • Putty mixed with PVA.

When choosing the better to glue the ceiling plinth to the wallpaper, you should pay attention to the setting speed of the composition.
The higher it is, the better, since it is difficult to hold the planks on an outstretched arm for a long time.

Starting repair work in the house, many owners are lost. At the initial stage and during the process itself, many questions arise, especially during the period of internal finishing work. To facilitate work and streamline all actions, a plan should be developed in which each stage is clearly distributed. It will help not to make mistakes, save time, nerves and money.

Finishing steps

So, starting the decoration of the premises, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the sequence in which the work should be done. As mentioned earlier, such an approach will help to quickly complete the repair and avoid various shortcomings, and, consequently, their correction.

The main stages of finishing:

  • The main direction of work is from top to bottom. In other words, they usually finish the ceiling at the beginning, then the walls and at the end of the floor. Such an unusual principle serves to preserve the already finished parts of the room from damage during the processing and installation of other areas.
  • If a floor screed is required before laying a fine floor covering, then it is done first. A screed is an intermediate layer that serves as a base for a floor covering, adding rigidity to it, and hiding communications. The better it is made, the longer the coating will last. Screeds differ in composition, method of adhesion and laying, as well as purpose.
  • You can level the walls with plaster. Depending on the initial state of the walls, one or more layers may be needed. Before plastering, the walls must be primed to improve the condition of the surface and subsequently the paint adheres better.
  • Finally, at the end of the preparation of the walls, they are puttied. All irregularities and places of breeding communications are carefully sealed. The walls are being prepared for finishing.

  • Installation of door frames. The door can be installed immediately and closed with dense polyethylene to protect it from dirt and mechanical damage.
  • Paste the walls with wallpaper;
  • Laying a fine floor covering (laminate, linoleum, parquet).
  • Fastening of ceiling plinths, decorative elements, switches, sockets and platbands.

Repair work should begin from the farthest rooms and move towards the exit. Finishing the corridor and hallway is carried out at the very end. All this will prevent dirt and dust from entering the finished rooms, as well as damage to fresh coatings.

Having finished one room, the door leading to it is closed and curtained with thick plastic wrap. This will protect clean finishing materials from dirt, dust, paint or plaster.


Some of the most frequently asked questions regarding interior decorating.

What comes first doors or wallpaper?

You can install interior doors both before wallpapering and after them. The main thing is not to combine these two works and not to carry them out simultaneously. When wallpaper is glued, moisture is collected in the room and remains at a high level for up to three days.

Cloths, door frame, decorative strip swell and increase by about five centimeters. Simultaneous installation of the door will lead to the fact that subsequently after drying there will be a large gap between the canvas and the box. The door lock is also likely to break.

Interior door installation

  • Good: the dust generated during the installation of the door will not settle on top of the wallpaper.
  • Badly: you will have to spend time and carefully trim, and then tuck the edges of the canvas behind the decorative strip (platband).
  • Good: during the installation of the door, you can hide all the errors of plastering.
  • Badly: if the dimensions of the doorway are not maintained, and at the time of pasting the wallpaper was cut along the opening, then the platband may not close the resulting gaps.

When to glue the ceiling plinth?

A ceiling plinth is a decorative element that serves to delimit and hide the seams between the ceiling and walls.

Ceiling skirting boards include:

  1. baguettes;
  2. cornices;
  3. borders;
  4. fillets.

Their task is not only to hide the seams and transitions between the wall and the ceiling, but also to prevent the formation of cracks.

You can glue skirting boards before and after wallpapering. However, it would be more appropriate to attach them to the wallpaper.

All surfaces must be leveled with putty. When the fillet is planned to be painted over, this is done immediately after painting the ceiling, until it is dry. Otherwise, there will be traces between them.

Without staining the skirting boards, after waiting for the ceiling to dry completely, you should close the joints with tape, which will protect the ceiling from glue, and fix the skirting boards. Only then are the walls painted or pasted over, adjusting the edges of the canvas. If you later need to change the wallpaper without touching the baseboard, they can be easily removed. Therefore, it is correct to stick the ceiling plinth first.

If the plinth is glued over the wallpaper, then in this case you will have to painstakingly cut everything off or completely change it, along with the plinth.

When is the best time to stretch the ceiling?

Stretch ceilings are a specific product, which makes it possible to mount them already at the final stage of finishing work. During pulling, there is practically no dirt and the likelihood of damaging the finished wall and floor covering is very small. However, experts advise hiring craftsmen to get a quick and high-quality result.

In this case, the top-down principle does not work. It is intended for predominantly standard and general repair work.

Ceiling tiles or wallpaper first?

It is best to stick the ceiling tiles in the beginning. In order not to stain or damage the wallpaper in the future, since paint, whitewash, glue and similar substances leave almost indelible marks on them.

Floor or wallpaper: which comes first?

Training. It is necessary to prepare the walls only after the floor. Debris is removed and should be ready for the final flooring to be laid. It fits at the end of the repair work. Prior to this, the base is covered with a film, then to calmly remove traces of plaster.

Laying. All wallpapers are glued before linoleum is laid, the wooden floor should also be sanded at the end. However, some masters believe that they are engaged in wallpaper after laying the floor and attaching the skirting boards. This is due to the fact that the wall decoration can be replaced at any time without touching the baseboards.

What's next decorative stone or wallpaper?

It also does not matter what to glue first. Basically, it all depends on the professionalism of the performer.

If you stick a decorative stone at the beginning, then the wallpaper is simply adjusted and cut off in the overlapping areas on the stone. Even if there is an excess raw canvas left, it will dry out and the junction will be invisible. The wallpaper is cut with a painting clerical knife with a thin blade. They are pressed tightly against the stone with a spatula and cut along its edge with a knife. The spatula holds wet wallpaper and prevents it from tearing.

You can also stick a decorative stone over the wallpaper. However, you need to work carefully so as not to stain them with glue. To prevent this, you can pre-mark the boundaries of the future fastening, and stick masking tape on the wallpaper. At the end, the tape is removed and the canvas remains clean.

When is air conditioning installed?

It is more correct to start the installation of the air conditioner before pasting the walls or covering them with plasterboard. Communications connecting two blocks (internal and external) are hidden in the walls. At the same time, the outdoor unit is installed, thereby completing the dirtiest part of the job.

At the end of the interior decoration, the indoor unit is mounted. Its installation takes about an hour, and then a test run and check of the operation of the air conditioner are carried out.

Wall mural or wallpaper first?

Initially, it is better to paste the wallpaper, then, having joined them, paste the photo wallpaper and again the wallpaper strips. However, in order for the drawing to lie flat and not beveled anywhere, it is necessary to mark the vertical. The vertical is the standard against which the wall is aligned. It is useful for uneven and bumpy walls. This is not necessary, but will help keep the pattern even.

Examples in the interior

In order to accurately understand the progress of the work, we will consider them using the example of finishing the kitchen.

It is necessary to decide on the layout of the room and the interior. You can come up with the interior yourself or choose from ready-made works available on the Internet.

Next, the so-called "zones" are designed, to which the necessary materials are already selected. The kitchen should have two "zones" - this is the working one, where food is prepared and the dining room. They are usually separated by different facing materials. The working area is tiled, and the dining area is tiled, thus creating a cozy atmosphere. Of course, this is an exemplary standardized solution.

In the course of changing the interior design, many controversial issues arise, even in cases where initially everything seems simple and understandable, and the work does not seem to be too laborious and lengthy. For example, when repairing, many people are interested in the answer to the question: when to glue the ceiling plinth - before or after wallpaper? It turns out that it is impossible to answer it immediately. The order of gluing baguettes depends on a variety of factors.


The upper fillets play the role of decor, make the interior complete. In addition, they hide the border between wall finishing material and whitewash. The main difference between ceiling plinths is the materials of manufacture and, accordingly, their physical properties. For the manufacture of fillets, the following materials are used:

  • Wood. This is a great option for various interiors: classic, country, modern. Good expensive models are made of oak, walnut, larch or mahogany.
  • Gypsum. This material is good because you can create the most complex shapes and profiles from it. At the same time, when compared with natural stone, gypsum is much cheaper and lighter. But in order to successfully install a plaster baseboard, you need the walls to be perfectly aligned.
  • Stone - is not used very often for making fillets, but the result is truly amazing. Stone products fit perfectly into a luxurious classic interior, sometimes products made from natural or artificial raw materials look organically in modern rooms. The cost of such products is quite high.
  • Plastic. Polymer compounds are one of the most common. For ceiling moldings, materials such as polyurethane, polyethylene, polystyrene foam, PVC and many others are used.

Soft and hard baguettes and the time of their gluing

Of the listed materials, plastic products and, with some stretch, wooden products belong to the category of soft and flexible. If you ask a question when to glue a ceiling plinth, then you can answer:

  • Lightweight flexible design can be glued directly on top of the wallpaper.
  • With more massive baguettes, such an experience is unlikely to succeed.

The reason for this is as follows: it is quite difficult to align the wall to an impeccable state, the baguette has its own curvatures. It is customary to fill the gaps formed during installation with putty, and wallpaper as a basis for putty is rather poorly suited. The flexible product repeats the unevenness of the walls, and there is no need to use putty.

Important! What to glue first - wallpaper or ceiling plinth, if it is solid? If we are talking about wooden, plaster or stone structures that do not bend, then the plinth is first mounted, and then the wallpaper is pasted. In this case, the walls are the basis for puttying. In addition, a heavy structure will not only not hold on to paper or non-woven fabric, but will also come off along with the wallpaper.

Rules for self-assembly

After the wallpaper glue has dried, you can stick plastic baguettes:

  1. First, clean the place of gluing on the wall, as well as the adjacent part of the ceiling, from dust using a dry rag or brush.
  2. Take all the necessary measurements to properly cut the baguettes.
  3. Cut corners at 45 degrees using a miter box.
  4. You can glue the plinth on silicone sealant. It's a good idea to use an adhesive designed for the type of plastic from which the baguette is made. Apply glue to the baguette dotted, press the part against the wall, and then release.
  5. To mask the gaps in the joints, use an acrylic-silicone sealant or a mixture of PVA glue with gypsum putty.


Thus, the sequence of pasting the walls with wallpaper and the installation of ceiling plinths depends on the mass and material of manufacture of the latter. How to properly glue the ceiling plinth - before or after the wallpaper, this issue is decided individually. A flexible plastic structure can be mounted directly on the wallpaper.

Many are interested in: “What first - a ceiling plinth or wallpaper?”, Although, at first glance, the answer is obvious. But not everything is so simple and unambiguous, and we want to consider this issue in detail, but at the same time we will tell you how to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper and on the wall.

Ceiling skirting boards


Upper fillets are used to hide the visible border of the roll and the junction between the finish and whitewash. In addition, these elements themselves carry a certain decorative value and are able to decorate the interior and complete the finish.

There are various types of fillets for finishing the top of the wall. Their main difference is the materials used for the manufacture of panels and the physical properties associated with it.

For the manufacture of baguettes, the following materials are used:

  • Wood. Wooden fillets look great in any interior, from folklore and classical styles to modern interior solutions. For the manufacture of good models, valuable wood is used: oak, mahogany, walnut, larch and others;
  • Gypsum. This material makes it easy to create products of the most complex shapes and profiles, which are much lighter than natural stone, and also cheaper. However, it should be understood that gypsum is a solid material, and it is mounted on the most even walls;
  • A rock. Sometimes you can find fillets made of natural and artificial stone, which fit perfectly into the classic interior styles, and can also be well combined with modern finishes. The price of products is high due to the complexity of mining, processing and delivery of stone blanks;
  • Plastic. Modern production is increasingly moving to the use of polymers for the manufacture of a wide variety of products and products. Baguettes are no exception: models made of polyethylene, polyurethane, expanded polystyrene, foamed polyvinyl chloride and other types of plastic are widely represented on the market. (See also the article.)

Soft or flexible varieties of baguettes include only plastic products and, with some reservations, wooden ones. Here we can partially answer the question: "Is it possible to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper?". If this product is flexible, inexpensive and light enough, then you can.

The fact is that the walls are not perfectly even, but the baguette panels are, or rather, they are curved differently, and after installation, there will be gaps between the part and the wall. It is customary to putty these gaps, and paper is a poor basis for puttying. If the products are flexible or soft, they will not need to be repeated.

Only a light part can be glued to the paper, otherwise it will fall off along with the glue, tearing off.
If you don't know when to glue the skirting board - before or after the wallpaper - check its flexibility and estimate the weight.

Since the flexibility and softness of wood remains a big question, there is only one 100% skirting board for wallpaper - plastic.


Solid varieties include stone, plaster, wood products and products made from other materials that do not bend and manifest themselves as fairly rigid parts. In this case, the question: "What comes first - a ceiling plinth or wallpaper?" receives the opposite answer, that is, first we glue the baguette.

This is due to the fact that a solid part will not be able to repeat the curvature of the walls, and gaps and gaps will remain between it and the surface. After fixing the part, these gaps are puttied, then the product is painted or whitewashed. It should also be remembered that stone and gypsum baguettes are quite heavy and, most likely, they simply will not hold on paper.

Before gluing the ceiling plinth to the wallpaper, make sure that it is not made of stone or plaster and has sufficient flexibility.
Otherwise, fillets must be installed first.


For those who do not mind working with their own hands, we have compiled an instruction:

  1. After the glue on which the wallpaper is glued has completely dried, you can proceed with the installation of ceiling moldings. To do this, we clean the upper part of the wall and the ceiling adjacent to it from dust with a dry cloth or brush. We cut the excess pieces of rolls;

  1. We take measurements and cut the required number of panels according to them. We cut the corner parts at an angle of 45 degrees using a miter box;

  1. Now for those who do not know how to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper: you can use silicone sealant or glue for the type of plastic from which the fillet is made. We apply glue on the back of the panel and press the part tightly against the wall, wait a while and release;

  1. We coat the joints between the parts, especially at the corners, with acrylic-silicone sealant. You can also mix a little gypsum putty with PVC glue and putty large gaps with the resulting solution.

In order not to stain the walls, you can stick masking tape under the mounting level.


The sequence of gluing wallpaper and upper fillets depends on the properties and density of the material of the fillets themselves. Flexible and light parts can be glued to the wallpaper, while heavy and hard parts can only be glued to the wall. The video in this article complements the instructions and demonstrates the process of installing skirting boards under the ceiling.