Computer desk in the interior of the living room: original ideas for decorating a room with a work area (43 photos). Computer desk for home: choose the best model Show all types of computer desks

A modern person spends a huge amount of free time behind a laptop and PC.

Computer desk, properly selected, will perfectly complement the interior, make the time spent at the monitor more productive.

There are a lot of design options for a computer desk and its models, and therefore everyone will choose the option that suits their wishes and requirements.



This type of tables is especially widespread both in the apartment and in the office. Table - furniture without any frills in style, a pull-out shelf is provided for the keyboard, there is a place to place system block.

Such a table copes with the functions assigned to it, making the time spent at it comfortable. Finishing the table - under the tree.

corner model

The model of such a table is suitable for those who save space. The table does not take up much space, and all things can be placed on it.

When choosing such a table, you can not only arrange the furniture at your discretion, but also use the corners to good use.

Semicircular table

Some are wary of tables of this design, and in vain. Such tables in terms of functionality are little different from other models. At the same time, a room with such a table will not look trivial.

Modular model

If you like to deal with the arrangement of space and its organization on your own, then you should pay attention to the modular table, the highlight of which is the random arrangement of all elements, removing something, adding something.

With shelves, drawers

Tables are designed so that all additional elements look like a continuation of the body. Innumerable combinations, and therefore all objects can be easily placed, and the former attractiveness of the furniture will be preserved.

Table with lockers

A computer corner table with an add-on has the same advantages as a table with several drawers, but it also has lockers, convenient add-ons.

with shelving

The rack is a convenient piece of furniture, and thanks to it it is possible to place a lot of necessary items in a small space.

The rack is placed perpendicular to the table, and this is taken into account when planning the arrangement of furniture. A large computer desk with a rack should not block natural and artificial sources lighting.

Tables for schoolchildren

A special place should be allocated in the table for storing notebooks, books, stationery, there should be a place for solving lessons. The place should be for games on a PC, or a toy, a mascot.

The design of the computer desk in the children's room should look harmonious, and not stand out against the background of the children's interior.

When choosing a computer desk, you should pay attention to a lot of nuances.

  • During the design, the position of the user is taken into account - the posture will be even.
  • Table modifications allow you to store everything you need at hand.
  • Corner computer desk with drawers will save a lot of space in the room.

  • AT individual models the place for the location of the system unit in it is a box without ventilation.
  • If users different height, then sometimes there are problems in the course of work.


Tables are made from chipboard. Glass and natural wood choose those for whom a computer desk with shelves as workplace, as well as a kind of interior decoration.

If you are going to buy a computer desk, it is worthwhile to create an image of a future purchase in your head so that it is easier to make a choice. It is important to view a photo of a computer desk in the interior in order to determine the model.

Perhaps it will fit perfectly into the interior massive table from wood? And if the room is small, then it is ideal to choose a transformer table.

Photo of a computer desk in the interior

When choosing a computer desk, you should consider ergonomics, as well as functionality furniture. To date, there is a huge variety of models and design variations of computer tables. Moreover, anyone can pick up a table, even a very demanding one.

How to choose a quality computer desk?

In order for the computer desk to be a reliable assistant and pleasing to the eye long years, you should approach his choice with great responsibility. Do not forget that for each table is provided technical documentation and warranty period.

Table design

Before buying, it will be useful to make a list of what you would like to place on your computer desk and additional elements. By grouping the list items and doing some simple analysis, you can get an idea of ​​what should be included in the design. It is very important to foresee any trifles.

Having made an image of the purchase, it will be easier to decide. Consider the interior and area. You might want a massive wooden table. And if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small, a transforming table will be able to solve many issues of organizing space.

Corner computer desk

An excellent solution for rooms with a small area. This design takes up little space and copes with the task of accommodating all necessary materials: folders, disks and stationery.

Choosing a computer desk with a corner arrangement, you will not only save extra space, but also add functionality to a previously inconspicuous corner of the room.

Table with drawers and shelves

The design of the model includes auxiliary components in the form of drawers and shelves. They act as a continuation of the table body.

Many variations provide a chance to place all working materials while maintaining interesting view table. You can store important papers in drawers, and place photo frames or souvenirs on the shelves of a computer desk.

Computer desk with superstructure

One of the variations of the model discussed above. Add-ons are additionally included in the design. By design, there are canonical and stylized models with a variety of shapes and lines. Storage space in the lockers enhances the functionality and usability of the desk.

Computer table for a student

When choosing a computer desk for the home, directly for the student to work behind him, focus on the preferences of the student himself. The table should organically fit into the interior of the children's room and make you want to do your homework.

You should not choose too bright and bizarre designs that distract from classes.

Assess the availability of places to store school textbooks, notebooks and various stationery. Choose the height of the table depending on the height of the child, who will spend a significant amount of time in a sitting position.

Computer desk for office

In the case of computer desks for the office, ergonomics and comfort are important. In this case, however, simple tables equipped with several drawers or additional shelves will be much better. Thanks to this, the design will not stand out, and at the same time, working on it is a pure pleasure.

When choosing a table for a player, ergonomics should come first. The furniture chosen for this type of pastime should be, first of all, comfortable, so you should pay attention to its design. In addition, the tabletop must have a suitable surface, because every self-respecting gamer uses two monitors daily. It's also worth checking if the desk will accommodate extras like speakers, a mouse, or even an external drive on the desk. They take up space, which is definitely worth considering.

Advantages and disadvantages of computer tables

When choosing a computer desk, carefully study all the nuances. No matter how comfortable and beautiful the model is, it is worth considering from all sides.

Advantages of a computer desk:

  • it is designed taking into account the safe distance of the eyes from the monitor;
  • when designing it, the best position of the user to maintain posture was taken into account;
  • its modifications allow you to store nearby all the items necessary for working at a computer;
  • as a rule, it has special holes for cables, a keyboard shelf and a compartment for the system unit;
  • its models allow you to save a lot of free space.


  • for some models, the compartment for the system unit is a blind box without ventilation, which can adversely affect the stability of the computer;
  • if there are several computer users and they are of different heights, then some may have problems.

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With development information technologies We are spending more and more time at the computer desk. Therefore, it is necessary to responsibly approach his choice in order to ensure the most comfortable pastime at the computer and not harm your health.

Table shape selection

A computer desk can be absolutely any size and shape. But most often purchased: straight, corner and u-shaped tables.

Straight (linear) - practically no different from a regular countertop. However, it may have nightstands at the bottom for the system unit, books, etc.

As a rule, there is a drawer for the keyboard. Thanks to its sharp and straight shape, it can be placed anywhere in the room. The prices for such tables are relatively cheap, but it all depends on the configuration.

Corner (L-shaped) - can be placed only in the corner of the room. It is distinguished by its compactness, thanks to additional shelves and drawers, you can conveniently arrange the system unit and all the necessary office supplies. A corner computer desk is great for small spaces, but lighting can be a problem.

U-shaped - has a large work surface on which you can place a lot of office supplies, peripherals, etc. Best suited for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.

Material selection

When choosing a table Special attention You should pay attention to the material from which it is made, because its durability and reliability depend on it.

Chipboard - the most commonly used material, is created by pressing wood chips. The price of computer tables with such material is much lower. As a rule, chipboard is applied protective layer Therefore, they are resistant to moisture and mechanical stress.

Sometimes such tables can be deformed and covered with cracks. As a result, toxic materials (formaldehyde) enter the air.

Wood - eco-friendly, reliable material. Tables made of it are more durable and pleasant to the touch. Differs in massiveness and rather high price.

Glass and metal - tables made from such materials are characterized by ergonomic and stylish design. Best suited for offices, the interior of which uses the style of minimalism. Glass collects fingerprints, so this surface requires constant care.

It is not advisable to choose a glass top with a thickness of less than 12 mm. If you wish to create cozy atmosphere in the room, it is better to avoid purchasing a computer desk with shelves made of such materials.

Choosing a computer desk for a child

If children will use the computer desk, then special attention should be paid to its convenience, so that over time there will be no health problems.

When choosing, try to follow some rules:

  • It is not advisable to purchase a computer desk with a height of less than 70 cm, otherwise it will lead to back discomfort.
  • To be able to install a large monitor without any problems, the depth of the countertop must be at least 80 cm.
  • The computer must be more than 50 cm away from the eyes and at an angle of 30°.
  • Do not choose a computer table that is too small, otherwise the legs will rest against the partition and it will not be comfortable to work at it.
  • Your hands should rest comfortably on the tabletop.
  • It is advisable to purchase a footrest. This will help you relax and improve circulation.

How to assemble a computer desk yourself

Necessary tools and materials:

  • Screwdriver or screwdriver
  • Scheme of assembling a computer table
  • Small drawers for storing small parts

The process of assembling a computer desk with your own hands:

  • Sort all the elements necessary for fasteners into small boxes so that there is no confusion in the future.
  • Connect the bedside tables, shelves and drawers below. Use a screwdriver or screwdriver to connect.
  • The side elements are attached to the lower sections, and then the body bar.

The instructions have finished photo computer desk, so at the end of the assembly, all modules must be connected in the correct sequence.

computer desk lighting

It is advisable to use fluorescent lamps with a power of 30 to 60 W, this will help achieve the effect of natural light. For maximum comfort the lamp must be installed just above the monitor at a height of 30-40 cm.

If it is possible to adjust the color of the lamp, it is desirable to use a warm color scheme, then the eyes will be less tired. It is advisable to place the computer desk closer to the window, but avoid hitting sun rays directly to the monitor.

Photo of computer tables

Modern office computer tables are distinguished by their style and aesthetics. Gone are the days of huge tables taking up half the room. The computers themselves became more compact, which expanded the possibilities of the table. Just as laptops have replaced stacks of paper, small desks are becoming more and more popular.

Although for some, spacious desks are still relevant due to the maximum storage space provided and the convenience of organization.

Whatever model you are looking for: whether it is a small table that fits into a corner; a solid copy that will take center stage - be sure to browse this page and you will probably be able to pick up some ideas, find the very model.

Wood, metal, glass and chrome have never looked so attractive!

wooden tables

Wooden tables are a classic. They are durable, and a variety of models and color variations huge. The TLD table by designer Jannis Ellenberger includes a white shelf and a drawer hidden by the top. Its lacquered oak surface and massive open oak frame create an industrial look.

For the Bulego table, designer Abad Diseño chose wood walnut. Created for Nueva Linea, this table combines something casual and sophisticated modern. Since the tabletop is stationary, it is ideal for organizing space for office supplies and decorative items on it.

Looking for something more spacious? Here is a look at the modular delightful office desk. It also has bookshelf, and three drawers, and big working surface. Here you can perfectly place either a laptop or a desktop computer, and at the same time there will be enough space for work.

If you really need big table, you should probably pay attention to models like Pottery Barn's Printer's Office Suite. Inspired by vintage printing cabinets, the craftsmen provided their creation with a variety of drawers, cabinets and shelves, where all office supplies and documents will fit exactly.

The next table (Printer's Keyhole) will enchant with the same beauty of antiquity. On the dark wood any decorative details will look great colors and style. Here the classics are intertwined with modernity, and for many things necessary in the work there will definitely be a place.

For a change, let's look at this original and unexpected design. Antique wood and marble. Massive and charming, it pairs well with a modern swivel chair and lamp for a cool electric style.

The 2 x 2 Console table is a representative of modern style. Its simple quadratic details are amazing. But this Parsons table is suitable for those who are looking for a small and compact model. Two, invisible at first glance, drawers provide space for pens, notes and more.

metal tables

Metal tables add a special modern shade, and often carry bright saturated colors. Go-Cart Chartreuse is a table made of yellow-green painted steel. The wheeled design is easy to move.

Worried that the instance will not stand stably in place? In vain. Has on wheels reliable system blocking. Bright orange Go-Cart will brighten up the decor of a room or office with its pleasant, cheerful color.

Handsome and stylish white table, where metal carcass complemented by a wooden lacquered tabletop. Equipping the storage space, you can use, as in the previous model, an additional locker.

Glass tables

For the most part, glass tables similar in combination of parts to the Ava model. It has a glass top and metal legs that double the shine.

Interesting composition of straight lines and right angles presented in the Tesso model. Designer Diana Lu paired a chromed steel frame and a double Y console with a glass top.

Another interesting glass model attracts attention with its original legs similar to those from goats for sawing firewood and a long glass surface.

Lacquered tables

White seems to be the color that symbolizes lacquered office models today. This color awakens modern style, refreshes and brightens the interior. Look at the Jett table, its white lacquered finish, nickel-plated handles and original shelf underneath make it irresistible.

Too bright? You can choose an espresso shade table instead of white. Nothing compares to dark office walls and white office desk. Especially if it is a varnished table with shiny metal legs to enhance radiance.

And this white Paterson table adds a touch of modernity intertwined with rustic romance. The polished nickel-plated knobs are like the icing on the cake.

Acrylic tables

The last two models are represented by acrylic tables. Here, obviously, we immediately feel the power and grandeur of transparent furniture.

If there is not enough space in the room or you need a roomy table, but you don’t want to create a clutter effect, acrylic version- way out. Transparent things seem to float in space.

The Lucite table in designer Amanda Nisbet's office is a bold and practical solution.

So, when choosing a computer desk for an office or home, always, first of all, evaluate your real needs. Do you need extra surface for a large monitor?

Do you not always have an impeccable order on the table and need enough space to place the necessary, but not aesthetically looking? Do you need a pull-out keyboard shelf?

Paper storage? Or maybe a small laptop console is all you need? Feel free to choose a table that suits your personal taste, style and needs.

Often, people who are designing their future housing or workplace want to combine in the interior as external beauty, as well as functionality. And the important element here is the table. After all, there are many examples of how a corner computer desk becomes not just a workplace, but a corner of rare design art.

Nowadays, such tables are increasingly common and this is no accident: they are beautiful, perform a wide range of functions and are convenient, and these are only the most important advantages due to which they are gaining popularity. It is worth noting that they look great both in a modern business center and in the room of a schoolboy or student, although outwardly they may differ in just a couple of little things. As an important piece of furniture, it can tell a lot about its owner, for example, reveal the details of his character or emphasize the love for calm curved lines.

Corner desktop stands out and others useful qualities, such as:

  • Expanding the space around you. Now it's hard to imagine desk without a special compartment for a computer and, which is often, other gadgets are paired with it: an MFP, a camera, speakers, and more. However, due to the fact that the computer is visually located in a niche, it does not take up extra space and the surface can serve other purposes, remaining free.
  • Minimizes eye damage. The table is designed in such a way that the distance from the eyes to the monitor is as wide as possible and safer than other tables.
  • The feeling of security that prevails when you work at this table, as if you are enveloped in a structure.

What are the types of tables?

No matter how special design solution seems to be a single table, it is based on one of two types of user placement, namely either perpendicular or diagonal. What are their differences can be understood from their names: with a diagonal, a person sits facing the corner of the room, with a perpendicular one - to the wall. Based on this, the constructions are also divided into two types, it is simply a diagonal and a derivative of the previous one - a diagonal-perpendicular construction.

As for the first kind...

His distinguishing feature it's compact. With the help of this design, it is easy to organize workspace even in a room where it would seem "there is nowhere for an apple to fall", because for this you just need to free the square in the corner, and you do not need a large strip near the wall. But you have to pay for this with relatively little functionality, for example, few drawers fit in such tables, and if you place such a table by the window (which is necessary when filling the room for the student), then the table add-ons must, accordingly, be made small size so that there are no barriers to sunlight.

Also, think in advance about whether the table will have a cabinet and a stand for the system unit, because, as practice shows, in this case, the seated person has nowhere to put his feet, which makes working at such a table uncomfortable and tiring.

What about the second type, namely the diagonal-perpendicular

Compared to its brother, this design takes up more space, but if you put it next to any other table, it becomes obvious that its functionality and ergonomics are much higher. Firstly, the corner niche adds a lot of space that can be taken up, and secondly, there is space for drawers, shelves and other add-ons. Nowadays, manufacturers surprise with their ingenuity, as evidenced by the possibility of combining a computer desk with various regiments Or even shelving.

It is this type of table that is optimal if you often work at a computer, but also write something: it is very easy to switch between these activities behind it. As they say, breathe and work light.

Material components

The widest distribution as materials for corner tables or any other cabinet-modular furniture, purchased: DMF / chipboard, wood of the most different breeds, metal and glass, because, as they say, there is no comrade for the taste and color.

Which side to choose?

by the most affordable option is, of course, MDF / chipboard. Outwardly, it is in no way inferior to wood, but at a price it gives it a big head start. However, when choosing such a material, you should immediately pay due attention to the edge, because if it is pasted inaccurately, then your beautiful appearance furniture may lose in the next month or two.

Wood furniture is a classic. You can choose a breed that you like, even a very rare one, which will create a special coziness. And with careful care, such furniture can serve not only you, but also your children and great-grandchildren.

Tables constructed from metal look very stylish and revealing, but this is often not a home solution, because it will not add comfort, but will only cool the overall atmosphere. But for offices it is very a good choice because such furniture calms and helps to tune in to work.

Glass structures are used in new types of interiors, such as high-tech. They also help to add minimalism and are great for small spaces.

Additions to the table

Modern technologies make it possible to create exactly the kind of computer desk you dreamed of, and this is expressed in the smallest details. With measurers, you can discuss any issue and choose the option that best suits your room and will meet your desires.

Among other things, you can choose some additions from the number of cabinets, assorted drawers, wall cabinets or add-ons.

If you have chosen an add-on

This is a good addition to the workplace, where you can leave various little things or gadgets and which will be within easy reach. Perfect for storing notebooks, photos and other small things. It is worth noting that if the table is located by the window, then it is not necessary to block the natural light with the superstructure. It is also important that such an addition is only suitable if the free surface on the table is not used, for example, if you do not work on anything other than a computer or laptop.

If your choice fell on hanging cabinets

They are a great way not only to keep all things at hand, at the same time not taking up space on the table, but also to keep it closed from prying eyes.

Who should choose a table with drawers?

Best for people who enjoy large quantity small-sized tools, stationery, etc. That is, for a schoolchild or an office worker, this will be indispensable.

And finally: cabinet

This add-on is not famous for its practicality or the fact that it is easy to find the right item in it, but they are suitable if they have to stand for a long time, and, which is logical from the above, if they are rarely accessed. They are suitable for storing some large objects.


The very first step in designing any table should be a clear understanding of where it will be located. If this is a table for a student, then it is preferable to choose a seat by the window, and so that the light falls either from the left or directly.

If this is a computer desk, then it should not be near heating objects, otherwise there is a risk of premature breakdown of equipment. It is also worth worrying about the availability of sockets in advance so that there is enough for all the equipment. You should not lose sight of the presence of cables, which are often tangled underfoot, and cords. To solve this problem, set the wire holes in advance.

Contemporary software allows you to build not only a drawing, but also to model it and show in three-dimensional format how the table will look with all the related details. Apart from this, there is information base, with which you can calculate the dimensions of the table with all its add-ons, taking into account all its features, no matter how complex the design is.

  1. Height 150 cm, height 64 cm
  2. Height 175 cm, height 75 cm
  3. Height 190 cm, height 81 cm

Important in the design are the parameters of the future user, his chair (or armchair) and all the equipment that will be on the table. One of the decisive factors is also the size of the countertop, because it should be calculated so that it covers all the cabinets and drawers.

When thinking about the structure of your table, look for the possibility of creating both clean lines that emphasize practicality, as well as smooth forms that promote relaxation. Color plays an important role: you need to choose from the general range very carefully so that the table fits perfectly into the existing interior and is, if not a highlight, then definitely its irreplaceable part. This can be done due to monotony or, conversely, a combination of several shades or even completely different colors. But there is no doubt that the table you have chosen will organically fit into the surrounding space.