Country woodshed. Not complicated instructions on how to build a woodshed with your own hands. Indoor firewood rack

Most of the population of our country heat their homes with wood stoves. And if not at home, then in a bathhouse or at the dacha you will always need a supply of fuel. Grill, fireplace, stove heating, potbelly stove - all this consumes firewood. Therefore, if you often like to invite friends over for a barbecue and sit by the fireplace on a cool evening, you need to take care of a supply of firewood in advance. Building a woodshed with your own hands will protect them from dampness. And if you also embellish this structure, then it can become an element decorative design plot.

Building terminology

Woodshed, woodshed, woodshed - such similar names, but structurally different buildings. First, let's define what it is:

  1. A wood shed is a shed for storing firewood, which is built on a foundation some distance from the house. The design of this structure is equipped with a door.
  2. Woodshed - is a simplified woodshed. This structure is attached to the wall of the building. This method of constructing a structure is faster and simpler.
  3. A firewood box is a device for carrying firewood or a stand for loading fuel to the fireplace insert. Often both of these functions are combined structurally in one product.

Requirements for woodsheds

Freshly cut trees are not suitable for burning. Therefore, on the site it is necessary to have not only a place to store firewood, but also a structure where the wood can dry well and become suitable for use in the stove. These specially erected buildings must meet the following requirements:

Choosing a construction site on the site

When choosing a place where you plan to build a firewood storage, you need to focus on its size and the purpose of using fuel. Here Some tips for building a woodshed with your own hands on the scale of a summer cottage:

To facilitate the construction of the woodshed, it is necessary to first level the area.

Making a drawing of the building

Of course, for such a simple construction it is big project not worth it. After deciding on the location of the building, it will be enough to draw a drawing of the structure you like. It is on this basis that you can calculate the amount of material needed for construction.

And also by drawing up a drawing, you can accurately determine the area for the required supply of firewood, which will depend on several factors. So, to heat a house of 100 m2 you will need a little more than two cubic meters pine firewood or 1.7 m 3 birch.

The volume of fuel reserve is significantly influenced by the characteristics of the stove and the coefficient useful action fireplace.

Features of woodshed construction

Freshly cut firewood must remain in storage for at least one year before being used as fuel. The construction of such a room is not particularly complex, so any owner who wants to work and has basic knowledge of construction can equip it. But there are also some peculiarities of construction at all stages, from foundation to roof.

Foundation structure

Building a strip foundation for a woodshed is not cost effective. A columnar base is sufficient. It is better to use concrete pillars, but you can also lay them out of brick. It is advisable to embed anchors in the supports, with the help of which the lower crown of the frame will be attached.

For the installation of supports, holes are dug with a depth of at least the freezing level of the soil, and a sand-crushed stone cushion is installed. For a small building, four columns along the edges of the perimeter are enough. But if a barn-type woodshed with doors is being built, then the number of supports needs to be increased. In this case, it is necessary to add at least two columns under the installation of the doorway.

Floor equipment

The opinion that it is better to make a floor in a woodshed with cracks is erroneous.

Wood debris, falling under such a covering, creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of pests, and its decay is accompanied by the release of heat, which increases the harmful greenhouse effect.

Therefore, it is better to lay the floor in the building with tongue-and-groove boards with a thickness of 40 mm or more along joists made of wooden beam section 150x75 mm. Such requirements are put forward not only to avoid littering, but also to create the necessary strength of the floor.

In order for the subfloor to be accessible for high-quality cleaning and well ventilated, the installation of a plinth is unacceptable.

An ideal, but rather labor-intensive, solution is a building without a floor, where firewood is stacked directly on monolithic foundation. In this case, the firewood will be able to age in just half a year, since such a surface is capable of retaining heat in the woodshed a little higher outside temperature, long after the onset of cold weather.

Frame and walls of the building

The structures of woodsheds are often made of frames, like outbuildings and sheds, but simplified. The crown beams cut into half the tree only at the crosshairs and corners. All other parts of the frame are fastened roughly obliquely with nails, and then steel corners using self-tapping screws. Sheathing boards are also nailed with grooved nails or large screws. For lower crown timber of 150x150 mm is used, and the top and racks are made of timber with a section of 100x200 mm.

To improve ventilation, the walls are made with lattice. The width of the slots is made from 5 cm, and if there is no theft of firewood, then better than the slit increase to 10 cm.

When the sheathing is positioned horizontally, the frame is more durable, but raindrops from the edge of the board fall directly on the firewood. But the vertical direction of the sheathing better protects the logs from moisture, but does not strengthen the frame, so it is reinforced with transverse planks. Diagonal cladding is considered ideal, but it requires the use of high-quality material and is more labor-intensive to manufacture.

Making a woodshed roof

In areas with average climatic conditions The roofs of the building are made pitched with a slight slope (15-25 degrees). An important condition for protection from precipitation is the installation of a large overhang of up to 350 mm.

It is better to make the roof deck from galvanized sheet metal or corrugated sheet metal. Heavy roofing materials such as slate, tiles, slate will put too much strain on the entire structure, but soft ones ( bitumen shingles, ondulin) can sag on the sheathing. To prevent condensation from getting onto the logs, you can lay roofing felt under the corrugated sheet.

Sometimes, for aesthetic reasons, it is used to cover the woodshed gable roof. Only such gables devices cannot be tightly sewn, this impairs ventilation upper layers logs In such gables it is necessary to cut through unglazed windows or make them, just like lattice-type walls.

The nuances of building a firewood shed

In areas with a mild climate, where about 2-3 cubic meters of firewood are burned during the winter, it is more advisable to build a storage extension to the house or outbuilding. It is best to build wooden woodsheds for a summer cottage with your own hands near the northern wall of the building. The reason for this arrangement is the negative influence sun rays for drying logs, they prefer natural ventilation.

The construction of a wood shed adjacent to the main house is not much different from the construction algorithm separately worth building. But still some nuances will have to be taken into account:

  1. Since the structure is closely adjacent to the wall of the house, it is necessary to prevent water from entering from the roof of the main building.
  2. The convenience of the adjacent building is that the firewood will insulate the wall of the house.
  3. To prevent moisture from entering from the ground, it is imperative to install a floor.
  4. Additionally, closing shutter doors can protect against dampness, which also creates an attractive appearance for the entire building.
  5. It is convenient to equip a woodshed near the wall of the gazebo or terrace of the house.
  6. The durability and strength of the structure can be increased by treating wooden parts with antiseptic and protective compounds.
  7. To protect against bark beetles, mold and rot, a fire-resistant lining must be applied to the entire wall of the building.

The structure covered with climbing plants looks very beautiful and original.

Method of placing firewood under a canopy

The easiest access to logs, which are located next to each other in a small woodshed.

In the case of loading a large batch of firewood into a large building, it is recommended to divide the entire space into several parts. Then there will be no mixing of dried logs with damp logs.

For convenient access to dry firewood, a passage is made in the center of the square building, but not all the way to the wall. No more than two rows of firewood should be left in front of the wall. In the woodshed rectangular shape The area is divided into sectors using partitions.

The height of the firewood is made regardless of its shape and reaches about two meters. This indicator allows, with an average height of a person, to load logs to the ceiling, not forgetting to leave a ventilation gap.

Making firewood

There are many options on how to make a firewood rack at your dacha with your own hands. Basically, this task comes down to arranging a storage facility for a consumable batch of logs for the fireplace. Most often, such devices are made of metal, and their shape and design largely depend on the imagination and wishes of the owner.

Do-it-yourself combined firewood racks, projects different capacities, complexity and convenience are also known quite a lot. Among all these options, the device made from an old barrel especially stands out.

The procedure for making a firewood box from a wooden barrel:

IN winter time The firewood rack glides perfectly through the snow with metal hoops, which greatly facilitates the delivery of firewood to the fireplace.

This article contains information on how to build a firewood shed for a summer cottage, by what criteria to choose one or another type of structure, the size of the structure and the material for its manufacture. The main stages of constructing a firewood storage facility are also described. This information will help you make right choice because they touch on the most important issues.

A woodshed at the dacha is necessary, not only for order in the yard, but also for drying the firewood so that it is ready for firewood at any time Source

Types of woodsheds

Each dacha owner uses it in his own way. Some people come there occasionally, while others need it only in the summer season. There are also those for whom the dacha is actually the house in which they live all year round. Regardless, everyone needs firewood. They act as raw materials for heating or are used only to light a fireplace or bathhouse. In any case, they need to be stored somewhere. There is a special woodcutter or woodcutter for this purpose. The spelling of the words is slightly different, but they have the same meaning - a woodshed. This outbuilding There are several types.

    Canopy. This is the simplest type of design. It consists of several supports (at least four), over which a roof is made. A floor is constructed below, raised above the ground. If this building is supposed to store a large amount of firewood, it is divided into sections. Thanks to this approach, the firewood will not be mixed. Partitions are sometimes made between sections.

A small shed can be used as a firewood shed Source

    Extension to the wall of the house. This design is also not complicated, since it already has one part - the wall country house. In such an outdoor woodshed, a roof and floor are required. Side walls - optional. This type should not be used if the house is made of wood. The building will be too fire hazardous. In addition, firewood often contains wood-eating beetles. They can switch to absorbing the wood from which the wall of the house is made. If the choice is made in favor of an extension, it is necessary to treat the wall surface with a special drug protecting against pests. And in the design of the woodshed, provide a sheet of metal that will separate it from the house.

A small extension to the house is finished with the same material as the entire building Source

    Separate design. This is the most solid structure that is built if you need to store a large amount of firewood. It can be made in different versions. The simplest one is several pillars with an overhanging roof. Jumpers are installed between them, and a floor is made below. To ensure that snow falls as little as possible in winter, sheets of plywood are attached to the back and sides. Most often, the walls of such a structure are made of boards, between which gaps of 2 to 10 cm in size must be left. Thanks to this, the firewood is ventilated. The front wall is usually absent. Although sometimes there is one, and a door is made in it. In fact, it turns out to be a full-fledged shed, which is designed for storing logs.

A large wood firewood shed is suitable if you need to prepare firewood for winter heating of the house Source

What are they built from?

Most best material for the construction of a firewood shed at the dacha - wood. These can be boards and beams, logs and wood boards. Sometimes plywood is also used. Designs made from this material look aesthetically pleasing, harmoniously fitting into country landscape. However, it must be borne in mind that before use, the wood must be treated with agents that reduce the degree of flammability and susceptibility to harmful insects.

Also, firewood storage can be made of bricks or blocks. This is the most reliable, durable option, but it is expensive. Polycarbonate is much cheaper, but cannot be made from it closed design, since there will be no ventilation in it. However, polycarbonate can be used to make a roof or side walls. It is easy to install and transmits light well.

Metal frame with polycarbonate canopy Source

Another material for the construction of woodsheds is metal. It makes the structure durable, but it must be protected from corrosion. In addition, it is best to make only the frame from metal, and large sheets are not suitable for such buildings. They get too hot in the sun, which will create the effect of an oven inside the woodshed. This is not suitable for storing firewood. But you can make an excellent forged structure from metal, which will not only be useful, but also decorate your summer cottage.

Forged woodshed attached to the wall of the house Source

In general, when constructing devices for storing firewood, they often use combined options. For example, if the firewood shed is made of wood, the roof is covered with slate. Or the frame is made of metal and the roof is made of polycarbonate. You can choose different combinations of materials.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer turnkey design and construction services for small architectural forms. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Selection criteria

In order to understand which type of woodshed to build in your dacha, you need to know the selection criteria. The most important thing, of course, is the availability of funds. After all, you might want a forged metal structure, and there simply is not enough money for this. But these are things that go without saying. The main thing is decide on four points:

    dimensions buildings;

    place location;


    materials for manufacturing.

As for the size, you need to take into account how much time is spent at the dacha. If these are rare raids to cook barbecue, you need a very small building. If in the summer the dacha is fully used and there is a fireplace that is lit in the evenings, it is worth thinking about more storage. And it is better to provide decent dimensions if the dacha is heated with wood all winter. But storage is always necessary so that the firewood does not get wet in the rain.

To avoid problems with heating in winter, woodsheds should be equipped so that the firewood does not fall under precipitation Source

When the size has already been determined, you need to figure out where to put the woodshed. To do this, you need to consider the following:

    If the firewood is intended only for barbecue, it is advisable that the storage facility be next to it. However, you should not place the woodshed too close so that sparks do not fly.

    If the dacha plot has a vegetable garden and green spaces in general, a building should not obscure them. This is especially true large structures. In this case it's good suitable option extensions to the house.

    The building must have good approach, however, it should not be located in the very center of the site. It will look inharmonious.

    The soil on which the woodcutter will be should not be fertile.

    If summer cottage plot has uneven surface, firewood storage cannot be placed in lowlands. Moisture accumulates there, which has an unfavorable effect on the firewood. In addition, during or immediately after rain it will be difficult to reach the structure.

    Since the firewood will be brought by transport, you need to choose for storage most accessible place. Otherwise, you will have to move the logs for a long time.

    It is advisable that the surface was smooth. Otherwise you will have to carry out additional work according to its alignment.

Firewood is placed on a prepared pallet, which should rise above the ground Source

Now you need to choose the type of structure in which the firewood will be stored. In this case, the two previous criteria are taken into account, that is, size and location. But there are some general points. For example, you can make a woodshed with open walls, that is, one frame, floor and roof. Or you can make two walls on the sides or add a third wall at the back. If the storage is small, there is a gazebo-type design option. And if, on the contrary, it is a massive structure, you can build a full-fledged barn with a door. When the type is determined, the last thing is decided - the choice of material. This could be a metal woodshed or any other options.

Wooden woodshed built into the foot of a small hill Source

Video description

The stages of constructing a firewood shed are shown in the video:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects, from construction companies represented at the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Construction stages

Any construction has clear stages. If the storage facility is built from wood, they are as follows:

    The site is marked. The places where the corner and intermediate logs will be installed are outlined. Holes are dug under them, the depth of which should reach half a meter. Their size is at least 30 x 30 cm. About 15 cm of crushed stone is poured into them.

    The wood is treated with an antiseptic. The lower part of the supports is wrapped in roofing felt. The logs are placed in holes and concreted. They must go to a depth of at least a quarter of a meter. Thanks to this, the structure will be durable and will not collapse even from the strongest gusts of wind.

    To make the roof have a slope, the rear logs are set 3 cm higher than those in front.

    Installing the base for the floor– transverse joists. They are attached to supporting logs so that they do not touch the ground. There should be a distance of at least 10 cm from the ground. In this case, there will be good ventilation and the wood will not come into contact with moisture.

    Boards are laid on top of the joists. Leave 2 cm between them to allow ventilation.

    On three sidesupholstered with boards, between which a gap of up to 15 cm is left.

    The roof support system is being built: rafters, cross beams.

    The woodshed is covered with slate, roofing felt or other material.

    Painted for aesthetics wood or varnish.

Large wooden firewood shed with a door, varnished Source

In principle, these stages are characteristic of construction not only from wood. In any case, markings are first made, the base, floor, then walls and roof are made. If a door is provided, it is installed last.

Video description

Options for woodsheds at the dacha can be different, examples in the video:


When building a log storage facility, there are important nuances that must be observed:

    there should be a roof with a slope to allow water to drain;

    it is necessary for her to perform beyond the structure by 25 cm or more;

    in any type of firewood must be wooden floor , installed at a distance from the ground;

    wood or iron used in construction, are being processed special compounds.

If these points are met, the structure is durable, and the firewood is well protected from moisture.

Drovniks can become a reflection of an entire art

The firewood shed can be designed as a small fairy-tale house Source

Bee honeycombs for storing firewood Source

Round small firewood box for storing firewood for the barbecue Source

An artist will always find time for art, even when stacking firewood in the woodshed Source

The head of a funny man will entertain you, but you should take care to protect it from the rain Source

The “fallen tree” looks almost like a real one from afar Source

Firewood can be stacked according to Feng Shui Source

A firewood rack with a window can become a partition in a recreation area Source

Firewood built into the barbecue area Source


In order for the woodshed to fit harmoniously into the dacha plot and fulfill its intended purpose well, it is necessary to make a choice, taking into account all the criteria. Such a structure will not require additional maintenance after construction. You just need to carefully stack the firewood in it and then use it as needed.

Shed or build a woodshed with your own hands, providing stored firewood optimal conditions. It is the latter option and the features of the construction of this building that will be discussed.

Choosing a place

The ease of use of the building depends on the correct placement of the building, therefore, when choosing a place for a woodshed, take into account all the nuances. The structure should not be located in the most visible place and interfere with movement around the site. For a woodshed designed for a large amount of fuel, make sure that it is easily accessible by car, otherwise moving the brought firewood to the storage location will become a difficult task.

Large woodshed

If firewood is used to heat the house, it is placed close to it. Fuel used when preparing a barbecue or lighting a bathhouse, accordingly, is stored closer to the listed buildings. There are no special requirements regarding the terrain, but adapt places with high humidity not recommended.

Drawing up a drawing of the site with all the buildings on it, including the future woodshed, will help you avoid making a mistake with the location. Based on the diagram and existing free space for construction, it will be easier to decide on optimal view buildings.

Type of woodshed

The simplest design of a woodshed is an extension to a house, which has two walls, a roof and a base raised above the ground. This structure is stable and allows you to save on material due to the absence of a back wall where it adjoins the main building.

The second option is a separate building. It can look like a full-fledged firewood shed with a door, or it can be made in the form of a shed with three walls.

Portable wood burners are convenient for storing small amounts of logs. They can be made from old barrels, pallets, metal rods and even vines.


The main purpose of the woodshed is to protect the fuel from moisture and dampness, so almost any materials that can provide suitable conditions. More often, boards, metal, and corrugated sheets are used; structures made of timber, logs, and polycarbonate are also found. A good solution would be to line the woodshed in the same style as other yard buildings.

Selecting a drawing

A drawing of the structure will help to accurately calculate the quantity necessary materials and will facilitate the construction process. Choosing suitable look woodcutter, proceed from the need for fuel. If you plan to use a small volume of firewood (up to 3 m³), ​​a structure in the form of a canopy or a small shed with a door is suitable, and for large volumes it is recommended to make a woodshed consisting of several sections.

Design diagram

To determine the need for firewood, keep in mind that a 100 m² house with stove heating in the cold season requires about 2 m³ of well-dried pine firewood (they are considered dry after a year of storage from the moment of cutting). You will need 2 times more fresh firewood. It is advisable to have a fuel supply in the storage facility for 2 seasons, taking into account heating and additional expenses(barbecue, sauna).

Selection of materials

Wood is the best material for construction

Before you build a woodshed, you will need to decide on the materials for construction and purchase them. If the structure is stationary, the list of necessities will include:

  • supports (timber or metal);
  • corrugated sheeting, slate or metal tiles for the roof;
  • wooden beams;
  • everything for cooking concrete mixture(cement, sand, crushed stone);
  • nails and screws;
  • metal corners.

Boards are suitable for covering walls, sheet metal, you can also lay them out of cinder block or brick. If you have recently completed construction of a house and have unnecessary leftover materials, it is more economical to use them.

Selection of tools

To build a woodshed standing on supports, you will need a tool for earthworks– drill, shovel, and also for woodworking – saw, plane, jigsaw. If the casing is metal, you should get a grinder. In addition to the above, auxiliary equipment will be useful:

  • ladder;
  • container for mixing cement;
  • hammer;
  • drill with mixer attachment;
  • pliers;
  • twine;
  • measuring tool (tape tape, building level).

Preparation for work

Antiseptic treatment

Preparation for construction includes pre-treatment timber and clearing the area where the building is located. Treatment means impregnation with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds, which is necessary to extend the service life of materials.

Then the selected part of the yard is freed from weeds, bushes and tree roots, if any, and proceed to the construction of the foundation. The base is made of columnar or strip type. You should also take care of logs made of brick or cinder block ( minimum height for them - 7-10 cm), laid on top of the foundation so that the structure is raised above the ground.

Stationary woodshed

Let's look at how to build a stationary woodshed, standing on a columnar foundation, with your own hands. The first stage is digging holes for supports. The holes are made using a garden auger or shovel, and their depth should allow the pillars to be installed no higher than the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, when the soil swells, the building will warp.

Sand and crushed stone are poured into the bottom of the pits, foundation piles made of timber (with a diameter of 20 cm or more) are installed on top and filled with concrete. The correct installation is checked with a level and string stretched between the supports. The purpose of this check is to ensure that the posts are aligned and fixed vertically.

Important! To make the roof sloping, support pillars They are made in different heights. The minimum height difference between the front and rear piles is 15 cm.

The next stage is connecting the front and rear supports. To do this, a beam (15 cm in diameter) is attached long screws to the pillars at a level of 10 cm above the ground, reinforcing the joints with metal corners. In the same way it is done top harness. Then the upper and lower logs are secured and the vertical frame is installed.

Connecting timber using corners

If the design includes a door, two more are inserted in place of the opening. vertical racks from timber on which it will be suspended. The horizontal surface of the woodshed is covered with a standard floorboard, leaving small gaps for air circulation. The walls are made in the same way, using the same board or slab (side part of the log).

The roof is covered with corrugated board or slate. You can save money and make it from slab, like the walls, but in this case, roofing material or ondulin must be laid on top, fixing it with nails with stainless steel gaskets.

For a woodshed with a door, it is advisable to make a canopy over the entrance. The material for it can be a wide board mounted on self-tapping screws and additionally secured with two side supports.

The finished structure is painted or varnished. This is not necessary, but will provide additional protection material and decorate the building.

Wall option

An economical option for making a woodshed is an extension to a house or outbuilding. This building is usually placed near the northern wall of the building so that the firewood is not constantly exposed to the sun.

The construction of a wall-mounted woodshed is similar to the technology for constructing a stationary structure. The only difference is the roof, the arrangement of which requires attention special attention. Due to the specific location, during precipitation, water from the roof of the main building will flow onto the extension, therefore, to prevent moisture stagnation, the roof of the woodshed is made flat. In this case, the slope should be directed away from the wall.

Woodshed combined with a house

Portable option

For those who have no need for large quantities firewood or you always want to have a supply of logs next to the barbecue area or by the fireplace, but the stationary woodshed is located far away, a portable design will be convenient. There are many original ones on sale ready-made options made of wood and metal, but a self-made portable wood burner is no worse, and when connected to the work of imagination, it can turn out even more interesting. And it will certainly be cheaper.

One option is to use old material as material. wooden barrel, which is found in almost every household.

New life old barrel

The work sequence is as follows:

  • We apply markings to the barrel. Its central part with one of the hoops remains intact, and the sides are cut off using a jigsaw so that it looks like a basket with a handle.
  • The cut areas are sanded.
  • The remaining hoop is fixed with self-tapping screws or bolts.
  • Two shaped parts for the legs are cut out of the board.
  • In each of the parts, two holes are drilled on the sides, into which sanded cuttings are inserted. This will be the stand.
  • The parts are varnished or stained, and the portable woodshed is ready.

And those who are familiar with the basics of weaving can make small woodshed from the vine. For this you will need wooden slats, flexible wire and willow twig. A rectangle is knocked out of the slats, which will become the base. Then, on his opposite sides Holes are drilled every 3 cm and thick branches of the vine are inserted into them; they will serve as the basis for the weaving.

Woodshed made of wicker

A wire is attached in the middle of the slatted frame and a handle is formed from it. Next, the main rods are bent and braided with thinner ones. Take the diagram below as a basis for the pattern. To complete the work, the wire handle is also braided with rods and the ends of the wire are carefully masked.

Having an idea of ​​how to build a woodshed with your own hands, keeping the firewood dry will not be difficult. By choosing a suitable design, you can also appreciate the benefits of such a storage facility and be confident in the safety of fuel at any time of the year.

The use of wood for heating, for barbecues or fireplaces is not uncommon nowadays. For convenience and storage of dry firewood, homemade firewood racks are used. Examples different options You can see the photo of the woodpile below.

If you have private house and you use wood for heating, it is convenient to have a shed with a roof to protect it from rain and snow. But this will require significant costs for building materials. For a fireplace and barbecue with a stove, you can build a wooden wood rack.

Regardless of which storage method you have chosen, first of all you should decide on the size of the skeleton of the structure itself, depending on its location and your wishes.

Do-it-yourself firewood rack at the dacha

If you have no idea how to make a woodpile, then this example will suit you. A practical and inexpensive design consisting of a rack - good choice for storing firewood. The structure must be durable and have slots for wind blowing, thereby increasing the shelf life of firewood, relieving it of moisture.

To assemble, you will need a regular set of tools for working with wood (meter, jigsaw, file, pencil, drill, screws), and a couple of boards small size approximately 2x4 cm thick - this parameter will be sufficient.

The structure should be strong and similar to the skeleton of a small inverted table. Attach to the corners additional beam with edges cut at 45 degrees for added stability.

By assembling the structure using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, you will have an excellent, strong structure, but with your own adjustments regarding the dimensions.

The work does not involve much effort or expense. It is not difficult for a summer resident to move the firewood shed to any other place, and due to the additional supports, the structure will last a long time, allowing you to keep the firewood close to the house or gazebo, which will save time and energy.

Methods for stacking firewood

The generally accepted methods of storing firewood are from above and from below. Main principle when laying firewood, ensure that the structure does not fall apart and does not spill out due to unstable stacking of firewood.

There are three common ways to stack a woodpile:

  • “Stack” (boards and firewood are stacked in rows parallel to each other);
  • "Cage" (every subsequent top layer firewood is stacked perpendicular to the bottom layer);
  • “Circular method” (laying firewood in a circle and filling the center with the same circular method, vertically or horizontally, since the middle will act as a support for the entire structure).


The stacking method will require a wall for support, a house, barn or garage. Without a supporting wall, the structure will not be stable and will soon fall apart.

When folding in parallel rows, it is worth sloping towards the support post or wall for greater structural integrity.

The easiest way is to take the thicker edges of the firewood and stack them on the outside. Or another method is to place slats under the ends of the stumps. Alternatively, you can use separate woodpiles.

The process of laying firewood on a woodpile with your own hands is no longer routine, but creative; many people perform so-called dot paintings, using a variety of sizes and colors of stumps, thereby decorating their yard.

Circular method

The circular method does not require supports or individual designs. This DIY woodpile is very simple, as it does not require additional financial or physical effort.

To install round woodpile You should be very careful when choosing the place where the firewood will be located. To do this, select a part of the place, preferably on a hill on your site, so that after rain water does not collect under the firewood.

In place of the woodpile, add crushed stone and sand so that the firewood does not lie directly on damp earth. The top of the structure can be covered with a sheet of iron or anything else that you have available.

The shape of a round woodpile resembles a mushroom; this method is very convenient and simple, which is why summer residents choose it.

Photo of firewood for a summer residence

Residents of private houses and owners of summer cottages cannot do without firewood. They need to be dried, stored and stored somewhere. To protect firewood from dampness, a canopy or more serious structure is built for it. How to make a woodshed without outside help, what tools and materials you will need, what type of woodshed is most suitable for your site - this article is devoted to these issues.

Let's dance from the stove

We don’t start with purchasing materials, choosing a location, or even with a drawing. Initially, you need to understand how much firewood is needed for the season. Why do you need them?

For stove heating Houses? Bath kindling? Organization of picnics in nature or home fireplace? For all these needs it is necessary different quantities firewood

The choice of design depends on the volume that will have to be stored. Do you go to your dacha only on weekends to take a steam bath and barbecue? Then prepare no more than one and a half “cubes”.

In this case, there is no need to build a fundamental structure. It is enough to get by with a light free-standing canopy or stack a woodpile with your own hands, for example, against a wall country house or baths. Next I’ll tell you how to do this.

Do you constantly live in a house that is heated by a stove? Here the calculation of the need for firewood will be different.

It is believed that for heating a living space of 100 square meters. m will burn up to 2.5 cubic meters of wood per year. But it's always better to have a two-year supply on hand. After all, wooden blanks reach minimum humidity only after a year of storage. They are the ones that burn the best and longest.

Those that have been cut down recently are not suitable for kindling. Such firewood is still damp, smokes and produces “zero” heat. They need to be allowed to mature. The fuel supply should be enough to heat a house, a bathhouse, or a barbecue.

In villages, up to 12 “cubes” are harvested at a time. These are several cars. For warehousing and storage of large volumes simple canopy can't get by.

Below you will find a description of the wood burners different types– attached and capital. And also tips on how to stack firewood at the dacha so that it retains its combustible properties for as long as possible and does not spoil appearance plot.

Types of buildings, material, tools

A woodshed is a structure for drying and storing firewood. It can be attached to a building or standing alone in an open space. Temporary or permanent. On a columnar foundation or on block supports. Made from iron, wood or construction debris. The type, size, material and cost depend on the specific needs for the amount of firewood and the budget.

For carpentry work you will need a beam or metal pipe, nails, bricks or cinder blocks, a hammer, a hacksaw, pliers, a plumb bob, a screwdriver, metal corners, suitable material for cladding and waterproofing. Any woodshed is a frame of four posts mounted on a solid base.

When a woodshed has a foundation and a door, it is a woodshed. It is often connected by a common roof together with summer shower and a toilet. The result is a convenient utility unit, organized according to the “three in one” principle. Doors to each sector are made separately. You can see what such a combined woodshed looks like in the photo.

When starting work, it is important to set the level accurately. Otherwise, the structure will become distorted over time and become unusable.

So that it doesn't drip on your head

No matter what drawing you draw, the requirements for any type of woodshed are the same. Freshly cut firewood should dry well in it, and dry firewood should not get wet in the rain and snow. This means that it is necessary to ensure good airflow (ventilation), but protect the structure from dampness. And direct sunlight.

The latter seems strange, but experienced people confirm: firewood that has been lying in the sun for a long time does not burn well in the stove and produces little heat. Provide lighting. It will come in handy in the evening.

Choosing the right place to store firewood is extremely important. It is worth setting up a woodpile or woodshed where a car with firewood can drive as close to it as possible. When unloading, carrying logs across the entire site is hardly convenient.

The approach to the woodshed should be convenient and clean. If you are not confident in your design talents, place the woodshed on the back side of the house so that it does not become an eyesore. Choose a site for construction on a level and dry place.

Economical and not difficult

The option with a structure adjacent to the main building has several attractive points.

  • Firstly, it is convenient to always have firewood at hand.
  • Secondly, it is economical. It will take a lot less material than in other types of woodsheds.
  • Thirdly, a woodpile installed along the wall will serve as a interior space the role of additional thermal protection.

But there are also disadvantages of the extension type. Precipitation water flowing from the roof will moisten the top rows of firewood. This flaw can be easily eliminated by lengthening the slopes of the main roof using a wide visor. It will protect the firewood from snow and rain.

A canopy is made from several end boards knocked together. If this is not possible, cover the woodpile with film, a tarpaulin or a piece of roofing felt. Large slabs of bark are suitable for this purpose.

Making an extension for firewood

It's good if local area paved or paved with tiles. Then the lower rows of the wood supply will remain dry. For better ventilation, install several bricks or cinder blocks at the corners of the future base as supports.

Place a piece of plywood or a storage pallet on them. There may be several of them, depending on the amount of firewood. For strength, fasten the pallets together with metal staples or steel wire. Make holes in the bottom.

The elevation can be made of a wooden or metal frame, tightened tightly waterproofing material(ruberoid). To ensure that the woodpile is stable, secure it at the ends with two pairs of poles, nailing them to the base. Stack the logs parallel to each other. With the thicker end towards the retaining wall.

A woodpile folded like a cage will be much more stable. Each subsequent row is folded perpendicular to the bottom one. Round timber or lumps, split into two halves, are placed along the edges. This is the simplest type of wood burner. Even a teenager can handle its device.

If conditions and your abilities allow, the frame is made more durable. Dig four into the ground to a depth of 30 cm. metal pipes or timber. These will be the racks. We fill them around the circumference with crushed stone and compact them.

Treat the part of the timber in contact with the ground antiseptic impregnation for protection against rotting. Sheathe the racks on two or three sides - at your discretion. This is the so-called “harness”. Suitable for her batten(25 mm) or rail, polycarbonate sheets.

For fastening we use screws or nails, two on each side. The main thing is that there is a gap between the sheets or boards for free air ventilation. This way the wood won't get damp.

A roof made of any available roofing material is attached to the corners on top. There's a trick here. We make the rear pillars higher by 20-30 cm. This way we will get a roof with a slope along which water will roll without spoiling our firewood. The floor is laid on long boards (logs) placed on columns of bricks or cinder blocks.

On top they are laid with a base covering of boards. larger diameter so that the floor does not push through the weight of the woodpile. If there is not much firewood, plywood can be used as a base. There should be several block or brick supports under the joists.

Lay out the bottom row of the stack with meter-long firewood. When everything is ready, coat the wooden parts of your masterpiece with an antiseptic on the first layer, and after drying, paint with a pest additive or polyurethane varnish.

It is important to take one more precaution. If the house near which you are building a storage for logs is wooden, you need to think about how to protect it from wood bugs and dampness. To do this, leave space between the wall and the logs for ventilation. Protect the section of the wall in the desired location from bark beetles with a steel sheet.

I came across a woodshed near the house, the frame of which was welded from angle iron. This design is not afraid of dampness, you don’t have to worry about it overturning strong wind. However, the cost of the material and welding work much more costs in the designs described above.

Thorough and durable

A closed wood storage can be arranged away from the house or bathhouse. This will be much safer for fire reasons. They can be very simple - from several pillars or capital ones.

Previously, we agreed that we choose a place for a wood storage that is dry and level. As a rule, free-standing woodsheds or wood sheds, especially for large stock, do on the foundation. This is necessary if the soil on your site is soft - clay or loam.

We start by digging a ditch with a depth of 20 to 80 cm around the perimeter of the future building. It depends on how much the soil freezes in winter in your region. Fill the hole with layers of sand and crushed stone (at least 10 cm). We compact each layer thoroughly. Involve your household members in this activity.

We concrete all support pillars. We begin covering with boards or other material only after the solution has hardened well. Holes in the ground for the posts can be easily made using a drill.

Remember that you cannot place the woodpile directly on the ground. The bottom rows of firewood will rot over time. And when the snow starts to melt, your entire structure will float. On the Internet you can see photos of a wood warehouse without a foundation.

In this case, the top layer of soil is removed from the entire perimeter. Dry sand is poured in and then compacted tightly. Closes at the top paving slabs. The elevation for firewood on such a basis is made from the bars and crossbars of the bottom row of the wood stack.

In addition to those listed above roofing materials also suitable for roofs soft tiles or galvanized iron. Make the size of the roof with a margin of 30-50 cm. The size of the permanent shed depends on the amount of firewood you need.

Let's go back to the option columnar foundation. The building on it can be square or rectangular. The four end support posts can be metal or made of timber or unbarked logs.

This is how you get a woodcutter rustic style. Using a timber, treat its lower part, which will be in the ground, with impregnation to protect it from rotting. A budget product is machine oil.

The lining of the walls may not be continuous, but only up to half. Buildings with slats filled like blinds, with a slope or in the form of an oblique lattice look aesthetically pleasing.

The optimal height of the structure is 2 meters. The roof can be single or double slope. When building a woodshed, always remember the need for ventilation in it.

From greedy hands

For convenience and better preservation, separate freshly cut firewood from dry wood. This is necessary for large stock volumes. Inside the woodshed, leave a passage in the middle. Don't let him down back wall close. Along it, logs are stacked in one or two rows. On one side of the aisle there are dry ones, on the opposite side there are wet ones.

Lay long boards vertically between the rows at equal intervals. These will be sections. Arrange the logs in them by type of wood or size. Sometimes there is a need to hide your stock under lock and key.

To hang the door in the center of the front wall, two additional timber supports are installed at the construction stage. Loops are fixed on one of them. It is not necessary to remake the door. An old room or half of a cabinet will do.

Anything goes

For a small supply that is used only for a fireplace or barbecue, you can adapt a metal or wooden rack. It will provide convenient sectional storage of firewood. The rack has a place on a large porch with a canopy, on closed veranda, under the canopy of the roof against the wall.

Firewood can be stored under street stairs or porch. The main thing is that the storage place is well ventilated, protected from precipitation on top and from dampness below. It was located away from open sources of fire.


Now that you have read to the end and learned how to make a woodcutter with your own hands, it’s time to move from words to action. Draw up a drawing, decide on dimensions, estimates, and proceed to construction. Good luck.

Photo of the woodshed